Complete Guide to Teeth Whitening - A FREE EBOOK!

Complete Guide to Teeth Whitening - A FREE EBOOK!
Complete Guide to
 Teeth Whitening
Complete Guide to Teeth Whitening - A FREE EBOOK!
Teeth Whitening – Frequently asked Questions

The process of teeth whitening is now generally accepted as an easy way
to improve one’s smile without the need to resort to expensive cosmetic
dental procedures such as placing porcelain veneers or caps on teeth. The
process of teeth whitening was first popularised in America by celebrities
who needed to look their best, and hence gave birth to the phrase “the
Hollywood smile”.

Whitening teeth is carried out by the use a bleaching chemical such as
hydrogen peroxide that liberates oxygen that permeates the enamel layer
of teeth and reacts with coloured compounds to neutralise them.
Formulations have been developed to incorporate the bleaching agent into
a thixotropic gel that can remain in contact with the surfaces of the teeth
long enough to get a noticeable effect. The degree of whitening achieved
depends on the chemical compounds employed and the time they are in
contact with tooth enamel.

This short ebook aims to answer all the commonly asked questions about
whitening your teeth, including the following:

   • How white can I get my teeth?

   • What’s the difference between peroxide and non-peroxide?

   • Why do dentists charge so much?

   • Is home teeth whitening safe?

   • How can I keep my teeth white?
Complete Guide to Teeth Whitening - A FREE EBOOK!
How white can I get my teeth?

It is something of a myth that natural teeth are absolutely dead white. The
teeth of a young person soon after they have appeared in the mouth can
be close to perfect white, and they also have a degree of translucency
which adds to their visual appeal, but they still have a degree of
colouration in them.

The pigmentation of teeth varies from person to person much like that of
the eyes or hair, but as a general rule our teeth are fairly white when we
are young but tend to get progressively darker with age. This is due in
part to more tooth substance being gradually laid down inside the teeth
which gradually diminishes the size of the cavity in the middle of the
teeth where the nerves and blood vessels are, (the pulp), and gradually
increases the density of tooth substance making the teeth look darker.

The second reason teeth darken with age is due to absorption of stains
over time due to smoking, or from food and drinks like tea and coffee.

Dentists use a shade guide to determine the right colours to make
artificial crowns to match in with natural teeth, and such a shade guide is
very useful when you set out to whiten your teeth as you can see the
amount of improvement. Teeth generally have slight shades of yellow,
pink, grey, or brown in them, and the actual hue doesn’t change as we get
older, but rather the shade of the hue darkens. The whitest teeth are
probably a shade B1 on the usual shade guide, and this is very white with
just a faint hint of yellow. Another common shade found in natural teeth
is a light greyish one and this would be C2 or C3 on a shade guide.

When you whiten your teeth they often go much whiter to begin with,
maybe up to 5 shades, but then gradual settle down and end up about 2-3
shades whiter. So an older person with grey teeth due to smoking may
start at C4 and expect to end up as C1-C2. This may not sound that
dramatic, but indeed it is an extremely noticeable difference, and anyone
with teeth the shade of C1 would be very happy.

Similarly someone starting out at B4 with quite yellow teeth may expect
to reach B1-B2 after a period of teeth whitening treatment. The
“rebound” effect is inevitable and is probably partly due to some
dehydration that occurs during the teeth bleaching process.
Complete Guide to Teeth Whitening - A FREE EBOOK!
This is reckoned not to be harmful but it does mean that you might want
to take that into account. Severe dehydration is most likely to occur with
“power” or “laser” whitening carried out in the dental chair, since a much
more concentrated bleaching agent is used together with a powerful light.

This dehydration accounts for the postoperative hypersensitivity of teeth
often experienced for a while after power whitening. This effect is much
less noticeable with home whitening treatments that are gentler in their
action, especially with non-peroxide systems like zero peroxide.

The aim then, of whitening your teeth, is to make them lighter in colour,
brighter, and more attractive looking. They should still look natural
though, and not dead white like granny’s false teeth, otherwise they will
look artificial too. If you choose a reliable whitening treatment that aims
for up to 5 shades whiter and includes a shade guide with the kit or
treatment, then you should be very satisfied with the final result.
Complete Guide to Teeth Whitening - A FREE EBOOK!
What’s the difference between peroxide and non-peroxide

Most teeth whitening treatments until recently have been carried out up to
now using a carbamide peroxide gel of varying strength. Research and
trials established that a minimum of 6% concentration of carbamide
peroxide is required to whiten teeth significantly, and that an optimum
concentration is 15-20%.

Unfortunately, at this sort of concentration there is a risk of chemical
burn or soreness of the gums from overspill, sore throat if gel is
inadvertently swallowed, and hypersensitivity of the teeth, especially in
those with receded gums or slightly worn enamel.

Concentrations of up to 44% have been used by dentists under carefully
controlled conditions, protecting the gums by means of a rubbery coating,
and often using a special light to enhance the treatment. Such high
concentrations have been shown to cause dehydration of the teeth,
sometimes irritating the pulp (“nerve”) of the teeth, with frequent post-
operative pain or at least increased teeth sensitivity.

Although the carbamide peroxide formulation works well there have been
increasing concerns about the side effects previously mentioned,
especially with the increased use of unregulated kits for home use. The
EU has sought to address this situation and to ban the use of over 6%
carbamide peroxide gels for home use. Higher concentrated gels will
have to be used under the supervision of a dentist in the future.

This situation has led manufacturers to develop new types of home
whitening kits with non-peroxide formulations in order to comply with
the new regulations and provide a safer way that everyone can use
without worry. These newer versions of home whitening kits typically
use either sodium bicarbonate or sodium perborate as the main bleaching
agent, and are virtually as effective as the peroxide types but without the
potential downside – danger of sore throat, chemical burning of the gums,
or increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Anyone who already has sensitive teeth should definitely not use a
peroxide whitening product as it can make the teeth unbearably sensitive.
Imagine not being able to have a cold drink or ice cream, or a hot cup of
tea for three weeks!
Complete Guide to Teeth Whitening - A FREE EBOOK!
Whatever whitening system is used, it is important, in order to get the
best results, to thoroughly clean all the teeth surfaces of external stains
first. Also, results will tend to vary depending on factors such as the age
of the person, their diet, and whether or not they smoke.

An older person’s teeth are naturally denser due to increased amounts of
dentine building up inside, as well as discolouration accumulated over a
long time, and are bound to be more resistant to whitening than a young

Any sensible person can use a home kit containing peroxide safely, but
there is certainly no need to since a good non-peroxide kit will do the job
just as well using entirely natural and safe ingredients such as sodium

Sodium bicarbonate has long been known for its cleaning properties and
in new whitening products like Zero Peroxide is combined with other
natural ingredients such as chamomile and vitamin D to promote healthy
gums as well. The era of peroxide gels is past and we now look forward
to even safer ways to whiten our teeth at low cost in the comfort of our
own homes with the latest breed of non-peroxide kits.
Why do Dentists Charge so Much?

With the appearance of so many home teeth whitening kits on the market
many people are questioning why you need go to the dentist and why a
dentist charges so much. It is true that you can get very good results these
days with a reputable home kit, but if you see a dentist it will cost you
much more for a number of reasons:

   • You get individual attention, and the dentist can ensure that your
     teeth are suitable for whitening treatment in the first place. If you
     suffer from gum recession, for example, you might not be aware
     that you are liable to experience some sensitivity of the teeth
     following whitening treatment, especially if using a carbamide
     peroxide type of whitening treatment.

      You may have fillings or other restorations in your front teeth that
      you’re not aware of and these will not whiten like natural tooth
      substance. Your dentist can spot these and show you how to
      overcome this problem by whitening your teeth and then redoing
      the restorations to match.

   • Your dentist can monitor your progress and make sure your teeth
     whitening is carried out in a safe way, and be ready to advise in
     case of any problems.

   • Your dentist can either do whitening of your teeth in the chair
     using a concentrated gel plus light activation, or can have made
     special custom mouth trays that you can use with a slightly less
     concentrated gel at home. Either way you may achieve a faster
     result, although the use of peroxide gels is not without potential
     problems such as teeth sensitivity as previously mentioned.

   • Your dentist is a professional like a doctor or lawyer and is entitled
     to charge fees that reflect the years of training that led to

   • Your dentist is also a businessman offering a service and has
     overheads to pay before being able to make any profit. Rents and
     rates are high and the dentist gets no help with premises or staff
     from government sources, and therefore has to charge a fee that
     allows him or her to make a profit.
These factors explain why going to a dentist to whiten your teeth will cost
you more than doing it yourself, and with the appearance of safe home
whitening kits now, like Zero Peroxide, there really is no reason why you
shouldn’t do it yourself and make a big saving.
Is home teeth whitening safe?

In the past, most teeth whitening treatment was performed by a qualified
dentist, but gradually over the last few years, kits have appeared on the
market enabling people to carry out bleaching of their teeth themselves,
using strips of impregnated material applied to the teeth, or, more
commonly, trays of gel placed over the teeth.

The tray and gel kits used a similar carbamide peroxide gel formulation
to that used by the professionals, but at somewhat lower strength. These
gels typically contain 15-22% concentration of carbamide peroxide
whereas a dentist may use up to 45% to achieve quicker results, using a
carefully controlled technique to protect the patient from swallowing gel
or from damage to the gums.

The European Union has stepped in to ban certain types of home
whitening kits because of concerns about possible adverse side effects,
maintaining that kits with high concentrations of peroxide be used only
under the close supervision of a dentist. This is because people using
peroxide kits at home run the risk of chemical burns to their mouth from
overspill of gel from mouth trays and hypersensitivity of their teeth
following treatment.

This has forced manufacturers to bring out teeth whitening kits with
different formulations that comply with current or imminent regulations.
The new types of kit use sodium bicarbonate, or sometimes sodium
perborate as their main active ingredient to achieve excellent whitening of
teeth without any risk of problems or side effects.

The main points to note for safe use of any home whitening kit are as

   • Make sure you read and understand all the instructions.
   • Don’t carry on using a whitening system for more than four weeks
     without consulting a dentist. It is best to give your teeth a rest after
     four weeks of intensive treatment but this is usually all you need to
     achieve an excellent whitening effect. If you should encounter any
     increased sensitivity it is wise to stop the treatment for two or three
     days at a time to let the teeth settle, and then resume.
   • Keep to the recommended amount of whitening gel. Putting too
     much into the mouth-trays will not speed up the process, but it will
make overspill more likely. This is not harmful with non-peroxide
     kits but you will be wasting gel.
   • Avoid home teeth whitening kits if you are under 16, pregnant, or
     have white spots on your teeth as can be caused by some
     medications in early life. If you do have white spots then teeth
     whitening treatment may make these more, rather than less,

To get the best result you should use one of the newer, reliable home
whitening kits now on the market, e.g. Zero Peroxide.
How can I keep my teeth white?

White teeth are vital for an attractive smile, and nothing is more of an
asset in our lives these days than having an attractive smile. We are born
with nice white teeth, but we only get the one permanent set that has to
last a lifetime. Inevitably our teeth will tend to darken somewhat with
age, as they become less translucent, and that is a natural process we can
do little about.

There are though, things that can be done to keep our teeth as white as
possible, and these revolve around two main principles: keeping our teeth
clean; and avoiding food, drink, and habits that will cause discolouration.

Keeping our teeth clean is essential because the layer of sticky plaque
that accumulates on our teeth daily attracts and holds stains right next to
the tooth surfaces. The longer the plaque is there the greater the chance
that stains will gradually permeate the enamel of the tooth surface and
become fixed and permanent. The tooth enamel, although hard, is not
impermeable. It is made up of a crystalline structure that will allow
penetration and absorption of small molecules.

The layer of plaque on our teeth harbours not only stains, but bacteria too,
and some of these can cause decay, which in the front teeth leads to
disfiguring areas of white or brown enamel. If the decay process advances
sufficiently to breach the enamel, then an unsightly dark patch results that
only your dentist can fix. It is essential not to let decay get a hold in the
first place by avoiding too much in the way of sweet foods and drinks.

The best way to clean your teeth is in a systematic and thorough method,
using both a toothbrush and dental floss. If you are using an ordinary
toothbrush you should first try to dislodge plaque at the gum edge with
short, vibratory strokes, followed by longer strokes vertically towards the
biting edge of the teeth.

It is best to keep horizontal brush-strokes to the absolute minimum
because, over time they cause a surprising amount of tooth abrasion
leading to hypersensitivity. If you are using a power brush you simply
need to hold it against the teeth for long enough to enable it to brush
away plaque, say 10 seconds at each location. Whichever type of brush
you’re using you should start at one corner of the mouth and gradually
work your way round, giving attention to each surface of each tooth in

It is essential to look in a mirror whilst brushing to ensure you are
covering all the teeth. Having brushed, it is time to floss using a small
length held taut between the fingers and sliding it upwards from the gum
edge to the biting surfaces of the teeth You are trying here, to scrape the
plaque off the tooth surfaces and away, so you do not want to make see-
sawing movements, but rather a clean, sweeping movement vertically
upwards from the gum edge.

This daily routine needs to be done at least once in a day, preferably
twice, and may take more time than you realise when you start out to first
clean this thoroughly. It becomes easier and quicker with practice though,
and is certainly worth it!

The second part of keeping your teeth white is avoiding habits such as
smoking because smoke darkens the teeth gradually, (as well as your
skin). Foods that are themselves brightly coloured like turmeric can stain
teeth quite markedly, so you need to be careful of curries and the like.

Drinks such as tea, coffee, and red wine are also notorious for staining
teeth, and are the main culprits for most of us. If you drink your coffee
black, then you are especially susceptible to darkened teeth. The good
news is that these stains do not become permanent straightaway so, if you
are cleaning your teeth really well each day you can remove the stained
film before too much of the discolouring compounds have actually
penetrated the tooth enamel.

Cleaning your teeth regularly, carefully, and efficiently is the key to
keeping your teeth naturally white. If you want to help them out, you can
of course use a home whitening kit on an occasional basis, but use a
reputable one such as the Zero Peroxide system.

Hopefully this ebook will have answered all your questions about
whitening your teeth, and demonstrated that it can be done by virtually
anyone, quite easily, and at very little cost!
Zero Peroxide – The Fastest & Safest Way
                    to a Naturally Whiter Smile?

                             If you have been looking for an effective yet
                             safe way to whiten your teeth at home but
                             have been worried about the irritation and
                             sensitivity it may cause then we may have
                             found a solution for you.

                            Zero Peroxide is one of the most popular
                            home teeth whitening kits around and for
good reason. As the name suggests it is a non-peroxide formula which
means it does not cause any of the side effects you may have previously
expected from a teeth whitening procedure.

In brief, Zero Peroxide can give you:

   • Visible results in as little as 20 minutes

   • Remove stains and regain that naturally white smile

   • A naturally enhanced formula recommended by dentists

   • Fully EU compliant non-peroxide and zero sensitivity gel

   • Superior clear mouth trays and LED light for faster results

   • Complete 30 day money-back guarantee

                     Click here to Visit Official Site

Home Teeth Whitening Without Side Effects

You see, this kit uses the power of sodium bicarbonate, which, in the
right dosage, has been shown in clinical trials to produce a whitening
effect on the teeth. Better still, the Zero Peroxide formula is further
enhanced with natural ingredients such as pomegranate and chamomile to
help speed up results and provide an all-round improvement in your
oral health.

This makes Zero Peroxide one of the first teeth whitening kits to go
beyond whitening teeth and provide benefits such as stronger tooth
enamel and healthier gums which we think can only be a good thing.
Why is Zero Peroxide Your Best Choice For Fast Teeth Whitening?

There are many reasons why we like the Zero Peroxide kits but here are
the main ones:

Superior, Zero Irritation Formula

We have already mentioned how the gel is based
on sodium bicarbonate which has been proven to
work in clinical trials. We have also mentioned that
the formula has been enhanced with natural
ingredients to help provide better results and an
all-round improvement in your oral health.

However, the Zero Peroxide gel also includes sodium fluoride which
helps to strengthen tooth enamel. If you have stronger tooth enamel then
stains will find it harder to stick to and penetrate in to your teeth. The
result is that your teeth will stay whiter for longer.

    Click here to find out more about the powerful ingredients in Zero

Better Mouth Trays

Most home teeth whitening kits supply the boil and
bite mouth trays which need placing in boiling
water before being put in to your mouth to create a
mold. This was important for peroxide kits as it
helped to avoid gel getting on your gums but with a
zero irritation formula it is not a concern.

Zero Peroxide avoids the hassle and dangers of such a procedure by
providing extremely soft comfort mouth trays made from high quality
silicone. These are not only more comfortable and less of a hassle than
the standard boil and bite trays but they also work better with the LED
light as the are clear and let more light through so you get even faster
Teeth Whitening Pen Included as Standard

Although we have seen other kits that offer
teeth whitening pens, most offer it at an
additional cost. However, with Zero
Peroxide the teeth whitening pen is included
as standard even in the most basic kit.

We think this is a very good thing because the pens are so handy,
allowing you to touch up your white teeth when you are out and
about. This is especially useful if you eat or drink food that can stain
such as red wine or curry.

Easy 3-Step 20 Minute Whitening Process

One of the best things about Zero Peroxide is that it is probably the
easiest to use kit that we have ever seen. Much of this is down to the
mouth trays that can be placed straight in to your mouth without any fuss
but it is also because of the speed at which the Zero Peroxide formula
works that makes it such a fast and efficient process.

Simply place the gel in the mouth tray and put it in your mouth, then
wear for 20 minutes with the LED light on and then take out and rinse
and you are done. This is a massive plus point as even at the dentist
treatments can take up to and beyond an hour yet Zero Peroxide is a
much cheaper and more convenient option.

Of course these are just some of the many benefits that Zero Peroxide
offers, there are many more such as the handy travel bag that comes with
the full kit and the hygienic mouth tray holders for safe and secure
storage between whitening sessions.

  Click here if you need more reasons for why Zero Peroxide is the best
                      teeth whitening product around

Does Zero Peroxide Work?

From the evidence we have seen, particularly
the clinical evidence behind the whitening
power of sodium bicarbonate, we have no
reason to doubt the effectiveness of Zero

The kit is probably the best kit around and is
clearly very well thought out with every
component of the kit included to help enhance
your whitening experience.

Certainly looking at the testimonials on the product website from
satisfied customers it would seem that Zero Peroxide offers a real,
affordable alternative to peroxide based treatments. The evidence is
that Zero Peroxide not only whitens your teeth quickly, it also improves
other areas of your oral health and therefore is a fantastic option if you
want to start looking younger and feeling more confident with a whiter,
healthier smile.

There is also a full 30 day money-back guarantee which is a very re-
assuring because it means you will either get whiter teeth or you get your
money back so either way you cannot lose. It also shows what confidence
the manufacturers have in the product – if it didn’t work then they
wouldn’t be able to offer such a guarantee.

  Click here to see the success stories that people like you have already
                     reported by using Zero Peroxide

How Much Does Zero Peroxide Cost?

As with anything you tend to get what you pay for and, although there are
slightly cheaper kits on the market, none of them seem to offer the same
level of whitening and speed of results as Zero Peroxide. Furthermore,
most do not contain the added extras such as the teeth whitening pen,
travel bag, and mouth tray holder and therefore Zero Peroxide gives you
excellent value for money.
It should be noted that the full kit will last for around 1 month under
normal usage (the basic kit lasts around 2 weeks). This is plenty of time
to get the results you need as most people will notice results within the
first few applications with full whitening achieved after around 3 weeks
or so.

The cost for the full kit is usually £99.99 – however, at the time of
writing there is a sale on with 40% savings so you can pick it up for just
£59.99. This provides a massive overall saving of £89 on the RRP but
we are not sure how long this offer will run so we apologise if by the time
you are reading this the price has already gone back up.

Click here to claim your 40% discount on Zero Peroxide before time runs

Zero Peroxide Review – Summary

Overall it is clear to see that Zero Peroxide is
a very special product.

It is proven to be both fast and effective when
it comes to whitening your teeth, yet it also
goes a step further and provides other oral
health benefits such as strengthening tooth
enamel to keep your teeth whiter for longer

There are some clear advantages of Zero Peroxide over other teeth
whitening kits, not least the comfortable mouth trays that avoid the need
for boiling water (therefore a better option if you have sensitive teeth) and
the fact that the touch-up pen is included without additional charge.

There is a 30 day money-back guarantee which is the longest we have
seen although judging by the success stories on the products website you
will not be needing it – still, it’s always nice to know it’s there.

We know it is not the cheapest but you do get more for your money and
ultimately the difference in price is more than justified by the superior
results and speed of whitening the kit provides. It has also been
recommended by dentists so you know it’s safe – even if you have
sensitive teeth.

For these reasons Zero Peroxide is our number one recommendation and
if you are looking to whiten your teeth quickly and safely you will not
find a better option anywhere else. Take action now to claim your 40%
savings and start getting your confidence back in as little as 20 minutes.

 Click Here to Visit Zero Peroxide and Order Your Passport to a Whiter,
                        Younger-Looking Smile
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