President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine

President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine
Nigeria: World Bank Clarifies                  Les Takeifa Five du Sénégal                     Africa / Switzerland:
Role in Spending of Abacha Loot                                                                A Win-win Relationship                                                                  July/September 2017 Vol.18 No.2


                                                          ANGOLANS GO TO POLLS 23RD AUGUST

                                                          President dos Santos
                                                          Bids Farewell To Politics
                                        ÉLECTIONS EN ANGOLA LE 23 AOÛT
                                        Président dos Santos fait
                                        ses adieux à la politique


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President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine
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2                                                July/September 2017
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine
Editorial4                                                                       CONTENTS AND
  Kenya’s Presidential election: Why ‘Do or Die’
  Élections Présidentielles Au Kenya : Pourquoi "le moment où jamais"?

  The Intersection Of Grace And Truth
  When to Trust Your Conscience

Swissline                                                                   8
  Swiss ‘still have work to do’ on childrights
  «La Suisse a le droit d'avoir confiance en elle – en fait, elle le doit»

                                                                                   CHRONIQUE :«La Suisse a le droit d'avoir
Integration12                                                                     confiance en elle – en fait, elle le doit»        page 9
  Employment Rights In Switzerland (Canton of Basel City)
  Das schweizerische Arbeitsrecht (Kanton Basel-Stadt)

Diplomacy                                                                   15
  Nigeria: World Bank Clarifies Role in Spending of Abacha Loot

  Africa / Switzerland: A Win -Win Relationship
  Africa Day Reminds Africans Of Their Huge Challenge

Investment19                                                                      Africa Day Reminds Africans Of
                                                                                   Their Huge Challenge                            page 17
  Africa’s Maturing Private Equity Market

  President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics
  President dos Santos fait ses adieux à la politique

  Swiss Help Empower Young People In Tunisian Slums

  ABD 2017: Digitalization in Africa                                               The Ripening Market
  WorldBLN Takes a Giant Leap                                                      Africa’s Maturing Private Equity Market         page 19

  Governance and Filth - Urban Waste Management in Africa (Part 1)

Celebration                                                                  29
  Vanessa and Carlyn Mark An Epoch

  African Tourists Emerge As Powerhouse For Tourism

AU-News32                                                                         DEVELOPMENT PROJECT
  President Robert Mugabe Donates US$1million to AU Foundation                     Swiss help empower young people in Tunisian slums page 22
  African First Ladies Address Root Causes of Poverty

  Trois visages de l’excellence africaine en Suisse

  Senegal’s Takeifa Five
  Les Takeifa Five du Sénégal

  Art Basel closes its 48th edition                                                President Robert Mugabe donates US$1million to
                                                                                   AU Foundation                                   page 32

            July/September 2017                                                                                                            3
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine


Why ‘Do or Die’?                                                                                                                         Johnson Oduwaiye
                                                                                                                                         Editor-in- Chief
By Johnson Oduwaiye

As the clock ticks and months turn into days, the countdown to Kenya’s two                                            This third time attempt for Raila Odinga, has
horse presidential between two familiar figures: President Uhuru Kenyatta                                         been well planned with a number of other smaller
and his arch rival, Raila Odinga.                                                                                 political parties joining forces to sweep power of what
                                                                                                                  they see as a one family affair running the state. It is
     The scheduled date is August 8 and already there     arap Moi government in 1982, Jaramogi Odinga was        a compact opposition.
are visible signs that the violence that disrupted in     again placed under house arrest and his son, Raila          But President Kenyatta is also well placed. He is
the last polls five years ago are rearing their heads     Odinga who was implicated in the coup, served a         riding on the crest of his economic successes espe-
up again.                                                 six-year sentence for treason. During this period,      cially in the areas of infrastructural developments and
     Kenyans are bracing up for what many have des-       Jaramogi Odinja fought doggedly to re-group his         his fight against Islamic groups that had threatened
cribed as a ‘do or die’ election, and the grand finale    political adherents without success. He died in 1994    the very fabric of the nation itself.
between the arch-rivals.                                  by which time, his son, Raila had become a political        But why should this family rivalry continue to
     It is so because it will be the second and last      animal in hs own right. At 46 in 1992, Raila was        rage on? After all the country is still to recover from
term for President Uhuru Kenyatta, therefore, his         elected into parliament for Lang'ata constituency       the loss of lives, displacement of people and destruc-
supporters see it as a-must-win-election. And for Raila   on a Ford-Kenya ticket.                                 tion of properties in the past two elections. Should
Odinga, it will also be his last bid for the coveted           When he kicked off his political career in the     such losses need to be repeated each time election is
office he had narrowly missed on two occasions.           late 1980s, through street demonstrations, it was to    held in Kenya?
Like Kenyatta’s supporters, his own supporters too        force the government of President Daniel arap Moi           The international community, especially regional
are leaving no stone unturned to make his dream           to abandon the one-party syndrome and embrace           organisations, should play a pivotal role if only Kenya
finally becomes a reality.                                political pluralism. He was still an unpolished         is to avoid a repeat of what had dogged past elections
      To say they both inherited this rivalry from        politician but one with a bright future ahead of him.   and pave the way for a veritable democracy which
their fathers will be an understatement. One only             The re-birth of the rivalry between the Kenyatta    other countries in the region have been enjoying.
needs to peep into the annals of the country’s inde-      and Odinga families resurged in 2002 when Pres-             Afterall, politics is to build, to make better and
pendent political history to deduce the obvious. Jomo     ident Daniel arap Moi endorsed Uhuru Kenyatta to        not to destroy. Kenya had a unique united struggle
Kenyatta and Jaramogi Oginda Odinga, the first            succeed him in the presidential election contested      for independence, should they destroy what they had
President and Vice President of Kenya respectively,       also by Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki. Kibaki won        built with their own hands?
were torn apart by political ideoldical differences.      those elections.                                            The recent pledges by the duo to run peaceful
      They both parted ways in 1966 when Jomo Ken-            The 2007 presidential election between Raila        campaigns and to accept the outcome of the polls
yatta hugged onto the United States and the Western       Odinga and Mwai Kibaki resulted in a serious vio-       is encouraging and it is fervently hoped that these
bloc while Jaramogi Odinga embraced China, the            lence so much so that the international community       pledges will hold sway. Fighting for the betterment of
Soviet Union and other countries belonging to the         waded in to restore sanity in the country. A formular   one’s nation should not include killing one another.
then Warsaw Pact. He left Kenyan African National         was devised that resulted in a power-sharing that was   Therefore we urge the supporters of both contestants
Union, (KANU) and formed the Kenya People’s               brokered by the former United Nations Secretary-        to refrain from fueling the ember of discord.
Union (KPU). It was the beginning of a political          General, Kofi Annan. Kibaki became President                We would like to appeal to the electoral commis-
rivalry that took a tangential proportion.                and Raila Odinga Prime Minister. This has been          sion too to maintain a high level of dignity to conduct
     The rivalry spiraled in 1969 and both men            the closest Raila has been to the pinnacle of power.    the elections in a free and fair manner so as not to
engaged in public verbal attacks that stretched to            In 2013 Uhuru and Raila faced each other            soil their hands and integrity, and reason with the
violence leading to the loss of lives. Jaramogi Odinga    again at the polls and Uhuru won. Once again this       chairman, Wafula Chebukati, in his call which says:
was subsequently arrested and detained in 1969. He        was not without controversy and the Iinternational      "Do not let this election be a pretext that threatens
spent two years in goal. After his release he tried to    Crimininal Court this time intervened, charged          communities that have always lived in peace. Let us
build a strong political group but was unsuccessful       both President Kenyatta and his Vice, William Ruto      protect women, children and the vulnerable from
till the death of Kenyatta in August 1978.                among others, to court for the deaths of hundreds of    violence and threats of violence."
     Following an aborted coup against the Daniel         people resulting from the electoral violence.

                                                          Tel. +41 44 776 25 60,             Editor: Mr. Atsen Ahua                 Guest Contributor
                                                          Fax +41 44 776 25 63                        Mr. George Ola-Davies
                                                                  Associate Editors                       Contributing Editors
IMPRINT                           ISSN 1661-44-29                                            Mr. Mohomodou Houssouba                 Ms. Folake Idowu,
                                                          Editor-in-chief                    Mr. Misseli M. Bationo                  Mr. Hilary Nwokeabia,
                                                          Mr. Johnson Oduwaiye                                                       Mr. Paul Nzeshi (Nigeria),
                                                          Tel. +41 79 664 13 54              Representative/Political Editor         Mr. Dennis Onyango (Kenya),
Published by AFRICA LINK ORG.                                                                (Nigeria)                               Mr. Keith Gottschalk (SA)
Postfach 1, 8914 Aeugst am Albis                
                                                                                             Mr. Ifeanyi E. Nwosu                    Dr. Priscilla Bowens (USA)
Switzerland                                                                                                                       July/September 2017
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine

ÉLECTIONS PRÉSIDENTIELLES AU KENYA                                                                                        autres, d'avoir causé la mort de centaines de personnes
                                                                                                                          à la suite des violences électorales.
Pourquoi "le moment où jamais" ?                                                                                              Cette troisième tentative de Raila Odinga avait
                                                                                                                          été bien planifiée: un bon nombre d'autres petits
Par Johnson Oduwaiye                                                                                                      partis politiques s'étaient rassemblés pour balayer le
                                                                                                                          pouvoir de ce qu'ils considèrent comme une entreprise
L'horloge tourne, les mois se changent en jours et le compte à rebours a commencé                                         familiale à la tête de l'Etat. L'opposition s'est soudée.
pour les deux figures familières des présidentielles au Kenya: le Président Uhuru                                             Mais le Président Kenyatta est également bien
Kenyatta et son grand rival Raila Odinga.                                                                                 placé. Il surfe sur la vague de ses succès économiques,
                                                                                                                          notamment dans le développement d'infrastructures
    La date programmée est le 8 août, et déjà l'on           gouvernement de Daniel arap Moi en 1982, Jaramogi            et la lutte contre les groupes islamiques qui avaient
voit pointer des signes de retour des violences qui ont      Odinga fut de nouveau placé en détention, dans sa            menacé le tissu même de la nation.
marqué le scrutin d'il y a cinq ans.                         propre maison, et son fils, Raila Odinga, également              Mais pourquoi cette rivalité clanique continue-
    Les Kenyans se préparent à ce que beaucoup ont           impliqué dans le coup d'Etat, purgea une peine de six        t-elle à faire rage? Le pays doit encore se remettre
qualifié "d'élections de la dernière chance" et de           ans pour trahison. Pendant cette période, Jaramogi           de la perte de vies humaines, des déplacements de
grande finale entre les deux rivaux de longue date.          Odinga se battit avec acharnement pour regrouper ses         population et des destructions de propriétés survenues
    En effet, ce sera le second et dernier mandat pour       partisans politiques, en vain. Il mourut en 1994; à ce       lors des deux dernières élections. Faudra-t-il que ces
le Président Uhuru Kenyatta: pour ses partisans, il          stade, son fils était devenu un animal politique à part      malheurs se répètent à chaque fois qu'il y a des élec-
"doit" gagner. Quand à Raila Odinga, ce sera aussi sa        entière. En 1992, à l'âge de 46 ans, Raila fut élu au        tions au Kenya?
dernière candidature pour un mandat qu'il a manqué           Parlement pour la circonscription de Lang'ata, dans              La communauté internationale et notamment les
de peu deux fois déjà. Comme ceux de Kenyatta,               le cadre du Ford-Kenya (Forum pour la restauration           organisations régionales devraient jouer un rôle clé, si
ses partisans font le maximum pour que son rêve              de la démocratie).                                           seulement le Kenya voulait éviter de revivre les affres
devienne réalité.                                                Quand il avait démarré sa carrière politique par         des élections passées et paver la voie à une véritable
    Ce serait peu dire qu'ils ont hérité cette rivalité de   des manifestations de rues à la fin des années 80,           démocratie comme celles dont jouissent d'autres pays
leurs pères. Un coup d'œil dans les annales de l'his-        c'était pour contraindre le gouvernement du président        environnants.
toire de l'indépendance politique du pays suffit pour        Daniel arap Moi à sortir du syndrome du parti unique             Après tout, la politique consiste à construire et à
comprendre l'évidence. Jomo Kenyatta et Jaramogi             et à passer au pluralisme politique. Il n'avait pas encore   améliorer, pas à détruire. Le Kenya s'est extraordinai-
Oginda Odinga, respectivement premier président et           affiné sa politique mais avait de l'avenir.                  rement uni pour gagner son indépendance. Doit-il
premier vice-président du Kenya, s'étaient déchirés              En 2002, on a assisté à une résurgence de la rivalité    briser ce qu'il a construit de ses propres mains?
dans des différences d'idéologie politique.                  entre les familles Kenyatta et Odinga quand le pré-              Les récentes promesses du duo, de mener des
     Leurs chemins s'étaient séparés en 1966, quand          sident Daniel arap Moi a soutenu Uhuru Kenyatta              campagnes pacifiques et d'accepter l'issue du scrutin,
Jomo Kenyatta s'était appuyé au bloc États-Unis /            dans les élections présidentielles, voyant en lui son        sont encourageantes et l'on espère ardemment qu'elles
Occident tandis que Jaramogi Odinga embrassait la            successeur. Raila Odinga et Mwai Kibaki étaient              seront respectées. Lutter pour un avenir meilleur
cause de la Chine, de l'Union soviétique et d'autres         aussi candidats, et Kibaki a remporté ces élections.         de son pays ne devrait pas impliquer de s'entretuer,
pays liés au Pacte de Varsovie. Il quitta le parti de            L'élection présidentielle de 2007 entre Raila            c'est pourquoi nous appelons les partisans des deux
la Kenyan African National Union (KANU) pour                 Odinga et Mwai Kibaki a débouché sur de graves               candidats à ne pas réveiller le feu de la discorde qui
former la Kenya People’s Union (KPU). C'était le             violences, au point que la communauté internatio-            couve sous la braise.
début d'une rivalité politique toujours plus éloignée        nale s'en est mêlée pour ramener le pays à la raison.            Nous souhaitons appeler également la commission
de l'intérêt général.                                        Une formule fut conçue, qui aboutit à un partage             électorale à conduire dans la dignité des élections
    Les choses partirent en vrille en 1969: les deux         de pouvoir négocié par l'ancien secrétaire général de        libres et justes, à rester intègre, à ne pas se salir les
hommes se lancèrent dans des attaques verbales               l'ONU Kofi Annan. Kibaki devint président et Raila           mains et à raisonner comme son Président, Wafula
publiques dont la violence dégénéra jusqu'à causer des       Odinga premier ministre. Jamais Raila n'avait frôlé          Chebukati, qui a dit: "Ne laissez pas ces élections
pertes de vies humaines. Jaramogi Odinga fut ensuite         le sommet du pouvoir d'aussi près.                           être un prétexte pour menacer des communautés qui
arrêté, toujours en 1969, et passa deux ans en prison.           En 2013, Uhuru et Raila se sont retrouvés face à         ont toujours vécu en paix. Protégeons les femmes, les
Après sa libération, il tenta de construire un groupe        face aux élections et Uhuru a gagné. Le résultat a de        enfants et les personnes vulnérables de la violence et
politique solide, sans succès jusqu'à ce que Kenyatta        nouveau été controversé; cette fois, c'est la Cour pénale    des menaces de violences."
meure en août 1978.                                          internationale qui est intervenue, accusant le Président
    A la suite d'un coup d'Etat manqué contre le             Kenyatta et son Vice-Président William Ruto, entre                                           Traduit par Elsa Wack

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By Africa Link,                                              Soldini Communication, Zürich                                reflect those of the Editorial Board
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                                                                                                                          8914 Aeugst am Albis, Switzerland
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                July/September 2017                                                                                                                                              5
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine


                                           R ET   TE RI
 6                              ER
                             NApril    E G2017
                                    - June
                            July/September 2017
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine

The Intersection                                                                                                        In Christ, the door to freedom has always been open.
                                                                                                                        But for far too long, I chose not to use it.

Of Grace And Truth                                                                                                          In my fear, I clung to legalism at the expense of
                                                                                                                        the grace God extends to me when I fall short of
                                                                                                                        Christlike living. I couldn’t offer myself forgiveness
By Kimberly Coyle
                                                                                                                        for mistakes I made along the way, and I also found
I sat in our book-lined study with the computer on my lap, watching the cursor                                          it difficult to extend it to other Christians. I kept them
blink. My husband and children were gone for the day, and the house sat silent,                                         trapped alongside me, bound by impossible standards.
creating perfect conditions for writing. A cool wind blew through the flue in the                                       But as I’ve pushed back and moved past my own self-
living room fireplace, and I sat trying to work.                                                                        imposed boundaries, I have found grace waiting in
                                                                                                                        the quiet places.
    After one particularly long gust, the soft brush of   comes from being held captive then suddenly set free.             In graduate school, I worked with other writ-
wings against brick broke my concentration. I thought     Minutes passed while it careened around the room,             ers and artists, most of whom were not believers.
perhaps it was the breeze, but after a few moments, the   and just as I began to worry it would die from the            Through their creations, they exposed their failing
brushing noise became a determined flapping. I got up     effort, the bird discovered the open glass door and           marriages, mental illness, addictions, and confusion
to investigate the sound when it stopped abruptly. As I   flew toward the sun, unrestrained. As I watched it fly        over their sexuality. As they unfurled their own fears,
peered through the mesh fire grate, the flailing began    away, I thought of how often I’ve longed for the kind         often expressing a sincere desire for faith, it cracked a
again in earnest, scattering ash. A bird had followed     of freedom that grows wings and surmounts fear and            hardness in me that I didn’t know existed. The child
the wind and now thrashed, trapped in the chimney.        false boundaries. The kind of freedom Jesus offers us         in me would have pointed out their failures, but the
    Broom in hand, I tried for an hour to coax the        but few know how to embrace and live.                         adult in me looked for points of light in their stories.
frightened bird into an empty recycling bin. When             My family spent a brief but formative period of my        I found myself thinking less about consequences and
that proved unsuccessful, I bundled up in my winter       childhood involved in a church that interpreted the           instead felt sympathy for their pain.
coat, opened every exterior door in the house, and        Bible so literally and with such legalistic fervor that           I recognize my tendency towards this double stand-
timidly slid the fire screen aside.                       we abandoned medical care for faith healing. We gave          ard of expecting Christians to live in light of biblical
    The bird remained in the fireplace, unaware that      up pierced ears for plainness and rejected Christmas          truth, with little grace for their mistakes, while giving
I had set it free. Then, with a great deal of noise and   trees for Jesus’ birthday cake. We saw everything in          non-believers free rein. Freedom is found at a center
thrashing, the soot-coated bird flew into the room.       black and white. Questions or anything resembling             point, at the crossroads where the truth of salvation
It soared high to the ceiling, testing its wingspan       an in-between gray was labeled sin. I learned to live         meets God’s favor and grace.
and the wall’s boundaries. I hunched down as the          in judgment rather than love.                                     I long for this place of balance, this point that draws
bird swooped low, searching for sunlight, fresh air,          My rules-based faith forced me down an open flue          me closer to the cross. This intersection is cruciform,
and blue skies. It flew in a frenzy, and I imagine its    into a trap of brick and ash, and it’s taken me many          the shape of Jesus with arms spread wide, calling me—
heart beating faster than its wings with the fear that    years to realize that the snare was one of man’s making.      calling each of us, believer and non-believer alike.

                                                                                                                        The moment a temptation or questionable situation
When to Trust Your Conscience                                                                                           arises, it will warn us of danger and prompt us to
                                                                                                                        reject that direction.
When confronted with questionable situations or opportunities, can you trust                                            We can trust it when we feel guilty immediately upon
your conscience to guide you to make right choices? We often hear people say,                                           disobedience. A spiritually sensitive conscience is
“Let your conscience be your guide,” but this may not be the best option.                                               alert to everything going on inside and around us.
                                                                                                                        The moment we sin, it will go into action so that we
    It all depends on the condition of the conscience.    We can trust it if we have programmed our conscience          can quickly return to the Lord in confession and
If we have repeatedly rejected or ignored it, our         with the teaching of Scripture. As the Holy Spirit puts       repentance.
conscience is no longer a reliable guide because we’ve    God’s Word into our hearts, we come to understand                 Although we’ve all been given a conscience, what
silenced its signals.                                     how He thinks, works, and moves in our lives.                 we do with it will either sharpen or dull it. The more
When can we trust our conscience to be our guide?         We can trust our conscience when we have a strong desire      we heed its signals, the more sensitive it will become
    Since the conscience can be damaged and is not        to obey the Lord. This means that no matter the cost,         and the better we’ll be able to distinguish between
always reliable, we need to understand the condi-         we are going to trust Him and do what He says.                right and wrong. But if we repeatedly ignore the
tions under which we can be sure that it is working       We can trust it if we prayerfully consider the decisions we   warnings, it will become calloused and then useless.
properly and sending us the right information.            must make. When we ask the Lord for guidance, our             At that point we can live in absolute disobedience
We can trust it when we’ve accepted the Word of God       conscience becomes more sensitive to His leading.             to God and feel no conviction at all because our
as the basis for our conduct. If we take seriously the    We can trust our conscience if it immediately sounds          conscience has been damaged and is unable to judge
Ten Commandments as well as the instructions in           an alarm when we’re considering a wrong direction in          accurately.
the New Testament for proper living, we can be            our thoughts or actions. If we’re consistently abiding
sure that our conscience will guide us toward the         by God’s Word, will, and way, our conscience won’t             This article is adapted from the Sermon Notes for Dr.
right decisions.                                          wait until the end of the day to send us a signal.            Stanley’s message “Is Your Conscience Your Protector?”

                 July/September 2017                                                                                                                                             7
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine

UN TREATY:                                                                                                                She does not expect any change over the family

Swiss ‘still have work to                                                                                            reunification issue. Provisionally accepted foreigners
                                                                                                                     are subject to strict conditions, including having a

do’ on childrights                                                                                                   job, which is difficult for them to find. This makes it
                                                                                                                     hard for them to bring over families. “In this respect,
                                                                                                                     Switzerland harms the right of the child to live with
Switzerland ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child                                        its family,” she said.
(CRC) 20 years ago, but the last UN assessment of the country flagged up some
problem areas. What has happened since then?                                                                         Neighbours ahead
                                                                                                                         Wartenweiler welcomed the steps towards better
                                                               And, for this first time, a centralised platformex-   coordination but noted that Switzerland still lacks a
                                                          ternal link has been set up for the exchange of            national action plan or policy, unlike neighbouring
                                                          information.                                               Germany that “even has a Ministry of Family Affairs”.
                                                               These actions have given a real impetus and               Her organisation would like to see an independ-
                                                          dynamism to the implementation of child rights             ent national human rights institution – another UN
                                                          among the various parties involved, Scheiben notes.        suggestion – to monitor the implementation of the
                                                          But she has also noticed a lack of recognition for the     CRC. This exists worldwide in over 177 countries (
                                                          CRC and a prevalent view among policymakers that           75 being fully compliant with the Paris Principles for
                                                          it’s a “nice to have”.                                     human rights institutions), including in neighbouring
Children in Switzerland, their situation is good but           The government has dedicated CHF200,000               Germany and France and most recently in Liechten-
there is still work to do on their rights (Keystone)
                                                          ($205,000) per year to improving the situation.            steinexternal link. Another area needing improvement
    The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)           The new Swiss school curriculum will also leave            is child data collection in the cantons. This helps flag
says that the CRCexternal link has “changed the way       some room for addressing child rights, according           up problems early on and formulate targeted policies.
children are viewed and treated around the world”.        to Scheiben.                                               “There is hardly any data on a national level, especially
The treaty aims to ensure the protection, survival, and        As for the treaty reservations, there has been and    for vulnerable children like young sans papiers or
development of all children, without discrimination.      will be no change over article 10 on family reunifica-     children affected by trafficking and prostitution,”
    But when the UN committee responsible for im-         tion. It is only allowed under certain conditions for      Wartenweiler points out.
plementing the treaty evaluated Switzerland’s progress    provisionally admitted foreigners and those with
in 2015 – part of a regular monitoring process – it       limited residence permits, and asylum seekers may          Signal of support
had some criticismexternal link.                          not receive permits to bring their family members              For its part, the Swiss committee for UNICEFex-
    In particular, it noted Switzerland’s reservations    to Switzerland while still within the asylum applica-      ternal link welcomed the fact that Switzerland had
about implementing aspects of the treaty, including       tion process.                                              joined the Third Optional Protocolexternal link to
family reunification for asylum seekers (article 10 of         With regards to article 37, the cantons have been     the CRC earlier this year. The protocol allows those
the CRC) and the separation of children from adults       given ten years to make changes to ensure youth            who have exhausted domestic legal routes to submit
in prisons and detention centres (article 37).            and adults are housed separately when in prison.           complaints alleging violations of their rights under
    The committee also bemoaned the lack of coor-         Change may be possible by 2020 when the next               the CRC to the UN Committee on the Rights of
dination between federal authorities and the 26 can-      report comes out, said Scheiben. Authorities plan to       the Child.
tons – the ones implementing measures concerning          review the issue.                                              “This is a signal that Switzerland acknowledges
child rights on a day-to-day basis. It was hard to gain                                                              the full implementation of the CRC and is not shy-
an overview, and evaluators pointed out that some         Far enough?                                                ing away from the direct support of children’s rights,”
cantons had policies banning children from being in            Rahel Wartenweiler is coordinator of the non-         UNICEF said in a statement.
public areas at night while others didn’t, for example.   profit Swiss Child Rights Networkexternal link,                The organisation also called for more compre-
                                                          whose 44 member organisations monitor and report           hensive data on children, adding that children from
Impetus                                                   on how the CRC is applied in Switzerland. She says         poor backgrounds – including migrants - still needed
    Today, Sabine Scheiben, co-head of the child and      its implementation has been mixed.                         more support, for example through free crèche places
youth issues section of the Federal Social Insurance           The NGO Terre de Hommes, a network member,            or private tutoring. Child should also have more self-
Officeexternal link (FSIO), says that Switzerland is      recently asked all the Swiss cantons about the issue       determination through bodies like student councils,
working on better cantonal and federal coordination.      of children and adult detention. It concluded that         child and youth parliaments and divorce hearings,
The FSIO has drawn up a package of measures on            in several cantons, minors are still sharing premises      UNICEF suggested.
implementing children’s rights to be submitted for        with adults, especially in cases involving minor               “Children affected by poverty or who are disad-
government approval in 2018. Taking on a coor-            asylum seekers.                                            vantaged should benefit from targeted support to
dinating role, the Swiss Conference of Cantonal                It is important for children to be detained sepa-     avoid being disadvantaged in school education or on
Ministers of Social Affairsexternal link has drawn        rately for their own protection, Wartenweiler says,        the work market,” said the NGO.
up its own recommendations for the further develop-       “but also to comply with their rights as set out in the
ment of child and youth policies. The government          CRC, for example the right to play, have free time                                      By Isobel Leybold-Johnson
has also given cantons extra financing in this area.      or an education”.                                                                           

8                                                                                                                                    July/September 2017
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine

CHRONIQUE :                                                                                                                 de ce qui était autrefois considéré comme une partie

«La Suisse a le droit d'avoir confi-                                                                                        inébranlable du consensus historique unique qui a
                                                                                                                            vu le jour sur notre continent est désormais remis en
ance en elle – en fait, elle le doit»                                                                                       question. Qu'il s'agisse de la monnaie unique, de la libre
                                                                                                                            circulation des personnes ou de la renonciation expresse
L'ère des moyennes et grandes puissances dotées d'un pouvoir à peu près équivalent                                          à un processus d'intégration européenne différé dans le
touche à sa fin, écrit Konrad Hummler. L'ancien banquier y voit une chance pour la                                          temps pour certains pays, plus rien n'est tabou, même
Suisse de s'affirmer sur la scène internationale. Mais aussi une source de dangers.                                         pour les Européens timides. Le continent n'a jamais été
    Comment définir ce qui constitue le cœur de               La fin du débat sur les profiteurs                            aussi proche de la maxime «Anything goes».
la Suisse? Pour répondre à cette question, il faut se             La phase des grands principes universels n'a pas
demander quelles sont les choses auxquelles il nous           toujours été une période facile pour le petit Etat helvé-     L'adhésion envers et contre tout
serait absolument impossible de renoncer. En somme,           tique. Lorsque tout le monde semblait prêt à s'aligner,            Pour le petit Etat helvétique, les opportunités et
déterminer les cinq objets que nous emmènerions sur           comment cultiver son droit à la différence? A quoi            les dangers abondent. Il pourra à nouveau influer, en
une île déserte. Pour ma part, je ne partirais pas sans:      bon être un petit pays très spécial lorsque, autour de        tant qu'Etat situé au cœur de l'Europe, sur l'avenir du
1. Notre structure fédérale, notamment le pouvoir             nous, tout le monde passait son temps à se faire des          continent. Dans de nombreux domaines, la Suisse fait
    décisionnel important qu’elle confère aux échelons        grâces? La question de savoir si l'autonomie défendue         office de modèle, en raison du bien-être qui y règne, de
    les plus bas du système.                                  par la Suisse était légitime a également été débattue à       son Etat de droit, de la bonne santé de sa société civile
2. La possibilité donnée au peuple de s’exprimer sur la       l'interne. Nous menions des discussions empruntées            (malgré une proportion record d'étrangers), de son
    direction de l’Etat                                       sur l'intégration et les profiteurs, sur la nécessité de se   amour du travail, de sa démocratie et de sa tolérance
3. La modération innée qui nous caractérise dans nos          tourner vers le colosse européen ou l'envie anachronique      Il serait insensé de renoncer à cette expérience helvé-
    requêtes envers l'Etat                                    de revenir en arrière. Mais dans un monde dominé par          tique, bâtie durant des siècles, au profit d'un «aquis
4. La garantie de la propriété privée                         quelques grandes puissances, qui ne s'intéressent qu'à        communautaire» qui n'a pas toujours fait ses preuves
5. La vision participative et sans pompe excessive que        leurs intérêts propres, ces préoccupations s'estompent.       et nécessite désormais une réforme en profondeur. La
    nous avons de l'Etat                                      Il n'est plus mal vu de mettre en avant ses avantages.        Suisse peut – ou plutôt elle doit – élever la voix. Et
                                                                                                                            démontrer que son «aquis» est au moins aussi valable
    Le savoir et l’expérience du passé nous montrent          Dire au revoir au nationalisme                                que celui de l'Union européenne. Mais le danger
que la Suisse, petite nation administrée de façon décen-      et aux frontières                                             persiste qu'une telle attitude, pleine d'assurance, ne
tralisée, a souvent su faire valoir ses atouts sur la scène       Ces dix dernières années, la tentative de créer une       soit prise en otage par des calculs à court terme liés
mondiale. Mais pour survivre et s’épanouir lorsque les        unité sur le continent européen est le plus important défi    aux soi-disant intérêts économiques et par l'étroitesse
temps sont réellement durs, il faut un consensus interne      que la Suisse, en tant que petit Etat, a dû affronter. Et     d'esprit des fonctionnaires et des diplomates peureux
fort. Aujourd’hui, il manque à la Suisse un plus petit        cela pour des raisons tout à fait pratiques. Cette intégra-   et médiocres. Concrètement, je crains surtout l'agenda
dénominateur commun, auquel – à quelques exceptions           tion l'a obligé à nouer des liens économiques caractérisés    caché qui sévit à Berne et qui a pour but de d'obtenir
près - tout le monde pourrait adhérer.                        par une forte interdépendance, notamment en ce qui            «l'adhésion à l'Union européenne envers et contre tout».
    Un plus petit dénominateur commun,                        concerne ses exportations vers l'espace européen. Cela        Cette attitude puise ses racines en partie dans des motifs
    – qu’aucun conseiller fédéral, fonctionnaire ou juge      explique pourquoi, en Suisse, certaines forces politiques     technocratiques – tout à fait bien intentionnés - mais
n’oserait enfreindre,                                         ont adopté une vision très euro-centriques. Mais aussi        elle reflète aussi l'ambition secrète de certains parle-
    – dont le peuple saurait qu’il ne risque pas d’être       pourquoi le particularisme helvétique a commencé à            mentaires, ainsi que de certains hauts fonctionnaires,
érodé, lentement mais sûrement, par un agenda caché,          être perçu comme un modèle dépassé dans l'imagi-              d'accéder à une position plus importante sur le plan
    – qui pourrait être mis en œuvre et protégé même          naire collectif. L'Europe semblait avoir dit au revoir au     européen. Ils veulent s'éloigner des ennuyeuses préoccu-
pendant les temps difficiles                                  nationalisme. Le transnationalisme et la suppression          pations des citoyens, armés de leur démocratie directe,
    Nous sommes vraisemblablement face à un tour-             des frontières étaient devenus les nouveaux mots-clefs        et se rapprocher du paradis sans citoyens que représente
nant sur le plan global. L’époque des grands principes        utilisés pour définir cette ère. Mais cette grande tenta-     Bruxelles à leurs yeux. Je le vois et cela m'inquiète.
universels est révolue. L’ère caractérisée par des grandes    tive d'uniformisation européenne a aujourd'hui marqué         Un avenir fait de liberté, de bien-être et de justice
et moyennes puissances, dotées d’un pouvoir à peu             un coup d'arrêt et cette vision a perdu de sa pertinence.     La Suisse sera-t-elle toujours perçue à l'avenir comme
près équivalent et qui s’entendent relativement bien,                                                                       un modèle de réussite? C'est une question de volonté.
touche à sa fin. Elle a été remplacée par une volonté         En Europe, tout est désormais possible                        Il faut vouloir être un petit pays. Il faut accepter qu'il
de domination - plus ou moins poussée – adoptée par               Cela dit, il est encore trop tôt pour annoncer la mort    y a des choses auxquelles on ne peut pas renoncer,
certains Etats individuels. L’annexion sans états d’âme       de la capacité à se réformer de l'Union européenne. De        qu'il y a des limites à leur dilution. Le tournant que vit
de la Crimée par la Russie de Vladimir Poutine fut            nouvelles forces d'intégration pourraient tout à fait         actuellement la communauté internationale va tester
le premier signe de cette grande évolution. Il s’en est       émerger, alimentées par la pression interne générée           notre volonté. Il est crucial que nous aiguisions nos
suivi l’annonce brutale du premier ministre japonais          par des résultats d'élections perçus comme décevants          esprits et que nous nous préparions à mener ce débat.
Shinzo Abe qu’il allait réarmer son pays, ainsi que la        dans certains pays, par une aggravation de la crise de        Ce sera la seule manière de faire émerger une doctrine,
construction d'îles artificielles par la Chine, en vue de     la dette, par une nouvelle intensification de la question     soutenue par tous, qui mènera notre pays et ses citoyens
revendiquer des zones maritimes. Le langage soigné de         migratoire ou par de grands mouvements tectoniques            vers un avenir fait de liberté, de bien-être et de justice.
la diplomatie a désormais pris des airs étranges, jusqu'à     dans la structure de l'ordre mondial. Les conditions
en devenir grotesque, voire même dangereux.                   de base pour cela sont réunies. Car une grande part                                              Par Konrad Hummler

                  July/September 2017                                                                                                                                               9
President dos Santos Bids Farewell To Politics - Africa Link Magazine

Nigeria                                                      to secure and later                                        over Skype from Banjul.
Nigeria’s former President                                   make them accessible                                           The Gambian team becomes the second students
                                                             to farmers. However,                                       to be refused entry into the U.S. to participate. An
Jonathan to testify                                          prior to that, a law                                       Afghan girls team was also denied visas to attend the
on Oil Block Sale Scandal                                    to restructure the                                         same competition. The students, three boys and two
                                                             land and agricultural                                      girls, had their hopes up when the U.S. ambassador
                                                             legislation must be                                        to the Gambia, Patricia Alsup, paid them a visit in
                                                             adopted, skills in the                                     June. They, however, resolved to keep working despite
                                                             soil sciences sector                                       the current setback. FIRST Global organizes a yearly
                                                             must be strengthened, and the agricultural devel-          international robotics challenge to ignite a passion for
                                                             opment agency will be created, amongst others.             Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
                                                                 Challenges related to land access are recurring        (STEM) among the more than two billion youths
                                                             especially under the Graine programme where, ac-           across the world. The competition is open to teenagers
                                                             cording to members of cooperatives, ancestral beliefs      between the ages of 15 to 18. According to FIRST,
                                                             are preventing farms’ expansion and agriculture’s          about 158 countries will be represented, including 40
    Nigeria’s House of Representatives has called on the     development. “For example, old villages are often ar-      African countries. Only the teams from Afghanistan
former President of Nigeria, Mr. Goodluck Jonathan           eas of conflict as they host fruit trees, palm trees and   and The Gambia have had their visas rejected so far.
to testify in an inquiry into the contested sale of an oil   sometimes even kapok trees. Due to this, it is quite
block during his tenure, according to the parliament         difficult to develop these areas,” a local farmer said.                                                 Africanews
investigating committee source.                                  In a bid to revive its agriculture and end food
    Investigations into the $1.3 billion in 2011 of          dependence, Gabon has decided to distribute about          Egypt
oil prospecting license (OPL) 245, with a capacity           five million hectares of arable lands to farmers across    Egypt hikes electricity prices by
of more than 9 billion barrels of oil, have involved         the country.
Nigerian, Italian and Dutch authorities, two of the                                                                     up to 42 percent
world’s largest international oil companies as well                                                Ecofin Agency          Egypt has hiked electricity prices by up to 42
as a convicted money launderer. Jonathan’s name                                                                         percent as part of the latest subsidy removal measure
featured in investigations launched by Milan’s public        Gambia                                                     adopted by the government as part of an International
prosecutor and it was his ministers that brokered the        U.S. Denies Gambian Robotics
oilfield deal, the statement said. The committee, set
up in April, said it would write to the former president     Team Visas to Competition
asking for his response and submissions, adding that its         The team of young Gambians aged between 17 -
investigation “is drawing to a close”. A spokesman for       18 were denied visas as far back as April this year but
Jonathan, who led Nigeria from 2009 to 2015, said the        continued to work on their project. Their robot, a
former president “has not received such an invitation as     ball sorting machine, will be present in the U.S. The
of this moment”, and was not aware of any invitation.        FIRST Global Robotics contest takes place between
Courts in Nigeria and Italy are also investigating the       July 16 – 18, 2017. The official in charge of the team’s
purchase of OPL 245, which was initially awarded in          preparations told Doha-based Al Jazeera that the           Monetary Fund (IMF) requirement. The hike, which
1998 to Malabu Oil and Gas before Royal Dutch Shell          students were “very disappointed” by the visa refusal.     takes effect in July, follows hikes in fuel prices by up
and Eni awarded the rights in 2011 for $1.3 billion.             According to Moktar Darboe, director of The            to 50 percent. Electricity Minister Mohamed Shaker
Shell has said it was aware that some of the payments        Gambia’s ministry of higher education, research,           announcing the hikes said it is the first of the phase-
it made to Nigeria for rights to the oilfield would go       science and technology, “they put in so much effort        out plan which has been extended to 2021-2022. “We
to a company associated with former Nigerian oil             into building this, and now, after all the sacrifice and   have extended the period [for subsidies] by three more
minister and convicted money launderer Dan Etete.                                                                       years because of conditions associated with the huge
                                                                                                                        rise in the exchange rate,” he said at a press conference.
                                             Africa Link                                                               The government instituted a reform programme in
                                                                                                                        2014 to gradually phase out subsidies for a $12 billion
Gabon                                                                                                                   IMF bailout loan. The minister said the electricity
Government To Give                                                                                                      prices might fall if the Egyptian pound regains its
                                                                                                                        value against the dollar after it fell to a record low
Farmers Lands                                                                                                           following flotation of the currency last year. Ahead of
    To insure food security in Gabon, boosting access        energy they put in, they have been left disheartened.”     the hikes that caused a surge in prices, the government
to land is a must. This was one of the main recom-               He said after paying an application fee of $170        had issued income tax discounts and bonuses among
mendations that emerged from the conference on               each, “We were only told that we did not qualify and       other measures to cushion the effects of the reform
agriculture held from June 28 to July 1, in Libreville.      that we could try again.” As things stand now, they will   on the population.
    It was in this framework that the government             be represented by the Gambian American Association
decided to identify all agricultural lands in order          and they will have to watch their project presentation                                             Ecofin Agency

10                                                                                                                                      July/September 2017

Au Summit                                                This aims to allow Nigerians own shares in the firms.       chives is of major importance as it aims to enable popu-
AU Chief Distressed Over                                      Speaking at the 2017 annual national workshop          lations rapidly secure title, and meet their demands as
                                                         of the Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (CIS) in         well as administration’s”, the press agency indicates.
African Inaction on Famine                               Abuja, Okoh said the BPE was carrying out a quick               Digitization continues and should lead to a
    African Union (AU) chief, Moussa Faki Ma-            assessment of privatized enterprises, particularly those    complete dematerialization of land directories of the
hamat has said he was shocked by the inaction of         in the petrochemical sector, with the aim of divesting      concerned wilayas. These contain 4,000 registers dat-
Africans on famine and drought in some countries.        government’s shares on the capital market.                  ing from 1836 to 1913.
This statement was made while addressing the heads            “The BPE is working with core investors in certain
of state at the AU summit at its headquarters in the     privatized enterprises sold by deferred public offering                                              Ecofin Agency
Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. “In the face of the      to ensure that they sell at least 20% of such entities to
atrocious tragedy of famine in these regions, what       the market via public listing.”                             Ethiopia
has become of the values of solidarity and African            The Director General explained that privatized         Inauguration of Africa
fraternity? Where has our civil society gone? Where      companies across Nigeria would have to list on the
                                                         NSE as part of the reform and privatization pro-            Anti-Corruption Day
                                                         gramme of the government. The reason behind the                 Speech by AU Chairperson Commission
                                                         listing was born out of need to give the public a sense         On the inaugural African Anti-Corruption Day
                                                         of inclusion in the ownership of national assets.           dedicated to giving prominence to the anti-Corruption
                                                              “As you know, several Nigerians have argued            fight on the Continent following an Executive Council
                                                         in the past that the enterprises privatized by BPE          decision to declare 11 July of every year as the “African
                                                         were cornered by a few individuals, but as part             Anti-Corruption Day” to commemorate the adoption
                                                         of the reform and privatization strategy many of            of the African Union Convention on Preventing and
have our private sector and our patrons gone? “The       them were supposed to be listed on the stock                Combating Corruption (AUCPCC), the Chairper-
tragedies of our brethren in Somalia, in South Sudan,    exchange in the long-run. So listing them on the            son of the African Union Commission (AUC), H.E.
in the Lake Chad basin and in the Sahel challenge        stock exchange will engender a sense of ownership           Moussa Faki Mahamat, notes with appreciation that
our deepest consciences and to the deepest of our        in the assets by more Nigerians,” Okoh added.               the dedication of a specific African Continent’s fight
beings,” Moussa Faki Mahamat lamented. He took                                                                       against corruption marks an important step towards the
office in January this year as the chairperson of the                                                Africa Link    Africa we want. “We need to wage an aggressive fight
AU commission at a time that the United Nations had                                                                  against those who practice corruption and institutions
warned against a risk of malnutrition and starvation     Algeria                                                     that benefit from the proceeds of corruption to restore
for millions of people on the continent. In the midst    Thousands Land Titles of Colo-                              public trust in our institutions on the Continent. To
of humanitarian crisis, the former Chadian foreign                                                                   ensure and sustain the level of commitment of combat-
minister said he believed that 2018 will be a year of    nial Era Digitized Since 2012                               ing corruption, the Assembly of the African Union also
financial autonomy for the organization                                                                              declared 2018 as “the African Anti-Corruption Year”.
                                                                                                                     The year will be celebrated under the theme: ‘Winning
                                       Ecofin Agency                                                                the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Af-
                                                                                                                     rica’s Transformation’,” Chairperson Faki pointed out.
Nigeria                                                                                                                  Corruption is undoubtedly the most pressing
FG to sell its 20% stakes in                                                                                         governance and development challenge that Africa
                                                                                                                     is confronted with today as its debilitating and cor-
privatized assets - BPE                                                                                              rosive effects reverse hard-won developmental gains
                                                                                                                     and threaten progress, stability and development
                                                                                                                     of the Continent. The African Union first adopted
                                                                                                                     the AUCPCC by the 2nd Ordinary Session of the
                                                             Launched in 2012, the land deeds digitization           Assembly of the Union on 11 July 2003 in Maputo,
                                                         operation helped dematerialize a total of 3,605 titles      Mozambique. By ratifying the AUCPCC, all State
                                                         dating from the colonial period and located across six      Parties to this Convention are expected to domesticate
                                                         wilayas in the West of Algeria. This was revealed by        their national legislative and policy instruments aimed
                                                         the archive office of the Oran wilaya.                      at combatting corruption.
                                                             “Since this operation was launched in 2012, led             The Chairperson urges all Member States of the
                                                         by the Oran wilaya, 3,605 land titles dating from the       AU, that have not yet done so, to ratify and accede to
                                                         colonial period and situated in the Oran, Mascara,          the Convention, in order to solidify the continent’s
    The Federal Government of Nigeria is looking         Mostaganem, Ain Témouchent, Relizane and Tlem-              political commitment towards a corrupt free, citizen-
to sell 20% of its shares in some partially privatized   cen wilayas, have been dematerialized,” Mohamed             driven, democratically governed Africa, as envisioned
companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange          Tilouine, head of archive office at Oran, told Algérie      by Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.
(NSE), according to Alex Okoh (photo), the Director      Presse Service.
General of the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE).           “He explained that the project to digitize land ar-                                                 Africa Link

                 July/September 2017                                                                                                                                      11

Employment Rights                                                                                        of the normal hour rate. Overtime may also be
                                                                                                         compensated with off-duty instead of a monetary
                                                                                                         compensation. This depends on the agreement

In Switzerland                                                                                           between the employee and the employer. Working
                                                                                                         time is generally not specifically defined in terms of

(Canton of Basel City)                                                                                   hours for management staff. It is assumed that the
                                                                                                         performance of employees with a greater workload
                                                                                                         is compensated with higher wages, although this
By Johnson Oduwaiye                                                                                      is generally regulated in the employment contract.
                                                                                                         Compensation of overtime without a premium
Employment could best be described as a relationship between an employer                                 or at a premium below 25% may also be agreed
and an employee where the latter works and is recompensed. This could be                                 in writing. In Switzerland employees are often
on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly salary. Depending on the country or                               offered positions based on certain percentages of
organisation, employment is typically governed by employment laws and re-                                work time. A job offered at 100% means full-time,
gulations or legal contracts. It depends on the country.                                                 that means the employee will have to work for
                                                                                                         between 45-50 hours a week. A job offered at 90%
Swiss employment laws                              labour in Industry, Craft Industry and Trade.         typically means the employee will have two days
   Swiss employment laws are liberal, f lexible    Whenever a contract being entered into, it            off every month (work nine out of ten workdays).
and comprehensively covered by Articles 319 et     normally covers job description, starting date,       A 50% position could mean two working days in
seq of the Code of Obligations of 1911. Public     trial period, contract duration (permanent            the week, followed by three the following week.
works laws regulate working hours, overtime        or fixed-term), working hours, overtime and           The mechanism of how this will be operated will
and workplace security, among other things,        form of compensation for overtime (monetary           be worked out between the employer and the
and are governed by the Federal Labour Act of      or off duty), holidays, gross monthly salary          employee. These percentages often also apply
1964 (including its respective ordinances). The    and payment of 13th month salary But some             to certain benefits. For instance, if a company
Swiss employment rights are the Federal Staff      companies use, as a contract, the General             offers workers four weeks of paid vacation, a 50%
Leasing Act of 1989, the Federal Data Protec-      Labour Agreement (GLA), which is a written            employee would also receive four weeks, paid at
tion Act 1992, the Federal Participation Act       agreement between one or more employers               the 50% rate.
1993 and the Federal Equal Opportunity Act         and their workers or their associations and
1995. In general the same employment law is        trade unions.                                         Sick leave:
applicable in all the 26 cantons of Switzerland.                                                             In general, most employers require a doctor’s
Minor differences could be found in such cases     Holidays                                              certificate to justify their absence for more than
like labour disputes, gender inequality, and           The right to holidays and time off is enshrined   two consecutive days in case of illness. The law
public holidays. The country’s workforce is        in the law. Employees above 60 and apprentices        requires that employers pay salaries for a limited
made up of 60% of female population in full        below the age of 20 are granted five weeks holidays   period to employees who are absent from work
or part-time employment, and 25% migrant           per year while employees and apprentices above        because of illness. Employers must also give
workers.                                           20 and less than 60 usually get four weeks holi-      employees up to three working days of leave to
                                                   days per year. This minimum duration is often         care for a sick child. This must also have a doctor’s
      There is no statutory                        increased by employers, especially for workers who    justification. Other types of leave include the so-
                                                   have been at their posts for many years.              called “youth leave”, which guarantees up to five
     employment contract in                                                                              extra days of leave per year to all employees and
     Switzerland (Art. 319),                       Working Hours                                         apprentices under the age of 30 who work volun-
                                                      There are various rules for employees' hours’      tarily on behalf of young people This applies to
      and contract does not                        of work, including overtime, night working,           workers in the private sector – those employed in
     necessarily have to be in                     working on Sundays and public holidays. Under         the public sector have other laws governing the
                                                   Swiss law the maximum legal working hours on          youth leave policy. Employers often also grant
       a written form to be                        average is 40 and at most 50 hours per week.          employees days and hours off for their marriage,
                                                                                                         the birth of a child, the death of close relations or
           enforceable.                            Overtime                                              friends and moving house.
                                                      Overtime is governed by (article 321c Swiss
Employment contract                                code of obligations). Employees are required          Maternity leave:
   There is no statutory employment contract       to work overtime when necessary, that is work            In cases of medical absences due to sickness
in Switzerland (Art. 319), and contract does       more hours than contractual normal working            or an accident, it is best practice for employers
not necessarily have to be in a written form to    hours. Employees are required to work overtime        to take out a salary insurance policy to cover
be enforceable. Contact in Swiss employment        provided, among other things that the work            ongoing salary payment obligations. These insu-
law is based on the provisions of the Swiss        is not physically and mentally overwhelming,          rance policies usually cover between 80% and
Code of Obligations and the Federal law on         must be compensated with an additional 25%            100% of the insured’s salary for up to two years.

12                                                                                                                      July/September 2017
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