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                               Philosophical Magazine Letters
                               Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

                               Specific heat and low-field magnetocaloric effect in A-site ordered
                               PrBaMn2O6 manganite
                               A. M. Alieva; A. G. Gamzatova; A. B. Batdalova; V. S. Kalitkab; A. R. Kaulb
                                 Laboratory of Low Temperature Physics, Amirkhanov Institute of Physics of Dagestan Scientific
                               Center of RAS, Makhachkala 367003, Russia b Material Science Department, Moscow State University,
                               119899 Moscow, Russia

                               First published on: 22 February 2011

To cite this Article Aliev, A. M. , Gamzatov, A. G. , Batdalov, A. B. , Kalitka, V. S. and Kaul, A. R.(2011) 'Specific heat and
low-field magnetocaloric effect in A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganite', Philosophical Magazine Letters, 91: 5, 354 —
360, First published on: 22 February 2011 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/09500839.2011.560581

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Philosophical Magazine Letters
                                                           Vol. 91, No. 5, May 2011, 354–360

                                                              Specific heat and low-field magnetocaloric effect in A-site ordered
                                                                                   PrBaMn2O6 manganite
                                                              A.M. Alieva, A.G. Gamzatova*, A.B. Batdalova, V.S. Kalitkab and A.R. Kaulb
                                                                Laboratory of Low Temperature Physics, Amirkhanov Institute of Physics of Dagestan
                                                              Scientific Center of RAS, Makhachkala 367003, Russia; bMaterial Science Department,
                                                                                 Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia
                                                                            (Received 16 April 2010; final version received 2 February 2011)

                                                                     The specific heat and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of A-site ordered
                                                                     PrBaMn2O6 manganite have been studied. The anomalies caused by the
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                                                                     ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase transitions are
                                                                     revealed in the specific heat curve. Direct and inverse MCE are observed at
                                                                     the Curie and Néel points correspondingly. A value of the inverse MCE in
                                                                     the heating run is smaller than in the cooling regime. We attribute this
                                                                     effect to the competition between FM and AFM interactions. A significant
                                                                     advantage of PrBaMn2O6 as a magnetocaloric material is an MCE
                                                                     spanning a broad range of temperature with a maximum at room
                                                                     Keywords: manganite; magnetocaloric effect; specific heat

                                                           1. Introduction
                                                           Recenly, half-doped manganite perovskites with A-site order have attracted interest
                                                           owing to their novel physical properties [1–4]. RBaMn2O6 displays remarkable
                                                           features: a charge/orbital order (CO) transition at relatively high temperatures, a new
                                                           stacking variation of the CE-type CO with fourfold periodicity along the c-axis, the
                                                           presence of a structural transition possibly accompanied by dx2y2 orbital order and
                                                           an electronic phase segregation. The physical properties of A-site-ordered
                                                           PrBaMn2O6 manganites are strongly dependent on an ordering of Pr and Ba
                                                           cations [5]. However, the nature of the occurrence of the cation–ordered state in
                                                           Ba-substituted manganites is not entirely understood. Such ordering does not occur
                                                           for Ca- or Sr-substituted manganites.
                                                               In PrBaMn2O6 two phases are observed – a ferromagnetic (FM) phase with
                                                           TC ¼ 310–320 K and an A-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase with
                                                           TN ¼ 200–270 K. Such a spread of critical temperatures results from an important
                                                           dependence of the physical properties of these materials on the synthesis
                                                           conditions [6,7].

                                                           *Corresponding author. Email:

                                                           ISSN 0950–0839 print/ISSN 1362–3036 online
                                                           ß 2011 Taylor & Francis
                                                           DOI: 10.1080/09500839.2011.560581
Philosophical Magazine Letters                          355

                                                           Figure 1. Powder XRD pattern of PrBaMn2O2 manganite.
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                                                           2. Results and discussion
                                                           A ceramic sample of PrBaMn2O6 was prepared by the chemical homogenization
                                                           method. Ash-free paper filters were saturated with a stoichiometric mixture of nitrate
                                                           solutions of Pr, Ba and Mn and dried at 100 C. These were then combusted and
                                                           annealed. The obtained powder was compressed into pellets and annealed at 1100 C
                                                           in an Ar flow for 20 h. As a result, Pr0.5Ba0.5MnO3 manganite was obtained without
                                                           A-cation ordering. The pellets were annealed in a closed ampoule at 1100 C and
                                                           P(O2) ¼ 10–19 atm for 20 h. The partial pressure of oxygen P(O2) was obtained by a
                                                           Fe/FeO getter, held at a temperature of 800 C. Thereby A-site-ordered PrBaMn2O5
                                                           manganite was generated. In order to fill the oxygen vacancies, annealing were
                                                           carried out at 500 C in an O2 flow for 5 h. Finally, PrBaMn2O5.97(1) manganite was
                                                           obtained. The oxygen stoichiometric index was determined by iodometric titration.
                                                               From the powder X-ray diffraction data for PrBaMn2O5 sample (after annealing
                                                           in a reductive atmosphere), it can be seen in Figure 1 that the diffraction peaks of the
                                                           cubic perovskite subcell are split by tetragonal distortion. Also near 2 ¼ 11 a
                                                           (001/2) peak can be found, which proves the formation of a superlattice. All peaks in
                                                           this pattern belong to the manganite phase. The cell parameters for the oxidized
                                                           phase of PrBaMn2O6 were refined from the powder X-ray diffraction data (program
                                                           Jana2006) using a lattice-constrained full profile refinement. The X-ray diffraction
                                                           analysis confirms that the sample is of single phase. The unit-cell parameters are
                                                           a ¼ b ¼ 3.9007(1), c ¼ 7.7486(4) (P4mm group).
                                                               The magnetocaloric effect (MCE) measurements were carried out by a modu-
                                                           lation technique [8]. The essence of the method is as follows. A low-frequency
                                                           modulated magnetic field H ¼ H0cos!t (H0 is the field amplitude and ! is the
                                                           frequency) induces temperature oscillations in the sample given by T ¼ T0cos(!t þ ’),
                                                           where ’ is the phase shift of the temperature oscillations with respect to the magnetic
                                                           field oscillations. An alternate signal from a differential thermocouple glued
                                                           to the sample is detected with high accuracy by an SR830 lock-in amplifier.
356                                A.M. Aliev et al.

                                                           Figure 2. Temperature dependences of the magnetization at heating. Inset shows dM/dT(T ).
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                                                           In our experiments a modulated magnetic field with an amplitude up to 2000 Oe and
                                                           a frequency of 0.3 Hz was generated by an electromagnet and a power supply unit
                                                           with external control. A controlling AC voltage was supplied to the power supply
                                                           from the SR830. This technique allows the detection of change in the temperature
                                                           with an accuracy of 103 K.
                                                               The samples were 3  3  0.3 mm thin plates to which one of the junctions of a
                                                           differential chromel–constantan thermocouple with a wire diameter of 0.025 mm
                                                           were glued. To improve the thermal contact and reduce inertia, the junction was
                                                           flattened to a thickness of 3–5 mm. The magnetic field was directed along the sample
                                                           plane. The specific heat was measured by AC calorimetry.
                                                               The temperature dependence of the magnetization of PrBaMn2O6 on heating is
                                                           shown in Figure 2. On the basis of the Maxwell relation (see inset in Figure 2),
                                                           we can expect direct and inverse MCE at FM and AFM magnetostructural phase
                                                           transitions with nearly equal values.
                                                               The temperature dependence of the specific heat (Cp) of PrBaMn2O6 in a wide
                                                           temperature interval is shown in Figure 3. A high-temperature anomaly of the
                                                           specific heat with a maximum at T ¼ 308 K is caused by an FM phase transition.
                                                           On further decreasing the temperature, a second anomaly in the specific heat, with a
                                                           maxima at 214 K on cooling and at 243.6 K on heating, is found. This second
                                                           anomaly is caused by an AFM phase transition and is characterized by a wide
                                                           hysteresis (DT ¼ 30 K). The hysteresis indicates the first-order nature of the
                                                           transition. The wide extent of the hysteresis points to a significant change in the
                                                           structure at the AFM transition.
                                                               Figure 4a shows the temperature dependences of MCE in PrBaMn2O6 measured
                                                           by the modulation technique. The MCE maxima on all curves are near T ¼ 308 K
                                                           and amount to DT ¼ 0.051 K at a field change DH ¼ 750 Oe. To extrapolate the
                                                           low-field MCE values to high fields, we have measured the field dependence of the
                                                           MCE at 308 K (Figure 4a, inset). The field dependence of MCE in a ferromagnet
Philosophical Magazine Letters                            357

                                                           Figure 3. Temperature dependences of the specific heat of PrBaMn2O6 on cooling and heating
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                                                           near TC can be expressed as DS ¼ aH2=3 , where n ¼ 2/3 and a is a constant [9]. From
                                                           this it follows that DT  H2=3 in the vicinity of TC. Note that in the latter expression
                                                           any field dependence of the specific heat is not taken into account. Fitting our
                                                           experimental data gives n ¼ 0.90, and results in DT ¼ 0.67 K at a magnetic field
                                                           change of 11 kOe. This is the mean value of the MCE in manganites [10]. Though the
                                                           MCE in PrBaMn2O6 around the FM transition does not reach large values,
                                                           the transition width is more than 60 K even in low fields. It is important to note that
                                                           the effect is spread over a broad interval around room temperature, which offers a
                                                           significant advantage to PrBaMn2O6 as a magnetocaloric material.
                                                               More interesting behavior of the MCE is observed around the AFM transition
                                                           (Figures 4a and b). First, an inverse MCE is observed, which additionally confirms
                                                           the AFM nature of the transition in this temperature interval. As for the specific
                                                           heat, the temperature dependence of the MCE is also characterized by hysteresis.
                                                           The MCE value obtained in a heating run is smaller than that obtained in the cooling
                                                           run. Competition between AFM and FM ordering is suggested to be the reason
                                                           for this. The total value of the MCE can be presented as the sum DTtot ¼
                                                           DTFM þ DTAFM, where DTFM and DTAFM are magnetocaloric effects due to FM and
                                                           AFM processes correspondingly. Near the Néel point, DTtot ¼ DTAFM in the cooling
                                                           regime because DTFM ¼ 0, far from the Curie point in low fields. The total MCE
                                                           value on heating, DTtot, is the sum of DTAFM with negative sign and non-zero DTFM
                                                           with positive sign because the Curie point is close to the Néel point such that the
                                                           result is DTtot cooling 4 DTtot heating. With an increasing magnetic field, DTFM will
                                                           increase steadily, whereas DTAFM will increase until H 5 Hcr (Hcr is the critical
                                                           magnetic field which induces the AFM!FM transition). This leads to different
                                                           behavior of the MCE around the AFM transition on heating and cooling. The same
                                                           effect must be observed in a region near the FM transition but in a narrow interval of
                                                           temperature, slightly above the AFM transition, since AFM ordering will
                                                           rapidly decrease above TN. Such a picture is actually observed slightly above TN,
358                                 A.M. Aliev et al.

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                                                           Figure 4. (a) Temperature dependences of the MCE in PrBaMn2O6 at various magnetic field
                                                           changes. Inset shows field dependence of the MCE at T ¼ 308 K. (b) Temperature dependences
                                                           of the MCE in PrBaMn2O6 around the AFM transition on heating and cooling.

                                                           and the MCE curves quickly merge on approaching TC. Such behavior of the MCE
                                                           has been found by Khovaylo et al. [10] for Ni–Mn–Sn Heusler alloys, where a
                                                           difference between heating and cooling values of MCE is explained by the proximity
                                                           of FM and AFM transitions.
                                                               The MCE at DH ¼ 11 kOe obtained during heating by the classic direct
                                                           measurement method are shown in Figure 5. The peak value of MCE
                                                           (DT ¼ 0.528 K at DH ¼ 11 kOe) at the FM transition is less than that obtained by
                                                           extrapolation of the modulation technique results (DT ¼ 0.67 K at DH ¼ 11 kOe).
                                                           A greater discrepancy between the data is observed at the FM–AFM transition.
                                                           At low fields the inverse MCE is observed. With an increasing magnetic field, the
                                                           compensation temperature (the compensation temperature is the temperature at
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                                                           Figure 5. Temperature dependence of the MCE of PrBaMn2O6 at DH ¼ 11 kOe (classic direct

                                                           which the contributions of direct and inverse MCE are equal and so the total MCE is
                                                           zero) shifts to low temperatures and an AFM-FM crossover takes place. So around
                                                           the Cp,heating anomaly, where the inverse MCE takes place at low fields, we observe a
                                                           direct MCE (DT ¼ 0.13 K) at high magnetic field. Our direct measurements show
                                                           that the MCE around the I-order magnetostructural transition has an ordinary
                                                           nature and does not achieve giant values. Early reported giant MCE values around
                                                           the first-order charge/orbital ordering transition in manganites and other
                                                           materials [11–14] can be attributed to inadequate use of the Maxwell relation.

                                                           This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project
                                                           No. 09-08-96533), the Program of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy
                                                           of Sciences ‘Highly correlated electrons in solids and structures’.


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