Political Science Day 2021 Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2020 - 25.-26. November 2021 Preliminary Conference Program

Page created by Richard Herrera
Political Science Day 2021
        November 25th – 26th, 2021

Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2020
         25.-26. November 2021

     Preliminary Conference Program
               as of 2021 10 27

November 25th – Evening Event
                                 (held in German language)

                                Eröffnung und Begrüßung
   -   Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Spilker (Vorsitzende der ÖGPW)
   -   Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Heinisch (Leitung Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft und
       Soziologie, Universität Salzburg)
   -   LH Dr. Wilfried Haslauer (Landeshauptmann Salzburg)

    „Was wollt ihr von uns?“ Erwartungen an die Politikwissenschaft in Österreich
   Podiumsdiskussion zu 50+1 Jahren Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft

Die Politikwissenschaft in Österreich befindet sich im Wandel. Im akademischen Bereich
nehmen Spezialisierung und Internationalisierung stark zu. Gleichzeitig soll die
Politikwissenschaft einen stärkeren Beitrag zur Behandlung gesellschaftlich relevanter Fragen
leisten. Aber was sind überhaupt die Erwartungen an die Politikwissenschaft? Was wollen
Politik und Medien von ihr? Und was ist sie imstande zu leisten? Darüber und über mögliche
Missverhältnisse zwischen politikwissenschaftlichem Angebot und gesellschaftlicher
Nachfrage diskutieren wir mit drei Gästen aus Medien, Politik und Politikwissenschaft.
   -   Barbara Prainsack (Professorin für Vergleichende Politikfeldanalyse, Universität
   -   Susanne Schnabl (Moderatorin ORF-“Report”)
   -   Stefan Wallner (Kabinettschef im Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen
       Dienst und Sport)
   -   Stefan Wally (Moderation)


Ort & Zeit
18 Uhr, Universität Salzburg: Edmundsburg- Europasaal, Mönchsberg 2a, 5020 Salzburg.

Die Abendveranstaltung findet unter Einhaltung der 3G-Regel statt. Für die Teilnahme ist
zudem eine Voranmeldung per E-Mail Voraussetzung (tdpowi2021@plus.ac.at). Aufgrund
des vor Ort gültigen Präventionskonzepts der Universität Salzburg ist die
Teilnehmer*innenzahl auf 60 Personen beschränkt. Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass
Anmeldungen darüber hinaus nicht akzeptiert werden können. Durch epidemiologische
Entwicklungen bedingte Änderungen werden umgehend kommuniziert.

November 26th – Panels
                               (held in English language)


              HS387          HS388           HS389          PR115A/B        SR 209
Time Slot 1   P01 Voting     P02 Protest,    P03 Post-      P04 Social      P05 Apples
09:00-10:30   and the        Dissent, and    pandemic       Policy:         with Pears?
              Economy        Mobilization    EU politics    Rights and
Time Slot 2   P06 Voting     P07 EU        P08 Partisan P09 Protest         P10
11:00-12:30   and Partici-   Politics and Appoint-      in/through          Pandemic
              pation         the Limits of ments        the Media           Politics
                             Free Move-

                                   Lunch Break

              HS386          HS388           HS389          PR115A/B        SR 209
Time Slot 3   P11 Parties    P12 Party       P13            P14             P15 EU
13:30-15:00   and            Politics        Memory,        Populism        Politics:
              Candidates                     Emotions,      and Climate     Supranation
                                             and Popular    Change          al Level
Time Slot 4   P16            P17             Panel 18       P19             P20 EU
15:30-17:00   Democratic     International   Political      Migration,      Politics
              Congruence     Relations:      Theory and     Minority        within
                             Cooperation,    Conceptual     Politics, and   Member
                             Conflict, and   History        Integration     States

Panel Session I: 9:00-10:30
Room: 387
Panel 01: Voting and the Economy
Chair: Stiller, Yannick
Discussant: Tarlea, Silvana
Huber, Robert A.                 It’s trade, stupid. Do voters judge incumbent politicians based on
Dür, Andreas                     changes in trade competitiveness?
Stiller, Yannick
Mühlböck, Monika                 Risk Preferences and Outcome Bias in the Delegation Process
Schwaninger, Manuel
Wagner, Paulus                   Where does the political resentment of manual workers originate from?
                                 From "problem experiences" to the tension and rupture of forms of
                                 societal integration
Willumsen, David                 Seeking Shelter: The Sectoral Basis of Economic Voting in Austria
Fink, Simon
Weiler, Florian
Wineroither, David

Room: 388
Panel 02: Protest, Dissent, and Mobilization
Chair: Dolezal, Martin
Discussant: Fölsch, Marco
Jansesberger, Viktoria            Silencing dissent in the wake of disasters? An examination of repression
Spilker, Gabriele                 dynamics after extreme weather events using event data
Susanszky, Pal                    Citizen Protest Atttitudes in the Covid Crisis: A Comparison of Hungary
Kittel, Bernhard                  and Austria
Kopper, Akos
Wegscheider, Carsten              Defenders of democracy? How democratic attitudes relate to protest
Mauk, Marlene                     behavior
Weisskircher, Manès               How far-right parties mobilize against global warming policies:
                                  Ideological responses and mobilization strategies of AfD

Room: 389
Panel 03: Post-pandemic European Union politics: continuity or profound transformation?
Chair: Auel, Katrin
Discussant: Meissner, Katharina
Gianna, Ermela                  The Role of the European Parliament in the Establishment of the
                                Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF): A Rebound Opportunity?
Hadj-Abdou, Leila               Sovereignist or Economic Interests? Debates about foreign essential
Sottilotta, Cecilia             workers in Austria and Italy during Covid-19 in focus
Maurer, Heidi                   Lesson-drawing from Covid-times: digitization, adaptability and post-
Wright, Nicholas                pandemic practices in EU Council negotiations
Ripoll Servent, Ariadna         Democracy in Lockdown: Concentration of Powers in European
                                Parliament under COVID-19

Room: 115 AB
Panel 04: Social Policy: Rights and (In)equality
Chair: Karremans, Johannes
Discussant: Mätzke, Margitta
Assmus, Josephine                  Bridging the Gap between Competent Authorities and Courts in the
                                   Enforcement of Cross-Border Labour Rights? – The Fair Mobility
                                   Advisory Service for Mobile Workers in Germany
Heindlmaier, Anita                 Mobile, lonely and exploitable. How segregation and isolation of highly
Kobler, Carina                     mobile EU workers hampers the enforcement of their labor and social
Karremans, Johannes                Income inequality: maybe politics matters? A comparison between
Koxha, Klaudia                     Austria and Germany

Room: SR 209
Panel 05: Apples with Pears? Opportunities for new Comparative Approaches to Inequalities, Mobility
and Migration
Chair: Stadlmair, Jeremias
Discussant: Crepaz, Katharina/Kreissl, Katharina/Rolle, Katrin
Crepaz, Katharina                   Diversity-Related Research in Times of Covid-19: Moving a Mixed
                                    Methods Project Online
Kreissl, Katharina                  Theoretical Considerations on the Systematization and Comparability of
                                    Inequalities Using the Example of Sustainable Development Goal 10
Roller, Katrin                      Mobility at Work, Mobility for Work - Considerations on Work-Related
                                    Mobility and Gender

Panel Session II: 11:00-12:30
Room: 387
Panel 06: Voting and Participation
Chair: Habersack, Fabian
Discussant: Walenta, Carmen
Mühlböck, Armin                    Closeness matters - New empirical evidence on voter turnout in
Mitter, Birgit                     municipalities
Praprotnik, Katrin                 Participation of the Young Generation: Indifferent or different?
Perlot, Flooh
Oberluggauer, Patricia
Wegscheider, Carsten               Assessing the extent of populist attitudes among voters using machine
Habersack, Fabian                  learning
Fölsch, Marco

Room: 388
Panel 07: EU Politics and the Limits of Free Movement
Chair: Miklin, Eric
Discussant: Heindlmaier, Anita
Blauberger, Michael               50 ways to make your profit. How Covid-19 in the German meat
Schmidt, Susanne K.               industry helps to disclose the shortcomings of the EU free movement
Frankowski, Pawel                 Mechanisms of compliance in EU Free Trade Agreements and EU
                                  Preferential Trade Agreements
Meissner, Katharina               Lobbying sanctions? How private actors respond to EU restrictive

Room: 389
Panel 08: Partisan Appointments
Chair: Juen, Christina-Marie
Discussant: Konrad, Christoph
Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz           Why parties appoint outsiders and experts as ministers
Kaltenegger, Matthias
Taschwer, Mario                      Why social democrats don't appoint trade unionist ministers anymore
Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz
Reidinger, Verena
Willumsen, David                     Who gets to speak for the party? How Parliamentary Party Groups
Mickler, Tim                         Assign Spokespersonships
Otjes, Simon
Juen, Christina-Marie                Public preferences towards electoral gender quotas
Jankowski, Michael
Tepe, Markus

Room: 115AB
Panel 09: Protest in/through the Media
Chair: Dolezal, Martin
Discussant: Weisskircher, Manès
Lechner, Lisa                     Reporting on Climate-Change Action: Paris Agreement, Fridays for
Spilker, Gabriele                 Future and the Framing in Public News Worldwide
Liebhart, Karin                   Sharing the stories most media don’t? Unicorn Riot's Alternative
                                  Coverage of Black Lives Matter Protests
Marini, Sofia                     Exploring challenger parties' mainstreaming through organisational and
                                  ideological change

Room: SR 209
Panel 10: Pandemic Politics: (De)constructing and Representing Covid-19
Chair: Auel, Katrin
Discussant: Hadj-Abdou, Leila
Fritsch, Katharina                Framing Corona – Memes als eine Form der Selbstrepräsentation von
Ajanovic, Edma                    Jugendlichen
Hasenöhrl, Syntia                 Deconstructing Covid-19: Decolonial feminist activism in France during
                                  the Coronavirus pandemic
Mellacher, Patrick                The Impact of Corona Populism: Empirical Evidence from Austria and
Zwiener-Collins, Nadine           Covid-19 restrictions and trust in the Austrian government: The role of
Rump, Maike                       gender, work and family situations

Panel Session III: 13.30-15.00
Room: 386
Panel 11: Parties and Candidates
Chair: Jankowski, Michael
Discussant: Habersack, Fabian
Auer, Daniel                       Electoral Discrimination, Party Rationale, and the Underrepresentation
Portmann, Lea                      of Minority Politicians
Tichelbäcker, Thomas
Juen, Christina-Marie              Corrupt Candidates and Vote Choice: The Impact of Viable Alternatives
Jankowski, Michael
Lewandowsky, Marcel
Wegscheider, Carsten               Voicing the people or their partisans?
Lefkofridi, Zoe
Zwiener-Collins, Nadine

Room: 388
Panel 12: Party Politics
Chair: Fallend, Franz
Discussant: Dolezal, Martin
Haselmayer, Martin                  The Impact of Party Ideology on Economic Inequality
Horn, Alexander
Konrath, Christoph                  “Die Arbeit passiert im Ausschuss.“ - Ausschusstätigkeit im Nationalrat
Bereuter, Franziska                 in der 25. und 26. Gesetzgebungsperiode
Clar, Christoph
Praprotnik, Katrin                  Government formation duration at the sub-national level
Krauss, Svenja
Thürk, Maria
Kröber, Corinna                     Whose bread I eat, their song I sing? How the sex of MPs influences the
Krauss, Svenja                      use of oversight mechanisms in government and opposition

Room: 389
Panel 13: Memory, Emotions, and Popular Culture
Chair: Auel, Katrin
Discussant: tba
Ingruber, Daniela                Science-Fiction-Demokratie: Das dystopische Bild der Demokratie der
                                 Zukunft lebt zunächst im Film
Pipal, Christian                 Emotional Rhetoric in European Parliaments: A Multiverse Analysis
Schumacher, Gijs
Bakker, Bert N.
van der Velden, Mariken A. C. G.
Radonić, Ljiljana                Globalization of Memory and “Downloading” International Trends at
                                 National Memorial Museums
Sibomana, Eric                   Approaches to human remains in post-genocide Rwanda: Memorial
                                 museums as sites of local and international contestation

Room: 115AB
Panel 14: Populism and Climate Change
Chair: Buzogány, Aron & Huber, Robert A.
Discussant: Buzogány, Aron & Huber, Robert A.
Buzogány, Aron               Contesting Climate Change in the European Parliament. An analysis of
                             parliamentary speeches of populist parties
Ćetković, Stefan             Think populist, act local? Analysis of the positions on energy and climate
                             policy of the Alternative for Germany at the level of German federal states
Huber, Robert A.             Science-related and Political Populism: A Tale of two Scales?
Mede, Niels G.
Eberl, Jakob-Moritz
Greussing, Esther
Schulze, Kai                 Do populist parties affect climate policy production?

Room: SR 209
Panel 15: EU Politics: Supranational Level
Chair: Maurer, Heidi
Discussant: Blauberger, Michael
Furtak, Dominika              Positioning air transport on the political agenda of the European Union
Gastinger, Markus             The Biggest Bang for the Buck? Explaining Joint Body Strength in the EU’s
Dür, Andreas                  International Agreements
Mitter, Birgit                Calls for Capacities: The Commission’s Demands in Distributing Funds
Zeilinger, Bernhard           The European Commission as a Policy Entrepreneur under the European

Panel Session IV: 15:30-17:00
Room: 386
Panel 16: Democratic Congruence
Chair: Willumsen, David
Discussant: Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz
Haselmayer, Martin             How parties link policy issues with group appeals
Huber, Lena Maria
Veljanov, Zdravko              Extracting Time-Series Party Positions Using Words as Texts: Comparative
                               Study of Western Balkans Political Parties’ Positions
Wegscheider, Carsten           Democratic Congruence and Regime Support:The Demand-Supply
Wohlgemuth, Felix              Converging Social Policy Public and Party Issue Salience in Austria?
Walenta, Carmen                Developing a Salience Congruence Indicator

Room: 388
Panel 17: International Relations: Cooperation, Conflict, and Security
Chair: Dür, Andreas
Discussant: Atkinson, Douglas
Edinger, Harald               Affective Realism and the Annexation of Crimea
Saito, Jun                    Die umfassende Sicherheitspolitik am Beispiel der Mitwirkung an der EU-
Vikberg, Carl                 Explaining Patterns of Non-State Actor Participation in International

Room: 389
Panel 18: Political Theory and Conceptual History: Democracy, Temporality, and the State
Chair: Hasenöhrl, Syntia
Discussant: tba
Egger, Lukas                  Die Debatte über den Ursprung der rassistischen Sklaverei in Virginia aus der
                              Perspektive materialistischer Staatstheorie
Lorenz, Matthias              Die Wiederholbarkeit politischer Gründung. Zu einem
                              demokratietheoretischen Schlüsselbegriff in frühneuzeitlichen und
                              zeitgenössischen Debatten The Iterability of Political Foundations. Reflections
                              on a Key Concept of Democratic Theory in Early Modern and Contemporary
Portschy, Jürgen              Metatheoretische Perspektiven auf Politik und Zeit
Wolfesberger, Philipp         Re-solidarization(s) linking past, present and future

Room: 115AB
Panel 19: Migration, Minority Politics, and Integration
Chair: Marco Fölsch
Discussant: Gabriele Spilker
Crepaz, Katharina            Different Types of Diversity, Similar Claims? A Regional Comparison of
                             "old" and "new" Minorities
Esien, Eddy Bruno            Principles, Rights, and Obligations: In state-public-private organizations
                             public value governance for work promotion.
Löw, Theodora Alwina         The fundamental human right of asylum in the EU

Room: SR 209
Panel 20: EU Politics within Member States
Chair: Fallend, Franz
Discussant: Miklin, Eric
Felder, Alina                 European(ised) Universities and Cross-Border Cooperation – A Case Study at
                              the Intersections of EU Regional and Higher Education Policy
Grabbe, Christina             A risk too high? Explaining conflicts among Western European States on the
                              proposed reform of the EU social security coordination
Meyer, Sarah                  Getting involved despite obstacles? Austrian and German regional MPs'
Wolf, Mario                   cooperation efforts in EU affairs

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