Powder Diffraction An International Journal of Materials Characterization - Cambridge University Press

Powder Diffraction An International Journal of Materials Characterization - Cambridge University Press
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                                                      Powder Diffraction
                                                                                       Powder Diffraction                    An International Journal of Materials Characterization

                                                      Volume 28
                                                      Number 04
                                                      December 2013

                                                                                                                                                                                             Volume 28 / Number 04 / December 2013
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Powder Diffraction An International Journal of Materials Characterization - Cambridge University Press
Volume 28 Number 4 December 2013

                                                                                                                                        CODEN: PODIE2
                                                                                                                                         ISSN: 0885-7156


              Tom Blanton                                  Ting Huang and Powder Diffraction Journal, PDJ                                            247

              Victor E. Buhrke                             Tribute to Dr. Ting C. Huang, PhD                                                         248
                                                           (January 10, 1942–September 2, 2013)


              Atsushi Ohbuchi,                             Improved bench-top X-ray diffractometer for crystalline phase analysis of cement          249
              Takayuki Konya and
              Go Fujinawa

              Hasitha Ganegoda, James                      X-ray powder diffraction refinement of PbTi(1−x)FexO(3−δ) solid solution series            254
              A. Kaduk and Carlo U. Segre

              Jia-Yong Si and Ge-Mei Cai                   Synthesis and characterization of powder four borate Sr3Sm2(BO3)4                         262

              Sytle M. Antao                               Unit-cell parameters for scapolite solid solutions and a discontinuity at Me75, ideally   269

              Jinlong Zhu, Wei Han,                        Nuclear and charge density distributions in ferroelectric PbTiO3: maximum entropy         276
              Jianzhong Zhang,                             method analysis of neutron and X-ray diffraction data
              Hongwu Xu, Sven C. Vogel,
              Changqing Jin, Fujio Izumi,
              Koichi Momma,
              Yukihiko Kawamura and
              Yusheng Zhao

              Sytle M. Antao                               The mystery of birefringent garnet: is the symmetry lower than cubic?                     281


              J. Maixner                                   X-ray powder diffraction data for bis (1-amidino-2-ethylisourea) copper(II) nitrate       289

              Zhenwei Wen, Chen Liu,                       X-ray powder diffraction data for compound Er3Co4Al12                                     293
              Lingmin Zeng and Jialin Yan

              R. Pažout, J. Maixner,                       X-ray powder diffraction data for copper(II), bis[(2E)-3-methoxy-2-[(2,6-dimethyl-        296
              A.S. Jones and J. Merna                      phenyl)imino]-4-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl)imino-κN]-3-pentanolato-κO] complex

              Zhao Lu, Ming Qin,                           X-ray powder diffraction data for the Al3Ho2Si2 ternary compound                          299
              Liuqing Liang, Shuhui Liu,
              Caiming Huang, Peiling Qing
              and Lingmin Zeng

              Pei Xiao Tang, Xiao                          X-ray powder diffraction data for norandrostenedione                                      302
              Qing Wu, Qing Qing Pan, Li
              Li Zhang, Qiang Cheng and
              Hui Li

              J. Maixner and V. Bartůněk                 X-ray powder diffraction data for potassium erbium fluoride                                305

              M.A. Macías, J.A. Henao,                     Synthesis and X-ray powder diffraction data of cis-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-methyl-6-        307
              Arnold R. Romero Bohórquez                   nitro-2-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline
              and Vladimir V. Kouznetsov

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Powder Diffraction An International Journal of Materials Characterization - Cambridge University Press
Dan Xiao, Li Li Zhang, Xiao                  X-ray powder diffraction data for peiminine                                          312
              Qing Wu, Jin Yan, Wei Luo
              and Hui Li

              Jose H. Quintana,                            Synthesis and X-ray diffraction data of 4-benzyloxy-1-oxaspiro-[4.6]-undec-3-en-2-   315
              J.A. Henao, Elvis Robles                     one
              and Juan Manuel Urbina


              Denise Flaherty                              2013 DXC Summary                                                                     321

              Brian H. Toby                                The 2013 American Crystallographic Association Meeting                               325


              Gang Wang                                    Calendar of Forthcoming Meetings Powder Diffraction December 2013                    326

              Gang Wang                                    Calendar of Short Courses & Workshops Powder Diffraction December 2013               327

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Powder Diffraction An International Journal of Materials Characterization - Cambridge University Press
Editor-in-Chief (Interim)                                                      Powder Diffraction is a quarterly journal published by the JCPDS-International Centre
              Thomas Blanton                                                                 for Diffraction Data through Cambridge University Press.
              ICDD                                                                           Powder Diffraction is a journal of practical technique, publishing articles relating to the
              12 Campus Blvd.                                                                widest range of application—from materials analysis to epitactic growth of thin films
              Newtown Square, PA 19073                                                       and to the latest advances in software. Although practice will be emphasized, theory
              tblanton@icdd.com                                                              will not be neglected, especially as its discussion will relate to better understanding of
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              On the Cover: View of the connection between distorted Sm-O poly-
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              atoms, small gray circles for B atoms, small black circles for O               Copyright © 2013 JCPDS- International Centre for Diffraction Data, 12 Campus
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