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POLICY BRIEF No. 102 █ September 2021 Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer By Dr. Olga Gurgula* Introduction** global pandemic, it may be a good time to take stock of the world’s response to it, acknowledging The COVID-19 pandemic has been ravaging the the successes and failures, as well as seeking to world since the beginning of 2020.1 As we have understand what needs to be done to finally repel passed the year and a half mark of living with this Abstract This policy brief explains that the currently discussed proposals at the WTO related to increasing the production of COVID-19 vaccines, including the EU proposal to clarify the use of compulsory licensing and the submission by South Africa and India on the intellectual property (IP) waiver, require complementary mechanisms to rapidly improve the production of COVID-19 vaccines that are urgently needed today. The key problem is that to accelerate the manufac- ture of COVID-19 vaccines, access to knowledge and know-how, that are protected by trade secrets owned by several pharmaceutical companies, is required. It is therefore important that governments implement an additional mechanism of compulsory licensing of trade secrets that would allow an involuntary transfer of COVID-19 vaccine technologies. Such a mechanism would be compliant with the TRIPS Agreement and relevant whether the TRIPS waiver is adopted or not agreed upon. While this mechanism must provide full access to the information necessary to manufacture the vaccines in question, it must also ensure the protection of the transferred trade secrets. *** Este informe político explica que las propuestas que se están debatiendo actualmente en la OMC relacionadas con el aumento de la producción de vacunas contra la COVID-19, incluida la propuesta de la UE para aclarar el uso de las licencias obligatorias y la presentación de Sudáfrica e India sobre la exención de la propiedad intelectual (PI), requieren mecanismos complementarios para mejorar rápidamente la producción de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 que se necesitan urgentemente en la actualidad. El proble- ma clave es que para acelerar la fabricación de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 se requiere el acceso a los conocimientos y a la expe- riencia, que están protegidos por secretos comerciales propiedad de varias empresas farmacéuticas. Por lo tanto, es importante que los gobiernos implementen un mecanismo adicional de licencia obligatoria de secretos comerciales que permita una transferencia involuntaria de las tecnologías de las vacunas COVID-19. Este mecanismo se ajustaría al Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC y sería perti- nente tanto si se adopta la exención de los ADPIC como si no se acuerda. Si bien este mecanismo debe permitir el pleno acceso a la información necesaria para fabricar las vacunas en cuestión, también debe garantizar la protección de los secretos comerciales trans- feridos. *** Ce document explique que les projets en cours de discussion à l'OMC concernant l'augmentation de la production de vaccins CO- VID-19, y compris la proposition de l'UE visant à clarifier l'utilisation des licences obligatoires et la requête de l'Afrique du Sud et de l'Inde concernant la dérogation en matière de propriété intellectuelle (PI), nécessitent des mécanismes complémentaires pour améliorer rapidement la production des vaccins COVID-19, dont le besoin est urgent aujourd'hui. Le principal problème est que pour accélérer la fabrication des vaccins COVID-19, il faut avoir accès aux connaissances et au savoir-faire, qui sont protégés par des secrets commerciaux appartenant à plusieurs sociétés pharmaceutiques. Il est donc important que les gouvernements mettent en place un mécanisme supplémentaire de licence obligatoire des secrets commerciaux qui permettrait un transfert involontaire des technologies des vaccins COVID-19. Un tel mécanisme serait en conformité avec l'accord sur les ADPIC et pertinent, que la déro- gation ADPIC soit adoptée ou non. Si ce mécanisme doit permettre un accès total aux informations nécessaires à la fabrication des vaccins en question, il doit également garantir la protection des secrets commerciaux transférés. *Dr Olga Gurgula (PhD, LLM) is a Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at Brunel Law School, Brunel University London. She is also a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Martin Programme on Affordable Medicines, University of Oxford. Email: Olga.Gurgula@brunel.ac.uk. ** I am grateful to John Hull, Prof. Carlos Correa and the South Centre’s external reviewers for their generous comments on this policy brief.
Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer this virus. Some good progress has been made. In virus across the globe, the current setup of vaccine the first year of the pandemic, several vaccines production is undoubtedly insufficient to protect the against the COVID-19 virus were developed and world’s population against the pandemic.10 more vaccines are in the pipeline, set at various To overcome the problem of insufficient produc- stages of development.2 However, these vaccines tion of COVID-19 vaccines, two key proposals have must now be produced in sufficient quantities and been put forward at the WTO level. One of them is distributed across the world equitably and afford- to clarify the currently available flexibilities in the ably. This has proven to be a serious challenge. It Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property is estimated that around 11 billion doses are Rights (TRIPS) Agreement11 in the form of compul- required to vaccinate 70 per cent of the world's sory licensing, which was championed by the EU in population.3 However, most of the vaccines man- its submission of 4 June 2021 to the WTO Council for ufactured to date have been acquired in excess by TRIPS.12 This EU proposal was advanced to counter wealthy countries; at the same time, poor coun- an earlier proposal by South Africa and India to tem- tries are lagging significantly behind. By the end porarily waive IP rights in the TRIPS Agreement,13 a of the summer 2020, the UK, EU countries, and move which is now partially supported by the US. Canada had procured enough doses to inoculate This has raised heated debates as to the effectiveness more than their entire populations, while the first of either of these proposals to ensure the rapid pro- purchases for low-income countries came only in duction and distribution of vaccines, and which of January 2021.4 According to the WHO, as of 5 these paths should be taken by the global communi- May 2021, while more than 1.1 billion doses of ty to finally stop the pandemic.14 While each of these vaccine had been administered globally, more mechanisms may help to improve the production of than 80 per cent of them had been given in high- COVID-19 vaccines to various degrees, they both and upper-middle-income countries and only a would need to be supplemented by other measures tiny fraction of this amount—0.3 per cent—in low- to ensure the effective and speedy increase in vac- income countries.5 It is estimated that it may take cine production that we need today. several years for people in the lowest-income groups to be vaccinated.6 This has raised a crucial The key problem is the need to rapidly access question: how can the production of COVID-19 knowledge and know-how that are protected by vaccines be accelerated and their equitable and trade secrets owned by several pharmaceutical com- affordable worldwide distribution ensured? panies. This has been a barrier for accelerating vac- cine production as without accessing such know- Understanding the limitations of the current how other manufacturers would require developing vaccine development and manufacturing mecha- their own know-how, which may take a lot of time nisms, numerous calls for sharing vaccine technol- and effort. However, despite the need to swiftly in- ogies to boost their production have been made. crease the production of vaccines by utilizing all This includes the WHO COVID-19 Technology available manufacturing facilities worldwide to con- Access Pool (C-TAP) that has called on the global tain the spread and mutation of the COVID-19 virus community and, most importantly, pharmaceuti- pharmaceutical companies refuse to share their vac- cal companies to voluntarily share the knowledge, cine technologies with the C-TAP, as discussed earli- intellectual property and data necessary to defeat er, as well as reject requests to license their vaccine the virus.7 While this technology pool has the po- technologies made by several pharmaceutical manu- tential to accelerate the production of COVID-19 facturers.15 For example, Biolyse, a Canadian manu- vaccines, it has attracted no contributions since it facturer of cancer drugs, who can manufacture two was established in May 2020 as pharmaceutical million doses a month and, thus, has the potential to companies have refused to share their vaccine contribute to the global scaling-up of vaccine manu- technologies through this and similar initiatives.8 facturing capacities, sought to manufacture and ex- Striving to retain full control of their vaccine tech- port the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) adenovirus vaccine nologies, pharmaceutical companies are focused, to developing countries. However, J&J refused to instead, on scaling up their own manufacturing license its technology to Biolyse.16 capacities and striking deals with other companies to produce their vaccines.9 However, since this It is currently acknowledged that there are no spe- pandemic has a global dimension and, thus, bil- cific provisions in international and national IP laws, lions of vaccines are required to be manufactured similar to the compulsory licensing mechanism de- and distributed worldwide at an accelerated rate veloped for patents, that would allow access to trade to contain the rapid spread and mutation of the Page 2 POLICY BRIEF
Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer secrets held by pharmaceutical companies if they knowledge is typically protected by patents and, are not willing to share this information voluntari- more importantly, by trade secrets. Unlike small- ly.17 molecule drugs that are easier to reverse engineer and reproduce by others without them needing to Therefore, this policy brief argues that to over- know a specific manufacturing process, with such a come the hurdle of accessing vaccine technologies complex biological therapy as a vaccine, the rapidly an additional mechanism of compulsory knowledge on how to produce it may be critical.20 licensing of trade secrets is necessary. If pharma- Some argue that in the area of vaccines, “a manufac- ceutical companies continue to refuse to voluntar- turing process is a product”.21 Therefore, as was ily share such information, then without such a mentioned above, without the expeditious transfer mechanism the required know-how would have of such knowledge by pharmaceutical companies to be developed by potential manufacturers, that own it, the rapid increase in the production of which may take a lot of time significantly affect- vaccines would not be possible. This is because it ing our chances to end the pandemic in the near may take a lot of time and effort for new manufac- future. Several jurisdictions have been discussing turers to develop such knowledge themselves. 22 the amendments to their IP laws, which would require patent owners to transfer corresponding Moreover, concerned about being subjected to the know-how to the compulsory licensees.18 The dis- compulsory licensing of patents, pharmaceutical cussion in this policy brief, therefore, may be use- companies may be inclined to rely even more on ful for such jurisdictions as it raises important is- trade secrets.23 This has led some authors to argue sues that would need to be taken into account that trade secrets can be considered “among the when adopting this mechanism, including the most powerful legal weapons against [the] public”.24 protection of public interests in increasing the Currently, however, IP laws provide no mechanisms production of COVID-19 vaccines while ensuring to force pharmaceutical companies to disclose their that legitimate private interests of technology lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine technologies protected owners are also secured. Finally, while the discus- by trade secrets without their consent to voluntary sion in this policy brief is focused on the compul- sharing25 (there are, however, some limited tools in sory licensing of trade secrets to facilitate access to other laws,26 as those, for instance, available under COVID-19 vaccines, the implementation of such a competition law27). This results in a dependence of mechanism may also be useful for any involun- countries, both developed and developing, upon tary technology transfer of complex biologic med- pharmaceutical companies, resulting in countries’ icines that are typically protected by trade secrets, inability to promptly protect public health.28 This is and which are becoming prevalent in healthcare even though, the research for most of the vaccines today. was heavily subsidized by public funding.29 There- fore, the development of a mechanism that would 1. Why is the additional mechanism in supplement compulsory licensing of patents or the the form of compulsory licensing of trade IP waiver, and allow compulsory access to and secrets necessary to address the problem transfer of the trade secrets that protect COVID-19 of the COVID-19 vaccine shortage? vaccine technologies is urgently needed. As was mentioned above, both proposals, i.e., the clarification of some aspects of compulsory licens- 2. Is compulsory licensing of trade secrets ing and the IP waiver, have the potential to facili- consistent with international IP law? tate an increased production of COVID-19 vac- While Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement may be cines. They, however, can achieve this to different considered to be the guiding world standard for the degrees as the EU’s proposal would not overcome protection of trade secrets, it is useful to consider the territorial limitations nor substantially change whether there are other elements of the TRIPS the burdensome mechanism provided for in Arti- Agreement which may act to counterbalance the cle 31bis. Importantly, to make these proposals protection given to them. work effectively they need to be supplemented by Article 39 is drafted in terms of protection against additional measures that would facilitate technol- unfair competition.30 It requires members to protect ogy transfer. Vaccines are complex biologics, and undisclosed information “[i]n the course of ensuring their manufacture is challenging because of, inter effective protection against unfair competition as alia, the special facilities and equipment needed, provided in Article 10bis of the Paris Convention the complex processes involved, and the specialist (1967)”. The regime of unfair competition essentially knowledge and experience required.19 Such protects against unfair commercial practices. The POLICY BRIEF Page 3
Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer law of trade secrets, as set out in TRIPS, protects this mechanism from being applied to trade secrets, against misappropriation of trade secrets, which they would have explicitly stated so. Instead, the is actionable if the trade secrets were acquired TRIPS Agreement remains silent on this issue, thus, improperly and are either used or disclosed or in arguably, leaving this matter for national legislation. violation of a duty to maintain confidentiality.31 Therefore, this could be construed as allowing gov- Specifically, an acquisition of a trade secret by ernments to issue compulsory licensing of trade se- improper means occurs “ if it was obtained crets when required, including for the protection of through theft, bribery, misrepresentation, breach public health. or inducement of a breach of a duty to maintain Finally, TRIPS itself encourages technology trans- secrecy, or through espionage, includ-ing elec- fer to developing countries that lack manufacturing tronic espionage.”32 capacity. In particular, in the context of Article 31bis At the same time, the TRIPS Agreement and the of TRIPS, it states that: Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Members recognize the desirability of promoting Public Health33 lay down important principles the transfer of technology and capacity building and objectives in relation to the protection of pub- in the pharmaceutical sector in order to overcome lic health. In particular, Article 7 TRIPS, provides the problem faced by Members with insufficient that “[t]he protection and enforcement of intellec- or no manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceu- tual property rights should contribute to the pro- tical sector. To this end, eligible importing Mem- motion of technological innovation and the trans- bers and exporting Members are encouraged to fer and dissemination of technology, … in a use the system in a way which would promote manner conducive to social and economic wel- this objective. Members undertake to cooperate in fare, ….” (emphasis added). In addition, Article 8 paying special attention to the transfer of technol- states that “Members may, in formulating or ogy and capacity building in the pharmaceutical amending their laws and regulations, adopt sector in the work to be undertaken pursuant to measures necessary to protect public health” and Article 66.2 of this Agreement, paragraph 7 of the that “[a]ppropriate measures may be needed to Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights Health and any other relevant work of the Coun- by right holders or the resort to practices which cil for TRIPS. …. adversely affect the international transfer of technology” (emphasis added). Finally, para- Therefore, it could be argued that compulsory graph 4 of the Doha Declaration states that “the licensing of trade secrets that enables technology TRIPS Agreement does not and should not pre- transfer is not only consistent with the TRIPS Agree- vent members from taking measures to protect ment but is also directly promoted by its various public health” and that it “can and should be provisions. interpreted and implemented in a manner sup- It is, therefore, important to implement this mech- portive of WTO members' right to protect public anism in national IP laws supplementing compulso- health and, in particular, to promote access to ry licensing of patents with a similar mechanism for medicines for all”.34 Therefore, the interpretation trade secrets. This would ensure that governments of these provisions may lay down the grounds for can effectively facilitate access to medicines by a compulsory licensing of trade secrets under granting compulsory licensing on patents and trade TRIPS to ensure the protection of public health, secrets. More fundamentally, this mechanism is nec- especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, by essary because, as was mentioned above, increasing- facilitating the production of vaccines through an ly more and more medicines, including COVID-19 international technology transfer.35 vaccines, are characterized as complex biologics, Moreover, the TRIPS Agreement contains no protected not only by patents but also by a signifi- specific exclusions that would prevent compulso- cant number of trade secrets. Therefore, without ry licensing of trade secrets. In particular, while such an additional mechanism, compulsory licens- TRIPS has a provision on compulsory licensing of ing of patents may become a “shallow” and ineffec- patents, it expressly prohibits compulsory licens- tive tool, and, hence, this flexibility envisaged in ing of trademarks. Article 21 states that it is Article 31 TRIPS that was implemented to balance “understood that the compulsory licensing of strong proprietary patent rights would have limited trademarks shall not be permitted” It could be or no effect. Therefore, as TRIPS is silent about argued that had the drafters intended to exclude compulsory licensing of trade secrets, while at the Page 4 POLICY BRIEF
Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer same time encouraging technology transfer, coun- license are the scope of the transfer and confidential- tries are free to implement such provisions in ity. In particular, the license must identify the scope their national IP laws. It would be also desirable of technology transfer, including the scope of infor- to harmonize this instrument at the international mation necessary for production, and how much level by including relevant provisions in the technical assistance will be needed to enable the li- TRIPS Agreement. censee to make effective use of the technology. The license must also contain confidentiality clause im- 3. The complex nature of a compulsory li- posing strict obligations on the parties to maintain cense of trade secrets and its key elements confidentiality, including an obligation to introduce Compulsory licensing of trade secrets may be pos- and observe security for the information transferred sible by governmental orders (similar to under the license. “government use” of patents), which would One of the main difficulties that may affect the oblige vaccine producers to disclose and provide effectiveness of this mechanism in practice is the en- access to all the information, including trade se- forcement of such a compulsory license. This may crets, required to manufacture a vaccine. Howev- occur if a licensor does not wish to comply with a er, in contrast to compulsory licensing of patents, compulsory license. In such a case the license would where the patent owner may continue to enjoy need to be enforced through an administrative order their patent rights after the license is terminated, or by the court. If the licensor is a local company, compulsory licensing of trade secret is more com- such an enforcement would pose little difficulty. plex. This is because the value of this right is pre- However, the situation becomes more complicated if cisely in it being secret; once such information a compulsory license imposed by a government in ceases to be secret, its value may be lost. In this one country against a licensor-technology owner sense, compulsory licensing of trade secret differs domiciled in another country (which is currently the from a similar mechanism developed for patents. case for most developing countries). If the prospec- Despite its compulsory nature, it would also need tive licensor refuses to comply with the order issued to balance the interests of all the parties involved. in another country, some form of reciprocal enforce- Specifically, to preserve the fairness of this mecha- ment of a foreign government or foreign court order nism, a compulsory license must, on the one would be necessary in the country where it is domi- hand, ensure full access to a vaccine technology ciled to oblige the licensor to comply. The reciprocal necessary for its production, while, on the other recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments hand, it must guarantee the protection of the depends on whether countries have concluded trea- transferred trade secrets to avoid their inadvertent ties to recognize and enforce another country’s court disclosure and, thus, deprive them of their value orders. For many countries no such reciprocal sys- and damage the owner’s business. tem exists. Therefore, to make compulsory licensing Any government intent on putting a compulso- of trade secrets work effectively some jurisdictions, ry license into the hands of a licensee must, as a along with implementing this mechanism, may also first step, identify a potentially suitable licensee. need to reform their enforcement regime. This In particular, a national law may establish a mech- problem, however, would need to be analyzed sepa- anism for identifying such a licensee, which may rately. include both requests from a potential licensee and identification of a licensee by the government Conclusion upon its own initiative. That licensee must have, To defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, the accelerated at least, plant, equipment and some degree of production of COVID-19 vaccines and their equita- expertise in this kind of manufacturing. The licen- ble distribution worldwide are urgently needed. For see would need to “set up, calibrate and test this, access to vaccine technologies is required. How- equipment, and train scientists and engineers to ever, such technologies are protected by an array of run it”.36 IP rights that are owned by pharmaceutical compa- nies, that have been refusing to share them with There are a number of elements that a compul- technology pools or other potential manufacturers sory license of trade secrets must contain that are capable of producing COVID-19 vaccines and thus akin to those which would be typically included increasing their availability. It is, therefore, im- in a voluntary licensing agreement and those that portant that governments implement a mechanism would need to reflect the compulsory nature of that would enable a compulsory transfer of COVID- the license.37 The two key elements of such a 19 vaccine technologies. Such a mechanism would POLICY BRIEF Page 5
Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer be compliant with the TRIPS Agreement, which, 7 “WHO COVID-19 Technology Access Pool”. Available from on the one hand, does not explicitly prohibit com- https://www.who.int/initiatives/covid-19-technology- access-pool. pulsory licensing of trade secrets while, on the other hand, mandates that its principles should be 8Michael Safi, “WHO platform for pharmaceutical firms un- construed in a manner supportive of the WTO used since pandemic began”, the Guardian, 22 January 2021. Available from members' right to protect public health. Im- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/22/who- portantly, this mechanism would be relevant both platform-for-pharmaceutical-firms-unused-since-pandemic- in the case of the adoption of the TRIPS IP waiver, began. as well as if such a mechanism could not be 9 Irwin (No. 3). agreed upon and, thus, WTO members would 10Olga Gurgula and Wen Hwa Lee, “How can governments need to rely on the existing compulsory licensing end the COVID-19 pandemic?”, Oxford Martin School blog, 28 mechanism. More fundamentally, as more and May 2021. Available from more drugs on the market are complex biologics https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/blog/how-can- and, thus, are protected by trade secrets, the sug- governments-end-the-covid-19-pandemic/. gested mechanism would remain relevant beyond 11WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property the pandemic, ensuring access to such medicines. Rights, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex 1C, 15 April 1994, as amended on 23 January 2017. 12Communication From the European Union to the Council for TRIPS, “Urgent Trade Policy Responses to the Covid-19 Crisis: Intellectual Property”, Brussels, 4 June 2021. Endnotes: Available from https://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2021/june/tradoc_ 1 This policy brief is based on the article by Olga Gurgula 159606.pdf. and John Hull, “Compulsory licensing of trade secrets: ensuring access to COVID-19 vaccines via involuntary 13Communication from India and South Africa, “Waiver technology transfer” (Journal of Intellectual Property Law from Certain Provisions of the TRIPS Agreement for the Pre- & Practice, forthcoming) Available from https:// vention, Containment and Treatment of Covid-19” (2 October papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3872796. 2020) IP/C/W/669 https://docs.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filen 2“COVID-19 vaccine tracker”. Available from ame=q:/IP/C/W669.pdf&Open=True. The revised proposal https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/vaccines/ (“As of 29 was submitted on 21 May 2021. See “Waiver from Certain August 2021, 22 different vaccines approved worldwide Provisions of the TRIPS Agreement for the Prevention, Con- and 139 vaccine candidates”). tainment and Treatment of COVID-19. Revised Decision 3Mary B Marcus, “Ensuring Everyone in the World Gets a Text”. Available from COVID Vaccine”, Duke Global Institute, 20 January 2021. https://docs.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filen Available from ame=q:/IP/C/W669R1.pdf&Open=True. https://globalhealth.duke.edu/news/ensuring-everyone- 14See e.g., Bryan Mercurio “WTO Waiver from Intellectual world-gets-covid-vaccine; Aisling Irwin, “What it will take Property Protection for COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments: to vaccinate the world against COVID-19? A special report A Critical Review”, Virginia Journal of International Law outlines the challenges - from unleashing the power of Online (Forthcoming 2021), Available at mRNA vaccines, to the battle for temporary intellectual https://ssrn.com/abstract=3789820; Carlos M. Correa, property relief”, Nature, vol. 592, 25 March 2021, p. 176. “Expanding the production of COVID-19 vaccines to reach 4 Launch & Scale Speedometer, “Tracking Covid-19 Vac- developing countries”, the South Centre, Policy Brief 91, cine Purchases Across the Globe”. Available from https:// April 2021. Available from launchandscalefaster.org/covid-19/vaccinepurchases. https://www.southcentre.int/wp- content/uploads/2021/04/PB-92.pdf; Siva Thambisetty, 5“Director-general’s opening remarks at One Shared Aisling McMahon, Luke McDonagh, Hyo Yoon Kang and World event”, WHO, 5 May 2021. Available from Graham Dutfield, “The TRIPS Intellectual Property Waiver https://www.who.int/director- Proposal: Creating the Right Incentives in Patent Law and general/speeches/detail/director-general-s-opening- Politics to end the COVID-19 Pandemic”, LSE Legal Studies remarks-atone-shared-world-event. Working Paper, 2021, Forthcoming. Available from 6Oxfam press release, “Companies warn that 9 out of 10 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=38517 people in poor countries are set to miss out on COVID-19 37. vaccine next year”, 9 December 2020. Available from 15Carlos M. Correa, “Expanding the production of COVID-19 https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/campaigners- vaccines to reach developing countries” (n 14) (Some compa- warn-9-out-10-people-poor-countries-are-set-miss-out- nies – Incepta from Bangladesh, Biolyse from Canada, Getz covid-19-vaccine. Owen Dyer, “Covid-19: Many poor Pharma from Pakistan, Teva from Israel – have reported that countries will see almost no vaccine next year, aid groups current vaccine producers have dismissed or not even re- warn” BMJ 2020;371:m4809, December 2020. sponded to requests to obtain licenses for production). Page 6 POLICY BRIEF
Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer 16Arianna Schouten, “Canada based Biolyse Pharma Seeks Technology Transfer and Regulatory Pathways”, Am Jo Pub to Manufacture COVID-19 Vaccines for Low Income Health, vol. 104, No. 11, November 2014, p. e87 (arguing that Countries, may test Canada’s compulsory licensing for for a successful vaccine access strategy “[a]ccess to manufac- export law”, KEI, 12 March 2021. Available from turing process information protected by trade-secret law, as https://www.keionline.org/35587. well as access to technology and know-how held by the inno- vator company, will likely be necessary”). 17 David S. Levine, “Covid-19 Trade Secrets and Infor- mation Access: An Overview”, InfoJustice, 10 July 2020. 21For a discussion see Nicola Searle, “The process may (or Available from http://infojustice.org/archives/42493; may not) be the product: trade secrets and COVID research”, Muhammad Zaheer Abbas, “Treatment of the novel the IPKat, 3 August 2020. Available from COVID-19: why Costa Rica’s proposal for the creation of a https://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-process-may-or- global pooling mechanism deserves serious considera- may-not-be-product.htm/. tion?”, vol. 7, No 1, Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 26 22McMahon (n 20) 338; Crager (n 20) e87 (arguing that June 2020. “although patent protection remains the major barrier to the 18 On 11 August 2021, the Brazilian Senate approved a production of affordable small-molecule generics, access to Compulsory Licensing Bill (#12/2021), which amends the trade-secret – protected information and know-how present Brazilian Patent Statute (Law #9,279/96). The amend- major additional obstacles to generic production of vac- ments require the patent or patent application holder to cines”). provide the necessary and sufficient information (e.g., 23 Sebastian Alvarado, “Chile: Trade Secrets as a Response to know-how, technical aspects, biological material, test re- Compulsory Licensing”, Mondaq, 23 July 2020. Available sults and other data) for the effective reproduction of the from https://www.mondaq.com/trade- object protected by the patent or patent application. On 02 secrets/968600/trade-secrets-as-a-response-to-compulsory- September 2021, the bill was sanctioned with vetoes by licensing. Brazilian President who signed the law 14.200/2021. The president vetoed the provisions regarding sharing such 24Levine, “Covid-19 Trade Secrets and Information Access: information by the owner of technology as part of a com- an Overview” (No. 17). pulsory licence (see Casimir Jones SC, “Compulsory Li- 25Ibid (“Government regulators can also run into challenges censing in Brazil: Updates and Perspectives”, Lexology, 17 getting access to trade secrets, especially absent clear statuto- August 2021. Available from ry mandates for access.”). https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=4adf38 aa-3a49-4230-b129-82b3f750993e; Louis Lozouet, “Brazil: 26E.g., based on the US Defense Production Act of 1950 New Compulsory Licensing Rules For Patents In Brazil”, (‘DPA’) the President has the power to require pharmaceuti- September 2021. Available from cal companies that produce COVID-19 vaccines to share in- https://www.mondaq.com/Article/1111706). Also, cer- formation and data needed to facilitate increased production. tain changes to the compulsory licensing mechanism are See Amy Kapczynski and Jishian Ravinthiran, “How to vac- being discussed in France, where it is suggested to oblige cinate the world. Part 2”, LPE Project, 4 April 2021. Available the patent owner, whose patent is under a compulsory at https://lpeproject.org/blog/how-to-vaccinate-the-world- license, to share the corresponding know-how so that the part-2/. license can be implemented in practice, as well as to pro- 27See, e.g., FTC v Mallinckrodt Ard Inc, “Stipulated Order for vide the information necessary to obtain the marketing Permanent Injunction and Equitable Monetary Relief”, Case authorisation. (see Matthieu Dhenne, “French bill pro- Number: 1:17-Cv-120 EGS (20 January 2017, US District Court posal authorizing the granting of an ex officio license in for the District of Columbia). Available from the interest of public health in the event of an extreme https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/cases/stipul health emergency”, Kluwer Patent Blog, 28 April 2021. ated_order_for_permanent_injunction_mallinckrodt.pdf. (In Available from this decision the US Federal Trade Commission recently http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2021/04/28/french- imposed a compulsory licence on a pharmaceutical company, bill-proposal-authorizing-the-granting-of-an-ex-officio- according to which the company had to share its technology license-in-the-interest-of-public-health-in-the-event-of-an- related to a biologic drug, adrenocorticotropic hormone extreme-health-emergency/). (ACTH), including patents and trade secrets, with a designat- 19John Smeaton and Lydia Harriss, “Manufacturing ed third-party licensee). For more information on this deci- COVID-19 vaccines”, UK Parliament, 14 January 2021. sion and compulsory licensing of trade secrets – see Gurgula Available from and Hull (No. 1). https://post.parliament.uk/manufacturing-covid-19- 28 Safi (No. 8) (explaining that the C-TAP has attracted zero vaccines/; Derek Lowe, “COVID_19: Myths of Vaccine contributions since it was established in May 2020); Grace Manufacturing”, Science Translational Medicine blog, 2 Feb- Ren, “Progress on COVID-19 Technology Pool Inches Along ruary 2021. Available from as Sister Initiative to Pool Vaccine Procurement Accelerates”, https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/02 Health Policy Watch, 25 September 2020. Available from /02/myths-of-vaccine-manufacturing. https://healthpolicy-watch.news/progress-on-covid-19- 20 Aisling McMahon, “Patients, access to health and technology-pool-inches-along-as-sister-initiative-to-pool- COVID 19 – the role of compulsory and government-use vaccine-procurement-accelerates/ (“unlike the COVAX Facil- licensing in Ireland” NI Legal Quarterly, vol. 7, No. 3, 5 ity, which has received broad industry support, the COVID- November 2020, p. 338; Sara Eve Crager, “Improving 19 Technology Access Pool has been dismissed by the phar- Global Access to New Vaccines: Intellectual Property, maceutical industry, which holds much of the rights to the POLICY BRIEF Page 7
Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccine Production via Involuntary Technology Transfer technology, data, and research that the Pool would aim to 35 Kung-Chung Liu, “The need and justification for a general more freely distribute”). competition-oriented compulsory licensing regime”, IIC - Inter- national Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 29Kayvan Bozorgmehr et al, “Free licensing of vaccines to vol. 43, No. 6, 2012, p. 683; H. Xue, “Enforcement for develop- end the COVID-19 crisis”, (2021) 397, The Lancet 1261 ment: why not an agenda for the developing world?”, in Intel- (“These pharmaceutical companies have benefited greatly lectual Property Enforcement – International Perspectives, X. Li and from huge sums of public funding for research and develop- C. Correa, eds. (Edward Elgar, 2009) p. 148. ment and advance purchase commitments, amounting to between US$2.2 billion and $4.1 billion (by Feb 1, 2021) from 36Liz Szabo et al, “Why Even Presidential Pressure Might Not Germany, the UK, and North America combined”). Get More Vaccine to Market Faster”, KHN, 26 January 2021. Available from https://khn.org/news/article/ramping-up- 30International Chamber of Commerce, “Protecting Trade covid-vaccine-production-could-take-months-even-with- Secrets – Recent EU and US Reforms”, 2019, p. 8. Available bidens-best-tool-to-pressure-companies/. from https://iccwbo.org/content/uploads/sites/3/2019/04/fin 37For a detailed analysis of the substance and elements of a al-icc-report-protecting-trade-secrets.pdf; Tanya Aplin, compulsory license of trade secrets see Gurgula and Hull (No. “Right to Property and Trade Secrets” in Research Handbook 1). on Human Rights and Intellectual Property, Christopher Gei- ger, ed., (Edward Elgar, 2015) p. 422. 31Karl F. Jorda, “Trade Secrets and Trade-Secret Licensing” in Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices, Anantole Krattiger et al., ed. (Concept Foundation 2007) 1047. 32 Ibid. 33Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (14 November 2001), Doc. WT/MIN(O1)/DEC/2 (20 No- Previous South Centre Policy Briefs vember 2001) (hereinafter “the Doha Declaration”). No. 92, April 2021—Expanding the production of COVID-19 34Levine, “Covid-19 Trade Secrets and Information Access: vaccines to reach developing countries. Lift the barriers to an Overview” (No. 17). fight the pandemic in the Global South by Carlos M. Correa No. 93, May 2021—A New WHO International Treaty on Pan- demic Preparedness and Response: Can It Address the Needs of the Global South? by Dr. Germán Velásquez and Nirmalya Syam No. 94, June 2021—The Role of Courts in Implementing TRIPS Flexibilities: Brazilian Supreme Court Rules Automatic Patent Term Extensions Unconstitutional by Vitor Henrique Ido Pin- to No. 95, June 2021—Systemic reform of the international debt The South Centre is the intergovernmental organization of developing architecture is yet to start by Yuefen Li countries that helps developing countries to combine their efforts and expertise to promote their common interests in the international are- No. 96, julio de 2021—Precios justos para la cobertura sani- na. The South Centre was established by an Intergovernmental Agree- taria universal: El impacto de la judicialización de la salud ment which came into force on 31 July 1995. Its headquarters is in por Silvina Andrea Bracamonte y José Luis Cassinerio Geneva, Switzerland. No. 97, July 2021—The WTO TRIPS Waiver Should Help Readers may reproduce the contents of this policy brief for their Build Vaccine Manufacturing Capacity in Africa by Faizel own use, but are requested to grant due acknowledgement to the Ismail South Centre. The views contained in this brief are attributable to the author/s and do not represent the institutional views of the No. 98, July 2021—The Implementation of the UN Declaration South Centre or its Member States. Any mistake or omission in this on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural study is the sole responsibility of the author/s. For comments on Areas: what is next? By Luis Fernando Rosales Lozada this publication, please contact: No. 99, August 2021—The TRIPS COVID-19 Waiver, Chal- The South Centre lenges for Africa and Decolonizing Intellectual Property by International Environment House 2 Yousuf Vawda Chemin de Balexert 7-9 PO Box 228, 1211 Geneva 19 No. 100, August 2021—EU Proposals regarding Article 31bis Switzerland of the TRIPS Agreement in the Context of the COVID-19 Pan- Telephone: (4122) 791 8050 demic by Nirmalya Syam south@southcentre.int https://www.southcentre.int No. 101, September 2021—The Investment Facilitation Frame- work & Most Favoured Nation (MFN) Treatment by Peter Lunenborg Follow the South Centre’s Twitter: South_Centre Page 8 POLICY BRIEF
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