Presentation Abstracts for the - 2022 NASA Cost and Schedule Symposium April 26- 28, 2022 Hosted near Kennedy Space Center Cocoa Beach, FL

National Aeronautics and
                                         Space Administration

Presentation Abstracts
           for the
      2022 NASA
 Cost and Schedule

         April 26- 28, 2022
  Hosted near Kennedy Space Center
          Cocoa Beach, FL
2022 Abstract Collection
The Strategic Investments Division would like to welcome you to the 2022 NASA Cost and Schedule
Symposium. This document contains the names of the authors and abstracts for the presentations that
will be given this year. In the Symposium Agenda you will notice that there is a unique ID number
mapped to each presentation. These same ID numbers can be used, within this document, to find the
presentation abstract that you are interested in.

This year, with a cadre of excellent presentations and an awards banquet full of worthy nominations,
the NASA Cost and Schedule Symposium will be a full and eventful three days!
01_ Dealing with Missing Data – The Art and Science of Imputation .......................................................... 4

03_ NASA Programmatic Performance........................................................................................................ 4

04_Chief Program Management Officer Overview ..................................................................................... 4

05_Earned Value Management, Year in Review.......................................................................................... 5

06_ COMPACT KNN V2: Analogy-Based Cost Estimation Model for CubeSats ............................................ 5

07_ Schedule Analysis for Dummies ............................................................................................................ 5

08_ A Deep look into Optimistic Cognitive Bias based on a NASA’s STEM 4th Grade Activity .................... 6

10_ Do Firm-Fixed Price Contracts Curb Cost Growth? ............................................................................... 6

11_ Early Project Formulation and Development Success: Does NASA Sink Projects Even Before They
Start? ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

14_ Integration of NASA Cost Tools to Estimate Mission Concept Costs .................................................... 8

15_TruePlanning Space Missions Catalog ................................................................................................... 8

16_ Schedule Confidence and Acceleration using Deltek Acumen Fuse, Risk, and 360 .............................. 9

17_ Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Cost Trace .......................................................................... 9

18_ Integration of Model-Based Systems Engineering and Programmatic Analysis Tools ........................ 10

19_ NNSA’s Early-Stage Cost Estimating Tools for Strategic Planning ....................................................... 10

20_ Alternative Risk Measures for Determining Program Contingency .................................................... 11

21_ Discrete Event Simulation as a Tool for Cost Estimating .................................................................... 12

22_ Programming Analysis & Evaluation (PA&E) Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Methodology ................ 12

23_ NASA’s EVMS Surveillance .................................................................................................................. 12

25_ The NASA SMEX Myth......................................................................................................................... 13

26_ Class D Missions PM/SE/MA ............................................................................................................... 13

27_ NASA PCEC Updates for 2022 ............................................................................................................. 14

28_ PP&C Improvement at MSFC .............................................................................................................. 14

30_ Post Launch Testing Sequence of Events. A day-to-day project schedule .......................................... 15
31_ CADRe 2022 ........................................................................................................................................ 15

32_ Math is Hard ....................................................................................................................................... 15

33_ Using Automation to Lighten your Load ............................................................................................. 15

34_ Aerospace Viewer of NASA Project Staffing Data (aView): A Practical Tool for Analyzing Staffing
Levels and Cost Across Missions ................................................................................................................ 16

35_ Integrating Architecture, Programmatic, and Affordability Viewpoints: The Programmatic Cost Tool
(PCT) .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

36_NICM Version 10 .................................................................................................................................. 18

37_ Mission Operations Cost Estimation Tool (MOCET) Research and Status Update ............................. 18

38_ Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Economics........................................................................................... 18

39_ Beyond the Box: Utilization of Underlying JACS Simulation Results for Advanced SRA and JCL
analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 19

40_ Human Spaceflight Schedule Study & Database ................................................................................. 20

41_ ARES Schedule Integration Tool - Integrating Artemis Schedules ..................................................... 21

42_ Applying Schedule Uncertainty in JCLs – Problems and Solutions...................................................... 22

43_ ASCoT/ONSET ..................................................................................................................................... 22

44_ Bayesian Rules of Thumb .................................................................................................................... 23

45_ ONCE Database and Data Protection .................................................................................................. 24

46_ Aerospace CubeSat Cost Estimation Tool (ACCET) ............................................................................. 24

47_ Outstanding in Your MS Project Fields ............................................................................................... 25

49_ The Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) – Why Are They Needed ......................................................... 25

50_ Applying Data to Improve Schedule Analysis...................................................................................... 26

51_ Earned Value Management and Schedule Management ................................................................... 26
imputation and the best situations for its
01_ Dealing with Missing
Data – The Art and Science of
Imputation                                           03_ NASA Programmatic
Authors: Kimberly Roye, Dustin Hilton, Christian     Performance
Smart                                                Authors: Kevin Gilligan
Presenters: Christian Smart                          Presenters: Kevin Gilligan
Abstract: Missing data is a common                   Abstract: NASA is better than ever before in
phenomenon most analysts have experienced.           cost and schedule estimation, yet challenges
Even when a dataset includes a significant           remain in holding costs and schedules to our
number of data points, many of the variables of      external agency baseline commitments. This
interest will have missing values. The most          presentation will provide an overview of cost
prevalent method for dealing with such data          and schedule variance against baselines (and re-
points is to leave them out of analysis. This        baselines) for the NASA major project portfolio,
method is not ideal for multiple reasons. One is     summarize NASA’s continued presence on the
that unless the data are missing completely at       Government Accountability Office’s High Risk
random, leaving out data points with missing         List, and describe some of the efforts NASA is
values will bias the results of analysis. A second   undertaking to improve its acquisition
is that it leads to smaller data sets used for       management practices.
analysis. Deleting data points has been
demonstrated through numerous empirical              04_Chief Program
studies to be one of the worst methods for
dealing with missing data.                           Management Officer
Most of the time in defense and aerospace
applications datasets are already small. Not         Authors: David Mitchell
using all the available data means that analyses
                                                     Presenters: David Mitchell
are based on even smaller datasets, which
reduces the power of the analysis and makes          Abstract: NASA created the Chief Program
them more prone to overfitting. In this paper,       Management Officer in January 2022. This role
we discuss the use of imputation to overcome         is responsible for strengthening the agency’s
the issue of missing data. Imputation is a           oversight, management, and implementation of
proven statistical technique to fill in missing      program management policies, processes, and
data points, allowing analysts to use all the        best practices. This presentation will provide a
available data. We discuss two current best          brief overview of the role.
practice techniques – Expectation Maximization
(EM) and Multiple Imputation via Chained
Equations (MICE) – and discuss the pros and
cons of each. We discuss the limitations of
05_Earned Value                                     released, the COMPACT team has normalized
                                                    17 new missions to be added to the model in
Management, Year in Review                          COMPACT V2. COMPACT V2 also features
Authors: Jon Fleming                                changes to the KNN tool algorithm including the
                                                    introduction of Principal Component Analysis
Presenters: Jon Fleming
                                                    (PCA) to the model development process and
Abstract: This presentation will highlight some     changes to the input parameters which have
of the great progressions and accomplishments       made the analogy results more intuitive and
made in the past year within the NASA Earned        have improved model performance. This
Value Management community. This includes           presentation will describe the current
NPR 7120.5F EVM Language Changes,                   COMPACT KNN dataset, improvements made to
Integrated Baseline Reviews (IBRs), NASA-led        the model in COMPACT V2, an assessment of
EVMS Compliance Review Update, other Major          current model performance, and a forward look
Accomplishments, as well as updates to the          at COMPACT's planned future enhancements.
NASA EVM Website.
                                                    07_ Schedule Analysis for
06_ COMPACT KNN V2:                                 Dummies
Analogy-Based Cost                                  Authors: Glenn Butts, John Dotson
Estimation Model for                                Presenters: Glenn Butts
CubeSats                                            Abstract: NASA has numerous skilled schedule
Authors: Melissa Hooke                              analysts at the agency, and extremely powerful
                                                    analysis tools like Acumen FUSE. However,
Presenters: Melissa Hooke
                                                    unfortunately management routinely doesn’t
Abstract: The CubeSat Or Microsat Probabilistic     understand what these analysts are telling
and Analogies Cost Tool, or COMPACT, is a           them. Without understanding what a health
NASA Headquarters funded effort to fill the gap     check is, what BEI or HMI is and why they
in cost estimating capabilities for CubeSats, as    should care are key sources project schedule
well as other microsat spacecraft. The              failures.
COMPACT team has focused mainly on
                                                    “I see all this data and I see all these reports, and I
CubeSats to date, and has collected technical,
                                                    hear you, but I don’t understand our status.” Mark S.
programmatic and cost data on dozens of flown       Geyer, the Orion project manager
CubeSats missions led by NASA, research labs,
and universities. In late 2019, the team released   Management just wants to know if the project
the first tool prototype which uses a non-          is on track or not. It is helpful if you can show
parametric regression technique, k-Nearest          them some intuitive analysis that makes sense,
Neighbors (KNN), on actual data from historical     it helps more if it is easy to do. We will show
CubeSat missions to produce early ballpark          some quick checks that can be done by non-
analogy-based cost estimates for new CubeSat        schedule experts that is helpful to analysts and
concepts. Since the KNN prototype was first         management alike.
08_ A Deep look into                                 expenses of the project which includes the
                                                     planned original cost and any additional labor
Optimistic Cognitive Bias                            or material costs incurred to complete the
based on a NASA’s STEM 4th                           work. The CP contract mechanism is ideally
                                                     implemented when NASA’s requirements are
Grade Activity                                       not well-defined, and the likelihood of a
Authors: Steve Sterk                                 modification to the scope of the project is high.
                                                     When FFP contracts are used, NASA agrees to
Presenters: Steve Sterk
                                                     cover a non-variable cost and will not pay for
Abstract: This paper is a direct result based on     any additional labor or material costs incurred
independent research being conducted by Steve        to complete the work. The FFP contract
A. Sterk who works in the Program Planning and       mechanism is ideally implemented when
Control (PPC) Branch at NASA Armstrong Flight        NASA’s requirements are well-defined, costs
Research Center. It is a believed optimistic         can be predicted, and the contractor has
cognitive bias, is the number one problem while      experience in manufacturing a product that
developing cost and schedule estimates and           fulfills the requirements. This study investigates
thus digging into human behavioral, a heuristic      historical cost growth of spacecraft for a variety
technique in completing the task at hand. This       of NASA science missions launched over the last
presentation will include 1.) How people think,      20 years, by comparing historical cost growth of
2.) the start of an Optimistic Cognitive Bias data   CP and FFP spacecraft from contract start to
base, will lightly discuss; machine learning,        delivery. Additionally, this study will also
iBOTs, Power-Bi, Fit Bit Apps, artificial            examine the potential causes of cost growth on
intelligence for future cost and schedule            FFP contracts, including schedule delays,
estimates 3.) a Roadmap which will lead the          requirement changes, the addition of new
Audience, how to prevent “why” Projects and          scope after the contract was signed, and
Programs overrun their baseline cost and             mistakenly formulating a basis of estimate by
schedule estimates, thus thinking like a             assuming high heritage to a previous spacecraft.
neuroscientist.                                      The results of this study will provide guidelines
                                                     and lessons learned to help NASA and other
10_ Do Firm-Fixed Price                              government agencies determine when an FFP
                                                     contract can be used effectively and efficiently.
Contracts Curb Cost Growth?
Authors: Leah Sobel, Elliot Tibor

Presenters: Leah Sobel, Elliot Tibor

Abstract: There are many types of contracts
used by NASA for science missions to procure
spacecraft, this study focuses on two main
categories: Cost-Plus (CP) contracts and Firm-
Fixed Price (FFP) contracts. When CP contracts
are used, NASA agrees to cover the actual
11_ Early Project                                   early formulation, it tracks costs from the
                                                    earliest proposal that gets incorporated into a
Formulation and                                     budget request, rather than from the ABC’s.
Development Success: Does
                                                    Note to selection committee: The primary
NASA Sink Projects Even                             analysis is “Early Project Formulation and
Before They Start?                                  Development Success: Does NASA Sink Projects
                                                    Even Before They Start?”, from SID Insights
Authors: Ron Ray
                                                    Volume 10. Other Insights summarized include
Presenters: Ron Ray                                 “Contribution of Individual Project Element Cost
                                                    Increases to Total Project Cost Increases”, also
Abstract: Multiple NASA efforts have and            from Volume 10, Vendor Performance from
continue to investigate why some projects are       upcoming Volume 11, and “Lack of
development cost successes and others               Deterministic Factors Influencing Project
overrun, but the results have been less than        Development Performance” from Volume 3,
satisfying. SID studies have examined how           and I expect to highlight some other individual
various factors are associated with                 factor analyses from other analysts.
development success, both in isolation and
aggregate. The consensus result is that while
some factors or combinations of factors show
minor correlations, there is a tremendous range
of variance that has yet to be explained.

This presentation briefly summarizes “Factor”
or “Characteristic” studies, then focuses on how
the very early formulation of a project as it is
proposed for incorporation into NASA budget
requests as a new start may affect eventual
project cost performance. The time period of
interest predates Agency Baseline
Commitments (ABCs) and Management
Agreements for schedule and cost, and often
predates formal Phase A effort on a possible
project. This analysis looks at whether early
formulation decisions, leading up to NASA
budget submissions, build a budgetary “box”
around a proposed project that the project
cannot escape from. Most SID studies on cost
performance use ABC’s as the starting point for
cost consistent with external reporting practices
to Congress and the Government Accountability
Office. Since this study looks at the effects of
there is room for improvement. This paper will
14_ Integration of NASA Cost
                                                  discuss two of the latest and best methods for
Tools to Estimate Mission                         obtaining accurate cost estimates using best-of-
Concept Costs                                     breed model-based cost engineering
Authors: Natalie J. Weckesser
                                                  This paper / presentation will address two
Presenters: Natalie J. Weckesser
                                                  relatively new methods to improve the accuracy
Abstract: Compass, a concurrent engineering       of space missions cost estimates: TruePlanning
team at NASA Glenn Research Center, designed      Hardware Equipment Types and a relatively
a mission in which an orbiter and several         new Space Missions Catalog, with emphasis on
landers use a trajectory to Venus and carry out   the later. Both methods include a variety (up to
a number of years of primary science              119) space specific equipment types, and the
operations. Compass desired mission life-cycle    Space Missions catalog also includes novel
cost estimates as part of the study’s findings.   specific models for electric propulsion, ion
Several unique hardware elements needed to        thrusters, lasers, parachutes, radar altimeters,
be estimated, in addition to element-level        and thermal protection. This paper /
wraps, mission-level wraps, software costs, and   presentation will include two case studies (one
Phase E mission operations and science costs.     earth orbiting and one planetary mission)
To build a comprehensive estimate, many           featuring many of the above equipment types
estimating tools were required, and their         and unique cost models. A validation study of
outputs integrated into a cohesive model. This    the results of these case studies will also be
paper will detail the estimating process,         included.
including the inputs solicited from the design
team, the NASA tools used and their
application, the approach for creating a
cohesive model, and the greatest barriers to
doing so.

15_TruePlanning Space
Missions Catalog
Authors: Christopher Price, Mark Jacobs,
Shawn Hayes

Presenters: Christopher Price

Abstract: NASA continually strives to improve
cost estimation for the highly advanced
technology flown on planetary as well as earth
orbiting space missions. Over the years it has
been proven that parametric cost models are a
desired way to obtain accurate estimates. Still
4) How 360 outputs and generated
16_ Schedule Confidence and
                                                            scenarios are examined to review
Acceleration using Deltek                                   driving activities
Acumen Fuse, Risk, and 360                                  5) discuss how the outputs of the 360
Authors: David Rose, Philip Ashtianie                       analysis assisted in gaining stakeholder
                                                            alignment to re-examine task durations,
Presenters: David Rose, Philip Ashtianie
                                                            look for areas of efficiency and synergy,
Abstract: Stakeholders often challenge project              and pull in the schedule to help meet
teams to verify the quality of their schedules,             program goals
brief the schedule confidence level, and
accelerate the schedule. Project teams need         17_ Imaging X-ray
robust tools and techniques that support the        Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
responses to the stakeholder requests and help
the project managers examine and identify           Cost Trace
schedule areas that may have opportunities for      Authors: Billy Carson
acceleration. Recently, Cobec Consulting
                                                    Presenters: Billy Carson
acquired Deltek Acumen licenses after
witnessing the tangible benefits NASA realized      Abstract: The MSFC Engineering Cost Office
using Fuse by participating in the regular NASA     performed cost estimates and analyses for the
SCoPe meetings. This paper describes how            Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
Cobec Consulting is leveraging Deltek Acumen,       proposal and Concept Study Report (CSR). The
Fuse, Risk, and 360 to present high quality, high   ECO also provided support to IXPE for various
confidence schedules to our FAA stakeholders        milestone reviews. Now that IXPE is
and leverage 360 to explore opportunities for       successfully in orbit, the ECO wanted to trace
project plan acceleration.                          our costs estimates through the project lifecycle
The authors of this paper will illustrate:          and compare those estimates to the projects
                                                    costs via information found in the CADRes and
        1) How an FAA Joint Resource Council        obtain from the project office.
        Final Investment Decision schedule is
        prepared for analysis using Deltek          Information discussed in the paper:
        Acumen.                                         •   Brief history of IXPE design changes
                                                            over time,
        2) How the scheduling team uses Fuse
                                                        •   Comparison of estimates over time,
        to prepare the schedules for handoff to
                                                        •   Project costs over time as recorded in
        the FAA Investment Planning and
        Analysis Team for a schedule quality
                                                        •   Discussion of the delta cost from early
                                                            estimate to costs at launch.
        3) How 360 is used to identify and
        process key “challenge” milestones
        through 360
18_ Integration of Model-                             19_ NNSA’s Early-Stage Cost
Based Systems Engineering                             Estimating Tools for Strategic
and Programmatic Analysis                             Planning
Tools                                                 Authors: Charles Loelius, William Todd
Authors: Louis Fussell                                Presenters: Charles Loelius, William Todd
Presenters: Louis Fussell                             Abstract: The Office of Program Analysis and
                                                      Evaluation (PA&E) within the National Nuclear
Abstract: Model-based systems engineering
                                                      Security Administration's (NNSA) is charged
(MBSE) is an alternative to the traditional
                                                      with leading programmatic cost estimating and
document-based systems engineering
                                                      associated analytical support for nuclear
approach. NASA is a leading proponent of
                                                      weapon-related activities and capital
MBSE, and the approach was applied to several
                                                      acquisition projects throughout the federal
NASA projects. In order to eliminate errors and
                                                      budgeting process. PA&E has developed a suite
inefficiencies from replicating design
                                                      of models which support early-stage cost
information, the MBSE community is developing
                                                      estimating and planning within the NNSA. The
interfaces between MBSE tools and
                                                      estimates generated with this methodology are
configuration management tools, computer
                                                      updated and published annually in NNSA’s 25-
aided design tools, spreadsheets, and other
                                                      year strategic planning document called the
discipline-specific analysis tools. This holds true
                                                      Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan
for programmatic analysis tools as well. The
                                                      (SSMP). In particular, PA&E publishes cost
paper provides an overview of the application
                                                      estimates for upcoming major modernizations
of MBSE at NASA and efforts to integrate MBSE
                                                      of nuclear weapon systems and new major
tools with programmatic analysis tools. A
                                                      infrastructure acquisition which account for a
technical demonstration of this utility is
                                                      significant portion of the NNSA’s budget. PA&E
provided which integrates Vitech’s GENESYS
                                                      uses two suites of tools to estimate these
MBSE tool with NASA’s tools for parametric cost
                                                      projects, the Major Modernization Model and
and schedule estimation and joint confidence
                                                      the Cost, Schedule, and Phasing Estimating
level analysis. The intent is to bring awareness
                                                      Relationships for Construction (CSPER-C) model.
of this emerging capability to NASA’s
programmatic community.                               NNSA’s PA&E develops time-phased planning
                                                      estimates for modernization of the United
                                                      States’ nuclear stockpile systems over the next
                                                      twenty-five years using the Major
                                                      Modernization Model. Over the past decade,
                                                      the United States has begun planning and
                                                      executing the refurbishment of existing systems
                                                      and the development of new weapon systems.
                                                      PA&E estimates both the cost of research,
                                                      development testing and evaluation (RDT&E)
for the systems and their production.               execution of NNSA projects and allows for the
Development costs are estimated using               development of execution and budget profiles.
complexity factors derived from comparisons         Like the Major Modernization model, the key to
with prior modernizations, along with a             these relationships is that the inputs are high-
modified Rayleigh distribution informed by          level and so can estimate projects even at a
historic cost actuals. Production costs are based   very low level of definition.
on anticipated production schedules and
quantities, along with a variation of the           20_ Alternative Risk
Crawford model for learning curves. The Major
                                                    Measures for Determining
Modernization Model produces s-curves
developed by using Monte-Carlo methods to           Program Contingency
account for the distribution of complexity          Authors: Louis Fussell
factors. Critically, these early-stage estimates
require only high-level inputs that can be easily   Presenters: Louis Fussell
tuned to perform what-if analyses.
                                                    Abstract: In 2005, NASA began requiring
NNSA’s PA&E uses the CSPER-C model to               projects to statistically sum the cost of project
produce defensible early-stage cost estimates       components and the duration of their schedules
for infrastructure across its eight laboratories,   to determine confidence levels for total project
plants, and sites to ensure that adequate           cost and duration jointly. This sum is typically
resources are available to complete its             accomplished by means of a Monte Carlo
recapitalization plans. The nuclear security        simulation executed with a cost-loaded
enterprise has inherited its infrastructure from    schedule model augmented with probabilistic
the Manhattan project and the cold war, so that     distributions assigned to costs and durations
many of its facilities need replacement. PA&E       based on project risks and estimate
uses a parametric cost estimating relationship      uncertainties. NASA policy requires that project
developed from historic NNSA data to estimate       managers reserve budget equal to a 50% joint
the costs of those replacement facilities. The      confidence level and that the managing
CSPER-C model uses the gross square footage,        directorate hold reserve to a 70% confidence
facility hazard classification, and complexity of   level, with some exception. The 50% and 70%
programmatic equipment as parameters.               joint confidence levels are quartile risk
CSPER-C accounts for technical uncertainty in       measures referred to as Value-at-Risk (VaR) in
the range of project inputs and cost uncertainty    risk management literature. This paper will
derived from historic cost actuals. Like the        discuss the drawbacks of VaR risk measures and
Major Modernization Model, CSPER-C uses             propose the use of alternative risk measures,
Monte Carlo simulation to produce an “s-curve”      namely the mean and expected shortfall, for
distribution for each project. The schedule         determining project reserve levels. Monte
estimating relationship is derived from historic    Carlo simulations for several NASA projects
schedule durations and is driven by the cost of     were executed and a comparison of 50% and
the project and whether or not the project          70% VaR, mean, and expected shortfall risk
involves nuclear hazards. The phasing               measures is presented.
estimating relationship is derived from historic
21_ Discrete Event                                solutions to meet mission need and future
                                                  requirements. The goal of an AoA is to better
Simulation as a Tool for Cost                     define and understand the solution space to
Estimating                                        address mission gaps and allow for an
                                                  understanding of the cost, schedule, risk, and
Authors: Zachary Matheson, Thomas Cook,
                                                  effectiveness trade-offs between alternatives
Gabe Sandler, Charles Loelius, William Todd
                                                  with the goal of allowing leadership to make a
Presenters: Julie Anderson, Zach Matheson         data-driven, unbiased, and defensible down-
                                                  select decision. In many government
Abstract: The Office of Program Analysis and      organizations, AoAs are conducted by various
Evaluation (PA&E) within the National Nuclear     support offices with specialties in cost
Security Administration (NNSA) is charged with    estimating, schedule estimating, and systems
leading programmatic cost estimating and          engineering/requirements development. This
providing associated analytical support           often leads to stove-piped execution of cost,
throughout the federal budgeting process.         schedule, risk, and effectiveness analysis which
Several NNSA capabilities require the             can lead to differing baseline assumptions that
construction of production facilities to          may drive inconsistencies in analysis results.
manufacture components that are not
commercially available. To prepare early-stage    The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear
cost estimates for budget planning, PA&E          Security Administration (DOE NNSA) conducts
developed discrete event simulation models of     AoAs for their major capital acquisition projects
production processes to estimate equipment        (>$20M) and has consolidated the functions of
required to manufacture components at             leading and conducting analysis for all AoAs for
specified production rates. This analysis has     major capital acquisition projects under the
been used to estimate equipment, facility size,   Office of Management And Budget’s
and staffing requirements for a given             Programming, Analysis, and Evaluation (PA&E)
production capability, informing a defensible     group. The consolidation of responsibilities for
cost estimate.                                    AoAs under the analytics group within the NNSA
                                                  has allowed for more integrated and
22_ Programming Analysis &                        informative analysis which has improved both
                                                  the resultant analysis and the final alternative
Evaluation (PA&E) Analysis                        down selections for major capital projects. This
of Alternatives (AoA)                             presentation is focused on highlighting the
Methodology                                       management processes, analytical approaches,
                                                  and lessons learned experienced by PA&E in
Authors: Christopher Massey, Charles Loelius
                                                  order to help improve AoA policy, approaches,
Presenters: Cash Fitzpatrick and Christine Suhr   and results for other organizations.

Abstract: Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) are      23_ NASA’s EVMS
important and complex studies that are
conducted throughout the federal government
in order to evaluate material and non-material    Authors: Briannah Smith, Kristen Kehrer
Presenters: Briannah Smith, Kristen Kehrer              nearly impossible for awarded projects to
                                                        deliver to their proposed cost and schedule,
Abstract: An EVM system is the management
                                                        especially with increased requirements once
control system that integrates a program’s work
                                                        awarded. The myth of a SMEX program recalls
scope, schedule, and cost parameters for                the old days of the failed philosophy “faster,
optimum program planning and control. To                better, cheaper.” Our research will examine the
make sure the EVM system is working properly
                                                        science, cost, and schedule performance of
and producing data that is valid, accurate and          NASA’s series of SMEX missions.
timely, NASA implemented routine
                                                        26_ Class D Missions
Begun as a product of a GAO recommendation,             PM/SE/MA
NASA funded EVMS surveillance in 2019 and
                                                        Authors: TBD
hasn’t looked back since. Leveraging the
surveillance process and practices of the               Presenters: Ben Clare, Sally Whitley
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA),
NASA began by deploying surveillance at                 Abstract: NASA Class D missions are becoming
suppliers, APL, JPL and SwRI, and then                  increasingly prevalent, with the promises of
expanded in-house at GSFC, JSC, KSC and                 lower mission costs being a big motivator. But
MSFC. As of FY21Q4, 689 individual tests have           how are these missions so low cost? The answer
been run on 19 projects.                                lies in the amount of risk these missions are
                                                        willing to take on. NASA’s Class D tailoring and
This presentation will describe how the EVMS            streamlining memorandum is held up as the
surveillance approach was developed and                 guideline for how to modify program
implemented. It will describe the various               management, systems engineering and mission
metrics utilized to test system health, the data        assurance (PM/SE/MA) requirements to meet
collected to enable analysis, and the various           Class D standards. It is a common cost
tools used to support surveillance. The                 estimating heuristic to use a wrap factor on
presentation will also discuss how projects are         hardware costs to estimate PM/SE/MA costs as
selected for surveillance and the various               it’s understood that these costs will then
surveillance outcomes. High level surveillance          fluctuate with the size of the mission. However,
results and trends will be shared that as well as       with Class D missions, this method needs to be
some of the successes achieved.                         reevaluated since the wrap factors typically
                                                        used include many functions that are not
25_ The NASA SMEX Myth                                  applicable to Class D missions, such as EVM. In
Authors: Kathy Kha, Salley Whitley                      this presentation, we will go through
                                                        reexamining Class D mission data available in
Presenters: Kathy Kha                                   CADRe and developing an appropriate
                                                        PM/SE/MA wrap factor.
Abstract: With a cost cap not to exceed
~$150M, NASA’s SMEX program aims to deliver
frequent world-class science opportunities at a
low cost. While this is theoretically enticing, it is
27_ NASA PCEC Updates for                           Based on feedback from PCEC users and more
                                                    experience using PCEC v2.3 for robotic science
2022                                                missions, two areas for improvement are under
                                                    investigation. These areas include improving
Authors: Brian Alford, Shawn Hayes, Mark
                                                    estimating performance for flagship missions
Jacobs, Richard Webb
                                                    and for System Integration & Test. Multiple
                                                    options are being assessed to improve
Presenters: Brian Alford, Shawn Hayes, Mark
                                                    estimates for NASA’s flagship missions. These
Jacobs                                              options include derivation of tuning factors that
                                                    could be used with the PCEC v2.3 CERs or the
Abstract: The release of the Project Cost
                                                    development of new CERs tailored for flagship
Estimating Capability (PCEC) v2.3 last year
                                                    missions. Higher-than-expected System
brought about the inclusion of data from
                                                    Integration & Test estimates have been noted
several recently launched missions and a
                                                    by multiple model users. Data used to support
completely new set of CERs, particularly for
                                                    this CER is under further assessment and
estimating robotic science missions. This year’s
                                                    potential CER replacement candidates are in
presentation will primarily focus on two topics
                                                    development. We will share results from
currently under investigation by the PCEC team:
                                                    preliminary analyses of alternative approaches
challenges normalizing the mission data to
                                                    for flagship missions and System Integration &
isolate COVID-19 impacts and additional
enhancements to the Robotic Spacecraft CER
development process.
                                                    In addition to these two topics, our
                                                    presentation will also provide a summary status
Impacts from COVID-19 have been experienced
                                                    update on the tool, updated capabilities that
by all NASA robotic science missions in
                                                    are under development for the next major
development between March 2020 and March
                                                    release, and the status of the development of a
2022. The level of impact can vary depending
                                                    formal PCEC training course.
on where each project was in its development
cycle, use of contractors/subcontractors,
international contributions, launch date            28_ PP&C Improvement at
flexibility, and many organization-specific         MSFC
constraints experienced during this 2-year time-
period. Although data from 25 projects shows        Authors: Andy Prince
significant variability, the impact appears to be
greatest for missions scheduled to launch in        Presenters: Andy Prince
2023. This data can be used to identify any
correlations between COVID-related cost             Abstract: MSFC has established a dedicated
growth and various project characteristics. To      PP&C organization within the Office of Strategic
better understand how to treat these cost           Analysis and Communications (OSAC). This new
increases for future mission cost modeling has      organization brings together cost, schedule,
multiple challenges to address. These include       EVM, and PP&C generalists for the purpose of
inconsistencies in project tracking of COVID        advancing PP&C at MSFC. The new PP&C Office
impacts, data availability limitations, and other
                                                    combines legacy functions, such as training,
project-specific limitations that severely
affected performance. We will present high-         schedule analysis, and cost estimating, with the
level data and correlation analyses and a plan      mandate to lead PP&C stewardship. As the
for accounting for COVID impacts for PCEC           PP&C stewards we are focused on creating a
robotic science mission cost data normalization.    greater awareness of the importance of PP&C
to program and project success, as well as            31_ CADRe 2022
developing future PP&C leaders who are well-
                                                      Authors: Eric Plumer
rounded, knowledgeable, and experienced.
                                                      Presenters: Eric Plumer
The presentation will focus on the changes in
organization and on the initiatives underway to       Abstract: Overview of current CADRe
improve PP&C at MSFC.                                 initiatives.

30_ Post Launch Testing                               32_ Math is Hard
Sequence of Events. A day-to-                         Authors: Rachel Sholder, Sally Whitley
day project schedule                                  Presenters: Rachel Sholder
Authors: Denis Pinha, Rodolfo Lavaque
                                                      Abstract: The NASA cost community relies on
Presenters: Denis Pinha, Rodolfo Lavaque              risk analyses to estimate confidence in a
                                                      project’s budget. At PDR, convention requires
Abstract: Missions at NASA follow best practice
                                                      that baseline cost/schedule confidence should
of project management and systems
                                                      be around the 50th percentile and cost plus
                                                      reserves should be around the 70th percentile of
A key component of project management at              the joint distribution of total cost and schedule.
NASA deals with scheduling of tasks which must        But how can we test whether our approach to
fulfill conceptual, technical and mission             determining 50th and 70th percentiles for
requirements.                                         missions going into PDR is reliable? According to
                                                      cost actuals from historical NASA missions,
The challenge of scheduling tasks can vary            there is an 88% chance that a mission will
during the mission-life cycle depending upon          overrun its planned budget. There is a 50%
the level of detailed required, time frame, and       probability that a mission will outspend its
how often re-planning is needed. Long term            budget by 16% or more. At the empirical 70th
scheduling assumes a relative more stable             percentile, NASA missions are spending their
system which priorities, and other constraints        full budgets plus 30%. Our research will
do not change often during the scheduling             examine the NASA cost community’s approach
period. However, scheduling tasks that focuses        to reserve postures. Using the empirical dataset
on short term, that is, scheduling on an hourly,      as our guide, how can projects approaching PDR
daily, or weekly basis assumes much less stable       provide cost and schedule analysis that
system. This work deals with short term               supports the goal of achieving 70% confidence
scheduling that requires a more often re-             in the budget at the portfolio level?
planning activities where priorities, and other
constraints change over time.                         33_ Using Automation to
A case study and lessons learned on how to            Lighten your Load
design and plan the Post-Lauch Testing                Authors: Erin Wood & Danelle Fogle
Sequence of Events (PLT SOE) for GOES-R series
satellite are described to illustrate this problem.   Presenters: Erin Wood
Abstract: Over the course of the past 2 years,       points before they become your future
various methods have been implemented at             headache.
Glenn Research Center in efforts to identify and
                                                     In addition to learning the technique, also learn
automate touch points within our projects &
programs, within other centers and other             quantitative information on implementation.
departments within our center, and with our          How much time does it take to set up in a real-
                                                     world environment, what buy-in challenges
outside contractor schedules. Touch points can
be identified as the hand-offs, or external          have we experienced thus far, and how much
                                                     time will it save on a regular basis. Is the small
predecessor/successor relationships between
projects necessary to get the job done.              amount of headache and set up work worth it?
Successful coordination within high priority         We’ll give you all the information to decide for
projects in which lab and resource availability is
competitive is often vital.
                                                     34_ Aerospace Viewer of
Benefits of this technique include:
                                                     NASA Project Staffing Data
*High customer service by providing both the         (aView): A Practical Tool for
information and the impact to the project and
program management instantly
                                                     Analyzing Staffing Levels and
                                                     Cost Across Missions
*a substantial reduction in manual data mining
for summary graphics and integrated reporting        Authors: Sarah Lang, Justin McNeill, Jr.,
                                                     Tommy Tran, Alexander Zarate Garcia, C. Jason
*the ability to isolate metrics within Acumen        Zhang
Fuse to more easily identify ‘trouble spots’
                                                     Presenters: Sarah Lang
*Greater ability to provide proactive data-
driven decision-making information to stay           Abstract: The Aerospace Viewer of NASA
ahead of the fire instead of spending time           Project Staffing Data (aView) team will present
putting it out                                       a summary of updates made to aView since
                                                     2020. Built upon the FTE Tool first released in
*Reducing required communication between             2011, aView is a repository of programmatic
departments. Automated integration means             data used for comparative analysis of staffing
independent schedules can ‘talk’ to each other       profiles of NASA science missions. It provides
without being disruptive to the daily flow,          high-level views of the historical data of NASA
instead of that one more email, phone call, and      planetary missions for development Phases C
meeting to coordinate the exchange of                and D as well as the operations Phase E of Full-
information                                          time Equivalents and Work Year Equivalents
                                                     (FTE/WYE). It can be beneficial using aView
It cannot work without the right programming         when reviewing and evaluating the basis of
and human touch though. This presentation            estimate for mission phases to understand how
will explain exactly how-to, mistakes that we’ve
                                                     the labor basis of estimate compares with past
made so far, other strategies that didn’t work as    NASA missions. aView was developed by The
well and why, and how to identify these touch-       Aerospace Corporation for the benefit of the
NASA Planetary Missions Program Office. It is a             downstream to make certain GUIs and
web browser-based application and will be                   outputs more readable.
available via the One NASA Cost Engineering
(ONCE) model portal.                                    •   A table of Flight Types, where each
                                                            flight type is simply a combination of
                                                            systems which would be part of a single
35_ Integrating Architecture,
                                                            launch manifest.
Programmatic, and
                                                        •   A table of Flights, which defines the
Affordability Viewpoints:                                   date and number of launches for all
The Programmatic Cost Tool                                  Flight Types.
(PCT)                                               PCT OUTPUTS:
Authors: Joe Mrozinski, Robert Shishko
                                                    Armed with these three tables, as well as with a
Presenters: Joe Mrozinski                           user-supplied budget profile, PCT then provides
                                                    the following outputs:
Abstract: The Programmatic Cost Tool (PCT) is
a software package which provides a framework           •   Summary tables of the total dollars
to produce affordability assessments and                    needed per system for Development,
perform trades for complex spaceflight                      Production and Operations, as well as
architectures, such as multi-system, multi-                 the total of all three, on an annual
decade Human Moon-to-Mars Program                           basis.
architectures. This talk will build upon our 2018
NASA Cost and Schedule Symposium slide                  •   A timeline showing each required
presentation by providing a live demonstration              systems Development, Production and
of the tool, as well as many of the new features            Operations schedules durations
added in the past 4 years.                                  required to enable the architecture.

PCT INPUTS:                                             •   A “sand-chart” showing the total cost of
                                                            the architecture by year as compared to
While the architectures analyzed using PCT are              the yearly budget. The different sand
grandiose in scale, usually billions of dollars             layers can represent individual systems,
spread over decades, the inputs PCT requires                or those systems can be grouped in
are fairly straightforward. The user need only              user-defined ways, such as by NASA
provide information for three tables:                       center.

    •   A table of Systems, such as launch              •   A “dance card” showing the year-to-
        vehicles and flight elements, and the               year flights and their corresponding
        corresponding programmatic details for              systems. This allows the user to quickly
        each, such as development, production               see the “bigger picture” of the
        and operations costs and schedules.                 architectures, allowing for easy
        Thumbnails representing each system,                verification that the architecture
        if provided by the user, are fed                    represented is as expected. The display
also allows the user to come up with       Abstract: The Mission Operations Cost
        trades should the current architecture     Estimation Tool (MOCET) team will present an
        iteration be in violation of the budget    overview of recent research topics as well as
        profile.                                   the latest mission updates. Research topics this
                                                   year are focused on continued study &
PCT resides in an easy to use Excel file, making   refinement of level 2 Work Breakdown
it intuitive to interact with. PCT has been
                                                   Structure (WBS) modeling, and modeling for
developed with support from both the Jet           extended missions cost. An overview of the
Propulsion Laboratory and the Johnson Space
                                                   state of the user community will be presented
Center.                                            including statistics from the One NASA Cost
                                                   Engineering (ONCE) model portal and
36_NICM Version 10                        MOCET is a model
Authors: Joe Mrozinski, Luther Beegle , Kyle       developed by the Aerospace Corporation in
Brown , Robert Cesarone, Michael DiNicola,         partnership with NASA’s Science Office for
Michael Fong, Melissa Hooke, Alfred Nash,          Mission Assessments (SOMA), which provides
Sherry Stukes                                      the capability to generate cost estimates for the
                                                   operational, or Phase E, portion of NASA
Presenters: Joe Mrozinski                          science missions. MOCET is comprised of CERs
Abstract: The NASA Instrument Cost Model           that have been derived from historical data for
Team announces NICM Version 10 will be             Planetary, Earth Science, and Explorer missions.
released in the Fall of 2022. Several of the       The resulting CERs and accompanying
upcoming upgrades will be discussed and/or         documentation have been implemented as a
demonstrated, including: 1) A new repeatable,      standalone Excel based tool which is now
analytic solution in both the System and           available via the One NASA Cost Engineering
Subsystem Tools, 2) Isoquants introduced to the    (ONCE) model portal and
JCL plots, 3) Bayesian imputation improved with
boundary conditions, 4) K a new Nearest            38_ Electrified Aircraft
Neighbors weighted average tool added to the       Propulsion Economics
NICM Search Engine Outputs, 5) Expanded
                                                   Authors: Peter Frederic
Search Engine capabilities and summaries, 6)
and more!                                          Presenters: Peter Frederic

37_ Mission Operations Cost                        Abstract: Tecolote Research recently
                                                   participated in a design exploration study
Estimation Tool (MOCET)                            conducted by NASA’s Advanced Air Transport
Research and Status Update                         Technology (AATT) project focused on regional
                                                   transport aircraft concepts employing
Authors: Marc Hayhurst, Brian Wood, Cindy
                                                   electrified aircraft propulsion (EAP). NASA’s
Daniels, Lissa Jordin,Washito Sasamoto, Waldo
                                                   interest in EAP aircraft concepts stems from the
                                                   potential to reduce fuel consumption,
Presenters: Marc Hayhurst                          emissions, noise, and operating costs.
We selected direct operating cost plus interest    EAP aircraft. Several technology-enhanced
(DOC+I) as the primary economic figure of merit    cases were considered for each configuration,
used to assess the EAP concepts. DOC+I relates     trading battery size, battery specific energy,
directly to profitability for aircraft operators   electric motor size, and hybrid power split. We
(given market-driven ticket prices). DOC+I         also performed sensitivity cases to explore the
includes the following elements: aircraft          impact of changes in jet fuel cost and ground-
ownership, energy, maintenance, flight crew,       supplied electrical energy cost.
and flight equipment financing (the “+I” in
                                                   This study showed that overcoming the
                                                   additional cost and weight associated with the
DOC+I analysis was based on a tool called the      EAP systems will be very challenging if EAP
Probabilistic Technology Investment Ranking        aircraft are to be economically competitive with
System (PTIRS). PTIRS is a business case model     conventional aircraft. This paper will highlight
for evaluating emerging technologies in the        the challenges identified.
context of commercial aircraft development,
manufacturing, and operations.                     39_ Beyond the Box:
This was a comparative cost study. The             Utilization of Underlying
economic impacts of EAP were assessed by           JACS Simulation Results for
comparing estimated DOC+I for enhanced
aircraft employing EAP versus estimated DOC+I
                                                   Advanced SRA and JCL
for corresponding baseline aircraft not            analysis
employing EAP. The study focused on regional       Authors: Steve Wilson, Mike Stelly
class aircraft because conventional wisdom and
prior studies suggested that regional class EAP    Presenters: Steve Wilson
transports may see larger benefits for a given
                                                   Abstract: Tecolote Research maintains its
battery technology level than single-aisle or
                                                   widely utilized JACS add-on to Microsoft Project
larger aircraft. We modelled five specific
                                                   that facilitates a suite of analyses involving
regional aircraft configurations: 18 Passenger
                                                   stochastic cost, schedule, and risk simulation,
Turboprop, 48 Passenger Turboprop, 70
                                                   such as Schedule Risk Analysis (SRA) and Joint
Passenger Turboprop, 50 Passenger Turbofan,
                                                   Confidence Level (JCL) analysis. A prominent
and 78 Passenger Turbofan.
                                                   feature of JACS is its native expression of
Each aircraft configuration was based on an        measures and visuals associated with these
actual historical aircraft. Actual cost and        analyses, but underlying them is a massive
technical data the historical was used to          register of the integrated simulation results
calibrate the engineering sizing and cost models   called the cache file, which includes per
used in the study. The aircraft were then          iteration information for model elements.
brought up to a modern state-of-art baseline by    Transforming the data in this file (using a data
assuming technology improvements from each         processing tool) and injecting it into a data
aircraft’s entry-into-service to the year 2020.    visualization tool enables special sophistication
The baseline aircraft were then updated with       in SRA/JCL analysis not previously enjoyed by
EAP technologies and resized to produce the        the NASA community.
In this paper, we will discuss our exploration of    assessment and forecasting capability. The
the cache file along these dimensions:               success of HSF projects will depend upon, in
                                                     large part, proper appreciation of the complete
    •   Simulation results processing, including     human space story, which, for now, remains
        tool choice (e.g. R or Python),              riddled with ambiguity and omissions. Though
        transformations, pivots, joins, cleaning,    contributions from CADRe and other ongoing
        output structure options, and                data collection work have been significant, HSF
        computational constraints                    lacks a definitive source for accurate, high-
                                                     resolution, and ready-to-use schedule data that
    •   Task-based analysis, including critical
                                                     captures all major legacy projects and
        path identification, perspectives on
        criticality measures, and driver
        identification                               Investigating this issue, we found that some of
                                                     the quoted schedule data points and Rules-of-
    •   Risk-based analysis, including various
                                                     Thumb (RoT) used in programmatic analysis
        methods of conditional analysis,
                                                     around the agency and domestic space
        stochastic omissions, the importance of
                                                     community often lack citations or proper
        the role of parallelism and
                                                     historical interpretation. In fact, some datasets
        compensatory risk analysis strategies,
                                                     contradict one another or amount to viral
        visualizations, and interpretation of
                                                     reproductions of previously flawed sets that
        risk-based results and measures
                                                     have been circulating through back-channel
    •   Integrated cost and schedule analysis        networks for decades.

This paper marks the beginning of a new effort       In this paper, we will discuss our nascent
by our JSC team to advance the frontier of           solution to this longstanding issue: The Human
integrated programmatic analysis. Future             Spaceflight Schedule Database, a compendium
papers in this series will reflect updates to this   of over 2300 authoritative, meticulously
project, rendering more discoveries and              documented data points spanning the full scope
examples.                                            of HSF history. We will show several cuts of
                                                     these data and share new Rules-of-Thumb at
40_ Human Spaceflight                                various levels:

Schedule Study & Database                                •   Total DDTE duration: ATP thru
Authors: Steve Wilson, Ashley Varma                          hardware delivery & launch

Presenters: Steve Wilson                                 •   X Category: Hardware type,
                                                             programmatic era, crewed systems,
Abstract: The rise of human spaceflight (HSF)                commercial development, etc.
activity attributable to the advent of the
Artemis campaign, commercial enterprises, and            •   X Milestone: ATP, PDR, CDR, delivery,
international partnerships demands a crisp,                  and launch
contextual understanding of programmatic
                                                         •   X Growth: Total, over time and between
history as NASA continues to sharpen its
•   X Analysis: Select SRA s-curves (some       and the lack of accompanying meta data,
        over time) vs actual dates of milestones    criteria and assumptions. We will demonstrate
        they forecast                               the ARES Schedule Integration Tool and
                                                    Integration web site that provides program and
This paper marks the beginning of a new effort      project teams access to a quick schedule
by our JSC team to compile historical technical,    development, data integration, automation and
cost, schedule, and risk (TCSR) data into our HSF   illustration tool set, an integrated method to
Body of Knowledge. Future papers in this series     perform data and meta data capture, and an
will reflect updates to this project, rendering     integrated cloud web platform for sharing data
more analyses and RoT.                              instantly. With this schedule integration
                                                    capability teams at all levels can configuration
41_ ARES Schedule                                   manage and control their schedule data and the
Integration Tool -                                  data they provide to their customers.

Integrating Artemis                                 The ARES Schedule Integration Tool (ASIT)
Schedules                                           provides a framework that allows individuals
                                                    and teams to quickly build and maintain visual
Authors: Mark Miller
                                                    schedule products consisting of shared task and
Presenters: Mark Miller                             milestone data with low operational impact.
                                                    Several key innovations were involved such as
Abstract: Major endeavors like the Artemis          creating data-driven graphics, using a
Program require the coordination of many            distributed team to identify and manage
centers, project organizations, programs,           schedule information as they normally perform
directorates, contracts, and support groups. The    their work using an easy-to-use tool to integrate
main challenge for these groups is the              and share key pieces of information. The tool
integration of a lot of people, what they are       ensures that data is normalized and can easily
supposed to do and when they are supposed to        be made available to any interested peers,
get it done. Often this integration is just as      interface organizations, management, or
complex as the hardware and software systems        customers through an integrated online library.
being developed. Although a great deal of effort    Using the same tool set any group or individual
goes into the development of detailed               with access to the system can reference that
requirements and configuration control of the       data, add logic that applies to them, and add
hardware and software end items, not so much        their own data to create composite schedules.
goes into the development, configuration            Custom data can then also be published.
management, control of clear integrated
schedules. In addition, schedule integration in     The ASIT Web Site provides a single location to
large projects suffers from such things as poorly   find toolset information, an API (Application
understood interdependencies, loose control         Programming Interface) for real-time data
over implementation level schedules, lack of        exchange between ASIT powered tools and
illustrated products for teams, lack of a           other systems, administrative pages for teams
common share location for those products, and       to perform their own schedule configuration
frequent confusion over top level milestones        management tasks, and an online catalog of
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