PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association

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PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association
PLMA 2021
Live From Chicago!

A trade show as dynamic
  as the industry itself

PLMA’s Private Label Trade Show
      November 14-16
       Presented by the Private Label Manufacturers Association
PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association
A trade show
as dynamic as the
industry itself
                                                                                                                                                              PLMA 2021
                                                                                                                                                                     Live From Chicago!
                                                                                                                                                                on producing store brands almost               Kitchenware
                                                                                                                                                                exclusively.                                   Families and school children are now
                                                                                                                                                              • Regional brand manufacturers that              spending more time at home cooking
                                                                                                                                                                produce private label products for             and entertaining together. Cookware and
                                                                                                                                                                specific demographic markets.                  bakeware are an integral part of that
                                                           PlMa is back!                                                                                      • Large, nationwide manufacturers of             changing domestic lifestyle and retailers
                                                           This November, the PLMA private label show                                                                                                          in grocery and other channels are adding
                                                                                                                                                                store brands across a range of food and
                                                           will return to its traditional format in Chicago                                                                                                    store brand SKUs for a wide array of kitchen
                                                                                                                                                                non-food product categories who supply
                                                           with all the dynamism and vitality of an                                                                                                            essentials, tools and gadgets to meet the
                                                                                                                                                                a multiplicity of retail chains and channels
                                                           in-person event. Retailers, wholesalers and                                                                                                         growing demand.
                                                                                                                                                                in the U.S. and internationally.
                                                           other visitors will once again be able to see,      organized to maximize your time                • Major retailers and wholesalers that run
                                                           taste, smell, feel and experience products          Conveniently located at Chicago’s                their own manufacturing facilities and
                                                           first-hand and engage in the treasure hunt          Rosemont Convention Center, which is                                                            Millions of consumers over the past year
                                                           that’s such a big part of our annual event.                                                          provide store brands for themselves and,
                                                                                                               minutes from O’Hare International Airport                                                       discovered the rewards of creating their
                                                                                                                                                                in a few cases, for other chains as well.
Private label is                                                                                               and surrounded by many leading hotels                                                           own restaurant-style cuisine at home with
stronger than ever                                                                                             and restaurants, the 2021 PLMA private         hot ProduCt trends                               products from their favorite supermarkets.
                                                                                                               label trade show is concentrated into                                                           Store brand items that support home cooking       store brand lines to leverage this
In the face of the most extreme shifts in                                                                      two days of show time. The show floor is       Products! Products! Products!                    combine grocery and foodservice items that        fast-growing market.
grocery purchasing ever seen in the U.S.,                                                                      divided into separate halls so visitors can    More than anything, the PLMA trade show          appeal to consumers’ newfound appetites
store brands grew by double digits in 2020                                                                     easily find specific exhibitors and their      is about products, and we make every effort      for meal kits and components, ready-to-cook       international products from
and maintained their dollar and unit market                                                                    products. The North Hall and Sky Hall are      to put the spotlight on products in all kinds    menus, and restaurant quality dishes to go.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 near and far
                                                                                                               devoted to food, snacks and beverages          of categories. We are especially mindful                                                           Products with an international flair are
shares across all outlets.                                                                                     while the South Hall features health           of products emerging from hot consumer-          sustainable Packaging                             booming across the U.S., bringing greater
In figures provided exclusively to PLMA by                                                                     and beauty, household and general              centric trends, such as the following:           Shoppers love packaging convenience               excitement and color to retail shelves. At the
NielsenIQ, during 2020, private label dollar                                                                   merchandise. The headquarters hotel is                                                          and portable packaging for food on-the-go,        show, retailers and wholesalers will be able
                                                                                                               the adjacent Hyatt Regency O’Hare, site                                                         but they also want what's good for the            to find a wide range of domestic as well as
sales in supermarkets increased by 13.2%,                                                                      of the show’s daily special programs and                                                        environment, including source                             import manufacturers and suppliers
or $8.5 billion; and in the mass channel,                                                                      presentations.                                                                                  reduction, fewer plastics, more                               of authentic international-style
which consists of mass merchandisers,                                                                                                                                                                          recycled materials and newer                                     foods—and even nonfoods—
discounters and club stores, among other                                                                       Meet the exhibitors                                                                             sustainable technologies.                                          throughout the show floor,
                                                           Attendees can manage and strategize with                                                                                                            A host of packaging trade
formats, sales grew by 11.7%, or $8.1                                                                          Exhibitors are PLMA member manufacturers                                                                                                                             as well as in the several
                                                           their buying teams, many of which include                                                                                                           suppliers will be at the
                                                                                                               and suppliers who are private label experts                                                                                                                           dozen special pavilions
billion. The improvement for unit volume                   category managers, and supply chain and
                                                                                                               that operate in literally thousands of                                                          show to demonstrate
                                                           packaging staff, in a familiar and natural                                                                                                                                                                                 representing suppliers
in the two channels was also robust: in                                                                        product categories across every food and                                                        the latest practices                                                   from various countries.
                                                           setting and network with executives from all                                                                                                        in sustainability.
supermarkets, units sold were ahead 7.1%,                                                                      nonfoods department—from center store
                                                           sectors of the retailing industry. In particular,
and in mass, units moved up 8.2%.                                                                              groceries and beverages to fresh, frozen                                                                                                                            announcing
                                                           there will be countless opportunities to create
                                                                                                               and refrigerated, as well as personal care                                                      Flavors and
Kara Sheesley of NielsenIQ, added that as                  new, mutually beneficial business relationships
                                                                                                               and cosmetics, OTC, baby care, health and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PlMa global:
                                                           with store brand manufacturers, trade                                                                                                               ingredients                                                        our exclusive online
“proof that purchase of private label was                                                                      wellness, household and kitchen products,      healthy lifestyle                                The food and beverages
                                                           suppliers and service providers. It also affords                                                                                                                                                                      trade show option
ingrained in U.S. consumer behavior, fully                                                                     pet care, housewares, outdoor and leisure,     Plant-based, free-from, and CBD, among           consumers sought last
                                                           a unique opportunity to work with old and new                                                                                                                                                                         Complementing the in-person
                                                                                                               and more. They supply products for             other better-for-you product attributes,         year embraced familiar,
99% of households bought private label                     partners to develop products and promotions
                                                                                                               virtually every private brand program in the                                                                                                                   private label trade show in
                                                                                                                                                              continue to be areas building a loyal            comforting flavor profiles and
last year. And compared to 2016, there are                 that will increase store brand sales.                                                                                                                                                                           November, PLMA will offer PLMA
                                                                                                               country’s supermarket, mass merchandiser,      following among health-conscious shoppers        ingredients, as well as new and
13% more private label items on shelves                                                                        wholesale club, dollar, drug chain,            in all demographics who are seeking              adventurous experiences. In 2021,                    Global, an online event to be held in
                                                           We’re expecting more than 5,000 visitors                                                                                                                                                              January 2022. PLMA Global will permit buyers
now across all grocery retailing.”                                                                             convenience, specialty, housewares,            wellness solutions. For example, U.S. sales      both trends are continuing. Whether driven
                                                           and the 2,000 exhibitor booths will represent                                                                                                                                                         from around the world who could not travel
                                                                                                               DIY, and online channels and platforms.        of plant-based foods increased by double         by nostalgia, ethnic heritage, superfoods,
She said 23% of all grocery dollar sales                   thousands of high-quality private label                                                                                                                                                               to Chicago to connect with exhibitors through
                                                                                                                                                              digits in 2020, bringing the market to           functional beverages or special diets, a host
                                                           products across every food and non-food                                                                                                                                                               video calls, business card exchanges, and
in 2020 landed in the private label column,                category.                                           PlMa members fall into several                 $7 billion. Private label products featuring     of flavors and exotic ingredients have gone
                                                                                                                                                              any of these “healthy” attributes are in high                                                      other communications tools. Buyers who
including 78% of sales in the value                                                                            broad classifications:                                                                          from niche to mainstream, and great private
                                                                                                                                                              demand by retailers of all sizes throughout      label products start with great ingredients.      visit the November 2021 show will also be
channel. When all channels are counted,                                                                        • Large national brand manufacturers
                                                                                                                                                              the country.                                                                                       able to use PLMA Global, enabling them to
                                                                                                                 that utilize their expertise and excess
it's estimated last year's record store brand                                                                                                                                                                                                                    follow up with exhibitors they met or planned
                                                                                                                 plant capacity to supply store brands.                                                        Pet Care
sales totalled $200 billion.                                                                                                                                  beauty & Cosmetics                                                                                 to meet. Plus: PLMA Global will remain fully
                                                                                                               • Manufacturers that specialize in                                                              During 2021, some $110 billion will be            accessible to all retailers and wholesalers
                                                                                                                 particular product lines and concentrate     Private label cosmetics and self-care            spent on pets in the U.S., including $44
                                                                                                                                                              are burgeoning categories for innovative                                                           through April 2022. See back cover for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               billion on pet food and treats, and $23 billion   more details.
                                                                                                                                                              offerings that dovetail with an increasing       on supplies and OTC medicine. Among
                      SAFETY FIRST                                                                                                                            focus on self-expression by consumers.           drivers: pet food premiumization, growing
                      The Convention Center, in collaboration with the Rosemont Department of Public                                                          Alcohol-free skin products are particularly      awareness of healthy ingredients, custom-
                                                                                                                                                              popular, while those that can engage                                                               register now!
                      Safety, health professionals and PLMA, will be implementing best practices at                                                                                                            made pet food and more sustainable pet
                                                                                                                                                              younger shoppers—especially the Instagram                                                          e-mail or
                      the venue to provide a safe and secure environment for trade show participants.                                                                                                          food. And pet adoptions boomed during the
                                                                                                                                                              and TikTok generation—are in big demand.                                                           telephone (212) 972-3131.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pandemic. Retailers are expanding their
                      All state regulations and trade show mandates must be followed and will be

                                                                                                                                                                                      NOV. 14-16 • CHICAGO
                      updated as needed. Be assured that PLMA will provide essential updates in
                      regard to safety protocols and all related concerns on a timely basis as the show
PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association
Welcome to the PLMA Family
A Unique Organization for a Unique Industry                    Schedule-at-a-Glance
With more than 4,500 member companies worldwide,               Sunday, November 14
PLMA is the only industry organization devoted entirely        Registration                             12noon – 7pm
to promoting the interests of store brands. Through its
                                                               Seminars and Workshops                      2pm – 4pm
year-round programs and publications, PLMA gives
members and industry professionals                             Monday, November 15
the contacts and services they need to compete                 Registration                             7:30am – 6pm
effectively in today's marketplace.                            Keynote Breakfast                           8am – 9am
Show Location                                                  Show Floor Open                             9am – 6pm
PLMA’s 2021 Private Label Trade Show will be held              Tuesday, November 16
at the Rosemont Convention Center, only 10 minutes             Registration                             7:30am – 4pm
from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.                   Retail Trends Breakfast                     8am – 9am
Conveniently located within walking distance or short          Show Floor Open                             9am – 4pm
shuttle bus rides from major hotels, the convention
center provides exhibitors with an easy-to-reach,              PLMA’s Online Show Preview helps pre-registered
efficient venue for trade shows.                               visitors locating products and suppliers as of thirty days
                                                               prior to the beginning of the show. Once the show
Express Check-In                                               starts, the Show Preview turns into the mobile-friendly
All visitors must pre-register for the show and will           Show Navigator, which is then accessible to all visitors
receive admission credentials in advance and can               over a dedicated WIFI network.
use Express Check-In upon arrival at the show.
                                                               PLMA’s New Product Expo displays the latest
Seminar Program                                                product innovations submitted by exhibitors. It is the
To help show attendees get the latest industry trends,                   ideal preparation before starting to walk the
PLMA offers a special seminar and speakers                                     show floor.
program. This includes Sunday seminars and
workshops, the Monday Keynote Breakfast                                             PLMA's Annual Salute to
and the Tuesday Retail Trends Breakfast.                                             Excellence Awards showcase the
Consult the Official Program Guide or                                                 latest product innovations from
Online Show Preview for this year’s                                                    leading retailers as judged by an
                                                                                        independent panel of consumers
                                                                                         and industry experts.
PLMA Live!
                                                                                            PLMA Global
Visitors to the show can keep up with
                                                                                            Visitors are invited to
industry news and trends prior to the
                                                                                            participate in a one-of-a-kind
show and throughout the year by
                                                                                           virtual event in January 2022,
watching PLMA Live! which is video
                                                                                          that will bring together the
streamed at PLMA
                                                                                         largest collection ever of
Live! also offers special trade show
briefings during the show through the
use of large screen monitors located in key
intersections of the Rosemont Convention Center.                             private label suppliers and retail
                                                                       buyers. Video conferencing tools, a meeting
                                                               scheduler, and other digital features, will enable visitors
                                                               to fully engage in a virtual environment.

  PLMA 2021
          Live From Chicago!
         Private Label Trade Show • Nov. 14-16
                                   Presented by the Private Label Manufacturers Association
                             630 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 • Telephone: (212) 972-3131
                              Fax: (212) 983-1382 E-mail:
PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association PLMA2021 Live From Chicago! - A trade show as dynamic as the industry itself - Private Label Manufacturers Association
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