4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer

Page created by John Vasquez
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort

                                 For each integer:
                                   Create a process that sleeps N seconds.

                                 After an integer is done sleeping:
                                   It prints itself.

  TANSTAAFL: Managing processes takes time!                                  1
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
Algorithms                                R OBERT S EDGEWICK | K EVIN W AYNE

                                          5.2 T RIES
                                          ‣ R-way tries
                                          ‣ ternary search tries
                                          ‣ character-based operations
 Algorithms F O U R T H   E D I T I O N


4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
Summary of the performance of symbol-table implementations

Order of growth of the frequency of operations.

                                    typical case
                                                             ordered      operations
                                                            operations     on keys
                        search          insert     delete

   red-black BST        log N           log N      log N       yes       compareTo()

    hash table            1   †          1   †      1   †      no

   † under uniform hashing assumption

Q. Can we do better?
A. Yes, if we can avoid examining the entire key, as with string sorting.
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
Summary of the performance of symbol-table implementations

Order of growth of the frequency of operations.

                      typical case assuming random strings
  implementation                                                                      cost model
                        search          insert       delete

   red-black BST      L + lg 2 N        lg 2 N        lg 2 N            yes            chatAt()

                               †              †             †
    hash table             L              L             L                no            charAt()

   † under uniform hashing assumption             L is the length of the string provided to the method.

Q. Hash tables: Why L?
A. Number of characters needed to compute a hash (all of them).
                                                                Assumes uniformly random input strings!

Q. BSTs: Where did that lg2 come from?
A. compareTo() requires average of lg N characters (see Q&A Chapter 5.1).
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
String symbol table implementations cost summary

                                       character accesses (typical case)                              dedup

                           search           search                          space
 implementation                                            insert                        moby.txt              actors.txt
                             hit             miss                       (references)

   red-black BST          L + lg 2 N         lg 2 N        lg 2 N             4N               1.40              97.4

                              L                L              L          4N to 16N             0.76              40.6
  (linear probing)
                                                                  Between 1/8th and 1/2 full

Parameters                                                                   file       size          words       distinct
• N = number of strings                                                    moby.txt    1.2 MB         210 K        32 K
• L = length of string
                                                                         actors.txt    82 MB          11.4 M       900 K
• R = radix

      Efficient performance for string keys.
      Support common string operations (ordered ST and beyond).                                                              5
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
String symbol table basic API

String symbol table. Symbol table specialized to string keys.

   public class StringST

                 StringST()                           create an empty symbol table

           void put(String key, Value val)       put key-value pair into the symbol table

          Value get(String key)                    return value paired with given key

           void delete(String key)                 delete key and corresponding value


Goal. Faster than hashing, more flexible than BSTs.
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
5.2 T RIES
                                      ‣ R-way tries
                                      ‣ ternary search tries
                                      ‣ character-based operations

4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer
4chan invented a sorting algorithm: Sleep sort - For each integer

Tries. [from retrieval, but pronounced "try"]
         Store characters in nodes (not keys).
         Each node has R children, one for each possible character.
         For now, we do not draw null links.
                                                          link to trie for all keys
                               root                          that start with s
                                                                                          link to trie for all keys
                                                                                            that start with she

                      b                       s                                t

                      y   4           e           h                            h
 key      value

 by         4                 a   6       l       e   0          o             e      5
 sea        6
                                                                                      value for she in node
sells       1                             l       l              r                    corresponding to last
 she        0                                                                             key character
shells      3                             s   1   l              e    7
shore       7

 the        5                                     s   3
Search in a trie

Follow links corresponding to each character in the key.
   Search hit: node where search ends has a non-null value.
   Search miss: reach null link or node where search ends has null value.


                     b                       s                       t

                     y   4           e           h                   h

                             a   6       l       e   0   o           e   5

                                         l       l       r

                                         s   1   l       e   7

                                                                 return value associated
                                                 s   3           with last key character
                                                                        (return 3)         11
Search in a trie

Follow links corresponding to each character in the key.
   Search hit: node where search ends has a non-null value.
   Search miss: reach null link or node where search ends has null value.


                   b                       s                   t

                   y   4           e           h               h

                           a   6       l       e   0   o       e   5

                                                       r       search may terminated
                                       l       l
                                                               at an intermediate node
                                                                       (return 0)
                                       s   1   l       e   7

                                               s   3
Search in a trie

Follow links corresponding to each character in the key.
   Search hit: node where search ends has a non-null value.
   Search miss: reach null link or node where search ends has null value.


                    b                       s                     t

                    y   4           e           h                h

                            a   6       l       e   0   o        e    5

                                        l       l       r

                                        s   1   l       e   7

                                                                 no value associated
                                                s               with last key character
                                                                      (return null)       13
Search in a trie

Follow links corresponding to each character in the key.
   Search hit: node where search ends has a non-null value.
   Search miss: reach null link or node where search ends has null value.


                      b                       s                       t

                      y   4           e           h                  h

                              a   6       l       e   0   o          e    5

                                          l       l       r

                                          s   1   l       e   7

                                                  s           no link to t
                                                              (return null)   14
Insertion into a trie

Follow links corresponding to each character in the key.
   Encounter a null link: create new node.
   Encounter the last character of the key: set value in that node.

     put("shore", 7)

                   b                       s                   t

                   y   4           e           h               h

                           a   6       l       e   0   o       e   5

                                       l       l       r

                                       s   1   l       e   7

                                               s   3
Trie construction demo

Deletion in an R-way trie

To delete a key-value pair:
    Find the node corresponding to key and set value to null.
    If node has null value and all null links, remove that node (and recur).


                   b                        s                         t

                    y   4           e           h                     h

                            a   6       l       e   0   o             e   5

                                        l       l       r

                                        s   1   l       e    7

                                                s   3       set value to null
Deletion in an R-way trie

To delete a key-value pair:
    Find the node corresponding to key and set value to null.
    If node has null value and all null links, remove that node (and recur).


                   b                               s                   t

                    y   4               e              h               h

                                a   6          l       e   0   o       e   5

                                               l       l       r

                                               s   1   l       e   7

                        null value and links           s
                            (delete node)                                      18
Trie performance

Search hit. Need to examine all L characters for equality.

                                                                                                       logR N assuming random strings
Search miss.                                                                                           see book for more.

    Could have mismatch on first character.
    Typical case: examine only a few characters (sublinear).

Space. R null links at each leaf.
(but sublinear space possible if many short strings share common prefixes)

                                             characters are implicitly
                                              defined by link index                 s
                                                                       e                h
                         e           h
                                                        a          l           e
                     a   2   l       e   0          2                      0

                             l                                                      each node has
                                                                                   an array of links
                                                                   s                 and a value
                             s   1                                 1

                                   Trie representation
Bottom line. Fast search hit and even   faster search miss, but wastes space.
Trie representation: Java implementation

Node. A value, plus references to R nodes.

    private static class Node
                                                                                   use Object instead of Value since
       private Object value;
                                                                                     no generic array creation in Java
       private Node[] next = new Node[R];

                                 characters are implicitly
                                                                        s                       neither keys nor
                                  defined by link index
                 s                                                                               characters are
                                                                                                explicitly stored
             e           h
                                            a          l           e
         a   2   l       e   0          2                      0

                 l                                                      each node has
                                                                       an array of links
                                                       s                 and a value
                 s   1                                 1

                                        Trie representation

Trie memory usage

  key     value

  by        4
  sea       6
                          b                                               t
 sells      1
                                            e            h
  she       0

 shells     3             y   4                                           h
 shore      7                      a    6        l       e   0    o
  the       5
                                                                          e   5
                                                 l       l        r
private static class Node
   private Object value;                        s    1   l        e   7

   private Node[] next = new Node[R];
                                                         s   3
                                                pollEv.com/jhug   text to 37607
How much memory does the trie above use? There are 7 keys, 20
nodes, and the alphabet is 256 characters.
A. > 100 bytes    [734697]         C. > 10000 bytes    [734699]
B. > 1000 bytes   [734698]
Trie memory usage

  key     value

  by        4
  sea       6
                          b                                               t
 sells      1
                                            e            h
  she       0

 shells     3             y   4                                           h
 shore      7                      a    6        l       e   0    o
  the       5
                                                                          e   5
                                                 l       l        r
private static class Node
   private Object value;                        s    1   l        e   7

   private Node[] next = new Node[R];
                                                         s   3
                                                pollEv.com/jhug   text to 37607
How much memory does the trie above use?
C. > 10000 bytes

Every node has 256 links, each link is 8 bytes. With 20 nodes,
this comes to at least 20*8*256 which is more than 40 kilobytes.
R-way trie: Java implementation

     public class TrieST
        private static final int R = 256;         extended ASCII
        private Node root = new Node();

        private static class Node
        { /* see previous slide */   }

        public void put(String key, Value val)
        { put(root, key, val, 0); }

        private Node put(Node x, String key, Value val, int d)
           if (x == null) x = new Node();
           if (d == key.length()) { x.val = val; return x; }
           char c = key.charAt(d);
           x.next[c] = put(x.next[c], key, val, d+1);
           return x;

R-way trie: Java implementation (continued)

         public boolean contains(String key)
         { return get(key) != null; }

         public Value get(String key)
            Node x = get(root, key, 0);
            if (x == null) return null;
            return (Value) x.val;         cast needed

         private Node get(Node x, String key, int d)
            if (x == null) return null;
            if (d == key.length()) return x;
            char c = key.charAt(d);
            return get(x.next[c], key, d+1);

String symbol table implementations cost summary

                                character accesses (typical case)                      dedup

                    search           search                       space
implementation                                      insert                    moby.txt     actors.txt
                      hit             miss                     (references)

 red-black BST     L + lg 2 N         lg 2 N        lg 2 N            4N        1.40           97.4

                       L                L              L        4N to 16N       0.76           40.6
(linear probing)
                                                                                            out of
   R-way trie          L               lg N            L            (R+1) N     1.12

R-way trie.
    Method of choice for small R.
    Too much memory for large R.

Challenge. Use less memory, e.g., 65,536-way trie for Unicode!
sɹǝʇʇǝ‫ ן‬ǝɥʇ ‫ןן‬ɐ ɟo
suoısɹǝʌ uʍop-ǝpısdn
          sɐɥ ǝpoɔıun

5.2 T RIES
                                      ‣ R-way tries
                                      ‣ ternary search tries
                                      ‣ character-based operations

Ternary search tries

        Store characters and values in nodes (not keys).
        Each node has 3 children: smaller (left), equal (middle), larger (right).

                    Fast Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings

                                   Jon L. Bentley*            Robert Sedgewick#

Abstract                                                      that is competitive with the most efficient string sorting
      We present theoretical algorithms for sorting and       programs known. The second program is a symbol table
searching multikey data, and derive from them practical C     implementation that is faster than hashing, which is com-
implementations for applications in which keys are charac-    monly regarded as the fastest symbol table implementa-
ter strings. The sorting algorithm blends Quicksort and       tion. The symbol table implementation is much more
radix sort; it is competitive with the best known C sort      space-efficient than multiway trees, and supports more
codes. The searching algorithm blends tries and binary        advanced searches.
search trees; it is faster than hashing and other commonly        In many application programs, sorts use a Quicksort
used search methods. The basic ideas behind the algo-         implementation based on an abstract compare operation,
rithms date back at least to the 1960s but their practical    and searches use hashing or binary search trees. These do
utility has been overlooked. We also present extensions to    not take advantage of the properties of string keys, which
more complex string problems, such as partial-match           are widely used in practice. Our algorithms provide a nat-
searching.                                                    ural and elegant way to adapt classical algorithms to this
                                                              important class of applications.
1. Introduction                                                   Section 6 turns to more difficult string-searching prob-
    Section 2 briefly reviews Hoare’s [9] Quicksort and       lems. Partial-match queries allow “don’t care” characters
binary search trees. We emphasize a well-known isomor-        (the pattern “so.a”, for instance, matches soda and sofa).
phism relating the two, and summarize other basic facts.      The primary result in this section is a ternary search tree
    The multikey algorithms and data structures are pre-      implementation of Rivest’s partial-match searching algo-
sented in Section 3. Multikey Quicksort orders a set of II    rithm, and experiments on its performance. “Near neigh-
vectors with k components each. Like regular Quicksort, it    bor” queries locate all words within a given Hamming dis-
                                                              tance of a query word (for instance, code is distance 2        36
partitions its input into sets less than and greater than a
given value; like radix sort, it moves on to the next field   from soda). We give a new algorithm for near neighbor
once the current input is known to be equal in the given      searching in strings, present a simple C implementation,
Ternary search tries

   Store characters and values in nodes (not keys).
   Each node has 3 children: smaller (left), equal (middle), larger (right).

                                                                               link to TST for all keys            link to TST for all keys
                                                                                   that start with                    that start with s
                                                                                   a letter before s
                                                                                         b                                                    t
   a        b                             s                        t            a

   r        y   4        e                    h           u        h            r        y   4                      h                         h
                                                                                                          e                          u
   e   12           a   14   l        e   10      o       r   0    e   8        e   12               14   l         e   10           r   0    e   8
                                                                                                 a                           o

                             l        l           r       e                   each node has               l         l        r       e
                                                                                three links
                             s   11   l           e   7   l                                               s   11    l        e   7   l

                                      s   15              y   13                                                    s   15           y   13

                                                          TST representation of a trie

Search hit in a TST



                            b                                    t

                            y    4               h               h


                                         l       e   0           e   5

                                 6   a                   o

                                         l       l       r
    return value associated
     with last key character

                                         s   1   l       e   7
  Note: Key is “sea”, not “shela”!

                                                 s   3

Search miss in a TST



                   b                                               t

                   y   4               h                           h


                               l       e   0                       e   5

                       6   a                   o

                               l       l       r

                               s   1   l       e     7

                                       s   3       no link to t
                                                   (return null)
Ternary search trie construction demo

  ternary search trie

Search in a TST

Follow links corresponding to each character in the key.
   If less, take left link; if greater, take right link.
   If equal, take the middle link and move to the next key character.

Search hit. Node where search ends has a non-null value.
Search miss. Reach a null link or node where search ends has null value.

                        get("sea")                          match: take middle link,
                                                              move to next char
                        mismatch: take left or right link,
                           do not move to next char
                                b                                                      t

                           r        y   4                    h                         h
                                                   e                          u
                           e   12                  l         e   10           r        e   8
                                        14   a                        o

                                                   l         l        r       e

                             return value          s   11    l        e   7   l
                           associated with
                          last key character
                                                             s   15           y   13

                                             TST search example
TST representation in Java

A TST node is five fields:
    A value.                                                          private class Node
    A character c.                                                       private Value val;
                                                                         private char c;
    A reference to a left TST.
                                                                         private Node left, mid, right;
    A reference to a middle TST.                                      }

    A reference to a right TST.

                         standard array of links (R = 26)                           ternary search tree (TST)

                                                              link for keys                    s
                                      s                     that start with s
                                                                                         e             u
                     e        h                                   u
                                                                                   link for keys
                                                                                that start with su
                                          Trie node representations

26-way trie vs. TST
26-way trie. 26 null links in each leaf.                         for
                      26-way trie (1035 null links, not shown)
TST. 3 null links in each leaf.                                  owl
                                TST (155 null links)             and
TST: Java implementation

public class TST
   private Node root;

   private class Node
   { /* see previous slide */   }

   public void put(String key, Value val)
   { root = put(root, key, val, 0); }

   private Node put(Node x, String key, Value val, int d)
      char c = key.charAt(d);
      if (x == null) { x = new Node(); x.c = c; }
      if      (c < x.c)              x.left = put(x.left, key, val, d);
      else if (c > x.c)              x.right = put(x.right, key, val, d);
      else if (d < key.length() - 1) x.mid   = put(x.mid,   key, val, d+1);
      else                           x.val   = val;
      return x;


String symbol table implementation cost summary

                                character accesses (typical case)                        dedup

                    search           search                       space
implementation                                      insert                      moby.txt     actors.txt
                      hit             miss                     (references)

 red-black BST     L + lg 2 N         lg 2 N        lg 2 N            4N          1.40           97.4

                       L                L              L        4 N to 16 N       0.76           40.6
(linear probing)
                                                                                              out of
   R-way trie          L               lg N            L            (R + 1) N     1.12

      TST          L + lg N            lg N        L + lg N           4N          0.72           38.7

Remark. Can build balanced TSTs via rotations to achieve L + log N
worst-case guarantees.

Bottom line. TST is as fast as hashing (for string keys), space efficient.

TST with R2 branching at root

Hybrid of R-way trie and TST.
   Do R 2-way branching at root.
   Each of R 2 root nodes points to a TST.

                                   array of 262 roots

              aa   ab         ac                              zy   zz

        TST             TST          TST
                                                  …     TST             TST

Q. What about one- and two-letter words?
String symbol table implementation cost summary

                                character accesses (typical case)                        dedup

                    search           search                       space
implementation                                      insert                      moby.txt     actors.txt
                      hit             miss                     (references)

 red-black BST     L + lg 2 N         lg 2 N        lg 2 N            4N          1.40           97.4

                       L                L              L        4 N to 16 N       0.76           40.6
(linear probing)
                                                                                              out of
  R-way trie           L               lg N            L            (R + 1) N     1.12

      TST          L + lg N            lg N        L + lg N           4N          0.72           38.7

  TST with R2      L + lg N            lg N        L + lg N         4 N + R2      0.51           32.7

Bottom line. Faster than hashing for our benchmark client.
TST vs. hashing

   Need to examine entire key.
   Search hits and misses cost about the same.
   Performance relies on hash function.
   Does not support ordered symbol table operations.

   Works only for strings (but all data can be treated as strings).
   Only examines just enough key characters.
   – Search miss may involve only a few characters.
   Supports ordered symbol table operations (plus others!).

Bottom line. TSTs are:
   Faster than hashing (especially for search misses).
   More flexible than red-black BSTs.    [stay tuned]

5.2 T RIES
                                      ‣ R-way tries
                                      ‣ ternary search tries
                                      ‣ character-based operations

T9 texting

Goal. Type text messages on a phone keypad.

Multi-tap input. Enter a letter by repeatedly pressing a key.
Ex. hello: 4 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6

                   "a much faster and more fun way to enter text"

T9 text input.
   Find all words that correspond to given sequence of numbers.
   Press 0 to see all completion options.

Ex. hello: 4 3 5 5 6

Q. How to implement?                                                www.t9.com

A. String symbol table. For details: design problem in precept tomorrow.
Armstrong and Miller

A letter to t9.com

 To: info@t9support.com
 Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 14:27:21 -0400 (EDT)

 Dear T9 texting folks,

 I enjoyed learning about the T9 text system
 from your webpage, and used it as an example
 in my data structures and algorithms class.
 However, one of my students noticed a bug
 in your phone keypad


 Somehow, it is missing the letter 's'. (!)
                                                  where the @#$% is the 's' ???

 Just wanted to bring this information to
 your attention and thank you for your website.


A world without 's' ?

 To: "'Kevin Wayne'" 
 Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 12:44:42 -0700

 Thank you Kevin.

 I am glad that you find T9 o valuable for your
 cla. I had not noticed thi before. Thank for
 writing in and letting u know.

 Take care,

 Brooke nyder
 OEM Dev upport
 AOL/Tegic Communication
 1000 Dexter Ave N. uite 300
 eattle, WA 98109


Prefix matches

Find all keys in a symbol table starting with a given prefix.

Ex. Autocomplete in a cell phone, search bar, text editor, or shell.
    User types characters one at a time.
    System reports all matching strings.

String symbol table API

Character-based operations. The string symbol table API supports several
useful character-based operations.
                                 key    value
                                 by       4
                                 sea      6
                                sells     1
                                 she      0
                               shells     3
                                shore     7

                                 the      5

Prefix match [autocomplete]. Keys with prefix sh: she, shells, and shore.

Wildcard match [crosswords]. Keys that match IR..E: IRATE and IRENE.

Longest prefix [routing]. Key that is the longest prefix of shellsort: shells.
String symbol table API

       public class StringST

                   StringST()                    create a symbol table with string keys

              void put(String key, Value val)   put key-value pair into the symbol table

             Value get(String key)                       value paired with key

              void delete(String key)             delete key and corresponding value

  Iterable keys()                                        all keys

  Iterable keysWithPrefix(String s)             keys having s as a prefix

  Iterable keysThatMatch(String s)      keys that match s (where . is a wildcard)

            String longestPrefixOf(String s)         longest key that is a prefix of s

Remark. Can also add other ordered ST methods, e.g., floor() and rank().
Warmup: ordered iteration

To iterate through all keys in sorted order:
    Do inorder traversal of trie; add keys encountered to a queue.
    Maintain sequence of characters on path from root to node.

                   key   q
                     b                          b               s                       t
                    by   by
                     s                          y   4       e           h               h
                   sea   by sea                         a   6   l       e   0   o       e   5
                  sell                                          l       l       r
                 sells   by sea sells
                    sh                                          s   1   l       e   7
                   she   by sea sells she
                 shell                                                  s   3
                shells   by sea sells she shells
                 shore   by sea sells she shells shore
                   the   by sea sells she shells shore the

                              Collecting the keys in a trie (trace)
Ordered iteration: Java implementation

To iterate through all keys in sorted order:
    Do inorder traversal of trie; add keys encountered to a queue.
    Maintain sequence of characters on path from root to node.
    Fill in the blanks below.

     public Iterable keys()
        Queue queue = new Queue();
        collect(root, "", queue);
        return queue;
                                                 sequence of characters
                                                      on path from root to x

     private void collect(Node x, String prefix, Queue q)
        if (x == null) return;
        if (x.val != null) q.enqueue(R);
        for (char c = 0; c < R; c++)
           collect(x.next[c], prefix + c, q);

Prefix matches in an R-way trie

Find all keys in a symbol table starting with a given prefix.

                                                                                                                                                 key   qkey   q
                                                                                                                                                  sh    sh
                      b           b       s       s           t       t b             b     s               s               t         t          she   she   she
                                                                                                                                                shel shel
                      y   4       ye4         eh          h h         h y     4       ye4           eh                h h             h        shell shell
                                                                                                                                                       she shells
                                                                                                                                                             she shel
                               a 6 l a 6 el0 oe 0e o5                 e   5       a   6     la      6   el0 oe 0e o5                  e   5      sho   sho
          find subtrie
                  find for
                           all for all                                                                                                          shor shor
      keys beginning  with "sh"
              keys beginning          l
                               with "sh"  ll r l    r                                       l           ll           rl         r              shore shore
                                                                                                                                                       she shells
                                                                                                                                                             she shel
                                      s 1 ls 1 e l7 e             7                         s   1       ls       1   e l7       e 7collect keys
                                                                                                                                            collect keys
                                                  s   3   s   3                                         s    3        s     3
                                                                                                                                 in that subtrie
                                                                                                                                         in that subtrie

                                                                      Prefix match
                                                                             Prefix in
                                                                                       a triein a trie

public Iterable keysWithPrefix(String prefix)                                                                                  key
                                                                                                                                       key    queue
{                                                                                                                                       sh
                   b       s          t      b          s                t                                                             she     she
     Queue         queue = new   Queue();
     Node x =y get(root,
                      4  e            h 0); y 4
                               h prefix,            e        h           h                                                           shell
                                                                                                                                    shells     she shells
     collect(x, aprefix, 6 l     0 o  e 5
                               e queue);          a 6 l      e 0 o e 5                                                                 sho
    find subtrie for
     return          all
                  queue;                       root of subtrie for all strings                                                        shor
keys beginning with "sh"   l   l   r                   l     l     r                                                                 shore     she shells shore
}                                               beginning with given prefix
                              s   1   l       e   7                           s   1    l        e       7              collect keys
                                      s   3                                            s    3
                                                                                                                     in that subtrie                              59
Wildcard matches

Use wildcard . to match any character in alphabet.

                      co....er         .c...c.
                      coalizer         acresce
                      coberger         acroach
                      codifier         acuracy
                      cofaster         octarch
                      cofather         science
                      cognizer         scranch
                      cohelper         scratch
                      colander         scrauch
                      coleader         screich
                         ...           scrinch
                      compiler         scritch
                         ...           scrunch
                      composer         scudick
                      computer         scutock

Wildcard matches

Implicit wildcard for basic autocorrect.
    Walk down all character paths adjacent to typed characters.


Longest prefix

Find longest key in symbol table that is a prefix of query string.

Ex. To send packet toward destination IP address, router chooses IP
address in routing table that is longest prefix match.

      "128"                    represented as 32-bit
                             binary number for IPv4
                                (instead of string)
      "128.112.136"             longestPrefixOf("") = "128.112.136"
                                longestPrefixOf("") = "128.112"
                                longestPrefixOf("") = "128"

Note. Not the same as floor:     floor("") = ""

Patricia trie

Patricia trie. [Practical Algorithm to Retrieve Information Coded in Alphanumeric]
    Remove one-way branching.
    Each node represents a sequence of characters.
                                                        put("shells", 1);
    Implementation: one step beyond this course.        put("shellfish", 2);

                                                         standard              no one-way
                                                            trie                branching


Applications.                                                   s                       s   1   fish   2

    Database search.                                            h

    P2P network search.                                         e            internal
    IP routing tables: find longest prefix match.               l

    Compressed quad-tree for N-body simulation.                 l

    Efficiently storing and querying XML documents.         s   1   f

                                                                    i            external

                                                                    h   2

Also known as: crit-bit tree, radix tree.
                                                            Removing one-way branching in a trie
String symbol tables summary

A success story in algorithm design and analysis.

Red-black BST.
   Performance guarantee: log N key compares.
   Supports ordered symbol table API.

Hash tables.
   Performance guarantee: constant number of probes.
   Requires good hash function for key type.

Tries. R-way, TST.
   Expected performance: log N characters accessed on a miss!
   Supports character-based operations.

Bottom line. TSTs are extremely fast.
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