Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...

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Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
Awards 2019

          Celebrating Victorians leading the way in innovative sustainable practices
Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...

2                                      4
Message from the Premier               Message from the Minister

9                                      10
Swim school buoyed by energy savings   New facility recovers construction
                                       waste for reuse

12                                     14
Celebrating Award Winning              Railway sleepers made from
Sustainable Schools                    recycled plastic installed in Victoria

16                                     18
Premier's Recognition Award            Premier's Regional Recognition Award

20                                     42
Category finalists and winners         Join the fight against food waste in your
                                       home, school and hospitality business

44                                     46
Detox your Home –                      Tomorrow Living:
25 years of supporting Victorian       Homes designed and built for efficiency
householders to be healthy and safe    and comfort

48                                     50
Power to the people                    New plant to recycle plastic
Community Power Hubs
in regional Victoria

52                                     54
A better place for e-waste             Corporate power behind
                                       renewable energy


Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
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Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
A message from the Premier

Every year, the Premier’s Sustainability Awards celebrate
some very important Victorians.

Victorians that – from education to enterprise –
have devoted themselves to that most critical of tasks:
ensuring a more sustainable future for our state.

To each of the nominees and finalists – I know you
don’t do it for the applause or accolades.

But tonight, we’re here to recognise your hard work.

On behalf of our state, congratulations and thank you.

The Hon Daniel Andrews MP

Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
A message from the Minister
                 Lily D’Ambrosio MP
                 Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change
                 Minister for Solar Homes

When it comes to sustainability,
Victoria is leading the nation.

We promised to set Victoria on a path to net      We’re supporting the development
zero emissions by 2050. We have legislated        of resource recovery infrastructure to
strong renewable energy targets and are           improve the collection, sorting and recycling
increasing our target to 50 per cent by 2030,     of materials through the $26.1 million
boosting the pipeline of renewable projects       Resource Recovery Infrastructure Fund
and encouraging businesses to invest in           with an investment in 60 innovative projects
Victoria’s local supply chain. This means         across the state that are expected to
more jobs, more investment in Victoria,           create more than 400 local jobs.
lower power bills and reduced emissions.
                                                  Through our $4.5 million Research,
Victoria is the renewable energy capital          Development & Demonstration Program,
of Australia and strengthening Victoria's         we’re creating new and innovative end
Renewable Energy Target in law will keep          market opportunities for glass, plastics,
it that way.                                      organics, concrete, brick and rubber.

Our landmark $1.3 billion Solar Homes             We’ve invested $16.5 million to help councils
program is helping Victorian families take        across the state upgrade their e-waste
back control of their energy costs by             collection and storage facilities, and deliver
delivering solar panels, hot water or batteries   an education program. The ban is keeping
on 770,000 homes over the next ten years,         valuable e-waste materials out of landfill
saving Victorian households more than             to be safely recovered and reused, while
$890 a year on their energy bills.                reducing the damage electronic items can
                                                  have on the environment and human health.
We’re committed to building a resilient
and effective waste and recycling industry        We’re tackling plastic pollution head on by
for Victoria.                                     banning lightweight, single-use plastic bags
                                                  across Victoria from 1 November this year.
Importantly, we’re transforming the way           The actions we take now will ensure Victoria
we think about waste and resource recovery        has a clean and bright future.
by developing a circular economy that will
deliver better environmental, social and          We are delivering on high quality, low
economic outcomes for Victoria.                   emissions homes for new home owners
                                                  with the $2.18 million Zero Net Carbon
We’ve invested more than $141 million             Homes Program. In collaboration with high
in industry, including $37 million for the        volume builders Metricon, Stockland and
Recycling Industry Strategic Plan – diverting     SJD Homes, this pilot program will offer
more than 770,000 tonnes of reusable              energy efficient homes that have the added
material from landfill every year.                benefit of improving health and wellbeing
                                                  in addition to emission reductions and
The funding will boost Victoria’s domestic
                                                  cost savings.
remanufacturing capabilities, improve the
quality of recycled materials and develop
new markets.

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Through our TAKE2 pledge program, we're        Our state’s sustainability efforts do not
working with more than more than 1100          belong to government alone. Victorian
organisations - who employ over 400,000        individuals, organisations and businesses
people, turn over $280 billion and have more   are leading on all fronts.
than 16 million customers - to help them
take action on climate change. Over 12,000     Now in its 17th year, the Premier’s
Victorians have also pledged to individually   Sustainability Awards recognise the
take action on climate change.                 Victorians who are driving innovative change
                                               in their communities and across our state.
Since 2008, students and teachers from
over 1400 Victorian schools have taken         This year’s finalists across eleven categories
action to protect the environment thanks to    are actively helping their communities make
our ResourceSmart Schools Program, saving      the transition to a low-carbon future.
schools around $26 million through energy,
                                               I’m proud to help recognise their
waste and water efficiency and avoiding over
                                               achievements, and I’d like to congratulate
75,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
                                               this year’s finalists and winners.

                                               Together, you’re helping position Victoria
                                               as the state of the future.

Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
Premier's Sustainability Awards 2019 - The Premier's ...
Reducing waste and maximising
resource recovery
We are delivering an integrated and sustainable waste and resource
recovery network for Melbourne by bringing state and local government
together with business.

  In 2018-19 we supported Melbourne’s 31 councils through contract
  services, training and capacity building.

                                                             120 audits
                   $100 million                              to develop a new
                   Annual value of                           commercial and
                   contracts managed                         industrial waste
                   on behalf of councils                     reduction strategy

                   37 events                                 3 plans
                   and workshops                             for waste and
                   to build council                          resource recovery
                   capacity and                              hubs to protect
                   develop industry                          community and
                   networks                                  environment

For the latest news, resources and events subscribe to our monthly e-news:

03 8698 9800 • •
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Swim school buoyed
by energy savings

A Warrnambool swim school owner is solar-powering
her pool and counting her savings following a
successful energy efficiency upgrade.

Leanne Williams reduced her gas bill by           She expects it to reduce even further and
65 per cent after asking if there was a better    is now eager to tally up her savings over a
way to keep the pool warm and the lights          year, having become one of the few business
on at South Coast Junior Aquatics.                owners who looks forward to receiving their
                                                  energy bills.
Leanne has been running her swim school
for 16 years. But over the last five years,       Leanne now sees energy efficiency and
her gas and electricity bills have doubled.       renewables as the future of reducing the
                                                  everyday costs of running a business, and
“I just thought energy bills were an              is sharing her story with other swim centres
 unavoidable cost of doing business,” she said.   and her customers.

With the support of a Sustainability Victoria     Her sustainability improvements, she says,
Gas Efficiency Grant, Leanne sought the           have also become a point of distinction.
help of an energy auditor, who identified the
biggest opportunities for Leanne to reduce        “Young parents are keen to support
her energy consumption.                            local businesses that share their
                                                   sustainability values. They care about
She has since invested in rooftop solar
                                                   their children’s future, and they want
panels, and keeps her pool heated with the
                                                   to support businesses that are doing
aid of a solar-powered hot water pump and
                                                   the right thing by our planet.”
pool blankets to reduce overnight heat loss.

In just two months, her gas bill has reduced
from $2600 to $890.

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New facility recovers
construction waste for reuse

Repurpose It is turning construction and building
waste previously destined for landfill into reusable
materials for building projects at their new
state of the art recycling plant in Epping.

Repurpose It was the brainchild of CEO          “Victoria can move towards a circular
George Hatzimanolis and his four business        economy if we begin to understand
partners, who came together with a               and adopt sustainable practices,
unique set of knowledge derived from             whether it's within our households,
complementary industries including logistics,    business models or selecting
road sweeping, construction and organic          suppliers,” said Mr Hatzimanolis.
waste processing. From here, it was apparent
that they shared a common vision to treat       Sustainability Victoria supported
waste as a resource and to contribute to        Repurpose It with a $500,000 grant through
a circular economy.                             round one of the Victorian Government’s
                                                Resource Recovery Infrastructure Fund
The washing facility features advanced          grant program.
processing technology to target typically
untreatable mixed and contaminated waste        The project has created 40 ongoing full
materials and will divert more than 500,000     time roles along with another 150 local jobs
tonnes of construction and demolition waste     during the construction phase and to date,
from landfill and save more than 84,000         the company has hired more than a dozen
tonnes of CO2 per year.                         employees from disadvantaged backgrounds,
                                                including refugees and asylum seekers,
With more than 15 years’ experience in the      through a partnership with the Brotherhood
construction industry, George has seen          of St Laurence’s Given the Chance program.
firsthand the amount of waste that is
produced from civil infrastructure projects.    Repurpose It have already taken more than
He knew it was possible to close the loop       80,000 cubic metres worth of excavation
on construction and demolition materials –      spoil from major infrastructure projects
if the right technology was available.          including construction and demolition
                                                waste and rail ballast from level crossing
“Working in asphalt surfacing, I realised       removals in Melbourne’s North East.
 that there was an opportunity to develop
 asphalt made from recycled materials.”         The facility has partnered with Victorian
 Mr Hatzimanolis said. “That's where my         Government projects including the Level
 vision to reduce the construction industry's   Crossing Removal Authority, Metro Trains,
 reliance on extractive resources, and reuse    North East Link, CityLink Widening and
 existing resources was born.”                  Western Distributor to integrate waste into
                                                road and rail infrastructure across the state.

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Celebrating award winning
sustainable schools

Schools across Victoria were recognised                          the way in minimising waste, saving energy
for their efforts to inspire sustainable                         and water, increasing biodiversity and tackling
action in their communities and reduce                           climate change.
their environmental impact at the 2019
ResourceSmart School awards.                                     Craig Reucassel, from ABC TV’s War on
                                                                 Waste, hosted the 2019 awards ceremony
Carrum Primary School took out the top award,                    and he joined Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for
winning ResourceSmart School of the Year.                        Energy, Environment and Climate Change
They won for inspiring other schools to act on                   to announce the winning school and
climate change with a curriculum that makes                      congratulated all the schools involved for
sustainability fun for not only the school but                   'contributing to a better place’ – the theme
also the local community. They were also                         for this year’s awards.
applauded for their biodiversity promotion,
recycling programs and solar energy initiatives.                 Congratulations to all the amazing
                                                                 winners of this year’s ResourceSmart
Sustainability Victoria's ResourceSmart Schools                  Schools awards.
Awards are the State's largest sustainability
awards program recognising schools leading

ResourceSmart Schools 2019 award winners

              ResourceSmart School         Student Action Team
              of the Year 2019             of the Year – Secondary

              Carrum Primary School        Nossal High School —

              Campus Infrastructure        Community Leadership
              and Operations School        School of the Year – Primary
              of the Year
                                           Warrnambool East
              Beaconhills College —        Primary School
              Pakenham and Berwick

              Teacher of the Year –        Community Leadership
              Primary                      School of the Year –
              Vanessa Smith,
              Truganina South              Footscray City College
              Primary School

              Teacher of the Year –        Curriculum Leadership
              Secondary                    School of the Year – Primary

              Timothy Thompson,            St Aloysius Primary
              Mount Lilydale Mercy         School — Queenscliff

              Student Action Team          Curriculum Leadership
              of the Year –Primary         School of the Year –
              Truganina South
              Primary School               Kyneton Secondary

Railway sleepers made from
recycled plastic installed in Victoria

In a first for Victoria’s public transport system, trains travelling
through Richmond and on the regional train network are now
running on railway sleepers made from recycled plastic.

Metro Trains installed the sleepers at       Monash Institute of Railway Technology   At the end of their lifetime the
Richmond Train Station in June and           – and supported by Sustainability        sleepers will be recycled into new
V/Line installed them at Wyndham Vale        Victoria through two Research,           sleepers, fulfilling the promise of
train station storage yard in July.          Development and Demonstration grants     a truly circular economy.
                                             and a Resource Recovery Infrastructure
It is the first time the metropolitan        Fund grant totaling $630,000.            The environmental benefits of using
and regional train networks have used                                                 the sleepers are clear as they reduce
the innovative sleepers, which are           The Duratrack recycled plastic           the need for timber resources, reduce
comprised of 85 per cent recycled            sleepers are produced in Mildura by      concrete production (the second‑largest
plastic waste. For every kilometre           Integrated Recycling and contain a       carbon emitter in the world) and
installed, the sleepers use 64 tonnes        mix of polystyrene and agricultural      meaningfully recycle plastic waste.
of plastic waste that would've               plastic waste, including cotton bale
otherwise gone to landfill.                  wrap, vineyard covers and pipe           Thorough testing shows the recycled
                                             from the mining industry, which was      plastic sleepers won’t melt, crack or
The sleepers have already been installed     previously sent to landfill as it was    flake off under pressure. They won’t
with great success on a handful of           unable to be recycled.                   leach into the environment and are
different tourist and heritage railway                                                much less carbon intensive to make.
track in Victoria including Puffing Billy,   All the recycled plastic used in the
Walhalla and Castlemaine.                    sleepers is sourced in Australia.        The project is a great example of
                                                                                      government, industry, universities
The ground-breaking railway sleepers         The sleepers require far less            and rail authorities working together
are the result of nearly four years of       maintenance and have a lifespan of       to create a circular economy through
research and product development             up to 50 years – three times longer      innovation – and by rethinking the way
led by Integrated Recycling and              than traditional timber sleepers.        we approach everyday products.

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Railway sleepers made from
 recycled plastic installed at
     Richmond Train Station

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Premier's Recognition Award


   Enable Social
Enterprises Limited
     Enable IT Recycling

Enable is a social enterprise whose mission
is to break unemployment cycles by enabling
disadvantaged jobseekers to connect with
community and environment, while improving
their prospects of participating in gainful
employment through supportive work and
learning programs.

Enable Social Enterprises Ltd drives social,
economic and environmental impact from
businesses that focus on sustainability and
employ people with disabilities.

It achieves its goals through commercial
ventures: Enable IT Recycling, an online shop,
fulfilment and storage services.

These businesses reuse, repair or recycle
technology while providing vital work and
learning opportunities for those in need.
In 2018, their IT Recycling business created
10 employment pathways while diverting
133,046 kgs of e-waste from landfill.
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Premier's Regional Recognition Award


BP, SS, JP & N Finnigan Kia Ora
        E.S.P. Wool Production

     E.S.P. or Ethical, Sustainable, Profitable wool
     production is a feature of this family farm.

     It pulls together existing data and knowledge
     to change farm practices such as reducing
     chemical use, changing genetic selection of
     sheep, sowing permanent pastures, slowing
     or stopping runoff into rivers and increasing
     carbon sequestration.

     Welfare,    land    care   and   biosecurity
     considerations are now part of an integrated
     document, externally audited, and its
     principles are being adopted.

     In 2018 Kia Ora Merino, as part of the Fox and
     Lillie Genneys Group, was accredited under
     the International Wool Textile Organisation’s
     Responsible Wool Standard. There is no
     higher wool quality standard.
Built Environment


           HIP V. HYPE
           Six Degrees
           Nightingale 2.0

                             The Nightingale Model is a triple bottom line apartment development model
                             Nightingale 2.0 in Fairfield, Melbourne is home to 20 deeply sustainable design led
                             apartments and three ground floor retail tenancies across five levels. The project
                             achieved an average 8.7 stars NatHERS thermal performance rating and will be fossil
                             fuel free in operation.

                             Shared laundry facilities, open walkways, a rooftop garden, BBQ facilities, outdoor dining
                             areas and a sound insulated multipurpose room provide spaces that allow the community
                             of residents to thrive.


         Shire Council
   Sustainable Gannawarra

                             Gannawarra Shire Council's sustainability program leads the way through local initiatives
                             and its own practices, with the ambition to become Victoria's solar energy capital,
                             delivering huge impact both economically and environmentally.

                             Projects include the Large Scale Solar initiative, assisting community through improved
                             lighting and waste collection services, developing joint ventures to reduce costs and
                             environmental impacts of diesel engines, enhancing solar electricity generation by recycling
                             infrastructure, investigating micro grid systems to power local towns, and participating
                             in the Central Victoria Greenhouse Alliance electric vehicle recharging program.

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                                                                                                              Built Environment


Monash University
Gillies Hall

Monash University has opened its most energy efficient         Through features including rooftop solar panels and
building, Gillies Hall, a new six story, 150 bed residential   all‑electric building services, the complex is 100 per cent
accommodation complex on its Peninsula Campus                  renewable powered through Monash’s power purchase
in Frankston.                                                  agreement with Murra Warra wind farm.

The first large scale building in the country to achieve       The building also incorporates a rainwater harvesting tank
Passive House certification, it showcases the University's     and water sensitive urban design, including the creation
commitment to deliver first class student accommodation        of a landscaped dry creek bed that provides additional
while achieving net zero emissions for its operations.         opportunities for recreation, manages stormwater flows
                                                               and connects into the natural waterways of the campus.
The cross laminated timber structure is expected to have
halved the carbon emissions associated with construction       The hall is named in honour of Monash alumnus –
relative to a concrete structure and will remain as a carbon   loved and respected political satirist, actor and director,
store for the life of the building.                            Dr Max Gillies AM.



        Enable Social
  Enterprises Limited
      Enable IT Recycling

                             Enable is a social enterprise that breaks unemployment cycles for disadvantaged people
                             through its IT recycling business that creates employment pathways, while diverting
                             133,046 kgs of e-waste from landfill for more than 80 customers.

                             Enable achieves its mission through commercial ventures: Enable IT Recycling, an online
                             shop, fulfilment and storage services. These businesses reuse, repair or, as a last resort,
                             recycle technology whilst delivering vital work and learning opportunities for those in need.


   Gippsland Climate
    Change Network,
Bendigo Sustainability
      Group, Ballarat
   Renewable Energy
  and Zero Emissions.
   Community Power Hub:
     Inspiring Innovation
           and Transition

                             The Community Power Hub program aims to support Victorian communities to access
                             the skills and expertise required to develop and deliver community-based renewable
                             energy projects, characterised by local ownership, participation and benefit sharing.

                             In this project, three community power hubs have combined forces to enable their
                             residents to have greater ownership of their energy futures by co-ordinating community
                             energy in each location, involving contribution not only from the three hosts, but many
                             volunteers, staff and contractors.

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Hepburn Z-NET

The Hepburn Shire, home of Hepburn Wind and Australia’s       As Victoria’s first Z-NET pilot, its aim was twofold.
first zero-net energy town, Daylesford, has a bold plan to    Firstly, to provide an expanded blueprint for how rural
be the first zero-net energy shire in the country and to      communities could satisfy 100 per cent of their energy needs,
reach zero-net emissions in 10 years.                         100 per cent of the time from renewable energy sources.

Led by Renew, a not-for-profit in sustainability for over     And secondly, to create a holistic masterplan – The Community
35 years, the Shire has developed a best practice model       Transition Plan (CTP) – to achieve the transition to 100 per cent
to reach their goal, addressing the need for models of just   renewable energy and, ultimately, zero-net emissions.
and inclusive energy transition in rural communities, and
by ensuring that project outcomes are available to others.    The project is the most in-depth, place-based, carbon
                                                              emissions profile created in Australia and is the first
The pilot was developed to act as an incubator for locally    local government area CTP for zero-net Energy and
appropriate best practice actions and strategies.             zero‑net Emissions.


FINALIST                                                     FINALIST

Ballarat Tech School                                         St Aloysius Primary School Queenscliff
PROJECT                                                      PROJECT
War on Waste – Precious Plastic Program                      Stewards of Swan Bay

Ballarat Tech School’s War on Waste program inspires and     Inspiring Marine Science Experts – Stewards of Swan Bay,
empowers students, other schools and businesses in the       is a marine science/environmental education program used
battle against plastic waste, encouraging them to consider   throughout the school that also develops community-based
the long-term effects of waste on our environment and        science, civics, health and technology curriculum, transferable
to use circular economy thinking. The program provides       across other schools.
students with the chance to design and develop products
and business ideas from other people’s waste.                The project is supported by academic partners, Faculty of
                                                             Marine Science, Deakin University, and community partners,
By showcasing their work, it encourages others in the        the Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre and Fisheries,
community to start seeing their waste as potential,          Queenscliff. It teaches the young students to care for the
not just as rubbish.                                         shores of Port Phillip and Swan Bay and, through them,
                                                             inspires their families, friends and the wider community

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River Nile School
Sustainability across VCAL Curriculum

The River Nile School in North Melbourne offers full time           In Semester 1, students planned, prepared and ran a
programs delivering the Victorian Certificate of Applied            Sustainability Expo, teaching a wide range of visitors
Learning (VCAL) curriculum to re-engage refugee and asylum          about sustainability practices including 'how to make
seeker school-aged young women, aged 15-22, who may                 your own natural beauty products', 'how to compost',
have experienced disrupted schooling, are newly arrived to          and 'how to reduce waste by making vegetable stock'.
Australia, or find a flexible learning environment most suitable.
                                                                    In Semester 2, students, planned, prepared and ran a
Many of the students had never come across the                      Sustainability Market where they made products from old,
concepts of sustainability, climate change and recycling.           reused and recycled materials to sell. As examples, they
So, in 2018 sustainability was embedded across the                  made their own wheat bags, head scarves and reusable
integrated VCAL curriculum.                                         bags using old material offcuts. The money raised was
                                                                    donated to CERES.
Students learnt about sustainability in depth, culminating
in two student-led projects.



        Enable Social
  Enterprises Limited
      Enable IT Recycling

                            People with disabilities can have poor employment prospects. Enable is a social enterprise
                            whose mission is to break unemployment cycles by enabling disadvantaged jobseekers
                            to connect with community and environment, and improve prospects of participating in
                            gainful employment through supportive work and learning programs.

                            Sustainability is at the heart of Enable’s reason for being – it plays a clear leadership role,
                            driving social, economic and environmental impact from a business that recycles old
                            technology, employing and training people with disabilities.


         Hepburn Z-NET

                            Renew, a not-for-profit working in sustainability for over 30 years on projects
                            co‑developed with the community and partners, has developed an Australian first,
                            best practice model for how the Hepburn Shire can reach a carbon neutral goal in
                            a framework of social and environmental justice within 10 years.

                            Hepburn Z-NET is Zero-Net Emission Transitions is an open-source pathway and a
                            replicable model for a local community to set targets and achieve zero-net emissions.
                            It aims to act as an incubator for locally appropriate action.

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                                                                                                            Environmental Justice


AMES Australia and Parks Victoria
Working Beyond the Boundaries

Migrant and refugee settlement agency, AMES Australia,         One particularly affected group is the Karen community,
has partnered with Parks Victoria to regenerate an historic,   an agrarian people who have had difficulty adapting
dormant garden at Werribee Mansion in Melbourne's              to life in Wyndham – one of Australia's fastest growing
west through a program that provides economic, social,         urban centres.
physical and mental health benefits to local culturally
diverse communities.                                           A group of volunteers from local refugee and migrant
                                                               communities has also helped transform the garden to
To date, the “Working Beyond the Boundaries” program           become an outlet for participants to meet other people
has assisted more than 500 refugees, many of whom              from the community.
come from war and conflict zones.
                                                               The sound of laughter and happy conversation has
Case workers report lower levels of mental health issues       become a musical soundtrack in the garden.
among refugees since the garden’s inception and many
younger members of the communities have secured
employment in local market gardens as a result of
their volunteer work experience.



     Booth Transport
              Pty Ltd
 Strathmerton Wastewater
          Treatment Plant

                             Booth Transport has commenced an Australian-first environmental protection project,
                             using worms as the engine of their waste and water treatment plant, increasing efficiency
                             in waste management and dramatically decreasing the company’s environmental impact.

                             After analysing similar projects around the world, their new technology combines a worm
                             farm, where water is filtered for dairy proteins to be ingested by worms, and desalination.
                             Predictions are for a reduction of 3000 tonnes of carbon emission and an additional
                             121,000 kilolitres of recycled water put into the irrigation system each year.


 Monitoring Solutions
              Pty Ltd

                             An unnoticed fuel leak is one of the worst-case scenarios a fuel supplier can encounter
                             – even with low contamination, leaking fuel can be disastrous to the environment, their
                             operations and reputation. Site owners have good reason to be concerned; the average
                             petrol station can hold 150,000 litres of petrol and it only takes a few hundred litres of
                             fuel to contaminate up to one million litres of water.

                             This technology gives complete visibility over the system for effective operational and
                             sustainability risk management.

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Greening the West
Greening the West 1 Million Trees Project

Melbourne’s growing western suburbs are, comparatively,        100 private landowners, who participated in 61 community
disadvantaged from both a socioeconomic and community          events and tree planting days.
health perspective. These vulnerabilities are compounded
by a lack of trees and quality public green spaces.            The project is a shining example of what can be achieved
                                                               when local, state and federal governments work
Greening the West is a collaboration that aims to deliver      collaboratively with local communities.
positive health and social outcomes and enhanced liveability
through a program of urban greening.                           Immediate benefits of the project include enhanced amenity
                                                               of local open spaces, connecting the community to their
Between 2015 and 2018, 1,072,320 trees and shrubs were         local reserves, raising awareness of the benefits of trees
planted across 320 parks, reserves, open spaces, roadsides     and improving community physical and mental health and
and private land, covering an area of 1755 hectares.           wellbeing by connecting people to outdoor spaces.

This achievement was due to the hard work of 15 government
and community organisations, over 4500 volunteers and over


FINALIST                                                      FINALIST

Colleen Hughson                                               Park Guide Volunteers
(Good Will Nurdle Hunting)                                    PROJECT

PROJECT                                                       Volunteer Park Guides
Good Will Nurdle Hunting
                                                              Parks Victoria have pioneered a Volunteer Park Guides
                                                              pilot program to create an engaging and meaningful
Millions of nurdles (plastic resin pellets) pollute our
                                                              place‑based experience connecting volunteers and visitors,
local beaches, contaminating marine and bird life.
                                                              in both urban Yarra Bend Park and the regionally remote
Colleen Hughson contacted specialist organisations and        Alpine National Park.
researchers for advice on the best way to collect, count
                                                              The programs engaged 17 highly connected volunteers who
and organise ocean plastic data. She posted information
                                                              were trained and supported to facilitate the place-based
and recruited volunteer businesses and individuals, largely
                                                              interpretive tours, then conducted 120 tours and provided a
through social media, who have, so far, collected more
                                                              point of contact at both sites over 45 days. More than 1000
than 650,000 nurdles, showing the way for all beachside
                                                              visitors directly engaged with the Park Guide volunteers.
communities and helping protect our beautiful marine
environment from micro‑plastics pollution.

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Electrifying Industry Volunteer Working Group
Electrifying Industry

Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) is a small research organisation         This project demonstrates the capacity of volunteers to
that engages expert volunteers to produce and promote                undertake a major research project with significant social,
independent, innovative research solutions demonstrating             economic and environmental outcomes.
that a zero emissions Australia is achievable and affordable.
                                                                     Many more volunteers have been engaged in disseminating
Its report, Electrifying Industry, is a world first that shows how   the report to the community via discussion groups,
to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing.            community radio shows, podcasts and events.

Electrifying Industry is influencing the wider community             The groundbreaking report demonstrates that by electrifying
and industry about the environmental benefits of using               industry, Australia can eliminate up to 8 per cent of national
renewable electricity to eliminate emissions. It is available        emissions. The cost of solar and wind energy has fallen to
for free download from BZE's website and is licensed under           a level where any manufacturer can reduce power bills and
Creative Commons.                                                    emissions by switching to renewables and using electricity
                                                                     to power any industrial process.



         Barwon Water
      Barwon Water's Zero
       Emissions program

                              Barwon Water has embraced an ambitious plan to take action on climate change by
                              achieving 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025 and zero net emissions by 2030.
                              By adopting the carbon reduction hierarchy of ‘avoid’, ‘minimise’, ‘switch’, ‘sequester’
                              and ‘offset’, it is already leading the region’s transition to a more sustainable future.
                              With the program well underway, Barwon Water is already delivering projects totalling
                              almost 50 per cent of its renewable electricity target.


   Greening the West
Greening the West 1 Million
             Trees Project

                              To achieve the ambitious goal of planting one million trees in Melbourne’s west, a strategic,
                              multi-agency approach determined planting locations, engaged with diverse community
                              groups and collaborated comprehensively. Between 2015 and 2018, the project planted
                              1,072,320 trees and shrubs across 320 parks, reserves, open spaces, roadsides and private
                              land, covering an area of 1755 hectares.

                              This achievement was due to the hard work of 15 government and community
                              organisations, over 4500 volunteers and 100 private landowners, who participated
                              in 61 community events and tree planting days.

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Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Victorian Renewable Energy Target Reverse Auction

Victoria’s first renewable energy auction is supporting        Successful projects will generate enough power for the
the development of more than 900 megawatts of new              equivalent of more than 646,000 homes every year; generate
clean energy, reducing energy prices for consumers and         approximately 6.2 per cent of Victoria’s annual generation,
greenhouse gas emissions.                                      displacing high emitting brown coal generation; and have
                                                               the potential to reduce Victoria’s greenhouse gas emissions
The auction, part of the Victorian Renewable Energy Targets    by upto 2.2 million tonnes, equivalent to 1.1 million tonnes
program, was initially expected to deliver at least 650MW of   of coal burned for energy.
renewable energy but delivered 928MW – almost 45 per cent
more power than anticipated. It is the largest ever tender     They will also generate $1.1 billion in investment and create
process for renewable energy in Australia and supports         more than 900 new jobs and dozens of apprenticeships
three new wind and three new solar farms.                      and traineeships, mostly in regional Victoria.

The program will ensure that 25 per cent of our electricity
generation comes from renewable sources by 2020,
40 per cent by 2025 and 50 per cent by 2030.



         Aluminium Suture
          Packet Recycling

                              Aluminium suture packets are small, clean and lightweight, are widely used and 100
                              per cent recyclable.

                              Drukshini Dissanayake, in her role as Associate Nurse Unit Manager and leader of the
                              Green Team at the Alfred Hospital, collaborated with the Alfred's Nursing Management
                              team, the hospital's Environment Sustainability Officer, the Clinical Materials Resource
                              Manager and Odin E-Waste, establishing a successful program saving 45-60 kg of pure
                              aluminium from disposal into landfill, free collection bins and hospital pick-ups in a
                              dedicated waste recycling program.


      Western Health,
      In Kind - Rotary
     International Inc.
      Equipment Reissue
    Program for Hardship

                              The Equipment Reissue Program for Hardship re-homes potentially useful secondhand
                              pieces of allied healthcare equipment. Over a six month trial period, 87 items such as
                              crutches, four wheeled frames and shower chairs, were provided to patients who would
                              have struggled to obtain them otherwise.

                              Working not just within the health service but also with Rotary International, the program
                              embodies the best of sustainability practice by helping disadvantaged patients while
                              simultaneously making a significant contribution to reducing healthcare waste in a true
                              circular economy initiative.

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Melbourne Health
Reducing hunger and food waste in our community

The Melbourne Health Central Production Kitchen in            OzHarvest now collects excess meals every weekday
Footscray prepares 2800 meals every day for patients          and delivers them to Northpoint Centre for processing
at the Royal Melbourne Hospital City Campus site as well      and distribution.
as other metropolitan health services.
                                                              Since February 2018, over 4000 meals per month have been
Over 100 surplus meals have to be prepared each day in        redistributed to the community, projected to remove nine
case of unplanned events within the various health services   tonnes of food from landfill and reduce greenhouse gas
or as a contingency for refrigeration breakdowns or food      emissions by 17 tonnes CO2e per year.
spillages. These surplus meals remain largely unused and
are disposed into landfill.                                   This highly successful initiative is expected to continue
                                                              and expand into the future.
With the aim to help members of the community who are
doing it tough and reduce food waste, the Melbourne Health
team partnered with OzHarvest, Australia’s leading food
rescue charity, and the Northpoint Centre, which provides
emergency and ongoing food relief to the community.

Innovative Products
or Services


         Soap Aid Ltd
           Hotel to Hands

                             Large volumes of discarded soap in hotels end up in overflowing landfills while, conversely,
                             a third of the world's population live without adequate sanitation, spreading infectious
                             diseases and hygiene-related deaths.

                             Soap Aid collects discarded soap from hotel and travel industry partners, then sorts,
                             cleans and reprocesses their waste soap into fresh, hygienic soap bars. In 2018,
                             Soap Aid distributed over 301,440 bars of soap to communities in Cambodia, Zambia,
                             Ghana, Uganda and the Philippines as well as remote Australian Aboriginal communities.


       Australia Fund
   Better Building Finance

                             Better Building Finance informs local councils about the opportunity for increased
                             economic, employment and environmental outcomes afforded by Environmental Upgrade
                             Agreements (EUAs). The program helps manage EUAs within councils, supporting both
                             their sustainability objectives and helping local businesses through access to affordable
                             capital they need to become low carbon.

                             In 2018 the initiative financed 26 environmental upgrade projects at an investment
                             of $10.5 million, generating 2.4MW of solar power, which will lead to the abatement
                             of 178,000 tonnes of emissions over the life of the projects.

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                                                                                                             Innovative Products
                                                                                                             or Services


Enable Social Enterprises Limited
Enable IT Recycling

As a leading social enterprise and not-for-profit, Enable’s   repair or as a last resort, recycling (dismantling) of
vision is a socially, environmentally and economically        technology whilst delivering vital work and learning
connected community without disadvantage.                     opportunities for those in need.

Their mission is to break unemployment cycles by enabling     Enable’s innovative e-waste social enterprise integrates
disadvantaged jobseekers to connect with community            environmental, social and economic value and has created
and environment, and improve the prospects of those           10 Employment Pathway outcomes, and has led to positive
participating in achieving gainful employment through         customer results in the fast growing e-waste recycling sector.
innovative, supportive work and learning programs.
                                                              In 2018, Enable delivered 14,501 hours of employability
Enable achieves this mission in the context of their          skills to 450 participants most likely to experience barriers
commercial ventures: Enable IT Recycling, an online shop,     to employment and diverted 133,046kgs of e-waste from
fulfilment and storage services.                              landfill through accredited recycling services for more than
                                                              80 customers.
These commercial services align to support organisations
and individuals with zero waste efforts through reuse,

Large Business


 Sustainability Projects and
        Facilities Upgrades

                               NEXTDC is an ASX200 listed data centre services provider with a mission to build secure,
                               connected and energy-efficient data centres with lowest possible power consumption
                               rates to minimise the environmental impact of critical hyperscale computing.

                               During 2018, NEXTDC completed construction of a second data centre in Melbourne,
                               as well as an upgrade project at their site in Port Melbourne, extending the facility’s
                               NABERS 4.5 star rating to NABERS 5. In-house engineers continuously revisit ways to
                               fine tune mechanical or electrical equipment to consistently maintain high operationally
                               sustainable standards.


 Veolia Environmental
  Services (Australia)
               Pty Ltd
   Waste Pioneers Program

                               First run for the Shire of Campaspe, the innovative and engaging Waste Pioneers Program
                               teaches school students about waste and recycling in a fun and interactive way, covering
                               sustainability principles of waste hierarchy and the circular economy, environmental
                               stewardship and community leadership.

                               Eight local schools participated in the 6 week program, beginning with an interactive
                               presentation from Veolia at each school. They then pitched an innovative upcycle solution
                               and visited Veolia’s local site, to see where recyclable waste ends up.

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                                                                                                                Large Business



Downer, in partnership with Close the Loop and RED Group,         RED Group is able to provide the raw soft plastics via their
has created an asphalt pavement material that incorporates        REDcycle initiative at major supermarkets, where people
non-traditional repurposed materials to reduce environmental      deposit plastic bags for recycling. This plastic is then passed
impact without compromising product performance.                  through Close the Loop, who process it along with used printer
                                                                  cartridges into homogenous pellets.
Recognising that traditional oil-derived bitumen represents
more than 50 per cent of the products’ CO2e impact, Downer        Once combined to achieve the desired properties,
and its recycling partners worked closely to develop a solution   the plastic/toner additive can be incorporated into
where more sustainable, waste-derived materials are used          the traditional asphalt production process, along with
in place of the bitumen.                                          recycled glass, to create Reconophalt.

Reconophalt is the result of a partnership between Downer’s       Significantly, the new asphalt mix remains perpetually
Research & Development laboratory, Close the Loop and             recyclable.
RED Group, and draws on the knowledge of each to provide
a wholly sustainable solution.

Small and Medium

FINALIST                                                         FINALIST

retub                                                            Smart Recycling
PROJECT                                                          PROJECT
Premium reusable takeaway containers                             Pioneers in innovative recycling

retub™ is a modern reusable takeaway food container that         Smart Recycling has been operating on a 35 acre former
reduces waste in up to three different ways and uses a unique,   landfill site in Dandenong South for the past 22 years,
built-in container exchange program, Reswap. It endeavours       recycling around one million tonnes of waste.
to eliminate single-use takeaway food containers throughout
Australia and potentially overseas, through product and          The company has a whole-of-business approach to
process design with a focus on supply chain and marketing.       sustainability. As examples, they have commenced building
                                                                 a state of the art waste sortation facility, make recycled
The business has sold thousands of retubs and established        products and have developed a Smart Pallets app, used by
a growing network of Reswap participating food vendors.          their fleet of collectors to locate timber pallets from building
They currently set up participating food vendors                 sites all over Victoria, ensuring that pallets are collected
free of charge and offer Reswap to their customers,              efficiently, repaired effectively and returned for reuse.
also free of charge.

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                                                                                                                Small and Medium


BP, SS, JP & N Finnigan Kia Ora
E.S.P. - Wool Production

E.S.P. – Ethical, Sustainable, Profitable wool production is      slowing or stopping runoff into rivers, planting native trees
now a feature of this family farm, pulling together existing      and increasing carbon sequestration.
data and knowledge, and using independent consultants
to create wholesale changes to farm practices.                    In 2018 Kia Ora Merino, as part of the Fox and Lillie Genneys
                                                                  Group, was accredited under the International Wool Textile
The owners were not comfortable with accepted farming             Organisations Responsible Wool Standard. There is no higher
practice and wanted to change their systems to embrace a          wool quality standard in the world.
holistic model of intent, process and back story to sustainably
produce wool.                                                     Their work has demonstrated that traditional farmers can
                                                                  change practices and become sustainable increasing demand
Their goal to produce wool that exceeded the consumers            for product, as it completes the provenance of the product.
and community expectations has resulted in huge gains             Integrating landcare with sustainable wool production is a
for the environment.                                              holistic system that is both sustainable and profitable.

Actions have included reducing chemical use, changing
genetic selection of sheep, sowing permanent pastures,

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Join the fight against food waste
in your home, school and hospitality

Victorians love their food and we’re the         At home
food bowl of Australia. But the truth is that
                                                 Victorian households throw away an
we’re throwing too much of our delicious
                                                 estimated $2,100 a year in wasted food.
food away.
                                                 By planning meals, sticking to your shopping
Did you know we produce more food waste          list and eating or freezing leftovers, families
in Victoria than plastic and glass combined?     can save food and money. Check out some
                                                 of the recipes and tips on our website to
When food goes to waste and ends up in           reduce food waste at home.
landfill, so do all the resources that went
into growing, harvesting, processing and         At school
transporting that food from the farm to
                                                 Teachers can help their students understand
your plate. Every piece of food we buy
                                                 the problem of food waste and how to reduce
used precious water, soil nutrients, fuel
                                                 it, while learning practical food management
and energy to produce it. What a waste
                                                 skills that will benefit them over a lifetime.
to send all of that to landfill!
                                                 New curriculum resources about food
                                                 waste are available for years 1-8 on our
So, what can you do?
                                                 website now.
The best thing we can all do to reduce
this problem is to avoid creating food           In hospitality businesses
waste in the first place.                        Owners, managers and chefs can be leaders
                                                 in their industry by reducing food waste
The Love Food Hate Waste Victoria website
                                                 across their business, reducing costs and
has information and resources available to
                                                 being the sustainable business consumers
help you prevent food going to waste at
                                                 are looking for. Join the free Love Food
home, in school and in hospitality businesses.
                                                 Hate Waste Business program to receive
Join the fight against food waste today.         resources and information to reduce food
                                                 waste in your business.

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     Detox your Home gives householders a place to safely
              dispose of chemicals used around the home

Detox your Home —
25 years of supporting Victorian
householders to be healthy and safe

Australia’s longest running household           the state (mostly at waste and recycling
chemical collection service – Detox your        centres) for the safe disposal of paint,
Home - is celebrating 25 years of helping       household batteries and fluorescent lights.
thousands of Victorians to keep their
families and the environment safe.              More than 5300 people attended events
                                                last year, allowing for the safe disposal of
In fact, most of the chemicals collected by     107 tonnes of toxic household chemicals!
the on-site chemists at events are recycled     On top of this, nearly 400 tonnes of materials
or used for other purposes, including           were collected at the permanent sites.
creating energy.
                                                And, while programs sometimes lose
The free service, which is operated             their appeal over time, this isn’t the case
by Sustainability Victoria in partnership       for Detox your Home – almost double the
with local government, runs more than 30        number of people attended events compared
pop-up events across the state every year.      to the year before, as the team has worked
Detox your Home gives householders a            to share the Detox your Home story with a
place to safely dispose of chemicals used       new audience, including young families and
around the home, including detergents,          people living in apartments.
pool chemicals, cleaners, weed killer, insect
sprays and cooking oil. These products can      One of the reasons behind Detox your
harm children and pets when stored around       Home’s success and longevity is its simplicity
the house, and the environment when put         – it’s free and easy to use for everyone.
in household bins or poured down the sink.

Detox your Home is part of the Household
Chemical Collection Program, which also
includes 30 permanent drop-off sites across

Tomorrow Living:
Homes designed and built
for efficiency and comfort

This year Sustainability Victoria (SV) saw   The home is a combination of a clever
some great results for its new ‘Zero Net     building design, with carefully selected
Carbon Homes’ pilot program.                 energy efficient fixed appliances, as well
                                             as a rooftop solar system to produce
The Victorian Government provided            electricity, that all work together to
$2.18 million for the program to develop     reduce carbon emissions.
and market low emissions homes for the
volume home market in Victoria, supporting   All homes built under the program must
the delivery of its Energy Efficiency and    achieve a 6.5 star NatHERS (Nationwide
Productivity Strategy.                       House Energy Rating System) rating, which
                                             is above current national building standard
We are working with SJD Homes, Metricon      requirements.
Homes and Stockland to provide zero‑net
carbon homes which are designed to           Together with the three home builders, SV
produce enough of their own renewable        has supported the design and construction
energy to offset the annual greenhouse       of three zero-net carbon home displays
gas emissions of the home’s estimated        (two SJD homes and one Metricon), with
energy use.                                  another three display homes currently being
                                             built (Metricon and Stockland). The zero-net
                                             carbon display homes are open to the public
                                             so they can see the energy efficiency home
                                             features first-hand.

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                    Images courtesy of Metricon Homes
                       – Zero-net carbon home display
                         launched 15th September 2019

SV has also developed a zero-net carbon                 Between now and 2050 an estimated two
modelling tool, which assesses the                      million new homes will be built in Victoria,
whole‑of‑house energy needs based on                    so supporting the development of energy
the NatHERS rating and energy use from                  efficient homes will aid Victoria’s transition
fixed appliances. The tool identifies the size          to a low-carbon economy and provide
and orientation of solar panels to provide              environmental benefits too.
renewable energy to cover the total energy
consumption and emissions of the home.                  “The high-volume housing market
                                                         presents one of the biggest, most
Already buyers have shown interest in                    readily available and untapped
purchasing the homes, with 27 SJD homes                  opportunities for emission reductions,
currently sold off the plan and being                    cost savings, improved health and
designed to the zero-net carbon standard                 wellbeing, as well as productivity
developed under the program. “Buyers can                 in the residential sector,”
see the benefit of reduced energy bills as
                                                        Interim CEO
well as a more comfortable quality home,
                                                        Sustainability Victoria, Carl Muller.
one that is warmer in winter and cooler in
summer,” said Simon Dunstan, Principal of
SJD Homes.

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Power to the people
Community Power Hubs in regional Victoria

Over the past two years, Sustainability                          Community Housing Victoria Limited provides
Victoria has supported the establishment                         both long term housing, transitional housing
and development of three Community                               and a range of services for people who are
Power Hubs in Ballarat, Bendigo and the                          homeless or at risk of homelessness. Acutely
Latrobe Valley, helping transition Victorians                    aware of the vulnerable position its clients
to renewable energy by bringing together                         were in with high electricity bills, Community
local people and organisations to develop                        Housing Victoria Limited approached the
community renewable energy projects.                             Bendigo Hub to help. The Bendigo Hub
                                                                 developed and designed a solar project,
The Community Power Hubs have achieved                           installing 30 kilowatts of solar panels on
great success, delivering 15 community                           the roof of eight residential units.
renewable energy projects that are either
installed or operational. These have an                          To fund the project, the Bendigo Hub
installed renewables energy capacity of                          raised $30,277 from local community
1.35 megawatts as well as energy efficiency                      donations in two months, then sourced
measures valued at $2.2 million, and will                        local installers and equipment, designed
deliver annual savings of $480,000 to                            monitoring and maintenance plans,
local host organisations.                                        developed and implemented a local
                                                                 capital raising strategy, and project
The three hubs will continue to deliver                          managed installation and commissioning.
renewable energy and carbon savings
in their communities through future                              The solar panel system was installed
projects which could see installation of                         in October and officially launched in
a further 9.7 megawatts and $14.7 million                        December. Each of the tenants saves
of investment into regional economies.                           around $40 per month on their electricity
                                                                 bill. The project has delivered tangible social,
One of the current projects, led by the                          environmental and financial benefits and
Bendigo Community Power Hub, has enabled                         will continue to benefit the whole community.
Community Housing Victoria Limited to
support those who are homeless or at risk
of homelessness, by saving each household
nearly $500 per year on energy bills.

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