Play and Games in Antiquity - Definition, Transmission, Reception - Locus Ludi

Page created by Allan Lambert
Play and Games in Antiquity - Definition, Transmission, Reception - Locus Ludi
Play and Games in Antiquity
             Definition, Transmission, Reception

        Swiss Museum of Games, September 17-19, 2018

       Wall painting (H. 36 cm, L. 70 cm), Pompéi (IX, 3, 5), 69-79 CE. Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, inv. 9103

This Project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under agreement No.
741520 Locus Ludi. the Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity. Supported by the
ERC Advanced Grant (2017-2022).

                                            OUR HERITAGE
                                            WHERE THE PAST
                                            MEETS THE FUTURE
Play and Games in Antiquity - Definition, Transmission, Reception - Locus Ludi
Monday 17th September

10:15 OPENING - Véronique Dasen, Michel Fuchs, Ulrich Schädler
      In Search of Ancient Games and Play

10:30 Mark Golden, Winnipeg
      Play, Dance, Sport, War: Ancient Greek Bodies in Motion

11:15 Stephen Kidd, Brown University (by skype)
      Is play an Emotion? An Inquiry into Greek Paidia

11:45 Christian Laes, Antwerp
      Ludus and Education

12:30 Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui, Madrid
      Early Christian Attitudes to Child Playing

13:15 Lunch pizza, fruits, yaourt

14:15 Anton Bierl, Basel
      Choral Dance as a Play: paizein in Greek Drama

15:00 Karin Schlapbach, Fribourg
      Ludus as Dance and Bodily Movement

15:45 Break

16:00 Marco Vespa, Fribourg
      L'origine du jeu: récits grecs sur l'invention des pratiques ludiques entre Palamède,
      Prométhée et Theuth

16:45 Cleo Gougouli, Patras
      The Search for Cultural Continuity in Studies of Modern Greek Children’s Games:
      Some Methodological Questions

17:30 Break

17:45 Francesca Berti, Tübingen
       Meanings of tradition in the Context of Play

18:30 Julien du Bouchet, Montpellier
      Jouer en rêve : autour d’Artémidore

19h30 Katarzyna Marciniak, Warsaw (ERC Our Mythical Childhood)
      The Reception of the Alea iacta est Motif in Culture
Tuesday 18th September

09:00 Regine Fellmann, Kantonsarchäologie Aargau, Brugg
      Games and Toys From Vindonissa – An Overview
      Barbara Pfäffli, Augusta Raurica
      Augusta Raurica – Play in the Town

10:00 Break

10:15 Chiara Bianchi, Milano
      “Alexandrian Counters”: Finds in Archaeological Contexts

11:00 Clare Rowan, Warwick (ERC Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean)
      Sorting Fun From Fiction: Were “tesserae” Gaming Pieces?

11:45 Charles Doyen, Louvain
      Osselets ou poids ?

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Vicky Sabetai, Athènes
      Playing at the Festival: aiora, a Swinging Ritual

14:15 Michel Fuchs, Lausanne
      Jeux d’Eros et jeux d’enfants : la corde, le dé et l’osselet en messagers du temps

15:00 Break

15:15 Nikolina Kei, Paris
      Ancient Drawing, Fictive Play

16:00 Arnaud Zucker, Nice

16:45 Visit of the Swiss Museum of Games

18:00 Event Festival Images : Official opening of the artwork by Saype in the
context of the Festival Images Vevey

19:15 Michel Manson, Toulouse
      Un érudit inattendu : Louis Becq de Fouquières, le premier historien des jeux et jouets
      de l’Antiquité
      Discutant : Louis-Aimé de Fouquières
Wednesday 19th September

09:00 Simone Beta, Siena
      Studiare la lingua e la letteratura greca divertendosi: gli indovinelli greci nelle scuole
      di Bisanzio/ Etudier la langue et la littérature en s’amusant: les devinettes grecques
      dans les écoles de Byzance

09:45 Renzo Tosi, Bologna
      Pollux et les noms des jeux

10:30 Andromache Karanika, Irvine
      Midas and the “Pot” Game: Intertextual Insights into an Ancient Game

11:15 Break

11:30 Salvatore Costanza, Fribourg
      Pollux témoin des jeux : continuité, survie et réception dans la culture ludique

12:15 Barbara Carè, Athens
      Appropriating the Past: New Perspectives on Game Studies. The Ancient and Modern
      Game of Astragals

13:00 Lunch

Final discussion - conclusions

Conference under the patronage of the Association Suisse pour l’Etude de l’Antiquité (ASEA),
of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), with the support of the European
Research Council, of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (ASSH), in
collaboration with the University of Fribourg, the Association for Roman Archaeology in
Switzerland (ARS) and the University of Lausanne.
Play and games provide a privileged access to past societal norms, values, identities,
and collective imaginary. People play all over the world and throughout history, but
they do not play the same games, nor do they attribute the same meaning and
function to play. The aim of this pluridisciplinary conference is to investigate how
this past patrimony can be methodologically reconstructed.
Three sessions will address first how the Ancients defined play and games by
analysing their vocabulary in order to reconstruct an emic definition. Beyond the
common association of child and play (in Greek, paidia, ‘game’, pais, the child, and
paideia, ‘education’, share the same root, in Latin ludus means ‘play’, ‘school’ and
‘rethorical games’), the views are more complex and nuanced. Identifiying ludic
material and practices archaeologically as well as in iconography is also a debatable
issue. The second session concerns the sources available and their bias associated
with literary genre, such as oniromancy, proverbs and the lexicon of Pollux. A major
challenge is the reconstruction of a mostly oral patrimony, of lost children’s lore and
agency. The third session examines the transmission process of these practices from
one generation to the next, addressing crucial issues about continuities and
discontinuities, as well as about the definition of a “traditional” game.

Place                                                      Contacts & Organisation
Musée Suisse du Jeu                              
Rue du Château 11                                
1814 La Tour-de-Peilz                            

                                    How to arrive
By train direction Villeneuve (S2 or S3)
Stop “Tour-de-Peilz”, then walk for 5 minutes.
By train + by bus
Train IR 90 direction Brig, stop “Vevey”, then take the bus 201 (direction Villeneuve)
for 5 minutes until stop “La Tour-de-Peilz centre” or walk for 15 minutes.
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