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Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021                                                                                             S111

9. Pharmacologic Approaches to                                                            American Diabetes Association

Glycemic Treatment: Standards of
Medical Care in Diabetesd2021
Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S111–S124 |

                                                                                                                                                       9. PHARMACOLOGIC APPROACHES TO GLYCEMIC TREATMENT
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”
includes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to
provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guidelines,
and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional Practice
Committee, a multidisciplinary expert committee (
SPPC), are responsible for updating the Standards of Care annually, or more
frequently as warranted. For a detailed description of ADA standards, statements,
and reports, as well as the evidence-grading system for ADA’s clinical practice
recommendations, please refer to the Standards of Care Introduction (https://doi
.org/10.2337/dc21-SINT). Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care
are invited to do so at

 9.1 Most people with type 1 diabetes should be treated with multiple daily
     injections of prandial and basal insulin, or continuous subcutaneous insulin
     infusion. A
 9.2 Most individuals with type 1 diabetes should use rapid-acting insulin analogs
     to reduce hypoglycemia risk. A
 9.3 Patients with type 1 diabetes should receive education on how to match
     prandial insulin doses to carbohydrate intake, premeal blood glucose, and
     anticipated physical activity. C

Insulin Therapy
Because the hallmark of type 1 diabetes is absent or near-absent b-cell function,
insulin treatment is essential for individuals with type 1 diabetes. In addition to
hyperglycemia, insulinopenia can contribute to other metabolic disturbances like
hypertriglyceridemia and ketoacidosis as well as tissue catabolism that can be life
threatening. Severe metabolic decompensation can be, and was, mostly prevented            Suggested citation: American Diabetes Association.
with once or twice daily injections for the six or seven decades after the discovery of   9. Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment:
insulin. However, over the past three decades, evidence has accumulated supporting        Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd2021.
more intensive insulin replacement, using multiple daily injections of insulin or         Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S111–S124
continuous subcutaneous administration through an insulin pump, as providing the          © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.
best combination of effectiveness and safety for people with type 1 diabetes. The         Readers may use this article as long as the work is
                                                                                          properly cited, the use is educational and not for
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) demonstrated that intensive therapy       profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
with multiple daily injections or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII)         mation is available at https://www.diabetesjournals
reduced A1C and was associated with improved long-term outcomes (1–3). The study          .org/content/license.
S112   Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment                                         Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

       was carried out with short-acting (regu-         effort made to reach the patient’s gly-       See Section 7 “Diabetes Technology”
       lar) and intermediate-acting (NPH) hu-           cemic targets.                                ( for a
       man insulins. In this landmark trial,               Most studies comparing multiple daily      full discussion of insulin delivery devices.
       lower A1C with intensive control (7%)            injections with CSII have been relatively        In general, patients with type 1 di-
       led to ;50% reductions in microvascular          small and of short duration. However, a       abetes require 50% of their daily insulin
       complications over 6 years of treatment.         recent systematic review and meta-            as basal and 50% as prandial. Total daily
       However, intensive therapy was asso-             analysis concluded that pump therapy          insulin requirements can be estimated
       ciated with a higher rate of severe              has modest advantages for lowering A1C        based on weight, with typical doses
       hypoglycemia than conventional treat-            (20.30% [95% CI 20.58 to 20.02]) and          ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 units/kg/day.
       ment (62 compared with 19 episodes               for reducing severe hypoglycemia rates        Higher amounts are required during pu-
       per 100 patient-years of therapy). Follow-       in children and adults (12). However,         berty, pregnancy, and medical illness.
       up of subjects from the DCCT more than           there is no consensus to guide the choice     The American Diabetes Association/
       10 years after the active treatment com-         of injection or pump therapy in a given       JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook notes
       ponent of the study demonstrated less            patient, and research to guide this           0.5 units/kg/day as a typical starting dose
       macrovascular as well as less microvas-          decision-making is needed (13). The arrival   in patients with type 1 diabetes who are
       cular complications in the group that            of continuous glucose monitors to clinical    metabolically stable, with half adminis-
       received intensive treatment (2,4).              practice has proven beneficial in specific      tered as prandial insulin given to control
          Over the last 25 years, rapid-acting and      circumstances. Reduction of nocturnal         blood glucose after meals and the other
       long-acting insulin analogs have been            hypoglycemia in people with type 1 di-        half as basal insulin to control glycemia
       developed that have distinct pharma-             abetes using insulin pumps with glucose       in the periods between meal absorption
       cokinetics compared with recombinant             sensors is improved by automatic sus-         (20); this guideline provides detailed
       human insulins: basal insulin analogs have       pension of insulin delivery at a preset       information on intensification of ther-
       longer duration of action with flatter, more      glucose level (13–15). When choosing          apy to meet individualized needs. In
       constant plasma concentrations and activ-        among insulin delivery systems, patient       addition, the American Diabetes Asso-
       ity profiles than NPH insulin; rapid-acting       preferences, cost, insulin type and dosing    ciation position statement “Type 1 Di-
       analogs (RAA) have a quicker onset and           regimen, and self-management capabil-         abetes Management Through the Life
       peak and shorter duration of action than         ities should be considered (See Section       Span” provides a thorough overview of
       regular human insulin. In people with            7 “Diabetes Technology,” https://doi          type 1 diabetes treatment (21).
       type 1 diabetes, treatment with analog           .org/10.2337/dc21-S007).                         Typical multidose regimens for pa-
       insulins is associated with less hypogly-           The U.S. Food and Drug Administration      tients with type 1 diabetes combine
       cemia and weight gain as well as lower           (FDA) has now approved two hybrid             premeal use of shorter-acting insulins
       A1C compared with human insulins (5–7).          closed-loop pump systems. The safety          with a longer-acting formulation, usually
       More recently, two new injectable insulin        and efficacy of hybrid closed-loop sys-        at night. The long-acting basal dose is
       formulations with enhanced rapid action          tems has been supported in the literature     titrated to regulate overnight, fasting
       profiles have been introduced. Inhaled            in adolescents and adults with type 1         glucose. Postprandial glucose excursions
       human insulin has a rapid peak and short-        diabetes (16,17), and recent evidence         are best controlled by a well-timed in-
       ened duration of action compared with            suggests that a closed-loop system is         jection of prandial insulin. The optimal time
       RAA and may cause less hypoglycemia and          superior to sensor-augmented pump             to administer prandial insulin varies,
       weight gain (8), and faster-acting insulin       therapy for glycemic control and reduc-       based on the pharmacokinetics of the
       aspart and insulin lispro-aabc may reduce        tion of hypoglycemia over 3 months of         formulation (regular, RAA, inhaled), the
       prandial excursions better than RAA              comparison in children and adults with        premeal blood glucose level, and carbo-
       (9,9a,9b); further investigation is needed       type 1 diabetes (18). In the International    hydrate consumption. Recommendations
       to establish a clear place for these agents      Diabetes Closed Loop (iDCL) trial, a          for prandial insulin dose administration
       in diabetes management. In addition, new         6-month trial in patients with type 1         should therefore be individualized. Phys-
       longer-acting basal analogs (U-300 glargine      diabetes at least 14 years of age, the        iologic insulin secretion varies with glyce-
       or degludec) may confer a lower hypogly-         use of a closed-loop system was associ-       mia, meal size, and tissue demands for
       cemia risk compared with U-100 glargine          ated with a greater percentage of time        glucose. To approach this variability in
       in patients with type 1 diabetes (10,11).        spent in the target glycemic range, re-       people using insulin treatment, strategies
       Despite the advantages of insulin analogs        duced mean glucose and A1C levels, and        have evolved to adjust prandial doses
       in patients with type 1 diabetes, for some       lower percentage of time spent in hypo-       based on predicted needs. Thus, edu-
       patients the expense and/or intensity of         glycemia compared with use of a sensor-       cation of patients on how to adjust
       treatment required for their use is pro-         augmented pump (19).                          prandial insulin to account for carbohy-
       hibitive. There are multiple approaches             Intensive insulin management using a       drate intake, premeal glucose levels,
       to insulin treatment, and the central            version of CSII and continuous glucose        and anticipated activity can be effective
       precept in the management of type 1              monitoring should be considered in most       and should be offered to most patients
       diabetes is that some form of insulin be         patients. Automated insulin delivery sys-     (22,23). For individuals in whom carbo-
       given in a planned regimen tailored to the       tems may be considered in adults with         hydrate counting is effective, estimates
       individual patient to keep them safe and         type 1 diabetes who have the skills to use    of the fat and protein content of meals
       out of diabetic ketoacidosis and to avoid        them in order to improve time in range        can be incorporated into their prandial
       significant hypoglycemia, with every              and reduce A1C and hypoglycemia (19).         dosing for added benefit (24).                                                                 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment   S113

Insulin Injection Technique                   of this therapy and, as such, holds the         PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY FOR
Ensuring that patients and/or caregivers      potential for improved clinical outcomes.       TYPE 2 DIABETES
understand correct insulin injection tech-                                                     Recommendations
nique is important to optimize glucose        Noninsulin Treatments for Type 1
                                                                                               9.4 Metformin is the preferred ini-
control and insulin use safety. Thus, it is   Diabetes
                                                                                                    tial pharmacologic agent for the
important that insulin be delivered into      Injectable and oral glucose-lowering
                                                                                                    treatment of type 2 diabetes. A
the proper tissue in the correct way.         drugs have been studied for their efficacy
                                                                                               9.5 Once initiated, metformin should
Recommendations have been pub-                as adjuncts to insulin treatment of type 1
                                                                                                    be continued as long as it is tol-
lished elsewhere outlining best practi-       diabetes. Pramlintide is based on the
                                                                                                    erated and not contraindicated;
ces for insulin injection (25). Proper        naturally occurring b-cell peptide amylin
                                                                                                    other agents, including insulin,
insulin injection technique includes in-      and is approved for use in adults with
                                                                                                    should be added to metformin. A
jecting into appropriate body areas, in-      type 1 diabetes. Results from random-
                                                                                               9.6 Early combination therapy can
jection site rotation, appropriate care of    ized controlled studies show variable
                                                                                                    be considered in some patients
injection sites to avoid infection or other   reductions of A1C (0–0.3%) and body
                                                                                                    at treatment initiation to extend
complications, and avoidance of intra-        weight (1–2 kg) with addition of pramlin-
                                                                                                    the time to treatment failure. A
muscular (IM) insulin delivery.               tide to insulin (27,28). Similarly, results
                                                                                               9.7 The early introduction of insulin
   Exogenously delivered insulin should       have been reported for several agents
                                                                                                    should be considered if there is
be injected into subcutaneous tissue, not     currently approved only for the treat-
                                                                                                    evidence of ongoing catabolism
intramuscularly. Recommended sites for        ment of type 2 diabetes. The addition of
                                                                                                    (weight loss), if symptoms of
insulin injection include the abdomen,        metformin in adults with type 1 diabetes
                                                                                                    hyperglycemia are present, or
thigh, buttock, and upper arm. Because        caused small reductions in body weight
                                                                                                    when A1C levels (.10% [86
insulin absorption from IM sites differs      and lipid levels but did not improve A1C
                                                                                                    mmol/mol]) or blood glucose
according to the activity of the muscle,      (29,30). The addition of the glucagon-like
                                                                                                    levels ($300 mg/dL [16.7 mmol/L])
inadvertent IM injection can lead to un-      peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist (RA)
                                                                                                    are very high. E
predictable insulin absorption and vari-      liraglutide or exenatide to insulin therapy
                                                                                               9.8 A patient-centered approach
able effects on glucose, with IM injection    caused small (0.2%) reductions in A1C
                                                                                                    should be used to guide the
being associated with frequent and un-        compared with insulin alone in people
                                                                                                    choice of pharmacologic agents.
explained hypoglycemia in several re-         with type 1 diabetes and also reduced
                                                                                                    Considerations include effect
ports. Risk for IM insulin delivery is        body weight by ;3 kg (31). Similarly, the
                                                                                                    on cardiovascular and renal co-
increased in younger, leaner patients         addition of a sodium–glucose cotrans-
                                                                                                    morbidities, efficacy, hypogly-
when injecting into the limbs rather than     porter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor to insulin therapy
                                                                                                    cemia risk, impact on weight,
truncal sites (abdomen and buttocks) and      has been associated with improvements
                                                                                                    cost, risk for side effects, and
when using longer needles. Recent ev-         in A1C and body weight when compared
                                                                                                    patient preferences (Table 9.1
idence supports the use of short needles      with insulin alone (32,33); however, SGLT2
                                                                                                    and Fig. 9.1). E
(e.g., 4-mm pen needles) as effective and     inhibitor use in type 1 diabetes is asso-
                                                                                               9.9 Among patients with type 2 di-
well tolerated when compared with lon-        ciated with a two- to fourfold increase in
                                                                                                    abetes who have established
ger needles, including a study performed      ketoacidosis. The risks and benefits of
                                                                                                    atherosclerotic cardiovascular
in adults with obesity (26).                  adjunctive agents continue to be evalu-
                                                                                                    disease or indicators of high risk,
   Injection site rotation is additionally    ated, but only pramlintide is approved for
                                                                                                    established kidney disease, or
necessary to avoid lipohypertrophy, an        treatment of type 1 diabetes.
                                                                                                    heart failure, a sodium–glucose
accumulation of subcutaneous fat in re-                                                             cotransporter 2 inhibitor or
sponse to the adipogenic actions of in-       SURGICAL TREATMENT FOR TYPE
                                                                                                    glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor
sulin at a site of multiple injections.       1 DIABETES
                                                                                                    agonist with demonstrated car-
Lipohypertrophy appears as soft, smooth       Pancreas and Islet Transplantation                    diovascular disease benefit
raised areas several centimeters in breadth   Successful pancreas and islet transplan-              (Table 9.1, Table 10.3B, Table
and can contribute to erratic insulin         tation can normalize glucose levels and               10.3C) is recommended as part
absorption, increased glycemic variabil-      mitigate microvascular complications of               of the glucose-lowering regi-
ity, and unexplained hypoglycemic epi-        type 1 diabetes. However, patients re-                men independent of A1C and
sodes. Patients and/or caregivers should      ceiving these treatments require lifelong             in consideration of patient-spe-
receive education about proper injection      immunosuppression to prevent graft re-                cific factors (Fig. 9.1 and Section
site rotation and to recognize and avoid      jection and/or recurrence of autoimmune               10). A
areas of lipohypertrophy. As noted in         islet destruction. Given the potential           9.10 In patients with type 2 diabetes,
Table 4.1, examination of insulin injec-      adverse effects of immunosuppressive                  a glucagon-like peptide 1 recep-
tion sites for the presence of lipohyper-     therapy, pancreas transplantation should              tor agonist is preferred to in-
trophy, as well as assessment of injection    be reserved for patients with type 1 dia-             sulin when possible. A
device use and injection technique, are       betes undergoing simultaneous renal trans-       9.11 Recommendation for treatment
key components of a comprehensive             plantation, following renal transplantation,          intensification for patients not
diabetes medical evaluation and treat-        or for those with recurrent ketoacidosis              meeting treatment goals should
ment plan. Proper insulin injection tech-     or severe hypoglycemia despite intensive              not be delayed. A
nique may lead to more effective use          glycemic management (34).
S114   Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment                                        Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

                                                        Care” (     consider a drug from another class de-
         9.12 The medication regimen and
                                                        have recommendations for the use of           picted in Fig. 9.1. When A1C is $1.5%
              medication-taking behavior
                                                        glucose-lowering drugs in the manage-         (12.5 mmol/mol) above the glycemic
              should be reevaluated at regular
                                                        ment of cardiovascular and renal disease,     target (see Section 6 “Glycemic Targets,”
              intervals (every 3–6 months) and
                                                        respectively.                       ,
              adjusted as needed to incorpo-
                                                                                                      for appropriate targets), many patients
              rate specific factors that impact
                                                        Initial Therapy                               will require dual combination therapy
              choice of treatment (Fig. 4.1 and
                                                        Metformin should be started at the time       to achieve their target A1C level (42).
              Table 9.1). E
                                                        type 2 diabetes is diagnosed unless there     Insulin has the advantage of being effec-
         9.13 Clinicians should be aware of
                                                        are contraindications; for many patients      tive where other agents are not and
              the potential for overbasaliza-
                                                        this will be monotherapy in combination       should be considered as part of any
              tion with insulin therapy. Clinical
                                                        with lifestyle modifications. Additional       combination regimen when hyperglyce-
              signals that may prompt evalu-
                                                        and/or alternative agents may be con-         mia is severe, especially if catabolic fea-
              ation of overbasalization include
                                                                                                      tures (weight loss, hypertriglyceridemia,
              basal dose more than ;0.5 IU/             sidered in special circumstances, such
                                                        as in individuals with established or in-     ketosis) are present. It is common practice
              kg, high bedtime-morning or
                                                        creased risk of cardiovascular or renal       to initiate insulin therapy for patients who
              post-preprandial glucose differ-
                                                        complications (see Section 10 “Cardio-        present with blood glucose levels $300
              ential, hypoglycemia (aware or
                                                        vascular Disease and Risk Management,”        mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L) or A1C .10% (86
              unaware), and high variability.
                                              , and        mmol/mol) or if the patient has symptoms
              Indication of overbasalization
                                                        Fig. 9.1). Metformin is effective and safe,   of hyperglycemia (i.e., polyuria or poly-
              should prompt reevaluation to
                                                        is inexpensive, and may reduce risk of        dipsia) or evidence of catabolism (weight
              further individualize therapy. E
                                                        cardiovascular events and death (37).         loss) (Fig. 9.2). As glucose toxicity resolves,
                                                        Metformin is available in an immediate-       simplifying the regimen and/or changing
       The American Diabetes Association/
                                                        release form for twice-daily dosing or as     to oral agents is often possible. However,
       European Association for the Study of
                                                                                                      there is evidence that patients with un-
       Diabetes consensus report “Management            an extended-release form that can be
                                                        given once daily. Compared with sulfo-        controlled hyperglycemia associated with
       of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes,
                                                        nylureas, metformin as first-line therapy      type 2 diabetes can also be effectively
       2018” and the 2019 update (35,36)
                                                        has beneficial effects on A1C, weight, and     treated with a sulfonylurea (43).
       recommend a patient-centered approach
       to choosing appropriate pharmacologic            cardiovascular mortality (38); there is       Combination Therapy
       treatment of blood glucose. This includes        little systematic data available for other    Because type 2 diabetes is a progressive
       consideration of efficacy and key patient         oral agents as initial therapy of type 2      disease in many patients, maintenance of
       factors: 1) important comorbidities such         diabetes.                                     glycemic targets with monotherapy is
       as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease            The principal side effects of metformin   often possible for only a few years, after
       (ASCVD) and indicators of high ASCVD             are gastrointestinal intolerance due to       which combination therapy is necessary.
       risk, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and          bloating, abdominal discomfort, and di-       Current recommendations have been to
       heart failure (see Section 10 “Cardiovas-        arrhea; these can be mitigated by gradual     use stepwise addition of medications to
       cular Disease and Risk Management,”              dose titration. The drug is cleared by        metformin to maintain A1C at target. This, and           renal filtration, and very high circulating    allows a clearer assessment of the pos-
       Section 11 “Microvascular Complications          levels (e.g., as a result of overdose or      itive and negative effects of new drugs
       and Foot Care,”         acute renal failure) have been associated     and reduces patient risk and expense
       dc21-S011), 2) hypoglycemia risk, 3) ef-         with lactic acidosis. However, the occur-     (44); based on these factors, sequential
       fects on body weight, 4) side effects, 5)        rence of this complication is now known to    addition of oral agents to metformin has
       cost, and 6) patient preferences. Lifestyle      be very rare, and metformin may be safely     been the standard of care. However,
       modifications that improve health (see            used in patients with reduced estimated       there are data to support initial combi-
       Section 5 “Facilitating Behavior Change          glomerular filtration rates (eGFR); the        nation therapy for more rapid attain-
       and Well-being to Improve Health                 FDA has revised the label for metformin       ment of glycemic goals (45,46) and later
       Outcomes,”              to reflect its safety in patients with         combination therapy for longer durabil-
       dc21-S005) should be emphasized along            eGFR $30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (39). A ran-          ity of glycemic effect (47). The VERIFY
       with any pharmacologic therapy. Section 12       domized trial confirmed previous obser-        (Vildagliptin Efficacy in combination with
       “Older Adults” (         vations that metformin use is associated      metfoRmIn For earlY treatment of type 2
       dc21-S012) and Section 13 “Children and          with vitamin B12 deficiency and wors-          diabetes) trial demonstrated that initial
       Adolescents” (           ening of symptoms of neuropathy (40).         combination therapy is superior to se-
       dc21-S013) have recommendations spe-             This is compatible with a report from the     quential addition of medications for ex-
       cific for older adults and for children           Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes          tending primary and secondary failure
       and adolescents with type 2 diabetes,            Study (DPPOS) suggesting periodic testing     (48). In the VERIFY trial, participants
       respectively. Section 10 “Cardiovascular         of vitamin B12 (41).                          receiving the initial combination of met-
       Disease and Risk Management” (https://               In patients with contraindications or     formin and the dipeptidyl peptidase and Section           intolerance to metformin, initial therapy     4 (DPP-4) inhibitor vildagliptin had
       11 “Microvascular Complications and Foot         should be based on patient factors;           a slower decline of glycemic control
Table 9.1—Drug-specific and patient factors to consider when selecting antihyperglycemic treatment in adults with type 2 diabetes

ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CV, cardiovascular; CVOT, cardiovascular outcomes trial; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; DKD, diabetic kidney disease; eGFR,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment

estimated glomerular filtration rate; GI, gastrointestinal; GLP-1 RAs, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists; HF, heart failure; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; SGLT2, sodium–glucose
cotransporter 2; SQ, subcutaneous; T2D, type 2 diabetes. *For agent-specific dosing recommendations, please refer to the manufacturers’ prescribing information. †FDA-approved for
cardiovascular disease benefit. ‡FDA-approved for heart failure indication. §FDA-approved for chronic kidney disease indication.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment

Figure 9.1—Glucose-lowering medication in type 2 diabetes: 2021 ADA Professional Practice Committee (PPC) adaptation of Davies et al. (35) and Buse et al. (36). For appropriate context, see Fig. 4.1. The 2021 ADA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

PPC adaptation of the Fig. 9.1 “Indicators of high-risk or established ASCVD, CKD, or HF” pathway has been adapted based on trial populations studied. ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CKD, chronic
kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVOTs, cardiovascular outcomes trials; DPP-4i, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor
agonist; HF, heart failure; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; SGLT2i, sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor; SU, sulfonylurea; T2D,
type 2 diabetes; TZD, thiazolidinedione.                                                                          Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment         S117

   Figure 9.2—Intensifying to injectable therapies. DSMES, diabetes self-management education and support; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; FRC, fixed-ratio
   combination; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; max, maximum; PPG, postprandial glucose. Adapted from Davies et al. (35).
S118   Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment                                           Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

       compared with metformin alone and                consideration of patient-specific factors            Cost for diabetes medicine has in-
       with vildagliptin added sequentially to          (Fig. 9.1). For patients without estab-          creased dramatically over the past two
       metformin. These results have not                lished ASCVD, indicators of high ASCVD           decades, and an increasing proportion
       been generalized to oral agents other            risk, heart failure, or CKD, the choice of       is now passed on to patients and their
       than vildagliptin, but they suggest that         a second agent to add to metformin is            families (61). Table 9.2 provides cost
       more intensive early treatment has some          not yet guided by empiric evidence com-          information for currently approved
       benefits and should be considered through         paring across multiple classes. Rather, drug     noninsulin therapies. Of note, prices
       a shared decision-making process with            choice is based on efficacy, avoidance            listed are average wholesale prices
       patients, as appropriate. Moreover, since        of side effects (particularly hypoglycemia       (AWP) (62) and National Average Drug
       the absolute effectiveness of most oral          and weight gain), cost, and patient pref-        Acquisition Costs (NADAC) (63), separate
       medications rarely exceeds 1%, initial com-      erences (51). Similar considerations are         measures to allow for a comparison of
       bination therapy should be considered in         applied in patients who require a third          drug prices, but do not account for
       patients presenting with A1C levels 1.5–         agent to achieve glycemic goals. A recent        discounts, rebates, or other price adjust-
       2.0% above target.                               systematic review and network meta-              ments often involved in prescription
          Recommendations for treatment in-             analysis suggests greatest reductions in         sales that affect the actual cost incurred
       tensification for patients not meeting            A1C level with insulin regimens and specific      by the patient. Medication costs can be a
       treatment goals should not be delayed.           GLP-1 RAs added to metformin-based back-         major source of stress for patients with
       Shared decision-making is important in           ground therapy (52). In all cases, treatment     diabetes and contribute to worse adher-
       discussions regarding treatment intensi-         regimens need to be continuously reviewed        ence to medications (64); cost-reducing
       fication. The choice of medication added          for efficacy, side effects, and patient burden    strategies may improve adherence in
       to metformin is based on the clinical            (Table 9.1). In some instances, patients will    some cases (65).
       characteristics of the patient and their         require medication reduction or discontin-
       preferences. Important clinical charac-          uation. Common reasons for this include          Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials
       teristics include the presence of estab-         ineffectiveness, intolerable side effects, ex-   There are now multiple large randomized
       lished ASCVD or indicators of high ASCVD         pense, or a change in glycemic goals (e.g., in   controlled trials reporting statistically
       risk, heart failure, CKD, other comorbid-        response to development of comorbidities         significant reductions in cardiovascular
       ities, and risk for specific adverse drug         or changes in treatment goals). Section 12       events in patients with type 2 diabetes
       effects, as well as safety, tolerability, and    “Older Adults” (         treated with an SGLT2 inhibitor (empa-
       cost. Although there are numerous trials         dc21-S012) has a full discussion of treat-       gliflozin, canagliflozin, dapagliflozin) or
       comparing dual therapy with metformin            ment considerations in older adults, in          GLP-1 RA (liraglutide, semaglutide, dula-
       alone, there is little evidence to support       whom changes of glycemic goals and               glutide); see Section 10 “Cardiovascular
       one combination over another. A com-             de-escalation of therapy are common.             Disease and Risk Management” (https://
       parative effectiveness meta-analysis                 The need for the greater potency of for details.
       suggests that each new class of non-             injectable medications is common, par-           The subjects enrolled in the cardiovas-
       insulin agents added to initial therapy          ticularly in people with a longer duration       cular outcomes trials using empagliflozin,
       with metformin generally lowers A1C              of diabetes. The addition of basal insulin,      canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, liraglutide, and
       approximately 0.7–1.0% (49,50). If the           either human NPH or one of the long-             semaglutide had A1C $6.5%, and more
       A1C target is not achieved after approx-         acting insulin analogs, to oral agent regi-      than 70% were taking metformin at base-
       imately 3 months, metformin can be               mens is a well-established approach that         line. Thus, a practical extension of these
       combined with any one of the preferred           is effective for many patients. In addition,     results to clinical practice is to use these
       six treatment options: sulfonylurea, thia-       recent evidence supports the utility of          drugs preferentially in patients with
       zolidinedione, DPP-4 inhibitor, SGLT2 in-        GLP-1 RAs in patients not at glycemic goal.      type 2 diabetes and established ASCVD
       hibitor, GLP-1 RA, or basal insulin; the         While most GLP-1 RAs are injectable, an          or indicators of high ASCVD risk. For these
       choice of which agent to add is based on         oral formulation of semaglutide is now com-      patients, incorporating one of the SGLT2
       drug-specific effects and patient factors         mercially available (53). In trials comparing    inhibitors or GLP-1 RAs that have been
       (Fig. 9.1 and Table 9.1).                        the addition of an injectable GLP-1 RA or        demonstrated to have cardiovascular dis-
          For patients with established ASCVD           insulin in patients needing further glu-         ease benefit is recommended (Table 9.1).
       or indicators of high ASCVD risk (such as        cose lowering, glycemic efficacy of inject-       In cardiovascular outcomes trials, em-
       patients $55 years of age with coronary,         able GLP-1 RA was similar or greater than        pagliflozin, canagliflozin, dapagliflozin,
       carotid, or lower-extremity artery steno-        that of basal insulin (54–60). GLP-1 RAs in      liraglutide, semaglutide, and dulaglutide
       sis .50% or left ventricular hypertro-           these trials had a lower risk of hypogly-        all had beneficial effects on indices of
       phy), heart failure, or CKD, an SGLT2            cemia and beneficial effects on body              CKD, while dedicated renal outcomes
       inhibitor or GLP-1 RA with demonstrated          weight compared with insulin, albeit             studies have demonstrated benefit of
       CVD benefit (Table 9.1, Table 10.3B,              with greater gastrointestinal side effects.      specific SGLT2 inhibitors. See Section
       Table 10.3C, and Section 10 “Cardiovas-          Thus, trial results support GLP-1 RAs as the     11 “Microvascular Complications and
       cular Disease and Risk Management,”              preferred option for patients requiring          Foot Care” ( is            the potency of an injectable therapy for         dc21-S011) for discussion of how CKD
       recommended as part of the glucose-              glucose control (Fig. 9.2). However, high        may impact treatment choices. Addi-
       lowering regimen independent of A1C,             costs and tolerability issues are impor-         tional large randomized trials of other
       independent of metformin use, and in             tant barriers to GLP-1 RA use.                   agents in these classes are ongoing.                                                                        Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment       S119

 Table 9.2—Median monthly (30-day) AWP and NADAC of maximum approved daily dose of noninsulin glucose-lowering
 agents in the U.S.
                                         Dosage strength/product Median AWP  Median NADAC      Maximum approved
 Class                   Compound(s)          (if applicable)    (min, max)†   (min, max)†        daily dose*
 Biguanides                 c   Metformin                    850 mg (IR)          $108 ($6, $109)            $3                 2,550 mg
                                                            1,000 mg (IR)          $87 ($4, $88)             $2                 2,000 mg
                                                            1,000 mg (ER)           $242 ($242,       $188 ($188, $572)         2,000 mg
 Sulfonylureas (2nd         c   Glimepiride                     4 mg              $74 ($71, $198)            $4                   8 mg
   generation)              c   Glipizide                    10 mg (IR)           $75 ($67, $97)             $5                40 mg (IR)
                                                             10 mg (XL)                 $48                  $11               20 mg (XL)
                            c   Glyburide                 6 mg (micronized)       $52 ($48, $71)             $10           12 mg (micronized)
                                                                5 mg              $93 ($63, $103)            $11                 20 mg
 Thiazolidinediones         c Pioglitazone                      45 mg             $348 ($283, $349)          $5                  45 mg
                            c Rosiglitazone                      4 mg                   $407                $330                  8 mg
 a-Glucosidase inhibitors   c Acarbose                          100 mg            $106 ($104, $106)         $28                  300 mg
                            c Miglitol                          100 mg                  $241                $311                 300 mg
 Meglitinides (glinides)    c   Nateglinide                     120 mg                  $155                 $31                 360 mg
                            c   Repaglinide                      2 mg             $878 ($162, $897)          $38                 16 mg
 DPP-4 inhibitors           c Alogliptin                        25 mg                   $234                $175                 25 mg
                            c Saxagliptin                        5 mg                   $530                $424                  5 mg
                            c Linagliptin                        5 mg                   $555                $444                  5 mg
                            c Sitagliptin                       100 mg                  $568                $456                 100 mg
 SGLT2 inhibitors           c Ertugliflozin                      15 mg                   $354                $284                 15 mg
                            c Dapagliflozin                      10 mg                   $621                $496                 10 mg
                            c Empagliflozin                      25 mg                   $627                $501                 25 mg
                            c Canagliflozin                      300 mg                  $622                $499                 300 mg
 GLP-1 RAs                  c Exenatide (extended          2 mg powder for              $882                $706                 2 mg**
                              release)                    suspension or pen
                            c Exenatide                       10 mg pen                 $752                $720                  20 mg
                            c Dulaglutide                   4.5/0.5 mL pen              $957                $766                4.5 mg**
                            c Semaglutide                      1 mg pen                 $973                $779                 1 mg**
                                                            14 mg (tablet)              $927                $738                 14 mg
                            c   Liraglutide                18 mg/3 mL pen              $1,161               $930                 1.8 mg
                            c   Lixisenatide              300 mg/3 mL pen               $774                N/A                   20 mg
 Bile acid sequestrant      c   Colesevelam                   625 mg tabs         $710 ($674, $712)         $105                 3.75 g
                                                           3.75 g suspension            $804                $318                 3.75 g
 Dopamine-2 agonist         c   Bromocriptine                   0.8 mg                  $960                $772                 4.8 mg
 Amylin mimetic             c   Pramlintide                   120 mg pen               $2702               $2,097          120 mg/injection††
 AWP, average wholesale price; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; ER and XL, extended release; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; IR,
 immediate release; max, maximum; min, minimum; N/A, data not available; NADAC, National Average Drug Acquisition Cost; SGLT2, sodium–glucose
 cotransporter 2. †Calculated for 30-day supply (AWP [62] or NADAC [63] unit price 3 number of doses required to provide maximum approved daily
 dose 3 30 days); median AWP or NADAC listed alone when only one product and/or price. *Utilized to calculate median AWP and NADAC (min, max);
 generic prices used, if available commercially. **Administered once weekly. ††AWP and NADAC calculated based on 120 mg three times daily.

Insulin Therapy                                     management is beneficial. For example,             individualized titration over days to weeks
Many patients with type 2 diabetes                  instruction of patients in self-titration of      as needed. The principal action of basal
eventually require and benefit from in-              insulin doses based on glucose monitoring         insulin is to restrain hepatic glucose pro-
sulin therapy (Fig. 9.2). See the section           improves glycemic control in patients with        duction and limit hyperglycemia overnight
INSULIN INJECTION TECHNIQUE, above, for guid-       type 2 diabetes initiating insulin (66). Com-     and between meals (67,68). Control of
ance on how to administer insulin safely            prehensive education regarding self-mon-          fasting glucose can be achieved with hu-
and effectively. The progressive nature of          itoring of blood glucose, diet, and the           man NPH insulin or a long-acting insulin
type 2 diabetes should be regularly and             avoidance and appropriate treatment of            analog. In clinical trials, long-acting basal
objectively explained to patients, and              hypoglycemia are critically important in          analogs (U-100 glargine or detemir) have
providers should avoid using insulin                any patient using insulin.                        been demonstrated to reduce the risk of
as a threat or describing it as a sign of           Basal Insulin                                     symptomatic and nocturnal hypoglycemia
personal failure or punishment. Rather,             Basal insulin alone is the most convenient        compared with NPH insulin (69–74), al-
the utility and importance of insulin to            initial insulin regimen and can be added          though these advantages are modest and
maintain glycemic control once progres-             to metformin and other oral agents.               may not persist (75). Longer-acting basal
sion of the disease overcomes the effect            Starting doses can be estimated based             analogs (U-300 glargine or degludec) may
of other agents should be emphasized.               on body weight (0.1–0.2 units/kg/day)             convey a lower hypoglycemia risk com-
Educating and involving patients in insulin         and the degree of hyperglycemia, with             pared with U-100 glargine when used in
S120   Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment                                                Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

         Table 9.3—Median cost of insulin products in the U.S. calculated as AWP (62) and NADAC (63) per 1,000 units of specified
         dosage form/product
                                                                                                     Median AWP        Median
         Insulins                           Compounds                   Dosage form/product          (min, max)*       NADAC*
         Rapid-acting                     c   Lispro follow-on product    U-100 vial                                         $157               $125
                                                                          U-100 prefilled pen                                 $202               $161
                                          c   Lispro                      U-100 vial                                         $165†              $132†
                                                                          U-100 cartridges                                   $408               $326
                                                                          U-100 prefilled pen                                 $212†              $170†
                                                                          U-200 prefilled pen                                 $424               $339
                                          c   Lispro-aabc                 U-100 vial                                         $330                N/A
                                                                          U-100 prefilled pen                                 $424                N/A
                                                                          U-200 prefilled pen                                 $424                N/A
                                          c   Glulisine                   U-100 vial                                         $341               $272
                                                                          U-100 prefilled pen                                 $439               $350
                                          c   Aspart                      U-100 vial                                         $174†              $139†
                                                                          U-100 cartridges                                   $215               $344
                                                                          U-100 prefilled pen                                 $223†              $179†
                                          c   Aspart (“faster acting      U-100 vial                                         $347               $278
                                              product”)                   U-100 cartridge                                    $430                N/A
                                                                          U-100 prefilled pen                                 $447               $356
                                          c   Inhaled insulin             Inhalation cartridges                              $924               $606
         Short-acting                     c   human regular               U-100 vial                                         $165††            $133††
         Intermediate-acting              c   human NPH                   U-100 vial                                         $165††            $133††
                                                                          U-100 prefilled pen                                  $208              $167
         Concentrated human regular       c   U-500 human regular         U-500 vial                                          $178               $143
           insulin                            insulin                     U-500 prefilled pen                                  $229               $183
         Long-acting                      c Glargine follow-on product U-100 prefilled pen                               $190 (118, 261)          $210
                                                                       U-100 vial                                       $190 (118, 261)          N/A
                                          c Glargine                   U-100 vial; U-100 prefilled pen                        $340                $272
                                                                       U-300 prefilled pen                                    $340                $272
                                          c Detemir                    U-100 vial; U-100 prefilled pen                        $370                $296
                                          c Degludec                   U-100 vial; U-100 prefilled pen; U-200                 $407                $325
                                                                         prefilled pen
         Premixed insulin products        c   NPH/regular 70/30           U-100   vial                                       $165††            $133††
                                                                          U-100   prefilled   pen                              $208              $167
                                          c   Lispro 50/50                U-100   vial                                        $342              $273
                                                                          U-100   prefilled   pen                              $424              $338
                                          c   Lispro 75/25                U-100   vial                                        $342              $274
                                                                          U-100   prefilled   pen                              $212              $340
                                          c   Aspart 70/30                U-100   vial                                        $180              $144
                                                                          U-100   prefilled   pen                              $224              $179
         Premixed insulin/GLP-1 RA        c Glargine/Lixisenatide         100/33 prefilled pen                                 $589               $471
           products                       c Degludec/Liraglutide          100/3.6 prefilled pen                                $874               $701
         AWP, average wholesale price; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; N/A, not available; NADAC, National Average Drug Acquisition Cost.
         *AWP or NADAC calculated as in Table 9.2. †Generic prices used when available. ††AWP and NADAC data presented do not include vials of regular
         human insulin and NPH available at Walmart for approximately $25/vial; median listed alone when only one product and/or price.

       combination with oral agents (76–82).                 Indication of overbasalization should prompt     (e.g., individuals with relaxed A1C goals,
       Despite evidence for reduced hypogly-                 reevaluation to further individualize ther-      low rates of hypoglycemia, and prom-
       cemia with newer, longer-acting basal                 apy (84).                                        inent insulin resistance, as well as those
       insulin analogs in clinical trial settings, in           The cost of insulin has been rising           with cost concerns), human insulin (NPH
       practice these effects may be modest                  steadily over the past two decades, at a         and regular) may be the appropriate
       compared with NPH insulin (83). Clini-                pace several fold that of other medical          choice of therapy, and clinicians should
       cians should be aware of the potential for            expenditures (85). This expense contrib-         be familiar with its use (83). Human regular
       overbasalization with insulin therapy.                utes significant burden to patients as            insulin, NPH, and 70/30 NPH/regular prod-
       Clinical signals that may prompt evalu-               insulin has become a growing “out-of-            ucts can be purchased for considerably
       ation of overbasalization include basal               pocket” cost for people with diabetes,           less than the AWP and NADAC prices
       dosegreaterthan;0.5IU/kg,highbedtime-                 and direct patient costs contribute to           listed in Table 9.3 at select pharmacies.
       morning or post-preprandial glucose differ-           treatment nonadherence (85). Therefore,
       ential (e.g. bedtime-morning glucose dif-             consideration of cost is an important            Prandial Insulin
       ferential $50 mg/dL), hypoglycemia                    component of effective management.               Many individuals with type 2 diabetes
       (aware or unaware), and high variability.             For many patients with type 2 diabetes           require doses of insulin before meals, in                                                                 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment          S121

addition to basal insulin, to reach glyce-      evidence that compared with injectable        30) formulations, are less costly alterna-
mic targets. A dose of 4 units or 10% of        rapid-acting insulin, supplemental doses      tives to insulin analogs. Figure 9.2 outlines
the amount of basal insulin at the largest      of inhaled insulin taken based on post-       these options as well as recommendations
meal or the meal with the greatest post-        prandial glucose levels may improve           for further intensification, if needed, to
prandial excursion is a safe estimate for       blood glucose management without              achieve glycemic goals. When initiating
initiating therapy. The prandial insulin        additional hypoglycemia or weight gain        combination injectable therapy, metfor-
regimen can then be intensified based on         (92), although results from a larger study    min therapy should be maintained, while
patient needs (see Fig. 9.2). People with       are needed for confirmation. Inhaled           sulfonylureas and DPP-4 inhibitors are
type 2 diabetes are generally more in-          insulin is contraindicated in patients with   typically weaned or discontinued. In pa-
sulin resistant than those with type 1          chronic lung disease, such as asthma and      tients with suboptimal blood glucose
diabetes, require higher daily doses (;1        chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,        control, especially those requiring large
unit/kg), and have lower rates of hypo-         and is not recommended in patients who        insulin doses, adjunctive use of a thia-
glycemia (86). Titration can be based on        smoke or who recently stopped smoking.        zolidinedione or an SGLT2 inhibitor
home glucose monitoring or A1C. With            All patients require spirometry (forced       may help to improve control and reduce
significant additions to the prandial in-        expiratory volume in 1 s [FEV1]) testing to   the amount of insulin needed, though
sulin dose, particularly with the evening       identify potential lung disease prior to      potential side effects should be consid-
meal, consideration should be given to          and after starting inhaled insulin therapy.   ered. Once a basal/bolus insulin regimen
decreasing basal insulin. Meta-analyses                                                       is initiated, dose titration is important,
of trials comparing rapid-acting insulin        Combination Injectable Therapy                with adjustments made in both mealtime
analogs with human regular insulin in           If basal insulin has been titrated to an      and basal insulins based on the blood
patients with type 2 diabetes have not          acceptable fasting blood glucose level (or    glucose levels and an understanding of
reported important differences in A1C or        if the dose is .0.5 units/kg/day with         the pharmacodynamic profile of each for-
hypoglycemia (87,88).                           indications of need for other therapy)        mulation (pattern control). As people with
Concentrated Insulins
                                                and A1C remains above target, consider        type 2 diabetes get older, it may become
Several concentrated insulin prepara-           advancing to combination injectable           necessary to simplify complex insulin regi-
tions are currently available. U-500 reg-       therapy (Fig. 9.2). This approach can use a   mens because of a decline in self-manage-
ular insulin is, by definition, five times        GLP-1 RA added to basal insulin or multi-     ment ability (see Section 12 “Older
more concentrated than U-100 regular            ple doses of insulin. The combination of      Adults,”
insulin. Regular U-500 has distinct phar-       basal insulin and GLP-1 RA has potent         S012).
macokinetics with delayed onset and             glucose-lowering actions and less weight
longer duration of action, has character-       gain and hypoglycemia compared with           References
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                                                one study suggesting greater durability       EDIC Research Group. The effect of intensive
(NPH) insulin, and can be used as two or                                                      glycemic treatment on coronary artery calcifica-
three daily injections (89). U-300 glargine     of glycemic effect compared with addi-        tion in type 1 diabetic participants of the
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