Premium Seed Catalog 2023 - Sorghum Partners Hybrids Double Team Sorghum Hybrids Alfalfa Partners Varieties
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Premium Seed Catalog 2023 Sorghum Partners Hybrids Double Team™ Sorghum Hybrids Alfalfa Partners Varieties
Seeding the World Introducing New and Better Products Faster Crop innovation begins with elite germplasm. Over the next decade For over 40 years S&W Seed Company has provided the world’s farmers with the very best alfalfa and sorghum our expert team will expand our brands and offer new and innovative seed to maximize yields and profits. We are dedicated to breeding crops that mitigate the most difficult agronomic products for greater crop success. issues such as soil salinity, drought conditions, herbicide tolerance, pest and disease resistance, and many other In sorghum, our collection of more than 10,000 unique breeding lines, sourced from commercial, public, and wild collections now challenging growing conditions. With the world’s population continuing to increase and the availability of arable represent the most diverse collection of proprietary genetics in the land decreasing, S&W Seed Company works with growers—through both classical breeding and biotechnology industry. This unique germplasm is combined to create over 100,000 initiatives—to offer the largest and most diverse platform of products and traits available. unique hybrid combinations, including industry leading hybrid grain, forage, food grade, and sweet sorghum seed optimized for feed, food, Our innovative work with trait technology has developed hybrids and varieties with improved yield, not only in and fuel markets. Our domestic testing programs range from Texas to South Dakota and from California to the Carolinas. We combine that good soil conditions, but in some of the toughest soil conditions in the world—taking on unprecedented drought. work with data collected from our international locations in Mexico, We are committed to providing products resistant to the diseases and insects that pose problems for farmers, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa to help us refine while ensuring enhanced digestibility for livestock producers. Our dedicated teams also develop technologies our new hybrid selections. to make crops resistant to certain herbicides, offering farmers enhanced productivity. Our alfalfa breeders continue to develop the most innovative, university-verified varieties available anywhere in the world. It takes Our expertise in agricultural breeding, production, and processing for both the sorghum and alfalfa industries many years to develop, test, and produce alfalfa varieties, depending on the methodology or traits being developed. We stay abreast of is what sets us apart to provide industry-leading traits and technologies through our company brands: current trends through innovative research and development. Sorghum Partners® and Alfalfa Partners.® Since 2010, we have dramatically expanded both the acreage dedicated to alfalfa production and our R&D focus to include dormant and biotech varieties. Our state-of-the-art breeding facility at Nampa, Idaho maintains performance trials in dormant growing areas all across North America. The vast majority of our alfalfa varieties have been approved through the National Alfalfa Variety Review Board Over the past few years, we have expanded our production and of the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (“AOSCA”), a treatment capabilities and now export seed from multiple production requirement for certification and export to OECD countries. facilities in United States, Australia, South America, and Africa to over With our multiple nursery locations, molecular teams and world class 40 countries around the world. We have the production capacity to greenhouses, we evaluate and advance new seed technologies ensure sufficient inventory to meet demand. With these resources, year-round. This makes it possible for us to launch products rapidly in S&W is uniquely positioned to respond to changes in the market and response to industry needs. committed to deploying its facilities, capabilities, and team to deliver leading sorghum and alfalfa products to our industry.
Sorghum Partners® Our Trait Development Leads the Industry As our team continues to identify new traits and technologies that In October of 2018, Sorghum Partners became a proud member of the S&W brand improve sorghum, next generation innovations are on the horizon. legacy and will continue to carry on the mission of providing proprietary seed We now offer Double Team Sorghum with the herbicide tolerant DT® Trait, developed with non-GMO technology. Double Team products that support the growing global demand for animal proteins and healthier Sorghum is part of the Double Team Sorghum Cropping Solution to consumer diets with grain, silage, and forage hybrids. control weeds and increase yields. We also have the exclusive license to develop the new dhurrin-free sorghum trait which will provide safer Sorghum Partners has been producing quality seed for over 15 years. We operate a and tastier sorghum for cattle and other livestock. global breeding program for grain and forage sorghum from technology developed Our elite brand is known for its innovative hybrids. Growers by S&W Seed Company. We partner with industry drivers and decision makers in the worldwide trust us to develop and deliver products that meet their most crucial needs: row crop and livestock feed markets to provide new and innovative solutions— creating an expansive market-leading product line: • Increased yield • Sugarcane aphid tolerance • Water scarcity and drought • Pest and disease resistance • Grain sorghum hybrids with key traits that increase yield • Standability • Enhanced digestibility • Silage sorghum hybrids that fit all livestock feeding needs • Staygreen • Weed control and rotation • Forage sorghum hybrids that deliver quality and yield Our Team is Focused Solely on Sorghum Sorghum Partners is dedicated to your operation’s success. • Double Team™ sorghum hybrids with herbicide tolerance for grass weed control Our team is comprised of seasoned sorghum experts with decades of experience who have helped launch successful innovations to improve sorghum potential. We are committed to providing our customers industry-leading expertise, advanced agronomic support and the highest level of customer support. As a customer, you have access to experts who can answer questions on products, crop management, agronomy, sales, and marketing.
Grain Sorghum Product Ratings loom nce urity urity nd olera e n %B r Pou ility ranc Trait Technologies ility ertio Mat Mat lity lor ce ut pe to 50 Stab ght T shab dabi Tole d Sm s Pe rgen n Co for d Ex tive d Ty ht Grain sorghum trait technologies address issues such as maxi- Yield Yield Seed Drou Stan Days Heig SCA Thre Rela Eme Hea Grai Hea Hea PRODUCT RATINGS mum insect and disease resistance, grain quality, harvest-ability, Deviation from normal planting drought and heat tolerance, and herbicide tolerance. SP 24C20 DT Very Early 48-52 Short 3-7” Semi-Open Cream 16,000 3 2 2 2 2 4 S U date, cultural practices and growing conditions may affect DOUBLE TEAM SP 30A30 DT Early 55-59 Medium 5-7” Semi-Open Bronze 12,000 1 1 2 3 3 3 S U performance and cause DT Trait variation in characteristics. The DT Trait inside Double Team sorghum was developed to SP 31C06 DT Early 54-58 Short 4-7” Semi-Compact Cream 16,500 4 2 2 4 3 4 S U Ratings and descriptions are tolerate FirstAct herbicide to allow for superior over-the-top based on research and field SP 45A45 DT Medium Early 57-61 Medium 2-5” Semi-Open Bronze 12,000 1 1 2 2 4 3 S U observations from multiple grass weed control. Cleaner fields mean bigger yields. locations over multiple years; comparisons with company SP 58M85 DT Medium 62-66 Medium 5-7” Semi-Compact Bronze 14,000 1 2 2 2 2 3 MT U Stiff Stalk products only. Stiff Stalk trait improves standability by increasing stalk rind Days to bloom may vary due 251 Early 50-54 Short 4-6” Semi-Open Red 18,000 2 3 2 1 1 1 S 2 to growth characteristics, thickness, for more structural strength and tolerance to stalk rots. planting dates or environment. SP 25C10 Early 49-54 Short 3-7” Semi-Open Cream 17,600 3 2 2 2 2 4 S U Seeds per pound may vary due Staygreen to environmental influences SP 31A15 Early 54-58 Medium 3-7” Semi-Open Bronze 11,700 2 2 2 3 2 2 S 5 during the production. Our Staygreen trait allows the plant to maintain green leaves under CONVENTIONAL GRAIN SORGHUM stress to produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis and SP3303 Medium Early 57-61 Medium 5-7” Semi-Compact Cream 13,000 5 2 2 2 2 2 S U reduce remobilization. RATINGS 1-9 SP 43M80 Medium Early 58-62 Medium 4-6” Semi-Open Bronze 13,500 3 3 2 2 2 3 HT 3 1=Excellent Sugarcane Aphid Tolerant (SCA) SP 68M57 Medium 66-71 Medium 4-6” Semi-Open Bronze 14,300 3 1 1 3 3 3 MT 3 5=Average Our industry-leading SCA tolerant trait offers a range of protection 9=Poor from sugarcane aphids. Look for this SCA tolerance key: SP 66M16 Medium 65-66 Medium 4-6” Semi-Open Bronze 13,500 3 1 2 2 3 4 HT U LEGEND Limited Moderate High SP 67B17 Medium-Full 66-68 Medium-Tall 5-7” Semi-Open Bronze 13,500 2 2 2 2 2 2 HT U T=Tolerant MT= Moderately Tolerant White and yellow sugarcane aphids can be further managed by SP 72M42 Medium-Full 70-72 Medium-Tall 5-7” Semi-Open Bronze 13,800 3 2 2 2 4 2 HT U HT= Highly Tolerant implementing a comprehensive Integrated Pest Management S=Susceptible SP 74M21 Medium Full 69-74 Medium Tall 4-7” Semi-Compact Bronze 12,700 3 2 2 3 3 2 HT 2 U=Undetermined (IPM) program. An IPM program is a strategy that combines the NA=Not Available use of multiple pest control tactics to maximize your operation’s SP7715 Medium Full 71-75 Medium Tall 5-7” Semi-Compact Bronze 14,000 3 2 2 2 4 2 HT 3 economic returns. Contact us for details. NK8828 Full 74-78 Tall 3-6” Semi-Compact Cream 16,500 3 2 2 4 3 3 S 2 SEEDING RATES Yield Goal Seed/acre If planting in 20 inch rows or less ≤80 bu/acre ≤ 4,500 lbs/acre 25 – 35,000 always use the higher rates. 80 -125 bu/acre 4,000 – 5,600 lbs/acre 40 – 55,000 Increase seeding rate by 20% if planting is delayed significantly to 125+ bu/acre 7,000+ lbs/acre 55 – 70,000 account for lower tillering rates. Irrigated Irrigated 80 – 120,000 6 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 7
Grain Sorghum Grain Sorghum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability SP 25C10 SP 31A15 SP3303 SP 43M80 SP 72M42 SP 74M21 SP7715 SP 25C10 SP 31A15 SP3303 SP 43M80 SP 68M57 SP 66M16 SP 67B17 SP 72M42 SP 74M21 SP7715 VERY EARLY MATURIT Y EARLY MATURIT Y MEDIUM-EARLY MATURIT Y MEDIUM-EARLY MATURITY MEDIUM MATURITY MEDIUM MATURITY MEDIUM-FULL MATURIT Y MEDIUM-FULL MATURIT Y MEDIUM-FULL MATURIT Y MEDIUM-FULL MATURIT Y SP 25C10 is an early hybrid SP 31A15 is a bronze early SP3303 is a medium-early SP 43M80 is a medium-early SP 68M57 is a medium maturity SP 66M16 is a medium maturity SP 67B17 is a medium full SP 72M42 is a medium-full, SP 74M21 is a medium-full This medium-full, bronze with cream colored grain on a maturity grain sorghum with hybrid with cream colored, maturity grain hybrid with high hybrid with intermediate Stay- hybrid with high Staygreen and maturity hybrid with bronze bronze-colored grain hybrid maturity hybrid with light grain hybrid has very high, purple plant. This hybrid is very very good yield for maturity, food-grade grain on a tan plant. SCA tolerance and excellent green and resistance to downy Stiff Stalk. SP 66M16 has high grain, high Staygreen and with very high, stable yields bronze grain and high white stable yields with superb well adapted to the Northern strong emergence and seedling This hybrid has high yield appearance. Its semi-open head mildew pathotypes 1, 3, and 6. tolerance to the white sugar- moderate sugarcane aphid and the highest level of SCA sugarcane aphid tolerance. tolerance to anthracnose, all Plains and late planted double vigor. This hybrid adapts very potential. It is very uniform, and light bronze grain result in SP 68M57 has good resistance cane aphid (SCA). This hybrid tolerance. SP 67B17 excellent tolerance. It has a uniform SP 74M21 has high yield downy mildew pathotypes, and crop systems in the Great well to shorter growing season has excellent standability, stunning overall field appeal. to head smut and moderate has above average stalk quality drought tolerance that will appearance, a semi-open head. potential and excellent panicle white sugarcane aphids. SP7715 Plains. SP 25C10 is well suited environments, late plantings, threshability, and drought SP 43M80 has Stiff Stalk and tolerance to the white sugar- and excellent appearance. It perform well under irrigation SP 72M42 is an excellent fit exertion under stress. It has has a uniform appearance, a for late disaster replants follow- and double crop scenarios. Its tolerance. This hybrid performs Staygreen to provide excellent cane aphid (SCA). SP 68M57 is an excellent fit for favorable and high yielding dryland con- for Central and South Texas moderate Stiff Stalk and strong semi-open head, and very good ing failed cotton acres as late very good drought tolerance, well in drought-prone regions standability and drought stress has above average stalk quality dryland and irrigation in the ditions. Well adapted to the I-35 irrigated and higher yielding Staygreen traits. threshability. Excellent stand- as mid-July. Very good drought above average stalk quality, and can produce grain with tolerance. This hybrid is well and is an excellent fit for South High Plains with high yield corridor and East, from Central dryland fields. ability and drought tolerance • Highly-tolerant to tolerance and intermediate along with strong stand estab- very little precipitation. adapted for dryland fields in Texas through the Plains. potential. Texas to Central Nebraska. sugarcane aphid allows maximum yields across • High level of SCA Tolerance Staygreen along with very good lishment and seedling vigor Great Plains with excellent different geographies such as • Excellent drought tolerance • High yielding medium to • High yielding medium hybrid • Excellent drought tolerance • Staygreen for improved drought • Excellent appearance & stalk quality provide consistent, provide a very consistent, stable yield potential. medium-full hybrid very good yield Central/South Texas, Mississippi • Copes with heat very well • Bronze grain, excellent • Great seedling vigor tolerance stable performance. performance. Delta, and East Coast regions. • High sugarcane aphid • Well-suited for South Texas appearance • Stiff Stalk for improved • Stiff Stalk and strong • Excellent standability through the Plains • High sugarcane aphid tolerance Staygreen traits • Very good yield for early • Very good yield for early maturity tolerance standability • Very high yield potential • Tolerates high aphid intensity maturity • Excellent yield for maturity • Bronze grain, excellent • High Staygreen • Uniquely adapted to the • Very good drought tolerance • Excellent drought stress • Semi-open head • Very good standability appearance • Well-suited for favorable dryland Great Plains irrigated and • Very good stalk quality and Staygreen • Great eye appeal and and irrigation in the High Plains. • High test weight favorable dryland acres • Excellent panicle exertion under • High yielding in South Texas • Excellent anthracnose tolerance uniformity • Resistant to downy mildew • Very good option for late planted • Excellent option for double crop, drought stress • Good exsertion under irrigated and favorable pathotypes 1, 3, and 6 • High Staygreen and Stiff Stalk • Excellent panicle exertion double crop or disaster plantings late plantings, or shorter • Cream colored, food grade drought stress dryland fields • Good general leaf disease • Semi-Open head with great under drought stress growing seasons • Widely-adapted resistance • Very good drought tolerance uniformity • Excellent drought stress • Strong emergence and • Very good threshability • Stiff Stalk and Staygreen traits tolerance • Recommend 15 inch rows seedling vigor or narrower • Resistant to greenbug • Excellent for Great Plains • Semi-compact head and • Consistent, stable performance biotypes C & E dryland fields excellent uniformity 8 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 9
Double Team Grain Sorghum Double Team Grain Sorghum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 How the Double Team™ Solution Works Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Emergence Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity Yield for Maturity • DT® Trait inside Double Team sorghum provides herbicide tolerance Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability Yield Stability • FirstAct™ herbicide for superior over-the-top grass and weed control Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability • Two reliable technologies integrate for superior yields and profits Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance • Flexible solution designed with few rotational crop restrictions Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability Threshability SP 24C20 DT SP 30A30 DT SP 31C06 DT SP 45A45 DT SP 58M85 DT Part 1: Double Team Sorghum Hybrids Sorghum Partners’ Double Team hybrids come with S&W’s DT Trait SP 24C20 DT SP 30A30 DT SP 31C06 DT SP 45A45 DT SP 58M85 DT VERY EARLY MATURITY EARLY MATURIT Y EARLY MATURIT Y MEDIUM EARLY MATURIT Y MEDIUM MATURIT Y inside—a technology developed specifically to tolerate quizalofop, the active ingredient in FirstAct herbicide. Our innovative, non-GMO, SP 24C20 DT is a cream grain, SP 30A30 DT is a bronze grain, SP 31C06 DT is a cream grain, SP 45A45 DT is a bronze grain, SP 58M85 DT is a medium mutation-based lab techniques and rigorous testing programs have very early maturity hybrid with early maturity hybrid with high early maturity hybrid with good medium-early maturity hybrid maturity hybrid with bronze resulted in elite hybrids with the proven ability to undergo FirstAct high yield potential. This hybrid yield potential. The hybrid is drought tolerance and uniform with high yield potential. grain and moderate SCA applications, continue growing, and deliver unprecedented yields. is ideally suited for environ- ideally suited for dryland acres appearance. Suitable for high This hybrid is ideally suited tolerance. This hybrid has high ments with shorter growing in the Great Plains where higher pH soils, shorter growing for dryland areas with higher levels of Staygreen for improved Part 2: FirstAct Herbicide seasons and for double crop soil pH may be a problem. Can seasons, and areas where rainfall or irrigated acres. Can standability and excellent The FirstAct herbicide utilizes ADAMA’s proprietary formula for following wheat or other early also be utilized as double crop double crop is planted following also be utilized as a double crop emergence in cool soils. An superior grass weed control. When applied to Double Team hybrids, harvested crops. in area with longer growing wheat or other early summer in areas with longer growing excellent choice throughout growers get reliable and safe, broad spectrum over-the-top control seasons. harvested crops. seasons. the Great Plains. of Crabgrass, Volunteer Corn, Sanbur, Texas Millet, Panicum, Foxtail, • Tolerant to FirstAct™ Herbicide Barnyardgrass and a long list of others. Cleaner fields mean increased • Over-the-top grass weed control • Tolerant to FirstAct™ Herbicide • Tolerant to FirstAct™ herbicide • Tolerant to FirstAct™ Herbicide • Tolerant to FirstAct™ herbicide yields, and the kind of profits conventional methods just can’t match. • High yield for maturity • Over-the-top grass weed control • Over-the-top grass weed control • Over-the-top grass weed control • Over-the-top grass weed control • Good stalk quality • High yield for maturity • High yield for maturity • High yield for maturity • High yield for maturity The Double Team Solution • Good drought tolerance • Excellent emergence • Good drought tolerance • Excellent emergence • Moderately tolerant to SCA Integrating these two powerful and reliable technologies enables • Good option for late planting or • Excellent for late planting or • Good for high pH soils • Excellent standability • Staygreen for excellent the Double Team Solution for improving sorghum profits in the U.S. double crop double crop standability • Very uniform plant This solution has few rotational crop restrictions while offering • Excellent emergence from growers flexibility and crop selectivity. Double Team understands cool soils that each field is unique and provide ongoing support to address your individual needs. 10 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 11
Silage Sorghum Product Ratings ge nce Rate Fora riod urity nd ess Silage Hybrids Decision Tree ) ht olera nage t r Pou Sens Photope (Day e Harves Heig eetn Tole acnose n in owth Mat lity ght T ) (Ton e ness Grai itive dabi s Pe ranc k Sw tive tive y Gr s) r ( Leafi Yield Drou Anth BMR Silag Seed % of Stan Rela Rela PPS Stal Earl Medium Early PRODUCT RATINGS SP2774 BMR SP3905 BD BMR Deviation from normal planting BMR SP2774 BMR Medium Early 13,000 8-9’ Yes 100 2 No 3 4 3 4 5 10-15% S date, cultural practices and growing conditions may affect Medium Full SP2904 BD SP1727 MS BMR BMR performance and cause SP3905 BD BMR Medium Early 18,000 6-7’ Yes 85-95 2 No 2 2 2 2 5 15-20% T variation in characteristics. Ratings and descriptions are Medium Early based on research and field NK300 NK300 Medium Early 13,000 6-7’ No 100-110 3 No 2 3 2 3 5 15-20% S observations from multiple locations over multiple years; Medium comparisons with company SP1792 MS HIKANE II SP1792 MS Medium 19,000 7-9’ No 85-105 3 No 2 3 3 3 2 0% T products only. SIL AGE SORGHUM CONVENTIONAL Medium Full Dough stage from emergence. SS304 Hikane II Medium 19,000 8-10’ No 110-120 3 No 2 3 4 3 2 10-15% S Seeds per pound may vary due to environmental influences Full SS405 SP1615 SP3904 BD BMR Medium Full 17,500 6’ Yes 110-115 2 No 2 2 2 2 5 15-20% T during the production. RATINGS 1-9 SP1727 MS BMR Medium Full 17,500 8-10’+ Yes 90-120 3 No 2 3 3 2 2 0% S Trait Technologies 1=Excellent 5=Average Silage sorghum trait technologies address issues such as yield, SS304 Medium Full 21,000 10-12’ No 115-120 2 No 2 3 3 3 2 10-15% T 9=Poor digestibility, feeding efficiencies and nutrients. LEGEND SS405 Full 14,500 10-12’ No 120-125 2 No 2 3 4 3 2 5-15% S Brachytic Dwarf (BD) Trait T=Tolerant These hybrids have shorter internodes, overall reduced plant MT= Moderately Tolerant SP1615 Full 14,000 10-12’ No 125-130 1 Yes 2 2 3 3 3 0% S HT= Highly Tolerant height, reduced lodging, while maintaining yield potential. S=Susceptible U=Undetermined Brown Mid-Rib (BMR) Trait NA=Not Available SEEDING RATES A genetic trait that lowers lignin content for increased plant digest- ibility, which leads to higher feeding efficiency and less manure. Growing Conditions Seed/acre Adequate Moisture 100,000 Male Sterile (MS) Trait Limited Moisture 70,000 Male sterile sorghum hybrids do not produce pollen or grain in most environments. Male sterile hybrids convert the carbohydrates that would have been grain starch in the stem as sugar. These sugars are quite stable when the hybrid is harvested and ensiled correctly. 12 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 13
Silage Sorghum Silage Sorghum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness SP2774 BMR SP 2774 SP3905 BD BMR SP 3905 NK300 NK300 SP1792 MS SP 1792 Hikane II Hikane II SP3904 BD BMR SP 3904 SP1727 MS BMR SP 1727 SS304 SS304 SS405 SS405 MEDIUM-EARLY MATURIT Y MEDIUM-EARLY MATURIT Y MEDIUM-EARLY MATURIT Y MEDIUM MATURITY MEDIUM MATURITY MEDIUM-FULL MATURITY MEDIUM-FULL MATURIT Y MEDIUM-FULL MATURIT Y FULL MATURIT Y SP2774 is a brown mid-rib SP3905 BD BMR is an early NK300 is best adapted and SP1792 MS is a male sterile, Hikane II is a sweet-stalked, SP3904 BD BMR is a brown SP1727 BMR is a brown mid- SS304 is a medium-full matur- SS405 is a late maturing, tall silage hybrid with good yields maturing brown mid-rib, highly desirable for high silage sorghum hybrid with a medium maturing hybrid with mid-rib, brachytic dwarf forage rib forage hybrid with superior ing, tall silage hybrid with high silage hybrid with high tonnage across several geographies, brachytic dwarf forage hybrid quality dairy silage due to low sweet, nutritious, and palatable high yield performance. This hybrid that is excellent for pro- forage qualities and tonnage tonnage yield performance. yield performance. Due to particularly in the Great Plains that will produce excellent lignin content, large heads stalk. It will not produce seed hybrid is best positioned and ducing high quality silage. This over other BMR products when Due to a high sugar content, a high sugar content, stalks and Midwest. It matures in silage because of its low lignin and high grain-to-forage ratio. unless pollinated by another used for hay, grazing, or silage. hybrid will reach soft dough in properly managed. Its male stalks are very sweet and juicy. are very sweet and juicy. It is approximately 95-100 days. content and high grain content. It is a proven, dependable sorghum plant. It is high It adapts well in most soils approximately 110 days and will sterile qualities will keep more It reaches silage maturity quick adapted for all but the shorter, It is best positioned west of the It is the earliest BD BMR hybrid medium-early forage sorghum yielding. It is excellent for hay, and growing conditions from produce high levels of starch, nutrients in the stalk by not enough to harvest as far north cooler growing seasons in the Mississippi River, since suscep- on the market and works best adapted in a wide range of greenchop, and silage. Texas through the central and which contributes to silage setting seed, making it a great as Nebraska. It also has a high Northern Great Plains and tibility to gray leaf spot has north of I-70. It handles humid- growing conditions. This Produces excellent quality northern latitudes of the Great digestibility and energy levels. choice for high energy silage level of tolerance to anthrac- at higher elevations. In its been observed in the South- ity and anthracnose very well. It hybrid averages about 6’ to 7’ silage and greenchop. Plains. Hikane II averages 8-10’ The brachytic dwarf trait reduc- or grazing. This hybrid is an nose allowing it to move into the northern area of use, it may not east. It may be used cautiously produces more tillers than most and has excellent standability in height and has very good es plant height and improves excellent fit for dairies and can Southeast United States where produce a head. Plant height • Male sterile for high sugar in the East when considering hybrids, which will increase throughout the growing season. accumulation in stalks after standability. It can tolerate standability while maintaining be placed throughout the U.S. it is perfect double crop fit. reaches 10 to over 12 feet with anthracnose. yields and cover the ground Good stress tolerance helps heading drought stress very well. Cut in leafiness. SP3904 BD BMR is an Plant height reaches 10-12 feet very good standability. In some • Brown mid-rib quickly. carry NK300 through stressful • Produces excellent quality the soft dough stage for highest excellent fit for dairies and can with very good standability. areas it is grown for biomass • Strong yields in the Great Plains silage and greenchop • Male sterile for high sugar and Midwest conditions. In some areas it is tonnage and best quality silage. be placed throughout the U.S. ethanol production. • Brown mid-rib, brachytic dwarf accumulation in stalks after • High anthracnose tolerance approved as a cover crop. It is • Produces premium hay heading • Best positioning west of the • Harvest in 85-95 days after • Quality forage • Brown mid-rib, brachytic dwarf • High tonnage • High tonnage Mississippi River well adapted to narrow row • High yields • Superior digestibility emergence • Good standability • Best for high quality silage • Sweet, juicy stalks production. • Sweet, juicy stalks • 100 days to maturity • Excellent for silage • Excellent digestibility (dairy) • Excellent grazing potential • Quality cane hay • High sugar content • High sugar content • Brown mid-rib (BMR) trait • Double crop silage option • Best for high quality silage • 90 to 120 days to silage harvest • High grain to forage ratio • 90 to 120 days to silage harvest • Good drought tolerance • 10-12’ tall • 10-12’ tall • 7-8’ tall at maturity • Earliest brachytic dwarf on the • Consistent tonnage under • Reduced lignin content; excel- • Good drought tolerance irrigation • Sweet stalk lent palatability • Good standability • Good standability market • Reduced lignin content • Good choice for double crop • 110 to 115 days to silage harvest • Good drought tolerance • Good drought tolerance • Works well North of I-70 with excellent early growth • 6-7’ tall, excellent standability • Good drought tolerance • High grain-to-forage ratio • Average stalk sweetness 14 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 15
Forage Sorghum Product Ratings nce Rate riod Forage Hybrids Decision Tree ess nd ) ht nage olera r Pou Sens Photope eetn Heig owth Tole acnose lity ype ) e ght T (Ton ness itive dabi s Pe k Sw ranc rid T y Gr tive r SP6205 BD ( Leafi Anth Yield Seed Drou BMR Stan Rela Stal PPS Earl Hyb BMR PRODUCT RATINGS BMR Deviation from normal planting SP4555 BMR date, cultural practices and SP4105 BMR Sorghum x Sudangrass 16,500 8-10’ Yes 2 Yes 2 2 4 3 U U Sorghum X Sudan HEADED growing conditions may affect performance and cause CONVENTIONAL SORDAN 79 variation in characteristics. SP4555 BMR Sorghum x Sudangrass 15,500 6-10’ Yes 4 No 2 3 4 3 U U Ratings and descriptions are BMR SP4105 BMR based on research and field observations from multiple HEADLESS Sordan 79 Sorghum x Sudangrass 14,500 6-7’ No 3 No 2 3 4 3 U T locations over multiple years; CONVENTIONAL SORDAN comparisons with company HEADLESS FOR AGE SORGHUM products only. Sordan Headless Sorghum x Sudangrass 16,500 8-10’ No 2 Yes 2 2 4 3 U T Dough stage from emergence. HEADED CONVENTIONAL TRUDAN 8 Seeds per pound may vary due Sudangrass SP6205 BD BMR Sorghum x Sudangrass 15,000 5-7’ Yes 3 No 2 2 1 2 U T to environmental influences during the production. BMR SP7106 BMR SP7106 BMR Sudangrass 25,000 7-9’ Yes 2 Yes 2 1 3 3 U U HEADLESS RATINGS 1-9 TRUDAN 1=Excellent CONVENTIONAL HEADLESS Trudan 8 Sudangrass 22,500 4-6’’ No 3 No 2 2 3 3 U T 5=Average 9=Poor Trait Technologies Trudan Headless Sudangrass 25,000 7-9’ No 2 Yes 2 1 3 3 U T LEGEND Forage sorghum trait technologies address issues such as yield, T=Tolerant MT= Moderately Tolerant digestibility, feeding efficiencies and nutrients. Millex 32 Pearl Millet 47,000 4-5’ No 4 No 5 1 3 1 U T HT= Highly Tolerant S=Susceptible Brachytic Dwarf (BD) Trait U=Undetermined These hybrids have shorter internodes, overall reduced plant SEEDING RATES NA=Not Available height, reduced lodging, while maintaining yield potential. Growing Conditions Sorghum x Sudangrass Sudangrass Brown Mid-Rib (BMR) Trait Adequate Moisture 20-25 lbs/acre 15 lbs/acre A genetic trait that lowers lignin content for increased plant digest- Limited Moisture 15 lbs/acre 10 lbs/acre ibility, which leads to higher feeding efficiency and less manure. Photoperiod Sensitive (PPS) Trait Photoperiod sensitive plants have a very wide harvest window to allow for maximum management flexibility. 16 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 17
Forage Sorghum Forage Sorghum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Forage Yield Potential Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Early Growth Rate Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Standability Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Drought Tolerance Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness Leafiness SP4105 BMR SP4105 SP4555 BMR SP4555 Sordan 79 Sordan 79 Sordan Headless Sordan Headless SP6205 BD BMR SP6205 SP7106 BMR SP 7106 Trudan 8 Trudan 8 Trudan Headless Trudan Headless Millex 32 Millex 32 SORGHUM X SUDANGRASS PPS SORGHUM X SUDANGRASS SORGHUM X SUDANGRASS SORGHUM X SUDANGRASS PPS SORGHUM X SUDANGRASS SUDANGRASS PPS SUDANGRASS SUDANGRASS PPS PEARL MILLET SP4105 will not head under This versatile brown mid-rib, Sordan 79 is a versatile hybrid Sordan Headless can expand SP6205 BD BMR is a sorghum x SP7106 is a widely-adapted Trudan 8 is an exceptional Trudan Headless is an excep- Millex 32 is a hybrid pearl millet most conditions. It continues to sorghum x sudangrass can meet sorghum x sudangrass that the window for usage because sudangrass hybrid that has both BMR sudangrass hybrid. hybrid for most summer forage tional hybrid sudangrass for that produces high quality grow and maintain its nutrient most summer forage needs. It is can meet most summer forage it will not head under most the brown mid-rib and brachytic Because it is PPS (photoperiod needs. It is best for hay, haylage most summer forage needs. forage that is lush and leafy. value in the leaves and stem well-suited for use as emergency needs. Sordan 79 is well adapt- conditions. Sordan Headless dwarf genes which improve sensitive) it will not head under and grazing, greenchop and It can be used for hay, haylage This hybrid works in hot, dry until it is chopped or grazed feed. SP4555 is best used for ed to difficult soil conditions continues to grow and maintain standability and forage quality. most conditions providing great cover. Very leafy and fine and grazing. Other limited conditions and is well-suited thus extending the harvest time hay, haylage and greenchop. like high pH and saline soils. its nutrient value in the leaves This hybrid is best used for hay, harvest flexibility. SP7106 can stemmed. Fast regrowth after uses include greenchop and as for light, sandy soils where frame. SP4105 is a versatile Other uses include grazing and Hay, haylage and greenchop, and stem until it is chopped or haylage, grazing, and tolerate high cutting frequen- cutting or grazing. It adapts cover. Trudan Headless is finer drought is common. Millex 32 is sorghum x sudangrass that ground cover. SP4555 has a grazing and ground cover are grazed. It is well-suited for use as green chop. cies or intensive grazing. well and tolerates high cutting stemmed and leafier than Sordan well-suited for summer grazing meets most summer forage good leaf-to-stem ratio that all excellent uses of Sordan 79. emergency feed. This hybrid is This hybrid has very fine stems frequencies and intensive Headless. Regrowth is fast after or hay and greenchop. Millex • Brachytic dwarf for high leaf to needs and produces high qual- helps provide good quality with Sordan 79’s high yields make it best used for hay, haylage, and stem ratio and high leaf-to-stem ratio and grazing with proper manage- cutting or grazing. It adapts well 32 is a great horse feed as a ity forage for fast weight gain proper management. a better economic choice over green chop. Other uses include produces high quality hay or ment. Produces exceptional to and can tolerate high cutting result of its commonly low • Brown mid-rib produces excellent and/or increased milk produc- low cost sorghum x sudangrass grazing and ground cover. quality grazing hay haylage. forage quality, that is high in frequencies and intensive graz- prussic acid content. • Dependable summer forage tion. It has a good leaf-to-stem with BMR hybrids that are on the market. Sordan Headless has a good • Excellent standability protein and feed value. Prussic ing practices with management. • Photoperiod Sensitive • Dependable summer forage ratio and is best used for hay, leaf-to-stem ratio. (headless) BMR acid potential is low. Exceptional forage quality can be • Can be grazed • Dependable summer forage • High tillering capacity that leads • Drought tolerant haylage and green chop. to increased yields Potato & veg. growers - Trudan 8 produced that is high in protein • Good for late summer planting • Good for late summer planting • Photoperiod sensitive (headless) • Good yield potential in a Sudan X Sudan hybrid suppresses nematode populations and digestible fiber. Prussic acid • Quality horse feed; low prussic • Photoperiod sensitive (headless) • Good seedling vigor acid risk • Good leaf-to-stem ratio • Best for hay, haylage, and • Dual purpose: silage or hay when incorporated as green manure potential is low. and BMR • Excellent regrowth after haying • Very high leaf to stem ratio greenchop • Best for hay, haylage, and in the fall, after it is stressed (e.g., • Works in light, sandy soils • Best for hay, haylage, and or grazing • Extended harvest window greenchop green chop • Quick regrowth for multiple cuts after first frost or ceasing irrigation). • Photoperiod sensitive (headless) • Can be grazed • Best for grazing and pasture • Best for hay, haylage, green chop • Good forage quality • Extended harvest window • Suitable for grazing, haylage, • Extended harvest window • Good leaf-to-stem ratio • Excellent quality summer forage • Lush, leafy foliage or dry hay • Good leaf-to-stem ratio • Good leaf-to-stem ratio • Best for hay, haylage and grazing • Good for alkaline soils • Very good leaf-to-stem ratio • Provides good forage quality (salt tolerant) • Tolerates high cutting frequencies • Best for hay, haylage, and • Excellent regrowth after harvest • Can be used in rotation to reduce grazing • Adapts well to intensive grazing or grazing nematode populations • Tolerates high cutting • Fine stemmed and leafy frequencies • Adapts well to intensive grazing 18 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 1-855-SORGHUM S O R G H U M PA R T N E R S .C O M 19
Alfalfa Partners® Expanding Products and Programs In 2012, S&W acquired Imperial Valley Seed to expand production Since 1980 S&W Seed Company has bred alfalfa seed of the highest quality with in this rich California growing region and in 2013, Seed Genetics International (SGI) was acquired, further expanding production superior genetic traits. With the unique ability to grow in challenging soil conditions capabilities into Australia. and generate outstanding crop yield, S&W quickly became an industry leader. In late 2014, we acquired Pioneer’s alfalfa breeding program and conventional alfalfa germplasm—providing a strong germplasm Our specialty is high-yield alfalfa varieties focused on maximizing profit per acre for base that goes all the way back to 1958. Alfalfa Partners brings you the farmer, regardless of soil and water salinity. Starting in 2010, we dramatically top-performing alfalfa varieties developed through a long breeding expanded both the acreage dedicated to alfalfa production and our R&D focus to legacy, at a more affordable price with a better value proposition than established national brands. include dormant and biotech varieties. Our breeding and product development All along our mission has been to help cattle and dairymen produce emphasizes high yield, forage quality improvement, persistence, and disease and the best alfalfa hay for their herds. So, in 2019 we branded our prod- pest resistance. uct line as Alfalfa Partners, to embody the essence of our mission and our accomplishments over the last 40 years. We continue to stay abreast of important trends, helping farmers combat today’s Our Germplasm Improvement Program Delivers farming challenges and supplying superior seed for alfalfa hay, the “queen of • Outstanding root rot tolerance for areas with variable soils forages,” all the while keeping an eye on sustainable solutions for tomorrow. • High-yielding varieties with emphasis on disease and pest resistance • Increased emphasis on forage quality improvement We conduct extensive testing across numerous environments for IQA™, the Next Innovation • Salt tolerant varieties spanning FD4 through 9 with proven performance yield, forage quality, yield stability across environments, dormancy, Our future alfalfa varieties will soon include IQA™, a reduced lignin • Proven performance in both saline and non-saline soils tolerance to lodging, and regrowth from cutting. We also test up to alfalfa quality trait, achieved through gene editing. It’s integrated into 18 types of pest resistance, such as phytophthora root rot, aphano- elite alfalfa germplasm for both yield and improved forage quality • Dormant and non-dormant breeding programs with a lifetime of germplasm improvement myces root rot, and stem nematode. Each of our commercial varieties performance. Growers may have the flexibility to harvest later on has been developed through this same process of germplasm without the typical rate of reduction in forage quality that occurs • Dedicated seed production locations in the US and Australia improvement, characterization for agronomic and pest ratings, yield, with conventional varieties, or they can cut on their normal schedule Our dormant alfalfa breeding program involves screening, crossing, and winter hardiness—for the highest productivity in your fields. to potentially capture higher RFQ and increased fiber digestibility. and classification for each new variety. In each phase, teams in alfalfa. This can offer an extended harvest window with improved Nampa, Idaho and Keith, South Australia are busy year-round in the Our Team is Focused Solely on Alfalfa forage quality. Please consult with Alfalfa Partners for availability in field or greenhouse settings. A typical variety can take 5 to 18 years Our team is comprised of seasoned alfalfa experts with decades of your region and whether your specific growing environment may be to produce, depending on the methodology or traits being developed. experience. We are dedicated to your success and available to help in sensitive to a gene-edited trait. any way we can. Customers have access to our experts for questions on products, crop management, agronomy, sales, and service.
Dormant Alfalfa Dormant Alfalfa Rugged SW3407 SW404S Brand SW4107 SW425 Brand SW4515 NEW! SW4618S SW5213 SW525LH Brand SW5615 NEW! TM TM ™ Rancher® FALL DORMANCY 3 FALL DORMANCY 4 FALL DORMANCY 4 FALL DORMANCY 4 FALL DORMANCY 4 FALL DORMANCY 4 FALL DORMANCY 5 FALL DORMANCY 5 FALL DORMANCY 5 FALL DORMANCY 3 SW3407 is a high yielding FD3 SW404S is a blend of S&W SW4107 is broadly adapted SW425™ Brand is a blend SW4515 is a FD4 variety with SW4618S is a high-yielding, fall SW5213 is a high-yielding SW525LH™ Brand is a leafhop- SW5615 is a very high-yield Rugged Rancher alfalfa has variety that produces excellent alfalfa germplasm containing with a wide germplasm base. of S&W proprietary alfalfa high yield potential and high dormancy four variety, bred in variety, with consistent perfor- per resistant, high yield variety potential, fall dormancy 5 vari- excellent persistence under a quality forage. It has good an elite salt tolerant variety It is highly resistant to seven varieties chosen for their com- resistance to stem nematode. saline growing conditions and mance and broadly adapted with excellent pest resistance: ety with a strong performance wide range of growing condi- standability and an excellent along with high-yielding, major alfalfa pests and is well- bined suitability for high yield This alfalfa variety has excellent selected for the ability to main- for growers with aggressive high resistance to potato record in research trials across tions and environments. It is disease resistance index winterhardy conventional suited to fields with variable potential of good quality forage. overall disease resistance, plus tain improved production of hay cutting frequencies for maxi- leafhopper, phytophthora, and a wide area. The combination of a great choice for rotational (DRI). SW3407 parents were alfalfa. Broad adaptability to drainage where root rot This variety is highly resistant high resistance to stem nema- in saline soils. mum yield and quality. SW5213 multi-race aphanomyces. An excellent winter survival index grazing or hay production due selections based on half-sib both saline and non-saline resistance is needed. to most major diseases and well tode for the northwest. has a highly resistant rating excellent choice for the and strong disease resistance • Well adapted to Western US FD4 to its dependable yield and yield performance evaluations growing conditions. Adapted suited throughout US growing growing areas with salinity chal- against nine major alfalfa pests Midwest, Plains and Northeast gives SW5615 a leg up on stand • Wide germplasm base for broad • Solid agronomic characteristics, relative feed quality. to determine breeding value. to Plains and Western US FD4 adaptability areas where FD4 is desired. good overall disease resistance, lenges in soil or irrigation water and diseases. where leafhoppers can be a per- persistence. Half-sib clonal parents were growing areas. plus very good winter-hardiness • Relative Feed Quality (RFQ) is nicious pest on a yearly basis. • Excellent persistence under a • Top group placement in many • Good choice where medium fall • Broadly adapted late fall • SW5615 is highly resistant to evaluated for forage quality and University yield trials • Highly resistant to seven major above average, 102% of the wide range of growing conditions • Good establishment, yield and dormancy is desired along with mean versus RFQ of elite check dormancy helps maintain late • High yield potential to rival elite nine major alfalfa pests and and environments persistence over a period of good winter hardiness alfalfa pests and diseases for a summer yield diseases, for a solid 35/35 DRI stand longevity in fields where • 35/35 DRI makes SW4107 highly solid 35/35 DRI score, including varieties. conventional varieties irrigation water /soil contains score, including multi-race • Great choice for rotational years following inoculation with resistant to 7 major pests, includ- • Bred using traditional plant multi-race aphanomyces • Highly resistant to nine major aphanomyces moderate salt concentration ing multi-race aphanomyces • Yield is 97% of the mean under • Good organic production grazing or hay production main alfalfa disease organisms. breeding methods non-saline growing conditions, pests and diseases for a solid • Resistant to spotted aphid 35/35 DRI score, including • Excellent pest resistance • Winter survival index of 1 – • Dependable yield and relative • Highly suitable for fields with • Well-suited to fields with • Varieties are medium fast and pea aphids but demonstrates 12% more saline areas yield retention in moderate to multi-race aphanomyces for most North American extremely winter-hardy feed quality • Suitable for wet soils because variable drainage where root rot recovery type that can be highly of its exceptional resistance to resistance is needed • Good resistance to lodging, strong saline growing condi- environments • Adaptable where winter and suited for quick regrowth for hay • High resistance to stem • High resistance to phytophthora • Includes branch-rooting alfalfa multi-race aphanomyces root rot production similar to SW5909 for lodging tions, versus the standard check nematodes – can be important in & aphanomyces root rots, spring precipitation drive salts • Consistently performs above • Highly suitable to all areas for its ability to persist resistance variety. irrigated situations where water multiple races and biotypes • Consistent top yields of dairy down, but irrigation water average to produce good quality where leafhoppers can be a • Highly suitable in western envi- source includes tail waters from significant pest • Extremely winter hardy quality hay applied later in the season has forage ronments where stem nematodes • Broad-based parentage includes • Highly suitable for growing areas • High resistance to stem moderate salinity that obtain 3-4 cuts per season infested upstream fields can be a concern germplasm from lodging • Excellent winter hardiness nematodes • Resistant to many major pests • Excellent forage quality • Grows well in a wide range resistant breeding lines and diseases • Includes a fall dormant salt • Suitable for saline soils • Well suited for soils with variable combined with good lodging of soils • Highly resistant against stem • Very suitable for 3-5 high yield • SW5615 is an excellent tolerant variety bred in saline where irrigation water and/or drainage due to its strong root tolerance for overall yield, nematode, important in irrigated • High resistance to stem cuts of quality hay production replacement for Pioneer 55V50 • Good overall choice for fields conditions, with the ability to • Highly adaptable to the northern soil contains moderate salt rot resistance to phytophthora cutability, and quality production when the water nematode for the northwest, with increased yield and forage with variable soils maintain improved production half of the U.S. and Canada, concentration and multi-race aphanomyces source includes tail-waters from especially well-suited for surface • Highly suitable to heavy soils quality • Winter hardy fall dormancy 3 whenever fall dormancy 4 is irrigated fields where stem where root rots are a concern • Best-suited to fields with infested upstream fields • Maintains good yield in saline • Excellent overall root rot resis- with consistent high yield often suitable nematode can come from • SW5615 is a superb choice for moderate or variable saline growing conditions, of high tance contributes to persistence near the top of yield trials with • Formulated for high resistance to irrigation canals • Best overall control of potato overall yield, forage quality and later FD4 varieties conditions where a majority verticillium wilt, phytophthora quality and quantity of hay or leafhoppers in alfalfa stand persistence of the field has only moderate root rot and anthracnose haylage salinity • Well-rounded overall package of • In fields with large areas of high pest and disease resistant alfalfa saline content and/or persistent germplasm saline growing conditions, SW4618S is a preferred alterna- tive for more yield retention 22 1-855-767-4486 A L FA L FA PA R T N E R S .C O M 1 - 8 5 5 - 76 7 - 4 4 8 6 A L FA L FA PA R T N E R S .C O M 23
Non-Dormant Alfalfa Product Ratings ilt e SW8421S SW9720 SW9813S val atod ce id um W t a s ilt s t Race nomyce Race nomyce Roo phthor l Wil ose Aph urvi ran W id e Nem id ancy Nem Knot ium racn atod Aph Tole icilli FALL DORMANCY 8 FALL DORMANCY 9 FALL DORMANCY 9 eria Aph ter S t Ro tted 1 2 to r Dorm Stem a Yield a Fusa Anth t Bact Blue Vert Salt Aph Roo Pea Phy Aph Spo Win PRODUCT RATINGS SW8421S is a non-dormant This FD9 variety has a very wide SW9813S is our salt tolerant FD8 variety that produces high area of adaptation with above non-dormant variety with high Rugged Rancher® 3 6 1 R R MR HR HR R R MR MR HR yields of high quality hay. Bred average forage quality, and is yield potential in both saline under very saline conditions, tolerant to salty irrigation and non-saline soil conditions. SW3407 3 9 2 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R R R it has the ability to maintain waters and saline soils. This variety’s high resistance to SW404S™ Brand 4 8 2 HR R R HR HR HR R R ST much of its high yield potential aphids contributes to its strong • Wide area of adaptation FALL DORMANCY even in saline production situ- forage production abilities. • Tolerant to salty irrigation waters SW4107 4 9 2 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R R R 1 = Most Dormant ations. It is a strong choice for 10= Least Dormant and salty soils • Proven performance in U of CA fields with salinity build-up. D O R M A N T A L FA L FA Westside Alfalfa Salinity Trials SW425™ Brand 4 8 2 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R R • Highest yielding alfalfa in UC YIELD • Highest yielding salt tolerant Davis Trial of 48 non-dormant • High yield performance entries for 2008 1=Lowest Yield variety in multiple University potential, in both saline and SW4306 4 9 2 R HR HR HR HR HR HR R HR HR non-saline soil conditions 9= Highest Yield trials • 8.3% higher yield than CUF101 • A strong choice for fields that at University of Arizona trials • Selected under extreme saline SW4412Y 4 8 2 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R HR WINTER SURVIVAL contain slick or sodic soils, and conditions in the west side of the • Leader in yield and feed quality 1=Extremely Hardy also for situations where deficit San Joaquin Valley SW4515 NEW at the USDA salinity laboratory 4 9 2 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R R HR 2= Very Hardy irrigation could lead to salinity trials; alfalfa and other forages • Very good germination salt 3=Hardy build-up were under salt water irrigation tolerance plus strong forage SW4618S 4 8 2 HR HR LR HR HR HR R R ST • Using irrigation water with an management at Riverside, CA production salt tolerance PEST AND DISEASE Electrical Conductivity (EC) • Very good overall aphid SW5213 5 9 2 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R HR HR = Highly Resistant rating of 15 (very salty water), resistance including blue aphids, R = Resistant SW 8421S out-produced both pea aphids and spotted aphids MR = Moderately Resistant the standard salinity check entry SW525LH™ Brand 5 8 2 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R R (AZ-90NDC-ST) and Salado by LR = Low Resistance 39% and 32% respectively in S = Susceptible University of Arizona salinity SW5615 NEW 5 9 1 HR HR HR HR HR HR HR R R HR trials at Tucson BLANK SPACE • Produced 18% more hay than SW8421S 8 9 R HR HR R HR R R ST Blank = Insufficient Data or CUF 101 in the UC trials in NON-DORMANT Not Applicable Fresno County, California and 17% more than CUF 101 in SW9720 9 9 R MR R HR HR R MR HR ST Tucson, Arizona • Alfalfa growth is erect with rapid SW9813S 9 9 R R R R R HR MR ST recovery after cutting • Stand persistence at the end of SW10 10 9 R MR R HR HR HR R 3 year trial in Tucson, Arizona was 96%, compared to CUF 101 variety at 61% 24 1-855-767-4486 A L FA L FA PA R T N E R S .C O M 1 - 8 5 5 - 76 7 - 4 4 8 6 A L FA L FA PA R T N E R S .C O M 25
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