Prayer & Fasting Journal - January 2022 - West Chester Nazarene Church

Page created by Sheila Haynes
Prayer & Fasting Journal - January 2022 - West Chester Nazarene Church
Prayer & Fasting Journal
       January 2022
Dear Friends,

     Happy New Year! Thanks for journeying with us through this month of prayer and fasting. This year, our
     focus is on praying FOR people. In Colossians, Paul writes to the church and asks them towards the end
     of the letter to pray.

     Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a
     door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I
     may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every
     opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how
     to answer everyone. Colossians 4: 2-6

     Paul asks them to devote themselves to prayer. But I love what he says in verse 3: "Pray for us...that
     God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ." Paul has given
     his life to proclaim the hope of Christ. He has given his freedom for it. And as he writes back to the
     church, he asks them to pray for the building of the Kingdom.

     As Christians, we often pray "Thy Kingdom come." The Kingdom comes through people. If we really are
     serious about seeing the Kingdom come, we need to pray FOR people.

     Over the next month, we are going to focus on praying FOR people. Each week, we will pray for a
     di erent group of people:

     Our loved ones
     Those in need
     Our leaders
     Our enemies

     In addition, there will be fasting challenges that I believe will help you not only pray, but be a better
     witness. I want to encourage you, along with Paul, to "Devote yourself to prayer." Join us on this journey
     to pray FOR people! If you do, I am convinced you will have a clear awareness that God's Kingdom is

     Pastor Alex


Why do we pray AND fast? It’s simple. Jesus fasted and prayed. He said his followers would fast
after he was gone. Jesus devotes a large chunk of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:5-18) to
instructions on how to pray and fast. Amazing things happened in the book of Acts related to prayer
and fasting. We are the 29th chapter of Acts. Prayer and fasting still precedes miracles and powerful
moves of God.

Fasting with common sense—If you are thinking of fasting more than one or two meals at a time
make sure you are healthy enough to do so. If you are on medications or dietary restrictions, check
with your doctor about what is sensible regarding fasting.

As you consider the power of combining prayer with fasting, there are multiple methods for fasting.
Here are some ideas:

                                            Food Fast Ideas
One meal each day—The fast is not about only giving up food, but also includes praying during
mealtime. Jesus said, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” Matthew 26:40 It takes about an
hour to prepare a meal or travel to a restaurant or get ready to eat. So this time is a perfect
opportunity to pray. Those who work in hot exhausting jobs cannot fast completely because they need
their strength and stamina for physical exertion. However, they can sacri ce one meal a day for the

Two meals each day—Some people can pray for two hours each day, sacri cing two meals to the

Eat only veggies—The Daniel Fast involves giving up meats, desserts and snacks, eating only the
food that Daniel most likely ate. While the fast doesn’t give extra time to pray, it is a commitment of
the heart that when joined with prayer, moves the heart of God.

Cut out re ned sugar—Give up desserts, sodas, sweet tea, and colas, Snicker bars and donuts.

                                       Behavior Fasts
Get up an extra 30 minutes early—Jesus often got up early, before dawn, to pray.

Give up television or video gaming—Secular people might laugh at “fasting television” or
“sacri cing television” but it is a commitment to God to place loyalty to Christ rst above all else. This
is a spiritual choice in response to Christ, who promises, “Seek rst the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Give up sports or watching it on TV—Giving up the bowling league, gol ng, shing, jogging or other
activity for a season to pray during that time is a choice. It places spiritual exercise above physical
exercise. “Bodily exercise pro ts little, but godliness is pro table for all things.” 1 Timothy 4:8

Give up pleasure reading—Beyond what you must read for your work or preparing for teaching the
Word of God, pleasure reading could be turned into prayer time. You could consider laying aside
reading the daily newspaper (or news websites) too.
Restrict mobile phone and other social media—While some of these communication devices are
necessary, they are serious time robbers that could be placed aside for praying. Substituting prayer for
video or screen time would yield a big return.

Other—The Holy Spirit may have an idea for fasting that is unique to you.

                                     What will you fast this month?

Food or drink fast:

Behavior or time fast:


The keys to prayer are simple:
  1.   Prepare yourself personally. Designate a time and a place where you can focus on God daily.
       Lists are helpful.
  2.   Just pray. Start talking to God about needs, hopes and dreams.
  3.   Write in this journal.
  4.   Join with a friend or small group weekly for accountability and encouragement.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to
him, and will sup with Him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come
to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23

This is prayer, opening the door to Jesus, inviting Him in, conversing with Him and following His advice.
In this season of prayer and fasting, we want to keep the door continuously open to Jesus all month.

                                    The Power of Agreeing in Prayer

Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for
them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the
midst of them. Matthew 18:19-29

Get a prayer partner or join a small group so you can agree with other believers for God to work in your
life. This is how miracles often begin! Even if you are not in a small group, if you follow the daily prayer
prompts you will be agreeing in prayer with everyone else using the guide.

Personal Prayer and Fasting Goals 2022

The most important thing about prayer is to simply start talking to God! Then, make it a habit. We are
all aware of many needs, so it usually helps to list those needs and organize them.

The corporate purpose of this journal is to help us cover the ministries and outreach at WCN
with God’s grace, protection and favor throughout all of 2022. We want everything we do, from
our worship in this building to serving in Guatemala to be covered by God.

Write down your personal prayer goals for this spiritual journey. You can revisit and revise this page
during the journey. Here are a few possible areas to consider.

Personal spiritual growth (especially humility and forgiveness):

People in your circle of in uence who need God:

Material or physical needs:

Dreams for the future:

Day One - A Personal Walk with God

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the
Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the
mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
Romans 8:26-27

Jesus died for everyone. Every person on earth is welcome to come to Him and receive eternal life
and wholeness in this world. The door is open for anyone who chooses to follow Jesus.

If you genuinely intend to follow Jesus, commitment is required. Jesus becomes the point of reference
in life. To become a man or a woman of God, Jesus said, ‘Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow
Him.’ That’s how we love God and love our neighbor. Prayer and fasting are a part of denying yourself
and taking up your cross.

Our time spent in prayer and fasting this month will impact what happens in West Chester, Mason and
southwest Ohio, and our nation as well as in Guatemala, Target Dayton, Cincinnati Urban Promise and
wherever else we go to serve in 2022.

Find a time and place to shut out distractions and think about who God is. When and where can that
happen for you?

Have you truly realized your need for God and asked him for forgiveness? When did that happen?

If you have not asked God for forgiveness or have fallen away from your original commitment, restart
your walk with God.

                                  WCN Prayer and Fasting Day One

Week One Fasting Challenge - Personal - Fast something that is a typical part of your day (social
media, TV, games, reading, work break). Replace the time you would spend on that or set aside a block
of time to pray that God would shape you to be Christ-like in all you do.

Whatever you have decided to do in special prayer and fasting, it is an o ering to God. Jesus set the
example for us to pray and fast. As we follow His example, God will be glori ed and He will help us, as a
church, to spread the Gospel and make disciples.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 1 – Help us, Lord, to nd a quiet place and hear your still, small voice
speaking each day. Show us your majesty and holiness! Help us to see Jesus clearly!
Day Two - Humility

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for
they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:3-5

Jesus continually taught and modeled humility to His disciples. He washed His disciple’s feet. He said,
don’t let your right hand know that your left hand is helping a needy person, pray in your closet, fast
with a smile on your face. Humility wasn’t natural for the disciples. It’s not natural for us, either.
However, it is the rst step in being used by God to build His Kingdom. Humility allows us to connect
with people in ways that surprise them and honor God.

Many people think being a servant makes you look weak, but Jesus always demonstrated humility by
interacting freely with the poor, the sick or the outcast. He never worried about looking weak.

If you have leadership responsibilities, how can you be a servant leader like Jesus?

In your family-

At work-

In your neighborhood-

At WCN –

At school, if you are a student-

Part of humility is to love your neighbor (think of the Good Samaritan story), especially someone that
probably can’t pay you back. Who is a neighbor you can or need to help?

                                   WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Two

Week One Fasting Challenge - Personal - Fast something that is a typical part of your day (social
media, TV, games, reading, work break). Replace the time you would spend on that or set aside a
block of time to pray that God would shape you to be Christ-like in all you do.

If you are fasting solid food today, remember to drink plenty of water or whatever liquids your fast

WCN Prayer Focus Day 2 – Lord, help us at WCN to recognize that we really are unable to save
ourselves. We need the new birth that only comes from admitting that Jesus is Lord. Help us to
be broken hearted over the sin and heartache around us. Help us to be diligent and wise as we
meet needs in this world and build God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Day Three – Forgiveness and Mercy

     From The Lord’s Prayer
     And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your
     heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your
     Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:12,14-15

     In verse 12, Jesus says, “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” Then in verse 15, Jesus
     points out that we must forgive others as God forgives us. He said nothing about any exceptions.

     Is there anything in your life for which you need to ask forgiveness?

     Is there a deep pain, hurt or grudge from the past that you need to let go of and forgive?

     From The Beatitudes
     Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Matthew 5:7

     Jesus clearly taught that in giving mercy, we receive mercy from God. That takes faith. But it is the rst
     step to freedom from scars that are often old and deep.

     **If there is a serious issue about forgiveness in your life, whether it is accepting God’s amazing love for
     yourself or knowing how to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply, please contact one of the pastoral
     sta for help.

                                        WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Three

     Week One Fasting Challenge - Personal - Fast something that is a typical part of your day (social
     media, TV, games, reading, work break). Replace the time you would spend on that or set aside a block
     of time to pray that God would shape you to be Christ-like in all you do.

     If you are fasting solid food for an extended time (more than one day), expect a little discomfort and
     possibly a headache. This is not uncommon, especially if you have also cut out ca eine and/or soda or
     sugars. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive exercise during days when you don’t eat. Listening to
     inspiring worship music or audio Bibles is also helpful.

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 3 – Help us, Lord, to fully accept your forgiveness of our sins. Then help us
     to step out in faith and forgive people who have hurt us deeply. Help us to be deep springs of
     mercy and grace to everyone we meet; our family, our friends, our church, even our enemies.
     Especially, our enemies! Lord, we thank you for your grace and mercy.
Day Four – Awakening and Revival

     Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be lled. Matthew 5:6

     Since our nation’s birth over two hundred years ago, there have been several periods of national or
     regional spiritual awakenings. Sincere prayer, fasting and repentance always preceded those moves
     of God. Sincere prayer, fasting, Bible study and repentance aligns us with the will of God.

     It’s hard to feel desperate when your stomach is full, and you are busy and ful lled in your physical or
     economic situation. Remember the rich man, the camel, and the eye of a needle?

     Are we at WCN willing to deny ourselves and pray to God for awakening and revival in 2022?
     What would happen if thousands of churches across the USA prayed sincerely for revival? Let’s
      nd out!

     Satan wants people and churches to be isolated and full of fear and mistrust. God calls us to love all
     people, as He does. Pray for our church outreaches to bring revival!

     Pray for God to awaken your spirit to be in tune with His Holy Spirit! He will equip you to share His
     love as you pray. What is God calling you to do to help reach out to the needy or lost?

     If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and
     turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their
     land. II Chronicles 7:14

     Some would say this verse only applied to Israel. But that ignores the fact that He has done it for
     many nations over the last 3000 years, including Nineveh, much to Jonah’s chagrin. God is Good! And
     His mercy endures to all generations!

                                        WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Four

     Week One Fasting Challenge - Personal - Fast something that is a typical part of your day (social
     media, TV, games, reading, work break). Replace the time you would spend on that or set aside a
     block of time to pray that God would shape you to be Christ-like in all you do.

     If you are fasting a particular food or activity, renew your commitment. If you slip up, don’t be
     discouraged. Remain faithful to your goal and restart! Drink plenty of water, juice or broth if you are not
     taking solid food.

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 4 – Lord, we love you and thank you that you supply our needs. Give us
     the backbone and heart to do your will in helping others and spreading the Good News of
     Jesus. Unite us in worship, awakening and revival!
Day Five – Unity

One major theme in the New Testament is unity of believers. In John 17, when Jesus prays for all who
will ever believe in Him, He prays that we would love one another and be uni ed in Him. The letters of
Paul, Peter and John constantly reminded the churches to be uni ed instead of quarreling over food,
their favorite preacher, circumcision, religious holidays, and on and on.

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that
all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the
world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be
one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the
world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17: 20-23

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, xing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and
perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at
the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

The solution to discord is to keep our eyes on Jesus, our hope of resurrection and eternal life with God.
The closer we get to Jesus, the closer we are to each other.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you
will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Romans 12:2

How do you renew your mind daily?

How do we love and forgive others as God has forgiven us?

How do we keep from judging others? What does “judging” another person really mean in day-to-day
life (does driving on the interstate count)?

                                   WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Five

Week One Fasting Challenge - Personal - Fast something that is a typical part of your day (social
media, TV, games, reading, work break). Replace the time you would spend on that or set aside a block
of time to pray that God would shape you to be Christ-like in all you do.

Praying and fasting are about self-denial. Then Jesus said unto his disciples, “If any Man will come after
me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” Matthew 16:24 This is not about in icting
pain on oneself or earning points with God. It is putting your desire to get closer to Jesus ahead of a full
stomach, screen time, social media, or whatever you’re giving up during this time of fasting and prayer.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 5 – Lord, your prayer to the Father was that your followers would be one
in you, just as you are one in the Father. Help us at WCN to look after each other and support each
other rather than judge and criticize. You said the world would notice if we loved each other.
Make us one in Christ!
Day Six – Family

     “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and
     said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will
     become one esh’? So they are no longer two, but one esh. Therefore, what God has joined together,
     let no one separate.” Matthew19:4

     God instituted the family with Adam and Eve. In Genesis 1, God creates the universe and the world. In
     chapter two, He creates the family. In the Bible, the family is the cornerstone of society. Passing the
     faith to the next generation is a family responsibility, more than it is a church responsibility. Family is
     supposed to be the safety net for individuals. Because of this, Satan attacks the family in every culture
     and nation. Whether by adultery, sel shness, poverty, wealth, governments, pornography, war, alcohol
     and drugs, career or whatever, the family is under attack worldwide. As believers, our rst loyalty
     after God is to our husband or wife and family.

     ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: The Lord bless you and keep you;
     the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and
     give you peace.’ So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them. Numbers 6:23-27

     In the book of Numbers, Moses gave the priests a speci c blessing to say over families as they
     o ered sacri ces to God. We need that same blessing today! We should bless our families in Jesus’
     Name every day.

     Do you have a Christian heritage and know that the prayers of parents and grandparents are still
     lighting your path?

     Do you need to begin a tradition of your children and relatives knowing that you pray for them

     Are there any families that you could in some way help as they raise their children? Is there a single
     parent family you could encourage? Some free babysitting? A gift card? An invite to your house for a

                                          WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Six

     Week One Fasting Challenge - Personal - Fast something that is a typical part of your day (social
     media, TV, games, reading, work break) Replace the time you would spend on that or set aside a
     block of time to pray that God would shape you to be Christ-like in all you do.

     Prayer and fasting is about growing closer to God. We show that we hunger and thirst for
     righteousness more than we want food or social media. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for
     righteousness, for they shall be lled. Matthew 5:6

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 6 – Lord, help us to understand that we need to care for our family
     members. Help us to honor our parents. Help us to guide our children to you. Help our hearts to
     be broken over family members living apart from you. Help us to pray every day for family
     members. Lord, help our church to be family for those who have no family.
Day Seven – Marriage and Marriages

     Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For
     this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become
     one esh’? So then, they are no longer two but one esh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let
     not man separate. Matthew 19 :4-6

     You shall not commit adultery. Exodus 20:14

     As we read yesterday, the creation stories in chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis make it clear that God’s plan
     for Adam and Eve was to be husband and wife. After the fall, that plan got really messed up. In Exodus,
     the Ten Commandments are given and tampering with marriage is strictly forbidden. Marriage is the
     foundation of any functional human society. Satan continually attacks marriage. Whether by unbridled
     sex, pornography, alcohol and drugs, or whatever, marriage for life between one man and one woman is
     under attack worldwide. As believers, our rst loyalty after God is to our husband or wife.

     If you are married, do you take time to make sure your husband or wife knows that you love them above
     every other person on earth?

     Do you know any couples that are struggling in their marriage? How can you help them? Spend time
     with them or watch their kids for an evening? Help them with a project? List couples that God is
     directing you to pray for regularly?

     Do you know any single adults contemplating marriage? Pray for them as they establish the priorities for
     their life in nances, sexual purity, children, career and education.

     If you are single, what questions do you have for God about marriage? Talk to God about preparing
     yourself for your future, whether it is married or single.

                                         WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Seven

     Week One Fasting Challenge - Personal - Fast something that is a typical part of your day (social
     media, TV, games, reading, work break). Replace the time you would spend on that or set aside a block
     of time to pray that God would shape you to be Christ-like in all you do.

     During an extended period of fasting it is a good idea to limit watching commercial television. As time
     passes the food ads look better and better. The food and cooking shows can be problematic. Worship
     music playlists and Bible podcasts can help.

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 7 – Lord, strengthen marriages at WCN. Help our married couples grow
     closer to each other by growing closer to you. Help our youth to understand the importance of
     purity before marriage. Help us to ee from sexual immorality and pornography. We pray for and
     support Richard and Mary Jo Speicher as they lead any Art of Marriage classes.
Day Eight – Friends and Co-workers

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp
and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In
the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your
Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16

Think about your circle of friends and neighbors. List the friends or co-workers that you know well
enough to have good conversations with.

What are their needs? Are there any ways in which you could help them?

Do any of them need to know Christ? Pray for them daily through this fasting time and regularly after

                                  WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Eight

Week Two Fasting Challenge - Loved Ones - Intentionally take time every day to say a prayer with
each person in your family that you can, in person, by phone, etc. Pick a time each day and say a
prayer for those loved ones that do not know Christ. Pray for ways to be a light and encouragement to

If you are on a food fast (skipping meals) or a Daniel type fast (cutting out meat or sweets), drink
plenty of water. Be diligent. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to
God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews

WCN Prayer Focus Day 8 – Father in Heaven, help us to do your will and build your
Kingdom! Help us to share the Good News of Jesus with the people we see regularly. Our
friends, co-workers, and neighbors all need to know Jesus! Give us the wisdom and backbone
to share our faith at the right time!
Day Nine – Addictions and Grief Ministries

Think about how hard it is to give up food, or just sugar or ca eine? How much more di cult life is for a
person who has been exposed to and trapped in the addictive power of medications, alcohol, drugs or
pornography. Addiction is a cruel prison. Whether drugs or alcohol or some type of behavior, it is terrible
to be unable to think clearly and make good choices. All of us likely know someone who is battling
addiction and would like to be set free but can’t do it on their own.

Who do you know that is struggling with an addiction? Do you have an addiction?

List and pray for people you know who are battling addictions. God is their ultimate hope.

Do you know of anyone who has a family member dealing with addiction? Pray for them and pray for
God to show you how to encourage or support them.

At some point we all face grief, whether from loss of a loved one or some other tragedy. People who
have loved ones dealing with addictions often live in grief. When we see that friends or family members
are dealing with grief, the rst thing to do is lift them up in prayer. Then be sensitive to how you might
help. Our GriefShare groups can help you through grief and teach you how to help others through their

**If you need help or advice on how to help someone, contact the church o ce for counsel from a
pastor. It can be very tricky helping someone caught in an addiction. Don’t try to go it alone.

                                    WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Nine

Week Two Fasting Challenge - Loved Ones - Intentionally take time every day to say a prayer with each
person in your family that you can, in person, by phone, etc. Pick a time each day and say a prayer for
those loved ones that do not know Christ. Pray for ways to be a light and encouragement to them.

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glori ed, just as it is with
you. II Thessalonians 3:1

Throughout the letters from Paul, Peter and John there is an ongoing request for prayer. All of us need to
form the habit of praying for each other. Fasting helps us intentionally pray for others.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 9 – Lord, we ask for your Spirit to lead and move in the recovery ministries
and support groups meeting here at church. Help Pastor Dale and Jessica Fresquez, as they lead
the Recovery in Jesus group; Debbie Rudd, Wilmer Jones, Devita Claxon and Kathy Orlando as
they lead the GriefShare group; Pam Prather as she leads the Parent’s of Addicted Loved Ones
(PAL) group.
Day Ten – The Clubhouse and WCC

     Start children o on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
     Proverbs 22:6

     Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven
     belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. Matthew

     How important is childhood? Childhood is the ideal time to plant the seeds of faith and truth into a
     person’s life. Everyone who comes to God must become like a child to start the journey. Jesus
     encouraged parents to bring their children to Him.

     Who are the children in your life and how can you bless them and pray for them? How can you bring
     them to Jesus?

     If you have children in public schools, try to get to know the teachers, coaches, administrators, and
     elected school board members and pray for them regularly.

     The Clubhouse, our children’s ministry at WCN, is the focus of today’s prayers. Could God be
     prompting you to help teach and encourage our children? Sunday School classes, the nursery,
     Wednesday night groups, musicals, Fall Fest, Eggstravaganza, and VBS require a lot of committed
     volunteers. If you would like to help, please contact Pastor Emily or Carol Becktell.

     West Chester Child Care (WCC) is another way WCN blesses children and families. Sherri Rind eisch
     is the director of our Preschool and Day Care. If you need preschool, child-care or would like to inquire
     about teaching or assisting in any way, please contact Sherri through the o ce.

                                       WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Ten

     Week Two Fasting Challenge - Loved Ones - Intentionally take time every day to say a prayer with
     each person in your family that you can, in person, by phone, etc. Pick a time each day and say a
     prayer for those loved ones that do not know Christ. Pray for ways to be a light and encouragement to

     No matter what kind of fast you have committed to during this prayer and fasting challenge, stay true
     to your commitment. Satan will do whatever he can to make us lose heart and give up. Be
     diligent! Don’t give in to the deceiver! Don’t Quit! Reboot and restart if you need to! Read Hebrews
     11:6 again (Diligence!).

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 10 – Father in Heaven, help us at WCN to provide our children with
     examples of faith and trust in you. Lord, help Pastor Emily, Carol Becktell and the children’s
     ministry team as they teach Bible stories and biblical truths to our children. Help them as they
     bless the children from the nursery through sixth grade. Lord, guide Sherri Rind eisch and her
     sta of committed teachers and assistants as they minister to Day Care and preschool children
     and their parents every day. Father, help Dale Ann Watkins with the Whiz Kids ministry of City
     Gospel Mission.
Day Eleven – The Neighborhood and Young Adults

But seek rst the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

Start children o on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

There are many people in the Bible that had a huge impact on the world starting as teenagers and young
adults; Joseph, David, Daniel, Namaan’s servant girl, Esther, Mary, Jesus at twelve in the Temple. Young
people are fully capable of great things for God. However, teen years have always been an adventure
due to all the physical changes going on as teens become adults. Since 2008, and the invention of the
smartphone, self-image issues have intensi ed for teens and young adults. Knowledge of God’s Word
and knowing who you are in Jesus are more important now than ever. We need to support Pastor Jay
and Pastor Teresa with daily prayer and encouragement.

Who are the teens in your life? Pray for them, their schools, and our church outreaches to them.

If you have teens in public schools, get to know the teachers, coaches, administrators, and elected
school board members and pray for them.

Post high school is also a challenging time. Questions arise. Can you believe what you were taught in
church? Most of society, especially media and entertainment, says, “Do whatever you want. It’s your life,
your body, you’re your own God!” Pray for Pastor Teresa and her team as they help young adults
navigate life.

Who are the college students in your life? Pray for them.

Who are the young adults in your life? Pray for them

                                 WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Eleven

Week Two Fasting Challenge - Loved Ones - Intentionally take time every day to say a prayer with each
person in your family that you can, in person, by phone, etc. Pick a time each day and say a prayer for
those loved ones that do not know Christ. Pray for ways to be a light and encouragement to them.

Revelation 3:20 says, Jesus is knocking and waiting for us to open the door to our hearts so he can
come in and sup with us. In fasting and prayer, we have had the door open for eleven days. Hopefully,
you have sensed His presence often, even when just going about your normal routines. Give Jesus
permission to rearrange the furniture.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 11 – Help Pastor Jay as he and his team shepherd the junior and senior
high students at WCN. Help as they plan Bible studies, activities, outreach ministries and mission
projects for the teens. Lord, help Pastor Teresa as she leads the teaching, fellowship, and
outreach ministries of the young adults at WCN. Give her and her team patience and creativity for
young adults in this very important time of life.
Day Twelve – Adults Ministries

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on
earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and
lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:18-20

Adults and Seniors Adults who are mature in their faith are the foundation of the church. They have
seen the hand of God move and lead in the past. They have seen God lead through both the
mountains and the valleys of life. They pray. They lead. They give. They love.

One goal of this January 2022 prayer and fasting challenge is to prepare us to make disciples by being
disciples. If you are an experienced follower of Jesus, have you asked God to open doors for you to
mentor or counsel a younger believer?

If you are early in your walk with God, try to nd older experienced believers to help you grow and
strengthen your faith. Pastor Dale loves to connect disciples and mentors.

If you are retired, please consider the J.O.Y. Club (55+) as a means of outreach and fellowship. They
do ministry and get together for good times, too. Contact Bev Dowler or Donna Stewart.

                                WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Twelve

Week Two Fasting Challenge - Loved Ones - Intentionally take time every day to say a prayer with
each person in your family that you can, in person, by phone, etc. Pick a time each day and say a
prayer for those loved ones that do not know Christ. Pray for ways to be a light and encouragement to

As we pray and fast for our church during this call to prayer, we are laying the foundation on which
God will build amazing things in the coming months and years. Be diligent. Be faithful. Fast and
pray. Drink plenty of water while you fast.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 12 – Lord, thank you for the adults in our congregation! Please help
Pastor Dale and our adult Connection group teachers and Bible study leaders be guided by your
Spirit in teaching and studying the Bible. Father, we thank you for the outreach and impact of
the J.O.Y. Club (Just Older Youth, 55+) at WCN. Please help Bev Dowler and Donna Stewart as
they lead the J.O.Y. Club and plan for outreach and support for the senior adults.
Day Thirteen – WCN Ministries

The scope of ministry and activity at WCN is very broad. As we listen to God today let’s think about the
many ways WCN touches our congregation, our community and beyond.

Below is a listing of WCN ministries and other activities we host:

WCC Day Care and Pre-school                             Men’s Bible Studies
Children’s Ministries                                   Pal Packs and Comfort Care Kits
Eggstravaganza                                          Prayer Meetings
Vacation Bible School                                   National Day of Prayer Site
Fall Fest                                               Prayer Groups
Junior High classes                                     Divorce Care and Grief Share
Senior High classes                                     Recovery In Jesus
Young Adult classes                                     Family Promise
Adult Connection Groups                                 Christmas Outreach Dinner Event
Nazarene Missions                                       Butler Philharmonic Spring Choral Conc.
Work and Witness                                        Target Dayton missions
SWONAZ Events                                           Cincinnati Urban Promise missions
JOY Club (55+)                                          Hoxworth Blood Drives
Women’s Ministry and Thrive Conference                  First Responder Appreciation
Women’s Bible Studies                                   Polling place for elections
Naz Jazz Concerts                                       Community Clubs
Upward Basketball                                       Open Gyms
Meet the Need                                           Scouts
God’s Threads                                           Food pick up and distribution
Compassion Ministry                                     ESOL (English as a Second Language) Class

There are plenty of places to join in and volunteer to help. Perhaps God is leading you to nd a place of
service in one of the ministries at WCN. Think about it. Pray about it! Talk to a pastor.

                                 WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Thirteen

Week Two Fasting Challenge - Loved Ones - Intentionally take time every day to say a prayer with
each person in your family that you can, in person, by phone, etc. Pick a time each day and say a prayer
for those loved ones that do not know Christ. Pray for ways to be a light and encouragement to them.

As we fast, be reminded that our prayers for these four weeks will result in answers for months, even
years to come. His timing is not necessarily ours! Be diligent. As the song says, “Even when I can’t see it
or feel it, He’s working!”

WCN Prayer Focus Day 13 – Father in Heaven, we ask your blessings and favor on our church. In
the coming months of 2022, give us guidance as we seek to serve people in our community. Help
us manage the ministries, the facilities, and resources you have given us wisely. May people
sense the presence and love of Jesus when entering our building!
Day Fourteen – WCN Building Project, Korean Community, Youth

The next several months will see the addition of extra space that will provide a larger and more
functional area for our Korean worship services and teen functions. The addition of this space will
more than double the current capacity for church services and youth activities. It will also be a great
area for smaller weddings and other events for our church and community.

As with any project of this type, there will be some disruption of the normal routines. Teen classes and
small groups and the Korean language worship services will have to be temporarily relocated, material
storage and parking lot adjustments are needed.

Today, let’s ask for God’s blessing regarding:

• The supervisors and workers on the construction project.
• Pastor Jay and Pastor Youngduk as they lead and direct in the many adjustments that the youth
  group and Korean Community make over the next several months.
• Our church e orts to minister to workers and sub-contractors on site.
• Availability of materials.
• Volunteers working in various aspects of the project.

WCN Korean Community – At WCN, we are very blessed to have a vibrant community of Korean
speaking members led by Pastor Youngduk Kim. Each Sunday Pastor Youngduk leads a worship
service in Korean.

As we expand the facility used for our Korean language services, we ask that God would draw in
everyone who desires to worship in their native Korean language.

                               WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Fourteen

Week Two Fasting Challenge - Loved Ones - Intentionally take time every day to say a prayer with
each person in your family that you can, in person, by phone, etc. Pick a time each day and say a
prayer for those loved ones that do not know Christ. Pray for ways to be a light and encouragement to

Jesus spent forty days fasting and praying to begin His public ministry. Before the major events of His
ministry, He spent entire nights in prayer. As we go deeper into discipleship, we need to be intentional
in prayer and fasting.

WCN Prayer Focus Day 14 – Lord, we thank you for our church building! Help us as we add
space for use by our Korean Community and Teen Ministry. Oversee us in all aspects of the
construction project. Guide and protect the workers and volunteers. Bless this project and help
us build your Kingdom here!
Day Fifteen – Mission Possible - Global Missions

     But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me
     in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8

     One of the best ways to have your eyes opened to the broader scope of making disciples to the end of
     the earth is to go on a Work and Witness mission trip. WCN members have impacted parts of Peru,
     Mexico, Argentina, Papua New Guinea, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, the Bahamas, Senegal,
     Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Jordan, Ukraine and several locations in the United States. Nearly
     everyone who goes on a mission trip will testify that they gained more from the experience than they
     gave. Mission work also opens our eyes to the incredible blessings we enjoy at home as well as how
     God is changing lives for the better around the world.

     There is an order of priority in all mission e orts:
     1. Pray and fast for the project (right now)
     2. Give to support the project
     3. Go on the trip to help out

     We can’t all do step three, but we can all do steps one and two!

     Review the ways God has used you in the past to help missions.

     Ask God what he wants you to do for our global missions program.

     If you are interested in participating in Work and Witness to El Salvador this summer, other Mission work
     for WCN or the SW Ohio district, contact Chris Hardiman.

                                        WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Fifteen

     Week Three Fasting Challenge – Those in Need- Fast something that you regularly spend money on
     (co ee, eating out, movies/ entertainment, clothes). Save the money that you did not use...and give to
     those in need.

     Some churches attach fasting to missions by taking the money they would have spent on dining out for
     a week or a month and donating it to missions. So, if you eat beans and rice instead of going out to
     dinner some time, give the cost of that meal to missions. Especially, if you were going to Ruth’s Chris

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 15 – Father, in this very unusual time of di cult travel and personal
     contact due to COVID-19, please help in the preparations for the Guatemala Work and Witness
     trip and other projects. Please help in the assembling of the teams, safety in the travel to and
     from the sights, the successful teaching and sharing programs, safety at the work sites, and
     providing money for the projects and travel costs.
Day Sixteen – Mission Possible - Local Outreach

          When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like
          sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are
          few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest eld.” Matthew

            • Pray for Doris Yinger and Shirley Brown and their co-workers as they direct the God’s Threads

            • Pray for Ralph and Dale Funderburg and their teams as they lead the Meet the Need and Family
              Promise programs at WCN.

            • Pray that the healing and redeeming presence of God would be in every recovery and support
              group that meets in our church.

            • Pray for Pastor Rick and Jordan Watkins and the production team as they broadcast the Sunday
              morning worship service each week.

            • Share your faith with a neighbor and invite them to church.

          As you pray for the ministries of our church, is there a place God might use you?
           God’s Threads            Meet the Need
           Family Promise           Tech Crew

          Contact Pastor Teresa or Pastor Rick about joining a team.

                                           WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Sixteen

          Week Three Fasting Challenge – Those in Need- Fast something that you regularly spend money on
          (co ee, eating out, movies/ entertainment, clothes). Save the money that you did not use...and give it
          to those in need.

          The health bene ts of a Daniel fast or an ongoing intermittent fasting diet are well documented. You
          may be experiencing a new feeling of health and wellness if you have fasted foods loaded with sugar,
          fried food or fast foods. Though feeling better is not necessarily a spiritual thing, if you feel good and
          your mind is clear then you can pray more alertly and for longer periods of time.

          WCN Prayer Focus Day 16 – Father, help us to share the Good News of Jesus e ectively in the
          teaching, preaching and worship every week. Bless Pastor Rick in providing easy access to our
          Sunday services on the internet. Please enable us to help people in need with food and clothing
          whenever we can. Be with our teams led by Doris and Shirley and Ralph and Dale in these
          e orts.
Day Seventeen – Mission Possible - Target Dayton,
                             Cincinnati Urban Promise, Cincinnati Prayer Canopy

     Just as we have God’s Threads and Meet the Need for local outreach each week at WCN, our SW Ohio
     Nazarene District has Target Dayton and Cincinnati Urban Promise ministering to those in need every

     Our teens have made several trips to assist Target Dayton in their mission to reach the needy and
     neglected in the downtown Dayton neighborhoods. Target Dayton is in the business of changing lives
     and providing hope for people who have given up hope. They are building the Kingdom in a very di cult

     Cincinnati Urban Promise, now located in the Fairmont-Westwood area of downtown Cincinnati, focuses
     on reaching school children and families to help break the cycle of poverty that enslaves many children
     in urban settings. They partner with City Gospel Mission in several programs for children as well as
     providing food and basic material needs to families. At the same time, they are a growing congregation
     of believers.

     The Greater Cincinnati Prayer Canopy is a growing group of over fty churches that join in praying for the
     Cincinnati area. Each church covers a particular day of the month. Currently, about 1500 people are
     interceding for the Cincinnati area every month. Each month has a prayer guide to help the intercessors
     agree and unite in prayer. We will cover the last Tuesday of each month.

     SW Ohio Nazarene (SWONAZ) District events – Our Nazarene District sponsors many events that impact
     SW Ohio. Children and Youth Camps, Youth Praise events, adult retreats, Camp Meeting, THRiVE, Men’s
     Events and Pastor retreats help to encourage and renew believers.

                                    WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Seventeen

     Week Three Fasting Challenge – Those in Need- Fast something that you regularly spend money on
     (co ee, eating out, movies/ entertainment, clothes). Save the money that you did not use...and give to
     those in need.

     As we go into the home stretch of this prayer and fasting challenge, keep up your commitment. Be
     diligent. Be faithful. Stay sweet, even if you have cut out sugar! Hebrews 11:6

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 17 – Father in Heaven, build your Kingdom in the Cincinnati-Dayton area.
     Lord, bless children and teen camps, and adult services across the SWONAZ. Guide our district
     churches in supporting the work of Cincinnati Urban Promise and Target Dayton. Help us to be a
     part of the Canopy of Prayer that will prepare for revival in SW Ohio.
Day Eighteen – Sister Churches

     Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in
     prayer for you, that you may stand rm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. I vouch for him
     that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis. Our dear friend Luke, the
     doctor, and Demas send greetings. Give my greetings to the brothers and sisters at Laodicea, and to
     Nympha and the church in her house. After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in
     the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea. Colossians 4:12-15

     Paul wrote letters from prison in Rome to the churches at Galatia, Ephesus, Colossae and
     Philippi. Any church that got a letter was supposed to share the letter with the other churches. In the
     above scripture to Colossae, Paul said to make sure and pass it along to Laodicea. The churches
     were to help each other out. It’s the same today.

     This year we are thrilled to be doing this time of prayer and fasting with our brothers and sisters at the
     Morrow Nazarene and GracePointe Nazarene (Trenton) churches. God will multiply our e orts as we
     unite in seeking His direction and blessing.

     Pray for Pastor Scott Mishler and Morrow Nazarene as they serve and share the Gospel.

     Pray for Pastor Jon Young and GracePointe Nazarene as they serve and share the Gospel.

     Another powerful opportunity is that we are set to join 50 other churches of various denominations in
     sheltering the Cincinnati area with a canopy of prayer. Prayer is always the fuel that ignites the res of
     revival and spiritual awakening. Our country, especially the children and youth, needs to see what that
     looks like.

     What churches/pastors have played a role in your spiritual development?

                                         WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Eighteen

     Week Three Fasting Challenge – Those in Need- Fast something that you regularly spend money on
     (co ee, eating out, movies/ entertainment, clothes). Save the money that you did not use...and give to
     those in need.

     Review your goals for this month of fasting and prayer. Renew your commitment. Each person God
     has placed on your heart is worth more than this entire planet! They are eternal souls! Jesus
     asked the question, “What will a man pro t if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?”

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 18 – Father, today we lift our sister churches up to you. Help us all to
     work together in unity. Today we speci cally pray for the Morrow and GracePointe churches as
     they join us in this month of prayer and fasting. Lord bless all our pastors, leaders, and
     congregations as we worship you, share the Gospel and help the needy in our communities.
Day Nineteen – Nazarene Denomination Leaders

     For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually
     ask God to ll you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit
     gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every
     good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his
     glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience. Colossians 1:9-14

     As Paul prays in Colossians, our church leaders need knowledge, wisdom, understanding, endurance,
     patience, and knowledge of God to help our whole denomination, world-wide to bear fruit in good works
     through the power of the Holy Spirit!

     Pray for our General Superintendents. Each Superintendent is responsible for overseeing one of the six
     world areas and ordaining elders for the Nazarene church. They are tasked with oversight of missions,
     use of resources and maintaining sound doctrine in our churches across the globe. They need our

         Eugenio Duarte                                      Filimao Chambo
         David Graves                                        Carla Sunberg
         David Busic                                         Bob Maha ey - SW Ohio District Superintendent
         Gustavo Crocker

     Pray for our nearby University Presidents. Our University Presidents are faced with the task of preparing
     young people to go into the world or work or graduate school with a Christian worldview and witness.
     Their Religion and Theology departments prepare young people to be pastors, preachers, and
     professors. This is a daunting task in our ever more secularized society. They need our prayers!

         Mount Vernon – Dr. Spaulding
         Olivet Nazarene University – Dr. Chenoweth
         Trevecca Nazarene University – Dr. Boone

                                     WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Nineteen

     Week Three Fasting Challenge – Those in Need- Fast something that you regularly spend money on
     (co ee, eating out, movies/ entertainment, clothes). Save the money that you did not use...and give to
     those in need.

     Throughout the Bible there are many examples of leaders asking their nation or family to pray and fast
     for them in times of crisis. As you fast and pray today, think of the people you know who carry the
     burden of leadership for a church, a school, a business, a denomination, a church district, a ministry or
     any group of people. Intercede for them.

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 19 – Lord, today we lift up the Nazarene churches and schools around the
     world. Help us to be faithful to proclaim the walk of holiness to which we are called. Help, guide
     and bless our Generals, College Presidents, and our District Superintendent, Bob Maha ey, as
     they lead! Fill them with truth, knowledge, and wisdom by your Holy Spirit so that our churches
     bear fruit to the glory of God! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Day Twenty – First Responders and Military

          Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

          I urge, then, rst of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—
          for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and
          holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a
          knowledge of the truth. I Timothy 2:1-4

          On the home front, policemen and women, re ghters and EMT’s have always had a tough job. In the
          last couple of years, it has gotten to be much more challenging in certain areas of our country.
          Scripture calls us to appreciate those in authority. Peacemakers are children of God! Police,
            re ghters and EMT’s help us live peaceful and quiet lives. This makes it possible to be about the job
          of building the Kingdom rather than worrying about criminals, gangs and nding help in an emergency.

          We need to pray regularly for the people who put their lives on the line every day they go work. Every
          year we show our appreciation to the 14 police and re stations in the West Chester and Mason
          areas. We have several rst responders in our congregation. Let us pray for safety and e ectiveness
          for each one of them, as they keep us safe in so many ways.

          The US Armed Forces play the lead role in maintaining freedom around the world. Certainly, we have
          been blessed and used by God to prevent dictatorships from taking over the world. We are called to
          pray for those in authority and charged with keeping the world at peace. We have several military
          people on our prayer list each week. Let us be faithful to call out their names to God for His blessing,
          guidance, and protection.

                                                  WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Twenty

          Week Three Fasting Challenge – Those in Need- Fast something that you regularly spend money on
          (co ee, eating out, movies/ entertainment, clothes). Save the money that you did not use...and give to
          those in need.

          And when He (Jesus) had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Matthew 4:2
          After Jesus had fasted forty days, He was hungry, but He was also ready to battle Satan and begin His
          three-year mission of training the disciples to build His Kingdom. You are getting spiritually stronger.

          WCN Prayer Focus Day 20 – Father, we ask that you would be a hedge of protection around our
          policemen and women, our re ghters, our, EMT’s and our military. Protect them as only you
          can! Give them the con dence they need to do their important, essential jobs and let them
          know they are doing your work in keeping the rest of us safe. Give them rest and peace of mind
          when they are o duty. Bless them at home with their families. Amen!
Day Twenty-One – Elected O cials

     In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him.
     Proverbs 21:1

     If ever there was a time when peacemakers were needed in American society and culture, it is now.
     Praying and fasting can help us become mature children of God. The more we grow as sons and
     daughters of God, the better peacemakers we become. Be faithful in prayer and fasting as well as

     Pray for President Biden and the people appointed by his team.

     Pray for our U.S. Senators, Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman, and for our House Members.

     Pray for Governor DeWine, and the state legislators as they take o ce and govern Ohio.

     Pray for your local elected o cials such as school boards, trustees, and county o cials.

     Pray for the Supreme Court Justices, Ohio Supreme Court Justices, federal, state and local judges.

     Many moral and religious issues are tied to the decisions of lawmakers; abortion, euthanasia, sexual
     identity, even freedom of speech, it seems lately. We must not neglect to pray for leaders. No one can
     keep the Holy Spirit out of the back rooms where decisions are made. We need to ask God to work for
     the sake of the Kingdom and our children and grandchildren in this country.

                                          WCN Prayer and Fasting Day Twenty-One

     Week Three Fasting Challenge – Those in Need- Fast something that you regularly spend money on
     (co ee, eating out, movies/ entertainment, clothes). Save the money that you did not use...and give to
     those in need.

     On the mission eld, the rst thing most pastors want from visitors is faith lled prayer. Spirit lled prayer
     is more important that a generous o ering. Interestingly, prayer precedes unexpected generosity.

     WCN Prayer Focus Day 21 – Lord, may your Holy Spirit move throughout the working of politics in
     our nation in this election year. Just as we pray for revival among the people of this nation, we
     pray for revival and awakening among the elected and appointed leaders of this country. Lord,
     draw our leaders to yourself and move them to make wise decisions and honor you from village
     trustees to the President and his cabinet.
You can also read