PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge

Page created by Melanie Evans
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge

  Volume 20, Issue 05                                                                    May 2021

                      SLOW DOWN
                    When driving in LOE
                                    In recent months we have had several documented
                                    cases of drivers excessively exceeding the speed limit.
                                    In addition, we have had a couple of accidents, in
                                    which, although not officially confirmed, speed
                                    appears to be a contributing factor. The most recent
                                    accident narrowly missing a pedestrian. Fortunately,
                                    there have been no serious injuries - yet.
                                    Please, please slow down! The speed limit is 25 mph.
                                    Remind all family members, visitors and vendors. We
                                    do not want to see anyone getting hurt!
This is a family community with children outside playing, pedestrians, cyclists, and
skateboarders. Walkers/runners if you are on the phone or listening to music/podcasts
please stay aware of your surroundings at all times. Please do your part to ensure this is a
safe community for everyone.
Let’s do everything we can to keep LOE safe and tragedy free!
Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.                                              Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021   1
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge
                       FIRST SERVICE RESIDENTIAL                                                           BOATS, TRAILERS
                                                                                                            AND CAMPERS
             1330 Enclave Parkway, Suite 425, Houston, TX 77077
             713-932-1122 (24/7) or
               Office hours are 9am to 4pm Monday through Friday
    LOE Guard House........................................................713-937-8825
                                                                                                      As a reminder, boats, trailers, campers, and any oversized
    Waterfowl, Betty Burkett................................................713-302-9929           vehicles are not permitted to be stored on the property
    Sheriff - (non-emergency)...............................................713-221-6000           unless in an enclosed garage or screened from public view
    Cy-Fair Fire Department - (emergency)..........................281-466-6161
                                        (non-emergency)..................281-550-6663              behind a solid fence located behind any lot building line.
    Poison Control............................................................1-800-764-7661       It has recently been noted, that more of these vehicles are
    Texas DPS......................................................................713-681-1761
    Texas Pride Disposal.......................................................281-342-8178        being parked overnight in the community. A boat, camper
         (trash collection Mondays & Thursdays, recycling Mondays)                                 or trailer is permitted onsite while loading or unloading
    TNG Utility (Water)..................................................... 281-350-0895
    Harris County Tax Office...............................................713-224-1919
                                                                                                   but not overnight without prior notice and approval.
    Reliant Energy............................................................... 713-207-7777     These vehicles should be parked in the resident’s garage
    CenterPoint (gas)...........................................................713-659-2111       or driveway and should never be parked on cul de sacs or
    Center Point (street light)...............................................713-207-2222
                   (give pole # of street which is out)                                            anywhere that could obstruct emergency vehicle access.
    Comcast.........................................................................713-341-1000   Please contact Donna McDonald, donna.mcdonald@
    Houston Chronicle........................................................713-220-7211
    Metro Transit Info..........................................................713-635-4000, for approvals and refer to Governing
    Kirk Elementary............................................................ 713-849-8250       Documents for additional information.
    Truitt Middle School......................................................281-856-1100
    Cy-Falls High School.....................................................281-856-1000
    Cy-Ridge High School...................................................281-807-8000
    Newsletter Publisher
        Peel,, 512-263-9181

    To contact a member of the Board of Directors, call Donna
    McDonald at FirstService Residential (FSR), 713-332-4711 and
    leave a number where you can be reached, or send an email to Your message will then
    be forwarded to one of the following Board Members:
    Gaynor Richardson..................................................President
    Gary Fehsenfeld...............................................Vice President
    Sue Strebel...............................................................Secretary
    Erik Roussel.............................................................Treasurer
    Jim Wynn.................................................................Director
                       Visit the Association Website:

    Clubhouse inquiries for rentals are handled by FSR. Please review
    the Clubhouse Rental Agreement found on the Resources tab at To inquire about availability or other
    information, please email with
    LOE Clubhouse in the subject line and include information about
    your proposed dates, type of event, number of guests, etc. Email
    inquiries are preferred over phone call inquiries due to the time
    needed to address your inquiry.

2     Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021                                                                                                          Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.          Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021   3
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge
        Project/Highlights for April                                                                 Pool Reminders
Maintenance/Project Highlights                                                       As Summer approaches and you look forward to using the
•     Replaced several sections of damaged sidewalk throughout common areas.       pool at LOE, please remember these important rules:
•     Raised sidewalk on both sides of Turkey Creek bridge to eliminate tripping
                                                                                     • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a
      hazards at the curb.
•     Patched red/black village entrance concrete at Bristol Banks and Crystal     parent or responsible adult (18 years or older).
      Falls. Also patched this same treatment for the Clubhouse entrance
                                                                                     • Animals are not allowed in the building or pool area, except
•     AT&T repaired TV in Gym. If TV is inoperable please notify Donna
      but do not attempt to reset.                                                 guide dogs. Guide dogs are allowed on the deck, but not in the
•     AT&T replaced fiber optics internet cable providing remote viewing           water.
      capability for our two cameras monitoring the Tanner Bridge area.
•     Contractor replaced capacitor on gym AC compressor.                            • Entry gates to be closed at all times.
•     Replaced street sign at Evening Shore and Cherry Creek Bend which              • No loud music. Personal music devices only.
      had fallen from the post.
•     Did 100% survey of freeze damage to plants throughout the Common               • No skateboards, roller blades, bikes or scooters allowed
      Area. Greatest casualties were Indian Hawthorne’s and Bottlebrush. Plans     inside the fence.
      are being developed to restore these areas as well as several pittosporum
      (variegated leaf bushes). Good news is that covering all of our color          • At no time should anyone climb over or around the fence
      beds and Ginger/Philodendron beds saved the plants which are slowly          into the pool area. Entry is by fob only.
      restoring their foliage. Color beds are being changed out to more summer
                                                                                     A full list of the Pool Rules can be found on the LOE website
      tolerant plants as we normally do in April. Much of the foliage on our
      many Liriope plants was also lost and will be trimmed to allow for the       or at the pool.
      new growth.

4   Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021                                                                                                Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge
   Spring is Here and it’s Time to                                               May 24 – Hamnet by Amy Harmon
                                                                                 A thrilling departure: A short, piercing, deeply moving new
          Spruce up LOE!                                                      novel from the acclaimed author of I Am, I Am, I Am, about
                                                                              the death of Shakespeare’s eleven-year-old son Hamnet--a name
                                       Here’s some tips that may be of           interchangeable with Hamlet in fifteenth-century Britain--and
                                    some help.                                the years leading up to the production of his great play. England,
                                       • Take a look at your front yard and
                                                                              1580. A young Latin tutor--penniless, bullied by a violent
                                    make sure your home landscaping
                                    looks neat and attractive. After             father--falls in love with an extraordinary, eccentric young
                                    trimming or removing any casualties       woman: a wild creature who walks her family’s estate with a
                                    from the Great Freeze of 2021,            falcon on her shoulder and is known throughout the countryside
                                    consider adding new bushes and            for her unusual gifts as a healer. Agnes understands plants and
                                    plants to enhance the curb appeal of      potions better than she does people, but once she settles with
your home. Don’t forget to fertilize existing and new plantings to give       her husband on Henley Street in Stratford she becomes a fiercely
them a boost.                                                                 protective mother and a steadfast, centrifugal force in the life of
  • Plan to sod any bare areas in your yard. This is a quick way to
                                                                              her young husband, whose gifts as a writer are just beginning
       give your yard a happy green look. Spring is also a good time to
       apply fertilizer with pest or weed control if needed.                  to awaken when his beloved young son succumbs to bubonic
  • Watch out for weeds! Get out and enjoy the nice weather and               plague. A luminous portrait of a marriage, a shattering evocation
       pull a few weeds. There are also products out there that can curb      of a family ravaged by grief and loss, and a hypnotic recreation of
       returning weeds. In the coming months use annuals or perennials        the story that inspired one of the greatest literary masterpieces of
       to add some color to your yard. It’s a cheery greeting when you        all time, Hamnet is mesmerizing and seductive, an impossible-
       return home or have friends and family come to visit.                  to-put-down novel from one of our most gifted writers.
  • Freshen up paint and straighten mailboxes.                                   So many books, so little time!.....
  • Lastly, look at your driveway and sidewalk. Winter can leave
       them dirty and possibly greenish. Time to restore them with
       some cleaning or power washing. Power washers can be rented
       at most hardware or building supply stores. Get together with a
       neighbor and share the rental of a power washer. They are easy to
       use to get off any winter dirt before the heat and sun bakes it on.
  If you know of a neighbor who may be dealing with a challenging
health or family situation and unable to do outside work themselves.
Offer to help! It’s a great way to get out and catch up with neighbors.
  The HOA will also be doing their part with the following:
  • Any dead or dying plantings from the freeze are in process to be
      trimmed or removed
  • Some bushes are being given more time to make a comeback
      but are being monitored
  • New flowering plants have been replaced
  • All other regular maintenance continues

   Book Club is so happy that spring has arrived, and with it
warmer weather. To stay safe we have been meeting on the
clubhouse patio and it did get a little chilly at times. We welcome
anyone to join us! Usually the 4th Monday of each month at
7:30 PM (we sometimes move the date because of holidays, so
check with )
   Are you an avid reader but just can’t make it to Book Club?
Check out LOE’s Little Free Library at the bus stop in front of
the club house. Take a book/bring a book – looks like there has
been great turnaround, so even if you don’t see something you
like now, check back later.
Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.                                                                                           Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021   5
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge

                                                                     Our current mosquito service contract was reviewed by
                                                                   several members of the LOE Board and bids were solicited
                                                                   from additional providers. The Board met with two providers
                                                                   to determine best service for LOE. It was decided to continue
                                                                   with the current provider due to service improvements. The
                                                                   spraying trucks have new software that does not allow them to
                                                                   exceed 15 mph while the truck is spraying. Trucks also have
                                                                   GPS and send the route record to LOE to ensure all streets and
  Are you interested in attending a Yoga class within our own      cul de sacs are being covered. LOE now has a dedicated senior
neighborhood? LOE resident Cristina Diamantis. has completed       service representative who understands our neighborhood
over 300+ hours of training and obtained her RYT200 certificate    requirements and appears to be improving the service in LOE.
early 2019 from Pralaya Yoga Studio in Houston, Texas.             As we spend more time outside in our beautiful community,
  PralayaYoga was created by Robert Boustany, her teacher, to      we look forward to being nearly mosquito free!
support joint longevity and increase energy levels by maximizing
the activation of muscles, organs, and energy systems. She is
very excited to be able to share this wonder of yoga with those               Carbon Monoxide
who want to feel better and explore how it could benefit them!
Welcome all levels, no yoga experience needed, just “come as                      Detectors
you are” and let’s practice!

            Every Tuesday starting May 11, 2021
                      6:00 – 7:00 PM
                LOE Clubhouse - Flex Room
            Bring a yoga mat and yoga blocks if
                      you have them

                                                                     Do you have a Carbon Monoxide Detector in your home?
  Although the flex room is open, there is a maximum capacity      If you have any gas appliances in your house it is strongly
of 7 people therefore classes will be limited to 6 participants.   recommended to have one. Carbon Monoxide is an odorless,
In the event of greater interest, holding class on the clubhouse   colorless gas, which can cause sudden illness and death, it is
patio may be an option. If you are planning to attend, please      produced any time a fossil fuel is burned.
email Cristina at, by Monday night            The detectors, similar to a smoke alarm, are widely available
each week, to secure your spot. A mask is required to attend. If   and reasonably priced.
you have any questions, please contact Cristina directly.            Invest in one today.....It could save you and your family’s lives.

6   Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021                                                                                Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge

                                Our Easter Bunny drive-by event was a great success!
                              Thank you to all the neighbors who drove, cycled and
                              walked by.
                                A very special thank you to our wonderful bunny
                              Francesca Della Chiesa who did an amazing job with
                              the children. It was fun seeing the kids so excited to
                              see the bunny. A big thank you to Angela Vatankha for
                              organizing the lovely decorations for the pictures with
                              the bunny and the Easter goody bags.

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PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge

8   Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021   Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge

Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.          Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021   9
PLEASE SLOW DOWN When driving in LOE - Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge                                                                                               Notices
 At no time will any source be allowed to use the Lakes on Eldridge Newsletter
 contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any
 media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose       Harris County has a leash law and it applies in LOE. Please
 of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other       keep all pets on a leash while in the common areas. While
 self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission
                                                                                            many love their pets, please be respectful to those who may be
 from Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use
                                                                                                             uncomfortable around pets.
 of Lakes on Eldridge residents only.

 DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their
 authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees.
 Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted
 by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content
 with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising
 content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content         Reminder that garbage cans should not be
 should be taken up with the advertiser.
 * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or
                                                                                              visible from the street or common areas.
 failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such
 * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher
 assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes,
 except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of
 misinformation, a printed retraction/correction.
 * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or
 consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other
 liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner,
 except as limited to liabilities stated above.

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Lakes on Eldridge

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Lakes on Eldridge
               1405 Brandi Ln
                                               PRSRT STD
                                              U.S. POSTAGE
               Round Rock,
                       ,    TX 78681
                                                PEEL, INC.


12   Lakes on Eldridge - May 2021      Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.
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