Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY

Page created by Edith Schwartz
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
131 UNION AVE.—PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 | (914) 737-2071 | (914) 737-1633 ~ FAX

Saint Gregory the Great

                                                            Father Esteban Sanchez,
                                                            Deacon Carlos Campoverde,
                                                            Permanent Deacon
                                                           Scan this QR code to be
                                                           directed to:
                                                           Church of the Assumption
                                                           Special Events page or go to
                                                           and click on Special Events.
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
WEEKLY TITHING REPORT                                             PRIESTS NEED OUR PRAYERS!
                                                              HAS A PRIEST AS A PASTOR, SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR, SPEAKER,
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 2021…...$10,386.00       CONFESSOR OR FFRIEND MADE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE?
                   (Includes WeShare amount of $895.00)                          WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE A ONE-MINUTE VIDEO,
                                                                                 OR SEND A PICTURE AND CAPTION TELLING A
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020.........$8,682.00                      STORY OR EXPRESSING CRATITUDE. SEND IT TO
                   (Includes WeShare amount of $520.00)
If you would like to enroll in We Share, please go to                            & WE WILL POST IT ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA FOR
                OR call the Rectory.                                             #THANKAPRIESTTHURSDAY

   Novena to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Every First Friday of each month

   Friday, September 3
          In the Church                                                    Every First Sunday
                                                                     of the month we invite you to
                                                                         bring a friend to Mass!
                                                                       SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH
 Meeting Every Wednesday                                                                    CENACLE OF THE
             7:00pm                                                                        MARIAN MOVEMENT
                                                                                              OF PRIESTS
        St. Kateri Room
                                                                                              Every Saturday
                                                                                            After the 8am Mass
     Prayer of the                                                                       in the St. Kateri Room
                                                              “Through this movement I am calling all my children to
      Every Saturday                                            consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread
  after the 8am Mass                                                     everywhere cenacles of prayer”
    In the Church                                                         - To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloves Sons (473i)

             WEDDING BANNS                                                                        Tuesday, Thursday &
     Second Time: Jose Luciano Inga Zhinin                                                            4:00pm-5:00pm
       & Maria Josefina Criollo Ayabaca
                                                                                                      in the Church
  Third Time: Wilmer Patricio Lalvay Zhingri                                                                or
          & Gloria Elizabeth Pauta                                                                by appointment in the
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
Welcome new members!
                                                                      We are enriched by your presence!

                                                                      Please visit or call the rectory at
                                                                      your convenience to register or
                                                                      you may e-mail:

                                                                      If you are moving or change
               Meeting every Saturday                                 your address, please call the
                                                                      rectory to inform us of said
                     9:30am-10:30am                                   change.
            at the Bean Runner Cafe
We believe that God has given us a desire to belong to a
community, which should be based on our love for Him and each
We form this Men’s Group as a safe place to gather to share our
time, treasure and talents for the betterment of the group and each
With the grace of God with St. Michael as our Patron.

                                                                        Registration is open for the 2021-2022 year

                                                                                      Monday- Thursday
    SIGN UP FOR RCIT CLASSES!!                                         Religious Education Office: (914) 737-2231
Do you have a high school teen who needs
the sacrament of Baptism? Holy Eucharist?                               In observance of Labor Day the office will be
               Confirmation?                                                             closed on
  Classes begin TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER                                    Monday, September 6
            14th 5:00pm-6:30pm
    Would you like to help as a Greeter?                              En observación del Día del Trabajo, la oficina se
       Classroom Aide? Translator?                                                        cerrará
       Contact the Rectory: (914) 737-2071                            Lunes, 6 de septiembre

                                                                                                             Parking Lot
                                                                                                             Donations are
    SIGN UP FOR RCIA CLASSES!!                                                                                & accepted.
Register by calling the Rectory: (914) 737-2071                              Contact the Rectory for more information.
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
MASS INTENTIONS                                                 MEMORIALIZATIONS
Sunday, August 29 - 22ND Sunday in Ordinary Time                                         SANCTUARY LAMPS
8:00a    Judith Moreno
         Requested by: Salve Delacruz                                           In Memory of the Carey and Eible families
         Jose Guevares (living) and family                                               Requested by: Family
         Requested by: Jose Guevares
8:00a    Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)
10:00a Pro-populo
10:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)                                                        PRAY FOR
12:00p Joaquim Aguiar
         Requested by: Maria Baldini and family                                          THOSE WHO ARE ILL
         Kris Bautista                                                          Julio Tenezaca, Thomas Mullo, Linda McGarr,
         Requested by: Amir and family
7:00p    Spanish Mass                                                            Mustafa Joseph, Kevin Joseph, Janet Fortier,
Monday, August 30
7:00a    Augusto Festin                                                               Maria Gallagher, George Rooutis,
         Requested by: Juliet Juarez
         Maria V. DeLuca                                                               Emilio Santos, Nicole Neidhardt,
         Requested by: Family
         Joaquim Aguiar                                                                Kathy Neidhardt, Dunbar John,
         Requested by: Carmo and Mary Pereira                                   Abimael Diaz , Wayne Roberts, Angela Suarez,
7:00p    Spanish Mass
Tuesday, August 31                                                                   Barbara Gorbecki, Mary Lou Fortier,
7:00a    Dan DeLuca
         Requested by: John Donahue and American Legion                             Robert Fortier, Lady Michelle Martinez,
         Diogo Lino Fernandes
         Requested by: Carmo and Mary Pereira                                     Arthur “Artie” Bromback, Judy Mastronardi,
7:00p    Spanish Mass
Wednesday, September 1                                                             Esperanza Enriquez, Melissa McDonagh,
7:00a    Leonardo Delacruz                                                          Garry McDonagh, Marlene Costanza,
         Requested by: Salve Delacruz
         Salvador Rivera                                                         Angel Carabella, Anthony Viola, Adam Nikaj,
         Requested by: Wife and children
7:00p    Spanish Mass                                                              Frances Levesque, Raymond Levesque,
Thursday, September 2
7:00a    Ada and Alberto Russo                                                         Marcelino Pagan, Rose M. Liga,
         Requested by: Santina Valente
         Salvador Rivera                                                            Janet Koulikoordis, and Laura Ceruzzi
         Requested by: Wife and children
7:00p    Spanish Mass                                                                   RECENTLY DECEASED
Friday, September 3 - Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church
7:00a    Simeon Diesta                                                                       † Patrick Reichert
         Requested by: Salve Delacruz
         All the living and deceased members of the Lemak and Gyetko families                 † John J. Lepore
         Requested by: Donald Lemak
         Salvador Rivera                                                                   † Sr. Angelene Matero
         Requested by: Wife and children
7:00p    Spanish Mass                                                                       † Eleanore Cococcia
Saturday, September 4
8:00a    Brian Boryk                                                                      † Enriqueta Colmenares
         Requested by: Family
         Richard Perri                                                                      † Charles Heady Jr.
         Requested by: DiRoma family
5:00p    Loretta Donahue                                                                     † Margaret Spositi
         Requested by: Her family
         Salvador Rivera
         Requested by: Wife and children
7:00p    Spanish Mass
Sunday, September 5 - 23RD Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00a    Eleanor L. Cococcia
         Requested by: The Pascetta family
         The Creeden family
         Requested by: Mom and Dad
8:00a    Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)
10:00a Jose Jimenez
         Requested by: His daughters and grandchildren
         Nicola Mobilia and the Mobilia family
         Requested by: Maria Baldini                                                                   THE
         Salvador Rivera                                                                       ADORATION CHAPEL
         Requested by: Wife and children
10:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)                                                             IS OPEN
12:00p Pro-populo
7:00p    Spanish Mass                                                                             8:00am-9:00pm
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
The Nicene Creed                                 Credo Niceno
I believe in one God,                         Creo en un solo Dios, Padre
the Father almighty,                          Todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.          tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,           Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo
the Only Begotten Son of God,
                                              único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes
born of the Father before all ages.
                                              de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz
God from God, Light from Light,               de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with       verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la
the Father;                                   misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien
through him all things were made.             todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los
For us men and for our salvation              hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of       del cielo, y por obra del Espíritu Santo
the Virgin Mary, and became man.              se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo
For our sake he was crucified under           hombre; y por nuestra causa fue
Pontius Pilate,                               crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato;
he suffered death and was buried,             padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al
and rose again on the third day               tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven                       al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del
and is seated at the right hand of the        Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria
Father.                                       para juzgar a, vivos y muertos, y su
He will come again in glory                   reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.             Santo, Seńor y dador de vida, que
                                              procede del Padre y del Hijo, que con el
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the   Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma
giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the          adoración y gloria, y que habló por los
Son,                                          profetas.
who with the Father and the Son is
adored and glorified,                         Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa,
who has spoken through the prophets.
                                              católica y apostólica.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and
apostolic Church.                             Confieso que hay un solo Bautismo
                                              para el perdón de los pecados.
I confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins                           Espero la resurrección de los muertos y
and I look forward to the resurrection of     la vida del mundo futuro.
the dead and the life of the world to
come.                                         Amen.
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
Misa Mensual en                  Ministerio de
                                                 Evangelización & Catequesis
                       Honor a La
                  Virgen de Guadalupe                          R.I.C.A.
               Jueves, 2 de septiembre
                                                   Rito de Iniciación Cristiana
                                                    para Adultos en Español
                                                               Período 2021-2022
MISA MENSUAL EN HONOR AL                          VIERNES 3 DE SEPTIEMBRE | 7:00PM
      DIVINO NIÑO                                          Santa Eucaristía
 Sabado, 4 de septiembre                                Entrega de materiales
                  MISA MENSUAL EN HONOR AL
                      NIÑO VIAJERO
                 Domingo, 5 de septiembre

                  Oficina de Catecismo
                                                 “FORMACIÓN DE LA FE PARA ADULTOS”
                       (914) 737-2231                       +PERIODO DE OTOÑO+
                                                              “Programa Arquidiocesano de
                                                          preparación para recibir el Sacramento
     Inscripciónes han comenzado para
             el año 2021-2022
                                                            de la Confirmación para adultos”

  Lunes– jueves | 2:00pm-5:00pm                     Para católicos mayores de 18 años bautizados
                                                     que ya han recibido su Primera Comunión.
                                                      Si Usted tiene el deseo de completar sus
CLASES DE RELIGION PARA JOVENES                                     Sacramentos
                    Estudiantes de high school
                                                 AHORA MISMO, VENGA Y NOSOTROS LE
                          que necesitan
                     Bautizo, primera Comunión
                                                                     10 CLASES!
                         y/o Confirmación        Las clases presenciales se inician el 13 de Septiembre
                        pueden acercarse a la
                                                 LUGAR: AUDITORIO PADRE JOHN HIGGINS (ANEXO)
                         rectoría o llame al
                       (914) 737-2071 y de su                           7:45PM
                        nombre y número de        INICIAMOS CON LA SANTA EUCARISTIA 7:00PM
 teléfono y la Sra. Sticco se contactará para
                                                          Las clases serán los días Lunes
    completar el proceso de registración.                           COSTO $ 100
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
Misa Mensual en honor a         ¡LOS SACERDOTES NECESITAN
                       El Señor de Esquipulas             NUESTRAS ORACIONES!
                                                      ¿UN SACERDOTE COMO PASTOR, DIRECTOR ESPIRITUAL, ORADOR,
                         Viernes, 10 de septiembre   CONFESOR O AMIGO HA TENIDO UN IMPACTO POSITIVO EN SU VIDA?
                                                      TE INVITAMOS A HACER UN VIDEO DE UN MINUTO, O ENVIAR UNA
                                       7:00pm                  FOTO Y UNA HISTORIA EXPRESANDO GRATITUD.
                                                                   ENVÍALO A
     Misa Mensual en                                                  CHRISTY.VAISSADE@ARCHNY.ORG
      Honor a                                                    Y LO PUBLICAREMOS EN NUESTRAS REDES
  San Judas Tadeo                                                SOCIALES PARA

      Miércoles,                                                 #THANKAPRIESTTHURSDAY
   15 de septiembre
       7:00pm                                                           Confesiones:

                                                                               Martes, jueves y sábados:
       Viernes | 4:30 pm - 6:00pm
    Estacionamiento de la rectoría                                             En la iglesia O con cita en
Las donaciones son apreciadas y aceptadas.                                         la Casa Parroquial
Para mayor información contacte a la rectoría.
Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY Pope Saint Gregory the Great - Peekskill, NY
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