Polyamines in plasma membrane function in melatonin-mediated tolerance of apricot fruit to chilling stress

Page created by Greg Ward
Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322                                                Original Paper


Polyamines in plasma membrane function
in melatonin-mediated tolerance of apricot
fruit to chilling stress
Qiyao Dong1, Huaipan Liu1,2*, Ronald Kurtenbach1
 College of Life Science and Agronomy/Henan Key Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding
  and Bioreactor, Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou, China
 College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
*Corresponding author: liuhuaipan2013@126.com

Citation: Dong Q., Liu H.P., Kurtenbach R. (2022): Polyamines in plasma membrane function in melatonin-mediated tole-
rance of apricot fruit to chilling stress. Czech J. Food Sci., 40: 313–322.

Abstract: Polyamines are closely associated with environmental stresses and melatonin pretreatment enhances the
resistance of fruit to chilling stress. However, a mechanism underlying melatonin-mediated chilling resistance re-
mains to be answered. This research aimed to illuminate whether polyamines would be involved in melatonin-media-
ted chilling resistance. Therefore, in the experiment, the polyamines conjugated to the plasma membrane from the
melatonin-pretreated apricot flesh cell were examined under chilling stress. Chilling resistance was judged by four
parameters: fruit browning degree, plasma membrane permeability, malondialdehyde content and plasma membrane
protein sulfhydryl level. Results showed melatonin pretreatment led to obvious rises in the levels of non-covalently
conjugated spermine and spermidine, and covalently conjugated putrescine and spermidine in the plasma membrane.
Methylglyoxyl-bis (guanylhydrazone) pretreatment could inhibit the melatonin-induced increases of non-covalently
conjugated spermidine and spermine by inhibiting S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) activity and free
spermidine and spermine contents in flesh, coupled with the decrease in chilling resistance. Similarly, phenanthroline
pretreatment could inhibit the melatonin-induced increases in covalently conjugated putrescine and spermidine in the
plasma membrane through inhibiting transglutaminase (TGase) activity and simultaneously could aggravate chilling
damage. The results suggested melatonin pretreatment could enhance chilling resistance by increasing non-covalently
conjugated spermidine and spermine, as well as covalently conjugated putrescine and spermidine in the plasma mem-
brane of apricot fruit.

Keywords: postharvest; fruit quality; chilling resistance; conjugated polyamines; melatonin; mechanism

  It is increasingly important and attractive to preserve    and biochemical indicators, such as malondialdehyde
the nutritional quality of fruit for a long time. For ex-    content, relative plasma membrane permeability, degree
ample, cold storage has been developed for maintaining       of flesh browning and sulfhydryl group content in pro-
fruit quality after harvest (Cao et al. 2016), while dehy-   teins, which are generally called chilling damage (Lurie
dration transforms the fresh product into a different one    and Crisosto 2005; Cao et al. 2016). The main symptoms
(Karaaslan and Ekinci 2022). Low temperature storage         of fruit chilling injury are changes in skin colour, gel
sometimes is regarded as one of the most effective meth-     breakdown, flesh woolliness and colour, etc. (Koushesh
ods for keeping postharvest fruit fresh. However, cold       Saba et al. 2012). Among the symptoms, flesh brown-
storage can bring about some changes in physiological        ing is typical in apricot fruit. Therefore, some modern

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 31271627) and the Natural Science Foundation
of Henan province (Project No. 222300420394).

Original Paper                                          Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322


effective bio-techniques, such as treatment with an ex-       mine, as well as covalently conjugated putrescine and
ogenous regulator, are applied to alleviate chilling dam-     spermidine in the plasma membrane, which might
age and elevate the resistance of fruit against cold stress   maintain normal conformation and function of plasma
(Palma et al. 2015; Min et al. 2020; Jiao 2021). Recently,    membrane and proteins.
the application of melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy-               To explore the mechanism underlying melatonin-
tryptamine) has been increasingly attractive. Melatonin       -induced chilling resistance, postharvest apricot fruit
pretreatment can enhance the resistance of summer             was used as experimental material. Non-covalently and
fruit against low temperatures (Cao et al. 2016). How-        covalently conjugated polyamines in the plasma mem-
ever, the mechanism underlying melatonin-induced              brane of fruit flesh were detected and a relationship
chilling resistance remains to be answered.                   between these forms of conjugated polyamines and
   Polyamines are plant growth regulators that mainly         chilling resistance was discussed.
consist of putrescine, spermidine and spermine. Putres-
cine can be converted into spermidine and spermine            MATERIAL AND METHODS
through being linked with one and two aminopropyls,
respectively. The biosynthesis of spermidine or sper-         Material selection and treatment
mine is mainly regulated by S-adenosylmethionine de-             In the orchard (latitude: 33°38'28'', longitude:
carboxylase (SAMDC) (Tiburcio et al. 1993). Slocum            114°40'52'') of Zhoukou Normal University, the fruit
(1991) reported that methylglyoxal-bis (guanylhydra-          of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivar 'Yuxuan 5',
zone) (MGBG) was the potent inhibitor of SAMDC.               which were bred by Henan Academy of Agricultural
Besides free forms, polyamines, which carry positive          Sciences, China, were selected and harvested when the
charges at physiological pH, are able to be non-co-           volume of the fruit stopped increasing and the colour
valently conjugated to acidic proteins and phospho-           was becoming yellow. After fruits were picked, they
lipid in cell membranes, which carry negative charges         were shortly transferred to a laboratory. For uniformity
at physiological pH, through ionic and hydrogen bond          in volume and colour, the fruits were selected without
(Sood and Nagar 2003). Galston and Kaur-Sawhney               any damage. Then, they were divided into four groups
(1995) reported that non-covalently conjugated poly-          and treated with chilling, melatonin, inhibitors MGBG
amines play key roles in maintaining cell membrane            or phenanthroline.
integrity under environmental stresses. Additionally,            Apricot fruit were immersed in de-ionised water
polyamine can be covalently conjugated to protein             (control group), melatonin solution (0.1 mM) [treat-
glutamine residues through transglutaminase (TGase)           ment 1 group (T1)], melatonin (0.1 mM) + MGBG
action, of which phenanthroline is a strong inhibitor.        (0.2 mM) solution [treatment 2 group (T2)] and me-
Covalently conjugated polyamines function in modi-            latonin (0.1 mM) + phenanthroline (0.1 mM) solution
fying proteins at the post-translating stage (Del Duca        [treatment 3 group (T3)] for 100 min, then shifted into
et al. 1995). Even though polyamines are involved             a chamber with relative humidity of 80% and suffered
in some studies on the mechanism of chilling resist-          chilling storage at 4 °C for 30 days. According to our
ance (Koushesh Saba et al. 2012; Jahan et al. 2019a),         preliminary experiment, the concentrations of mela-
so far, the significance of polyamines conjugated to the      tonin at 0.1 mM, MGBG at 0.2 mM and phenanthro-
plasma membrane in melatonin-induced chilling re-             line at 0.1 mM were appropriate, and the three reagents
sistance has not been revealed yet.                           were from Sigma Chemical Co. (US). During 30 days
   The plasma membrane is an important site where             of storage at 4 °C, the fresh fruits were sampled on the
plant cells first sense environmental stress informa-         0th, 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th, and 30th day. The experiments
tion, including a chilling stress signal. Under cold          were repeated in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Every year,
conditions, the plasma membrane is damaged and the            180 fruit were selected as materials for every treatment
damage is performed by increasing the membrane per-           group (including the control), so 720 fruits for four
meability and the content of malondialdehyde, which           groups were used in one year. During the time-course
is a by-product of peroxidation of membranes, as well         for 30 days of storage, 180 fruits were sampled 6 times.
as decreasing the content of protein sulfhydryl in the        So at each time, 30 fruits were sampled for 3 replicates.
plasma membrane. Therefore, it would be anticipated
that melatonin pretreatment could enhance apricot             Assessment of physiological parameters
fruit chilling resistance through increasing the levels         The degree of apricot flesh browning was assessed
of non-covalently conjugated spermidine and sper-             by the method of Cao et al. (2016) with modifica-

Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322                                                  Original Paper


tions by observed browning surface with a range from            putrescine, spermidine and spermine were quantified
0 to 4: degree 0, no browning area; degrees 1, 2, 3,            by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
and 4 meant the browning area < 20%, ≥ 20% and < 50%,           (Model 2695; Waters, US).
≥ 50% and < 70%, and ≥70% of the cut surface, respec-              Purification of the plasma membrane. Apricot
tively. The chilling injury index indicated the browning        fruit flesh tissue (2 g) was ground (Model JJ-2; Shang-
degree and was calculated by the formula in Equation 1.         hai Shuaideng Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd., China)
   Plasma membrane permeability was assessed by re-             in sorbitol Tris-Hepes buffer (70 mM, pH 7.5). After
ferring to the means of Jahan et al. (2019b) with a few         filtering (diameter 9 cm filter paper; Shanghai Shunyou
adjustments. The fruit flesh tissue was immersed into           Technology Co., Ltd., China), the sample was centri-
de-ionised water and incubated for 2 h at 25 °C. Original       fuged at 15 000 × g for 15 min. The supernatant was
electrical conductivity (OEC) of the water containing           then centrifuged at 75 000 × g for 40 min. After micro-
the flesh tissue was determined with a conductivity             somal precipitate was suspended in sucrose Tris-Hepes
meter. Afterwards, the samples were boiled and cooled.          buffer (3.0 mM, pH 7.8), it was further purified (Model
The terminal electrical conductivity (TEC) was deter-           XPN-100; Beckman Culter Co., Ltd., US) through the
mined. De-ionised electrical conductivity (DEC) repre-          method of Qiu and Su (1998) to obtain the isolated
sented electrical conductivity (EC) of de-ionised water.        plasma membrane solution.
Relative plasma membrane permeability was assessed                 Isolation and detection of proteins in the plasma
by the formula: (OEC – DEC)/(TEC – DEC) × 100.                  membrane. The isolated plasma membrane solu-
   Malondialdehyde content was determined through               tion was added 10% Triton X-100 (v/v) drop-wise un-
the method of Alexieva et al. (2001) with some modifi-          til the triton concentration being lowered to 1% and
cations. After the flesh sample was ground (Model JJ-2;         then ultrasonicated with an ultrasonic disintegrator
Shanghai Shuaideng Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd.,              (Model 200-W; Shanghai Guanter Co., Ltd., China). Af-
China) in trichloroacetic acid solution and centrifuged         terwards, it was centrifuged at 20 000 × g for 30 min.
(Model TGL-16; Hunan Xiangyi Instrument Equip-                  The supernatant consisted of the proteins in the plasma
ment Co., Ltd., China), aliquot trichloroacetic acid was        membrane. Protein content was detected by the Brad-
added to the supernatant. It was boiled, cooled down and        ford method of protein-dye binding (Bradford 1976);
centrifuged. The content of malondialdehyde was deter-          bovine serum albumin was used as standard.
mined by detecting absorbance at 532 nm and 600 nm.                Determination of non-covalently and covalently
   A part of the prepared plasma membrane vesicle solu-         conjugated polyamines. They were determined
tion was treated with the disulphide reagent. Sulfhydryl        through the method of Sharma and Rajam (1995) with
group content in the plasma membrane of flesh cells             a few modifications. Perchloric acid (w/v: 5%) was
was detected following the method described by Ellman           added into the aforementioned isolated plasma mem-
et al. (1959). One unit was defined as nmol mg–1 protein.       brane solution. The sample was centrifuged for 40 min
                                                                at 30 000 × g. The supernatant contained non-cova-
Detection of biochemical parameters                             lently conjugated polyamines. Perchloric acid (w/v: 5%)
   Free polyamines in the tissue of apricot fruit flesh.        was added into the aforementioned plasma membrane
Extraction and quantification of free polyamines were           protein solution. The mixture was centrifuged for
conducted by the method of Sharma and Rajam (1995)              50 min at 30 000 × g at 4 °C. The precipitate was hydro-
with minor adjustments. An aliquot of 0.5 g of flesh            lysed with 12 N HCl. Then, two forms of polyamines
tissue was homogenised (Model JJ-2; Shanghai Shuaid-            were benzoylated and quantified by HPLC through the
eng Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd., China) in 5 mL              method of Sharma and Rajam (1995).
perchloric acid (5%, v/v), and the homogenate was left             Determination of SAMDC and TGase activities
to stand for 1 h in a refrigerator at 4 °C. Then, it was cen-   in apricot flesh. SAMDC activity was assayed by exam-
trifuged at 21 500 × g for 30 min (Model TGL-16; Hu-            ining the release of 14CO2 using substrates labelled with
nan Xiangyi Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd., China).             isotope 14C, through the method of Kaur-Sawhney and
The supernatant was collected for a free polyamine              Shin (1982). TGase activity was assessed via detecting
assay. After benzoylation with benzoyl chloride, free           the incorporation rate of putrescine labelled with 3[H]

                                ∑ ( browning degree ) × ( fruit number of   the browning degree ) 
Chilling injury index =                                                                                               (1)
                           4 ( the highest browning degree ) × 10 ( fruit number of each treated group ) 
                                                                                                         

Original Paper                                                                                                               Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322


into proteins according to the method of Icekson and                                                                                  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Apelbaum (1987).
                                                                                                                                        Chilling damage was alleviated by melatonin and
Statistical analysis                                                                                                                  aggravated by polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors.
   The data shown in the paper are averages of 9 val-                                                                                 The parameter of flesh browning degree showed that
ues ± standard error (SE). Microsoft Excel and SPSS 16.0                                                                              apricot fruit suffered chilling damage. After 6 days
(SPSS Inc., US) were used for analysing data. The devia-                                                                              of chilling storage, apricot fruit began to develop dam-
tion of the averages was statistically evaluated by analysis                                                                          age symptoms as displayed by flesh browning degree,
of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's method was used                                                                                      and the damage degree increased with the prolonged
to compare multiple group means at P < 0.05 level. Signif-                                                                            time of chilling storage (Figure 1A). Reactive oxygen
icant differences between multiple groups were indicated                                                                              species induced by chilling stress could lead to the per-
by different letters above the columns in the figures.                                                                                oxidation of lipids and proteins in the plasma membrane

(A)                                                                     1.2
                                                                                                      control T1             T2      T3
                                                                        1.0                           control T1             T2      T3a
      browning degree

        Apricot flesh

                                                                                                      control T1b            T2      T3                               b
                                                                                                      control T1             T2      T3                  b
                                                                        0.6                                                                         b
                                                                                                                                 c                               cd
                                                                        0.4                           d                      d                 d

                                                                        0.2              ef
                                                                                               g f            f ef
                                                                                 0            6           12             18                     24                30
      Relative plasma membrane

(B)                                                                     80
           permeability (%)

                                                                                                                                          ab                              ab
                                                                        60                                                                          bc
                                                                                                                                                         b            b
                                                                        50                                           c
                                                                        40                                                   d cd
                                                                        30                                               f

                                                                        20                            g       gh
                                                                         0    j j j j     j j j j         i h
                                                                                 0            6           12             18                     24                30
                                                                                 0            6           12             18                     24                30
(C)                                                                      40

(C)                                                                      40                                                                                  a



                                                                         30                                                               b

                                                                         25                                                               b                           bc

                                                                                                                                                                    c bc

                                                                         25                                          c                              cd c

                                                                         20                                          c                              cd c          d c
                                                                         20                                                                    e

                                                                         15                                                                                       d
                                                                                                      e                    fg f                e
                                                                          0                           e h g g            g

                                                                         10      0            6         12g g            g18
                                                                                                                           fg f                 24                30
                                 protein) (nmol

(D)                                                                      10
                                                                          0   j j j j     j j ij i      h
                                                                              j j0 j j    j j 6ij i       12             18                     24                30

(D)                                                                       5
                                                                        250                                                                                                    Figure 1. Changes in apricot
                                                                          0      0            6           12             18                     24                30

(D)                                                                     250      0            6           12             18                     24                30           (A) flesh browning degree,
(D)                                                                     200

                                                                        150                                                                                                    (B) relative plasma membrane

                                                                              a a
                                                                                  a a

                                                                        200              a a a a        a a            a

                                                                              a a
                                                                        150       a a                       a                                                                  permeability, (C) malondial-
                           –1 –1

                                                                        200              a a a a      a a              a ab                    ab

                                                                                                          a a

                                                                        100                           a
                                                                                                                     b   ab b                  ab                 b
                                                                                                                                                                               dehyde, and (D) protein sulf-

                                                                                                                            b                                     b

                                                                        150                                          b

                                                                                                                                                                               hydryl contents

                   –1 –1

                                                                                                                                                    c cd

                                                                        100                                                                                              d

                                                                                                                                          d           cd                       a–j
                                                                        100                                                               d                  e
                                                                                                                                                                         d        Significant differences

                                                                          0                                                                                  e                 between multiple groups are

                                                                                 0            6           12             18                     24                30


                                                                         50                                                                                                    indicated by different letters
                                                                                 0            6         12 time (day)
                                                                                                      Storage    18                             24                30
                                                                          0                                                                                                    above the columns in the figure
                                                                          0      0            6       Storage
                                                                                                        12 time (day)
                                                                                                                    18                          24                30           (P < 0.05); T1 – treatment 1
                                                                                 0            6         12          18                          24                30           group; T2 – treatment 2 group;
                                                                                                      Storage time (days)
                                                                                                      Storage time (days)                                                      T3 – treatment 3 group

Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322                                                                                                                          Original Paper


(Koushesh Saba et al. 2012; Cao et al. 2016, 2018), which                                                                           damage degree only got to less than 50%, compared
might result in increasing the plasma membrane per-                                                                                 with the control. Besides the browning degree in-
meability and malondialdehyde content and decreasing                                                                                dex, the changes in the other parameters collectively
the protein sulfhydryl content. Therefore, to provide                                                                               showed that exogenous melatonin treatment authenti-
more evidence for chilling damage to apricot fruit,                                                                                 cally enhanced the resistance of apricot fruit to chilling
some latent parameters, such as plasma membrane per-                                                                                stress. In the research, the roles which conjugated poly-
meability (Figure 1B), malondialdehyde (Figure 1C) and                                                                              amines in the plasma membrane might play in melato-
protein sulfhydryl (Figure 1D) contents, were examined                                                                              nin-mediated resistance were illuminated.
in the research. All of the changes in these parameters                                                                               Free spermidine and spermine were involved
indicated that apricot fruits were suffering from chill-                                                                            in melatonin-mediated resistance. To explore the
ing damage, since plasma membrane permeability and                                                                                  function of conjugated polyamines in the plasma mem-
malondialdehyde content increased, and sulfhydryl                                                                                   brane, it was necessary to examine free polyamines
content decreased.                                                                                                                  in apricot flesh. In the apricot flesh tissue, three major
  However, 0.1 mM melatonin treatment led to a de-                                                                                  free polyamines, putrescine, spermidine and spermine
crease in browning degree and no marked browning                                                                                    could be detected. Under chilling conditions at 4 °C,
was found on the 6th day. On the 12th day, brown-                                                                                   free putrescine increased sharply during the storage
ing merely began to appear mildly and on the 30th day,                                                                              for 30 days (Figure 2A). Free spermidine (Figure 2B)
(A)                                                                       30
                                                                          50                           control       T1 T2                          a
      (nmol g–1 fresh weight)

                                                                          40                                                                                  ab
       Free putrescine level

                                                                            0                                        bc                        bc
                                                                          20       0           6           12             18              24             30
                                                                         2000                                                  c
                                                                          10       0           6       e   12             18              24             30
                                                                         1500                                   ef                        ef
                                                                                                           fg             f
                                                                                gh 0h gh     6 g           12             18              24             30
                                                                                           g gh
                                                                                   0           6           12             18              24             30
(B)                                                                      200
                                                         fresh weight)

                                                                                   0           6           12             18              24             30

(D)                                                                      250
                                                                         120       0           6           12             18              24
                                                                                                                                           b             30   c

(D)                                                                      250
                                                                         2000                                             cd                   cd

                                                                                   0           6           12
                                                                                                           de             18   d          24        de   30
                                                                         120                                                         de                       c

                                                                                                              de     de
(D)                                                                       80
                                                                         250    ef ef ef
                                                                                                       e                  cd                   cd
                                                                         200               f ef    f

                                                                         150                                                   d

                                                                                                           de                        de             de
                                                   –1 –1

                                                                                                                de   de
                                                                          80    ef ef ef
                                                                          40               f ef







                                                                          50       0           6           12             18              24             30


                                                                          50       0           6           12             18              24             30

                                                                                   0           6           12             18              24             30
        Free spermine level Protein

                                                                                                                                           b              a
(C)                                                                       50
                                                                         1200      0           6       Storage
                                                                                                         12 time (day)
                                                                                                                  18                      24             30
                                                                          90                                                               b              a   c    Figure 2. The dynamic course
                                                                         1200                              d
                                                                                                         12 time (day)
                                                                                                                                               d    d              of free polyamine content:
      (nmol g–1 fresh weight)

                                                                          90       0           6                  18
                                                                                                                  bc de              de 24
                                                                                                                                         b               30   c
                                                                          60                            e d
                                                                                                                                               d                   (A) putrescine, (B) spermi-
                                                                                ef ef f    f
                                                                                               ef f    Storage time (day)
                                                                                                                     bc de
                                                                                                                                                    d         c
                                                                          60                           e d
                                                                                                                e    e                         d                   dine, and (C) spermine in apri-
                                                                          30    ef ef f    f
                                                                                               ef f                            de    de
                                                                                                                e                                                  cot flesh
                                                                          60                   ef f    e
                                                                          30    ef ef f    f                                                                       a–h
                                                                           0                                                                                          Significant differences
                                                                          30      0            6           12             18              24             30        between multiple groups are
                                                                           0                                                                                       indicated by different letters
                                                                                  0            6           12             18              24             30
                                                                           0                                                                                       above the columns in the figure
                                                                                  0            6           12             18              24             30        (P < 0.05); T1 – treatment 1
                                                                                                       Storage time (days)                                         group; T2 – treatment 2 group

Original Paper                                                                             Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322


and free spermine (Figure 2C) levels remained almost                                                with the control. Secondly, MGBG treatment inhibited
unchanged throughout the whole chilling storage                                                     melatonin-induced resistance (Figure 1), coupled with
at 4 °C for 30 days. Melatonin pretreatment signifi-                                                inhibiting melatonin-induced increases in SAMDC
cantly (P < 0.05) affected the free polyamine contents.                                             activity (Figure 3A) and the contents of the polyamines
After chilling storage at 4 °C for 6 days, free spermidine                                          (Figures 2B, 2C). The study of Palma et al. (2015)
and free spermine levels of the melatonin-pretreated                                                showed free putrescine played roles in the resistance.
group increased significantly (P < 0.05), coupled with                                              Therefore, we speculated that the increase in putres-
the marked decrease in putrescine content during the                                                cine content might only be a premise for chilling re-
30-day storage period.                                                                              sistance and a key issue was whether chilling-induced
   Min et al. (2020) reported that free polyamines                                                  free putrescine could be subsequently transformed
in fruit played an important function in methyl jasmo-                                              to free spermidine and spermine. The speculation
nate-mediated resistance of tomato fruit to chilling.                                               was testified by our study results on the free putres-
In the present study, we found that free spermidine and                                             cine profile (Figure 2A) in apricot flesh under chilling,
spermine might be involved in melatonin-mediated re-                                                melatonin and MGBG treatments. Chilling stress in-
sistance. The finding was supported by melatonin and                                                duced the increase in free putrescine and melatonin
MGBG treatments. Firstly, exogenous melatonin pre-                                                  inhibited the chilling-induced increase, while MGBG
treatment markedly (P < 0.05) enhanced chilling re-                                                 reversed the melatonin effect. Then, why could free
sistance, which was judged by the parameters of flesh                                               spermidine and free spermine play an important func-
browning degree (Figure 1A), plasma membrane per-                                                   tion in the resistance induced by melatonin? They
meability (Figure 1B), malondialdehyde (Figure 1C)                                                  carried more positive charges and thereby could
and protein sulfhydryl (Figure 1D) contents. Mean-                                                  be non-covalently conjugated more easily to cell com-
while, exogenous melatonin enhanced the increases                                                   ponents with negative charges. The plasma membrane
in SAMDC activity (Figure 3A) and the contents of free                                              was mainly involved in chilling stress, so non-cova-
spermidine and spermine (Figures 2B, 2C), and inhib-                                                lently conjugated polyamines in the plasma membrane
ited the increase in putrescine (Figure 2A), compared                                               were detected next.

(A)                                        180
                                                                       control       T1 T2
      (μmol CO2 g–1 fresh weight min–1)

                                           150                                                            a
             SAMDC activity

                                           120                                            b
                                                                            cd                 c                    cd
                                            90                                       cd              cd
                                                                       de        d
                                                 e ef      ef ef
                                                      ef           f


                                                   0           6            12            18              24             30        Figure 3. The dynamic course
(B)                                         7
                                            8                                                                                      of enzyme activity: (A) SAMDC
      (nmol putrescine mg–1 protein h–1)

                                                                        control T1             T3         b                        and (B) TGase in apricot flesh
                                                                                                          b                        during chilling storage
                                            6                                             c
                                            5                               d                                                 de      Significant differences
               TGase activity

                                                                                               e               e                   between multiple groups are
                                            4                               d                                       cd        de
                                                   fg g        fg fg   fg        f    f               f
                                                                                                               e                   indicated by different letters
                                                           g                                   e
                                            3                  fg fg   fg        f    f               f             cd             above the columns in the figure
                                                 fg fg g
                                                           g                                                                       (P < 0.05); T1 – treatment 1
                                                                                                                                   group; T2 – treatment 2 group;
                                            1                                                                                      T3 – treatment 3 group; SAMDC
                                                   0           6            12            18              24             30
                                            0                                                                                      – S-adenosylmethionine decar-
                                                   0           6       Storage
                                                                         12 time (day)
                                                                                  18                      24             30        boxylase; TGase – transgluta-
                                                                       Storage time (days)                                         minase

Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322                                                                                                                        Original Paper


  Function of spermidine and spermine non-co-                                                                                    spectively. Treatment with MGBG reversed the effects
valently conjugated to plasma membrane. Chilling                                                                                 of melatonin treatment on non-covalently conjugated
stress led to an increase in the non-covalently conju-                                                                           spermidine and spermine contents markedly (P < 0.05)
gated putrescine level in the plasma membrane from the                                                                           (Figures 4B, 4C). From these interesting results, it could
apricot flesh tissue, whereas non-covalently conjugated                                                                          be concluded that under chilling, melatonin and MGBG
spermidine and spermine contents were maintained                                                                                 treatments, the changes in non-covalently conjugated
nearly unchanged throughout the entire storage period                                                                            spermidine and spermine contents were in parallel with
of chilling at 4 °C (Figure 4). Melatonin pretreatment in-                                                                       the change in chilling resistance (Figure 1) during the
hibited markedly (P < 0.05) the chilling-induced increase                                                                        entire storage. The finding was supported by Dutra et al.
in the non-covalently conjugated putrescine level after                                                                          (2013), who suggested that free spermidine and sperm-
storage for 18 days at 4 °C, and meanwhile melatonin                                                                             ine, which carry more positive charges than putrescine,
pretreatment induced markedly (P < 0.05) the increases                                                                           could be non-covalently conjugated to the plasma mem-
in non-covalently conjugated spermidine and spermine                                                                             brane more easily and maintain the plasma membrane
levels after storage for 12 days and 18 days at 4 °C, re-                                                                        configuration and function.

(A)                                                                   100
                                                                                                         control T1 T2

                                                                       80                                                         ab
(A)                                                                   100                                                                    b
                                                                                                         control T1
                                                                                                                  b T2
                                                   mg–1 protein)

                                                  levels levels

                                                                                       cd                     cd        cd              cd             c
                                                                                            cd cd        cd

                                                                       80   cd d cd
(A)                                                                   100
                                                                                                         control T1 T2
                                            mg–1 protein)





 Non-covalently conjugatedNon-covalently


                                                                      40       0            6            12             18              24             30
                            (nmol mg

(B)                                                                   240
                                                                      200                                               a
                                                                                                                                        a              a
(B)                                                                   240
   (nmol mg–1 protein)

     spermidine level

                                                                      200                                                               a              a
                                                                      120                                b                   b               b              b
                                                                                                              c    c               c              c
                                                                       80   cd cd cd   cd cd d      cd
                                                                      120                                b                   b               b              b
                                                                                                              c    c               c              c
                                                                       80   cd cd cd   cd cd d      cd
                                                                       40      0            6            12             18              24             30

(C)                                                                   150
                                                                                                                                                        a        Figure 4. The dynamic course
 Non-covalently conjugated

                                                                                                                                         b                       of non-covalently conjugated
   (nmol mg–1 protein)

                                                                                                                                                                 polyamine content: (A) putres-
      spermine level

                                                                                                                        c                                        cine, (B) spermidine, and
                                                                       60                                                                    d                   (C) spermine in the membrane
                                                                                                                             e                    ef
                                                                                                                    f              ef
                                                                                                          fg fg                                                  a–g
                                                                            fg g   g   g g      g    g                                                              Significant differences
                                                                       30                                                                                        between multiple groups are
                                                                                                                                                                 indicated by different letters
                                                                        0                                                                                        above the columns in the figure
                                                                               0            6            12             18              24             30        (P < 0.05); T1 – treatment 1
                                                                                                    Storage time (days)                                          group; T2 – treatment 2 group

(A)                                                                    30
                                                                                                    control        T1 T2                          a
                     h weight)

                     ne level

                                                                        0                                          bc                        bc
                                                                              0             6            12             18              24             30
Original Paper                                                                  Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322


  Why were non-covalently conjugated polyamines re-                                      and covalently conjugated polyamines (Figure 5) in the
lated to plant resistance? The interaction of ion chan-                                  plasma membrane, because melatonin pretreatment
nels and conjugated polyamines might be involved                                         markedly (P < 0.05) increased TGase activity (Figure 3B)
in the issue. For instance, it was suggested that non-co-                                and the contents of covalently conjugated putrescine
valently conjugated polyamines regulated ion channels                                    (Figure 5A) and spermidine (Figure 5B). More inter-
in bio-membranes (Williams 1997), and in guard cells,                                    estingly, pretreatment with phenanthroline (TGase in-
a stomatal movement was modulated by the polyam-                                         hibitor) decreased significantly (P < 0.05) not only the
ines through the KATl-like (K+1 transporter 1) chan-                                     melatonin-mediated chilling resistance (Figure 1), but
nels (Liu et al. 2000). Additionally, the activity of the                                also TGase activity (Figure 3B), resulting in the drastic
proton pump in plasma membrane could be enhanced                                         decreases in the contents of covalently conjugated pu-
by the polyamines (Athwal and Huber 2002). All the                                       trescine and spermidine. Sulfhydryl in plasma mem-
researches have suggested that non-covalently conju-                                     brane protein was oxidised by reactive oxygen species
gated polyamines can play an important role in main-                                     induced by chilling stress, and transformed into disul-
taining the conformation and function of the plasma                                      phide bonds, resulting in protein structure destruc-
membrane and membrane proteins.                                                          tion and denaturation. Free putrescine and spermidine
  Significance of putrescine and spermidine co-                                          might be covalently conjugated to proteins in the plasma
valently conjugated to the plasma membrane. Be-                                          membrane to inhibit the oxidation induced by chilling
sides free and non-covalently conjugated polyamines,                                     stress. Our suggestion was in good accordance with
by TGase catalysing, free polyamines might be con-                                       the results of Del Duca et al. (1995) on covalently con-
jugated covalently to protein glutamine residues                                         jugated polyamines in the thylakoid membrane of the
(Del Duca et al. 1995). Cell membranes are rich in pro-                                  chloroplast. Collectively, it could be inferred that co-
teins, such as proton pumps, ion channels, transport-                                    valently conjugated putrescine and spermidine in the
ers, and protein enzymes. So in the study, the contents                                  plasma membrane should play a similarly important role
of the polyamines conjugated covalently to protein were                                  to non-covalently conjugated spermidine and spermine
also assessed. The melatonin-mediated resistance was                                     in maintaining the normal conformation and function
closely associated with TGase activity in apricot flesh                                  of the plasma membrane and membrane proteins.

(A)                           150
                                                          control         T1     T3                             a
(A)                           150
                              120                         control         T1     T3             b               a





                              90                                d               c

                              60                                                                                     cd


                                                                     ef                              d

                                                 g fg     fg                              fg              fg
                              60    g fg fg   fg                           fg


                              30                                     ef
                                                   g fg   fg                              fg              fg
                                    g fg fg   fg                           fg

                                      0            6            12              18              24              30
(B)                            80
                                                                                                                          Figure 5. The dynamic course
 Covalently conjugated

                               60                                                                                         of covalently conjugated poly-
  (nmol mg–1 protein)
    spermidine level

                                                                                                                          amine content: (A) putrescine
                               40                                                                                         and (B) spermidine in the
                                                                                                                      d   membrane
                                                                                     e                                    a–g
                               20                                    ef                                                      Significant differences
                                    fg g      fg f fg      fg              fg              fg              fg
                                         g                                                                                between multiple groups are
                                                                                                                          indicated by different letters
                                0                                                                                         above the columns in the figure
                                      0            6            12              18              24              30        (P < 0.05); T1 – treatment 1
                                                          Storage time (days)                                             group; T3 – treatment 3 group

Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 40, 2022 (4): 313–322                                                        Original Paper


CONCLUSION                                                        Ellman G.L. (1959): Tissue sulfhydryl groups. Archives Bio-
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cot fruit. Although the present study was just regarded           Icekson I., Apelbaum A. (1987): Evidence for transglutamin-
as a modest spur, it revealed a novel mechanism un-                  ase activity in plant tissue. Plant Physiology, 84: 972–974.
derlying melatonin-mediated chilling resistance.                  Jahan M.S., Shu S., Wang Y., Chen Z., He M., Tao M., Sun J.,
In the future, the research on conjugated polyamines                 Guo S. (2019a): Melatonin alleviates heat-induced damage
in bio-membranes would be increasingly attractive.                   of tomato seedlings by balancing redox homeostasis and
By gene knockout and recombination technology, new                   modulating polyamine and nitric oxide biosynthesis. BMC
comprehensive data in prospect would shed more in-                   Plant Biology, 19: 414.
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polyamines enhancing the resistance of fruit to chill-               Sun J., Guo S.R. (2019b): Exogenous salicylic acid in-
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                                                                                                    Received: April 27, 2022
                                                                                                     Accepted: July 25, 2022
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