Position description Kairangahau Matua Māori

Page created by Derek Osborne
Position description
                                Kairangahau Matua Māori

Te Rautaki a NZCER 2017–2021                     NZCER Strategy 2017–2021

Mā te mātauranga e taea ai e ia ākonga o         Education in Aotearoa New Zealand should
Aotearoa te kite i ō rātou pūmanawa kia ea ai    enable every learner to discover their potential
ō rātou wawata.                                  and realise their aspirations.

Tō mātou kaupapa                                 Our purpose

Ka whakaawea te ao mātauranga e NZCER.           NZCER inspires education. We play a leading
Ko mātou ngā kaiarataki i te mahi rangahau, i    role in research, developing tools, and providing
te whanaketanga o ngā rākau āwhina me te         services that drive effective learning and
tuku ratonga e kōkiri ana i ngā akoranga         positive change in policy and practice.
tōtika kia puta mai ai ngā hua tōtika i ngā
mahi kaupapa here me ngā wāhi mahi.

I whakatūria te NZCER i te tau 1934. E tū        Established in 1934, NZCER is an independent
motuhake ana a NZCER hei whare                   research and development organisation,
rangahau, hei whare whakawhanake i raro i        operating under its own legislation. We use the
tāna ake ture. Ko ngā mātāpono o te Tiriti o     principles of the Treaty of Waitangi as the
Waitangi te tūāpapa o ā mātou mahi, mā           founding document of Aotearoa to help us
konā e hāpaitia ai te mana Māori i roto i ā      uphold mana Māori in our work, relationships,
mātou kaupapa mahi, i ngā hononga me ngā         and ways of working.
tikanga mahi.

Ka tōia mai ngā mātauranga o mua, ka kuhu        We draw on a rich heritage of, and play an
atu hoki mātou ki ngā mahi mātauranga o          active part in, shaping the future of education.
nāianei, hei tārai i te ao mātauranga o āpōpō.   The NZCER Act 1972 provides us with a
Kei raro i te Ture o NZCER 1972, kei te          mandate to carry out and disseminate education
kawe, kei te tuku atu hoki mātou i ngā momo      research, and provide independent information,
rangahau mō te ao mātauranga. E tū               advice, and assistance.
motuhake ana mātou ki te tāpae pārongo, ki
te tuku whakaaro me ngā momo ratonga
āwhina ki te iwi whānui.

Ō mātou uara                                   Our values

Mā ēnei uara, ā mātou mahitahi ki ētahi atu,   Our values guide how we work with others, our
ō mātou whanonga me ō mātou                    behaviours, and decision making.
whakataunga e arataki.

Te tū motuhake                                 Independence

Nā ngā taunakitanga tōtika e hāngai ana, e     We use robust evidence to speak with
whai mana ana ā mātou kōrero.                  confidence and authority.

Te mahi ngātahi                                Collaboration

Ka mahi ngātahi mātou ki ngā rōpū whai         We work with complementary expertise to
pūkenga kē, kia tino whai hua ngā mahi.        achieve greater impact.

Te auahatanga                                  Innovation

Mā ā mātou rangahau, ā mātou rākau             Our research, tools, and services help shape
āwhina me ā mātou ratonga te ao                the future of learning and education.
mātauranga o āpōpō e tārai.

Te ngākau pono                                 Integrity

Nā ō mātou pūkenga me ō mātou mātāpono         We use our expertise and strong ethical
                                               principles to deliver work that is timely and
tōtika e tutuki ai ā mātou kaupapa i te wā     trusted.
tika, i roto hoki i te ngākau pono.

Purpose of job
The Kairangahau Matua Māori is a member of Te Wāhanga. We are a small team of
researchers at NZCER and in our work we adhere to kaupapa Māori research principles, and
are guided by tikanga. We carry out a wide range of education research, evaluation,
assessment and resource development projects. Our priorities are guided by the NZCER
Strategic Plan and underpinned by our values. We uphold mana Māori in all that we do.

In this role, the Kairangahau Matua Māori will design and carry out high quality research
projects and evaluations, usually in collaboration with others and will take a lead role with
some of these projects. They prepare proposals to win funding and are responsible for their
projects’ budgets and time-lines. They lead and advise others, and maintain effective working
relationships with staff, external clients and stakeholders. They may also have individual areas
of responsibility for aspects of NZCER’s organisation as a whole and within Te Wāhanga.

Key tasks and responsibilities
A Kairangahau Matua Māori is expected to take a leadership role with respect to Te Wāhanga
and the NZCER research programme and have a high level of expertise in the following:

   1. Research and Evaluation
      •   Leading, planning, managing and undertaking complex research and/or evaluation
          projects in Māori-medium or English-medium education contexts.
      •   Instrument development, data collection and analysis (qualitative and quantitative).
      •   Reviewing and synthesising literature.
      •   Working productively with others in flexible project teams.
      •   Managing client/stakeholder relationships successfully, building the organisation’s
          cross-sectoral network and facilitating discussions with and making
          recommendations to these groups.
      •   Developing new projects with others at NZCER (within Te Wāhanga and across
          NZCER), and in collaborations with other researchers outside NZCER.
      •   Conceptualising and writing research proposals, working with client/stakeholder and
          sector groups.
      •   Writing and editing research reports to publication standard.
      •   Synthesising research findings with other work in related fields.
      •   Continuously improving the quality of the organisation’s service delivery.

   2. Communication
      •   Communicating in a way that generates change in the sector (raising issues, creating
          debate, discussing in the media etc.)
      •   Giving advice to sector client groups.
      •   Writing academic papers, articles, books and commentaries (think pieces) on their

•   Developing presentations for clients, practitioners and academic conferences.
 •   Communicating effectively across the organisation.

3. Leadership in Māori Education and Development
 •   Leading research and evaluation with a focus on: Māori education and development,
     success for Māori learners, whānau and teachers in education, research, evaluation,
     curriculum and assessment support, and/or te reo Māori and life-long learning.
 •   Leading the development of professional resources and services with a focus on
     resource development for; whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori, communities and the early
     childhood, compulsory and the tertiary sectors.
 •   Leading the development of independent information and advice where research-
     informed expertise to make an authoritative contribution to current education
     debates, including policy and practice issues in the interests of Māori.

4. Strategic Leadership
 •   Contribute to organisation-wide planning, and ‘horizon-scanning’.
 •   Develop the organisation’s networks, external relationships and collaborations.
 •   Develop and/or using their own or the organisation’s networks to generate new work
     for the organisation.

5. Operational Management
 •   Introducing innovative ideas—new projects, new research directions and
     methodologies, and leading change.
 •   Developing strategies for solving problems, managing risks or difficulties, and
     maximising opportunities associated with individual projects (the ‘project sponsor’
 •   Writing synthesizing commentaries and/or ‘think pieces’ (i.e. work that goes above
     and beyond individual research projects).
 •   Managing individual research projects—making sure projects keep to agreed
     timelines, budgets and quality standards.

6. Staff Management and Mentoring
 •   Monitoring staff performance and identifying learning goals through the Performance
     and Learning Conversations (PaLC) process.
 •   Mentoring the development of others in the organisation—particularly their
     development as researchers.
 •   Contributing to a safe work environment by identifying hazards and working with the
     Health and Safety Representative/s to manage these hazards.

7. Health and Safety
 •   Taking reasonable care for your own health and safety.

•       Taking reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health
               and safety of other persons.
       •       Comply, so far as reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by
               NZCER as the person conducting a business or undertaking (the PCBU) to allow
               NZCER to comply with the law.
       •       Cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure of NZCER relating to health or
               safety at the workplace.

Experience, knowledge, and skills
           •    Have a minimum of a Masters degree (in Māori Education, Education, Social
                Science, Statistics or another relevant area), ideally a PhD.
           •    Have five or more years’ experience in research, evaluation or related work.
           •    Methodological expertise (in areas such as kaupapa Māori research, educational
                research, evaluation, statistical approaches).
           •    Critical thinking, statistical and analytic skills.
           •    Effective communication skills (both oral & written) in English and te reo Māori.
           •    Knowledge and understanding of English- and Māori-medium education, Māori
                education, mātauranga Māori, and language revitalisation.
           •    Teaching sector experience; as well as credibility within the Māori medium school
                sector (an advantage).

Personal attributes
At NZCER we expect our staff to behave in ways that are consistent with our values and
established ways of working.
In addition, all staff must be able to demonstrate the following:
   •       an ability in, and a desire to improve, te reo Māori
   •       commitment to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and upholding mana Māori in
           our work
   •       respect for others and valuing diversity
   •       an orientation towards continuous improvement to systems and processes
   •       personal desire for ongoing learning and development
   •       recognition of the value of team effort; sensitivity to the needs and opinions of other
           team members
   •       personal and professional integrity.

Scope of Role
 Reports to:                                         Direct Reports:
 General Manager Māori                               Nil

 Band Range:                                         Dimension:
 I                                                   Permanent / Full-time

Position description
                                     Kairangahau Māori

Te Rautaki a NZCER 2017–2021                     NZCER Strategy 2017–2021

Mā te mātauranga e taea ai e ia ākonga o         Education in Aotearoa New Zealand should
Aotearoa te kite i ō rātou pūmanawa kia ea ai    enable every learner to discover their potential
ō rātou wawata.                                  and realise their aspirations.

Tō mātou kaupapa                                 Our purpose

Ka whakaawea te ao mātauranga e NZCER.           NZCER inspires education. We play a leading
Ko mātou ngā kaiarataki i te mahi rangahau, i    role in research, developing tools, and providing
te whanaketanga o ngā rākau āwhina me te         services that drive effective learning and
tuku ratonga e kōkiri ana i ngā akoranga         positive change in policy and practice.
tōtika kia puta mai ai ngā hua tōtika i ngā
mahi kaupapa here me ngā wāhi mahi.

I whakatūria te NZCER i te tau 1934. E tū        Established in 1934, NZCER is an independent
motuhake ana a NZCER hei whare                   research and development organisation,
rangahau, hei whare whakawhanake i raro i        operating under its own legislation. We use the
tāna ake ture. Ko ngā mātāpono o te Tiriti o     principles of the Treaty of Waitangi as the
Waitangi te tūāpapa o ā mātou mahi, mā           founding document of Aotearoa to help us
konā e hāpaitia ai te mana Māori i roto i ā      uphold mana Māori in our work, relationships,
mātou kaupapa mahi, i ngā hononga me ngā         and ways of working.
tikanga mahi.

Ka tōia mai ngā mātauranga o mua, ka kuhu        We draw on a rich heritage of, and play an
atu hoki mātou ki ngā mahi mātauranga o          active part in, shaping the future of education.
nāianei, hei tārai i te ao mātauranga o āpōpō.   The NZCER Act 1972 provides us with a
Kei raro i te Ture o NZCER 1972, kei te          mandate to carry out and disseminate education
kawe, kei te tuku atu hoki mātou i ngā momo      research, and provide independent information,
rangahau mō te ao mātauranga. E tū               advice, and assistance.
motuhake ana mātou ki te tāpae pārongo, ki
te tuku whakaaro me ngā momo ratonga
āwhina ki te iwi whānui.
Ō mātou uara                                   Our values

Mā ēnei uara, ā mātou mahitahi ki ētahi atu,   Our values guide how we work with others, our
ō mātou whanonga me ō mātou                    behaviours, and decision making.
whakataunga e arataki.

Te tū motuhake                                 Independence

Nā ngā taunakitanga tōtika e hāngai ana, e     We use robust evidence to speak with
whai mana ana ā mātou kōrero.                  confidence and authority.

Te mahi ngātahi                                Collaboration

Ka mahi ngātahi mātou ki ngā rōpū whai         We work with complementary expertise to
pūkenga kē, kia tino whai hua ngā mahi.        achieve greater impact.

Te auahatanga                                  Innovation

Mā ā mātou rangahau, ā mātou rākau             Our research, tools, and services help shape
āwhina me ā mātou ratonga te ao                the future of learning and education.
mātauranga o āpōpō e tārai.

Te ngākau pono                                 Integrity

Nā ō mātou pūkenga me ō mātou mātāpono         We use our expertise and strong ethical
                                               principles to deliver work that is timely and
tōtika e tutuki ai ā mātou kaupapa i te wā     trusted.
tika, i roto hoki i te ngākau pono.
Purpose of job
The Kairangahau Māori is a member of Te Wāhanga. We adhere to kaupapa Māori research
principles, and are guided by tikanga. We carry out a wide range of education research,
evaluation, assessment and resource development projects. Our priorities are guided by the
NZCER Strategic Plan and underpinned by our values. We uphold mana Māori in all that we
In this role, the Kairangahau Māori will undertake Māori research and evaluation projects. The
person will carry out a range of independent and team-based tasks that utilise and develop
their existing expertise. The Kairangahau Māori is expected to take leadership responsibility
in specific areas, to collaborate with others in planning and designing kaupapa Māori research
and evaluation projects, to be seeking opportunities to publish, and to be proactive in
developing their research-related networks within their areas of expertise.

Key tasks and responsibilities
   1. Research and Evaluation
     •   Be independently competent in all aspects of the day-to-day activities involved in
         research of a relatively simple and straightforward nature. This includes:
              o instrument development
              o data collection and analysis
              o searching, reviewing and synthesising literature
              o planning, monitoring, and keeping to project budgets and timelines
              o writing research and milestone reports for clients
              o working productively with others in flexible project teams.
     •   Contributing to other research-based activities within Te Wāhanga and across
         NZCER including:
              o developing new projects
              o writing ethics applications
              o writing research and project proposals
              o working with, and making presentations/recommendations to, academic
                  conferences/client/stakeholder/sector groups
              o writing articles and/or commentaries on research findings.
     •   Contributing kaupapa Māori expertise to other research projects within the wider
         research group when the opportunity arises.
     •   Publishing research-based reports, as well as publishing articles in refereed
         professional journals, and summaries for research participants and popular
     •   Contributing to external conferences/seminars and making media presentations of
         research findings.

   2. Building and Maintaining Relationships
•   Demonstrating effective teamwork and relationships by working productively with
        others in flexible project teams, within Te Wāhanga, with the Research and
        Development Group and across NZCER.
    •   Contribute to successful participant, client and stakeholder relationships
    •   Able to communicate clearly about the work that the researcher is involved in.
             o working in a way that makes apparent one’s relevant underpinning
                 assumptions, such as theoretical positions, values, beliefs, culture, and
                 ideas about knowledge.

  3. Māori Education and Development
    •   Contributing to research and evaluation with a focus on; Māori education and
        development, success for Māori learners, whānau and teachers in education,
        research, evaluation, curriculum and assessment support, and/or te reo Māori and
        life-long learning.
    •   Contributing to the development of professional resources with a focus on resource
        development for whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori and communities, and for early childhood,
        compulsory, and tertiary sectors.
    •   Contributing to the development of independent information and advice using
        research-informed expertise to make an authoritative contribution to current
        education debates, including policy and practice issues in the interests of Māori.

  4. Project and budget management
    •   Be independently able to manage project priorities.
    •   Working with others to manage and oversee time lines and competing priorities and
        oversee budgets as appropriate.
    •   Able to monitor the progress of projects; completing monthly and quarterly reports
        as required.

  5. Health and Safety
    •   Take reasonable care for your own health and safety.
    •   Take reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health
        and safety of other persons.
    •   Comply, so far as reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by
        NZCER as the person conducting a business or undertaking (the PCBU) to allow
        NZCER to comply with the law.
    •   Cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure of NZCER relating to health or
        safety at the workplace.

Experience, knowledge, and skills
    •   Have a Masters degree (in Māori Education, Education, Social Science, Statistics or
        another relevant area), or be well on the way to achieving this.
•     Have at least two years’ experience in research or research-related work, and a
             reasonable knowledge of some different research methodologies. (Note: Interested
             applicants who may not currently have this level of expertise/experience, but who
             may have the potential to develop it very quickly (say, within 12-18 months) will be
       •     Critical thinking, statistical and analytic skills.
       •     Effective communication skills (both oral & written) in English and te reo Māori.
       •     Knowledge of Māori education and/or social sector research, kaupapa Māori
             research, and language revitalisation in Aotearoa New Zealand (an advantage).
       •     Teaching or other education sector experience; as well as credibility within the Māori
             medium school sector (an advantage).

Personal attributes
At NZCER we expect our staff to behave in ways that are consistent with our values and
established ways of working.
In addition, all staff must be able to demonstrate the following:
   •       an ability in, and a desire to improve, te reo Māori
   •       commitment to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and upholding mana Māori in
           our work
   •       respect for others and valuing diversity
   •       an orientation towards continuous improvement to systems and processes
   •       personal desire for ongoing learning and development
   •       recognition of the value of team effort; sensitivity to the needs and opinions of other
           team members
   •       personal and professional integrity.

Scope of Role
 Reports to:                                        Direct Reports:
 General Manager Māori                              Nil

 Band Range:                                        Dimension
 F                                                  Permanent / Full-time
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