Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril

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Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
Post IAS 2021
Les complications métaboliques
(incluant le gain pondéral)
et les comorbidités

Jean-Guy Baril
Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril

    Conflits d’intérêts potentiels
     Consultant ponctuel, ou conférencier lors d'activités supportées par les compagnies suivantes:
      – ViiV healthcare, Merck et Gilead.

     Membre d’institutions (CRCHUM, FRSQ, Clinique du Quartier latin) ayant reçu des fonds de recherche de:
      – Glaxo Smith Kline, ViiV healthcare, Merck et Gilead.
Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
 Les nouveaux régimes thérapeutiques à base de TAF ou
  d’INSTI ont été associés à un gain de poids et à l’obésité
 Ce gain de poids pourrait être associé à un risque accru de
  complications métaboliques comme le diabète,
  l’hypertension et les maladies cardiovasculaires
 Ce risque accru pourrait réduire les bénéfices associés aux
  nouveaux traitements

Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
ADVANCE: DTG + FTC/TAF, DTG + FTC/TDF or EFV/FTC/TDF (South Africa)                                                                                                                                      ‡

                      Changes in Body Weight
                                     Mean Change in Weight (kg) in Men                                                                                  Mean Change in Weight (kg) in Women
                          12                                                                                                                      12
                                          TAF/FTC+DTG             TDF/FTC+DTG            TDF/FTC/EFV                                                              TAF/FTC+DTG           TDF/FTC+DTG         TDF/FTC/EFV
Mean Weight Change (kg)

                                                                                                                        Mean Weight Change (kg)
                          10                                                                                                                      10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          +9 kg
                           8                                                                                                                       8
                                                                                                                                                                                      +6 kg
                           6                                                                                                                       6
                                                                 +5 kg                                 +6 kg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          +5 kg
                           4                                                                                                                       4                                 +3 kg
                                                                 +3 kg
                                                                                                       +3 kg                                                                                                              +3 kg
                           2                                                                                                                       2
                                                                +0.5 kg                                 +1 kg                                                                         +2 kg
                           0                                                                                                                       0

                           -2    0 4    12      24       36        48        60    72      84     96                                               0
                                                                                                                                                   -2    0 4    12     24       36       48     60    72      84     96
                                                                    Week                                                                                                                 Week
                          n=    430 418 403    387       376       374       369   356     308    243                                             n=    622 604 586   561       546      530    516   509     439    347

                                DTG was associated with increases in body weight in both men and women vs EFV.
                           Increases in weight with DTG were higher in women when used with FTC/TAF, but not in men.
                                         For this analysis, only 55% of study population had reached W96.
                      McCann K, et al. EACS 2019. Basel, Switzerland. Oral PS3/3                                Venter W, et al. N Engl J Med 2019; epub July 24 and supplementary appendix                                4
Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
Questions relatives au gain de poids chez les VIH +

 Est-ce un retour à la santé?
  – Comparaison des populations VIH+ avec les populations VIH-

 Est-ce relié à l’arrêt des médicaments qui ont un effet négatif sur le poids (weight supresssive
  treatment) ?
  – Études de substitution de traitement

 Quelles sont les conséquences cliniques du gain pondéral ?
  – Association avec le syndrome métabolique
Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
Questions relatives au gain de poids chez les VIH +

 Est-ce un retour à la santé?
  – Comparaison des populations VIH+ avec les populations VIH-

 Est-ce relié à l’arrêt des médicaments qui ont un effet négatifs sur le poids (weight supresssive
  treatment) ?
  – Études de substitution de traitement

 Quelles sont les conséquences cliniques du gain pondéral ?
  – Association avec le syndrome métabolique
Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
Obesity, raised blood pressure and diabetes in women with and without HIV: a
pooled analysis of 17,450 women in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa
De Vlieg R.

Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
Obesity, raised blood pressure and diabetes in women with and without HIV: a
pooled analysis of 17,450 women in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa:
Rebecca A. de Vlieg

Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
Obesity, raised blood pressure and diabetes in women with and without HIV: a
pooled analysis of 17,450 women in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa
De Vlieg R.

 In multivariable models, WLHIV had                     CONCLUSIONS:
  – a lower odds of overweight/obesity [AOR=0.62         WLHIV in SSA had high rates of
    (0.55-0.71)],                                         overweight/obesity and hypertension prior to
  – but without significant difference in the odds of     the switch to new generation ART.
     raised BP [AOR:0.90 (0.78-1.04)] or
                                                         HIV is still associated with a lower BMI,
     DM [AOR:0.75 (0.44-1.02)].
                                                          however, this gap seems to be narrowing
                                                          with high rates of overweight/obesity in
                                                         Future research should focus on
                                                          approaches to prevent weight gain and its
                                                          associated cardiovascular risk factors.

Post IAS 2021 Les complications métaboliques (incluant le gain pondéral) et les comorbidités - Jean-Guy Baril
Weight gain or “return to health”? - Changes in body weight in aging people living
with HIV compared with the general population from the German Ruhr-area over
5 years L. Mavarani (appariés pour age et sexe)

Questions relatives au gain de poids chez les VIH +

 Est-ce un retour à la santé?
  – Comparaison des populations VIH+ avec les populations VIH-

 Est-ce relié à l’arrêt des médicaments qui ont un effet négatifs sur le poids (weight supresssive
  treatment) ?
  – Études de substitution de traitement

 Existe-t-il un effet indépendant du f TAF ? Ou des INSTIs ? Et quelles sont les conséquences
  cliniques du gain pondéral ?
  – Association avec le syndrome métabolique
Effet de TDF à long terme avec EFV ou DOR

Effet de TDF à long terme avec EFV ou DOR

HIV Treatment              TDF→TAF
      Dat’AIDS: Retrospective, Multicenter Cohort (France)

      Impact of Switch From TDF to TAF on Weight of Virologically Suppressed PLWH

                                                                                                                                    Outcomes                                                                                       Jan 2014–
                        Virologically            N=587          R/F/TDF                R/F/TAF
                        suppressed                              E/C/F/TDF              E/C/F/TAF
                                                                                                                                    Mean weight and BMI during 12 months before                                                    Dec 2019
                                                                                                                                    and after switch

               Factors Associated with Weight Change 6- to 12-months                                                                             Impact of TDF-to-TAF Switch, by Sex and Race/Origin1*
                  after switch from TDF to TAF (Multivariate Model)1
                                                                                                                                                                             All                     Caucasian               African origin
DISCOVER: Week 48 Open-Label Phase
  Study Design
                                                                                           Primary                    Week 96                     Current analysis:
                                               Week 0                                      analysis                   analysis                        W 48 OL

                                                                       F/TAF 200/25 mg qd
                          Randomized                                                                                                                                              Primary analysis:
MSM or TGW                                                                                                                                 F/TAF                          HIV incidence/100 PY when
Adults ≥18 y Double blinded,                                                                                                      open-label option                        100% complete Week 48
                       active controlled                              F/TDF 200/300 mg qd                                                                                  & 50% complete Week 96
                                                                                                                                                                                 Week 96 analysis:

        Eligibility: high sexual risk of HIV acquisition                                                                                                                    100% complete Week 96
                2+ episodes condomless anal sex in past 12W or rectal gonorrhea/chlamydia, or syphilis in past 24W
                HIV & HBV negative, eGFRCG ≥60 mL/min
                                                                                                                                                                                  Current analysis:
                Prior use of PrEP allowed                                                                                                                                       Week 48 OL Phase
        Study conducted in Europe, North America in cities/sites with high HIV incidence
        Assessments
                Safety (AEs, AE-related discontinuation, BMD, renal biomarkers)
                Adherence (self-report, pill counts, drug levels and DBS)
                HIV lab testing (rapid HIV testing on-site, Central lab)
                HIV risk behavior (confidential CASI questionnaire, STI assessment at every visit [GC/CT: rectum, urethra, oropharynx (NAAT) and syphilis testing])
        At EOBP, participants had the option to receive F/TAF in the OL phase
  AE, adverse event; BMD, bone mineral density; CASI, computer-aided self-interview; DBS, dried blood spots; DXA, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry; eGFRCG, estimated glomerular filtration rate by Cockcroft-
  Gault; GC/CT, gonococcus/chlamydia trachomatis; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; PY, person-year; STI, sexually transmitted infection; OL, open label; EOBP, end of blinded phase.                       16
  Spinner C, et al. vIAS 2021. Oral OALC0501
DISCOVER: Week 48 Open-Label Phase
                                            Changes in Fasting Lipids, Glucose, and Weight
                                                                                                                      Stay on F/TAF              F/TDF→F/TAF
                                                       Total                     LDL                  HDL                                                                                                                  Total
                                                     Cholesterol              Cholesterol          Cholesterol           Triglycerides Fasting Glucose                                                                Cholesterol:HDL                                                P
BRAAVE 2020: Switch to B/F/TAF in Suppressed African American Adults – Week 72 (NCT03631732)                                                                           ‡

B/F/TAF in Virologically Suppressed African-American PLWH
                                            Phase 3b, randomized, open label, multicenter, active-controlled study
                                                                                                          1° Endpoint         2° Endpoint           2° Endpoint
                                                                                    Week 0                      24                   48                   72

          HIV Suppressed Black Adults on
                2 NRTIs + 3rd agent*                                                                      Switch to B/F/TAF QD
     Self describes as Black, AA or mixed race,                             2:1
      including Black
                                                                                             Stay on baseline              Delayed Switch
     Suppressed ≥ 6 months
                                                                                   n=165      regimen (SBR)                 B/F/TAF QD
     eGFRCG ≥ 50 mL/min

 Primary Endpoints
 • HIV-1 RNA ≥50 c/mL at Week 24 by FDA snapshot                                                          ARV Resistance Criteria at Baseline
                                                                                                             Excluded                     Allowed
 Secondary Endpoints
 • HIV-1 RNA
BRAAVE 2020: Switch to B/F/TAF in Black American Adults, W72 (End of Study)                                                                                                                     ‡
      Baseline Characteristics
                                                                                                                                  ART Regimens at Baseline by Treatment Group
                                                             B/F/TAF                      SBR
                                                              n=330                      n=165
                                                                                                                                                B/F/TAF                    SBR
     Age, years                                             49 (18–79)                49 (19–70)
     Female at birth, %                                           31                        33
                                                                                                                                                           1               15              F/TAF
     Hispanic/Latinx, %                                            5                         3                                                    13                                       F/TDF
     Weight, kg                                            88 (79, 103)              89 (76, 104)                       NRTI                                                               ABC/3TC
                                                                                                                                           17                                              Other
                                                                                                                    backbone                                         21              65
     HBV co-infection, %                                           5                         2                                                             68
                                                                747                       758
     CD4 count, cells/μL
                                                             (570, 922)                (494, 969)
                                                                110                      107                                                        8                                      DTG
     eGFRCG, mL/min                                                                                                                             5                         7 5
                                                             (88, 132)                 (86, 132)                                                                                           RPV
                                                                                                                                             10                      13               35   EFV
     ARV resistance, %†                                                                                                   Third                                 38
       NRTI resistance                                            13                        16                            agent                                                            or DRV/r
           M184V/I                                                 9                        12                                                19                      16                   Other
       NNRTI resistance                                           21                        19                                                                                  24
       PI resistance                                              11                        15
    NOTE. Median (Q1, Q3), except for age median (range)

                                           Baseline characteristics were well balanced between the two groups
†Assessed  by cumulative historical or retrospective baseline proviral DNA genotypes
CD4, cluster of differentiation 4; eGFRCG, estimated glomerular filtration rate by Cockcroft-Gault equation; Q, Quartile; SBR, stay on baseline regimen
Kumar P, et al. vIAS 2021, PEB161; Hagins D, et al. CROI 2020, Oral 2979                                                                                                                        19
BRAAVE 2020: Switch to B/F/TAF in Suppressed African American Adults – Week 72 (NCT03631732)                                                                             ‡
               Fasting Lipid and Weight Changes from Baseline at Week 72

                                                                            B/F/TAF (Week 72)                       Delayed switch to B/F/TAF (48 weeks after switch)

                        15     TC      LDL        HDL       TG                                    1,5    TC:HDL                                               Weight (All B/F/TAF)

                                                                    Median Change From Baseline

                                                                                                                               Median Weight Change
                                                                                                                               From BL, kg (Q1, Q3)
From Baseline, mg/dL*

                        10                                                                          1
   Median Change

                         5                                                                        0,5    0,    0,
                                   1                                                                     1     1
                         0                                                                          0

                                                       -2                                         -0,5
                         -5   -3                  -3        -3 -3

                        -10                                                                        -1

                        -15                                                                       -1,5
      BL, mg/dL 181 169                111 102    54 53     98 95                                         3.3 3.1           B/F/TAF: n= 330                 320                315   229
                                                                                                                      Delayed switch: n= 163                158                119

                                       Small reductions from baseline in cholesterol fractions and triglycerides
                                       with stable weight through 72 weeks in African American men and women
               *Baseline is median value at time of 1st B/F/TAF dose
               TC, total cholesterol; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; TG, triglycerides
               Kumar P, et al. vIAS 2021. PEB161
BRAAVE 2020: Switch to B/F/TAF in Suppressed African American Adults – Week 72 (NCT03631732)                                                                                        ‡
Weight Changes through Week 72 (by sex at birth)
                                                                                   B/F/TAF              SBR        Delayed switch to B/F/TAF (through 48 weeks after switch)*

                                                      5                      Female                                5                          Male
                Median Weight Change From Baseline,

                                                      4                                                            4                p=0.56†
                                                      3                                                            3
                                                      2                                                            2                                                    1.9
                           kg (Q1, Q3)

                                                                            1.2                              1.7                                      0.8
                                                      1                                      1.3                   1                   0.7
                                                                            1.0                                                                        0.5
                                                      0                                                            0                   0.5
                                                      -1                                                           -1
                                                      -2                                                           -2
                                                      -3                                                           -3
                                                           0   12      24      36       48         60   72              0     12     24        36  48        60    72
                                                                              Week                                                            Week
      B/F/TAF: n= 101                                          101     99          98   98         84   79              229   224    221      220    217     193   150
         SBR: n= 55                                            54      55                                               110   109    109
Delayed switch: n= 55                                          53      51          49   37                              108   106    107      100    82

                                                           Weight changes were similar between African American men and women

*Baseline for delayed switch: time of 1st B/F/TAF dose; †From 2-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing B/F/TAF vs SBR at Week 24.                                               21
Kumar P, et al. vIAS 2021. Poster #PEB161
BRAAVE 2020: Switch to B/F/TAF in Suppressed African American Adults – Week 72 (NCT03631732)                                                                                    ‡
Weight Changes through Week 72
By Baseline NRTIs
                                                                            SBR               Switch to B/F/TAF from a regimen containing:   TAF    TDF    ABC

                                                     9                                                               9
               Median Weight Change From Baseline,

                                                                    SBR vs B/F/TAF                                                      Delayed Switch*

                                                     6                                               p=0.012†        6
                          kg (Q1, Q3)

                                                     3                                            2.8                3
                                                                                                                                                                 1.4 TDF
                                                                                                  1.3                                                            1.3 ABC
                                                                      0.2                                                                                        0.7 TAF
                                                     0                                                               0

                                                     -3                                                              -3
                                                          0   12    24     36     48    60      72                         0       12         24      36    48
                                                                          Week                                                               Week
             TAF: n=224                                       222   218     217   217   186    164                        106      105       104      98    83
             TDF: n= 57                                       56    56      55    54    51     37                         33       33        33       31    21
             ABC: n= 44                                       43    42      42    40    36     26                         24       21        21       20    15

                             More weight gain was observed in participants switching from TDF- and ABC-containing
                                        regimens compared to those with TAF in their baseline regimen                                                                      22

*Baseline for delayed switch: time of 1st B/F/TAF dose; †From 2-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing baseline regimens containing TAF vs TDF and ABC.
Kumar P, et al. vIAS 2021. Poster #PEB161
HIV Treatment                 TAF
      TANGO: Phase 3, Randomized, Open-label, Multicenter, Noninferiority Study
     DTG/3TC vs. TAF-based Regimen in PLWH:
     Metabolic Health Outcomes at Week 144 (2 of 2)

                                        Change in HOMA-IR From BL to Week 144*                                                                 Change in Fasting Lipids From BL to Week 144*
                                                      TAF-based regimen† (n=371)                                                                                       TAF-based regimen (n=230) †
                                                      DTG/3TC (n=369)                                                                                                  DTG/3TC (n=243)
                                                                                                                                                         -7.2           -6.1             -7.2           -11.7
                                      1.20                                                                                                            (-9.6, -4.8)   (-9.1, -2.9)    (-10.8, -3.6)   (-18.1, -4.7)      -1.2
        Estimated adjusted ratio of

                                                                                                                                               10                                                                    (-4.7, 2.4)

                                                                                                                     Adjusted change from BL
                                      1.15                                             11.0%                                                                                  3.9            4.6
          visit over BL (95% CI)

                                      1.10                                             11.2%                                                                                                                                  0.3

                                                                                                                           (95% CI), %‡
                                      1.05                                                                                                      0

                                      1.00                                                                                                      -5                                                                   -0.9
                                                                                                                                                      -3.3            -2.4            -3.0
                                      0.95                                                                                                     -10
                                                                                                                                               -15                                                    -9.7
                                      0.80                                                                                                           BL 5.0 4.9       1.3  1.3         2.9  2.8       1.3   1.2      3.7       3.6
                                             0   24     48     72      96     120   144
                                                                                                                                                           TC           HDL-C           LDL-C            TG            TC:HDL
                                                              Weeks                                                                                     (mmol/L)      (mmol/L)         (mmol/L)       (mmol/L)

                                         Participants with Metabolic Syndrome, W144:                                                                         Initiated Lipid-Lowering Agents through W144:
                                         15% DTG/3TC vs. 16% TAF-based group                                                                                 12% DTG/3TC vs. 11% TAF-based group

     After 3 years, switching to DTG/3TC didn’t lead to better metabolic outcomes (insulin resistance, metabolic
Change from baseline was calculated using mixed-model repeated measures applied to change from baseline in log-transformed data with multiple adjustments for treatment, visit, baseline third agent class, CD4, age, sex,
        syndrome, use of lipid-lowering agents) compared with continuing on baseline TAF-based regimens
race, BMI (and presence of hypertension for HOMA-IR).

*Change from baseline was calculated using mixed-model repeated measures applied to change from baseline in log-transformed data with multiple adjustments for treatment, visit, baseline third agent class, CD4, age, sex,
race, BMI (and presence of hypertension for HOMA-IR); † the TANGO study included only individuals treated with TAF-based regimens, mostly EVG/c/FTC/TAF or RPV/FTC/TAF; ‡n=342 for both groups
BL, baseline; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglycerides
van Wyk J, et al. vIAS 2021, PEB164                                                                                                                                                                                                  27
HIV Treatment          DTG/3TC
      SALSA: Global, Randomized, Controlled, Open-Label Study

      Switching to DTG/3TC vs. Continuing Current ART in PLWH (1 of 2)
                                 virologically suppressed PLWH;    Switched to DTG/3TC FDC (n=246)    Outcome
                                    no prior VF or documented      Remained on current ART* (n=247)   HIV-1 RNA ≥50 c/mL at Week 48 (FDA Snapshot)
                                      NRTI/INSTI resistance

                                                                                                                                                        DTG/3TC        CAR
                                                                                                             Baseline Antiretrovirals, n (%)
                                                                                                                                                         (n=246)     (n=247)
                           Virologic Outcomes at Week 48 (Snapshot Analysis)                                 Baseline third agent class
                                                                                                               INSTI                                    98 (40)      98 (40)
                                                                                                               NNRTI                                    123 (50)     124 (50)
                           100                          94   93                                                PI                                       25 (10)      25 (10)
                                                                             DTG/3TC (n=246)                 Baseline NRTIs in ≥30% participants
                                                                                                               FTC                                      149 (61)     156 (63)
                           80                                                CAR (n=247)
          Individuals, %

                                                                                                               TDF                                      109 (44)     109(44)
                                                                                                               3TC                                      96 (39)      89 (36)
                           60                                                                                  TAF                                      83 (34)      91 (37)

                                                                                                                                                         DTG/3TC       CAR
                                                                                                             Adverse Events Through W48, n (%)
                                                                                                                                                          (n=246)    (n=247)
                           20                                                                                DRAEs                                         48 (20)    16 (6)
                                                                            5     6                            Weight increase                              14 (6)       0
HIV Treatment         DTG/3TC
      SALSA: Global, Randomized, Controlled, Open-Label Study                                                                                                                          ‡
      Switching to DTG/3TC vs. Continuing Current ART in PLWH (2 of 2)
                                                                    Adjusted Mean Weight Change From                                   Adjusted Mean Change in BMI From
                                                                           Baseline to Week 48                                                Baseline to Week 48
                                                               3                                                                  2
                                       Change in weight, kg

                                                                                                          Change in BMI, kg/m2
                                                                              +2.1                                               1,5

                                                              1,5                                                                 1
                                                                                        +0.6                                     0,5
                                                              0,5                                                                                          +0.2

                                                               0                                                                  0
                                                                           DTG/3TC      CAR                                                   DTG/3TC      CAR

                                                                Median weight (kg) at baseline (range)                             Median BMI (kg/m2) at baseline (range)
                                                                DTG/3TC (n=246)             73 (43–154)                            DTG/3TC (n=246)                25 (17–51)
                                                                CAR (n=247)                 75 (36–160)                            CAR (n=247)                    26 (14–69)

                              After 48 weeks, there was a higher mean weight and BMI increase with DTG/3TC

CAR, current ART regimen
Llibre J, et al. vIAS 2021, OALB0303                                                                                                                                              29
Questions relatives au gain de poids chez les VIH +

 Est-ce un retour à la santé?
  – Comparaison des populations VIH+ avec les populations VIH-

 Est-ce relié à l’arrêt des médicaments qui ont un effet négatifs sur le poids (weight supresssive
  treatment) ?
  – Études de substitution de traitement

 Quelles sont les conséquences cliniques du gain pondéral ?
  – Association avec le syndrome métabolique
     UK Matched Cohort Study (THIN)

     Risk of CVD in PLWH

                       PLWH ≥18 yrs.,              N=9,233 PLWH
                      matched HIV-neg                                                                              Outcomes                                                                     Jan 1, 2000–
                      controls (1:4 ratio)         N=35,721 Matched Controls                                       Risk of composite CVD* in PLWH                                               Jan 1, 2020

                                                                                                                                                        Composite CVD Risk
                       54% increased risk of composite CVD in                                                                    Male
                       PLWH vs. Controls                                                                                      Female
                       HR: 1.54; 95% CI: 1.3–1.83
Switch to INSTI more than offset negative effects of weight gain on
incidence of insulin resistance in people living with HIV

Switch to INSTI more than offset negative effects of weight gain on
incidence of insulin resistance in people living with HIV

Does weight gain on Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (B) lead to
metabolic syndrome? Presenter: Jihad Slim

Study Design                                       Methods
 A single centre retrospective cohort study on    We stratified the cohort into 2 groups:
  all patients living with HIV (PLWH) at our        – those that gained ≥10% weight, and
Does weight gain on Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (B) lead to
metabolic syndrome?

 Of the 243 patients:                           There was no statistical difference between
                                                  the 2 groups on:
 69 (28.4%) gained ≥10% weight
                                                  – New initiation of blood pressure medication
 174 (71.6%) gained

En résumé

 Les personnes vivant avec le VIH présentent dans certaines cohortes, un poids inférieur à une
  population de référence VIH-
 L’effet d’un possible retour à la santé doit être pris en compte dans l’analyse des causes de la
  prise de poids avec les régimes thérapeutiques bien tolérés
 L’effet du TAF sur le poids pourrait être imputable à l’effet suppresseur sur le poids des régimes
  comparateurs à base de TDF:
  – Passage de TDF à TAF augmente le poids
  – Passage de TDF à Dolu/3TC amène augmentation de poids
  – Passage de TAF à à la bithérapie Dolu/3TC n’a pas d’effet sur le poids

 La prise de poids sous TAF ou INSTI ne semble pas associée à des complications
 L’excès de poids au départ et la résistance à l’insuline pourraient favoriser la prise de poids
  sous ARV
 Les données présentées sont préliminaires et ne permettent pas d’en arriver à des conclusions
  fermes sur le sujet de la prise de poids                                                           52
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