Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021 - Quality Grass Seed - Hutchinsons

Page created by Michelle Schneider
Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021 - Quality Grass Seed - Hutchinsons

Grass Wise

Quality Grass Seed
Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021 - Quality Grass Seed - Hutchinsons

            Grass Wise                                     Amenity Wise                      Forage Wise

        Mixture Selector 3             Emerald 11         Landscaping and 19             Stubble Turnips    20
                Galgorm 4         Emerald Plus 12    sports grass seed range                Forage Rape     21
                Gracehill 4               Gold 13                                                   Kale    22
                   Boyne 5            Gold Plus 14                                Brassica Seed Mixtures    23
                  Seagoe 5        Westerwolds 15                                             Fodder Beet    24
                Fastgrass 6   Cloverwise White 16                                                Swedes     25
            Clamp Buster 7        Clover Blend                                                  Lucerne     26
    Grasswise Suppressor 8          Cloverwise 17                                                Chicory    27
       Clamp Buster Red 9           Red Clover                                              Game Cover      28
           Super Sward 10            Equestrian 18

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Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021 - Quality Grass Seed - Hutchinsons
Grass Wise

Mixture selector
                                                How long is the ley intended to last?

                      Short Term                            Medium Term                             Long Term
                      Up to 2 years                             3-5 years                            5+ years

                                                                                    Dairy/Beef/Sheep            Dairy/Beef/Sheep
      High Input                      Low Input               High Input                 Early bite/            Early bite/Cutting and
     Weeds an issue         High protein requirement      Flexible/can be sprayed
                                                                                    Cutting and Grazing         Grazing (inc Timothy)

       CLAMP BUSTER                   CLAMP BUSTER              SUPER SWARD               EMERALD                        GOLD

    CLAMP BUSTER                 CLAMP BUSTER                SUPER SWARD                EMERALD                         GOLD

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Galgorm                   New for 2021                           Gracehill                  New for 2021

•   Found in Emerald and Emerald Plus                            •   Found in Gold and Gold Plus
•   The highest yielding intermediate diploid on the             •   Late tetraploid perennial ryegrass
    RGCL 2020/2021                                               •   Heading date 1st June
•   105% for total grazing yield and total cutting yield         •   High yielding; 105% for cutting and 106% for
•   Heading date 22nd May                                            grazing total yield with high ME yields
•   High quality forage; Grazing D value of 78.1,                •   Excellent crown rust resistance (7.9)
    1st cut D value of 71.6.                                     •   Bred in the UK
•   Excellent crown rust resistance (7.5)
•   Bred in the UK

                                 Galgorm & Gracehill RGCL Data 2020/2021
            115                                            113
                     105 105         105 106
            105                                     102
             80                                                                                          78.1
                                                                                    75.4                        76.8
             75                                                                            73.5
                  Grazing Yield Cutting Yield      First Cut                     Second Cut D           Grazing D
                                                                                    Value                 Value

                                                    Galgorm          Gracehill

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Grass Wise

Boyne                                                   Seagoe
•   Found in Supersward                                 •    Found in Supersward, Emerald and Emerald Plus
•   Intermediate diploid perennial ryegrass             •    Intermediate tetraploid perennial ryegrass
•   Heading date 20th May                               •    Heading date 22th May
•   Excellent crown rust resistance (8.0)               •    Excellent crown rust resistance (8.0)
•   High yielding: 104% for total cutting,              •    High yielding – 106% for total cutting,
    107% 1st cut yield                                       114% 1st cut yield
                                                        •    Bred in the UK

                                   Boyne & Seagoe RGCL Data 2020/2021
                           Cutting Yield           First Cut                Early Spring Growth

                                                Boyne       Seagoe

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A short-term mixture for up to 18 months productivity. Will produce large volumes of silage
from a high input system with a winter grazing option. Suitable for any livestock class and
an excellent choice for a short term grass break in arable rotation.

•    Potential to yield over 18t DM in its first year    •   UK proven varieties
•    100% ryegrass, high input – high output ley         •   Italian Ryegrass component listed NIAB 2020/2021.
•    Will grow down to soil temperatures of 3-4°C,       •   Good choice for overwintering stock or green manure
     stretching the growing season                       •   Sow at 14kg/acre for full cropping or can be sown
•    Potential for 4 or more cuts/annum on a frequent        at a lower rate for green manure or overwintering
     cutting schedule (4 -5 weeks) or a mix of cutting       bite for sheep
     and grazing. Must be cut frequently to achieve
     best quality

25kg Pack
12.5 - 14kg per acre

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Clamp Buster
A highly productive short term mixture for up to 3 years suited to high input, intensive
systems relying on large volumes of high quality forage. Clamp buster is suitable for red
meat and dairy systems which can take advantage of long growing seasons.

•   Clamp buster is a HIGH INPUT                 •   Tight heading date pattern          •   All varieties listed NIAB
    – HIGH OUTPUT ley which                          ensures good quality forage             2020/2021
    will respond to high levels of                   with all varieties heading within       - Barmultra II has an excellent
    nitrogen inputs and will yield up                a 5 day period from 20th May.               first cut yield (105% and high
    to 17t DM/ha in its first year               •   The target sowing rate and                  total yield (101%)
•   Italian Ryegrasses grow down                     plant population for Clamp              - Javorio produces consistently
    to 4°C soil temperature giving                   buster is 4,551,000seeds/acre or            throughout the year and
    extra shoulder growth in spring                  1124seeds/m2
                                                                                                 produces high ME forage.
    and autumn. 4 cuts / annum
                                                                                             - Novial combines yield and
    are easily achievable, with 4
                                                                                                 quality with good ground
    – 6 weeks between cuts & the
    option for back end or early                                                                 cover and excellent crown
    spring grazing due to the long                                                               rust resistance (8.2)
    growing season

2.00kg ALAMO            Italian Ryegrass (DIP)
3.00kg JAVORIO          Italian Ryegrass (DIP)
5.00kg BARMULTRA II Italian Ryegrass (TET)
4.00kg NOVIAL           Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
14kg per acre

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Grasswise Suppressor
Grasswise Suppressor is a flexible, short term grass seed option created by the HLH
Grasswise and Technical Teams as a rotational and innovative way to help combat the
burden of blackgrass in arable rotations.

•   Designed to be maintained for 2 - 3 years, the Italian   •   The inclusion of diploid perennial ryegrass Glenariff
    ryegrass component is very quick to establish, even          has been used to significantly improve ground cover
    at low soil temperatures with the ability to grow            as it has a smaller seed size (so more per kg) and
    down to around 4°C. Giving options for establishing          also, a higher tillering capacity. Suppressor has an
    after winter or spring cereals across most regions           advised sowing rate of 14kg per acre and a target
    or maize in earlier areas. The vigour of the Italian         plant population of 1249 seeds/m2 which could be
    ryegrass component has been specifically selected            as much as 200 seeds/m2 more than a traditional
    to suppress and compete with the blackgrass.                 pure Italian mix with lower advised sowing rates.
•   Hybrid ryegrass Novial is also very quick to             •   All varieties included are on the RGCL 2020/2021.
    establish although its optimum soil temperature              There is a tight, 5 day heading date pattern between
    is 5-6°C or above                                            20th and 25th May to allow for easy silage management
                                                                 and for the avoidance of seed shedding.

4.00kg    JAVORIO            Italian Ryegrass (DIP)
4.00kg    BARMULTRA II       Italian Ryegrass (TET)
4.00kg    NOVIAL             Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
2.00kg    GLENARIFF          Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
14kg per acre

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Clamp Buster Red
A low input variation of Clamp buster where the Red Clover component has been added
to reduce reliance on fertilisers. Clamp buster red produces large volumes of high protein
silage with an aftermath ideal for lamb finishing. Clamp buster red is suited to dairy and
beef enterprises in particular.

•   Clamp buster red will yield up to         •   Italian Ryegrasses will grow          •   Javorio produces consistently
    16t DM/ha in its first year                   down to 4°C soil temperature              throughout the year and
•   Low input, high protein ley                   which allows for an extended              produces high ME forage.
    where growers generally use no                growing season                        •   Red clover plants grow from
    nitrogen or only a small dressing         •   Silages with ME of 11.2 and CP            a single crown which can be
    in spring before clover activity is           of up to 18%                              vulnerable: care must be taken
    at its optimum                            •   Trials have shown                         to leave a 4 inch stubble when
•   Best suited to cutting but ideal              improvements in kill out                  silaging, graze and cut in dry
    for finishing lambs or growing                percentage of lambs finished on           conditions and do not over
    youngstock later in the year                  red clover of up to 3%                    graze, particularly with cattle.
•   Whilst ideal for finishing lambs          •   Barmultra II has an excellent first   •   Requires good levels of P & K
    on a higher protein diet,                     cut yield (105%) and high total           and good pH but can fix up to
    breeding sheep should NOT                     yield (101%)                              150kg N/Ha/annum
    be fed red clover from 6 weeks                                                      •   Sowing rate and target plant
    before tupping until 6 weeks                                                            population of 5,147,000 seeds/
    after tupping                                                                           acre pack or 1271 seeds/m2
•   Up to 4 cuts / annum allowing
    6 – 8 weeks between cuts

4.00kg    JAVORIO              Italian Ryegrass (DIP)
4.00kg    BARMULTRA II         Italian Ryegrass (TET)
3.00kg    NOVIAL               Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
3.00kg    CLOVERWISE RED       Red Clover Blend
14kg per acre

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Super Sward
An intensive 3 – 5 year ley, which expands the shoulders of the season for those who can
utilise it. Up to 3 cuts and grazing this ley will yield 10 % more than a perennial based ley
under a higher nitrogen system.

•     A 100% ryegrass based mixture            •   Tight heading date pattern of       - Good resistance to Mildew
      which will respond to high levels            5 days ensures continual high         and Dreschlera throughout
      of fertility and provide up to 3             quality crops throughout the year     the varieties
      cuts of silage with the option           •   Sowing rate and target plant        - Novial, Boyne and Seagoe
      to graze later in the season.                population of 1470 seeds/m2           have crown rust resistance
      Supersward is suitable for both          •   All varieties 2020/2021 NIAB
                                                                                         of 8.0 or higher.
      dairy and red meat systems.                  Recommended
•     Hybrid Ryegrasses extend the                 - Boyne and Seagoe are both
      production season as they grow               - exceptionally high yielding
      down to 6°C making Supersward                - (104% & 106% respectively)
      ideal for farms on lighter land              - Seagoe has a first cut of 114%
      who can silage mid May or those              - Barsilo has exceptional early
      with sheep or youngstock who
                                                       spring growth of 113% and
      can graze early.
                                                       a 2nd cut of 111%

    3.50kg BARSILO   Hybrid Ryegrass (DIP)
    3.00kg NOVIAL    Hybrid Ryegrass (TET)
    4.50kg BOYNE     Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
    3.00kg SEAGOE    Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
14kg per acre

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Grass Wise

EMERALD is a flexible long term ley suitable for intensive dairy, beef or sheep systems
wishing to make use of grass for both grazing and silage. An early bite is ideal for lambing
or calving turnout.

•   Fully flexible 100% perennial                weed problem exists and                - Moira is an excellent
    ryegrass mixture which is ideal              allows for a simplistic chemical         all round variety with
    for all mixed livestock farming              programme with the option of             tremendous early and late
    enterprises and will provide                 adding white clover in during            season growth
    early spring growth suited to                the second year                        - Glenariff has excellent
    early lambers or calvers needing         •   Target sowing rate and plant
                                                                                          disease resistance, yields
    to turn out stock and 2 good                 population of 1616 seeds/m2
                                                                                          well under both cutting and
    crops of silage                          •   All varieties NIAB 2020/2021
                                                                                          grazing systems and is has
•   Emerald will respond highly to               recommended
    nitrogen inputs so is useful for                                                      good quality
                                                 - GALGORM *NEW FOR 2021*
    units producing any significant                                                     - Fintona is high yielding with
                                                     is the highest yielding
    volume of slurry or those using a                                                     good spring growth (106%)
                                                     intermediate diploid available
    higher input system                                                                   and first cut (108%)
                                                 - High crown rust resistance
•   Being clover free, Emerald is a                  from Galgorm (7.5) and
    good choice where a perennial
                                                     Glenariff (8.3) and Seagoe (8.0)

2.00kg    MOIRA          Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
3.00kg    GALGORM        Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
3.00kg    GLENARIFF      Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
3.00kg    FINTONA        Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
3.00kg    SEAGOE         Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
14kg per acre

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Grass Wise

Emerald Plus
A flexible long term ley suitable for dairy, beef or sheep systems wishing to make use of
grass for both grazing and silage but with a reduced reliance on bagged nitrogen. An early
bite is ideal for lambing or calving turnout.

•    Fully flexible perennial ryegrass          10% more intakes in dairy cows     •   Sowing rate and target plant
     and white clover mixture which             grazing grass/clover swards over       population of 1914 seeds/m2
     is ideal for all mixed livestock           grass alone and also improved      •   All varieties NIAB 2020/2021
     farming enterprises. Emerald               milk yields of 1litre/cow/day.         recommended
     Plus will provide early spring         •   White clover fixes atmospheric         - GALGORM *NEW FOR 2021*
     growth suited to early lambers             nitrogen somewhere over                    is the highest yielding
     or calvers needing to turn out             100kg N/Ha/annum. The actual               intermediate diploid available
     stock and will also provide 2              volume is very dependent               - High crown rust resistance
     good crops of silage.                      on management and soil                     from Galgorm (7.5) and
•    Inclusion of white clover                  conditions. Under good
                                                                                           Glenariff (8.3) and Seagoe (8.0)
     improves intakes and animal                management, grass clover
                                                                                       - Moira is an excellent all round
     performance (DLWG & milk                   swards yield volumes similar to
                                                                                           variety with tremendous
     yield) as well as improving                grass only swards that receive
     the protein & mineral levels of            200kg N/ha.                                early and late season growth
     grazed grass and silage. White         •   A blend of leaf sizes are used         - Glenariff has excellent
     clover will improve digestibility,         to ensure the mixture will                 disease resistance, yields
     particularly in dry periods                adapt and perform to any                   well under both cutting and
     midsummer. Trials have shown               management system                          grazing systems and is has
                                                                                           good quality
2.00kg     MOIRA                 Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)                 - Fintona is high yielding with
3.00kg     GALGORM               Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)                     good spring growth (106%)
3.00kg     GLENARIFF             Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)                     and first cut (108%)
3.00kg     FINTONA               Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
2.00kg     SEAGOE                Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
1.00kg     CLOVERWISE WHITE      White Clover Blend
14kg per acre

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A multi-purpose long term mixture best suited to sheep & beef systems. Varieties included
provide season long growth and timothy is added for extra sole and fibre.

•   The perfect multipurpose long                  use higher inputs to maximise      - GRACEHILL *NEW FOR 2021*
    term mixture which excels under                outputs                              is high yielding under both
    cutting or grazing management              •   Inclusion of timothy vastly          management systems and
•   The exclusion of clover allows                 increased seed numbers               provides high ME forage
    for effective weed control                     (2million/acre) which ensure       - High Crown Rust resistance
    particularly where perennial                   a tight sole to the sward for
                                                                                        is displayed throughout this
    weeds such as docks and thistles               carrying stock and is a useful
    are present                                    addition on heavier soils as
                                                                                      - Glenariff has excellent disease
•   The mixture, being perennial                   it is tolerant of colder, wetter
    ryegrass based, will also respond              conditions                           resistance, yields well under
    well to nitrogen so would be               •   Sowing rate and target plant         both cutting and grazing
    advantageous for systems                       population of 2074 seeds/m2          systems and has good quality
    generating any significant                 •   All varieties are 2020/2021 NIAB   - Glenarm provides high
    volume of slurry or wishing to                 recommended                          quality grazing & silage

2.00kg MOYOLA           Early Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
3.00kg GLENARIFF        Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
3.00kg SEAGOE           Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
3.00kg GLENARM          Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
2.50kg GRACEHILL        Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
0.50kg COMER            Timothy
14kg per acre

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Grass Wise

Gold Plus
A multi-purpose long term mixture best suited to sheep & beef systems. Varieties included
provide season long growth and timothy is added for extra sole and fibre. The addition of
white clover reduces reliance on bagged Nitrogen and improves intakes and protein for stock.

•    The perfect multipurpose long              increase in grazing intakes on      •   Sowing rate and target plant
     term mixture which excels under            grass /clover leys compared to          population of 2373 seeds/m2
     cutting or grazing management              grass alone.                        •   All varieties are 2020/2021 NIAB
•    Inclusion of timothy vastly            •   White clover fixes atmospheric          recommended.
     increased seed numbers                     nitrogen somewhere over                 - GRACEHILL *NEW FOR 2021*
     (2million/acre) which ensure               100kg N/Ha/annum. The actual                is high yielding under both
     a tight sole to the sward for              volume is very dependent                    management systems and
     carrying stock and is a useful             on management and soil                      provides high ME forage
     addition on heavier soils as               conditions. Under good                  - High Crown Rust resistance
     it is tolerant of colder, wetter           management, grass clover
                                                                                            is displayed throughout this
     conditions                                 swards yield volumes similar to
•    Inclusion of white clover                  grass only swards that receive
                                                                                        - Glenariff has excellent
     improves intakes and animal                200kg N/ha.
     performance (DLWG & Milk               •   A blend of leaf sizes are used to           disease resistance, yields
     yield) and increases protein               ensure the mixture will adapt               well under both cutting and
     levels of grazed grass and                 and perform under both cutting              grazing systems and is has
     silage. Trials have shown a 20%            and grazing management                      good quality
                                                                                        - Glenarm provides high
2.00kg    MOYOLA             Early Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)                                 quality grazing & silage
3.00kg    GLENARIFF          Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
2.00kg    SEAGOE             Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
3.00kg    GLENARM            Late Perennial Ryegrass (DIP)
2.50kg    GRACEHILL          Late Perennial Ryegrass (TET)
0.50kg    COMER              Timothy
1.00kg    CLOVERWISE WHITE   White Clover Blend
14kg per acre

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Westerwolds are an annual ryegrass which establish quickly and provide large bulks of

It has a growth habit similar          Westerwolds can be sown at             BARSPECTRA II
to Italian ryegrass and is most        around 15kg/acre either in autumn      Barspectra II offers 10% more
suited to silage or hay production     or spring. For autumn sowings in       forage that prededing varieties
although a large root mass and the     August and September, it is likely     yielding over 16tDM/ha.
ability to ‘mop–up’ large volumes      that the crop will need tidying up
of Nitrogen also make it a very        with light sheep grazing to prevent    Bred and selected for spring
good green manure crop. If left to     if being to proud over winter. This    growth, 1st and 2nd cut yields,
seed, westerwolds can be used to       crop will then provide either an       disease resistance and leafiness.
produce a bulky, less digestible       early bite for stock or a very early   In our UK trials, the main two cuts
crop suitable for hay production for   silage crop (where conditions allow)   provided nearly 65% of the total
horses.                                in April. Westerwolds will provide     annual yield.
                                       around 14t DM/ha and early
Westerwolds will grow at lower         cuts of silage prior to seed head      Supplied in 25kg packs.
soil temperatures than perennial       emergence ensure high D values         Sowing rate 12-14kg/acre
ryegrasses so extending the growing    and regrowth with subsequent
season in spring and autumn.           cuts at around 5 week intervals.
                                       Being an annual, if westerwolds are
As a member of the ryegrass            allowed to go to head, they will not
family, they are highly responsive     regrow.
to Nitrogen applications, require
good pH levels (preferably pH 6.0)     The spring sown crop will provide
and bear in mind that large bulks of   its first crop of silage in roughly
silage will remove large volumes of    10 -12 weeks or it can be grazed a
P & K from the ground reserves also.   month sooner.

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Cloverwise White Clover Blend
Why use a blend of clover                How will animals perform                Are there any other
types?                                   on a clover/grass sward?                benefits of white clover?

Different varieties of white             Animals prefer to graze a clover/       White clover fixes atmospheric
clovers are best suited to different     grass sward which results in higher     nitrogen making it available as a
management, small leaf varieties         voluntary intakes and better animal     nutrient to feed the clover as well as
are most suited to sheep grazing,        performance.                            the companion grass.
whereas large leaf varieties are most
suited to silage production              In trials cattle grazed on a clover/    White clover will fix between 100
                                         grass sward had an intake of 9.2kg of   and 280 kg N per Hect per year.
It is less common for a long term,       dry matter per day and a liveweight     The quantity depends on soil type,
perennial based ley to be only cut       gain of 1.1 kg per day, compared with   climate and husbandry.
or only grazed so by using a blend       those grazed only on grass of 6.7 kg
of different varieties there is always   intake and 0.8kg/day liveweight gain.   Grass/clover swards without fertiliser
at least two that are best suited to                                             Nitrogen can produce yields similar to
whatever the management being            Trials with dairy cows have shown       those of pure grass swards receiving
applied to the sward.                    that for each 10% increase of the       around 200kg N per Hect per year.
                                         white clover content of the pasture,
The use of a blend of different          milk yield increases of between 0.3     The presence of white clover will
clovers also broadens the genetic        and 0.45 kg per cow per day.            reduce the development of crown
diversity, disease and pest resistance                                           rust in the grass portion of the sward.
of the clover content of the sward.      Therefore a sward which has a 30%
Blends also allow varieties with         clover content, which is an average     The inclusion of white clover in a
different growth peaks (e.g. spring or   for mid-summer, can be producing        sward will improve the nutritive
autumn) to be combined resulting in      up to 1.35 kg of milk per cow per day   value of the pasture markedly, with
season long benefits.                    more from the clover.                   increases in voluntary food intake and
                                                                                 nutrient supply, particularly protein.

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Cloverwise Red Clover
Red clover swards managed correctly can meet the feed requirements of many farms and
significantly improve protein production. It is best suited to silage production due to its
erect growth habit and high forage yields.

Good red clover silages can have        sales on red clover to avoid fertility   by heavy cattle or too many animals
a protein level of between 16%          issues.                                  especially during wet periods. The
and 20% and an ME of up to 12                                                    red clover plant grows from a single
MJ/kg DM. Low levels of structural      This effect is not long term so ewe      crown which, if damaged, means
carbohydrates result in higher          lambs/hoggs can be grown on, on          the plant is gone. Field selection
intakes, improved feed conversion       red clover swards and tupped the         is important as red clover swards
and therefore better animal             following year with no issue.            should be grown in fields which
performance.                                                                     are free draining and not prone to
                                        Red clover is leguminous and will        waterlogging which will also reduce
Red clover swards ideal for finishing   fix up to 200kg N/ha. Most growers       the life expectancy of the sward.
store lambs due to the high protein     do not use any bagged Nitrogen on
and mineral content. Trials have        red clover swards but make good
shown a 3% improvement on kill          use of slurry for Phosphate (P) &
out figures for lambs grazing red       Potassium (K) requirements. As well
clover.                                 as preferring good status’ of P & K,
                                        red clover also prefers a pH of 6 or
CAUTION Breeding sheep of both          over.
sexes, should not have access to
red clover from 6 weeks before          Red clover sward must be well
tupping until 6 weeks after due         managed to ensure maximum
to phyto-eostrogens interrupting        plant population. Stubbles of 10cm
the breeding cycle. It is also wise     should be left when cutting and the
not to produce sheep for breeding       swards should not be over grazed

Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                   17
Also available

  Hunters Grass Seed
  Young, well managed grass can provide
  most of a horse’s feed requirement.
  Our mixtures are designed especially for
  horses. A herb mixture is also available.

       Discover our Equine
       Paddocks Guide for tips
       and advice to get the best
       out of your paddock.

  General Purpose
  Hardwearing general-purpose mixture
                                                             Traditional Meadow
  designed to withstand the pressures of                     Formulated to recreate the nutritional
  equestrian use and provide good quality                    characteristics of a natural habitat. The
  grazing for horses.                                        mixture is ryegrass free and uses species
                                                             with a less aggressive growth habit to aid
  •    Grass varieties used have been specifically           diversity.
       selected for roughage and low fructan content
  •    Produces a good, spring, dense turf                   •   Swards sown with this mixture are likely to be lower
  •    The low fructan concentration reduces the risk of         in fructans than a ryegrass sward, reducing the risk of
       laminitis                                                 laminitis
  •    Strong grass plant rooting system, making the         •   The healthiest pasture for your horse
       sward dense, hard- wearing and persistent             •   Helps prevent laminitis
  •    Paddock will deliver grazing and forage               •   Effective fibre in your horse grass
       production                                            •   The optimum grass seed for your horse meadow
  •    Yields good levels of effective roughage, ideal for   •   Good horse pasture that can be effectively managed
       a fit and healthy equine gut
                                                             25%     Tall fescue
  70%      Perennial ryegrass dwarf                          25%     Strong creeping red fescue
  16%      Strong creeping red fescue                        20%     Meadow fescue
  8%       Meadow fescue                                     15%     Timothy
  6%       Timothy                                           15%     Smooth stalked meadowgrass
  10kg packs                                                 10kg packs
  Sows up to 0.7 acre, repairs 1 acre                        Sows up to 0.7 acre, repairs 1 acre

  18                                                                                               Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021
Amenity Wise
                                      Sports Pitch
                                      A multi-purpose and
                                      hardwearing seed suited to
                                      all landscaping applications
                                      and playing fields where              Golf and
                                      traffic and wear are at high
                                      levels.                               Bowling
                                      The grasses used have rapid
Hard Wearing                          establishment and recovery to form
                                                                            A quality mixture which
                                      a very dense, tough lawn that still
A hard wearing grass seed             remains visually appealing.
                                                                            ensures good disease
blend suitable for creating                                                 tolerance and winter colour
new lawns or overseeding              80%    Perennial Ryegrass             for the renovation of golf
worn areas.                           20%    Strong Creeping Red Fescue     and bowling greens.
                                      Sowing rate 35g per m²
                                      Oversowing rate 25g per m²
Designed for fast establishment                                             This traditional blend tolerates
and natural toughness whilst still                                          mowing down to 4mm for close
being attractive, hard wearing will                                         management of these areas.
cope with every day family use from
                                                                            80%    Chewings Fescue
BBQs to football to pets.
                                                                            20%    Browntop Bent
50%     Perennial Ryegrass                                                  Sowing rate 30g per m²
                                                                            Oversowing rate 20g per m²
50%     Strong Creeping Red Fescue
Sowing rate 35g per m²
Oversowing rate 25g per m²
                                      Maintenance                           Cricket Square
Fine Lawn                                                                   A high performing
                                      A non-ryegrass mixture for            ryegrass blend with
A fine, ornamental,                   landscaping applications              rapid establishment and
non-ryegrass lawn seed                where high traffic is not             shoot recovery, excellent
with excellent quality                an issue. This mixture                hardwearing characteristics
grasses that require less             will produce an attractive            alongside superior
maintenance than ryegrass.            grass which is persistent             aesthetics.
                                      with good recovery
Produces a very dense lawn                                                  This mixture is suitable for new
with low fertiliser requirements,                                           establishments, with excellent
excellent disease resistance          It will also provide excellent        spring growth, or for renovation
alongside a high quality              stabilisation for embankments         even later into the season and
appearance.                           alongside good drought tolerance.     will tolerate close mowing whilst
                                                                            maintaining cleanness of cut.
30%    Chewings Fescue                35%    Chewings Fescue
30%    Strong Creeping Red Fescue     30%    Strong Creeping Red Fescue     50%    Perennial Ryegrass
30%    Slender Creeping Red Fescue    30%    Slender Creeping Red Fescue    40%    Chewings Fescue
10%    Browntop Bent                  5%     Browntop Bent                  10%    Browntop Bent
Sowing rate 30g per m²                Sowing rate 35g per m²                Sowing rate 30g per m²
Oversowing rate 20g per m²            Oversowing rate 25g per m²            Oversowing rate 25g per m²

Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                19
Forage Wise

Stubble Turnips
Stubble turnips are a flexible, fast growing (60 – 90 day maturity) crop which is ideal for all
enterprises as it can adapt to summer buffer feeding for dairy cows, finishing lambs or for
winter keep for sheep or cattle.

As most crops are grazed in situ,       Sown:          April to June for summer use
light fields are most advised with a                   July to early September for autumn use
pH of over 6. They are economical       Soil type:     Grows on all free draining soils ideally with a pH of
to grow requiring around 60kg                          around 6.5
N/ha and light dressings of P & K       Sowing rate: Drilled, natural seed 5 kg/ha (2 kg/ac)
(DEPENDENT ON SOIL STATUS).                            Broadcast, natural seed 7.5 kg/ha (3 kg/ac)
                                        Seed bed:      Firm, fine level seed bed, min till can follow cereals
Stubble turnips can be established      Fertiliser:    50 N, 25 P, 50 K, kg/ha assuming a soil index of 2
from April to early September,          Harvest:       Grazed from July to February
ideally on free draining soil and a     Yield:		38-40 T/ha fresh
fine, firm seed bed. They can also be                  3.5 - 4 T/ha dry matter
established using minimum till into     Feeding:       Grazed in situ, an average autumn crop will provide one
cereal stubbles.                                       days grazing for 1000 ewes or 500 cows per acre
                                        Dry matter:    8%-9%
One hectare of an average crop of       D value:       68 D
4-4.5t DM/ha will feed 500 cows or      Crude protein: 17%-18%
1000 ewes for one day. Generally,       Average ME: 11 MJ/kg DM
the crop is around 9% dry matter
with a D value of 68 and a CP level     SAMSON
of 17-18%. ME’s average around 11       A highly palatable, bulbing variety    The high leaf ratio means Samson is
MJ/kg DM.                               with a good leaf percentage,           high in protein.
                                        used widely across the UK in all
                                        enterprises. Bulbing types are more    Supplied in 5kg or 25kg packs.
                                        tolerant of frost and are therefore    Sowing rate 2kg drilled or 3kg
                                        better suited to later sowing/         broadcast per acre (5kg/7.5kg per
                                        utilisation demands. Bulb size can     ha). If more leaf and less bulb is
                                        be directly influenced by sowing       required, then increase the sowing
                                        rate; sowing at a higher seed rate     rate to 3kg drilled and 4.5kg
                                        will reduce bulb size and result in    broadcast.
                                        more leafy growth.

                                        Samson produces large, purple
                                        tankard shaped bulbs. It is a
                                        tetraploid variety meaning it is
                                        highly palatable to sheep and
                                        cattle which will promote intakes.
                                        Samson is variety that can be used
                                        successfully throughout the UK.

20                                                                                    Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021
Forage Wise

Forage Rape
A widely used, leafy catch crop providing excellent autumn and winter keep.

Established between May & August         Sown:          May to end of August
and around 90 – 110 days before          Soil type:     Grows on most soils ideally with a pH of 6 - 6.5.
you need the crop, forage rape           Sowing rate:   Drilled, natural seed 5 kg/ha (2 kg/ac)
will grow on a wide range of soil                       Broadcast, natural seed 7.5 kg/ha (3 kg/ac)
types although prefers pHs over          Seed bed:      Firm, fine level seed bed, can be drilled into cereal stubbles
6. Around 50kg N/ha and light            Fertiliser:    50 N, 25 P, 50 K, kg/ha assuming a soil index of 2
dressings of P & K are advised at soil   Harvest:       Grazed
index 2; however this may need to        Yield:		24-35 T/ha fresh
be adjusted for individual fields.                      3.5 T/ha dry matter
                                         Feeding:       Grazed in situ 13 – 15 weeks from sowing
Yields of up to 4tDM/ha can be           Dry matter:    12%-14%
expected with a protein content          D value:       65 D
of 18 – 20%. Dry matters average         Crude protein: 19%-20%
between 12 – 14% with an ME              Average ME: 10 - 11 MJ/kg DM
of 10MJ/kgDM and D-value of
around 65.

                                         Barcoli is a very leafy, high yielding forage rape variety that has been used
                                         widely over the UK with great success. It offers excellent digestibility and
                                         has good resistance to mildew which can often reduce yields and affect
                                         palatability and subsequent intakes.

                                         Barcoli is a medium/tall variety meaning it can be used for both sheep and
                                         cattle. It also has good frost resistance. Maturing in 90 - 110 days, Barcoli
                                         can be used as a summer, autumn or winter feed.

                                         If the crop is only lightly grazed (around 20% of the canopy), Barcoli has
                                         excellent regrowth.

                                         Supplied in 10kg or 25kg packs. Sowing rate 2kg drilled or 3kg broadcast
                                         per acre (5kg/7.5kg per ha).

Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                         21
Forage Wise

A high yielding, quick to establish crop which can be utilised in all farm livestock
enterprises. Sown between April and early July, Kale can be a useful summer buffer feed or
can be used for overwintering sheep and cattle to reduce winter feed costs.

Kale is very winter hardy and can    Sown:		Mid April to early July
be grazed from November right        Soil type:     Grows best on a medium loam with a pH of around 6.5
through to March.                    Sowing:        Natural Seed:
                                                    Drilled: 1–2kg/acre (2.5–5kg/ha). Broadcast: 3kg/acre (7.5kg/
As well as reducing winter                          ha)
feed requirements, Kale can be                      Graded Seed:
effectively used as a break crop                    Sowing rate: 750g/acre (1850g/ha)
before a spring reseed.              Seed bed:      Firm, fine level seed bed
                                     Fertiliser:    75 N, 50 P, 50 K, kg/ha assuming soil index of 2
Yields of 8 – 10t DM/ha can be       Harvest:       Grazed or zero grazed from November to March
expected with a protein content of   Yield:		60-65 T/ha fresh
up to 17% with the crop maturing                    8-10 T/ha dry matter
around 170 -220 days after sowing.   Feeding:       Grazed in situ or zero grazed
Dry matter levels average around     Dry matter:    14%-16%
15% with an ME of 10-11MJ/kg DM.     D value:       68 D
                                     Crude protein: 16%-17%
                                     Average ME: 10 - 11 MJ/kg DM


                                     Shorter growing variety with high leaf ratio (over 50%) and is better choice
                                     for sheep although it can be used for cattle as well. Keeper has excellent
                                     winter hardiness and resistance to lodging and is capable of producing 10t
                                     DM/ha. If only lightly grazed in summer, it does have some regrowth.

                                     A high yielding kale with clubroot tolerance. Its huge yield makes it ideal
                                     for utilisation by dairy and beef cattle. Caledonian Kale exhibits improved
                                     clubroot resistance.

22                                                                                   Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021
Forage Wise

Brassica Seed Mixtures
Sheep Graze                                      Catch Crop sheep feed                             Note
A practical alternative to swedes or             Designed to be drilled into cereal                It is important to remember that
main crop kale, Sheep Graze is ideal             stubbles after harvest, this mixture              when feeding brassica to livestock,
for finishing lambs or for winter                is a quick growing catch crop ideal               ensure there is always a mineral
keep with good protein contents                  for finishing lambs or flushing ewes,             and roughage source available
reducing the reliance on bought in               over the late autumn early winter                 alongside the brassicas. There must
concentrates.                                    period.                                           always be an area for animals to lie
                                                                                                   back on too.
Best sown by the end of July,                    This can be a useful break crop in
Sheep Graze is an ideal break                    an arable rotation to return organic
crop between grass crops and is                  matter into the soil and provide
economic to grow.                                some soil cover.

It can be sown and utilised earlier in           If it is broadcast rather than drilled
the season or used as winter keep                onto the stubble, increase the seed
and a break crop before a spring                 rate to 4.5kg per acre.
                                                 Includes a small volume of grass for
3.00kg BARCOLI                  Forage Rape      fibre and cleanliness of grazing stock.
0.25kg SAMSON                   Stubble Turnip
                                                 1.80kg    BARCOLI                Forage Rape
0.75kg KEEPER                   Kale
                                                 1.00kg    SAMSON                 Stubble Turnip
Supplied in 12kg/3 acre packs                    0.20kg    Perennial Ryegrass
Sowing rate: 4kg/acre
                                                 Supplied in 12kg/4 acre packs
                                                 Sowing rate: 3kg/acre

Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                                     23
Forage Wise

Fodder Beet
This crop can give massive fresh yields of highly palatable feed which can be fed to most
types of livestock.

Sown:		Late March to end of April, with soil temperature of 5°C
Soil type:     Thrives on a wide range of soils, but a light to medium free
               draining field with a pH of 7 is ideal
Sowing rate: 100,000 seeds per ha drilled to 2.5-3cm
Seed bed:      Firm, fine tilth, ideally with pre Christmas ploughing
Fertiliser:    75 N, 50 P, 75 K, kg/ha assuming soil index of 2
Harvest:       October/November
Yield:		80-90 T/ha fresh
               13-15T/ha dry matter
Feeding:       May be fed chopped or whole or grazed in situ
Dry matter:    13%-21%
D value:       78 D
Crude protein: 12%-13%
Average ME: 13 MJ/kg DM

Varieties                                   Feldherr
                                            Low dry matter with 50% growing out of the ground. High fresh yields
High Dry Matter, typically 20-21%           and ideal for youngstock.
• Should be washed & chopped
   before feeding
• Lift with sugar beet harvester
                                            Medium dry matter, can be lifted and fed whole, chopped or grazed
• Will store and keep well
                                            in situ. Will store well.

Medium Dry Matter, typically 15-17%
• Can be fed whole
• Suitable for harvesting with              Medium dry matter, will store well. Can be fed whole or chopped.
  leaf lifter
• Will store & graze

Low Dry Matter, typically 13-14%
• Suitable for lifting or hand harvesting
• Can be grazed in situ
• Not suitable for long term storage

24                                                                                    Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021
Forage Wise

Traditionally widely grown in the cool moist areas of the
North and West as a hardy persistent feed.

Sown:		April to June
Soil type:     Grows on most well structured soils with a pH of around 6.5
Sowing rate: Precision Drilled Grade H 600-850 gm/ha
               Drilled, natural seed 5.0 kg/ha
		Sown at 1-2 cm deep, and well firmed on the top
Seed bed:      Firm, fine level seed bed, with minimal compaction
Fertiliser:    25 N, 75 P, 60 K, kg/ha assuming a soil index of 2
Harvest:       Mainly grazed in situ from November to March, can be lifted
Yield:		70-80 T/ha fresh
               9-13 T/ha dry matter
Feeding:       Grazed in situ or lifted, clamped or fed elsewhere
Dry matter:    9%-13%
D value:       82 D
Crude protein: 10%-11%
Average ME: 12.8 – 13.1 MJ/kg DM

Varieties                            Lomond
                                     High yields, high dry matter and Clubroot resistance. Ideal for post Christmas
The major differences                use and can be lifted or razed in situ. Will store well.
between swede varieties is
the dry matter content - the         Marion
higher the dry matter, the           Medium dry matter variety best suited for use up to Christmas. Can be lifted or
more winter hardy a variety          grazed in situ.
is and the later they can be
grazed. It is sensible to select a
                                     Good fresh and dry matter yields and excellent tolerance to powdery mildew.
range of varieties to cover the
                                     Versatile variety that can be grazed or lifted and stored.
total grazing period.

Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                      25
Forage Wise

A low input, high yielding, high protein forage crop suitable for a variety of soil conditions
EXCEPT those prone to water logging. Yield of around 15t DM/ha of 19% - 22% CP can
be expected. The deep tap root of Lucerne also brings a high mineral content as well as
allowing for a good degree of drought tolerance.

                                      Autotoxicity – It is not possible to
Sowing                                “stitch” Lucerne seed into a failing   ARTÉMIS
                                      crop, because old roots when           •   No 1 on the French list
Sow from April – August on free
                                      decaying release a chemical, which     •   Selected for total yield,
draining fields with a pH of 6.0 or
                                      inhibits germination.                      persistence and seasonal
above. Seedbeds should be fine
but firm and with no underlying                                                  production
compaction issues to prevent                                                 •   Excellent vigour and regrowth
                                      Fertility                              •   Excellent resistance to
rooting which can go as deep as
2 meters.                             Lucerne is capable of fixing around
                                                                             •   Yellow Jacket Rhizobia treated
                                      200 kg N/ha so is generally grown
                                                                                 - no need for additional seed
Growing from a single crown,          with no bagged N applications.             dressings
Lucerne crops must be well
managed to maintain the plant         Phosphate and Potash applications      Packed in 25kg packs with a
population                            of 50kg at establishment and per       recommended sowing rate of
• Leave a 100cm stubble when          cut are recommended although           8-10kg/acre.
   silaging                           an extra 40kg of Potash should be
• Avoid trafficking                   used at first cut.
• Do not graze in wet conditions
• Weed control is paramount at        Lucerne responds favourably to
   establishment. Consider stale
                                      organic manure and a biannual
   seed bed options.
                                      Sulphur application.

26                                                                                   Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021
Forage Wise

Chicory is a perennial herb, high in protein (10%-32% depending on the plants maturity),
with the digestibility of the leaves between 90% and 95%.

DO NOT allow the plant to bolt as      with clover or apply 40kg/hect N       should be used so that re-growth
the flower stems are considerably      at sowing followed by 45kg/hect N      will not be grazed and the stand
less digestible                        at start of spring growth and after    weakened.
Chicory is a good source of minerals
due to a deep tap root which also      Ensure soil P & K indexes of 2 and a   COMMANDER
gives good drought tolerance.          pH above 5.5.
                                                                              Commander chicory can be sown
                                                                              either incorporated into a grass ley
Research has found that ‘Chicory
                                       Grazing Management                     (at 1kg/acre) or as a forage crop
could be considered a useful
                                                                              with white and/or red clovers (3kg
alternative to drenching with
                                       Correct grazing management             chicory/2kg Cloverwise Clover
anthelmintic as it improves lamb
                                       is essential to maximise the           Blend).
performance’. Trials have shown a
                                       persistence and forage quality
significant reduction in faecal egg
                                       of chicory. Chicory grows from a
counts when lambs have grazed
                                       crown so care must be taken in wet
                                       conditions/over winter to avoid
                                       Start grazing when its 25-30cm tall
Chicory is not a legume, and cannot    and stock at a rate to take the crop
‘fix’ nitrogen, therefore either sow   quickly down to 5cm; a back fence

Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                 27
Forage Wise

Game Cover
To improve a return on a shoot, specialist game cover is one of the most cost effective
methods. Bird habitats can vary from entirely feed to totally cover, from single year crops to
semi-permanent grass based covers.

                                                                                •   Kale provides excellent cover
Top shot                              High flyer                                    and is an ideal companion for
The ideal mix for feed and cover in   An excellent all-round mixture with           the seed bearing species.
marginal low fertility areas. Beans   Triticale, which is regarded as the
are a great alternative for areas     best cereal crop for game cover           Wild Bird Mixture should be
where maize cannot be grown           situations. Triticale is very resilient   established in the spring and
and offer an excellent source of      against rabbit damage as well as          is ideal for field margins and
feed. Because of its limited cover,   offering excellent feed value.            headlands.
beans are an ideal companion for      Quinoa is another excellent feed
brassicas.                            source and can shed huge volumes          Ingredients: Spring Triticale,
                                      of high protein seed which is very        Quinoa, Kale.
Excellent cover throughout the        attractive to pheasants, partridges
whole season from kale and            and farmland birds. Maize offers          Sowing rate: 20kg/acre. Packed in 1
rape which forms a canopy of          good levels of cover and standing         acre packs.
broken heights allowing for easier    ability.
access. Forage rape is known for                                                Kale and quinoa
its rapid establishment. Triticale    14.00kg SPRING TRITICALE
                                      5.00kg    MAIZE
helps prevent rabbit damage and                                                 •   Quinoa produces seed heads at
                                      1.00kg    QUINOA
provides excellent feed.                                                            the top of the stem which shed
                                      Sowing rate: 20kg/acre
                                                                                    steadily throughout the game
14.00kg SPRING TRITICALE                                                            season.
4.00kg    SPRING BEANS
                                      Wild bird mixture                         •   Quinoa seed is a highly
1.00kg    FORAGE RAPE
                                                                                    palatable source of high
1.00kg    KALE
                                      Wild Bird Mixture combines three              protein feed.
Sowing rate: 20kg/acre                seed bearing crops which provide a        •   Kale gives a winter hardy
                                      succession of feed sources for up to          canopy, much loved by
                                      two years for both reared game and            pheasants.
                                      wild birds.                               •   The kale is treated with Cruiser
                                                                                    which provides protection from
                                      •   Linseed provides rapid                    flea beetle attack.
                                          establishment and is tolerant of
                                          a wide range of soil types.           50% Quinoa Blend, 50% Treated
                                      •   Quinoa is a source of high            Kale. Sow at 6.5kg per acre.
                                          protein seed and capable of           Supplied in 20kg packs.
                                          producing large volumes.
                                      •   Spring triticale reduces the risk
                                          of damage by rabbits as well as
                                          providing adequate feed.

28                                                                                     Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021
Forage Wise

Game Cover
In addition we would be delighted to supply mixtures to specification.
Among the straights we have to offer are:

Kale                                   Buckwheat                              Sorghum
The classic game cover crop,           One for the fastest growing cover      Now well established in the UK,
with better varieties and seed         crops, produces seed in 10 weeks,      we have learned a lot about this
treatments available every year.       competes well with weeds. Use in       interesting crop. Slow establishing,
Kale is a very universal cover crop.   mixtures so it doesn’t make game       catching up in the summer,
                                       cover wet and heavy.                   producing cover and feed. With
Phacelia                                                                      jumbo, regular and dwarf varieties
                                       Hold fast canary grass                 available, sorghum is a very useful
The most buzzing cover crop                                                   crop for cover and feed.
produces purple flower and pollen      Creates a dense, very long-term
to attract insects. Phacelia is an     game cover, good in difficult          Millet
annual but due to high seed drop       sowing areas that are bad to sow.
it leaves sufficient seed to re-       Will grow up to 1.5 metres, creating   An ancient crop used for food,
grow year on year. Best sown as a      an open tufty cover. Best sown as a    now the keeper’s friend, as it’s so
mixture, can aid flea beetle control   straight.                              versatile. Millet produces effective
in kales.                                                                     cover, high oil, and high energy
                                                                              feed. Early Red and late white
                                                                              varieties available, but better
                                                                              blended together.

Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                     29
Forage Wise

Sowing rates and production guide
Species                                Sowing rate                    Sowing date    Usage date         DM yield
                                       per hectare     per acre                                      Tonnes per hectare

Fodder Beet                            100,000 seeds   40,000 seeds    March/April     Oct/Nov            13-15
Kale                 precision drill   1.85kg          0.75kg           April/July    Nov/March            8-10
                     drilled           2.5kg           1kg
                     broadcast         7.5kg           3kg
Swedes               precision drill   0.7kg           0.28kg           April/June    Nov/March            7-10
                     drilled           2.5kg           1kg
                     broadcast         7.5kg           3kg
Forage Rape          drilled           6kg             2.4kg            May/Sept      Sept/Feb             31/2
                     broadcast         10kg            4kg
Stubble Turnips      drilled           5kg             2kg              April/June   Summer use           31/2-4
                     broadcast         8kg             3.2kg
Sheep Graze                            10kg            4kg              April/July    Nov/March
Sheep Feed                             7.5kg           3kg              May/Sept      Sept/Feb
Forage Rye                             160-185kg       65-75kg          Sept-Oct       Spring               5-6

30                                                                                     Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021
Grass Wise

         Get in touch
         For sales, advice and information
         call Hutchinsons:



                                                                                     David Bouch
                                                                                     Seeds Manager
                                                                                     Hutchinson Group
                                                                                     01526 831306
                                                                                     07802 630107
         Stewart Macintyre                                         Alnwick
         Seeds Manager North
         07834 933890                                      Carlisle


                                                                Atcham              Boston
                                                                                 Spalding          Weasenham
                                                                               Oundle        Wisbech       Beccles
                                                                               Daventry   Soham    Harling
                                                                Ledbury              Maulden
                                                                          Banbury              Needham
         Peter Brundle
         Seeds Manager South                                           Devizes
         07774 707494                                                                      Marden


Grass Wise Technical Manual 2021                                                                                     31

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