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 Page 6            Angels Park aims to stay ahead of Covid

Mbekezeli Mbuli                                 said this situation has already been declared    when some of the bridges, such as the one       and the figures that we currently have may
                                                a disaster and plans are afoot to start          that totally collapsed, had been constructed.   go up as we continue visiting other affected
  KANYAMAZANE - The cost of damage              rebuilding.                                        “The infrastructure was old to an extent      areas throughout the province. What is
caused by the recent heavy rainfall is            She said these figures are most likely         that it could not carry the water load that     delaying us to move with speed is the rain
currently estimated at R425 million, with the   to escalate, as they are still visiting more     was coming through. Probably, our planning      which makes it difficult for us to access
City of Mbombela Local Municipality the         affected areas and assessing the extent of the   did not include a proper drainage system,       some of the areas because of flooding and
hardest hit.                                    damage.                                          but it is a lesson as we move ahead and plan    other challenges,” she said.
  Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane spent          The premier acknowledged that proper           our roads going forward,” she said.                “We have visited a number of areas that
her Monday visiting affected areas. She         planning had not been conducted, especially        “The drive to visit more areas continues      had been affected by the recent rain. We
                                                                                                                                                 have noted the damages caused to our
                                                                                                                                                 infrastructure. But I can safely say that we
                                                                                                                                                 already have a plan to fix the damages.
                                                                                                                                                    “We are working with our municipalities
                                                                                                                                                 and together we are busy assessing the
                                                                                                                                                 damages. And once we have consolidated
                                                                                                                                                 everything, we will start fixing the damaged
                                                                                                                                                 roads, bridges and houses that were
                                                                                                                                                 destroyed by the rains,” added Mtshweni-
                                                                                                                                                    She started her visit at the Tekwane South/
                                                                                                                                                 Entokozweni Bridge that had collapsed on
                                                                                                                                                 Friday night leaving these communities
                                                                                                                                                 stranded. She then proceeded to other areas
                                                                                                                                                 around Mbombela, including visiting the
                                                                                                                                                 KaNyamazane family who had recently lost
                                                                                                                                                 a loved one in the floods.
                                                                                                                                                    Her visit to these disaster areas came
                                                                                                                                                 shortly after the acting director-general,
                                                                                                                                                 Peter Nyoni, had led a team of HODs,
                                                                                                                                                 engineers and technicians from both the City
                                                                                                                                                 of Mbombela and the Ehlanzeni District
                                                                                                                                                 Municipality to also assess the extent of the
                                                                                                                                                 damage. She was accompanied by the MEC
                                                                                                                                                 for cooperative governance and traditional
                                                                                                                                                 affairs, Mandla Msibi, the district’s
                                                                                                                                                 executive mayor, Cllr Jesta Sidell, and the
                                                                                                                                                 City’s first citizen, Sibusiso Mathonsi.
                                                                                                                                                    “We are working with the municipalities
                                                                                                                                                 to ensure that where our water infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                 has collapsed, we replace it with water
                                                                                                                                                 tankers as a temporary measure just to
                                                                                                                                                 ensure that communities have clean water,”
                                                                                                                                                 said Mtshweni-Tsipane.
                                                                                                                                                    Even though she did not give timelines as
                                                                                                                                                 to when the repairs would start, Mtshweni-
                                                                                                                                                 Tsipane promised that government will
                                                                                                                                                 move with speed to start rebuilding.
Cllr Jesta Sidell, Cllr Sibusiso Mathonsi, MEC Mandla Msibi and Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane.
2        LOWVELDER EXPRESS - NEWS                                                                                                                                                              Thursday February 11, 2021

Houses built on top of
sewer lines blamed
for leaks and stench
Thobile Mlangeni

   KANYAMAZANE - A family
has had to bear the unbearable
stench of a leaking sewer at their
   Jordaan Shakoane, the
homeowner, told Lowvelder
Express that he was tired of the
foul smell from leaking sewage
in his yard. His family has not
enjoyed any outdoor activity or
opened their windows for almost
three years now.                                                                              The beautiful scenery of Bongani Mountain Lodge before January 31. Photo: Facebook

                                                                                              Tribal leader insists on
   “I have been calling engineers
and senior managers from
Silulumanzi for all these years,
but they didn’t help me. This

                                                                                              thorough probe of arson
situation is comprising the
health of my family. I have told
Silulumanzi that they don’t
need to patch the leaking pipes
because they keep on opening
and leaking. These pipes are too
old and new ones are needed              Jordaan Shakoane at the leaking                      Thobile Mlangeni                                                                     or steal property belonging to the
here,” explained Shakoane.               sewer near his house.                                                                                                                     game reserve.
   Richmond Jele, spokesperson                                                                   MPAKENI - The traditional                                                           Nkosi revealed that Bongani
of Silulumanzi, said one of              he said.                                             leader of Mpakeni Tribal Council,                                                    Lodge was a holiday destination to
Shakoane’s neighbours built his            Jele added that he was not sure                    Inkosi Sicelo Nkosi, has voiced his                                                  prominent figures such as Inkhosi
house on top of a sewer line and         as to when this might happen.                        frustration with the recent burning                                                  Goodwill Zwelithini, the late
the line keeps on bending as the           He said that there was another                     of Bongani Mountain Lodge, worth                                                     Nelson Mandela and many more.
house settles down year after            house with a similar problem                         more than R9 million.                                                                  “Tourists from abroad, including
year.                                    near Lekazi.                                            The lodge is situated in the                                                      Sweden, Germany and Canada,
   “This is a common problem               “There is nothing much                             Mthethomusha Game Reserve.                                                           also loved to visit our area. Some
when structures are built                we can do at that house. A                              “This was one of the biggest                                                      left a mark by their volunteer
without having a proper                  neighbour also built a structure                     investments we had ever had in                                                       services in the area,” said Nkosi.
planner. Engineers are exploring         on top of a sewer pipe. As the                       our area for the past 25 to 26 years.                                                  Recounting some of the tourists’
options of bypassing those               house settles down it disturbed                      It was not only beneficial to the                                                    contributions in the area, Nkosi
pipes at the house. As soon              the pipes and caused the                             community, but the entire country                                                    said, “The Canadians, for example,
as the engineers are done, the           leakage. There is no way to                          and world at large. Losing such a                                                    paid rent for the temporary Luphisi
procurement process will follow          work on those pipes without                          development during the Covid-19                                                      Clinic after it had been blown away
and all processes will need to be        demolishing the structure and                        pandemic and in times when many Inkosi Sicelo Nkosi of Mpakeni Tribal                by a storm. This continued until
followed before the appointment          the owner is challenging the                         people are unemployed, is a great                                                    the department fully renovated
of a contractor to do the work,”         matter in court,” he said.                           loss to us as the royal family,”                                                     that clinic. They also came on a
                                                                                              explained Nkosi.                          Nkosi said the recent incident             yearly basis and improved the local
                                                                                                 He believes that the people who     that left more than 32 guest                  school library while spending their
                                                                                              had burned down the property were houses and other equipment                         vacation at Bongani Lodge.
                                                                                              not just sympathising with the         burned to ashes and close to a 100              “It is really hard to believe
                                                                                              young man who had lost his life        people jobless, has touched him               that all we are taking about is
                                                                                              after being shot by rangers while      personally. He was even admitted              now history because of senseless
                                                                                              poaching in the game reserve, but      to hospital due to a stress-related           individuals. The law must really
                                                                                              rather have their own agendas.         illness immediately after receiving           take its toll,” he said.
                                                                                                 Nkosi revealed that the             news of the arson.                              A case of arson and tampering
                                                                                              deceased’s family had claimed             “Although the people were not              with government infrastructure
                                                                                              that they were not involved in the     paid huge salaries, they were able            was registered at the Pienaar Police
                                                                                              whole saga.                            to sustain their families. Having             Station.
                                                                                                 “This argument comes a long         more than 100 people losing their               On Monday, Brig Leonard
                                                                                              way. There are times when people       jobs in a single go is so frustrating.        Hlathi, provincial spokesperson
                                                                                              picket and burn things next to         We condemn this barbaric act and              for SAPS, said three people were
                                                                                              the entrance of the game reserve.      call on the police to do a thorough           arrested in connection with the
                                                                                              They either complain about wild        investigation and arrest all those            arson and nine animals had been
                                                                                              animals that have trespassed and       who were responsible for the                  recovered.
                                                                                              devoured their fields and domestic     burning down of the lodge,”
                                                                                              animals. This happened due to a        he said.
                                                                                              lack of proper fencing on the other       Nkosi added that this incident
                                                                                              side of the reserve. However the       reminds him of the time he had
                                                                                              Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks           lost his home about three years
The pool of sewage at Shakoane’s home.                                                        Agency intervened and brought          ago when it was burned down by
                                                                                              about a R16 million project to         unknown people because of his
                                                                                              fence the area and to build new        relation with the game reserve.
                                                                                              offices about three years ago,”           “Till today I was never informed
                                                                                              explained Nkosi.                       of any police progress regarding
                                                                                                 Nkosi added that the R16m           that case. I would like to see the
                                                                                              tender was however withdrawn due first person to be arrested for the
                                                                                              to poor service delivery, but talks    burning of this reserve just to
                                                                                              were continuing to have the project ask him or her if he or she is not

                                                                                              up and running again.                  the one who had burned my own

                                                                                                 “Some wrongdoings, including        home,” he said.
                                                                                              the use of poor-quality fencing           The chief added that no major
                                                                                              which was easily stolen by locals,     progress had been made on
                                                                                              were some of the reasons for the       previous occasions when locals                Bongani Mountain Lodge after the
                                                                                              withdrawal of the tender,” he said.    would either start fires at the gates         arson. Photos: Supplied

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Thursday February 11, 2021 		                                                                                                                  NEWS - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                  3

A look into the world of Nora Fakude-Nkuna
Joseph Ntimba ka Masiah
   WHITE RIVER - At 73, the Buscor boss,
Dr Nora Fakude-Nkuna, is still going strong.
   This legendary business guru celebrated
her 73rd birthday on Tuesday, and attributed
her good health to healthy living and
keeping fit all the time. “Nothing beats
leading and living a healthy lifestyle. At my
age, I still get to do warm-ups and stretch
those muscles, and it is good for the brain
as well,” she opened up as she chatted about
her secret to life and good health.
   Due to Covid-19, Fakude-Nkuna could not
celebrate her birthday with the destitute as
she normally does each year.
   “Yes, it is the norm that I spend and get
to share this special day with children from
disadvantaged backgrounds and sometimes
with senior citizens, but this time around I
couldn’t because of Covid-19. But, be that as
it may, my heart is with all of them, hoping
that they are safe during this pandemic,” she
said with a smile.
   Fakude-Nkuna usually spends her
birthday with people from disadvantaged
backgrounds and gets to share a cake with
them before showering them with food
parcels, school uniforms and stationery.
   She is known for her big-heartedness and
the community developmental roles she
plays in most parts of the province. And
for her community development initiatives,
Fakude-Nkuna has collected numerous             Dr Nora Fakude-Nkuna and Rise FM’s Mpumi Mbethe during the launch of her book.
   Prof John P Shongwe described Fakude-
Nkuna as an exemplary leader and business       education. And we have witnessed as she        have been told on almost every platform,       from rags to riches and eventually became
magnate with a huge appetite to always give     donated hundreds of houses to the destitute.   from church pulpits to newspapers, and         the first black woman to build a mall in
back and share her wealth with those in         These are the kinds of leaders we need in      recently in a form of a biography written by   Mpumalanga.
need. “God keeps and protects such people       our society.                                   this journalist.                                  On parting, she said, “I have learned that
as Fakude-Nkuna, because they are the             “As she grows, we wish her nothing but          In this biography, Fakude-Nkuna shares      people will one day forget what you said
blessing to others. She has throughout her      all the luck and more years to come, because   how she grew up under apartheid South          and forget what you did, but they will never
entire life been a visionary leader with the    we really need such people in our little       Africa and how she defied all odds by          forget how you touched and changed their
people’s interests at heart. We have seen her   communities,” said Shongwe.                    becoming the first black woman to exhibit      lives. This is the legacy I want to leave
paying and funding local children’s tertiary      Fakude-Nkuna’s story and rise to the top     at the Rand Easter Show, how she turned        behind.”
4       LOWVELDER EXPRESS - NEWS                                                                                                                                     Thursday February 11, 2021

Temporary lifeline connects
Tekwane South to outside world
Mbekezeli Mbuli                                   transport, as they were forced to dig deeper     other option, because the bridge on the other
                                                  in their pockets.                                side is also damaged,” said Martin Zwane, a
  MBOMBELA - Tekwane South has                       When the residents were still battling        resident.
changed from a small township to an island        these problems, another disaster struck. A          Those coming from work had to be
in the space of a few hours.                      second bridge situated just outside Tekwane      dropped off as far as Karino and had to walk
  Another bridge on the D2296 leading             South, next to Portia Shabangu Secondary         all the way home. Others just parked and
to Tekwane South had developed cracks             School, was also declared a disaster site and    left their vehicles on the side of the road and
and a sinkhole, which led to government           was shut down with immediate effect.             walked home, too.
authorities having to close it on Monday,            “I had noticed traffic officials by the          The Department of Public Works, Roads
leaving this community totally isolated.                                                           and Transport has already deployed a
  No vehicle came in or out of this area.                                                          team of engineers to assess the extent
Those who had left for work on Monday                 The bypass route was                         of the damage and to determine the cost
morning were trapped on the other side
as government and construction workers                created about 100 metres                     implications.
                                                                                                      “In the meantime, the department will          Thokozile Siwela hard at work.
battled through the night trying to create a          away from the collapsing                     offer technical support to ensure that

                                                                                                                                                     Woman of steel
temporary bypass to Tekwane South.                                                                 communities are not completely cut off
  The bypass route was created about                  bridge and it connects on the                from socioeconomic amenities such as
100 metres away from the collapsing                   other side of the main road                  schools, clinics and shops while damages

                                                                                                                                                     welds for her
bridge and it connects on the other side of                                                        are being repaired,” said the department’s
the main road.                                                                                     spokesperson, Cyril Dlamini.
  This township’s troubles had begun on           bridge when I left for town early in the            He also apologised for the delays and long
Friday night when a bridge linking it with        morning, but didn’t think it was anything

                                                                                                   waiting hours residents had to endure on
Entokozweni and KaNyamazane collapsed             serious. I was surprised when I returned to      Monday.
due the recent heavy rainfall.                    find the road closed.                               He said the bridge posed a great threat to
  The collapse of this bridge meant                  “I arrived here at about 15:00 and we were    motorists and had to be closed to prevent
that residents wanting to travel to either        told to wait for a few hours for the bypass      accidents and fatalities.                         Thobile Mlangeni
Entokozweni or KaNyamazane now had                route which was being constructed on the            With the rain predicted to continue
to use the N4 to access those areas. This         side of the main road to be finished and         throughout the week and into the weekend,            HAZYVIEW - Thokozile Siwela (36)
became a strenuous and a costly exercise for      ready for use, but it is now 22:00 and we        it is unclear how long this temporary bypass      from KaMajika outside Hazyview is one of
local residents, especially those using public    are still stuck here. Sadly we don’t have any    will last as it gets muddy and slippery.          a few women making a name for themselves
                                                                                                                                                     with steelwork.
                                                                                                                                                        Her small welding business, Women
                                                                                                                                                     in Welding, is situated along the R536 at
                                                                                                                                                     KaMphatseni just outside Hazyview.
                                                                                                                                                        She obtained her skills in 2014 after
                                                                                                                                                     attending a welding and boilermaker’s
                                                                                                                                                     course in Rustenburg.
                                                                                                                                                        She started her business in the back of her
                                                                                                                                                     garage at home while she worked as a full-
                                                                                                                                                     time waitress in town. “I waited tables and
                                                                                                                                                     tended bars, but nothing seemed fulfilling
                                                                                                                                                     to me until I start working with my tools,”
                                                                                                                                                     she said.
                                                                                                                                                        Siwela would only work on weekends
                                                                                                                                                     and after work. It was only during the
                                                                                                                                                     lockdown when most businesses were closed
                                                                                                                                                     that she decided to take her business to
                                                                                                                                                     another level. She secured herself a space
                                                                                                                                                     near the main road and started to operate on
                                                                                                                                                     a full-time basis.
                                                                                                                                                        The mother of four children designs
                                                                                                                                                     burglarproof doors, sliding gates, security
                                                                                                                                                     gates and burglar bars according to the needs
                                                                                                                                                     of her clients.
                                                                                                                                                        “I have since found myself quite a few
                                                                                                                                                     customers from my community who are
                                                                                                                                                     happy with my work. Anyone who needs
                                                                                                                                                     my services just needs to call me and I will
                                                                                                                                                     come to take measurements at their houses
                                                                                                                                                     and offer them affordable prices,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                        Siwela also helps in the fight against
                                                                                                                                                     unemployment in her community by
                                                                                                                                                     providing temporary jobs for local youth
                                                                                                                                                     when there is more work to be done.
                                                                                                                                                        Being one of the few females in this
                                                                                                                                                     male-dominated industry, she is sometimes
                                                                                                                                                     victimised by males who at times undermine
                                                                                                                                                     her just because she is a woman. “Not all
                                                                                                                                                     males are like that; some of them respect my
                                                                                                                                                     work, support me and accept me as a fellow
                                                                                                                                                     counterpart,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                        Siwela said any female can do any job she

   We told you so, say protesters
                                                                                                                                                     wants to do as long as they are determined,
                                                                                                                                                     focused and patient to achieve their dreams.
                                                                                                                                                        Her wish is to develop her business to
                                                                                                                                                     become one of the leading female-run
                                                                                                                                                     welding firms in the province and beyond.
   Mbekezeli Mbuli                                    “We tried to get the attention of the City   Municipality told Lowvelder Express that          She is also willing to empower young girls,
                                                   of Mbombela, but we were ignored and            the bridge and the D2296 belonged to the          especially grade 11 and 12 girls, with her
      TEKWANE SOUTH - The community                no efforts were ever made to even put up        Department of Public Works, Roads and             skills.
   members who recently took to the streets        markers or barricades next to the sinkhole,     Transport. The latter could not be drawn to          For many women, and men too, welding
   calling for the bridge between Tekwane          warning motorists and pedestrians crossing      comment on the matter until after disaster        and the trades are not presented as an option
   South and Entokozweni to be fixed, feel         to the other side.                              had struck.                                       at a young age. Many people therefore find
   justified.                                         “And the bridge has totally collapsed.         “I am still in shock, but relieved that no      themselves either unemployed or working
      This bridge on the D2296 linking this        It could have killed so many people, but        one was hurt when the bridge collapsed. I         jobs they hate. For women especially, there
   little township with Entokozweni and            the gods must have been on our side,” said      am just worried about the people who own          is a stigma about entering this business.
   KaNyamazane collapsed after it had              Themba Mhlongo, a community member              houses near the stream that separates these       “Some think women and girls cannot do
   developed a sinkhole.                           who was leading the protest to get the          two townships,” said the ward councillor,         it as prefectly as their male colleagues,
      The sinkhole was caused by a week-long       bridge fixed before it had collapsed.           Joseph Mashaba, who was the first to              or shouldn’t do it, and of course there is
   heavy rainfall that had also left a trail of       The bridge collapsed last Friday, just       arrive at the scene when the bridge had           always a fear of entering a male-dominated
   destruction across the Lowveld.                 three days after a group of concerned           collapsed.                                        industry,” she said.
      “When we took our fight to the streets       residents had staged a protest march              He called for calm and urged community             “Women shouldn’t fear anything. They are
   to get the bridge fixed, many people in the     demanding government’s immediate                members to work with government as they           capable of doing anything and are competent
   community and government authorities            intervention.                                   try to rebuild the bridge and fix damaged         at any job, just like anyone else,” she said.
   said we were crazy.                                At the time, the City of Mbombela Local      roads and houses.                                    For more information, follow Siwela on
                                                                                                                                                     her Facebook page, thokozilesiwele.
Thursday February 11, 2021 		                                                                                                                   NEWS - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                5

Miss Teen Tourism has the universe at her feet                                                                                                 is working towards raising awareness on the
                                               good morals and be role models to other          Photogenic in 2019 and Miss Teen
Thobile Mlangeni                               girls. “Put fear aside and be focused on what    Mpumalanga High School Photogenic in           mental, physical and emotional health of
  ROCKY DRIFT - Hoërskool Rob                  you want to achieve in life.”                    2019. Thato’s dream of empowering young        young girls. She is a netball player for her
Ferreira’s 2021 matric learner, Thato            Thato is inspired by roses. “Roses have        girls to be future leaders was answered. She   school’s team and a member of the Victory
Mashile, is the winner of Miss Teen Tourism    a strength that we don’t seem to notice.                                                        Tabernacle Youth of Valour Programme.
Globe SA 2020.                                 The rose can stand on its own and still be                                                         “Through the programme we donate
  She is looking forward to represent the      beautiful and natural. It will remain its true                                                  stationery, books, shoes, clothes, sanitary
province and country in the upcoming           self. I personally feel it resembles women                                                      towels and anything to help other people.
international crowning in the Philippines in   and their strength,” she said.                                                                  My involvement in this programme also
Southeast Asia in July. She hopes to bring       Her modelling career started when she                                                         helped me in doing the charity work
the all-important title back home.             was 15. She won the Miss Teen Mbombela                                                          necessary for my pageantry,” she concluded.
  The 17-year-old beauty was crowned at
the City Hall in Durban on December 5.
The day saw her receiving two titles in one
go, Miss Teen Tourism Universe SA 2020
and Miss Teen Tourism Globe SA 2020
Entrepreneur. “Winning two titles in one

     ‘The rose can stand
     on its own and still
       be beautiful and

competition was the proudest moment of my
life,” she said.
   “Although the Covid-19 pandemic was in
the way of our crowning date, as a finalist,
scholar and a person with an underlining
condition, I have to be more cautious.
   “Helping others, doing my schoolwork
and staying safe during the lockdown was
my first priority. I had also done some
charity work which was part of building
up my pageant profile. It was an amazing
moment when my name was called as the
winner,” she said.
   Thato said courage, faith and self-
knowledge made her the winner of the title.
She encouraged aspiring models to have                                                                                                                                    Thato Mashile.
 6 			                                                                                                                                                         Thursday February 11, 2021

Angels Park aims to stay ahead of Covid
Thobile Mlangeni                              reopening of independent schools, his
                                              school will be in a better position to follow
  WHITE RIVER - Kennedy Banda,                the syllabus. “We had planned for intensive
the director and founder of Angels Park       teaching to cover up the academic calendar
Academy, said his small school is in a better in time, especially in the areas we lost
position to curb the spread of the Covid-19   last year.”
pandemic.                                       The school also leased the land that
  “We are a small school, with fewer than     formerly belonged to Transnet next to the
25 children in each class, and this gives us  White River Taxi Rank. Banda believes this
enough space to comply to social distancing   move will help in the fight against the use
as per the health requirements in the fight   of substance abuse in town, as many people
against Covid-19.                                                     previously used the
Unlike other schools           ‘We are a small school                 area as a smoking
with large numbers                                                    zone.
of learners, which are         and this gives us enough                  “We have fenced
compelled to alternate
the attendance of
                               space    to comply  to social          the area in now
                                                                      and there are no
classes, we have               distancing’                            trespassers. If we
the capacity to have                                                  receive support either
all our teachers and                                                  from government or
learners coming to school every day to teach other stakeholders, I am sure we can nicely
and learn,” said Banda.                       extend our school over to that side,” he said.
  Pupils are screened and their temperatures The school plans to renovate that abandoned
checked on a daily basics. Banda added that   Transnet structure into a school hall, build
learners were not allowed to share food and   classes on the concrete slabs there and
drink as this might be risky.                 restore the old locomotive there to make a       Acek Academy’s grade one class.

                                                                                               Acek Academy does
  Due to the unreliable supply of water in    beautiful historic monument for generations
the area, he urged schoolchildren to bring    to come.
their own drinking water daily. “We want to     Banda called on anyone who wants to
avoid any form of sharing by all means. We    invest in the future of the children of his

                                                                                               not take any chances
also insist that the learners must also have  school to come on board, to phone him on
their own small sanitisers to use while on    078-401-0375.
their way to or from school,” he said.
  Banda believes that with the early

                                                                                               Thobile Mlangeni

                                                                                                  WHITE RIVER - Acek Academy has
                                                                                               ensured measures are in place among
                                                                                               educators and learners to flatten the curve
                                                                                               of the spread of Covid-19.
                                                                                                  While visiting the independent school,
                                                                                               Lowvelder Express witnessed teachers
                                                                                               sanitising the hands of visitors and learners
                                                                                               at the entrance to the school.
                                                                                                  The principal, Taka Paul Pagiwa, said all
                                                                                               systems were in place to fight the spread
                                                                                               of Covid-19. “We have sanitising stations
                                                                                               around the school and spray bottles in
                                                                                               each classroom, from the lower grades
                                                                                               to the upper grades. Learners’ hands are
                                                                                               sanitised and their temperatures screened
                                                                                               every morning before they proceed to their
                                                                                               classrooms. The same applies to visitors;
                                                                                               they have their personal details recorded
                                                                                               in the visitors’ book. Their hands are
                                                                                               sanitised and their temperatures checked
                                                                                               before they are assisted in reception. If
                                                                                               anyone records a body temperature higher
                                                                                               than 38 degrees, they are not allowed to        Acek principal, Taka Paul Pagiwa.
                                                                                               come in,” he said.
                                                                                                  He added that no one was permitted in          He expects 2021 to be a better year
                                                                                               the school without wearing a mask.              compared to the last. “The outbreak of
                                                                                                  Pagiwa said in order to keep social          Covid-19 affected private schools badly,
                                                                                               distancing in classes, as per Covid-19          but we are hoping for the best this year
                                                                                               regulations, attendance will be taken           given the fact that we managed to open.
                                                                                               among the grades alternatively.                 This early opening will provide our
                                                                                                  “When learners are at home, they have        teachers and learners with ample time for
                                                                                               their lessons online, while other groups        education. We hope to finish the syllabus
                                                                                               attend classes. This plan will be in place      in a record time so that the learners are
                                                                                               for as long as there is need for social         ready for the end-of-year exams,”
The school principal, Noah Zulu, at the former Transnet property, now belonging to Angels      distancing.”                                    he concluded.
Park Academy.

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Thursday February 11, 2021                                                                                                                COMMUNITY - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                  7

Street fashion brand is funky,
comfy and very affordable
Joseph Ntimba ka Masiah

   MBOMBELA - Sho Mnaka, the
most talked-about street fashion
brand, is back with a bang with its
newest designs for 2021.
   Previously only offering caps,
round-necked or V-necked T-shirts
and golf shirts, Sho Mnaka was
established in early 2019.
   Linda Mantshintshi, aka Ma
Ching-Ching, said the brand came
into being as “a result of always
yearning to have our siSwati
language being recognised across
South Africa and beyond, since we
always call each other mnaka, which
means 'my sibling' in English.”
   Mantshintshi is a young man from
Magudu Trust in Nkomazi.
   “The items recently introduced
into the brand include facemasks,         Linda Mantshintshi’s brand.
vests, hoodies, golf dresses,                                                                                             Ngcebo H with one of his dancers. > Photo: Facebook
sweaters, jumpsuits, bucket hats and         “The conceptualisation of the Sho   for the brand. Either text or call

                                                                                                                          Fall in love with Ngcebo
tracksuits, in addition to the other      Mnaka idea into a well-established     Mantshintshi on 066-411-7536 and
merchandise available. They come          clothing label was immensely           visit his social media account, Linda
in various colours and sizes of your      encouraged by being zealous,           Mantshintshi, on Facebook.
                                          unselfish and committed to play
                                                                                                                          H’s smooth, soul music
choice,” Mantshintshi said.
   The brand has no physical store        a role in promoting our siSwati
and make its sales by taking orders       lingo into the whole world through
telephonically. Courier services are      fashion.”
available on request at an extra cost.       Mantshintshi is an aspirant                                                  Thobile Mlangeni                to infuse different sounds into
   Mantshintshi calls himself a Swazi     businessman, writer, fashionista,                                                                               one album. Ngcebo H is a
hustler, due to the difficulties he       musician and business development                                                  JEPPES REEF - With           versatile musician who also
had to overcome to see his dream          representative, who possesses a                                                 Valentine’s Day celebrations    works with artists in various
realised.                                 national diploma in public relations                                            on Sunday, one of the local     genres; house music, hip hop
   “I didn’t want to appease my           obtained at the Vaal University of                                              artists with whom to spend      and gospel. “This enables me
enemies by giving up on my dream,         Technology in 2013.                                                             your day with your loved one,   to explore my creative sides
hence the introduction of the new            With the high prevalence of the                                              is none other than Ngcebo H.    as an writer and a producer,”
and eye-catching designs,” he said.       unemployment rate that affects                                                     One of his hit songs is "I   he said.
   The brand is celebrating its second    the youth of South Africa, he                                                   want to make things with you,     Ngcebo H is also an
anniversary and it is interesting to      decided not to sit back and                                                     my babe". The Afropop and       entrepreneur involved in the
see the growth it has had, thanks to      blame the South African                                                         soul artist from Jeppes Reef    construction business. “As a
the Mpumalanga people for their           government, but like a real                                                     in Nkomazi near the borders     young person it is important
continued support.                        hustler, he registered the brand                                                of the Kingdom of eSwatini,     to have multiple streams
   “The people of Mpumalanga are          as a company in order to be                                                     came to fame with his song      of income to overcome the
really impressed by the way our           compliant and professional.                                                     "Sthandwa sami".                challenges brought by the
brand has evolved to compete with            As a young resilient and                                                        He worked alongside          Covid-19 pandemic and the
other local fashion brands on the         open-minded guy, he                                                             talented producer, Sabelo       fourth industrial revolution,”
market and we are promising them          believes he is a future                                                         Sithungo, aka Sab-Jams, the     he said.
quality, relevance and suitability that   billionaire and                                                                 producer of Sandz’s hit song      He believes that your talent
come with looking fashionable,” he        aims to own many                                                                "Tigi".                         must feed you, and that money
said.                                     businesses, from                                                                   The combination of their     must be protected in order to
   Growing up in a dusty area with        retail stores and                                                               outstanding talents managed     achieve financial freedom.
scarce resources, Mantshintshi has        amusement parks
always been ambitious and showed          to car dealerships
interest in various things such as        and record labels,
organising beauty pageants and            so it comes as
leading a kasi rap trio called Ghetto     no surprise that
Dogz with Wakhile Nkomo and               Ma Ching-Ching
Phila Khoza.                              leads by example.
   The fashion enthusiast and                You can show
upcoming rapper elaborated more on        your support by                                          Linda Mantshintshi.
how his brand started.                    placing orders

Celebrate love through the sweet voice of Ncedo
                                                        Thobile Mlangeni                 of four, singing along with
                                                                                         her church members. When
                                                          KABOKWENI - Enjoy              she turned 14, her parents
                                                        Valentine’s Day with             supported her talent and she
                                                        the love of your life,           started singing as a backing
                                                        entertained by the relaxed       vocalist in bands in churches
                                                        and soothing sounds of local     and at weddings and parties.
                                                        artist, Noncedo Samantha           In 2017, Ncedo was
                                                        Nyalunga, aka Ncedo.             featured by one of the
                                                          Born and bred in               local leading gospel stars,
                                                        Bhejukufa outside                Thandeka Gee, in her song
                                                        KaBokweni, the 19-year-old       "Ancient of Days".
                                                        multitalented singer is also a     Ncedo also sang as a
                                                        vocalist and songwriter.         backup artist for likes of the
                                                          She recently released her      late Pr Neyi Zimu, Ayanda
                                                        hit single "Engcondvweni         Ntazi, Mxolisi Mbethe,
                                                        Yami". The song is all about     Qiniso Mabaso, Sylvester and
                                                        declaring one’s undying love     many others. She participated
                                                        to his or her life partner.      in a number of auditions,
                                                          Ncedo is also a gospel and     including Mpumalanga's
                                                        Afro-soul singer. Her music      Got Talent, Sylvester Music,
Noncedo Samantha Nyalunga.                              journey started at the age       MBTV and RSTV auditions.
Thursday February 11, 2021

Wayde Lekay of TS Galaxy and Khulekani Madondo of TS Sporting.                                     Mohau Mokate of TS Sporting and Bathusi Aubaas of TS Galaxy.

 Sporting gives Galaxy the boot
Mark Kinnear                                    Khoza had been sent off in the 89th minute         competition.
                                                for a two-footed tackle on Wayde Lekay.               The Rockets’ coach, Owen Da Gama,
   TS Sporting knocked out TS Galaxy to           Despite this, TS Galaxy could not score          took the positives out of the defeat.
advance to the last 16 of the Nedbank Cup       against TS Sporting during extra time.                “It was an opportunity for us to have
on Saturday.                                      The Rockets’ Mlungisi Mbunjana took              a look at other players, because we
   The 2019 champions lost 5-4 on penalties     the first penalty and the shot was saved           want to create more depth in the team.
at Emirates Airline Park in the round of 32.    by Abantu Bemthetho goalkeeper, Abram              Unfortunately the dice didn’t roll our
   The Mpumalanga derby was a thriller and      Ngcobo. It was the only failed attempt of          way. We created a lot of opportunities,
went to the wire; 0-0 after 90 minutes and      the shoot-out and with TS Sporting always          but on the day when it is not your day, it
0-0 after 120 minutes.                          holding a one-goal advantage, Bradley              is not your day.
   TS Sporting played the                                               Mojela netted their           “I’m really proud of the boys that
30 minutes extra time with                                                fifth to claim the win   were given an opportunity. They
10 players after Humphrey                                                   and TS Sporting        fought until the end. It wasn’t our
                                                                            advanced to the        day. Such things do happen in
                                                                            last 16 of the         cup games. I’m proud of the
                                                                                                   boys but not happy with the
                                                                                                   results. The performance
                                                                                                   was very, very good,"
                                                                                                   Da Gama
                                                                                                   said after the
                                                                                                      TS Sporting
                                                                                                   will travel to the old
                                                                                                   Peter Mokaba Stadium
                                                                                                      and face Polokwane
                                                                                                       City in a GladAfrica
                                                                                                       Championship match on
                                                                                                      Sunday February 14 at
                                                                                                   15:30. No doubt there
                                                                                                   will be no love lost
                                                                                                   between the two clubs.
                                                                                                      TS Galaxy’s next
                                                                                                   match will be a
                                                                                                   DStv Premiership clash
                                                                                                   against Chippa United
                                                                                                   at Nelson Mandela Bay
                                                                                                   Stadium on Saturday
                                                                                                    February 20 at

                                               Felix Badenhorst of TS Galaxy                                                                    MacBeth Mahlangu of TS Galaxy and
                                               and Francisco Muchanga of                                                                        Amoojee Naeem of TS Sporting. > Photos:
                                               TS Sporting.                                                                                     Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix
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