PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers

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PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers

PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers
Table of Contents
    LECTIO                                                                     2

    ARISTOTELES LATINUS                                                        2

    MONOTHÉISMES ET PHILOSOPHIE                                               4

    THE AGE OF DESCARTES                                                      6

    INSTRUMENTA PATRISTICA ET MEDIAEVALIA                                      7

    RENCONTRES DE PHILOSOPHIE MÉDIÉVALE                                       8


    NUTRIX                                                                    10


    STUDIA SENTENTIARUM                                                       12

    STUDIA TRADITIONIS THEOLOGIAE                                             13

    RECHERCHES SUR LES RHÉTORIQUES RELIGIEUSES                                14

    AD ARGUMENTA. QUAESTIO SPECIAL ISSUES + QUAESTIO                          15

    TEXTES ET ÉTUDES DU MOYEN ÂGE                                             16

    SELECTED TITLES                                                           18

    ORDER FORM                                                                24



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PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers
PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers
                                                                                                                                  ARISTOTELES LATINUS
        Studies in the Transmission of Texts and Ideas
                                                                                                                                  The critical edition of the Medieval Latin
                                                                                                                                  Aristotle is one of the main projects supervised
        The purpose of this series is to explore the mechanisms of evolution and survival of texts and ideas                      and supported by the International Union of
        from Antiquity to the Renaissance, that is in a period where texts were more fragile and ideas                            Academies. The most important objective of the
        paradoxically freer (despite all kinds of censorship and social control) than in a time of increasing                     project is to bring to evidence the various forms
        mass production. The unique character of this series is to keep together two aspects of scholarship                       in which Aristotle’s texts came to be read in the
        which are too o�ten, and wrongly so, kept separated: history of texts, textual criticism, and scholar-                    West.
        ly editing on the one hand, and intellectual, cultural and artistic history on the other hand.

    Outsiders and Forerunners                                 Concepts of Ideal Rulership from                                Physiognomonica
    Modern Reason and Historiographical                       Antiquity to the Renaissance                                    Translatio Bartholomaei de Messana
    Births of Medieval Philosophy                             Geert Roskam, Stefan Schorn (eds)                               Lisa Devriese
    Catherine König-Pralong, Mario Meliadò,
    Zornitsa Radeva (eds)                                     Ancient works On Kingship have received a lot of at-
                                                              tention in recent scholarship, where the main focus is          This volume o�fers the first critical edition of the
    This book focuses on the emergence and develop-           usually on classic works such as Seneca’s On Clemency,          medieval Latin translation of pseudo-Aristotle’s
    ment of philosophical historiography as a university      Isocrates’ Cyprian Orations or Dio of Prusa’s Kingship          Physiognomonica. The text was translated from Greek
    discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries. During that    Orations. In this volume, we deliberately turn to the pe-       into Latin by Bartholomew of Messina during the
    period historians of philosophy evaluated medieval        riphery, to the grey zone where matters usually prove           reign of king Manfred (1258-1266) and deals with
    philosophical theories through the lenses of modern       more complicated. This volume focuses on authors who            physiognomy.
    leitmotifs and assigned to medieval thinkers posi-        deal with analogous problems and raise similar ques-
    tions within an imaginary map of cultural identities      tions in other contexts, authors who also address pow-          The volume o�fers the first critical edition of the me-
    based on the juxtaposition of ‘self’ and ‘other’. Some    erful rulers or develop ideals of right rulership but who       dieval Latin translation of Aristotle’s Physiognomonica.
    medieval philosophers were regarded as ‘forerunners’      choose very di�ferent literary genres to do so, or works        This treatise, nowadays considered pseudo-Aristote-
    who had constructively paved the way for modern           on kingship that have almost been forgotten. Departing          lian, is translated into Latin between 1258 and 1266 by
    rationality; whereas others, viewed as ‘outsiders’,       from well-trodden paths, we hope to contribute to the           Bartholomew of Messina and deals with physiogno-
    had contributed to the same e�fect by way of their        scholarly debate by bringing in new relevant materi-            my, a discipline which connects outward appearance
    struggle against established forms of philosophy.         al and confront it with well-known and o�t-discussed            and inward character traits. The translation received
    The contributions gathered in this volume each deal       classics. This confrontation even throws a new light            wide circulation at the University of Paris by means of
    with the creative reception of a particular figure in      upon the very notion of ‘mirrors for princes’. Moreover,        several exemplaria. The Physiognomonica has survived
    modern history of philosophy. From the 9th century,       the selection of peripheral texts from Antiquity to the         in 128 manuscripts, which makes it Bartholomew’s
    with al-Fārābī, to the 16th century, these philosophers   Renaissance reveals several patterns in the evolution of        most di�fused translation. The introduction of the vol-
    belong to four historical worlds which have been char-    the tradition over a longer period of time.                     ume first discusses the text and manuscript tradition
    acterized by European cultural history or have defined                                                                     and then the relation to the Greek model. It appears
    themselves as such: the (Jewish-)Arabic world (al-        Table of Contents:
                                                                                                                              that the Latin translation contains a unique version of
    Fārābī, Avicenna, Maimonides), Latin scholasticism                                                                        the text compared to the extant Greek manuscripts,
    (Roger Bacon, Henry of Ghent, William of Ockham,                                                                          which makes it an important witness for the Greek
                                                              “Il volume riunisce saggi molto validi ed è, a mio avviso,
    Marsilius of Padua), medieval lay philosophy (Ramon                                                                       tradition as well.
                                                              molto interessante e ricco di spunti di ri�lessione, sia per
    Lull, Petrarch), and Humanism in a broader sense
                                                              l’ampia prospettiva diacronica, sia perché riunisce com-
    (Nicholas of Cusa, Petrus Ramus, Andrea Cesalpino).
                                                              petenze diverse, delineando un quadro complesso e
                                                              per molti aspetti tuttora controverso; soprattutto, esso
    Table of Contents:
                                                              o�fre una serie di spunti di ri�lessione che solleticano
                                                              «the reader’s appetite for further research»”
                                                                                   (C. Bearzot, in Erga / Logoi, 7/2, 2019)

    433 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                               488 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,                                     cx + 74 p., 2 b/w ills, 178 x 254 mm, 2019,
    ISBN 978-2-503-57912-2                                    ISBN 978-2-503-58077-7                                          ISBN 978-2-503-58567-3
    Hardback: € 105                                           Hardback: € 110                                                 Hardback: € 90
    Series: Lectio, vol. 5                                    Series: Lectio, vol. 7                                          Series: Aristoteles Latinus, vol. XIX
    AVAILABLE                                                 AVAILABLE                                                       AVAILABLE

PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers
                                                           CORPUS LATINUM COMMENTARIORUM IN ARISTOTELEM GRAECORUM
                                                           Both CLC and CLCS are long-term edition projects (the oldest volumes date from the 1950s) of the De Wulf-
                                                           Mansion Center for Ancient, Medieval & Renaissance Philosophy at Leuven University, Belgium.The main series, CLC,
                                                           contains the edition and study of the medieval Latin translations of late-antique, Greek commentaries on the works
                                                           of Aristotle; the Supplementum series CLCS adds the edition (Latin and Greek) of related, late-antique philosophers.
                                                           Well-known names among the commentators are Simplicius, Johannes Philoponus, Themistius and Nemesius of
                                                           Emesa; among the medieval translators we find, William of Moerbeke, Robert Grosseteste and Burgundio of Pisa.
                                                           We are pleased to let you know that series CLC and CLCS are now available from Brepols. Benefit
                                                           from a special 20% discount on all available titles in both series. Valid until 31 December 2020.

                                                           Thémistius, Commentaire sur                                      The Greek Commentaries on
                                                           le traité de l’âme d’Aristote                                    the Nicomachean Ethics of
                                                           Traduction de Guillaume de                                       Aristotle in the Latin Translation
                                                           Moerbeke                                                         of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln.
                                                           Themistius, Aristoteles, Guilelmus de Morbeka                    Volume I
                                                           Gerard Verbeke (éd.)                                             Eustratius on Book I and the Anonymous
                                                           xcvii + 320 p., 154 x 254 mm, 1973, > Ref. 02011029
                                                                                                                            Scholia on Books II, III, and IV
                                                           Paperback: € 65 > € 52                                           Aristoteles, Robertus Grosseteste,
                                                           Série: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum,   Eustratius, Anonymus
                                                           vol. 1
                                                                                                                            H. P. F. Mercken (ed.)

                                                                                                                            371 p., 154 x 254 mm, 1973, > Ref. 02011033
                                                           Alexandre d’Aphrodisias,                                         Paperback: € 65 > € 52
                                                           Commentaire sur les                                              Series: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem
                                                                                                                            Graecorum, vol. 6.1
                                                           Météores d’Aristote
                                                           Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke                              The Greek Commentaries on the
De historia animalium                                      Alexander Aphrodisiensis, Aristoteles, Guilelmus de              Nicomachean Ethics of
Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka,                           Morbeka
                                                                                                                            Aristotle in the Latin Translation of Robert
Pars altera: lib. VI-X                                     A. J. Smet (éd.)
                                                                                                                            Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln. Volume III
Pieter Beullens, Fernand Bossier †                         cxxxiv + 521 p., 154 x 254 mm, 1968, > Ref. 02011030             The Anonymous Commentator on Book VII,
                                                           Paperback: € 65 > € 52
                                                           Série: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem              Aspasius on Book VIII and Michael of Ephesus
The critical edition of Aristotle’s longest and most       Graecorum, vol. 4                                                on Books IX and X
important zoological work as it was read in the Latin                                                                       Aristoteles, Robertus Grosseteste,
                                                                                                                            Aspasius, Michael Ephesinus, Anonymus
Middle Ages, complete and with exhaustive bilin-           Simplicius, Commentaire sur les Catégories
gual indices of the rich vocabulary.                                                                                        Mercken (ed.)
                                                                                                                            lxxix + 478 p., 154 x 254 mm, 1991,
                                                           Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke. Tome I                      ISBN 978-90-6186-469-1
This book forms the complement to the first vol-            Simplicius, Aristoteles, Guilelmus de Morbeka                    Paperback: € 65 > € 52
ume published in 2000. The preface contains some                                                                            Series: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem
                                                           A. Pattin, Werner Stuyven (éd.)
remarks about the transmission of the text as a sup-                                                                        Graecorum, vol. 6.3
plement to the first volume. Then follow the critical       liv + 281 p., 154 x 254 mm, 1971, > Ref. 02011031
edition of books VI-X, and the indices for the whole       Paperback: € 65 > > € 52                                         Commentators and Commentaries on
                                                           Série: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem
text. The complete edition gives access to the longest
                                                           Graecorum, vol. 5.1                                              Aristotle’s Sophistici Elenchi:
and most important work from Aristotle’s zoology, De                                                                        A Study of Post-Aristotelian Ancient and
historia animalium, in the Latin translation by William
                                                                                                                            Medieval Writings on Fallacies
of Moerbeke. This version was part of the standard         Simplicius, Commentaire sur les Catégories
university curriculum in the late-medieval West. The                                                                        Volume I, II, III
bilingual indices give access to the richness of the                                                                        Sten Ebbesen (ed.)
translator’s vocabulary and provide an indispensable       Traduction de Guillaume de
tool for the study of his translation method. Except for   Moerbeke. Tome II                                                3 vols, 1356 p., 155 x 245 mm, 1981, > Ref. 02011041
                                                                                                                            Paperback: € 150 > € 120
De partibus animalium, all of Moerbeke’s translations      Simplicius, Aristoteles, Guilelmus de Morbeka                    Series: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem
from the Aristotelian zoological corpus are now avail-     A. Pattin, Werner Stuyven, Carlos Steel (éd.)                    Graecorum, vol. 7
able in critical editions.
                                                           763 p., 155 x 245 mm, 1975, > Ref. 02011032
                                                           Paperback: € 65 > € 52                                           Simplicius, Commentaire sur le traité du
                                                           Série: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem              ciel d’Aristote
                                                           Graecorum, vol. 5.2
                                                                                                                            Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke
                                                                                                                            Simplicius, Aristoteles, Guilelmus de Morbeka
                                                                                                                            Fernand Bossier, Christine Vande Veire,
                                                                                                                            Guy Guldentops (éd.)

                                                                                                                            clii + 514 p., 154 x 254 mm, 2004,
                                                                                                                            ISBN 978-90-5867-404-3
                                                                                                                            Paperback: € 65 > € 52
approx. 400 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2020,
                                                                                                                            Série: Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum,
ISBN 978-2-503-58665-6
                                                                                                                            vol. 8.1
Hardback: approx. € 180
Series: Aristoteles Latinus, vol. XVII 2.I.2

PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers
       This series started in 1997 and gathers theses, monographs and miscellaneous volumes. It wants to throw light on the problems that arise when the
       universalities proposed by philosophy come face-to-face with those of monotheistic religions.

    Les principes cosmologiques                                 When Wisdom Calls                                             Trascendenza e cambiamento
    du platonisme                                               Philosophical Protreptic in Antiquity                         in Filone di Alessandria
    Origines, in�luences et systématisation                     Olga Alieva, Annemaré Kotzé, Sophie Van der Meeren (eds)      La chiave del paradosso
    Marc-Antoine Gavray, Alexandra Michalewski (éd.)                                                                          Francesca Simeoni
                                                                This volume seeks to illuminate both the diversity
                                                                and the continuity of protreptic in the work of a wide
    Ce volume étudie les mutations de sens que la no-           range of authors, from Parmenides to Augustine.               Il volume esplora il nesso tra immutabilità e cambia-
    tion de principe a connues au sein de la cosmologie                                                                       mento come chiave della relazione tra uomo e Dio
    platonicienne, depuis l’ancienne Académie jusqu’au          Philosophy has never been an obvious life choice, es-         nel pensiero di Filone di Alessandria, sullo sfondo del
    néoplatonisme tardif. Dans cet intervalle, la ques-         pecially in the absence of apparent practical useful-         rapporto tra ermeneutica biblica e tradizione plato-
    tion de la nature et du nombre des principes cosmo-         ness. The intellectual e�fort and moral discipline it ex-     nica. A partire dall’identità istituita tra Dio ed Essere
    logiques est apparue comme un enjeu central de la           acts appeared uninviting “from the outside.” However,         (Ex. 3,14 – LXX), nei testi dell’autore si configura una
    défense du platonisme, dans sa confrontation avec les       the philosophical ideals of theoretical precision and         di�ferenza fondamentale tra il divino, essenzialmente
    écoles rivales, mais aussi, à partir de l’époque impé-      living virtuously are what has shaped the cultural land-      estraneo al divenire, in virtù di una trascendenza as-
    riale, avec le christianisme. Au sein de cette histoire,    scape of the West since Antiquity. This paradox arose         soluta assegnata al Principio e propria del platonismo
    les critiques et réceptions aristotéliciennes ont joué un   because the ancients never confined their philosophy           di età imperiale, e il cosmo e l’uomo, contrassegnati
    rôle déterminant et ont, d’un certain point de vue, pré-    to the systematic exposition of doctrine. Orations,           invece dalla condizione originata e mutevole, descrit-
    paré le tournant inauguré par Plotin : de Théophraste,      treatises, dialogues and letters aimed at persuading          ta come fonte di fatica e instabilità.
    qui le premier articule la causalité du Premier Moteur      people to become lovers of wisdom, not metaphorical-          A partire da un’analisi terminologica e teoretica che
    et l’héritage platonicien des Formes intelligibles, à       ly, but truly and passionately. Rhetorical feats, logical     articola piano ontologico e metafisico, mantenendo
    Alexandre d’Aphrodise, qui critique l’anthropomor-          intricacies, or mystical experience served to recruit         il filo ermeneutico della polarità tra trascendenza e
    phisme inhérent aux théories providentialistes des          adherents, to promote and defend philosophy, to sup-          mutamento, si indaga poi il percorso etico e noetico
    platoniciens impériaux, les exégètes péripatéticiens        port adherents and guide them towards their goal.             proposto all’uomo, tra conoscenza e assimilazione a
    ont ouvert des pistes qui seront adaptées et trans-         Protreptic (from the Greek, “to exhort,” “to convert”)        un Dio Essere inconoscibile e di�ferente. Emerge così
    formées à travers les di�férents systèmes néoplatoni-       was the literary form that served all these functions.        la cifra del paradosso: strumento decisivo nello stoici-
    ciens. Reprenant à Alexandre sa critique des concep-        Content and mode of expression varied considerably            smo, esso viene mutuato e trasformato da Filone, fino
    tions artificialistes de la cosmologie platonicienne,        when targeting classical Greek aristocracy, Hellenistic       a diventare la chiave interpretativa del movimento di
    Plotin s’oppose à lui pour défendre l’e�ficience causale     schoolrooms or members of the early Church where              rinuncia del saggio, verso una vera e propria “etica del-
    des Formes intelligibles, qu’il définit comme des réa-       the tradition of protreptic was soon appropriated. This       la trascendenza”.
    lités vivantes et intellectives, en les insérant dans un    volume seeks to illuminate both the diversity and the         Il tema e l’autore analizzati si prestano a illuminare in
    système de dérivation de toutes choses depuis l’Un. À       continuity of protreptic in the work of a wide range          modo singolare il tornante della filosofia nel primo
    sa suite, les di�férents diadoques néoplatoniciens pla-     of authors, from Parmenides to Augustine. The per-            secolo, nel dibattito tra scuole filosofiche e tradizioni
    ceront la vie au cœur du monde intelligible, définis-        sistence of the literary form bears witness to a contin-      religiose, secondo una lettura positiva dell’eclettismo.
    sant les Formes comme des réalités vivantes et intel-       ued fascination with the call of wisdom.                      La questione del rapporto tra metafisica ed etica, al
    lectives dotées d’une e�ficience proper : la puissance                                                                     centro di questa ricerca, non solo consente di mette-
                                                                Table of Contents:
    de faire advenir des réalités dérivées.                                                                                   re in luce le scelte originali di Filone nell’evoluzione
                                                                Review                                                        del platonismo, ma genera anche delle risonanze che
    Table des matières:                         “These few examples illustrate, in my opinion, the            giungono fino a lambire il contemporaneo, sollevan-
                                                                richness of this volume both in methodology and in            do la questione del rapporto tra trascendenza e cura
                                                                content. Scholars interested not only in protreptic but       di sé, nella forma del divenire se stessi.
                                                                in general in ancient philosophy and early Christianity       Table of Contents:
                                                                will greatly profit from it.”
                                                                            (Diego De Brasi, in Acta Classica, LXIII, 2020)

    317 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                 517 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,                                   325 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,
    ISBN 978-2-503-56633-7                                      ISBN 978-2-503-56855-3                                        ISBN 978-2-503-58425-6
    Paperback: € 55                                             Paperback: € 100                                              Paperback: € 80
    Série: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 23                 Series: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 24                  Series: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 25
    DISPONIBLE                                                  AVAILABLE                                                     AVAILABLE

PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers
L’expression du divin chez                                    Ralph Cudworth                                              Introduction générale à
Plutarque, Philon et Basilide                                 The True Intellectual System of                             la philosophie chez les
Géraldine Hertz                                               the Universe: Part One                                      commentateurs néoplatoniciens
                                                              Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Adrian Mihai       Minjun Huh (éd.)
Peut-on dire Dieu ? Dieu lui-même parle-t-il et se dit-
il ? Les deux questions semblent intimement liées :           Kant’s so-called Copernican revolution (or episte-
                                                              mological turn ), which is the foundation of German         Les prolégomènes à la philosophie a été le tout pre-
si le langage est tenu pour une réalité étrangère à la                                                                    mier ouvrage abordé par les étudiants en philoso-
nature divine, il est en e�fet susceptible d’être jugé        idealism, and of Modern philosophy in general, had
                                                              already been envisaged by Ralph Cudworth, in his            phie dans l’Antiquité tardive. Cette œuvre, à caractère
inapte à son expression. Cet ouvrage est consacré à                                                                       propédeutique et déclinée en plusieurs versions au
l’exploration d’une question qui a rencontré un inté-         The True Intellectual System of the Universe (1678), with
                                                              his bold a�firmation that the objects of knowledge           fil des générations, nous donne un bon aperçu du
rêt sans précédent dans le platonisme des débuts de                                                                       ra�finement pédagogique qui était alors en usage
l’époque impériale : celle de l’articulation entre le dis-    are modifications of mind, and thus knowledge de-
                                                              pends upon the conformity of objects to our mode of         dans l’école néoplatonicienne. Les définitions et les
cours (logos) et le divin (theos). Le signe le plus évident                                                               divisions de la philosophie qu’on y lisait avaient pour
de cet intérêt nouveau pour la question du rapport            cognition (TIS, 1678, 730-1)
                                                                                                                          but de donner un avant-goût du cursus philosophique
entre discursivité et divinité est l’essor que connaît                                                                    et de l’orientation exégétique adoptée par l’ensei-
alors le motif du « dieu ine�fable » (theos arrhetos). Les    The masterpiece of Ralph Cudworth’s The True
                                                              Intellectual System of the Universe won the attention of    gnant. Cette littérature isagogique dont l’in�luence
trois auteurs sur lesquels porte cette étude – Philon,                                                                    s’est étendue jusqu’aux sphères culturelles de langue
Plutarque et l’auteur présenté dans l’Élenchos (VII, 14-      the European public from the end of the seventeenth
                                                              century onwards by its account of the genesis, devel-       arabe et syriaque, reste encore le «parent pauvre»
27, X, 14) comme « Basilide » – se caractérisent par                                                                      des études néoplatoniciennes, alors qu’elle renferme
une commune adhésion à l’idée que Dieu échappe                opment and growth of both Atomism and Atheism,
                                                              from Antiquity to Early Modern Times, and by its            encore des aspects méconnus qui demandent à être
à l’appréhension verbale, mais cette idée est loin de                                                                     élucidées et approfondis. Ce volume, qui réunit cinq
s’exprimer chez eux de façon uniforme : si Plutarque          discussions on religion, biology, psychology, botany,
                                                              physics, and philosophy. Its message was deeply dif-        contributions, vise donc à clarifier certaines questions
semble réticent à déclarer Dieu « ine�fable », Philon,                                                                    clés susceptibles d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur
lui, le reconnaît tel avec insistance, tandis que l’auteur    fused among writers and scholars in very di�ferent tra-
                                                              ditions (such as Locke, Leibniz, Newton, Schelling and      la naissance, l’évolution et la di�fusion de cette œuvre
basilidien, considérant que le dire « ine�fable » revient                                                                 représentative du savoir-faire pédagogique de l’Anti-
encore à en dire quelque chose, surenchérit en le             Coleridge). This work was widely studied as a set text
                                                              in many Universities, not least at the Tübinger Sti�t       quité tardive.
déclarant « pas même ine�fable ». Pour comprendre
ces divergences, il s’agira d’examiner les données            (where Schelling, Hölderlin and Hegel studied in the
                                                                                                                          Table des matières:
ontologiques, gnoséologiques et linguistiques qui             1780s) and at the University of Jena.
expliquent les positions respectives de ces auteurs
sur la question de l’expression du divin. Cette enquête
débutera par un chapitre préliminaire où l’on situera
dans son contexte – celui du médioplatonisme – le
débat sur le divorce entre logos et theos et où l’on en re-
cherchera les prémisses chez Platon, Aristote et dans
la spéculation pythagorisante.

approx. 300 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020                approx. 500 p., 3 b/w ills, 210 x 297 mm, 2020,             approx. 230 p., 150 x 210 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-57554-4                                        ISBN 978-2-503-58484-3                                      ISBN 978-2-503-58845-2
Paperback: approx. € 90                                       Paperback: approx. € 110                                    Paperback: approx. € 85
Série: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 26                   Series: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 27                Série: Monothéismes et Philosophie, vol. 29

PHILOSOPHY NEW TITLES 2020 - Brepols Publishers
       Publications of the Center of Studies of Descartes and the Seventeenth Century
       The Age of Descartes is a book series devoted to Descartes, Cartesianism, and seventeenth-century philosophy, which aims to cover this crucial stage in the History
       of Philosophy as fully as possible. In order to do so, the series seeks (a) also to include studies on scientific topics (including mathematical ones), rather than
       focusing exclusively on metaphysical and epistemological themes, and (b) to approach Cartesian and seventeenth-century philosophy both from the point of
       view of the History of Philosophy and from a more technical philosophical perspective, without prioritising either of both perspectives.

    La démonstration de                                              Occasionalism:                                           Physiology of the Soul
    l’existence de Dieu                                              From Metaphysics to Science                              Mind, Body and Matter in the Galenic
    Les conclusions des cinq voies de                                Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero, Mariangela Priarolo,     Tradition of the Late Renaissance
                                                                     Emanuela Scribano (eds)
    Thomas d’Aquin et la preuve a priori                                                                                      (1550-1630)
    dans le thomisme du XVIIe siècle                                                                                          Fabrizio Bigotti
                                                                     Traditionally interpreted as an outcome of Cartesian
    Igor Agostini
                                                                     dualism, in recent years occasionalism has undergone
    Dans l’histoire du thomisme, le XVIIe siècle constitue,          serious reassessment. Scholars have shi�ted their        How did late-Renaissance physicians and philoso-
    aujourd’hui encore, une période peu étudiée et mal               focus from the post-Cartesian debates on the mind-       phers move beyond accepted patterns in developing
    connue, du moins si on la compare aux siècles pré-               body problem to earlier discussions of body-body         Galen’s philosophical legacy?
    cédents. Tenter de combler cette lacune à partir d’un            issues or even to the problem of causation as such.
    thème capital, le débat portant sur la quaestio II de la         Occasionalism appears less and less a cheap solution     This study looks at the ways in which physicians and
    Prima pars de la Summa theologiae dans le thomisme               to the mind-problem and more and more a family of        philosophers developed Galen’s philosophical legacy
    du XVIIe siècle, tel est l’objet de ce livre. L’enquête s’y      theories on causation, which share the fundamental       at the end of the Renaissance, and shows how their
    déroule en deux parties : la première porte sur le pro-          claim that all genuine causal powers belong to God.      reading of classical medical texts moved beyond ac-
    blème de la valeur des conclusions des cinq voies à              So why did the most spectacular emergence of occa-       cepted patterns and conventions.
    partir de la problématique soulevée par Cajétan ; la se-         sionalism take place precisely in the post-Cartesian     By challenging a traditional historiographical account
    conde, sur la discussion de la possibilité d’une démons-         era? How did the scientific revolution and the need       that described Renaissance Galenism in terms of
    tration a priori de l’existence de Dieu. Ces deux contro-        to fight back against the early modern resurgence of      decline and fall, this study argues for a new assess-
    verses sont parmi les plus intenses concernant le débat          naturalism contribute to the success of occasionalist    ment of Galen’s legacy, also read through the lens of
    multiforme sur l’existence de Dieu dans la scolastique           doctrines?                                               those who opposed or reacted critically to it and thus
    du XVIIe siècle, mais aussi de la théologie dominicaine          This book provides a historical and theoretical map      contributed to the shaping of important aspects of
    de l’époque, qui joue, dans l’une comme dans l’autre,            of occasionalism in all its various forms, with a spe-   the early modern debate on anthropology, ethics,
    un rôle de premier plan ; de façon prévisible, peut-être,        cial focus on its seventeenth-century supporters, ad-    psychology and even quantified experimentation.
    dans le premier cas, dans un débat qui tient son origine         versaries, and polemical targets. These include not      Among these many innovations and transformations,
    d’un auteur dominicain, et de façon imprévisible dans            only canonical authors such as Cordemoy, La Forge,       the notion of ‘ingenuity’ (ingenium) deserves particular
    le second, en raison de la pénétration, parmi les dis-           Malebranche, Spinoza, and Leibniz, but also less ex-     attention. Hidden within this corporeal, inherent and
    ciples de saint Thomas eux-mêmes, de la preuve a priori          plored figures such as Clauberg, Clerselier, Fénelon,     heritable inclination, two major themes that side dis-
    au sein de l’article 2 de la quaestio II de la première partie   Fernel, Régis, and Regius. Furthermore, the book         quietingly with the development of modern subjec-
    de la Summa theologiae, texte canonique pour la thèse            covers the earlier Arabic and Scholastic sources of      tivity can be identified: the ‘corporeality of the body’,
    de la démontrabilité a posteriori de l’existence de Dieu.        occasionalism and its later developments in Berkeley,    and the common destiny of humans and animals.
    Review                                                           Wol�f, and Hume.                                         More generally, this study o�fers a contribution to the
    «Dans cet ouvrage monumental, Igor Agostini retrace                                                                       ongoing debate on the role and value of medical histo-
    et explique, avec un grand luxe de précision analytique          Table of Contents:                       ry, arguing in favour of the concept of ‘historical trans-
    et une érudition historique impressionante, l’évolution                                                                   latability’ in balancing the longue durée of traditions
    de deux problématiques liées l’une et l’autre à l’inter-                                                                  with the chaotic interactions of individual thinkers.
    prétation de la question 2 de la Prima pars pendant la
    période du thomisme «moderne».(...)».                                                                                     Table of Contents:
                       (S.-T. Bonino dans la Revue Thomiste)

    704 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017,                                      293 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,                              366 p., 34 b/w ill. + 19 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,
    ISBN 978-2-503-56578-1                                           ISBN 978-2-503-57817-0                                   ISBN 978-2-503-58161-3
    Paperback: € 105                                                 Paperback: € 65                                          Paperback: € 77
    Série: The Age of Descartes, vol. 1                              Series: The Age of Descartes, vol. 2                     Series: The Age of Descartes, vol. 3
    DISPONIBLE                                                       AVAILABLE                                                AVAILABLE

                                                                Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity
                                                                Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia. Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity publishes
                                                                reference works and seminal studies on patristic and medieval authors and subjects. It welcomes all
                                                                studies that are instrumental to research on the inheritance of Christianity before 1500 AD.

Les Passions de l’âme et leur                               Philosopher-monks, episcopal                                 Les formes laïques de la philosophie
réception philosophique                                     authority, and the care of the self                          Raymond Lulle dans l’histoire
Giulia Belgioioso, Vincent Carraud (éd.)                    The Apophthegmata Patrum in                                  de la philosophie médiévale
                                                            fi�th-century Palestine                                       Dominique de Courcelles (éd.)
The articles collected in this volume approach              Zachary B. Smith
Descartes’ Passions de l’âme from both a historical-phil-                                                                Si les auteurs de la philosophie médiévale sont ma-
ological and a theoretical-philosophical point of view.                                                                  joritairement des clercs qui écrivent en latin, de nou-
The volume thus aims to provide an innovative contri-       Zachary B. Smith reads the Apophthegmata Patrum              veaux lieux institutionnels des savoirs se développent
bution to our understanding of this work.                   in the philosophical and political contexts of late          peu à peu dans toute l’Europe à la fin du Moyen Âge
                                                            antique Palestine. He explores how the compiler              et dans la première modernité, permettant l’existence
With contributions by Giulia Belgioioso, Vincent            asserts monastic autonomy from ecclesiastics by in-          de formes philosophiques proprement laïques ; une
Carraud, Dominik Perler, Igor Agostini, Annie Bitbol-       corporating classical and late antique philosophical         redéfinition de l’objet philosophique en ses formes et
Hespériès, Franco A. Meschini, Alexandre Guimarães          categories, and by selectively presenting problemat-         ses matières s’impose alors.
Tadeu de Soares, Erik-Jan Bos, Corinna Vermeulen,           ic interactions between monks and ecclesiastics.             Autodidacte, philosophe et théologien, poète,
Gilles Olivo, Jean-Luc Marion, Denis Kambouchner,                                                                        Raymond Lulle invente de nouvelles formes d’écriture
Hiroaki Yamada, Xavier Kie�t, Pablo Pavesi, Theo            This volume explores the Apophthegmata Patrum in the         de la philosophie, romanesque, poétique, invitant à
Verbeek, Domenico Collacciani, Giuliano Gasparri,           context of church-monastery dynamics in fi�th-centu-          oublier toute distinction entre philosophie et littéra-
Roger Ariew, Laure Verhaeghe, Alberto Frigo, Laurence       ry Palestine. Positing that the AP was compiled in re-       ture pour mieux proposer un art dynamique et systé-
Renault, Frédéric Manzini, Tad M. Schmaltz, Gábor           sponse to perceived external interference, Zachary B.        matique. Les études ici réunies contribuent à donner
Boros, Antonella Del Prete, Alessandra Fusciardi,           Smith provides the first examination of the AP in its         à l’œuvre de Raymond Lulle la place qui lui revient
Francesco Tommasi, Dominique Pradelle, Wojciech             Palestinian context, illuminating monastic strategies        dans l’histoire de la philosophie médiévale et de cette
Starzyński, Dan Arbib, Grégori Jean, Yves Pouliquen         for resisting episcopal control. Engaging literary and       philosophie alternative, celle des laïcs, trop souvent
                                                            historical methods, this volume weaves a narrative           méconnue.
Table of Contents:                          that places the AP squarely in the political and phil-
                                                            osophical worlds of the eastern Mediterranean in late        Table des matières:
                                                            antiquity. The AP’s compiler carefully selects stories to
                                                            highlight problematic interactions between monks
                                                            and ecclesiastics. He then appeals to classical and late
                                                            antique philosophical categories of self-care to assert
                                                            monastic autonomy, making the monks the new phi-
                                                            losophers. In the context of contentious theological
                                                            debates during the fourth and fi�th centuries, these
                                                            selected interactions and assertions tacitly advocate a
                                                            path of monastic autonomy.

approx. 710 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,                         327 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                  256 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-58452-2                                      ISBN 978-2-503-57888-0                                       ISBN 978-2-503-58013-5
Paperback: approx. € 110                                    Hardback: € 90                                               Hardback: € 70
Série: The Age of Descartes, vol. 4                         Series: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 80       Série: Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, vol. 81
PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2020                   AVAILABLE                                                    DISPONIBLE

        Publications of the Société Internationale pour l’étude de la Philosophie Médiévale.

    Legitimation of Political Power                            La ragione e la norma                                       Epikur im lateinischen Mittelalter
    in Medieval Thought                                        Dibattiti attorno alla legge naturale                       Mit einer kritischen Edition des X. Buches
    Acts of the XIX Annual Colloquium of                       fra XII e XIII secolo                                       der Vitae philosophorum des Diogenes
    the Société Internationale pour l’Étude                    Riccardo Saccenti                                           Laertios in der lateinischen Übersetzung
    de la Philosophie Médiévale Alcalá,                                                                                    von Ambrogio Traversari (1433)
    18-20 September 2013                                       La legge naturale rappresenta un elemento centra-           Christian Kaiser
    Celia López Alcaide, Josep Puig Montada,                   le nello sviluppo della cultura del medioevo latino.
    Pedro Roche Arnas † (eds)                                  Frutto della rilettura di un’antica tradizione stoica       Die Studie liefert im ersten Teil erstmalig eine um-
                                                               e del diritto romano alla luce di alcuni passi della        fassende historisch-systematische, monographische
    What makes political power legitimate? Without             Scrittura, in particolare del capitolo secondo dell’E-      Aufarbeitung der Rolle Epikurs in der Philosophie-,
    legitimation, subjects will not accept power, and,         pistola ai Romani di Paolo, questa idea diviene uno         Kultur- und Ideengeschichte des lateinischen
    since religion permeated medieval society, religion        dei pilastri del discorso giuridico, politico e teolo-      Mittelalters (von Isidor von Sevilla bis zum Ende des
    became foundational to philosophical legitimations         gico a partire dal XII secolo. Il volume ricostruisce le    15. Jahrhunderts). Quellennah werden viele mittel-
    of political power. In 2013, the XIX Annual Colloquium     forme molteplici nelle quali la legge di natura viene       alterliche Denker von Rang und Namen besprochen.
    of the International Society for the Study of Medieval     a�frontata da canonisti e civilisti, esegeti e teologi in   Neben der Philosophie im engeren Sinne wird auch
    Philosophy took place in Alcalá de Henares, one of         un contesto nel quale prende forma la grande cultura        die Bedeutung, die Epikurs Denken im theologischen,
    the medieval centers of political debate within and        scolastica e inizia a muovere i primi passi l’istituzione   medizinischen und poetologischen Diskurs innehatte,
    between Jewish, Christian and Muslim communi-              universitaria. Lo studio mostra come questi molteplici      eingehend beleuchtet. Durch diese Fülle wird es jetzt
    ties. The members of these communities all shared          orientamenti dialogano fra loro e al tempo stesso ri-       erstmals möglich, ein fundiertes Bild über das mittel-
    the common belief that God constitutes the remote          spondono ad un quadro storico e religioso particolar-       alterliche Wissen zur epikureischen Philosophie – das
    or proximate cause of legitimation. Yet, beyond this       mente vivace e magmatico, segnato dalla costruzione         sehr viel detaillierter und facettenreicher war als bis-
    common belief, they di�fered significantly in their         della monarchia papale, dal tentativo di definire una        her allgemein angenommen – und vor allem zu deren
    points of departure and how their arguments evolved.       ideologia imperiale di portata universale e dall’emer-      systematischer Funktion innerhalb der mittelalterli-
    For instance, the debate among Western Christians in       gere delle monarchie europee, a partire da quella           chen Denkgebäude zu gewinnen. Der zweite Teil bie-
    the con�lict between secular power and Papal author-       francese. Un panorama variegato nel quale gli scritti       tet die kritische und kommentierte Edition der ersten
    ity sowed the seeds for a secular basis of legitimacy.     di Abelardo, dei maestri di Laon, dei Vittorini e dei       lateinischen Übersetzung des X. Buches des Diogenes
    The volume re�lects the results of the colloquium.         maestri di Chartres, assieme a quelli di Graziano e dei     Laertios, die Ambrogio Traversari 1433 fertiggestellt
    Many contributions focus on key Christian thinkers         canonisti, e successivamente di maestri parigini come       hatte. Diese Übersetzung bildete den Grundlagentext
    such as Marsilius of Padua, Thomas Aquinas, John           Langton, Giovanni de La Rochelle e Alberto Magno            für die Epikur-Rezeption der Renaissance und Frühen
    Quidort of Paris, Giles of Rome, Dante, and William        fissano i termini di un lessico, il perimetro di una di-     Neuzeit. Für die Edition wurden neben Traversaris
    of Ockham; other studies focus on major authors            scussione destinata ad essere ripresa e ridefinita nei       Autograph 16 weitere Handschri�ten aus dem 15.
    from the Jewish and Muslim traditions, such as             decenni successivi e declinata in forme molteplici non      Jahrhundert sowie die Editio princeps von Marchese
    Maimonides and Alfarabi. Finally, several papers fo-       solo lungo i secoli del Medioevo ma anche lungo tutta       (ohne Epigramme; ca. 1472) und die zweite Edition
    cus on lesser-known but no less important figures           l’età moderna.                                              von Brugnoli (erstmals mit lat. Übersetzung der
    for the history of political thought: Manegold of
                                                                                                                           Epigramme; 1. Au�lage 1475) herangezogen.
    Lautenbach, Ptolemy of Lucca, Guido Terrena, John of
    Viterbo, Pierre de Ce�fons, John Wyclif and Pierre de
    Plaoul. The contributions rely on original texts, giving
    the readers a fresh insight into these issues.

    Table of Contents:

    xii + 456 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                          xii + 358 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,                           viii + 493 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019,
    ISBN 978-2-503-58018-0                                     ISBN 978-2-503-58654-0                                      ISBN 978-2-503-58769-1
    Paperback: € 70                                            Hardback: € 65                                              Hardback: € 70
    Series: Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 17       Series: Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 18        Series: Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 19
    AVAILABLE                                                  AVAILABLE                                                   AVAILABLE

                                                                   The Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis comprises Christian texts from the Carolingian
                                                                   era to the end of the Middle Ages. It also includes works absent from Migne’s Patrologia Latina or
                                                                   published elsewhere in a deficient way.

The Origin and Nature of                                    Anonymus, Petrus Abaelardus                                        Iohannes Duns Scotus
Language and Logic                                          Glossae super Peri hermeneias II                                   Notabilia super Metaphysicam
Perspectives in Medieval Islamic,                           Glossae «Doctrinae sermonum»;                                      Giorgio Pini
Jewish, and Christian Thought                               De propositionibus modalibus                                       John Duns Scotus’s Notabilia super Metaphysicam
Nadja Germann, Steven Harvey (eds)                          Peter King, Klaus Jacobi, Christian Strub
                                                                                                                               comprises a series of remarks on Bks. II–X and XII of
                                                                                                                               Aristotle’s Metaphysics. The extant evidence points to
A wide-ranging, cross-cultural approach to the study        The twel�th-century anonymous Glossae «Doctrinae                   their originally being either marginal notes on Duns
of medieval philosophy of language and thought,             sermonum» presents a commentary on Aristotle’s Peri                Scotus’s own copy of the Metaphysics or scrapbook en-
semantics and logic – fields that deeply engaged             hermeneias that makes extensive use of Peter Abaelard’s            tries linked to the relevant portions of Aristotle’s text
Islamic, Jewish, and Christian philosophers, theolo-        own commentary, as well as drawing on other contem-                by caption letters. It appears that Duns Scotus kept
gians, and grammarians over the centuries.                  porary sources. In addition to its historical value – the          adding to those notes in the course of his career.
                                                            author apparently made use of an earlier version of                The Notabilia o�fers a unique perspective on Duns
The annual colloquium of the SIEPM in Freiburg,             Abaelard’s commentary than we now possess – it is of               Scotus’s interpretation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. It also
Germany, was groundbreaking in that it featured a           philosophical interest in its own right. The author o�fers         contains several original insights on key philosophical
more or less equal number of talks on all three me-         his own theory of true and false understandings, criti-            issues.
dieval cultures that contributed to the formation of        cizing the theory put forward by Abaelard, and o�fers              This work disappeared from circulation at Duns
Western philosophical thought, the Islamic, Jewish,         his own analysis of modal logic. The text is a «mixed              Scotus’s death and was consequently thought to have
and Christian traditions. Indeed, the subject of the        commentary» since it combines careful exegesis of                  been lost. Several cross-references to and from other
colloquium, ‘The Origin and Nature of Language              Aristotle with independent self-contained analyses of              writings by Duns Scotus demonstrate both that the
and Logic in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian        philosophical issues raised by Aristotle’s text. In cov-           Notabilia here edited for the first time is a genuine
Thought’, lent itself to such a cross-cultural approach.    ering the Peri hermeneias, the Glossae «Doctrinae sermo-           work by Duns Scotus and that it is his allegedly lost
In all these traditions, partially inspired by ancient      num» deals with issues in philosophical semantics, the             commentary on the Metaphysics.
Greek philosophy, partially by other sources, language      philosophy of mind, and logic in both its assertoric and           The current edition is based on the two extant wit-
and thought, semantics and logic occupied a central         modal forms.                                                       nesses, manuscript M (Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana,
place. As a result, the chapters of the present volume      The text of Peter Abelard’s Glossae super Peri herme-              C 62 Sup., f. 51ra-98rb), which contains the text in
e�fortlessly traverse philosophical, religious, cultural,   neias (see CC CM, 206) is transmitted completely only              its entirety, and manuscript V (Città del Vaticano,
and linguistic boundaries and thus in many respects         in manuscript B (Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer             Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 2182, f. 58vb-
open up new perspectives. It should not be surprising       Kulturbesitz, lat. fol 624). In manuscript A (Milano,              60ra), which contains Bks. II–IV in what is probably an
if readers delight in chapters of a philosophical tradi-    Biblioteca Ambrosiana M 63 sup.) the scribe breaks o�f             older stage of the text.
tion outside of their own as much as they do in those       in the middle of the extended analysis of modal prop-
in their area of expertise.                                 ositions, which precedes the commentary to Chapter
Among the topics discussed are the significance of           XII. A�ter a few empty lines there follows an indepen-
language for logic; the origin of language: inspiration     dent short treatise on modalities, which certainly is
or convention; imposition or coinage; the existence of      not a work of Abelard. The text shows that the theory
an original language; the correctness of language; and      of modal propositions was of great interest not only for
many more.                                                  Abelard, but for a wider circle of philosophers in the
                                                            twel�th century as well.
Table of Contents:

xiv + 422 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,                           lxxiv + 274 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2017,                                lxxii + 256 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2018,
ISBN 978-2-503-58892-6                                      ISBN 978-2-503-55468-6                                             ISBN 978-2-503-57785-2
Hardback: approx. € 68                                      Hardback: € 195                                                    Hardback: € 190
Series: Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 20        Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 206A   Series: Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 287
PUBLICATION SCHEDULED FOR SPRING 2020                       AVAILABLE                                                          AVAILABLE

         Studies in Late Antique, Medieval and Renaissance Thought / Studi sul pensiero tardoantico, medievale umanistico.
         The monographic and miscellaneous studies published in this series aim at deepening our critical knowledge of the history of philosophical, theological and
         scientific thought in late antique, medieval and humanistic times.

     Le De scientiis Alfarabii de Gérard                           Anselmo d’Aosta e il pensiero                                 Bernard de Clairvaux et la
     de Crémone. Contribution aux                                  monastico medievale                                           philosophie des cisterciens
     problèmes de l’acculturation                                  Luigi Catalani, Renato de Filippis (eds)                      du XIIe siècle
     au XIIe siècle                                                                                                              Christian Trottmann
     Alain Galonnier                                               This volume collects the papers read by more than
                                                                   twenty Italian and German scholars at the eighteenth          Can we identify Bernard of Clairvaux as a philo-
     Gérard de Crémone (XIIe s.) fut un traducteur possédé         congress of the Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero   sopher? Can we speak of a Cistercian school in the
     par une passion acculturante à laquelle il n’eut de cesse     Medievale (SISPM) and focused on the thought and in-          12th century?
     de tout sacrifier. Adepte de la traduction dite « mimé-        �luence of Anselm of Aosta (1033-1109), one of the key
     tique », il constitue l’un des maillons essentiels de la      figures of the philosophy and theology of the Middle           Les auteurs cisterciens sont généralement classés en
     chaîne des savoirs scientifiques et philosophiques mé-         Ages. The collected essays are devoted to present the         ascétique et mystique. À propos de saint Bernard, on a
     diévaux, qui se révèle déterminant pour préciser la ma-       main aspects of Anselm’s speculation, focusing on:            parlé de sa théologie mystique (Étienne Gilson), mo-
     nière dont l’ensemble des courants intellectuels grec,        his theological perspectives, his methodology for the         nastique (Jean Leclercq), de son rapport à la philoso-
     arabe et latin ont joué l’un sur l’autre dans la di�fusion,   construction of a systematic and rationally knowl-            phie (Rémi Brague); ce livre pose la question : Bernard
     l’assimilation et la transformation des instruments, mé-      edge, and the value of his pedagogic approach, his            de Clairvaux, philosophe ? Rappelant son ancrage
     thodes et systèmes de pensée. À ce titre, sa version (De      politics re�lections, his idea of monasticism and his         dans le courant origénien du socratisme chrétien,
     scientiis) du Recensement des sciences d’al-Fārābī ([Kitab]   logical competences. Many papers are also consecrat-          il examine l’in�lexion particulière qu’il imprime à ce
     Ihsā’ al-‘ulūm) est d’autant plus intéressante qu’elle        ed to the widespread and diversified in�luence of his          courant autour de trois moments essentiels : humili-
     entra en concurrence directe avec celle de son contem-        legacy: traces of his philosophy and his questioning          té, charité, contemplation. Trois chapitres sont consa-
     porain et rival Dominicus Gundissalinus, partisan             method are easily recognizable in the greatest think-         crés à ces étapes du cheminement philosophique de
     d’une traduction dite « confiscatrice ». En procurant la       ers of the twel�th century (starting from Abelard and         Bernard, un quatrième à la volonté dans sa grandeur
     première editio maior, fondée sur 4 manuscrits « com-         Hugues of Saint-Victor) up to Duns Scotus and even to         infinie dont héritera Descartes, mais aussi dans sa
     plets », traduite et annotée, notre intention est d’appor-    Nicolaus de Cusa.                                             faiblesse, et le cistercien est presque l’inventeur de
     ter une contribution non seulement à l’élaboration du         Because of the variety of research approaches and the         l’infirmitas voluntatis bien avant les développements
     corpus gérardien, mais aussi à l’histoire des processus       deepness and attention of the philosophical/theolog-          de Donald Davidson.
     acculturants au Moyen Âge. Dans l’importante étude            ical analyses of the single papers, the volume wants          Bernard fait-il école ? Nouvelle question non moins
     qui la précède, la confrontation des traductions gérar-       to become a milestone of the studies on Anselm, his           audacieuse, ouvrant la seconde partie. Pas de
     dienne et gondissalinienne nous a entre autres permis,        times and his interpretation of the world.                    Bernardini au sens où l’on vit �leurir à Paris Adamiti,
     en évaluant la distance qui les sépare l’une de l’autre,                                                                    Robertini et autres fans d’Abélard. Les cisterciens qui
     de mesurer toute l’incidence qu’un même contexte so-                                                                        ont choisi de s’enfermer au cloître sont trop libres pour
                                                                   Table of Contents:                            se laisser asservir à la pensée d’un maître. Pourtant les
     cio-culturel peut avoir sur deux sensibilités d’érudit de
     nature assez di�férente, voire opposée, et de montrer                                                                       grands traits de son Socratisme Chrétien se retrouvent
     en quoi et dans quelle proportion elle a pu condition-                                                                      chez les plus proches de son cœur (Aelred de Rievaulx,
     ner l’histoire de la réception du texte farabien dans la                                                                    Guerric d’Igny, Geo�froy d’Auxerre), comme aussi chez
     tradition latine des XIIIe et XIVe siècles principalement.                                                                  les plus philosophes de ses frères (Isaac de l’Étoile,
                                                                                                                                 Garnier de Rochefort, Hélinand de Froidmont). On
     Review                                                                                                                      les reconnaît encore, déformés à des degrés divers
     “Insgesamt liegt mit dieser Ausgabe die maßgebliche                                                                         chez des satellites de l’ordre : convergents comme
     Edition nebst gründlichem Kommentar von Gerhards                                                                            Guillaume de Saint-Thierry ou Alain de Lille, diver-
     lateinischer Übertragung vor. ”                                                                                             gents comme Joachim de Flore.
             (Christof Paulus, dans Francia-Recensio, 1, 2018)

     374 p., 2 col. ills, 160 x 240 mm, 2017,                      586 p., 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                      approx. 720 p., 1 col. ill., 160 x 240 mm, 2020,
     ISBN 978-2-503-52860-1                                        ISBN 978-2-503-54840-1                                        ISBN 978-2-503-58528-4
     Paperback: € 100                                              Paperback: € 120                                              Paperback: approx. € 110
     Série: Nutrix, vol. 9                                         Series: Nutrix, vol. 11                                       Série: Nutrix, vol. 12
     DISPONIBLE                                                    AVAILABLE                                                     PUBLICATION PRÉVUE POUR LE PRINTEMPS 2020

    This series presents groundbreaking work in two areas of ancient philosophy, Hellenistic and Roman. This investigation of the distinctive traits of both Hellenistic
    and Roman philosophy and their points of intersection constitutes a highly valuable research program.

Eschine di Sfetto                                               Plato Latinus                                                Penser l’individu
Tutte le testimonianze                                          Aspects de la transmission de Platon                         Genèse stoïcienne de la subjectivité
Francesca Pentassuglio                                          en latin dans l’Antiquité                                    Marion Bourbon
                                                                Carlos Lévy, Jean-Baptiste Guillaumin (éd.)
The first Italian translation of all Aeschines’ frag-                                                                         Une genèse de la conception stoïcienne de l’indivi-
ments                                                           Recueil d’études sur la présence du platonisme dans          duation
                                                                la littérature latine antique
                                                                                                                             Par quel prodige une philosophie matérialiste et na-
Di Eschine di Sfetto, come di tutti gli altri Socratici a
                                                                Si Platon constitue, pour les auteurs latins, une au-        turaliste qui posait tout à la fois l’unité du continuum
eccezione di Platone e Senofonte, non è pervenuta
                                                                torité et une figure de référence, la philosophie “pla-       cosmique et l’existence du destin a-t-elle pu donner
alcuna opera completa. Abbiamo tuttavia testimo-
                                                                tonicienne” a connu, de l’époque tardo-républicaine          naissance à une conception forte de l’individu, et de
nianza di sette dialoghi “socratici”, conservati in stato
                                                                à l’Antiquité tardive, de nombreuses adaptations et          cet individu singulier qu’est le sujet humain? Tel est le
frammentario: l’Alcibiade, l’Aspasia, il Milziade, il Callia,
                                                                réinterprétations dans la littérature latine, de l’œuvre     paradoxe que nous cherchons ici à éclairer. Sur près de
il Telauge, l’Assioco e il Rinone.
                                                                pionnière d’un Cicéron à la somme théorique léguée           cinq siècles, le stoïcisme construit en e�fet une combi-
Il presente studio sui Sokratikoi logoi di Eschine pre-
                                                                au Moyen Âge par un Boèce. De fait, durant cet inter-        natoire notionnelle et conceptuelle inédite qui n’avait
senta una raccolta di tutte le testimonianze antiche
                                                                valle de quelque six siècles, les auteurs qui se récla-      jamais été jusque-là à ce point unifiée pour penser
sulla biografia e sugli scritti del Socratico, per la prima
                                                                ment de Platon adoptent successivement di�férentes           l’individu, depuis sa forme commune à tous les vi-
volta integralmente tradotte in italiano. Corredata da
                                                                attitudes philosophiques à l’égard du corpus plato-          vants jusqu’à la spécificité radicale de l’individuation
un ampio commentario storico-filologico, la raccolta
                                                                nicien et recourent à toute une gamme de genres et           humaine, celle de la subjectivité. C’est cette genèse
include alcune nuove testimonianze che sono state
                                                                de formes littéraires pour en exposer les contours. Ils      de la subjectivité que nous nous attachons à recons-
aggiunte al corpus e che contribuiscono ad arricchire
                                                                se sont montrés fidèles en cela à la tradition platoni-       truire en montrant comment le passage du stoïcisme
la comprensione dei dialoghi eschinei.
                                                                cienne qui, dès l’origine, a refusé de se figer dans une      à Rome y a joué un rôle décisif. Les stoïciens n’ont ain-
I testi sono introdotti da uno studio di carattere sto-
                                                                orthodoxie dogmatique. Sans prétendre à l’exhaus-            si cessé de penser la di�férence irréductible du sujet
rico-filosofico, volto ad approfondire la figura e la
                                                                tivité, les di�férentes contributions réunies dans ce        humain, sans jamais renoncer à poser la continuité
biografia di Eschine, nonché a definire il suo statuto
                                                                volume cherchent à apporter des éclairages complé-           profonde du vivant. C’est dire que dans l’appropriation
come fonte sul pensiero di Socrate. Contestuale all’a-
                                                                mentaires sur les di�férents moments du platonisme           rationnelle à soi-même, l’individualité du vivant se
nalisi dei singoli dialoghi, di cui sono ricostruiti per
                                                                latin et sur la variété des approches qui le caracté-        trouve transformée dans un usage personnel du logos
quanto possibile la struttura e l’argomento, è l’inda-
                                                                risent, mettant ainsi en évidence la richesse protéi-        auquel la nature destine en propre les humains.
gine sui principali motivi filosofici trattati, che costi-
tuiscono spesso veri e propri topoi della letteratura           forme du Plato Latinus.
socratica: il ruolo della ricchezza e il valore della po-
                                                                Table des matières:
vertà, il rapporto tra virtù e conoscenza, la cura di sé e,
soprattutto, il legame tra eros e paideia.                      Review
                                                                “(…) Plato Latinus indicates that there is exciting work
                                                                being done with respect to the Latin reception of Platonic
                                                                philosophy and shows there are many more avenues still
                                                                to be pursued.”
                                                                        (Matthew Watton, in Phoenix, 72/3-4, 2019, p. 402)

672 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                     340 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                  424 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020,
ISBN 978-2-503-57774-6                                          ISBN 978-2-503-57789-0                                       ISBN 978-2-503-58443-0
Paperback: € 110                                                Paperback: € 95                                              Paperback: € 85
Series: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine /                  Série: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine /                Série: Philosophie hellénistique et romaine /
        Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, vol. 7                       Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, vol. 8                     Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, vol. 9
AVAILABLE                                                       DISPONIBLE                                                   DISPONIBLE

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