Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness

Page created by Nancy Hale
Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness

Plant-Based Recipe Pack
  Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including:
      breakfast, lunch, dinner, treat and smoothies
Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness
Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness
Contents & Key

6     Vegan Hash                               GF   Gluten Free
                                               DF   Dairy Free
8     Detox Green Smoothie
                                               LC   Low Carb (20g- serve)
10    Strawberry Sunshine Bowl                 MP   Meal Prep/Freezer Friendly

12    Overnight Poppy Seed Lemon Oats          HP   High Protein (20g+ per serve)
                                               V    Vegetarian
14    Overnight Raspberry Chia Parfait
                                               Q    Quick (under 30 mins)
16    Greek Pasta Protein Salad                N    Contains Nuts

18    Creamy Carrot Lentil Soup

20    Black Bean Quesadillas

22    Post Workout Power Bowl

24    Crispy Cauliflower Power Bowl

      Mushroom Lentil Stew Over Cauliflower
26    Mash

28    Crispy Tofu Pesto Pasta

30    Quinoa Acorn Stuffed Squash

32    Trail Mix Cookies

34    Black Bean Protein Brownies

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Sample Weekly Meal Planner

                        Breakfast              Lunch                 Snack                   Dinner

                                                              E.g. Detox Green Smoothie,
                                              Greek Pasta                                  Crispy Cauliflower
      Mon                 Vegan Hash
                                              Protein Salad
                                                                Trail Mix Cookies, Black
                                                                                              Power Bowl
                                                                Bean Protein Brownies

                                                              E.g. Detox Green Smoothie,   Mushroom Lentil
                      Overnight Poppy Seed    Greek Pasta
       Tue                Lemon Oats          Protein Salad
                                                                Trail Mix Cookies, Black     Stew Over
                                                                Bean Protein Brownies      Cauliflower Mash

                                                              E.g. Detox Green Smoothie,
                      Overnight Poppy Seed    Creamy Carrot                                  Crispy Tofu
      Wed                 Lemon Oats           Lentil Soup
                                                                Trail Mix Cookies, Black
                                                                                             Pesto Pasta
                                                                Bean Protein Brownies

                                                              E.g. Detox Green Smoothie,
                      Overnight Raspberry     Creamy Carrot                                  Quinoa Acorn
       Thu                Chia Parfait         Lentil Soup
                                                                Trail Mix Cookies, Black
                                                                                            Stuffed Squash
                                                                Bean Protein Brownies

                                                              E.g. Detox Green Smoothie,
                      Overnight Raspberry      Black Bean                                    Quinoa Acorn
       Fri                Chia Parfait         Quesadillas
                                                                Trail Mix Cookies, Black
                                                                                            Stuffed Squash
                                                                Bean Protein Brownies

                                                              E.g. Detox Green Smoothie,
                          Strawberry          Post Workout
       Sat               Sunshine Bowl         Power Bowl
                                                                Trail Mix Cookies, Black   Meal Out - Enjoy!
                                                                Bean Protein Brownies

                                                              E.g. Detox Green Smoothie,
                                              Post Workout                                   Crispy Tofu
       Sun                Vegan Hash
                                               Power Bowl
                                                                Trail Mix Cookies, Black
                                                                                             Pesto Pasta
                                                                Bean Protein Brownies

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Weekly Shopping List

                                 Non-Dairy, Cans,               Legumes, Seeds, Herbs,              Grains, Oils, Baking
Fruits, Vegetables
                                 Condiments                     Nuts, Spices                        Goods, Misc

Fruits                           Non-Dairy                      Seeds, Nuts, Dried Fruits           Grains
• 2 green apples                 • small pack vegan sausage     • 1x small bag hemp seeds           • 1x medium pack quick oats
• 2 bananas                        of choice                    • 1x small bag chia seeds           • 1x pack lentil pasta
• 2 lemons                                                      • poppy seeds (optional)            • 1x pack whole wheat tortillas
                                 • soy milk
• 1 small honeydew melon                                        • 1x small bag roasted cashews      • 1x pack dried breadcrumbs
                                 • almond milk                  • 1x small bag roasted pine nuts
• 1 small avocado                                                                                     (gluten-free or normal)
                                 • plant-based milk of choice   • 1x small bag pumpkin seeds        • 1x pack bag brown rice
                                 • 2x small containers of       • 1x small bag ground flax seeds    • 1x pack bag all-purpose or
                                   vanilla coconut yogurt       • 1x small bag dried cranberries      gluten free flour
• 2 medium yellow potatoes
                                 • vegan grated cheese          • 1x jar sweetened almond           • 1x pack dried pasta of choice
• 1 pint (300g) baby tomatoes                                     butter
• 1 bunch kale                   • vegan butter                                                     • 1x pack bag dried quinoa
                                                                • 1x small bag walnuts (optional)
• 2 stalks celery                • 1x 350 grams extra firm
• 1 medium cucumber                tofu                                                             Oils
                                                                Legumes, Pulses
• 1 yellow bell pepper                                                                              • 1x large container of olive oil
                                                                • 1x small pack dried split red
• 1 red bell pepper              Canned Goods                     lentils                           • 1x small container avocado
• 2 bulbs garlic                 • 3x 1L vegetable stock        • 1x small pack dried green
                                                                  lentils                           • 1x small container coconut oil
• 14 large carrots               • 1x can light coconut milk
• 4 medium yellow onion          • 2x 398ml cans of black       Fresh Herbs, Spices                 Sweeteners
• 1 small onion                    beans
                                                                • small container Kalamata          • monk fruit sweetener
• 1 tomato                       • 1x can of chickpeas            olives                            • agave syrup
• 2 large heads of cauliflower   • 1x can coconut milk (only    • ginger root (small)               • maple syrup
• pack of mixed greens             if making brownie topping)   • coriander                         • coconut sugar
• 20 buttons mushrooms                                          • rosemary
• 20 large green beans           Condiments, Sauces             • large bunch of basil              Baking Goods
• 1 small jalapeño pepper
                                 • red wine vinegar (if                                             • baking soda
                                   making homemade salad        Dried Herbs, Spices
• 1 large zucchini                                                                                  • baking powder
                                   dressing)                    • paprika
• 2 small acorn squashes                                                                            • vanilla extract
                                                                • onion powder
• 1 bunch rocket (4 cups)        • Greek salad dressing (if                                         • cocoa powder
                                                                • garlic powder
                                   buying store-bought)                                             • vegan egg replacers
• 1 medium yam                                                  • cayenne pepper
                                 • vegan mayonnaise             • salt                              • sugar free chocolate chips
Frozen                           • red cooking wine             • black pepper
• frozen pineapple               • coconut aminos or soy        • dried oregano                     Misc/Other
• frozen raspberries               sauce                        • ground cumin                      • vegan protein powder of
                                 • store-bought hummus          • chili flakes                        choice chocolate flavor
• frozen strawberries
                                 • raspberry jam (if making     • mild curry powder                 • vegan protein powder of
• frozen edamame beans                                                                                choice vanilla flavor
                                   brownie topping)             • chili powder
                                                                • nutritional yeast                 • vegan sausage
                                 • Dijon mustard
                                                                • za’atar seasoning
                                                                • dried tarragon (optional)                                   LOGO
5                                                                                   HERE
Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness
Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness
Vegan Hash

Serves 2                           What you need to do

2 medium yellow potatoes           1. Chop the potatoes into bite-sized pieces. Cut the baby
                                      tomatoes in half, and remove the stem from the kale
½ cup (150g) baby tomatoes or         and chop it up.
1 small Roma

2 small kale leaves                2. Place 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a non-stick frying
                                      pan with a thick bottom. Heat the pan to a medium
1 vegan sausage of choice             heat and add the potatoes and all the spices. Stir
1 tsp. paprika                        gently for 1 minute. Add in ½ cup of water and cover
                                      the pan with a lid. Cook the potatoes on a medium-low
½ tsp. garlic powder                  heat until all the water evaporates, this will take
½ tsp. onion powder                   approximately 5 minutes.
⅛ tsp. red cayenne pepper          3. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the vegan sausage
(optional) for extra heat             into bite-sized pieces. Once the water has evaporated
pinch of salt and pepper              from potatoes, add in the tomatoes, kale and sliced
                                      vegan sausage. Cook for another 5 minutes stirring
1 tbsp. olive oil                     until the sausage and potatoes crisp up a little. Serve
½ cup (120ml) water                   immediately.

                                   Note: To add more protein, add in one more vegan sausage.

                                    GF      DF       V      Q

myfitnesspal                             Prep               Cook      Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                        5 mins           10-15 mins   253      7         39          12
                                   *Nutrition per serving

7                                                          HERE
Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness
Plant-Based Recipe Pack - LOGO HERE Discover 15 easy, healthy and tasty recipes, including: Wholistic Health and Happiness
Detox Green Smoothie

Serves 2                            What you need to do

2 green apples                      1. Cut and core the apples and place into a blender along
                                       with the celery, honeydew melon, pineapple or
½ lemon, juiced                        strawberries, lemon juice and water. Blend until
2 large stalks of celery               smooth and serve immediately.
2 cups (300g) chopped
honeydew melon

1 cup (165g) chopped frozen
pineapple or frozen

2 tbsp. hemp seeds

2 cups (480ml) filtered water

                                     GF      DF       V       Q

myfitnesspal                              Prep               Cook     Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                         5 mins              0 mins   291      5         57           8
                                    *Nutrition per serving

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Strawberry Sunshine Bowl

Serves 2                           What you need to do

½ cup (180g) frozen                1. Freeze the cauliflower and banana the night before.
cauliflower                           Make sure to peel the banana and slice it into pieces
                                      before freezing.
1 cup (180g) frozen strawberries

1 heaped cup frozen bananas (1     2. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until
large banana)                         smooth, add a little extra milk if required.

1 scoop vegan protein powder of    3. Pour into two bowls and top with ½ cup fresh fruit
choice                                each and add 1 tablespoon of nuts or granola if
2 cups (480ml) soy milk or            desired.
other plant-based milk

1 cup fresh fruit of choice

                                    GF      DF       V       Q

 myfitnesspal                            Prep               Cook     Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                        7 mins              0 mins   301      4         49          19
                                   *Nutrition per serving

11                                                           HERE
Overnight Poppy Seed
                     Lemon Oats

Serves 2                          What you need to do

½ cup (45g) quick or regular     1. Mix the oats, hemp seeds, chia seeds, poppy seeds and
rolled oats                         lemon zest together in a large jar. Pour in the soy milk
                                    and coconut yogurt and mix again. Place into the
2 tbsp. hemp seeds
                                    fridge overnight. This makes an ideal grab and go
1 tbsp. chia seeds                  breakfast in the morning.
½ tbsp. poppy seeds (optional)

¾ cup (180ml) soy milk

¾ cup (175g) sweetened vanilla
coconut yogurt

1 lemon zest

                                 Tip: To add more healthy fats and protein to these overnight oats, top
                                 with some pumpkin seeds. To reduce carbohydrate, use unsweetened
                                 vanilla yogurt and use a monk fruit or stevia sugar substitute.

                                   GF      DF      MP       V       Q

 myfitnesspal                           Prep               Cook          Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                                         Place in the
                                       5 mins         fridge overnight   263      14        31          12
                                  *Nutrition per serving

13                                                               HERE
Overnight Raspberry
                         Chia Parfait

Serves 2                           What you need to do

2 tbsp. chia seeds                 1. The night before, mix the plant-based milk and chia
                                      seeds in a jar. Stir well to combine and place into the
½ cup (120ml) plant-based             fridge.

2 cups (240g) frozen               2. In a small pot, mash the frozen raspberries over
raspberries                           medium heat. Reduce to a simmer once all the
                                      raspberries have broken up and let the fruit simmer
2 tsp. monk fruit sweetener or        for 5 minutes stirring frequently, until the mixture
sweetener of choice
                                      starts to thicken and then add in the monk fruit
2 cups (470g) unsweetened             sweetener.
coconut or soy vanilla yogurt of
choice                             3. Place the raspberry mixture into another jar or
                                      container and place it into the fridge. Give your chia
                                      seed pudding a shake as well.
                                   4. In the morning, layer the chia pudding, yogurt and
                                      raspberry jam. You can top with a little granola if

                                   Tip: To add more protein, add in a few tablespoons of a vegan
                                   protein powder.

                                    GF      DF      MP       V       Q

 myfitnesspal                            Prep               Cook          Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                                          Place in the
                                        5 mins         fridge overnight   328      5         49          19
                                   *Nutrition per serving

15                                                                HERE
Greek Pasta Protein Salad

Serves 2                            What you need to do

½ cup (100g) dried red lentil       1. Bring a large pan of water to a boil. Place in your red
pasta                                  lentil pasta and cook as per instructions on the
½ large cucumber
½ cup (100g) baby tomatoes          2. While the pasta is cooking, chop the cucumber,
                                       tomatoes, onion, and bell pepper. Place into a large
¼ large onion
                                       salad bowl and mix in the drained Kalamata olives.
1 large red or yellow bell pepper
                                    3. Prepare the salad dressing by crushing the garlic into a
16 pitted Kalamata olives              bowl and whisking together with all the remaining
                                       dressing ingredients. Pour over the salad.
Dressing (or substitute for
store-bought):                      4. Once the pasta has cooked, drain and run under cold
                                       water until tool to the touch. Add the pasta to the
1 tbsp. olive oil                      salad bowl and mix well to combine.
1 tbsp. water

2 tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 clove garlic
½ tsp agave syrup or maple
                                    Tip: For added flavor, top the salad with vegan feta cheese and
syrup                               chopped parsley. To cut down on preparation time, you can
                                    substitute the salad dressing with a store-bought alternative.

                                     GF      DF      MP        V       Q

 myfitnesspal                             Prep                Cook         Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                        10 mins              10 mins       326      21        41          11
                                    *Nutrition per serving

17                                                                 HERE
Creamy Carrot Lentil Soup

Serves 3                             What you need to do
1.5 lbs. (680g) carrots (approx. 8   1. Peel and chop the carrots and onion. Pour the lentils
large)                                  into a sieve and run them under cold water.
1 medium onion
                                     2. Place a large saucepan over a medium heat and pour
¾ cup (140g) split red lentils          in the olive oil and add in the chopped onions. Cook
3 cloves garlic                         for 1-2 minutes and then add in the carrots, crushed
1 tbsp. avocado oil or olive oil        garlic, and freshly grated ginger. Stir and cook for a
                                        further minute.
4 cups (960ml) vegetable stock
1x 400ml can light coconut milk      3. Add the vegetable stock, coconut milk, lentils, ground
                                        cumin, red chili flakes, curry powder, coconut sugar, a
½ tsp. grated fresh ginger
                                        large pinch of salt and a small pinch of pepper. Stir
¼ tsp. ground cumin                     well and bring to a boil. Now reduce heat to low and
½ tsp. crushed red chili flakes         allow the soup to simmer for 15-18 minutes until the
(optional)                              lentils and carrots are tender.
1 ¼ tsp. mild curry powder
                                     4. Pour the soup into a blender and blend until smooth.
1 tbsp. coconut sugar or another
                                        For a thinner soup add more vegetable stock. Adjust
                                        the seasoning to your taste.
salt and pepper
                                     5. Ladle the soup into bowls and top with fresh chopped
Topping:                                coriander and roasted cashews.
¼ cup (15g) coriander leaf
¼ cup (35g) roasted cashews          Note: Nutrition info is without toppings.

                                      GF      DF      MP        V       N

 myfitnesspal                              Prep                Cook         Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                         10 mins              20 mins       390      14        66          12
                                     *Nutrition per serving

19                                                                  HERE
Black Bean Quesadillas

Serves 2                          What you need to do

½ small onion                     1. Dice the tomatoes, avocado, and onions.
½ cup (40g) vegan grated          2. Create the spice mix by placing all ingredients into a
cheese                               small bowl and stirring well.
½ cup (85g) tinned black beans    3. Take ¼ cup of the vegan cheese and sprinkle half on a
½ large tomato                       tortilla shell. Top with ½ of the tomato, onion, and
                                     black beans. Sprinkle with ¾ teaspoon of spice mix
½ avocado                            and top with the other half of the cheese. Repeat this
4x 7 inch whole wheat tortilla       process for the second quesadilla.
                                  4. Place a non stick frying pan over a medium-low heat.
Spice mix:                           Place the quesadilla into the pan, cook on each side for
¼ tsp. ground cumin                  3-5 minutes until golden brown and the cheese has
                                     melted. Remove from the pan and repeat the cooking
½ tsp. chili powder                  process with the second quesadilla.
¼ tsp. ground paprika powder
                                  5. Serve immediately with guacamole and salsa if
pinch of cayenne pepper              desired.

                                 Tip: To make a low carbohydrate version replace the wraps
                                 with paleo wraps.

                                   DF      MP       V        Q

 myfitnesspal                           Prep                Cook     Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                       5 mins              12 mins   492      21        61          13
                                  *Nutrition per serving

21                                                           HERE
Post Workout
                             Power Bowl

Serves 2                          What you need to do

1 medium yam                     1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Peel the yam and
                                    chop into cubes, toss in a pinch of salt and pepper.
½ cup (90g) dried quinoa            Place the yam onto a lined baking sheet and place in
¼ cup (48g) green lentils           the oven for 20 minutes until cooked through.
4 cups (80g) rocket              2. Place the quinoa and green lentils in a pot with 2 ¾
2 tbsp. dried cranberries           cups (660ml) of water. Bring to the boil then reduce
(optional)                          the heat to a simmer, cover with lid and cook for 20
Dressing (or substitute for      3. To make the dressing mix the water, mustard, maple
store-bought salad                  syrup, tarragon, and a pinch of salt and pepper in a
dressing):                          small bowl with a whisk. [You can omit this step if
1 tbsp. olive oil                   using store-bought salad dressing.]
1 tbsp. water                    4. To assemble, place the rocket on a large platter and
                                    top with the cooked quinoa, lentils, and yams. Drizzle
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
                                    with the dressing and serve onto two plates.
1 tbsp. maple syrup

½ tsp. tarragon

                                   GF      DF      MP        V       Q

 myfitnesspal                           Prep                Cook         Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                       5 mins              20 mins       422      12        71          16
                                  *Nutrition per serving

23                                                               HERE
Crispy Cauliflower
                              Power Bowl

Serves 3                           What you need to do
6 cups (180g) mixed greens         1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Place the brown
                                      rice into a pot with water, bring to a boil, then reduce
1 ½ cup (230g) frozen edamame
                                      the heat, cover with a lid and simmer gently for 40
2 large carrots grated                minutes.
½ cup (90g) brown rice             2. Remove the stem and leaves from the cauliflower and
1 cup (240ml) water or vegetable      cut into large bite-sized pieces.
                                   3. Toss the cauliflower with vegan mayonnaise, avocado
                                      oil, and plant-based milk.
Crispy Cauliflower:                4. In a small bowl, mix the breadcrumbs, garlic powder,
1 large cauliflower head              paprika, cayenne pepper, and a pinch of salt and
                                      pepper. Pour the breadcrumb and spice mixture over
3 tbsp. vegan mayonnaise
                                      the cauliflower and stir together until coated. Transfer
2 tbsp. avocado oil                   the cauliflower to a lined baking sheet and bake for 18-
                                      23 minutes until the cauliflower becomes crispy.
3 tbsp. plant-based milk
1 tsp. garlic powder               5. Take 3 serving bowls share the mixed greens, thawed
                                      edamame beans, and grated carrot evenly between each
1 ½ tsp. paprika                      bowl.
¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
                                   6. When ready to serve, top each bowl with rice and
½ cup + 3 tbsp. cup (70g)             cauliflower.
breadcrumbs (gluten-free or
salt & pepper

                                    GF      DF      MP        V

 myfitnesspal                            Prep                Cook     Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                       15 mins              40 mins   456      20        57          18
                                   *Nutrition per serving

25                                                            HERE
Mushroom Lentil Stew
                             Over Cauliflower Mash

Serves 4                                 What you need to do
Stew:                                    1. Chop the carrots, green beans, onions, mushrooms, and cauliflower
                                            (removing stem and leaves). Place the cauliflower florets into a large
20 button mushrooms
                                            saucepan with ¾ cup (180ml) water. Place a lid on the pan and set it on
1 medium cooking onion                      the stovetop, over a medium heat for 10 minutes and cook until the
1 cup (190g) green lentils                  cauliflower is soft.
½ cup (120ml) red cooking wine
                                         2. Place a large frying pan over a medium heat, melt 1 tablespoon of vegan
1 tbsp. vegan butter
                                            butter in the pan and sauté the onions and mushrooms for 1 minute. Pour
2 large carrots                             in the wine and cook until the wine has reduced by half. Add in the carrots,
20 large green beans                        lentils, vegetable stock, coconut aminos or soy sauce, rosemary, a large
3 cloves garlic
                                            pinch of salt and a small pinch of pepper. Bring to the boil, before the heat
                                            to a simmer.
2 tbsp. coconut aminos or soy sauce

2 ½ cups (600ml) vegetable stock         3. To make a thickener for the stew, place the butter in a small saucepan and
½ tsp. fresh rosemary, finely chopped       heat on medium. Add in the flour or GF flour and stir until it makes a roux.
                                            Pour in vegetable stock and whisk the mixture until smooth and free of any
salt & pepper
                                            lumps. Now pour the thickener into the stew and mix well to combine.
Thickener:                               4. Simmer the stew for 15-20 minutes, uncovered, until the lentils and
1 tbsp. gluten-free or plain flour          vegetables are cooked. Stir often, to stop the lentils from sticking to the
1 tbsp. vegan butter                        bottom of the pan. Add in green beans for the last 10 minutes of cooking.
1 cup (240ml) vegetable stock            5. Now take cooked cauliflower and mash it with a fork or blend it in a food
                                            processor. Add in the crushed garlic, almond milk, vegan butter, a pinch of
Cauliflower mash:                           salt, a pinch of pepper and the rosemary. Mix well until the cauliflower
1 large head cauliflower                    mash is smooth.
4 tbsp. almond milk
                                         6. To serve, place the cauliflower mash on the bottom of the plate and top
2 cloves garlic                             with the stew.
1 pinch fresh rosemary, finely chopped

1 tbsp. vegan butter
salt & pepper

                                          GF      DF      MP       HP       V   N

 myfitnesspal                                  Prep                Cook             Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                             30 mins              15 mins           382      10        55          22
                                         *Nutrition per serving

27                                                                          HERE
Crispy Tofu Pesto Pasta

Serves 4                           What you need to do

12 oz. (350g) extra firm tofu      1. Place a large saucepan of water on the stove and bring to the
                                      boil. Take the tofu, wrap it in a cloth and place a few heavy
1 large zucchini                      books on top, or use a tofu press to release any excess
6 oz. (170g) dried pasta of
choice                             2. While the tofu is pressing, place the basil, roasted pine nuts,
                                      nutritional yeast, lemon juice, ¼ jalapeño pepper (optional)
salt and pepper
                                      and olive oil into a blender or food processor. Blend until
                                      smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Pesto:                             3. Place the pasta into boiling water and cook as per
                                      instructions on the side of the packaging.
2 oz. (60g) grams fresh basil (1
large bunch)                       4. Chop the tofu and zucchini into cubes. Place a large frying
                                      pan on the stove over a medium/high heat. Add 1 tablespoon
¼ cup (25g) roasted pine nuts         of olive oil to the pan and add in the tofu and zucchini. Crisp
3 tsp. nutritional yeast              each side of the tofu and zucchini for 2-4 minutes each side
                                      until golden brown. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper.
½ lemon juiced
                                   5. To assemble, drain the pasta, put into a large pasta bowl and
¼ cup (60ml) olive oil                toss with the pesto sauce. Place the crispy tofu and zucchini
                                      on top of the pasta and serve with fresh basil and vegan
¼ jalapeño pepper (omit if not        parmesan if desired.
wanting it spicy)

salt & pepper                      - For a low carbohydrate alternative, substitute the pasta for a bed of mixed greens. To increase protein, use chickpea or lentil based

                                   - If you want more sauce in this pasta dish, simply double up the quantities for the pesto.

                                     DF        MP        V         N

 myfitnesspal                              Prep                  Cook                    Kcal                Fats(g)               Carbs(g)              Protein(g)

                                          10 mins              20 mins                   412                     23                     39                     17
                                   *Nutrition per serving

29                                                                                                                      HERE
Quinoa Acorn
                             Stuffed Squash

Serves 4                          What you need to do

2 small acorn squash              1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and line a baking sheet
                                     with parchment paper.
1 cup (180g) dried quinoa
                                  2. Cut the acorn squashes in half and remove the seeds and
2 ¼ cups (540ml) water or            core. Sprinkle the squash with za’atar seasoning and place
vegetable stock                      the cut side down on the baking sheet. Place in the oven and
1 medium onion                       bake for 35 minutes, or until the squash is soft to touch.
                                  3. Place the quinoa in a saucepan and add water or stock. Place
2 medium carrots
                                     over a high heat and bring to the boil, before covering and
2 handfuls kale, 4 cups (135g),      reducing the heat to low. Simmer gently for 15 minutes.
                                  4. While the squash is cooking, chop the onion, carrots and
2 tsp. za’atar seasoning             kale and crush four cloves of garlic. Place a frying pan over a
                                     medium/high heat, add the oil and sauté the onions,
4 cloves garlic
                                     carrots, za’atar, garlic until the onions and carrots are
1 cup (170g) canned chickpeas        cooked (roughly 3-5 minutes), stir often. Now add in the
or white beans, drained              kale, chickpeas and quinoa and stir until kale starts to wilt.

1 tsp. oil or 2 tsp. water        5. Spoon this filling into the center of the cooked acorn
                                     squash. Mix the hummus with water and season to taste
4 tbsp. store-bought hummus          with salt and pepper. Give everything a good stir to combine
1 tbsp. water                        and drizzle over the top of the quinoa. Serve immediately.

salt & pepper                     Tip: To reduce carbohydrates by 22 grams, omit the squash and
                                  instead place the quinoa filling on top of a bed of mixed greens.

                                   GF      DF      MP        V

 myfitnesspal                           Prep                Cook     Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                      15 mins              35 mins   404      6         77          15
                                  *Nutrition per serving

31                                                           HERE
Trail Mix Cookies

Serves 16                         What you need to do

2 cups (180g) quick or rolled    1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line 2 baking
oats                                sheets with parchment paper.
¼ cup (45g) hemp seeds           2. Mix the ground flax seeds with the water and set aside.
¼ cup (30g) pumpkin seeds        3. In a large bowl, mix together the oats, hemp seeds,
                                    pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, baking soda, baking
½ cup (65g) dried cranberries
                                    powder, and a small pinch of salt.
2 tbsp. ground flax seeds
                                 4. In a separate bowl, mash the banana and add in almond
4 tbsp. water                       butter (or peanut butter), maple syrup and vanilla
½ tsp. baking soda                  extract. Mix well to combine.

½ tsp. baking powder             5. Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and mix
                                    well. Spoon out 16 even scoops onto the lined baking
1 medium overripe banana            sheets, press down to flatten a little and bake for 12
peeled                              minutes.
¾ cup (60g) almond butter
                                 6. Once baked, remove from the oven and place the
(sweetened) or substitute for
peanut butter                       cookies onto a wire cooling rack. Once cooled these
                                    cookies can be stored in an airtight container for up to 5
1 tsp. vanilla extract              days.
¼ cup (85g) maple syrup


                                   GF      DF      LC       MP       V   Q          N

 myfitnesspal                           Prep                Cook             Kcal       Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                       8 mins              12 mins           246          18        14           9
                                  *Nutrition per serving

33                                                                       HERE
Black Bean Protein Brownies

Serves 9                               What you need to do
                                       1. Preheat your oven to 325°F (160°C). Grease only 9 holes in a 12 hole muffin
1x 398ml can of black beans
½ cup (50g) cocoa powder (high         2. Mix the vegan egg replacements with water and set aside. [Tip: You can use
quality)                                  flax eggs instead by mixing 2 tablespoon of flax meal with 4 tablespoon of
¼ cup (50g) vegan chocolate protein       water.]
powder                                 3. Blend the coconut sugar or monk fruit sugar in a blender until it forms a
½ cup (95g) coconut sugar or monk         powder. Drain and rinse your black beans and pour them into the blender
fruit sugar                               with the sugar.
                                       4. Now add in the cocoa powder, baking powder, protein powder, vanilla extract
2 vegan egg replacements
                                          and coconut oil. Turn on the blender and blend on low until the mixture
4 tbsp. melted coconut oil                forms a smooth batter.

1 tsp. baking powder                   5. Pour the batter into a bowl and fold in your chocolate chips and walnuts.

½ tsp. vanilla extract                 6. Pour the batter equally into the greased muffin tin. Place the tin into the oven
                                          and bake for 25-28 minutes (they will be a bit fudgy in the middle). Remove
¼ cup (40g) chocolate chips (sugar-       the tin from the oven and place onto a wire rack to cool completely.
                                       7. To make the topping take only the thick cream from a can of coconut milk,
¼ cup (30g) walnuts (optional)            leaving the clear liquid behind. Place this coconut cream into a saucepan
                                          along with the chocolate chips and heat on low until all chocolate has
                                          completely melted. Pour into a container and place into the freezer for 20
                                          minutes until it firms up. After 20 minutes, remove from the freezer and beat
Topping (optional):
                                          with an electric whisk for 30 seconds to 1 minute on high.
9 tsp. leftover raspberry jam from
                                       8. To assemble, place the brownies upside down and top with a little chocolate
breakfast parfait or store-bought
                                          frosting and a spoon of raspberry jam.
vegan chocolate frosting
                                       9. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.
½ cup (160g) coconut cream (from the
top of a can of coconut milk)
                                       Note: Nutrition info is using monk fruit sugar without topping
¼ cup (30g) chocolate chips (sugar-

                                        GF      DF      LC       MP       V   N

 myfitnesspal                                Prep                Cook             Kcal   Fats(g)   Carbs(g)   Protein(g)

                                           10 mins              27 mins           176      12        17           9
                                       *Nutrition per serving

35                                                                        HERE
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