PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

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PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...
Electrotechnische Vereeniging                           Issue 24.2 | March2021


              Interviewwith G.R. Chandra Mouli
              About EV Charging and load prediction

              Black Hole Visualization
              By Annemieke Verbraeck

              What is Quantum Computing?
              By Prof. dr. ing. K.L.M. Bertels
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...
              We deplore to announce that has passed away at an age of 96

Prof. ir. Hans van Nauta Lemke

       Emeritus Professor and Rector Magnificus Delft University of Technology
               Honorary Member of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

          *                                                             †
                  November 22, 1924                 January 10, 2021
                  Palembang                           ‘s-Gravenhage

     Since 1989 the Electrotechnische Vereeniging has had the honour of having Mr.
        Van Nauta Lemke as Honorary Member. Our thoughts go to all involved.
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

From the Board
Dear Reader,                                                                     Dear Reader,

Another Maxwell edition is pub-          students who are actively enjoying      We have arrived at a new quarter.
lished and thus another quarter has      the ETV during these times.             I don’t think anyone would have
passed in this very strange time. It     This year has taught me and the         been able to predict the current
has been tough for all of us. We are     rest of the Board to make the best      situation at the start of this aca-
all familiar with the circumstanc-       out of a situation that did not go as   demic year. EWI has been closed
es, and we all would like to have a      anticipated because as we all know,     for a few months now, and prob-
taste of our old lives again. Just for   this year played out differently than   ably will be for a bit longer due to
one day, to break free from the daily    other years.                            fire safety issues. Luckily, there
grind we have lived in the previous                                              is light at the end of the tunnel,
year to shake things up.                 A few weeks ago, the EEMCS Re-          as experts expect the virus to be
                                         cruitment Days have taken place,        containable by this summer. This
Some of us have discovered new           which to me was the most impor-         means that activities such as the
hobbies, some of us have found           tant event this year. It is something   first year weekend, the gala and
a new love for being outside and         I was extremely excited about and       Lustrum activities are just over
some have enjoyed watching lots          I have worked towards since this        the horizon. Keep your head up!
of movies with their housemates.         year started.                           If you have any questions or com-
The pandemic has made us more            Now this intense yet special week       ments regarding your studies,
creative and forced us to discover       has passed, I have more varied du-      know that we work daily from our
new things we did not know about         ties which means there is room to       digital Board room on discord. You
ourselves.                               work on new projects and coming         are always welcome to join us for
                                         up with fresh ideas to introduce our    a chat even if it is not study relat-
A year ago I was asked if I were         partners to the students.               ed!
up to the challenge of becoming a
Board member of the Electrotech-         Enjoy the rest of the year, and re-     With excited regards,
nische Vereeniging, and what an          mind yourself to relax once in a        Tim Plantfeber
experience has it been so far!           while.                                  Secretary of the 149th Board of the
                                                                                 Electrotechnische Vereeniging.
When looking back on the past few        With excited regards,
months I see a lot of exciting activ-    Floor Walterbos
ities, a lot of new committees and       Commissioner of External Affairs
lots of                                  of the 149th Board of the Electro-
                                         technische Vereeniging

                                                                                                   March 2021           3
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

Colophon Editorial
                                            Dear readers,
Year 24, edition 2, March 2021
                                            Welcome to the second edition of the 24th Maxwell! The theme of this
Editors                                     edition revolves around the role of electrical engineering in not only
Yunus Emre Döngel                           building, but also predicting, our tomorrow.
Merel Verhoef
Aniruddh Kulkarni                           The power of prediction in the mathematical sciences, stemming from
Natasha Birari                              the understanding of probability together with access to massive
Nitish Kulkarni                             amounts of data, has become a cornerstone of modern scientific ap-
                                            plications. Unfortunately, in the public sphere, it has also given birth to
Designers                                   one of the biggest modern misconceptions about science: that scientif-
Neil Dani                                   ic outcomes are ‘conclusive’, whereas in fact, all scientific methods are
                                            essentially the understanding and art of ‘uncertainty’.
K.L.M. Bertels, G.R. Chandra Mouli,         For this edition, the Maxwell committee reached out to researchers
Kees Pronk, Annemieke Verbraeck,            who are working with prediction and uncertainty across diverse fields
Simon Tindemans, Jan de Jong,               in electrical engineering – from black hole visualisation to quantum
Gijs Lagerweij, Tim Plantfeber,             acceleration, to how data-based prediction is being incorporated into
Floor Walterbos                             EV charging and the European power grid.v

Advertisement                               We hope you will enjoy the articles we have brought together. A big
page 32 Witteveen+Bos                       thank you to all our contributors for sharing their experience and in-
                                            sights. I also want to express my gratitude to the Board and my fellow
Printing                                    committee members, without whom this edition would not have been
Quantes, Rijswijk, 1400 copies              possible.

Electrotechnische Vereeniging                                                                        Natasha Birari
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Phone number: +31 15 278 6189

149th Board of the ETV
President - Joris van Breukelen
Secretary - Tim Plantfeber
Treasurer - Vera Pauptit
External Affairs - Floor Walterbos
Education - Reinier van der Leer

Non-members can get 4 issues of the
Maxwell against an annual contribution of

Change of address
Please send changes in your address to
the (e-mail) address above or use the

      4     March 2021
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...


6      The Hammer
                          10     EV Load Prediction

14       Black Hole
                          20   A physicist who never
                                 lost her humanity

22    Student Columns
                          26    What is Quantum

30   Possibly the D-Day

                                         March 2021      5
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

The Hammer Computer
Kees Pronk

At the Study Collection, we were                        structure of this analogue and
aware of a large machine (3.0 x                         mechanical calculator.
1.5 x 1.0 meters) standing in a dark
corner. The origin and purpose of                       The construction of this machine
this machine had long been for-                         started around 1950. To really
gotten. Fortunately, an observant                       know what we are dealing with,
visitor was able to tell us where                       we must go back to that time to
the device was built and who the                        understand the development of
designer was.                                           radar technology and the con-
The device had been constructed                         struction of computers in those
around 1950 at the Nederlands                           years. This whole exercise re-
Radar Proefstation (Dutch Ra-                           sembles technological archaeol-
dar Testing Station) in Noord-                          ogy: from the artifacts found, an
wijk (now: Christiaan Huygens                           image is formed of the operation
Laboratory in Katwijk) under the                        of the machine, like a puzzle be-
supervision of its designer ir. J.                      ing slowly put together.
A. Hammer (figure 1). A brief de-
scription of the machine, as well                       The Hammer computer was de-
as the author, is given in [3].                         signed and built for a special pur-
A literature study yielded two                          pose: the design and calculation             Fig 1. Hammer’s
articles. The first article [1] is a                    of linear radar antennas. With                  Calculator
report by Hammer at a scientific                        radar transmission antennas, it
conference in France, expound-                          is important to generate a beam
ing the scientific progress made                        of radiation that is as narrow as     tributions from all slots. Due to
by using this machine. In the ac-                       possible, without so-called “side     interference, the fields generat-
companying survey article [2]                           lobes” (figure 2). Since the radi-    ed by the individual slots amplify
more details of the machine are                         ation pattern of a single antenna     each other in the antenna aiming
presented. After studying these                         is relatively wide, an array of an-   direction and weaken each other
articles and opening up the ma-                         tenna-slots is used to achieve a      in the other directions, thereby
chine to examine its construc-                          narrow beam (figure 3). The total     reducing the effect of the side
tion, gradually, a picture began                        field generated by these anten-       lobes.
to emerge of the purpose and                            na-slots is the sum of the con-

                      Antenna aiming direction

                 Main Lobe

          Side Lobe                         Side Lobe

    Side Lobe                                     Side Lobe

    Fig 2. Radiation Diagram of a single                                       Fig 3. Example of a slotted antenna

6      March 2021
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

The Design of the Computer            slots. In other words, this unique   a signal distribution device These
Hammer’s computer is designed         mechanical / analogue machine        channels are numbered -20° .. 0°
to perform two functions: (i) using   simulates radar waves. The           .. +20°. Each channel simulates
up to 41 antenna slots, the machine   block diagram of the computer        one antenna slot.
calculates the field strength         can be seen in figure 4. Whereas
of the E-field, and (ii) starting     the frequency range of radar is
from a prescribed radiation           around 30 GHz, here a frequency
pattern, the machine calculates       of 1000 Hz is used. The sine wave
the needed contributions of the       of 1000 Hz is presented to 41
(at most 41) individual antenna       parallel calculation channels via

Fig 4. The block diagram of Hammer’s machine. All calculations assume that the antenna slots
                          are the same distance ‘d’ from each other

Fig 5. X-Y resolvers and the gear box. The positive resolvers rotate clockwise; the negative
                    counter clockwise. The central resolver is stationary

                                                                                            March 2021    7
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

To calculate the E-field the oper-      gearbox is driven by a central          cessing. Towards this purpose, a
ator manually sets the amplitude        motor. This motor sets the angle        so-called ‘rootpot’ is connected
and phase of each antenna slot          θ from the aiming direction.            to the circuit [2]. The functioning
on the computer. The amplitude          Using the formula                       of this part is based on finding
for each channel can be set with                                                the roots of the equation
a buffered 10-turn helipot.
Some more thought was put into
setting the phase on this ma-           the strength of the E-field of the
chine. Each channel is equipped         nth antenna slot is calculated.         Solving this equation using the
with a so-called x-y resolver. The      Subsequently, all field strengths       ‘rootpot’ will give a number of
experimenter sets the desired           are added together:                     complex roots. Although this part
value of the phase by manually                                                  has been located in the machin-
turning the stator of the resolv-                                               ery (figure 7), its precise opera-
er. The rotor of each resolver is                                               tion is still unclear. Presumably
driven from a central gearbox           The result is shown to the exper-       the ‘rootpot’ is also used as the
with ratios 1: 2: 3: ..: 20. When the   imenter via an oscilloscope and/        aforementioned signal distribu-
desired phase is set, the x-y re-       or a paper recording device (re-        tion device.
solver translates the mechani-          member when paper recording
cal angle between the stator and        was a norm?) as shown in fig-           Hammer’s computer calculates
the rotor into two AC voltages          ure 1. The addition of the signals      the E-field in 12 seconds. Digital
[5]. Both, the resolvers and the        is done via buffered amplifiers         computers of that time (in 1955)
gearbox, have been mounted on           that use vacuum tubes. Figure           needed 700 seconds for this cal-
a very sturdy sub-chassis, so           6 shows the bottom part of the          culation. The great developments
as to increase the accuracy of          electronic signal processing unit       that took place in digital tech-
the computation. Figure 5 shows         of eight resolvers.                     nology later made this analogue
some resolvers and the gearbox.                                                 / mechanical calculator from
                                        The computer’s second function          Hammer superfluous, and it was
The E- field is calculated for a        of is calculating the amplitude         eventually donated to the Study
large number of angles                  and phase settings of the anten-        Collection in Delft.
(θ = -30° , ... , + 30°) from the       na slots starting with the pre-
antenna aiming direction). The          scribed E-field i.e. inverse pro-

            Fig 6. Electronics for signal                                    Fig 7. The Rootpot
             processing of 8 resolvers

8    March 2021
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

Applications of Linear Radar                  used here. For more information                               ed scientific and applied work on
Antennas                                      on modern techniques, the read-                               this subject. One of the develop-
Various radar installations were              er is referred to [4].                                        ments was the creation of this
constructed on the basis of ex-                                                                             analogue / mechanical computer
periments with Hammer’s com-                  Conclusion                                                    by ir. J. A. Hammer in the years
puter, both onshore and on frig-              During the Second World War, the                              1950-1955. It is remarkable that
ates of the Royal Dutch Navy.                 development of radar technology                               Dutch engineers were able to
Figure 8 shows an application                 in the Netherlands came almost                                create this splendid example of
of a linear radar antenna on the              to a standstill. After the war                                electronic and mechanical design
Dutch frigate zr. ms. Tromp (the              was done, it was decided that                                 so shortly after the end of WWII.
black box on the stern, designed              the Netherlands should start its
and produced by Thales in Hen-                own developments in this field.
gelo). Of course, the most mod-               The Dutch Radar Test Station was
ern radar techniques have been                established in 1947, and it start-

                                                       Fig 8. zr. ms Tromp


[1]The Evaluation of Diffraction Prob-        thesis of Linear Arrays with Prescribed                       [4]
lems in Aerial Technology by Means of an      Radiation                                                     radar-nl/radar-phased-array-onderzo-
Analyser for                                  Patterns: A Survey of some Early Work                         ek/
Complex and Fourier Series, by:       J. A.   at the Christiaan Huygens Laboratory, by:
Hammer     in:   Principes   fondamentaux:    E. Goldbohm (formerly professor at                            [5]X-Yresolver:
Équations de Maxwell, Principe de Huy-        TUDelft) in: IEEE Antennas and Propaga-                       wiki/Resolver_(electrical)
gens et Théorie de la diffraction en hyper-   tion Magazine, Vol. 35 No. 3, June 1993                       tennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35
fréquences (1956)                                                                                           No. 3, June 1993
                                              [ 3 ] h t t p s : / / w w w.c r y p t o m u s eu m .c o m /
[2]Near Field Measurements and the Syn-       manuf/nrp/files/nrp_40.pdf

                                                                                                                                   March 2021         9
PREDICTION, AN UNCERTAINTY - Electrotechnische ...

EV Charging: Load Prediction,
Smart Charging and its Impact
on the Electric Grid
Interview with G.R. Chandra Mouli
Aniruddh Kulkarni

Dr. G.R. Chandra Mouli is an As-      face of the automobile market:
sistant Professor in the DC sys-      the electric vehicles. In 2010, the
tems, Energy conversion and           global count of electric cars was
Storage group in the Department       only 17,000. As per the Interna-
of Electrical Sustainable Energy.     tional Energy Agency, the auto-
He has received his PhD from          mobile market has seen a year-
the Delft University in 2018 on       on-year growth of 6%, swelling
the dissertation associated to        the total count of electric cars to
the development of a solar pow-       7.2 million1.
ered V2G electric vehicle charg-
er compatible with CHAdeMO,           This exponential rise in the num-
CCS/COMBO and designed smart          ber of electric vehicles, raises an
charging algorithms. Dr. G.R.         important question: Is the charg-
Chandra Mouli received ‘Under 35      ing infrastructure developing at
Innovator’ award from the IEEE        par with the vehicle technology?
Industrial Electronic Society in      To this Dr. G.R. Chandra Mou-
2019. Based on the specialization     li puts forth a perspective that
of Dr. G.R. Chandra Mouli, we dis-    this development of charging in-      ance is maintained in the ratio of
cuss the future of the electric ve-   frastructure is dependent on the      number of vehicles to the charg-
hicle charging infrastructure. The    country. Development of charging      ing stations. This development in
21st century has seen the new         infrastructure means that, a bal-     the charging infrastructure var-

                                Fig-1: Rise of EV market from 2010 to 2019

10   March 2021

ies by geography. According to       in installing and operating charg-   tering to the peak demand of
the International Energy Agency,     ing stations are Fastned, Ionity,    the load. The peak demand cy-
the global figure for installed      Tesla Supercharger, EVgo.            cle occurs at fixed durations
chargers were 7.3 million in 2021.                                        in a 24-hour cycle. Congestion
There are a few countries which      The load experienced due to          Management deals with spread-
have more vehicles than the          charging EV’s has much higher        ing out the time during the peak
charging infrastructure. Figure-2    magnitude than the conventional      load hours throughout the 24-
shows country-wise distribution      loads. Hence, the impact on the      hour period such that the energy
of number of charging stations       electrical grid will be much high-   consumed remains the same but
built. This imbalance results in     er when the EV-charging is taken     the power reduces for the peak

   Publicly accessible slow chargers 598,000             Publicly accessible fast chargers 264,000

Fig-2: Global distribution of publicly available charging stations Publicly accessible fast chargers

an increased waiting time for us-    into account. Most of the pres-      load time intervals. An alter-
ers to charge their vehicles or to   ent distribution electrical grids    nate method is to install locally
commute to large distances due       are not capable of handling such     generated renewable charging
to unavailability of nearby charg-   kinds of loads. For reducing this    stations. This will be effective in
ing stations.                        impact on the grid techniques like   sense that there will be less im-
                                     “Smart Charging” have come to        pact of the load on the grid.
The charging infrastructure can      existence. Smart charging aims       Aggregator based Charging: -
be categorized into two types:       at managing the supply and de-       One of techniques of smart
The first type of charging sta-      mand of the EV charging, by es-      charging is the aggregator-based
tion is a long duration charging     tablishing protocols/algorithms      charging.     Aggregator    based
station i.e., chargers located in    to the way the users charge their    charging is one of the techniques
offices, public charging stations    vehicle and control the way in       which involves the contribution
within the city etc. Such sta-       which battery of an electric ve-     of the whole EV ecosystem. The
tions are meant for fulfilling the   hicle is charged/discharged. This    EV (electric vehicle) ecosystem
daily charging requirements of       is one of the focus points of the    consists of several key compo-
EV owners. The second type of        Department of Electrical and         nents: the car manufacturers,
charging stations are meant for      Sustainable Energy. One of the       the charger manufacturing in-
fast charging. These stations are    techniques that Dr. G.R. Chan-       dustries, industries that install
located on highways and routes       dra Mouli confers is Congestion      and operate the chargers, indi-
of long-distance travel. Some of     Management. This in other words      vidual entities that provide the
the industries making progress       is the efficient management ca-      charge controlling software. The

                                                                                           March 2021      11

energy market players such as         demand of every individual EV          not included in the aggregator
energy producers and suppliers,       user. This charging information        supervision. The load at such
companies responsible for sup-        is dependent on the user profile       charging stations can be ac-
ply-demand balance and the dis-       by collecting information such         counted for as uncertain load.
tribution system operators also a     as arrival time, parking time. Out     Hence, the net load predic-
part of the EV ecosystem.             of the whole EV ecosystem, any         tion is made by observing the
An individual EV owner/user does      entity can take up the role of an      charging pattern of EV owners

           Traditional wide beam communication systems vs next generation system with
                                      dedicated for users

not have any idea of the total load   aggregator. Independent entities       and extrapolating the data.
experienced by the grid at certain    can also assume the role of an         The load due to EV charging is
point of time. Hence, from a cus-     aggregator. Multiple aggregator        a long duration load imposed
tomer centric view the control of     companies are present in the           on the grid as compared to the
charging is not possible. Based       ecosystem which collect the data       conventional loads, which are
on the user behaviour,                of a set of users for predicting       switched frequently. Due to the
there are certain durations in a      and controlling a part of the load.    prolonged time for charging,
day in which most of the EV’s of      Collectively, this data presents       there will be an overlapping in
a particular region will be charg-    the total load profile at a national   the loading conditions i.e., due
ing. This will result into a surge    grid level.                            to multiple users charging their
of the load on the grid. These in-                                           vehicles in the same time dura-
termittent surges of load during      To acquire the data of individual      tion. Once the load profile is built
the peak demand duration have         charging demand, the aggrega-          based on integrating individual
to be distributed in order to re-     tors use different charging pro-       charging demand, in the same
duce adverse impact on the grid.      tocols. Some of the charging pro-      time duration. Based on the grid
To accomplish this distribution       tocols used by the aggregators         congestion and available sourc-
there will be some potential en-      are Open Charge Point protocol,        es such as renewable charging,
tities in the future, who will be     the Open Smart Charging proto-         different pricing schemes can be
responsible to cluster the data       col. For example, the e-mobility       devised. The cost for charging is
and provide a prediction of load,     service provider handles the fi-       determined based on the optimal
spread out in a 24-hour cycle.        nancial transactions related to        power consumed versus time
These entities are called “Aggre-     charging. This financial trans-        profile for every individual vehi-
gators.”                              action reflects the details com-       cle. Hence, one of the possible
                                      prising of duration of charging,       methods is to decrease the load-
The primary function of an aggre-     location of charging etc. Howev-       ing during peak demand is to in-
gator is to acquire the charging      er, some charging stations are         crease the price charged per unit

12   March 2021

power consumed (cost/kWh).                    mand [2]. This data concerns with              installed capacity.
                                              the grid loading conditions. For an            The above situation describes
Despite the smart charging tech-              individual, the maximum demand                 that the grid will certainly need
niques, there are multiple factors            will increase by 18% from every                an upgrade in the power capacity
determining the loading on the                10% increase in houses with EV’s               to satisfy the growing demand of
grid such as EV penetration, grid             [3]. The impact of this increased              EV charging. However, upgrading
features, rated charging power of             load will be more prominent on                 the grid will require a significant
vehicles, charging behaviour pat-             the distribution network than the              investment. Hence, Dr. G.R. Chan-
tern etc. Based on the EV pene-               transmission network. Most of                  dra Mouli believes that the future
tration the peak load for grid has            the distribution network have an               of charging infrastructure will
been calculated. Research has                 installed capacity to operate at               turn towards an optimal solu-
shown that a 10% market pene-                 higher load conditions, there are              tion which combines the smart
tration of EV would result in an              some networks present which                    charging techniques and the up-
increase of 17.9% in daily peak               operate near to the peak load.                 grade in electrical gird.
demand while a 20% market pen-                Such networks, will undergo
etration would result in an in-               overloading condition. This issue
crease of 35.8% in daily peak de-             can be resolved by increasing the

References: -
1. IEA (2020), Global EV Outlook 2020, IEA,   vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 802-810, May 2011, doi:   Dearborn, MI, USA, 2009, pp. 827-831, doi:
Paris     10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2057456.                   10.1109/VPPC.2009.5289760.
                                              3. G. A. Putrus, P. Suwanapingkarl, D.
2. K. Qian, C. Zhou, M. Allan and Y. Yuan,    Johnston, E. C. Bentley and M. Narayana,
“Modeling of Load Demand Due to EV            “Impact of electric vehicles on power
Battery Charging in Distribution Systems,”    distribution networks,” 2009 IEEE Vehicle
in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,        Power and Propulsion Conference,

                                                                                                                  March 2021       13

Black Hole Visualization
Annemieke Verbraeck

A surprising amount of black-
hole articles
It seems every week I find a new
article on my feed concerning
new and surprising discover-
ies in space. Many of these are
about black holes, although that
might be just me, as Google must
think I am obsessed with the
phenomenon after searching for
the Black Hole Wikipedia article
hundreds of times during my re-
search. Even though black holes
are surprisingly simple - some
of them can be defined with only
one parameter – their influence
on their surroundings is not easy
to grasp. Despite my background
in Astronomy, I often found my-
self double checking the basics
to make sure my implementa-
tions and definitions were cor-
rect. If my Astronomy BSc taught
me anything, it is how easy it is
to make mistakes dealing with         Copyright© Frank Auperlé
complicated physics formulas
that cannot be verified in an ex-     visualization, and concluded that
periment on earth.                    their simulation was not optimal,      Taking a trip to a black hole
                                      at least in terms of speed. With       The easiest is to start the expla-
From Astronomy to Computer            my astronomy background, I was         nation of our research with a little
Graphics                              the perfect candidate to fully un-     thought experiment to describe
Another thing the Astronomy BSc       derstand all the formulas in the       our setting. Imagine yourself to
taught me, is that those physics      paper and work out a smarter           be a wealthy tourist on one of the
formulas were a bit too abstract      and faster solutiovn. I am now in      first spaceship trips. The guide
for me and a lot more present in      my third year of my PhD at the         starts talking excitedly, as you
the study than the pretty Hubble      Computer Graphics group, and           are approaching the grand fina-
Telescope imaging of deep space.      only this October did we publish       le of the tour, a real Kerr black
This realization led me to pursue a   a paper on our findings. As it of-     hole. Unlike Schwarzschild black
master in computer science with       ten goes in research, at first it is   holes, Kerr black holes are spin-
a specialization in Graphics at       more difficult than expected and       ning rapidly, so the spaceship
the TU Delft. For my masters pro-     at the end there is always some        has entered a stable orbit around
ject, the professor of our group,     code to improve and some func-         it, to prevent getting sucked in.
Elmar Eisemann, immediately           tionality to add. The end result       After all this travelling you know
knew what I was going to spent        was worth all the work howev-          that space is a very empty place,
all my time on. He saw the mov-       er as we received an honorable         so while you are close to the black
ie Interstellar, skimmed through      mention for best SciVis paper at       hole, all the stars and galaxies
the paper about their black hole      the Vis 2020 conference.               are almost infinitely far away. So

 14 March 2021

far away in fact that if you would    fore we can go on touristic trips     curved paths through space. As
make a simulation, they could         to a black hole, so until then we     we only detect the photons when
be approximated by existing on        have to be satisfied with simula-     they reach our eyes, we expect
a celestial sphere with infinite      tions, but not everyone has a CPU     the star to be located in the di-
radius around you and the black       farm at their disposal. Our ap-       rection where the photon arrived
hole. The big question now is of      proach therefore aims to produce      from. On top of that you can see
course, what do you see when          a high-quality interactive simula-    that different light rays from one
you look out the window? What         tion that can be run on your own      star follow different paths to your
do you expect to see?                 computer in real time, to come a      eye, which means photons from
                                      little closer to that experience of   the ame star come in at different
Real image versus Simulation          looking out of the window of the      angles, and thus show you im-
The first thing that now pops         spaceship.                            ages of the same star at differ-
into your mind is probably the                                              ent locations in Fig.2. To make it
image of our simulation (Fig.1)       I will explain step by step how       even more crazy, the multiplying
that made you interested in this      we achieve this, but before that,     effect happens an infinite num-
article in the first place. Had you   we first must understand why          ber of times. And then some light
not seen it however, it might be      visualizing a black hole is not       rays do not reach your eye at all,
the image of an existing black        straightforward and why it took       as they are trapped by the black
hole that was constructed last        Interstellar so long to render        hole and cannot escape. This re-

                                      Fig 1: Result of the simulation

year from telescopic data, or it      these frames.                         sults in the black portion in im-
might be a simulation, like the                                             agery of black holes, called the
one of Gargantua, the black hole      Infinite Images                       shadow. Looking at it from this
in Interstellar. A large team of      As mentioned before, black holes      way, saying that we aim to visu-
researchers worked on its de-         influence their surroundings. The     alize a black hole is not accurate
piction - one of which is the fa-     presence of a massive body like       at all, as the only thing we see –
mous astrophysicist Kip Thorne        a black hole deforms space-time,      or not see – is how it influences
- to make sure it was a very          and this affects everything that      space around it.
precise and physically accurate       gets close to it, even weightless
simulation. While this research       particles like photons. Let us        Light always takes the shortest
produced IMAX quality imagery,        imagine following the light rays      path
a CPU farm was required for ren-      originating from a far-away star      Making a virtual world and de-
dering, and for some frames this      until they hit your eye. As you can   picting it as accurately as possi-
process took up to 100 hours.         see in Fig.3, due to the presence     ble on a computer screen is what
                                      of the black hole, the rays do not    computer graphics research is
Obviously it will take a while be-    follow straight lines, but take       for. The most basic approach

                                                                                             March 2021      15

uses the physical principle that         interactive simulation is not fea-       and brightness. The elliptical
we can observe an object be-             sible when having to trace lots of       ray bundle equations are even
cause there is light that hits the       these rays. This means there are         more complicated than single
object, and then bounces from            two things we had to do: making          rays however, and thus take
the object into our eyes, enabling       the ray tracing faster, and doing        even longer to compute.
us to construct an image of it in        less of it.
our mind. We invert this princi-                                                  Step 1: Faster Raytracing
ple to get images from a virtual                                                  Our first step to achieve

Fig 2: Due to the presence of the black hole, we see         Fig 3: Light rays will always follow the shortest path
multiple versions of the same star at different locations.                         from A to B.

world onto a screen. To find out         Stellar Problem                          speedup is to use the principle
the correct color for each pixel         The researchers depicting the            behind the complicated ellipti-
we trace a light ray back from the       stellar sky behind Gargantua             cal bundles, but do the actual
viewer, through the pixel, into the      quickly found out that their initial     tracing using single rays. We
virtual scene, to see what object        method of tracing one or multi-          also work with an area, but
it hits and if the object is illumi-     ple rays per pixel resulted in a         one that starts as a square, the
nated. However, these scenes             completely black image. The rea-         pixel itself. We then trace a ray
are usually in an earth-like en-         son for this is that the stars are       through every pixel corner and
vironment, where light rays fol-         defined as point lights and hitting      end up with a polygonal region
low straight lines, and we can in        this exact point with a traced ray       on the celestial sky, which we
general expect objects to be lo-         is almost impossible. While larg-        can integrate just like the el-
cated at the direction we observe        er objects like galaxies can be          liptical area. As every corner
them in. For our black hole case,        projected onto a 360-panorama            is shared by 4 pixels, we get
we do take a similar approach,           map that covers the celestial sky        to trace an area at the cost of
where we start at the viewer and         (Fig.5), stars are much smaller          only one ray per pixel. With our
trace rays through the pixel back        lights than even one pixel. The          polygonal regions we trade in a
to the Celestial Sky to see what         solution for their missing stars         bit of quality for a lot of speed-
star or galaxy it hits there. Due        was not to trace single rays, but        up.
to the presence of the black hole        elliptical ray bundles. Every bun-
however, this ray will be curved,        dle starts from a spherical area         In practice the integration
and can only be traced through           around a pixel, gets traced back         at the celestial sky is noth-
space by performing a numerical          through space and ends up as             ing more than a check to see
integration of a set of differential     an elliptical area on the celes-         which stars and which part of
equations based on the space-            tial sky (Fig.4). All stars in this      the 360 panorama is included
time metric. This ray-tracing in-        area could then be integrated to         in the polygon, and then adding
tegration is very costly, and an         determine the final pixel color          up their colors and brightness.

16   March 2021

Step 2: Less Raytracing                  the edge of the black-hole shad-         need to find the mapping from
For the second step of our speed-        ow. A lot of rays are needed in          every pixel corner to its loca-
up, we use the fact that the dis-        those regions to correctly inter-        tion on the celestial sky. With
tortion of the environment stays         polate, but in less distorted re-        an adaptive grid, we have the
the same as long as we stay in the       gions, we can probably get away          mapping for each grid vertex to
same place. For one such posi-           with much less. To decrease the          the celestial-sky location. Sub-
tion, we only compute rays once,         number of rays even further, we          sequently, we have to locate in
coming in from directions defined        construct an adaptive grid that          which grid cell a pixel corner is
on a spherical grid all around us.       refines more in areas with more          located, and then interpolate the
Because the distortion is smooth,        distortion. To construct the grid,       surrounding values of the grid
we can interpolate this generat-         we start with large grid cells and       to find the pixel corner’s celes-
ed grid to create images looking         use the amount of distortion to          tial-sky location. To better ap-
in any orientation and with differ-      check if they need to be divided.        proximate the smoothness of the
ent projections. This way, we can        The end result can be seen in            distortion and avoid artefacts, we

                                   Fig4: Top: Elliptical ray bundles by Interstellar,
                             Bottom: Our polygonal ray bundles made out of single rays.

                          Fig 5: Left: Celestial sky map, Middle: Map as a panorama image,
                       Right: Distortion of celestial sky by a black hole, seen in panorama view

show what our eyes would see             Fig.6. Depending on the position         use Hermite Splines for our in-
with their limited field of view, or     of the viewer, the adaptive grid         terpolation method.
show how everything around us            traces around 40 times less rays
deforms at once, with a 360 pan-         than the standard one.                   What about our trip around the
orama like in Fig.1.                                                              black hole?
As you can see in Fig.5, the dis-        Interpolation                            Now we can compute grids, but
tortion is more severe closer to         When constructing an image, we           unfortunately even with all im-

                                                                                                   March 2021     17

 provements it takes about half a         into too much detail here, our            Looking back in time
 second for all rays to be traced,        solution computes the interpo-            When we observe space, we are
 so too long for interactive fram-        lated shadow and warps the two            looking back in time, as it takes
 erates. Luckily when we have the         existing grids around it – mak-           quite a while for light from distant
 grids, we can render the images          ing it possible to interpolate the        stars and galaxies to reach us. As

Fig 6: Adaptive grid in panorama view. Every intersection on this grid represents a light ray that has been traced back to
                                                    the celestial sky.

 in real-time, by performing this         grids at the same positions.              I am very busy with a new project,
 step in parallel on the GPU. Our                                                   the black-hole simulation already
 mission was however, to be able          And of course, a lot more                 starts feeling like a thing from the
 to feel like we are in a spaceship,      This is not all functionality our         past. It would be great however, to
 travelling around the black hole.        method has, but it does outline           bring this software to an educa-
 If for every position our space-         the largest steps that enabled us         tional space. I would have enjoyed
 ship is at, we have to wait half a       to make a high-quality interactive        some of my astronomy lectures
 second for a new grid, our imple-        simulation, while tracing only a          a lot more if the professors had
 mentation would not be very in-          fraction of rays compared to pre-         shown me simulations like this!
 teractive. To solve this, we come        vious solutions. We also made
 to our last attempt at simplifi-         sure to emphasize the aesthet-            Podcast episode with Annemieke Verbraeck
 cation and decreasing compute            ics of the resulting imagery, we          In The ProfCast, Marieke (PhD candidate
 time; we aim to compute less             are from the Computer Graphics            Applied Mathematics) and Dave (communi-
 grids.                                   group after all! For stars we use a       cations advisor) talk to scientists who want
                                          Gaussian filter to show their dif-        to improve the world, who prefer to educate
 Step 2.5: Less grids                     ference in brightness and added           young people and who avre looking for that
 To simulate movement, without            diffraction effects (Fig.8). While        one spark. What drives them? Where does
 having to recompute the grid             the particular pattern we use is          their fascination with science come from?
 all the time, we came up with a          an artifact caused by the vanes           And how do they dealv with all the hus-
 method to interpolate between            of a telescope, we are so used            tle and bustle? In recent weeks they spoke
 grids at different positions. This       to see imagery of space like this,        with Annemieke Verbraeck, among others.
 is not as simple as it seems, if we      that it was a natural addition. We        Black holes are one of the most remark-
 look at the deformations between         also include color and brightness         able phenomena in the universe. But what
 two grids, like in Fig.7, it is clear    changes induced by the black              do they look like? And how do you represent
 that one produces a larger shad-         hole, as it influences the wave-          such a thing? Researcher Annemieke Ver-
 ow. If we would just lay them on         length of photons passing by and          braeck developed a new simulation based
 top of each other and interpolate,       creates other fascinating effects         on the Hollywood film Interstellar. Professor
 there is a region in which one           (Fig.9).                                  Elmar Eisemann and Professor Alexander
 grid does not have any informa-                                                    Verbraeck also speak in this episode.
 tion to contribute. Without going

 18   March 2021

    Fig 7: Interpolation between grids A and B to find grid I. The grids are warped around the interpolated shadow
                                            to make interpolation possible.

Fig 8: Star effects, from left to right: No effect, Gaussian filter, Trails to make movement go smooth between frames,
                                     diffraction, the image used to make the diffraction.

                                       Fig 9: Effects on brightness and color: From
                                top to bottom: No effects, Redshift effect, Lensing effect.

                                                                                                    March 2021       19

A Physicist who never lost
her humanity
Aniruddh Kulkarni

The epitaph “A physicist who never lost her humanity” is attributed to the respected human being and great
physicist Lise Meitner. In the year 1945, Otto Hahn received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery
of nuclear fission. However, Lise Meitner despite of being associated with the project for the whole of her
lifetime, unfortunately did not receive the honor to be the recipient of the Nobel prize.

Lise Meitner was born in a Jewish     to the field of study still prevailed.   collaboration of Lise Meitner and
family on November 7th, 1878 in       Owing to these restrictions, Lise        Otto Hahn started with research
Vienna, Austria. The primary ed-      could only enter the University          on Beta emission. Their collabo-
ucation in Austria had been man-      of Vienna in the year 1901. With         ration prevailed for 30 years, in
dated by Empress Maria Theresa        Ludwig Boltzmann as her men-             which they worked on radioactive
in 1775. Till the 1800’s the reason   tor, she entered the world of            substances and conducted ex-
that women are not competent          physics. Otto Robert Frisch once         periments for obtaining isotopes
enough was used as an argument        said that Lise Meitner made her          of different elements. The results
to restrict women from entering       vision of physics as battle for the      of their work were published in
universities. Starting from the       ultimate truth, a vision that she        three major articles in the year
year 1872, women were allowed         never lost. Following her doctor-        1908. The World war I started in
to graduate yet they remained         ate, she moved to Berlin in 1907,        1914 and during this period Hahn
excluded from some specific uni-      where she attended lectures              served in the German gas ser-
versities due to the ideology. By     by Max Planck. At University of          vice headed by Haber, while Lise
the year 1901, this ideology was      Berlin, Lise Meitner started her         served as X-ray nurse for the
discarded and women were al-          research with radioactive sub-           Austrian army. In 1917, they iso-
lowed to enter universities how-      stances along with Otto Hahn.            lated the isotope of the element
ever some restrictions pertaining     The beginning of the long-lasting        protactinium. In 1932, James

20   March 2020

Chadwick presented a conclu-         holm where she took up a post         an immense amount of energy is
sive proof on the existence of       at Manne Siegbahn’s laboratory.       released during the fission re-
neutrons. This proved to be as a     This was the place where she          action, the idea of using nuclear
stimulus to the research of Lise     collaborated with the noted sci-      fission reaction as a potential
Meitner and Otto Hahn which in-      entist Niels Bohr. However, Lise      weapon emerged. The methodol-
vestigation of the effects on neu-   and Otto Hahn remained in touch       ogy of how an atomic explosion
tron bombardment of nuclei.          during that time. In December,        would take place, published by
                                     Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman         Frisch-Peierls, became the ba-
In 1934 Ernico Fermi experiment-     conducted experiments which           sis of the establishment of the
ed with the effects of bombarding    was on the process of ‘bursting       Manhattan Project. Lise Meitner
neutrons on elements for pro-        of uranium’ which later came to       however turned down the offer
ducing isotopes. The bombard-        be known as the nuclear fission       declaring, “I will have nothing to
ment of neutrons of elements         reaction. However, the results of     do with a bomb!”
yielded isotopes of the element.     the experiments turned out to be
However, one anomaly emerged         unusual. Lise and Frisch articu-      Lise Meitner contributed to the
during this research, which was      lated the results using the “liquid   foundation of the nuclear fission
the behaviour of element urani-      drop model” of the nucleus, that      reaction. Between 1924 to 1938,
um. Upon bombarding neutrons         the uranium nuclei split into el-     Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn were
on uranium there were several        ements Barium and Krypton. The        nominated for the Nobel Prize
products produced as opposed         term nuclear fission was first        19 times, 17 times for the field of
to the definitive results yielded    coined by Otto Frisch which ex-       chemistry and 2 times for physics.
by other elements. This behav-       plained the ‘bursting of uranium’     However, due to the Lise’s emi-
iour could not be explained. This    and resulting release of an im-       gration and intermittent collabo-
puzzle only grew by the year 1938    mense amount of energy. This re-      ration with Otto Hahn, the Nobel
which was a pivotal year for the     sult provided a conclusive proof      committee did not consider the
scientific community in Austria,     that all the elements beyond ura-     contribution made by Lise. This
and shortly before World War II.     nium in the periodic table could      resulted in Otto Hahn winning
                                     not exist in a stable state. The      the Nobel prize. This mistake by
In 1938, the annexation of Austria   results of the experiment were        the Nobel committee was partly
into Germany took place which is     presented in Naturwissenschaf-        rectified when Lise Meitner, Otto
referred to as the “Anschluss.”      ten in 1939.                          Hahn and Fritz Strassman were
During this political union, many                                          awarded the U.S. Fermi Prize.
scientists were dismissed or         The explanation of the empiri-        The element “Meitnerium (Atomic
forced to resign. This became a      cal results provided by Lise and      Number 109)” has been named in
reason for many renowned scien-      Frisch had a scintillating impact     the honor of Lise Meitner.
tists to emigrate, Lise being one    on the scientific community. Once
of them. Lise moved to Stock-        there was conclusive proof that

                                                                                            March 2020      21

Master Student Column
Internship at SLAM Ortho
Jan de Jong

Jan is now a second-year master        moving to Rotterdam and starting
student in Computer Engineering.       my thesis soon, so it’s kind of the
He started his bachelor’s in elec-     end of an era.
trical engineering 8 years ago                                               still open, but that’s for another
right here in Delft, during which      What do you like to do in your        time maybe.
time he was also active in ETV.        free time?
                                       I’ve always been interested in        What was your motivation for
Tell us something about your-          technical stuff since I was a         doing an internship?
self!                                  child - being into LEGOs, building    During the first year of my mas-
It has been some years since I         things with my sisters and stuff. I   ter, it was quite hard to find any
have been an active member of          really like the technical aspect of   interesting courses in the first
this association. So, a brief intro-   electrical and mechanical stuff,      quarter of the first semester.
duction. I did a lot at the ETV, as    but also actually building things     Therefore, I decided quite early
well as a board year in my third       and working with my hands. I’m        on in the year that I wanted to do
year. During my year we also had       very happy I could make it come       something other than CE cours-
the Lustrum year, so there were        together into a study. I also liked   es for my free elective space.
a lot of festivities going on. This    swimming, and now I’ve picked         And, quite thankfully, this op-
year I am still doing the Board of     it up again. And of course, be-       portunity was presented to me
Studies in Computer Engineering,       ing with friends. It was always a     during spring/summer: I was ap-
so I’m still a bit involved, but I’m   good time at the pub when it was      proached by a friend who works

22   March 2021

at the company SLAM Orthope-          domains of electrical, mechan-
dics, to see if I was interested in   ical and computer engineering.
doing an internship with them.        But I didn’t really have experi-
                                      ence in building a PCB etc, so
SLAM Ortho is a startup with its      that was all new for me. I had to
offices at the YES!Delft incubator    learn Fusion360, which is a pro-
on the TU Delft campus. They fo-      gram by Autodesk that you can
cus on surgical orthopedic drill-     use for fast prototyping for 3D .
ing, and are developing an adapt-     I learnt to actually make a board,
er add-on for a surgical drill that   although it wasn’t a very hard
can automatically measure the         board to make, but it had a good
drill depth in bones. This is used    number of electrical components
in plate osteosynthesis wherein a     for a first board. There were also
metal plate is fixated to the bones   some challenges, and debugging
to stabilize a bone fracture. Their   is also a really important skill -
product drastically shortens the      very frustrating, but it can also
operation procedure and will          be rewarding. There was a lot of
also cause the procedure to be        software writing, and although I       ciety can be made in the case of
less error prone since the meas-      am a computer engineering stu-         SLAM Ortho.
urement step is automated.            dent, this is one of my least fa-
                                      vourite things.                        Do you have any advice for cur-
Tell us a bit about your intern-                                             rent students?
ship assignment.                      It was a really friendly environ-      I would recommend everyone to
My internship assignment was to       ment. I would like to see that in a    do an internship in their master
design and prototype a portable       company when I apply for a real        programme. It is very interesting
receiver for the sensor adapter       job. If you want to really work in a   how you can apply the knowledge
that they are currently develop-      team and get the best out of each      from courses in such an assign-
ing. They had to show it to their     other, you need to know each           ment. You learn the translational
clients and convince them to buy      other - but that’s also one of the     step between all the theory, and
it, so it had to be awesome. The      things I’ve learned from my board      its practical implementation and
whole design loop was walked          year.                                  prototyping. Besides this, it also
through and everything, from re-                                             gives a good perspective on the
search into requirements to the       What was your favourite part           dynamics in a company and how
final assembly, was touched. One      about the experience?                  they differ from academia, so you
of the most exciting things in my     It was an amazing experience,          don’t end up going to work and
experience was designing and          and one of the things I would nev-     not know what ‘working’ is, be-
producing a custom SMD PCB.           er forget would be the ambience        cause you’re in for a treat then.
There is no such opportunity          within a startup. The amount of
elsewhere in the CE study pro-        freedom that is available to you       With all of this being said, I’m
gram.                                 is also quite a large responsibil-     very thankful for the opportuni-
                                      ity. I learnt a lot about the design   ty I’ve gotten from SLAM Ortho
Within a quarter it was possible      cycle, without everything being        and the TU Delft. I will soon begin
to do all of these things, and in     defined for you in an assignment       on my master thesis project and
the end, a proof of concept for       by the TU. But because of that         will proceed to conclude my time
the portable receiver was deliv-      you can let your creativity thrive.    here in Delft. And I hope you will
ered. For SLAM Ortho this meant       And thus, you can really stay on       all consider an internship as a
that a lot of new information was     top of next-generation ideas. I        part of your master programme.
gained, and further strategies        now really know what it is like to
could be researched.                  actually design electronics for a
Did you feel prepared for it?
I already enjoy building stuff,       Besides this awesome ambience,
and also connecting the three         a very useful contribution to so-

                                                                                              March 2021     23

Bachelor Student Column
Gijs Lagerweij, Third Year Electrical Engineering

Gijs is a third-year Bachelor stu-     it was close to where I live.           ly involves theoretical elements
dent electrical engineering at the                                             such as a literature study and
TU Delft. He has done an intern-       Why did you choose to do an             modelling, as well as practical
ship at Prodrive Technologies for      internship for your minor?              elements such as design, test-
his minor.                             There are two reasons for that.         ing, performing measurements,
                                       Firstly, the TU Delft did not of-       and analyzing the obtained data.
Why did you choose Electrical          fer many minors in areas that           Another very important aspect
Engineering at the TU Delft?           interested me. Secondly, I want-        is documentation, which should
To me Electrical Engineering           ed to apply the knowledge and           help your colleagues understand
was, and still is, a very interest-    skills that I have acquired over        the outcomes of your project af-
ing and broad discipline with ap-      the years. (Work) experience is         ter it is finished.
plications in almost every aspect      something that goes beyond what
of our lives. I knew pretty early      you learn at university, which is       Where did you do your intern-
on that I wanted to do Electrical      mostly theoretical. An internship       ship?
Engineering. It was a combina-         helps you develop practical abil-       I did my internship at Prodrive
tion of the courses I liked during     ities, which is very valuable for       Technologies located in Eind-
high school, as well as my hob-        your development as an engineer.        hoven. Prodrive is a technology
bies. My father, who is also an                                                company comprising over 1300
electrical engineer, was always        Do you think there is a large           employees and is one of the fast-
happy to help or explain things.       difference between studying             est-growing companies in Eu-
His support certainly gave me a        and doing an internship?                rope. Prodrive designs and man-
nudge in the right direction.          Definitely. The goal of most cours-     ufactures electronics, software,
I chose to pursue this course of       es at university is to give you a       and mechanics, power electron-
studies at the TU Delft because I      broad theoretical understanding         ics being the core competence,
liked this university best. I also     of various concepts that belong         and is active in many different
visited several other universities,    to that subject, this is tested at an   industries, such as the medical,
but Delft felt like the right choice   exam. During an internship, there       industrial, automotive and sem-
to me, both in terms of atmos-         is no exam, instead, your goal          iconductor industries. Their ca-
phere and in terms of the aca-         is to complete the project that         pabilities include in-house pro-
demic environment. Additionally,       is assigned to you. This typical-       duction, assembly, testing and

24   March 2021

life-cycle-management of elec-        had to be analyzed, after which        Did the coronavirus have an
tronic products and systems.          I had to make a comparison be-         impact on your work?
                                      tween the variants. A number           Of course, but it was not as bad
Can you tell us more about            of custom power modules with           as it could have been. Working
your project at Prodrive?             integrated passives were also          from home is unavoidable these
Within Prodrive, numerous prod-       compared against discrete SiC          days, but thankfully Prodrive re-
ucts incorporate power modules        MOSFETs in identical configura-        sponded very well to the virus.
and discrete semiconductor de-        tions.                                 They implemented strict rules
vices. These parts are off-the-       The results of this investiga-         which allowed location critical
shelf products which are typi-        tion were quite promising. We          work (e.g., lab and production
cally not optimized for electrical    observed an improvement of             work) to continue in a certain ca-
and thermal performance in the        roughly 25% to 50% in steady-          pacity. These rules allowed me
specific application. This is es-     state thermal performance over         to spend a significant amount of
pecially the case for higher-per-     the operating range when com-          time on-site. Aside from some
formance WBG devices. Prodrive        paring the custom power mod-           minor delays for ordering PCBs,
is now developing custom pow-         ules to the discrete SiC MOSFET        components, etc., there was no
er modules using SiC MOSFETs          solution. By integrating decou-        significant impact on my project.
in an effort to drive down con-       pling and snubber into the mod-
verter costs and improve per-         ule, we were able to achieve 75%       What did you like the most about
formance. These power modules         lower undershoot and oscillation       doing an internship?
provide a larger degree of flex-      than with the decoupling outside       I really liked that I was able to
ibility in high-efficiency power      the module.                            completely focus on a subject
conversion products. One way of       We have also identified some           that interests me. The internship
optimizing the electrical perfor-     limitations of the modules and         gave me the time required to dive
mance is through the integration      potential paths for improvement.       into the subject and create some
of various components (snubber,       The general expectation is that,       good, useful results. Usually, you
decoupling, gate driver, etc.) into   with the power semiconductor           do not get this amount of time at
the module.                           technology shifting from Si to SiC     university, where you touch upon
The goal of my project was to         and GaN, the ‘vertical integration’    many parts of a subject, but never
completely characterize and ver-      in terms of packaging will be-         really dive deep into the details,
ify the electrical and thermal be-    come more and more important           at least during the Bachelor.
haviour of various custom power       for the company to be able to de-      At the same time, I also enjoyed
module configurations incorpo-        sign power conversion products         the cooperation between disci-
rating passive components. The        with high reliability, long lifetime   plines. It seems every discipline
assignment involved qualification     and low cost/performance ratio.        has its own perspective and
of a test setup specifically devel-                                          working together can give rise to
oped to be able to characterize       How did you experience the at-         interesting discussions and new
both the hard and soft-switching      mosphere at Prodrive?                  insight.
performance of any half-bridge,       The atmosphere at Prodrive was
both discrete MOSFETs as well         very pleasant. It is quite informal,
as (custom) power modules, de-        and you can talk to anyone at any
velopment of a measurement            time. My colleagues were happy
procedure, as well as conducting      to help and explain anything dur-
the measurements. The electrical      ing my internship, either in the
and thermal performance then          office or through a Teams call.

                                                                                              March 2021    25

What is Quantum Computing? K.L.M. Bertels
Prof. Bertels moved to Portugal
to continue working on the quan-
tum computing challenges. As a
full professor in Porto, he is in
the process of setting up a Eu-
ropean quantum computing re-
search centre to which already
multiple universities or research
groups are participating. The
current members of the initia-
tive are the University of Porto
(P), ENSTA, in Brest (F), CEA in
Grenoble and Paris (F), the Po-
litechnical University in Valencia
(E) and the University of Leuven
(B). The goal is to work on var-
ious accelerator topics and to
expand the tools for the different
layers. QBee is a company that
was created to develop several
quantum accelerators and will be
active at the international level.
To this purpose, QBee will con-
tinue working on the tools and
algorithms that will be needed
once a quantum computational
accelerator can be made.
                                         computer. So, every word in this      units (NPU) like Google’s tensor
The content of this article needs        article refers to a quantum ac-       processing unit (TPU), etc. The
further research, but is based on        celerator, which in principle will    formal denition of an accelerator
prof. Bertel’s latest research and       operate on the quantum mechan-        is indeed a co-processor linked
recently published article, and          ical principles of superposition      to the central processor that is
remains his intellectual property.       and entanglement.                     capable of accelerating the exe-
                                                                               cution of specific computational
Introduction:                            Given the recent insights leading     intensive kernels, as to speed up
There is growing interest in quan-       to e.g. Noisy Intermediate-Scale      the overall execution according
tum computing as the new com-            Quantum (NISQ) technology as          to Amdahl’s law. We now add two
putational direction in which we         expressed in [2], we are much         classes of quantum accelera-
can keep on building ever strong-        more inclined to believe that the     tor as additional co-processors.
er computers. In the remainder           first industry-based and soci-        The rst one is based on quantum
of this article, I will not talk about   etally relevant application will be   gates and the second is based on
a quantum computer but rather a          a hybrid combination of a classi-     quantum annealing. The classical
quantum accelerator [1] as up to         cal computer and a quantum ac-        host processor keeps the control
this point, I have not read a good       celerator. It is based on the idea    over the total system and dele-
article about what                       that any end-application contains     gates the execution of certain
a quantum computer is. How-              multiple computational kernels        parts to the available accelera-
ever, what an accelerator is, is         and the properties of these parts     tors.
quite well understood by the             are better executed by a par-         Computer architectures have
semiconductor world as almost            ticular accelerator which can         evolved quite dramatically over
every computational device is            be, as shown in Figure 1, either      the last couple of decades. The
built on transistors used to con-        field-programmable gate arrays        first computers that were built
struct a co-processor that will          (FPGA),       graphics-processing     did not have a clear separa-
substantially speedup the overall        units (GPU), neural processing        tion between compute logic and

26   March 2021
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