Pine-Richland School District - Request for Bids (RFB) Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) Commodity, Storage, & Delivery Services 2021-2022 - BoardDocs

Pine-Richland School
                Request for Bids (RFB)

              Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)
            Commodity, Storage, & Delivery

                          Administration Office
                         702 Warrendale Road
                           Gibsonia, PA 15044


The Pine-Richland School District invites qualified Bidders to submit bids for: “LIQUID PROPANE

Bids must be made in accordance with the Proposal Form given herewith and the conditions of the
official advertisement. No bid will be considered that is not based upon specifications and
instructions and which is not properly prepared and signed by the Bidder.

Bids will be opened at 1:05 p.m. in the Administrative Offices of the Pine-Richland School
District, 702 Warrendale Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044 on Monday, May 10, 2021.

Bidders wishing to submit bids in person or, if unable to attend the bid opening, by mail if
addressed as follows:

                                  Pine-Richland School District
                          c/o Barbara Williams, School Board Secretary
                                      Administration Office
                                      702 Warrendale Road
                                       Gibsonia, PA 15044
                                     “LPG SERVICES BID”

All Bidders shall submit two (2) signed copies (1 original and 1 photocopy) of the completed RFB
materials in a sealed envelope clearly marked “LPG SERVICES BID”. Bid Proposals are due
by 1:00 p.m., Thursday, May 10, 2021.


Bids shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check or Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of
the total bid. The check or Bid Bond shall be submitted with the understanding that it guarantees
that the Bidder will not withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled
closing time for the receipt of bids; that if his/her bid is accepted, the Bidder will enter into a formal
contract in accordance with the Notice to Bidders; and, that, in the event of the withdrawal of said
Bid within said period, or failure to enter into said contract within seven (7) days after he/she has
received notice of the acceptance of his/her Bid, the Bidder shall forfeit its bid security to the Pine-
Richland School District on account of the default of the Bidder.

The certified or cashier’s check or Bid Bond of the successful Bidder will be returned upon the
execution of a contract in accordance with the bid of the successful Bidder, and simultaneously
therewith the execution of a performance bond in the full amount of the contract with a corporate

surety acceptable to the Pine-Richland School District. Said performance bond must be returned
with the executed contract.

The certified or cashier’s check or Bid Bond of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon
award to the successful bidder within sixty (60) days of the bid opening date.

The Pine-Richland School District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, select individual
items from a bid, waive any bid irregularities or informalities in its discretion, and award a contract
which, in its judgment, will be in the best interest of the Pine-Richland School District.


1. The successful bidder (“Bidder”) must provide all the necessary labor, materials, containers,
   and equipment for the provision to the Pine-Richland School District of the Liquid Propane
   Gas (“LPG”) Commodity, Storage, & Delivery Services in accordance with the within
   conditions and specifications.

2. The Agreement will be for a term of ONE YEAR, from 2021-2022, consistent with the
   District’s fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.

3. The Pine-Richland School Board reserves the rights to reject any or all bids, to waive
   irregularities and/or informalities in any Bid or Proposal, and to make an award in any manner,
   consistent with law, deemed in the best interest of the School District.

4. Appendix A contains the Specifications of this Agreement, and sets forth the requirements
   related to all technical and professional services required of the Bidder to enable the Pine-
   Richland School District to obtain and to maintain compliant, on-site refueling operations. As
   such, the Specifications detail information required to be included in the Bidder’s Proposal to
   provide both LPG fuel supply and LPG fuel equipment. The Specifications also include
   requirements related to training and safety measures; ongoing supply management; system
   performance requirements; propane autogas dispenser requirements; and other equipment
   requirements. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to make him/herself familiar with all
   requirements and site conditions prior to bid submission. The District will not accept any
   additional charges or delays for failure to do so.

5. The Bidder must provide the following information to the Pine-Richland School District in
   order to facilitate its evaluation of bids:

            a. The location of the Bidder in relation to the Student Transportation of America (STA),
               Inc. bus terminal (1110 Middlesex Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044).

            b. The response time of the Bidder to the STA bus terminal in the event of an emergency
               or a required repair that could disrupt service.

            c. The ability of a Bidder to assist the District with emergency re-fueling of vehicles
               directly from a fuel truck or through other available means in the event of a break down
               or loss of power at the STA bus terminal.

            d. The LPG fuel tank storage and dispensing options available to the District. The
               District requests that the Bidder indicate fuel tank sizes available and the costs to
               the District to lease the fuel tank(s) and the fuel dispensing systems from the

            e. The costs quoted by the Bidder to perform the specified LPG (commodity, storage, and
               delivery) services.

f. Any type of penalty per gallon to be charged to the District by the Bidder for either
               purchasing fewer gallons of LPG or for purchasing additional gallons of LPG in excess
               of the 175,000 gallons of LPG detailed in the Specifications.

6. The District reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of LPG required from the
   Bidder consistent with its needs in any given year of the Agreement, upon two (2) weeks’
   notice to the Bidder.

7. Bidder must provide comprehensive driver and fleet team safety and operational education,
   which must include, among other safety instructions, training, and procedures: extensive LPG
   fueling training; extensive safety training on vehicles; presentation of safety training certificate
   to fleet operators and technicians; detailed instructions for safe LPG fueling of a motor vehicle;
   and a detailed explanation of Bidder’s standard emergency procedures for LPG gas leaks, fires,
   and explosions.

8. Bidders are advised that, prior to the commencement of any work, the District will require
   employee background checks for the Bidder and its employees, if the Bidder and/or its
   employees will have direct contact with children, in accordance with Act 34 of 1985,
   Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Check, Form SP4-164 and the
   Department of Public Welfare, Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, Form CY-113.
   The criminal history check shall not be more than one (1) year old at the time of employment
   or engagement of contracted services. Bidders shall provide such clearance documentation,
   including but not limited to, drivers’ licenses, Acts 33 and 34 criminal history and child abuse
   records, Act 151 Child Abuse History clearance, and the Act 114 Federal Criminal History
   Record at the address set forth on the Bid Form.

9. The District is a non-smoking property. The Bidder must refrain from the use of all tobacco
   products, including e-cigarettes, while on District property.

10. The Bidder agrees to file with the District, within seven (7) days of the contract award,
    satisfactory evidence of insurance provided by insurers acceptable to the District, and that have
    an AM Best rating of “A-” or greater, in the following amounts and kinds:

            a. Comprehensive General Liability and Property Damage Insurance, with policy limits
               of not less than $1 million for each occurrence, and $ 2 million in the aggregate, for
               bodily injury, personal/advertising injury and property damage;

            b. Automotive Liability Insurance, covering owned and rented vehicles operated by
               Bidder, its consultants, agents, servants and employees, with policy limits of not less
               than $11 million combined single limit, and in the aggregate;

            c. Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance, with policy limits of not less than $2 million;

            d. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance, at statutory limits;

11. “Satisfactory evidence of insurance” includes: 1) a Certificate of Insurance on an ACORD
    form; and 2) a copy of a policy endorsement. The Certificates and endorsements shall, as to
    all applicable policies, will identify the District as a named, additional insured and shall contain
    a provision that the coverage afforded under each policy will not be canceled or materially
    changed, unless at least sixty (60) days’ prior written notice has been given to the District. The
    coverage afforded under each policy of insurance must be in effect for the duration of the
    Agreement, and shall run concurrently with the effective dates of the Agreement. There are no
    exceptions to this provision, unless specifically approved in writing by the District. Proof of
    this insurance shall be communicated to the District’s Business Office annually and at such
    times as change and/or policy renewal occurs.

12. Bids shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or Bid Bond in the amount of 10%
    of the total bid. The check or Bid Bond shall be submitted with the understanding that it shall
    guarantee: that the Bidder will not withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) days after
    the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids; that if his/her bid is accepted, the Bidder will
    enter into a formal contract in accordance with the Notice to Bidders; and, that in the event of
    the withdrawal of said bid within said period, or failure to enter into said contract within seven
    (7) days after he/she has received notice of the acceptance of his/her bid, the Bidder shall forfeit
    its bid security to Pine-Richland School District and shall be liable to the Pine- Richland School
    District for the full amount of the bid guarantee as representing the damage to the Pine-
    Richland School District on account of the default of the Bidder.

13. The certified or cashier's check or Bid Bond of the successful bidder will be returned upon the
    execution of a Contract in accordance with the bid of the successful Bidder, and simultaneously
    therewith the execution of a Performance Bond in the full amount of the Contract with a
    corporate surety acceptable to the Pine- Richland School District. Said performance bond must
    be returned with the executed Contract.

14. The Bidder shall furnish a Performance Bond covering the faithful performance of the Contract
    in an amount that is 100% of Contract value, which shall be dated on or after the date of the
    Contract. The Performance Bond shall be written for total amount of all years of the Contract.
    The cost of the Bidder to procure the Bond shall be included in the Bid.

15. The Bidder shall deliver three (3) copies of the required Performance Bond to the District,
    together with all required clearances and three (3) original and executed copies of the Contract.
    The Bidder shall require the attorney-in-fact who executes the bonds on behalf of the surety to
    affix thereto a certified and current copy of the power of attorney.

16. The required Bid and Performance Bonds must be provided by a company or companies
    licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which have a minimum Best
    rating of “A+,” a minimum policy holder’s surplus of $100 million, are listed on the current
    U.S. treasury Circular No. 570 (sureties acceptable for federally financed construction
    projects), and against which the Owner has no reasonable objection.

17. According to 62 Pa. C.S.A. § 3701, the Bidder agrees that:

a. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under the contract, no
               contractor or any person acting on behalf of the contractor shall, by reason of gender,
               race, creed or color, discriminate against any citizen of this Commonwealth who is
               qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates.

            b. No contractor or any person on their behalf shall, in any manner, discriminate against
               or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under the contract on
               account of gender, race, creed or color.

            c. The contract may be canceled or terminated by the District, and all money due or to
               become due under the contract may be forfeited, for a violation of the terms or
               conditions of that portion of the contract.

18. The provisions of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, Act 222 of October 27, 1955
    (P.L. 744) (43 P.S. Section 951, et. seq.) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania prohibit
    discrimination because of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin,
    handicap or disability, by employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, contractors
    and others. The Bidder shall agree to comply with the provisions of this Act, as amended, that
    is made part of this specification. Your attention is directed to the language of the
    Commonwealth's non-discrimination clause in 16 PA. Code §49.101.

19. Bidder must complete and return the enclosed Non-Collusion Affidavit with his/her Bid.
    Failure to do so will result in the Bidder’s disqualification.

20. If there are any questions concerning the Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) Commodity, Storage, &
    Delivery Services Specifications included herewith at Appendix A, please contact Dana L.
    Kirk, Director of Financial and Operational Services, at prior to the
    Bid due date of Thursday, May 10, 2021.

21. The Pine-Richland School District is not liable for any cost incurred by any Bidder prior to the
    selection and issuance of an agreement or contract.

22. After the recommendation of the Administration is received by it, the Pine-Richland School
    District Board of School Directors will consider the awarding of the contract to a Bidder at a
    regularly scheduled Board meeting following the due date of Bids.

23. Please be advised the Pine-Richland School District’s School Board will award the
    contract to the lowest responsible bidder submitting a complete and responsive bid.

24. All pricing must be held for sixty (60) days. The Pine-Richland School District reserves the
    right, but is not obligated, to negotiate and to finalize any terms and conditions of the
    Agreement with the Bidder for the requested LPG Services. Bids must be submitted for the
    various types of pricing options specified by the Pine-Richland School District.


     Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) Fuel Request for Bids (RFB) Specifications

The Pine-Richland School District (District) is seeking bids for the District’s Liquid Propane Gas
(LPG) fuel to be provided by a qualified fuel supplier/vendor/contractor. The LPG fuel will be
used for the District’s contracted fleet through Student Transportation of America (STA), Inc. of
approximately 59 2015 Blue Bird LPG powered vehicles. The vehicles will be fueled at the
District’s contracted facility located at 11110 Middlesex Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044, Township of
Richland in Allegheny County. The District’s total annual LPG consumption for these vehicles is
estimated to be between 167,000 gallons and 179,000 gallons.

Fuel supply is a critical element to the District making this “green” alternative fuel program a
success and seeks to contract with a qualified LPG fuel supplier to cost effectively deliver and to
manage the LPG fuel supply. The LPG fuel supplier shall recommend and provide vehicle
refueling options as determined to be best suited for the specific operating location and the

The District is looking for prospective LPG fuel suppliers to provide innovative pricing options
for both the LPG fuel and the LPG fuel equipment at the bus terminal location.

The qualified LPG fuel contractor must provide a comprehensive LPG fueling solution including
all equipment, equipment installation, training, ongoing support, and fuel supply.

The qualified LPG fuel contractor will be responsible for all technical and professional services
required to obtain and to maintain compliant on-site refueling operations including but not limited
to: site survey(s), drawings, permit applications, inspections, certifications, controls, protection,
and equipment. Equipment furnished under this specification shall be the latest improved model
in current production, as offered to commercial trade, and shall be of highest quality workmanship
and material. The qualified LPG fuel contractor will ensure that all equipment offered under this
specification, will be through the term of this agreement, remain in good working order and shall
be in compliance with the current Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Safety Rules, National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA-58) safety codes, and all other applicable Federal, State, & local
Codes or regulations.

The qualified LPG fuel contractor’s bid proposal should include the LPG fuel supply and the
required LPG fuel equipment.

The qualified LPG fuel contractor will either lease or own the fuel equipment and provide the LPG
fuel to the District based on a “cost plus basis” with the qualified contractor recouping the cost of
the fuel equipment over the term of the contract. The qualified LPG fuel vendor will be responsible
for all maintenance, all repairs, and all ongoing compliance associated with the LPG fuel

It is the District’s desire to possibly lock in the price of the LPG fuel for a one year term beginning
in July 2021 and ending in June 2022. The qualified LPG fuel contractor should propose a
fixed price per gallon for the LPG fuel for one (1) years.

                                     TRAINING & SAFETY

1. The qualified LPG fuel contractor shall supply safety training on the proper handling of the
   LPG fuel and the refueling of vehicles for drivers and mechanics at the terminal facility.

2. The qualified LPG fuel contractor must provide comprehensive driver and fleet team safety
   and operational education which must include the following:
     a. Extensive LPG fueling training.
     b. Extensive safety training on vehicles.
     c. Presentation of Safety training certificate to fleet operators and technicians.
     d. Provide detailed instructions for safe LPG fueling of a motor vehicle.
     e. Provide detailed explanation of your organization’s standard Emergency procedures
                LPG GAS LEAK PROCEDURES
     f.   Safety Features must include the following:
                Internal Valve with excess flow remote closure. This internal valve is operated
                 by propane vapor or nitrogen and is also tied to the remote shutoff device
                 cabinet. In the event of loss of propane pressure (due to a leak or line break) the
                 internal valve will automatically close.
                Emergency Break-Away Device. This device stops the flow of LPG fuel in the
                 event of a driver pull away from the dispenser.
                Remote Shutoff. This device must be opened in order to dispense fuel and will
                 be closed when the station is not in use. This safety device is also tied to the
                 internal valve on the tank and will not allow product (propane) to flow through
                 the piping until and unless this safety device is opened. Should there be a break
                 in a gas line, a leak, or a fire; a thermal connection would also automatically
                 melt thereby closing the remote shutoff and the internal valve preventing the
                 flow of propane.
                                   OTHER REQUIREMENTS

1. The qualified LPG fuel contractor will be responsible for ongoing supply management,
       a. Monitoring of LPG fuel levels and providing auto-replenish order and delivery.
       b. Fuel management shall be capable of tracking the LPG fuel uses by vehicle and have
          a minimum of 4 user programmable fields such as vehicle number, driver id, mileage,
          and gallons dispensed.
       c. Provide supply disruption plan and alternative fueling capability in the event of site
          outages or natural disaster.
       d. Provide customer billing/invoicing and bulk tank inventory reconciliation reports.
          System must support vehicle level transaction summary.

e. The ability to provide emergency service for the fueling equipment within 24 hours of
            f. The ability to provide temporary remote filling of fuel should dispensing equipment be
               down for more than 24 hours.

                             EXPERIENCE & FINANCIAL STRENGTH

1. The qualified LPG fuel contractor shall provide documentation of at least three (3) years of
   experience installing and maintaining LPG fueling equipment with a reliable LPG fuel supply.

2. The qualified LPG fuel contractor shall provide a list of clients with at least 100 vehicles
   currently running on LPG and or diesel, using fuel provider-owned fueling equipment.

3. The qualified LPG fuel contractor will provide the District with sufficient documentation to
   satisfy the District that the qualified LPG fuel contractor has the financial strength to satisfy
   the requirements of the District.

                              SPECIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS

Propane Autogas Dispenser Specifications:

The following are the minimum specifications, from the Propane Education and Research Council
(PERC), to ensure positive end-user experiences with the installation and operation of propane
autogas dispensing equipment. The District will require that all installed equipment will meet or
exceed these specifications.

           Meets all necessary federal, state, and local codes and regulations.
           Delivers fuel to end-users similar to those using gasoline.
           Will be the correct dispenser for the type of vehicle that will be filled.
           Provides propane autogas powered vehicle operators a safe, reliable refueling option.

System performance requirements:

           Dispensing rate minimum of 8 gallons per minute (GPM).
           Pump package (motor, pump, bypass, piping, system sizing, and electrical) must be able to
            provide adequate differential pressure based on vehicle type, geographic location, and
            climate conditions.
           Location of dispensing station and proximity to the pump package impacts performance
            and shall be considered.
           Vehicle fueling area (ground where vehicle is parked) should be reasonably level to allow
            for complete fuel fills.

Equipment requirements:

           Dispenser cabinet:
            o Shall be constructed of nonflammable, noncombustible materials; including but not
               limited to powder coat steel, stainless steel, aluminum, or equivalent materials.
            o Shall meet all federal, state, and local codes and regulations applicable at the
               installation location.
            o Shall be constructed with lockable access panels to prevent tampering.
            o Shall provide separation of the base classified area from the non-classified area (above
               48”) by a permanent seal.

           Dispenser metering:
            o Shall have a digital display capable of providing gross or net volumes.
            o Where required, temperature compensation shall be provided and meet all federal,
               state, and local codes and regulations; dispenser meter shall be provided with secondary
               temperature thermometer well for testing and proving (checking the
               accuracy/calibrating) the meter.
            o The metering system selected must have a minimum capacity sufficient to meet the
               performance standard listed in the System performance requirements section.
            o If you are using an electronic dispensing system, it shall be equipped with a pulse
               transmitter providing a minimum of 100 pulses per gallon (PPG) for retail sales and/or
               custody transfer.
            o Mechanical temperature compensation without pulse output is acceptable.
            o Meter accuracy shall be in accordance with federal, state, and local codes and
               regulations, with a minimum accuracy of ±0.6% (.006) linearity and ±0.24% (.0024)
               repeatability when dispenser is used for retail sales and/or custody transfer.
            o The meter shall be inspected prior to operation to ensure compliance with state weights
               and measure standards applicable at the location of installation when dispenser is used
               for retail sales and/or custody transfer.

           Dispenser display:
            o Shall indicate gallons dispensed, with mechanical or electronic register.
                If equipment is mechanical, indicate gallons dispensed and totalizer display.
                If equipment is electronic, indicate gallons dispensed, net or gross gallons,
                  dispenser may include display with an alpha numeric keypad for ease of entering

           Electrical requirements:
            o All electrical installations shall be performed by a licensed, bonded electrician with
               motor control experience to ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local codes
               and regulations at the location of installation.
            o Dispenser and all internal electrical components shall be wired in full compliance with
               the manufacturer’s specifications. Electrical components contained within the
               dispenser cabinet, where required, shall be Class 1 Group D Division 1 or Division 2,
               and be provided with all required seal off devices.

o Distance must be considered when selecting service wire sizing to meet necessary
              voltage and amperage requirements of the motor manufacturer.
            o STA provides all required electricity at their cost to operate the fuel system. STA
              has single and three phases of power available. STA has 600 Amps to work with,
              and they will provide the power necessary to operate the fuel system. The distance
              from the terminal building to the tank pad location is approximately 120 yards.

           Piping, valves, and fittings:
            o All piping within the dispenser cabinet shall be A53 Grade B or better, schedule 80 or
               approved equivalent materials.
            o All threaded fittings shall be forged steel, brass or other materials approved for use with
               liquid propane.
            o All threaded fittings and valves shall be minimum 400 PSIG water, oil, or gas (WOG)
            o Ball valves shall be full port for liquid service.
            o Internal valves, excess flow valves, and backflow check valves shall be installed in
               appropriate locations in accordance with federal, state, and local codes and regulations.

           Hose assembly:
            o UL and CGA propane delivery hose shall be continuously marked “LP-GAS 350 PSI
               WP, 1750 burst pressure”, maximum 18’ length per NFPA 58 code.
            o Hose assembly shall have a UL 567 compliant hose breakaway device.
            o Fueling nozzle shall be gas pump style 1 ¾” ACME with quick-acting shutoff, low
               emission release, and failsafe discharge feature (example: GG 20 low emission
               Gasguard or equivalent).
            o Compatible with the dispensing device locking mechanism.

           Pump system and pump assembly:
            o Dispenser provider shall evaluate the filling requirements and provide the appropriate
              pump to meet these requirements. LPG fuel vendor shall provide, as a minimum, pump
              curves showing flow, differential pressure, and minimum 5 horsepower or horsepower
              required to meet system needs.
            o Most vehicles require a minimum differential pressure of 125 PSIG.
            o Pump inlet strainer (minimum 80 mesh) or any restrictions shall be minimum of 10
              pipe-diameters from the pump inlet. Pump manufacturer’s installation instructions shall
              be followed.
            o Pump inlet and outlet shall have isolation full port ball valves.

           In-line fuel filter:
            o Filter capable of filtering particles measuring 5 microns should be used.
            o Filter should be placed after the propane autogas pump, to filter the stored fuel prior to
                entering the vehicle.

           Tank assembly:
            o Tank selected must be suited for the application intended.

   A new tank or a thoroughly cleaned tank should be used to prevent foreign material
                   from entering the vehicle system.
                  Container provided shall be equipped with a bottom liquid connection sufficient to
                   supply the pump at the pump manufacturer's recommended volume.
                  The container shall be equipped with a suitable vapor connection for the pump
                  The container shall be equipped with a suitable connection for the vapor eliminator
                   from the meter to operate properly.
                  All other tank openings shall comply with federal, state, and local codes and

           Installation foundation:
            o Tank and dispensing unit shall either be mounted on a concrete or masonry foundation
               unless it is part of a complete storage and dispensing unit supported on a common base
               to prevent uneven settling and stress on piping.
            o STA has installed a concrete pad and the required crash safety protection
               equipment surrounding the tank location. The site currently holds one tank with
               a capacity of 18,000 gallons of LPG.

                                   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

           Any compatible fuel management system may be used. Fuel management systems may
            include, but are not limited to the vehicle fuel usage, vehicle number, driver ID, mileage,
            gallons delivered, or any other information suitable to the District’s needs.
           If the dispenser is used for retail sales, it must be an approved device for its intended
           Optional equipment and upgrades may include, but are not limited to:
            o Dispenser display with an alpha numeric key pad for ease of entering data.
            o Painted surface of dispenser shall be protected from damage from the breakaway
                system with an aluminum 12” x 14” wear plate.

           Resources:
            o UL 495: Power-Operated Dispensing Devices for LP-Gas.
            o Handbook 44, National Conference on Weights and Measures.
            o IFC.
            o NFPA 58, 30A, 70 (NEC).
            o Applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations.

                      (Return this page as Page 1 of your LPG Services Bid)

Board of Directors
Pine-Richland School District
702 Warrendale Road
Gibsonia PA 15044


The undersigned, having examined the specifications entitled LPG SERVICES, hereby offers and
agrees furnish the services as required for an annual cost in each year of the agreement as listed
below. This pricing is with the Bidder OWNING the fuel tank and the fuel dispensing equipment:

            LPG Services & Cost per Gallon for 2021-2022: $ _______________________

Please describe any penalty per gallon to be charged to the District by the Bidder for either
purchasing less gallons of LPG or for purchasing more gallons of LPG that exceed the estimate of
between 167,000 gallons and 179,000 gallons of LPG detailed in the RFP specification. Include
thresholds for any penalties.





The above prices are listed as firm for a period of sixty (60) days after the due date of this Request
for Bids.

The undersigned agrees to enter into a written contract for the LPG services requested for the
amounts indicated above. The undersigned herewith encloses, as a proposal guarantee, a certified
or cashier's check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the total Bid, drawn to the order of the
Pine-Richland School District, which is understood will be forfeited if this Bid is accepted by the
District and the undersigned shall fail to furnish to it the required performance bond and execute
the contract as required in the General Conditions and Specifications. Otherwise, the check or bid
bond shall be returned.

Upon delivery of the said equipment, the undersigned shall submit all warranties and guaranties
by the manufacturer.

The undersigned declares that this proposal is made without collusion or fraud.

The undersigned understands that the Board of School Directors may accept or reject any
or all proposals, or parts thereof, and award a contract, which in its judgment, will be in the
best interest of the Pine-Richland School District.

NOTE: The Pine-Richland School District will not be liable and will not pay for any applicable
costs not included and detailed in the bid.

                                            Submitted by:







                            (Section 755, Pennsylvania School Code)

In accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania School Code, the Bidder agrees:

    A. That in the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this contract, or any
       subcontractor hereunder, no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on behalf of
       such contractor or subcontractor, shall by reason of race, creed, color, discriminate against
       any citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who is qualified and available to
       perform work to which the employment relates;

    B. That no Contractor, subcontractor, or any person acting on behalf, shall in any manner
       discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for performance of work under this
       contract on account of race, creed, or color;

    C. That there may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under this contract,
       a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) for each person for each calendar day during which such
       person was discriminated against or intimidated, in violation of the provisions of the
       contract; and,

    D. That this contract may be canceled or terminated by the Pine-Richland School District, and
       all money due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent
       violation of the terms or conditions of this portion of the contract.


1   This Non-Collusion Affidavit is material to any contract awarded pursuant to this RFB.
    According to the Pennsylvania Antibid-Rigging Act. 73 P.S. 1611 et. seq., governmental
    agencies may require Non-Collusion Affidavits to be submitted together with Bids or RFP’s.

2   This Non-Collusion Affidavit must be executed by the member, officer or employee of the
    Bidder who makes the final decision on prices and the amounts quoted in the RFB.

3   Bid/RFP rigging and other efforts to restraint competition, and the making of false sworn
    statements in connection with the submission of Bids or RFP’s are unlawful and may be subject
    to criminal prosecution. The person who signs the affidavit should examine it carefully before
    signing and assure himself or herself that each statement is true and accurate, making diligent
    inquiry, as necessary, of all other persons employed by or associated with the Bidder with
    responsibilities for the preparation, approval, or submissions of the Bid.

4   In the case of a Bid submitted by a joint venture, each party to the venture must be identified
    in the Bid Documents, and an affidavit must be submitted separately on behalf of each party.

5   The term "complementary RFP" as used in the Affidavit has the meaning commonly associated
    with that term in the bidding/RFP process, and includes the knowing submission of Bids/RFP’s
    higher than the Bid/RFP of another Bidder, any intentionally high or noncompetitive Bid/RFP,
    and any other form of Bid/RFP submitted for the purpose of giving a false appearance of

6   Failure to file an Affidavit in compliance with these instructions will result in disqualification
    of the Bid/RFP.


RFB No.             LPG Services

State of ____________________________________

County of __________________________________

       I state that I am ____________________ of ______________________________
                          (Title)                               (Name of Bidder)
and that I am authorized to make this affidavit on behalf of my company, and its owners, directors,
and officers. I am the person responsible in my company for the price(s) and the amount of this
Request for Bids.

            I state that:

(1) The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently and without
consultation, communication, or agreement with any other Bidder.

(2) Neither the price(s) nor the amount of this bid, and neither the approximate price(s) nor the
approximate amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other Bidder, and they will not be
disclosed before the bid submission to the Pine-Richland School District.

(3) No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any Bidder or person to refrain from
submitting a bid to the Pine-Richland School District, or to submit a bid higher than this bid, or to
submit any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid.

(4) The Bid of my company is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion
with or inducement from, any Bidder or person to submit a complementary or other
noncompetitive bid.

(5) ___________________________________, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and
                  (Name of my Company)
employees are not currently under investigation by any governmental agency and have not in the
last four years been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any
jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to submitting a bid to any public entity,
except as follows:



I state that ______________________________understands and acknowledges that the above
                  (Name of my Company)

representations are material and important, and will be relied on by the Pine-Richland School
District when recommending for award the agreement for which this Bid is submitted. I
understand and my company understands that any misstatement in this affidavit is and shall be
treated as fraudulent concealment from the Pine-Richland School District of the true facts relating
to the submission of bids for this agreement.

Signature of Authorized Person

(Print Name of Authorized Person and Company Position)

Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____________ day of ____________, 20____

________________________                             ________________________
      (Notary Public)                                  (My Commission Expires)

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