Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina

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Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
Anastasiia Filina
 Graphic designer
Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
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Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
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Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina

                                                                                   New World

Digital marketing agency web
                                                                                   bei Amazon Game Studios

                                                                                                          ABOUT US

                                                                                attract mode is a boutique digital marketing
                                                                                 agency tailored to the needs of the video
                                                                               games industry and equipped with experienced
                                                                                manpower. We unite our love for games with
                                                                                   our passion for marketing. We develop
                                                                                 impactful marketing strategies and enhance
                                                                                 performance based marketing with creative
                                                                                excellence to deliver outstanding results for our

                                                                                                   OUR SERVICES

                                                                               WE’RE ON THE RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF CREATING
                                                                                AWARENESS AND GROWING AUDIENCES FOR
                                                                               OUR CLIENTS FROM THE MOMENT WE GET HIRED.

                                                                                                  MARKETING STRATEGY
                                                                                           We develop impactful marketing strategies
                                                                                           and carry out or support the go-to-market
                                  We deliver ROI focused performance                                                                   We deliver engaging communications with
                                                                                             planning and marketing campaign
                                 marketing, driven by industry-leading ad                                                                reach and an edge. We partner with
                               tech, analytics, and holistic KPI dashboards.                                                            dedicated PR & Influencer agencies to
                                                                                                                                       achieve the best results globally with tailored
                                                                                                Marketing strategy development
                                                                                                                                              strategies market by market.

                                                                                             Go-to-market planning and execution

                                                                                          Marketing campaign management (Europe
                                                                                                          & North America)

                                                                                              Audience segmentation & messaging

                                                                                              Competitive research & user insights

                                                                                                    OUR CLIENTS

                                                                                                             HIRE US


                                                                                Email Address*




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                                                                                                      Karlstr. 68 Munich

                                                                               Imprint      Privacy policy
Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
Digital marketing agency mobile
Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
Urology clinic web
Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
logo and WEb site for a company

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Portfolio Graphic designer - Anastasiia Filina
graphic design agency web    DESIGN AGENCY
                             It’s not about doing work. It’s about
                             creating dreams and having fun.

                                                                                                    WHY US
                                                                                                    We create designs that emotionally
                                                                                                    connected with our clients.
                                                                                                    Our team takes the necessary steps
                                                                                                    to clearly understand what aim and
                                                                                                    individual needs of each of our
                                                                                                    clients are. Even if they are not quite
                                                                                                    sure themselves, we help them see
                                                                                                    their unique culture and value as a
                                                                                                    company,   through
                                                                                                             Click here our designs.

                            WHAT WE DO
                            We offer a variety of services. Our
                            skills include Illustration, Photography,
                            Animation, Editorial design, Corporate
                            Identity & Branding, Product design as
                            well as Web design. Each team
                            member has their own special skills to
                            contribute, making each project

                                                                                              OUR PROJECTS
                                                                                              Take a look at some of our projects created for
                                                                                              our clients, and let it inspire and motivate you
                                                                                              to allow us to design your next project.

                             OUR TEAM
                             The people who make it happen.






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Biography and resume

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App for a bank
christmas card illustration
animated poster

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Lottie animation
Click on every image to watch the animation
Typography animation

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marketing collateral
       & print
Branding and web
dental practice
Branding and web
Hair studio

                             Bei Ihrem Besuch in unserem Salon beraten wir Sie umfassend und

                             erstellen mit Ihnen einen Kostenvoranschlag.
                             Haarschnitt mit Frisur                                 60,-      64,-       68,-
                             Haarschnitt mit Selberföhnen *                         50,-      50,-       50,-
                             Mädchen (bis 12 Jahre)                                 39,-      39,-       39,-
                             Waschen / Formen                                       31,-      34,-       39,-
                             Hochsteckfrisur                                        ab 48,-   ab 48,-    ab 48,-

                             Haarschnitt mit Waschen / Formen                       42,50
                             Neuhaarschnitt                                         51,-
                             Tönung (Graukaschierung)                               28,-
                             Jungen (bis 12 Jahre)                                  33,-

                             Intensiv Glanztönung                                   43,-      45,-       51,-
                             Farbe Ansatz (bis 2 cm)                                46,-      46,-       46,-
                             Neufarbe / Volltonfarbe                                56,-      60,-       69,-
                             Creative Haarfarbe (Farbe mit Highlights)              80,-      93,-       108,-
                             Pflanzenfarbe                                          61,-      69,-       75,-

                             Intensiv Glanztönung                                   43,-      45,-       51,-
                             Farbe Ansatz (bis 2 cm)                                46,-      46,-       46,-
                             Neufarbe / Volltonfarbe                                56,-      60,-       69,-
                             Creative Haarfarbe (Farbe mit Highlights)              80,-      93,-       108,-
                             Pflanzenfarbe                                          61,-      69,-       75,-

                             Locken & Glättung
                             Formwelle                                              85,-     98,-   110,-
                             Teil – Dauerwelle                                      je nach Aufwand je nach Aufwand
                             Keratin Glättung (jede angefangene Stunde)             100,-    100,-  100,-

                             Expresskur                                             8,-
                             Wellnesskur                                            15,-                Zur Pflege Ihres Haares ver-
                             Deep Restauration Alpha Keratin                        ab 35,-             wenden wir ausschließlich
                                                                                                        hochwertige, umweltver-
                             Ph-bonder                                              35,- – 45,-
                                                                                                        trägliche REDKEN Pflege-
                                                                                                        produkte. Preisabweichun-
                             Beauty                                                                     gen bei höherem Aufwand
                             Augenbrauen färben                                     10,-                möglich.
                             Wimpern färben                                         17,-                Alle Preise in Euro inklusive
                             Augenbrauen zupfen                                     7,-                 19% MwSt.
                             Maniküre Deluxe                                        26,-
                             Maniküre mit CND Shellac™                              ab 43,-

                             Gala und Braut
                             Individuelle Brautfrisur und Make-Up                   auf Anfrage
                             *Diese Dienstleistung ist mit keinem Rabatt kombinierbar.
adult non-fiction cover award
The book for hairdressers

Company profile
The company is represented by me, Anastasiia Filina, as an ex-hairdresser. I have a great
career after me and a lot of knowledge that I want to share with other hairstylists all over
the world. This book is going to be the first of mine and maybe not the last.

The greatest experience for me was education at the J7 school in Stuttgart Germany. I
learned like from scratch, after 10 years of work experience, how you can cut hair knowing
only 4 basic haircuts and experimenting by mixing some parts and of course adding some
personal touch, like a signature, at the end.

Project overview
This is going to be a book which includes 4 hair cutting techniques with illustrations made
by me, short explanation and some useful tips and secrets. I will do both e-book and pa-
per book. The format will be not too big (A5) in order to take it with you and try it at work
after reading ( or at home, if you just do it for fun or you have some other reason not to
go to the salon).

Design requirements
•   A5 landscape format
to became a professional

Do    Anastasiia Filina is an ex-hairdresser. She has a great
               carrier after her and a lot of knowledge that she                                                  Bob basic technik 4
       what    wants to share with other hairstylists all over the
               world.                                                                                                      Bob layered 11          this
        you    The greatest experience in her entire career was an                                             Fringe symmetrical 14               book
       love    education at the J7 school in Stuttgart Germany.
                                                                                                              Fringe asymmetrical 16
       and     Anastasiia learned like from scratch, after 10 years
               of work experience, how to cut hair knowing only 4                                                    Layered haircut 18
       love    basic haircuts and experimenting by mixing some
               parts and of course adding some personal touch like                                                 Long hair haircut 26
       what    a signature at the end.
                                                                                                                  Mushroom haircut 30
     you do    With this book, she is very happy to share this
               valuable knowledge!

2                                                                                                                                                                           3

                                                                         1                                    2                                    3
                                                                         •   The starting point is an exact   •    Transverse parting from the     •   Divide the first parting hori-
                                                                             middle parting (from the hair-        rear edge of the ear over the       zontally at the neck
                                                                             line on the forehead to the           top of the head                 •   Hair fullness and growth den-
                                                                             contour of the neck)             •    Four sections are created           sity determine the strength of
                                                                         •   Two sections are created                                                  the parting

4                                                                                                                                                                           5
                                                                                                                                                   •   The first partingv is cut from
                                                                                                                                                       the middle parting to the
Secret tip 1
                                                                                   Precisely control the overall
                                                                               proportions from the front and in
                                                                              profile; always stand right in front of
                                                                              the client when cutting, so that the

    Fringe                                                                            parting does not warp

                                                                                     Secret tip 2
                                                                              Do not overdo the parting; cut
                                                                              the hair dry, so that waves and
                                                                                hair growth are recognized
              1                                                                                                         2
              •   The starting point is the middle parting                                                              •   Divide an approx. 1 cm wide parting along the natural contour
              •   Make the pony section semicircular and include                                                        •   This is the guide line
                  weaker contour areas - the width and depth of                                                         •   Cut the fringe horizontally
                  the sections depends on customer requirements,                                                        •   Pay attention to the rounding of the head in the side area
                  quality and density of the hair                                                                       •   For a fringe running softly to the side you have to keep your

14                                                                                                                                                                              15
                                                                                                                            fingers straight
                                                                                                                        •   In thin parting cut the fringe part to the leading line

                                                                          •   Determination of the highest
                                                                              point of asymmetry
                                                                          •   Determine the highest point
                                                                              with the scissor tip on a
                                                                              narrow parting

     Fringe                                                               •   Cut the sides without tension
                                                                              and tension in the hand
                                                                          •   Establish a connection from
asymmetrical                                                                  the longest to the specified
                                                                              shortest point

                                                                                     Secret tip 2
                  1                                                           Do not overdo the parting; cut
                                                                              the hair dry, so that waves and
                                                                                hair growth are recognized
                  •   The starting point is the side parting
                  •   Make the fringe section semicircular and include
                      weaker contour areas - the width and depth of the
                      sections depends on customer requirements,
                      quality and density of the hair

16                                                                                                                                                                               17
Secret tip 1
                                                                                                                                                                                       Cut all hairs to a basic
                                                                                                                                                                                       length if the change in
                                                                                                                                                                                          length is greater

                                                                                                                                                                                          Secret tip 2
                                                                                                                                                                                     Left side: when working the
                                                                                                                                                                                  fingertips point upwards it; right
                                                                                                                                                                                  side: fingertips point down when

                                                                                                    1                                     2
                                                                                                    •   The total hair mass is divided    •   For the gradation, divide an
                                                                                                        into four sections                    approx. 1 cm wide band at the
                                                                                                    •   Cross vertex and a horizontal         centre apex as a guideline
                                                                                                        division in the neck are the      •   The angle of the finger position
                                                                                                        basis for the length limitation       determines the strength of the

18                                                                                                                                                                                                     19
                                                                                                    •   Division width depending on           graduation and the fullness in
                                                                                                        hair density and the growth           the neck
                                                                                                        of the neck

                                                                                                                                                                                        Secret tip 7
                                                                                                                                                                                 For an even gradation always go
                                                                                                                                                                                   along with the parting; finger
                                                                                                                                                                                  position parallel to the division
                                                                                                                                                                                   line; scissors position always
                                                                                                                                                                                   parallel to the finger position

3                                 4                                  5                              6                                     7
•   Starting from the leading     •   Continue working in depart-    •   Work the same way on the   •   The next horizontal section       •   Now the second section is
    line, open to a 45-degree         ments towards the sides            other side                     starts at the height of the hat       cut
    angle over 2 to 3 partings    •   Pull the last parting behind                                      line                              •   Starting from the lead line,
•   Cut the parting parallel to       the ear onto the previously                                   •   Now also divide the sides             open to a 45-degree angle
    the division line                 cuted parting                                                 •   Cut a vertical band about 1           over 2 to 3 partings

20                                                                                                                                                                                                     21
                                  •   So that fullness and length                                       cm wide in the middle of the      •   Cut the parting parallel to the
                                      are preserved in this area                                        back of the head and connect          division line
                                                                                                        it to the step in the neck
                                                                                                                                                     •   Apply the first section diag-
                                                                                                                                                         onally from the safety line to
                                                                                                                                                         the ear
                                                                                                                                                     •   Comb down the passée in
                                                                                                                                                         free fall

                Long                                                                                                                                 •   Never pull the unit forwards
                                                                                                                                                         or backwards in the process
                                                                                                                                                     •   Comb the hair into the fingers
                 hair                                                                                                                                •
                                                                                                                                                         and pull the hair tips forward
                                                                                                                                                         Cut from the lower longer
                                                                                                                                                         point to the upper imaginary
                                                                                                                                                         shorter one
                                                                                                                                                     •   The basic length remains
                                                                                                                                                         compact and the steps are
                                                                                                                                                         only in the front area

                                                                                                            1                                        •   Continue to work in diagonal
                                                                                                                                                         sections until all hair is cut to
                                                                                                                                                         this front step
                                                                                                            •   Create the separat section on        •   Perform this technique on
                                                                                                                the top and fix it                       both sides
                                                                                                            •   Then the side variation can be
                                                                                                                worked out

26                                                                                                                                                                                                            27
                                                                                                                       Secret tip 5
                                                                                                                Always pull the wedge-shaped         •   Take up the parting again in the head rounding
                                                                                                                     compartments straight           •   Pull out the parting parallel to the rounding of the head and
                                                                                                                 upwards; cut left, stand right;         round off the top of the head
                                                                                                                cut right, stand left ; always pay   •   Use this technique around the entire head
                                                                                                                 attention to the basic length

3                                   4                                  5&6
•   First work in the fringe    •   Before stepping, the hair above    •   The highest point of the skull
•   So you get a complete outer     the safety section is cut to the       forms a central point
    hairstyle outline               basic length                       •   From this point, the
                                •   The gradation is worked out on         gradation at the top of the
                                    the upper section                      head is worked out in
                                •   From a middle band, the step           wedge-shaped sections
                                    from the fringe to the back is

28                                                                                                                                                                                                            29
                                    worked in
                                •   The angle of the ascending line
                                    determines the strength of the

                                                                                                           1                                         2                                    3
                                                                                                           •    For the first section, draw a        •   Comb the very wide parting       •   In this way evenly reduce the
                                                                                                                horizontal line at the back of           from bottom to top on the            hair mass from ear to ear
                                                                                                                the head                                 division line (block             •   Comb the parting again and
                                                                                                           •    The height of the division line          graduation) - the cut line is        again cleanly from bottom to
                                                                                                                is between the middle and                approx. 3 - 6 cm from the            top

30                                                                                                                                                                                                             31
                                                                                                                upper edge of the ear                    division line

                                                                             Secret tip 5
                                                                      Pay attention to the natural fall
                                                                      of the hair ; if necessary, rework
                                                                        the hair with soft scissors to
                                                                           achieve a smooth flow

                                                                             Secret tip 6
                                                                        The divisions must always be
                                                                        strong enough to ensure that
                                                                      the guide line underneath is still

4                               5                                 6                                                                                  7                                    8&9
                                                                                                                       Secret tip 9
•   Rework the neck area with   •   Revise the vertical section   •   The next division line runs               Always make sure that the giude      •   The starting point is the mid-   •   In this way, reduce the hair
    vertical division lines         lines                             parallel to the guideline                   line under the parting is still        dle of the back of the head          mass from ear to ear
•   Don’t overpull the hair     •   Use the scissors-over-comb                                                 recognizable ; pay attention to the   •   Resume the parting here          •   In horizontal division lines,

32                                                                                                                                                                                                             33
                                    technique                                                                         natural fall of the hair       •   Pull the new parting onto the        work the whole back of the
                                                                                                                                                         leading line and cut it              head to the highest point
                                                                                                                                                     •   Don’t overpull the hair
Online portfolio
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