Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) ...

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Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) ...
Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase
and Further Education and Training Teaching
The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE)
The IIE’s Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase (SP) and Further Education and
Training (FET) (Distance) is a professional teaching programme that seeks to ‘cap’ a suitable
undergraduate degree or an approved diploma in appropriate and scarce fields. The programme
offers entry-level initial professional preparation for undergraduate degree or diploma holders
 who wish to develop focused knowledge and skills as classroom teachers in the Senior Phase
and Further Education and Training band in their chosen subjects.

The purpose of this programme is to qualify students to follow a career in teaching in the Senior
Phase (Grades 7-9) and Further Education and Training band (Grades 10-12).
This PGCE programme is structured in accordance with the Department of Higher Education and
Training’s (DHET) Policy on Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (2015).
It is also aligned with the new Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework’s (HEQSF)
guidelines. The programme will equip SP and FET student teachers with the knowledge, skills
and applied competencies for employability and further specialisation study, in support of the
principles of life-long learning.

The IIE’s PGCE (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training) provides a fundamental and
comprehensive education underpinned by subject and pedagogic knowledge in the specialist
teaching in specific Senior Phase and Further Education and Training band subjects.

  Consideration may be given to holders of 360 credit exit Level 6 diplomas in appropriate and scarce
fields as identified by the Department of Higher Education and Training (2015).
The programme’s focus on educational theory and methodology is therefore closely aligned
with the requirements of a professionally qualified beginner teacher.

What is this PGCE’s accreditation status?

The IIEs Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and
Training (Distance) is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and is registered by
the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework
(NQF) as a 127-credit qualification on level 7 (SAQA ID No. 101984).

Who is this Degree aimed at?

Distance study is ideal for working adults who prefer not to attend full-time lectures, but still
want to pursue a higher education qualification in the above-mentioned disciplines.

What are the benefits of an IIE distance qualification?

The IIE’s distance delivery mode provides the student with the opportunity to study in the
comfort of their home and to plan their study workload according to their individual pace. The
support offered online and through other means ensures that the student is not left feeling
alone in this process and can still enjoy high quality support throughout their learning journey.

The IIE’s distance delivery has been designed with distance students’ needs in mind, and
includes the following:

     •    A structured online learning environment that will take you through the learning
          process making use of the best of instructional design thinking that will enable you to
          understand and apply your knowledge as you progress through your studies. The
          online design will ensure that you do not get lost.
     •    A learner guide designed to lead you through the textbook. It includes questions and
          answers for practice and revision.
     •    As a distance student, you will receive all your support online from a dedicated team
          of IIE VC Online tutors who are subject experts and maintain the human experience of
          the learning process in each module with you.
     •    A Programme Success Tutor who supports your learning journey across all your

How will The IIE’s Varsity College support your online learning as a distance student, and how
will it help prepare you for the 21st century working world?

Our teaching and learning approach is based on active learning which enables us to focus on the
skills you need to succeed in the New World. This way, the student is at the centre of
learning. Academic life, we believe, should be as relevant and participative as possible – a
dynamic, two-way exchange. This enables students to:

    -    Engage with subject material
    -    Build understanding
    -    Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills for the 21st Century workforce.
This collaborative approach teaches you how to think, and to ask questions; the right
questions. We call it New World Thinking.

 While you can generally structure your study time as you need to, there are
 scheduled online sessions through which you can receive mediated support. There
 are also assignment and examination deadlines that must be adhered to; thus
 requiring that you manage your time effectively.

 A reliable internet connection, own device with (at least) Windows 8 and Google
 Chrome, are all essential for any student enrolling for this programme

What entry requirements will I need to study this PGCE programme?

 Minimum Admission Requirements
 An approved Bachelor's         Student's competence in the Language of Learning and
 Degree or equivalent           Teaching (LoLT) (English) plus ICT and a second language
 qualification, as stipulated   (excluding Afrikaans) are required components of
 in the Minimum                 fundamental learning for this programme. For this, applicants
 Requirements for Teacher       will have to provide evidence that they have these
 Education Qualifications       competencies which will be endorsed on their certificates
 (MRTEQ) (DHET, 2015), but      (LoLT and LoCC) or they will be required to achieve these
 consideration may be           competencies. Students will not be able to graduate without
 given to holders of a 360      them.
 credit Diploma in
 appropriate and scarce         LoLT:
 fields as identified by        1. Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) endorsement:
 DHET. The access                  1.1 After completing the PGCE in English
 qualification must include     you will have your certificate endorsed as “Proficient in the
 sufficient disciplinary        Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) – English.
 learning in appropriate
 academic fields, as            LoCC: Second Language (excluding Afrikaans):
 outlined in the tables         2. Language of Conversational Competence (LoCC)
 below, to enable the           endorsement:
 development of teaching            2.1. If you have an African language (excluding Afrikaans)
 specialisation in the Senior   or SA Sign Language as part of your NSC OR
 Phase and Further                  2.2. If you have completed a module in an African
 Education and Training         language at first year level at an accredited higher education
 band of schooling.             institution OR
                                    2.3. If you are claiming proficiency in an African language,
                                excluding Afrikaans, and you do not have certified
                                competence (such as through a degree or your NSC) you are
                                required to pass a competency test for certification purposes.
                                Competency tests are offered in 3 official languages only,
                                namely, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Sepedi.

                                You will have your certificate endorsed e.g. LoCC: isiZulu.
The African language or Sign language so selected does not
                              have to be one of the languages offered at The Independent
                              Institute of Education.

                              If you do not have any of the above (2.1 or 2.2 or 2.3) you will
                              need to:
                                  2.4. Register for such a Conversational Competence Short
                              Learning Programme (SLP) at The IIE concurrent with your
                              PGCE and pass this SLP in order to get the endorsement for
                              Please note that only a limited number of languages are
                              available as conversational competence modules on our
                              3. ICT competence
                              3.1 If you have done Introduction to Personal Computing or
                              equivalent (NQF L5), in a prior qualification, you need to
                              provide evidence of this; OR 3.2 You need to write the
                              Introduction to Personal Computing (INPC) competency test.
                              If you pass, your Academic Transcript will reflect the ICT
                              competence. If you fail, you need to register for the INPC
                              Short Learning Programme.
At least two didactic specialisations must be taken in the qualification i.e. one Senior Phase
Didactic specialisation and one FET didactic specialisation. Didactic specialisations may only
be taken in modules that meet the entrance requirements below. Not all specialisations
may be available or offered by The IIE in any given year.

PGCE Modules: Didactics       Required Undergraduate Modules
Senior Phase
1. Professional Didactics:    1. At least 24 credits on NQF Level 6 in Psychology
SP Life Orientation
2. Professional Didactics:    2. At least 24 credits on NQF Level 6 in any one of the
SP Economics and              following: Business Management, Economics, Accounting or
Management Sciences.          equivalent
3. Professional Didactics:    3. At least 24 credits on NQF Level 6 in Mathematics
SP Mathematics
4. Professional Didactics:    4. At least 24 credits on NQF Level 6 in English
SP English
FET Phase
1. Professional Didactics:    1. 48 credits, with at least 24 credits in Psychology and 24
FET Life Orientation          credits in in any one of the following: Sociology, Philosophy,
                              Political Science, Human Movement Sciences, Labour Studies
                              or Industrial Studies. At least one of these fields should be
                              taken to NQF Level 7.
2. Professional Didactics:    2. 48 credits, with at least 24 credits on NQF Level 7 in
FET Economics                 Economics
3. Professional Didactics:      3. 48 credits, with at least 24 credits on NQF Level 7 in
 FET Mathematics                 Mathematics.

 4. Professional Didactics:      4. 48 credits, with at least 24 credits on NQF Level 7. The
 FET English                     degree should include English Language and Literature at NQF
                                 Level 7. The following are also acceptable, provided English I is
                                 included in the degree: Applied English Language Studies,
                                 African Literature, Linguistics, Literary Theory and
                                 Communication and Media Studies.
 5. Professional Didactics:      5. 48 credits, with at least 24 credits on NQF Level 7 in
 FET Business Studies            Business Management (NQF 7) or equivalent
 6. Professional Didactics:      6. 48 credits, with at least 24 credits on NQF Level 7 in
 FET Accounting                  Accounting

All students need to have 2 endorsements on their PGCE
     1. Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) endorsement
     2. Language of Conversational Competence (LoCC) - Second Language (excluding
        Afrikaans) endorsement (see table below)

                                      LoLT Endorsement
 Proficiency: English              PROE5112      met by completing the
 (Required endorsement for                       PGCE in English
 non-degree purposes)
                                      LoCC Endorsement
 PGCE Language Proficiency Endorsements are SLP Modules to be registered for if
 available in the following languages            competency test is not successful or
                                                 entrance criteria are not met

 Partial Proficiency: isiZulu      PROZ5112          Language of                   COLZ018
 (Required endorsement for                           Conversational
 non-degree purposes)                                Competence: isiZulu
 Partial Proficiency: isiXhosa     PROX5112          Language of                   COLX018
 (Required endorsement for                           Conversational
 non-degree purposes)                                Competence: isiXhosa
 Partial Proficiency: Northern     PRON5112          Language of                   COLN018
 Sotho (Required                                     Conversational
 endorsement for non-degree                          Competence: Northern
 purposes)                                           Sotho

 Partial Proficiency: Sesotho      PXSS5112          n/a
 (Required endorsement for
 non-degree purposes)
 Partial Proficiency: Setswana     PXSS5112          n/a
 (Required endorsement for
 non-degree purposes)
Partial Proficiency:             PXVE5112          n/a
 Tshivenda (Required
 endorsement for non-degree

 Partial Proficiency: Xitsonga    PXTS5112          n/a
 (Required endorsement for
 non-degree purposes)

 Partial Proficiency: siSwati     PXSW5112          n/a
 (Required endorsement for
 non-degree purposes)
 Partial Proficiency:             PXND5112          n/a
 isiNdebele (Required
 endorsement for non-degree
 Partial Proficiency: South       PXSL5112          n/a
 African Sign Language
 (Required endorsement for
 non-degree purposes)

All students need to have ICT competency (see below)

 PGCE Information and Communication                SLP Modules to be registered for if
 Technology Competency                             competency test is not successful or
                                                   entrance criteria are not met
 Proficiency: Introduction to       PRPC110        ICT Competency: Personal INPCf018
 Personal Computing                                Computing

How is this PGCE structured?

The IIE’s Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and
Training Teaching (Distance) is offered over one year or two years at The IIE Varsity College. The
modules are presented via a distance mode of delivery; supported by online mediation sessions.
Students will be required to complete various forms of assessments and activities, different
assessment approaches are integrated throughout all modules on the programme.
Informed by the principle of flexibility, a selection of modules will be offered each semester to
accommodate a study journey to suit the personal needs of the student within the qualification
progression rules.

The curriculum below is correct at the time of print. Please note that in line with academic
practice, The IIE’s curriculum is reviewed annually thus changes may occur in module structure
and sequence in order to ensure that the qualification remains relevant. The exit level outcomes
of the programme do not change. Registered students receive an updated programme
curriculum on an annual basis.
What will I study in this PGCE?

CURRICULUM: Two-Year Structure

                                             YEAR 1

 Semester 1                NQF      Credit    Semester 2                        NQF     Credit
                           Level    Value                                       Level   Value

 SP & FET Teaching         7        16        Professional Ethics -             7       12
 and Learning -                               PRET7311w

 SP Didactics Elective Modules                Inclusive Education -             7       12
 (one to be approved from the list below):    INCL7112w
 ▪   Life Orientation - 7           24        Communicative Language:           5       12
 ▪ Economics and                                  •    IsiXhosa –
     Management                                        COLX018
     Sciences -                                   •    IsiZulu –
     SPEC7111w                                         COLZ018
 ▪ Mathematics                                    •    Northern Sotho –
     SPMA7111w                                         COLN018
 ▪ English
     SPDE7111w                                *(if competency test is not
 Introduction to        5           5         successful or entrance criteria
                                              are not met)
 personal computing –
 *(if competency test is
 not successful or
 entrance criteria are
 not met)
Semester 1                NQF      Credit Semester 2                   NQF     Credit
                          Level    Value                               Level   Value

Foundations of            7        12       Teaching Experience -      7       24
Education -                                 TESF7112w
FOED7112w                                   - (minimum requirement 8
                                            weeks school-based WIL)

FET Didactics Elective Modules
(one to be approved from the list below):

▪   English -             7        24
▪   Economics -
▪   Business Studies -
▪   Accounting -
▪   Life Orientation
▪   Mathematics -
CURRICULUM: One-Year Structure

                                             YEAR 1

 Semester 1                NQF      Credit    Semester 2                        NQF     Credit
                           Level    Value                                       Level   Value

 Foundations of            7        12        Professional Ethics -             7       12
 Education -                                  PRET7311w

 SP & FET Teaching         7        16        Inclusive Education -             7       12
 and Learning -                               INCL7112w

 SP Didactics Elective Modules                Teaching Experience -             7       24
 (one to be approved from the list below):    TESF7112w
 ▪   Life Orientation - 7       24            - (minimum requirement 8
     SPDL7111w                                weeks school-based WIL)
 ▪ Economics and
     Sciences -
 ▪ Mathematics
 ▪ English
 FET Didactics Elective Modules               Communicative Language:           5       12
 (one to be approved from the list below):
                                                  •    IsiXhosa –
 ▪   English -        7             24                 COLX018
                                                  •    IsiZulu –
 ▪ Economics -
     FDEC7111w                                         COLZ018
 ▪ Business Studies                               •    Northern Sotho –
     -FDBS7111w                                        COLN018
 ▪ Accounting -
                                              *(if competency test is not
     FDAC7111w                                successful or entrance criteria
 ▪ Life Orientation                           are not met)
 ▪ Mathematics -
 Introduction to      5             5
 personal computing –
 *(if competency test is
 not successful or
 entrance criteria are
 not met)
Teaching Experience:

The PGCE (SP & FET) programme has a required Teaching Experience, or school-based Work
Integrated Learning (WIL) component, which is governed by the Department of Higher
Education and Training (2015) in terms of specific requirements. To facilitate this and ensure
that all students meet these requirements for graduation purposes, The IIE Varsity College has
established relationships with a variety of schools around the country, all of which meet the
specified criteria of the DHET.

A requirement in this programme is that students develop the practical skills and engagement
necessary for successful teacher education. Students will be fully engaged in schools during
their 8-week Teaching Experience period, while they are supported and assessed by qualified
mentor teachers and The IIE’s Varsity College Supervisors.

This module links with the Professional Didactic modules (which are prerequisites) and with the
other educationally focused modules in the programme, as it affords students opportunities to
integrate and apply theory and methodology into practice.

Access on to School-based Work Integrated Learning (i.e. Teaching Experience):

The Teacher Education qualifications of The IIE Faculty of Education have Work Integrated
Learning (WIL) that occurs in the schools with particular requirements. The following is
important in this regard:

SACE Provisional Registration (Student educators only)
(1) All final year students registered for an initial teacher education qualification with The IIE
    are required to provisionally register with SACE.

Police clearance certificates

(1) All students undertaking an academic qualification with a school-based WIL component will
    be required to have a valid police clearance certificate on commencement of their Teaching
    Experience component in a school.

Where do I write my exams?

The IIE’s Varsity College Exam Centres
Eight IIE Varsity College Campus exam centres are available within South Africa for selection as
the exam centre at which you would write exams. You will receive operational support from the
Online Centre.

Alternative Venues
An alternative examination centre is only permissible for international students and those
located in a province of South Africa where there is no IIE campus. It is your responsibility to
identify an examination centre (educational or religious site or embassy or consulate) if you
have not already done so. Once you have secured your examination venue, we require a letter
confirming availability from the examination centre you have chosen. If a change of examination
venue is required – it is again the student’s responsibility to locate a new venue and provide the
confirmation letter together with the supporting documentation which details the reason for
the examination venue change.
Students registered in the distance mode must select an Examination Centre at which to
undertake the sit-down summative assessments per module, These are usually scheduled at the
close of each semester. A student based in South Africa may select any campus of The IIE’s
Varsity College, Rosebank College, Vega, or IIE MSA as their Examination Centre. If there is no
IIE campus within reach of the student, an alternative venue will need to be sourced by the
student. For these non-IIE venues, there is an alternative venue levy per module.

Please note, once the examination venue is selected and confirmed, it cannot be changed within
eight weeks prior to the summative examination.

What must I pass in order to graduate with this PGCE?

To be awarded The Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further
Education and Training Teaching, you must have achieved a minimum final year mark of fifty
percent (50%) for each module of the programme.

How long do I have to complete this qualification?

Students have a maximum of 3 years to complete this qualification.

With what qualification will I graduate?

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training

Career opportunities: what career areas can I pursue once I have completed this PGCE

    •   Teaching (Grades 7-12)
    •   Tutoring
    •   School Management (may require further study and/or experience)
    •   Educational Consultancy (may require further study and/or experience)

PGCE Distance 2021 V1 17 NOVEMBER 2020

Disclaimer: Please note that this fact sheet is accurate at the time of publication. The
Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) reserves the right to alter any of the content prior to
commencement of registration due to changes in regulation, policy, market requirements or any
other valid reason.

British Accreditation Council
The IIE is not only accredited in South Africa but its dedication to providing quality education
also led to it being accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) in 2014. The British
Accreditation Council is an independent authority in the United Kingdom that accredits private
providers globally, including Greece, Switzerland, Singapore, India, Mauritius and the United
Arab Emirates. In 2017 The IIE had its accreditation status confirmed by the BAC as an
Independent Higher Education Institution confirming our confidence in the international
comparability of our standards.

“South African students need to know, when they select a private higher education institution,
that the standards offered are equivalent to those of a public University. Our students get this
from our extensive local accreditation and registration. The students also benefit from knowing
that we meet international standards too. The IIE is accredited as an Independent Higher
Education Institution by the British Accreditation Council. Locally and internationally we have
demonstrated the quality of what we offer,” said Dr Coughlan, Director, The Independent
Institute of Education.

The IIE’s Varsity College students can be confident that their IIE learning experience meets
international best practice standards.
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