PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet

PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet
SYDNEY - ISSUE #105 | 2020




TOP DOG                    John Grima
                            BiziNet™ Magazine   #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet
SUPPORT PARTNERS                                                                                                  TM

                                                         Editor and Publisher:
                                                         Dmitry Greku

                                                         Cover Story

    Connecting SMEs & Large Enterprises                  Michael Gladkoff

                                                         Cover Page
                                                         John Grima and George (cockatoo)

                                                         Contributing Writers:

    Thank You to Our
                                                         Bruce Gleeson
                                                         Steven Brown
                                                         Paul Sweeney

                                                         Paul McKenzie
                                                         Lynne Fisher
                                                         Roger Amir
                                                         Leonid Karlinskiy
                                                         Daniel Moisyeyev
                                                         Bernard Kassab
                                                         Kate Keane
    Gold Members                   Alliance Partners
                                                         Art Director:
                                                         Svetlana Greku

                                                         Cover Design:
                                                         Elvira Cherry

                                                         Executive Officer:
                                                         Daniel Moisyeyev

                                                         BiziNet™ Magazine is published by
                                                         BiziNet Pty Ltd
                                                         ABN: 76 620 577 184

                                   Preferred Suppliers

                                                         Postal Address:
                                                         PO Box 37
                                                         North Ryde BC NSW 1670 Australia

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                                                         Issue #105 released December 2020

                                                         ISSN 2208-0546

                                   Venue Partners

                                                         Copyright BiziNet Pty Ltd 2020.

                                                         The opinions expressed in this journal do not necessarily reflect and
                                                         are not to be regarded as the official opinion of the editor, publisher or
                                                         their agents. All information contained within this journal is provided
                                                         for general information purposes only and on the understanding that
                                                         none of the content herein constitutes professional advice. The editor,
                                                         publisher or their agents accept no responsibility for any claim,
                                                         loss or damages arising out of or in connection with any materials
                                                         contained in this journal. Readers should not rely on the publications
                                                         in the journal and seek appropriate professional advice in respect of
                                                         their own circumstances.

2       BiziNet™ Magazine   #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet
Cover Story
     TOP DOG
     by Michael Gladkoff


     Insolvency Reforms to Support Small           24    REAL ESTATE
                                                         Off the Plan Units - Buy Wisely
     Business – Will You Be Eligible?                    Paul McKenzie, ABS Conveyancing
     Bruce Gleeson, Jones Partners Insolvency &
     Business Recovery
16   How to Address Stagnation in
     Business Revenue
     Paul Sweeney, Pretium Solutions               18    The Sydney Business Report: Rising to
                                                         Meet the Challenge of COVID-19
                                                         Peter May, CBD Sydney Chamber of

22   Top 7 Reasons to Utilise 3PL Services
     Lynne Fisher, Promtel Pty Ltd

                                                   20    Cashflow Friendly Legal Services
                                                         Steven Brown, Etienne Lawyers

     How to Get the Right Phone System
     for a Business of Any Size
     Leonid Karlinskiy, Australian Phone Company
                                                   BiziNet™ Digital @
28   Why Mobile Apps are Important for
     Your Business
     Grace Wong, Connect Mobile Apps               @     Branding is an Investment not an
                                                         Bernard Kassab, Ucidity

30   Cybersecurity for Business is Now a
     Critical Issue (part II)
     Daniel Moisyeyev, BiziNet Pty Ltd             @     Considerations for the Silly Season,
                                                         Kat Keane, ANSW Health Educator
32   How to Use Technology to Improve
     Your Customer Service
     Roger Amir, Mitronics Corporation
                                                   BiziNet™ Magazine

                                                         BiziNet™ Magazine         #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet
4   BiziNet™ Magazine   #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet

BiziNet™ Magazine   #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet
Our Contributors

Bruce Gleeson                        Paul Sweeney                           Lynne Fisher                        Paul McKenzie
Bruce Gleeson is a Registered        Managing Director Paul                 Lynne Fisher has been working       Paul McKenzie is a Principal of
Liquidator and Registered            Sweeney launched Pretium               in the customer service,            ABS Conveyancing & Realty
Bankruptcy Trustee with              Solutions after a long and             administration services,            Valuations based in York Street
approximately 20 years               successful career in accounting        warehousing and logistics area      Sydney. Paul spent the last 25
experience in assisting SMEs         and business advisory. For             for over 26 years. Lynne believes   years in the property industry
and individuals in financial         Paul, the driving force behind         that with the right 3PL and/or      with a focus on property
crisis. He is a Director of Jones    the creation of Pretium                administration partner, all         valuation, commercial property
Partners Chartered Accountants.      Solutions was to make high-            companies can better satisfy the    management and leasing. Paul
                                     end, proactive, directed and           needs of their customers. She       is a conveyancing law graduate
As an Insolvency Practitioner        value-based advisory services          relies on teamwork to produce a     from Macquarie University and
he believes it is vital that         available to small to medium           caring and stable environment in    has also spent the last 10 to 12
stakeholders (particularly           businesses.                            her workplace.                      years dealing with conveyancing
directors and individuals) get                                                                                  and property law matters.
the right advice from qualified      Paul brings to the table               Lynne assists and advises
professionals on the options         decades of experience as a             businesses with how to best         Paul has written a book
available to them. Bruce is          highly qualified accountant and        leverage carriers, packaging,       encompassing his experiences
passionate to ensure that            business advisor at every level        take goods to market, run           that will soon be published -
directors / individuals throughout   of business. Through consulting,       rewards campaigns and general       Property & Conveyancing Made
the Greater Western Sydney           coaching and on-the-ground             logistics and warehousing           Easy. He has been a guest
area have access to quality          training and operations, his           strategies.                         speaker at a number of property
advice and solutions.                focus is on unlocking the                                                  and conveyancing seminars, as
                                     untapped potential for greater                                             well as on radio and podcast
                                     profitability. Paul’s qualifications                                       television. Paul won several
                                     allow him to pair strategic advice                                         awards in 2019.
                                     with an advanced understanding
                                     of taxation and compliance

Bruce Gleeson                        Paul Sweeney                           Lynne Fisher                        Paul McKenzie
p | 02 9894 9966                     p | 02 9135 8450                       p | 02 9933 8888                    p | 1300 037 057                 

6              BiziNet™ Magazine           #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet
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          Hosting Paltform                       Alliance Partner                   Media Partner
                                                                    BiziNet™ Magazine    #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet

       TOP DOG

                     , 2013
            Pets Team

8             BiziNet™ Magazine    #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet

Four-legged, two-legged,
no-legged companion creatures,
great and small,
John Grima
loves them all.

by Michael Gladkoff

Born in the rural outskirts of Sydney, John’s
passion for any animal or fish was obvious
from the beginning. It’s no surprise that from
that early love, John now owns and runs
one of the largest pet store operations in
Australia – a superstore that offers support
to all pet owners at every stage of their
                                                     (l-r) Lacey,
pet’s life cycle. From birth, to rescuing,                        Shady Lad
                                                                           y, John and
to sheltering, to nurturing, to providing                                              George
ongoing support, to rehoming – John has
built a pet eco-system that shepherds every
animal and their owner through the joyful        the playful antics of the pups and kittens,     included visiting a pet store or two.
experience of pet companionship.                 John had found his paradise. Peering in
                                                 to the eyes of each of these animals John       These pet stores weren’t John’s only link
Let’s go back to how this all came to be.        would wonder about their knowing and their      to animals, as John lived on a farm with
                                                 experiences. He felt a type of fascination      chickens, cattle, horses, dogs, cats, and
John’s father was the well-respected local       and connection with each of the animals.        rabbits. The connection with domestic
GP. Once a week John achingly looked             It was another world to John and one that       animals was profound from such an early
forward to his special treat of going with       he felt splendid comfort in. John would see     age. He was surrounded by animals – it was
his Dad to his surgery in the nearby town.       uniqueness in each animal, just as his fellow   part of his daily life.
It was a short trip to town, but for John it     humans displayed levels of individuality in
was the longest road to paradise. As soon        their own way.                                  In his final years of schooling it was inevitable
as the car pulled in to his father’s practice                                                    that John had to start his own pet business,
and the handbrake was cranked on, John           Every time the family headed off on any         selling birds and fish on weekends, out of
was out the car door and down the street.        type of holiday, John would research the        his home driveway. It was a rudimentary and
His destination was the town pet store.          destination and seek out the local pet store.   basic operation. The first shipment of stock
John spent hours in the store. Gazing at         The highlight of each excursion was never       was bought with proceeds from the sale of
the feather coats of the birds, staring at       just the normal tourist landmarks, it always    John’s prized BMX bike and motorbike.

                                                                                         BiziNet™ Magazine            #105
PET INDUSTRY John Grima - BiziNet

                                                                                               ward, 200
                                                                             ilor of The Year A
                                                                onal Pet R
                                            hard with the Nati                                           planned, easy access for all customers was
                                       d Ric
                     ve, John, Cathy an
            (l-r) Ste                                                                                    ensured.
                                                     just about everything for the business, so
                                                     determined was he to make it work.                  The new premises were run by well-trained
Hand-painted signs told every passer-by                                                                  staff and stocked with premium products.
that birds and fish could be bought right            Very soon the business showed signs of              John needed everything about the new
there.                                               growing. Recruiting staff became necessary.         facility to focus on the welfare of all animals.
                                                     Business started to boom in the early
All great enterprises have to start                  90s with about 30 employees working at              In 2008, the all new Kellyville Pets opened
somewhere. Steve Jobs after all started              Kellyville Pets, making the enterprise one of       its doors to the public. The premises also
the world dominating Apple Company in                the major employers in the community.               house a grooming salon, DIY dog wash
his own parent’s garage. Likewise, John                                                                  and a vet hospital, as well as all pet store
Grima started Kellyville Pets in his parent’s        The business started to outgrow its present         functions.
driveway.                                            building and it was time to expand to a new
                                                     location. Building approval was granted in          What hasn’t changed throughout this period
After graduating from high school, the               2000 and John’s vision of a state of art pet        of growth is the dedication to the highest
weekend pet store operation became a                 shop gained clarity in his mind over the next       standards of animal welfare. John has
full-time store front. The year 1983 saw             few years.                                          always been determined to ensure that any
the official opening of Kellyville Pets. John                                                            animals that come through his doors are
continued to focus on aquarium fish and              John always had a clear vision of what he           treated with quality care. His customers
birds as the core part of his operation and          wanted and so the next version of Kellyville        have come to know that they will receive
started to learn about the world of business.        Pets was to be an ultra-modern facility             a value-add service and premium product
Nothing like practical experience. Mistakes          that catered for every aspect of pet care.          when they visit Kellyville Pets.
were made, risks were taken, setbacks                Most importantly, it was to be a facility that
occurred, and lessons were learnt. The               genuinely showed that the care and comfort          The new premises maintained the business
proceeds from every sale was put back in to          for all animals was its number one priority.        model of providing specialist advice for each
the business and the weekly wage that John           Animal enclosures were expertly designed,           animal type – the bird area was separate to
paid himself was negligible. John sacrificed         lighting and ventilation were carefully             the fish area, separate to the reptile area,

10             BiziNet™ Magazine             #105

and separate to the small animal area.
Specialists in each of these different animal
categories were employed so that expert
advice was available in the right location at
all times.

These strategies are not the cheapest way
to run a pet store, but John’s reputation as a
trusted provider of pet care to all was never                 Kellyville
going to be compromised.                                      1983, w Pets humble b
                                                                      h            e
                                                              was 16 en John Grima ginnings,
                                                                     years o
John’s vision has always been beyond
the definition of a typical pet store. This is
perhaps best illustrated by the rehoming
program. This program is available to anyone
who has purchased a pet from Kellyville Pets
and after some time, for whatever reason,                   Early sign
the owner has found that they can no longer                        1985
care for the pet, Kellyville Pets will seek to
find a new home for the pet.

Kellyville Pets now has over 60 staff working
at the facility and they are the business’s
biggest asset. The staff are all extraordinary
in the way that they contribute to the
running of the store and share John’s vision
of creating the best Animal Care business
in Australia. They love coming to work and
they love helping their customers make
visiting Kellyville Pets the highlight of their

And the love is regularly returned. The team
are frequently asked to set up displays or
similar at various local events. For instance,
Kellyville Pets is a regular participant in local
community events such as the Seniors Week
celebration. At one event the store had a live
display of some animals, including a snake.
The snake is very much a maligned species,
probably reaching back to the role it had in
biblical times. So it can be a brave decision
to decide to adopt a snake as a pet – but
many do.

The men at Seniors Week displayed their
bravado by claiming that the “best snake
was a dead snake”, and no way were
                                                          Kellyville Pets. early
they going to go near one. We would, of                                          2000
course, debate that this is not the case
and all snakes are fascinating animals. But
from across the room charged a lady who             in her long life.
was mesmerised by the friendly python on                                                           every day showing a deep love for their work
display. She just had to have a hold. The           Store staff are encouraged to undertake        and their customers.
103-year-old local identity declared that it        some form of tertiary study in veterinary/
was an experience that she had never had            companion animal care or similar, and          Kellyville Pets is an ethical business seeking
prior and was so thankful for being able to         many staff now have formal qualifications. A   to provide premium products. Importantly,
touch, hold and feel such an animal. It was         business like this just has to be successful   the business works closely with all breeders
a lifetime highlight for a lady who had many        with qualified dedicated specialist staff      to certify that quality animals are brought in

                                                                                           BiziNet™ Magazine           #105

                                                                                                  many faceted offers, which just about
                                                                                                  completes the total world of pet caring. He
                                                                                                  strongly believes that educating customers
                                                                                                  on the right pet choices for their lifestyle
                                                                                                  will make for better welfare outcomes long
                                                                                                  term. No wonder John no longer refers to
                                                                                                  Kellyville Pets as a pet store, but rather as a
                                                                                                  Companion Animal Centre.

                                                                                                  John Grima has achieved something that
                                                                                                  very few people in life have been able to
                                                                                                  achieve. Very early on he found something
                                                                                                  that he loves doing, something that he has
                                                                                                  a passion for. John was able to convert
                                                                                                  this love and passion into a business that
                                                                                                  the community wanted and were prepared
                                                                                                  to reward John for providing such a quality

                                                                                                  The themes that have emerged from John’s
                                                                                                  success are to do with persistence, a positive
                                                                                                  staff culture and work-life balance. As John
                                                                                                  explains, “In anything you do, persistence is
                                                                                                  everything. Nothing happens as quickly as
                                                                                                  you imagine it will. Also, staff culture is key.
                                                                                                  You’re only as strong as your weakest link in
                                                                                                  your staff. In creating a strong staff culture,
                                                                                                  it has to be a win for everybody.”

                                                                                                  In emphasising the importance of leading
                                                                                                  a balanced life, John says, “A lot of people
                                                                                                  fail in business because they focus too
                                                                                                  much on the business and don’t have a
                                                                                                  balanced lifestyle. My best ideas have come

                                                  as ethical as need be. John is keen for this
                                                  level of under-regulation to be addressed
                                                  and is using his position on the Pet
to the store for selling. It is both a business   Industry Association of Australia to improve
priority to vet the prospective owner so that     conditions and introduce more stringent
a good match is made between the animal           regulations across the industry. To the point
and the owner; and it is just as important        where all pet breeders and pet stores should
that the right breed of animal is made            be subject to strong licencing laws.
available for sale.
                                                  John continues to grow his business with
In some parts of the industry, there is           plans to further improve the sale of pet
evidence of poor pet-owner experiences            products online. He has also expanded the
and some animal breeding programs are not         education department to Kellyville Pets’

12             BiziNet™ Magazine           #105

to me when on holidays when I was doing
something other than work. You should have
two consecutive days off each week and go
on a holiday every year as a minimum. If you
don’t have balance, you won’t perform as
well in your business.”

John’s drive to create his business wasn’t
without risks. He took calculated financial
risks that tested his mission to provide an
optimum companion animal centre for all
that wanted it. He suffered some setbacks
that slowed down the growth of the
business. These hold-ups were just that,
hold-ups. With John’s mission mapped out
before him, success was inevitable.

It is now time for John to review the
progress of the last thirty years and seek to
continue growth in the right direction. His
highly motivated and dedicated staff are
self-directing and effectively managing the
business themselves successfully. John is in
a position to revert to the role of Managing
Director and establish a clear strategic path
in to the future for Kellyville Pets and its

All of those who know John well, know that
he is not even halfway along that path.

                                                BiziNet™ Magazine   #105
Bruce Gleeson, FCA, FCPA, RITF
BUSINESS ADVICE                                Principal, Jones Partners Insolvency &
                                               Business Recovery

Insolvency Reforms to
Support Small Business –
Will You Be Eligible?
    The Federal Government announced reforms in October 2020 aimed at assisting small business
    to restructure when they are in financial distress, which has been particularly evident during the
    COVID-19 pandemic. The reforms have been designed to reduce the complexity and costs of the
    small business in restructuring their financial affairs with a view to continuing into the future when
    compared to the present option available, that being a Voluntary Administration (“VA”) process.

In what some industry participants are calling
a VA light process and likely to be available
from 1 January 2021, after all the temporary
relief measures regarding insolvent trading
and pursuit of debts end, the Small Business
Restructuring Plan will be available.

So why reform now?

•   During COVID-19 the number of
    corporate insolvencies have dropped by
    approximately 50% when compared to
    the same period in 2019. This is largely
    due to the temporary measures that were
    put in place to keep businesses afloat
    which will expire as at 31 December 2020.
    Consequently, it is forecast when these
    measures end that financial difficulty is
    likely to increase in 2021 and therefore it is
    important that small business have other
    options available to them.
                                                         restructuring practitioner. The practitioner        of debt through an online portal or other
•   The reform is part of the Federal                    confirms the company is eligible to access          tech neutral means. Approval requires a
    Government’s Jobmaker plan and it is                 the restructuring process.                          majority of unrelated creditors by value
    hoped that it will enable more Australian                                                                who respond by the deadline.
    small businesses to quickly restructure          •   A notice of process commencement is
    and better survive the economic impact of            provided to creditors by a technology          •    If a majority of creditors vote for the
    COVID-19.                                            neutral means, which outlines how                   restructuring plan, the plan commences
                                                         information relevant to the process can be          and the practitioner is appointed to
•   Small businesses are historically at the             accessed.                                           oversee the plan.
    highest risk of insolvency. For example:
                                                     •   A restructuring plan is developed by the       •    If a majority of creditors vote against the
    ○   approximately 80% of corporate                   company directors with the support of               restructuring plan, the process ends and
        insolvencies involve less than 20                the practitioner. The practitioner certifies        the directors may choose to enter another
        employees; and                                   the plan based on their assessment of the           insolvency process.
    ○   75% of corporate insolvencies have               company’s financial affairs.
        < $1million in liabilities.                                                                     During steps 1 and 2 above, the small business
                                                     •   The plan, accompanying information             directors stay in control of the day-to-day affairs
The Process                                              and the certificate are made available to      of the business. This makes it significantly
                                                         creditors.                                     different to the VA process where control is
Step 1 – up to 20 business days                                                                         handed over to the Voluntary Administrator
                                                     Step 2 – up to 15 business days                    when they are appointed.
•   The directors of a financially distressed
    company appoint a small business                 •   Creditors vote on the plan, and verify proof

14             BiziNet™ Magazine              #105

What are the eligibility criteria?              With this impending reform, there are now more                      on what their core skillset is, rather than being
                                                options to be considered for small business                         crisis managers and move forward.
•   The small business       must    be   an    directors when looking at how they can move
    incorporated entity.                        forward. My key tips are:
                                                                                                                    If you would like to know more about the
•   It cannot have liabilities that exceed      •   Small business directors should be                              reforms and how they might work, please do
    $1 million – this includes related party        actively encouraged to seek advice as                           not hesitate to get in contact with me.
    liabilities.                                    soon as they are experiencing financial
•   must have all tax lodgements up to date
    – even if they have not been able to pay    •   Such advice should be obtained from a
    associated liabilities.                         trusted advisor and someone who has the
                                                    appropriate professional experience and
•   must have paid any employee entitlements        registrations.
    which are due and payable before the plan
    can be commenced and put to creditors.      •   As a Registered Liquidator that has                             Jones Partners Insolvency &
                                                    specialised in advising small business                          Business Recovery
What about trading trusts?                          directors for over 25 years, I am able to                       p | 02 9894 9966
                                                    help determine if the small business may                        e |
Unfortunately, the reform does not deal with        be eligible for a restructuring plan, or if                     b |
trading trusts used by small business and how       this is not possible, discuss and assist in           
trust assets would be dealt with.                   implementing another plan to deal with
                                                    financial affairs of the business.
What should small businesses (or
their advisers) who may be in financial         For small business, they don't need to take
distress do?                                    the trip alone, the sooner they get the right
                                                professional advice, they can start to focus

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                                                                                          BiziNet™ Magazine                                                                            #105
Paul Sweeney,
BUSINESS ADVICE                                Managing Director,
                                               Pretium Solutions

How to Address
Stagnation in Business
    Your business revenue has stagnated, or worse it has reduced. Now what do you do? How do you
    increase revenue and make sure you are also doing this profitably? This is a common situation facing
    business owners right now. In fact, it’s a key issue business owners everywhere constantly need to
    address. Right now, for many businesses it has become critical.

But what is Revenue? Revenue = Number of
Customers x Number of Transactions x Value
of Each Sale

You can increase revenue by increasing
the size of any of those three inputs. So, we
can have a strategy to increase the number
of customers, a strategy for increasing the
number of transactions with each customer,
and a strategy for increasing the dollar value of
each sales transaction.

Any plan or journey starts with two things.
Knowing where you want to go to and knowing
exactly where you are starting from. So
firstly we need to set a desired revenue goal.
Subtract from your revenue goal, the amount          •   Price your product for profit                  your pricing competitive and profitable? Do
of your current revenue to identify how much                                                            you need to increase prices?
additional revenue is required.                      Many businesses bundle in everything but the
                                                     kitchen sink. When you look at your product        Identify price sensitivity – based on your gross
When we know the level of additional                 or service offerings, are there are certain        profit margin, what percentage of average
revenue we need to create, we can be more            components that could be unbundled and sold        customers could you afford to lose before you
specific about the revenue targets we have           separately? An example of unbundling might         are worse off. In other words, based on an
for our number of customers, the number of           be to separate service contracts out from          average price increase of say, 10%, how many
transactions with each customer and the value        product purchases.                                 customers could you lose and keep revenue at
of each sale.                                                                                           the same level?
                                                     Are you providing “too much” value? Many
In developing our strategy for increasing            service businesses are guilty of providing too     In a conversation advising you to increase
revenue it is important to understand which are      much value. They add in extra pieces of value      revenue it may seem counter-productive to
your most profitable customers and implement         without identifying or asking if it is something   mention that losing customers may not be a
a strategy to retain them. It is possible that too   the customer or client actually wants or needs.    bad thing. So, let’s take a closer look.
much focus on smaller, unprofitable customers        There is a cost of adding these extra pieces of
is causing a lack of focus on those who should       value. If the customer doesn’t need them, don’t    If you are able to increase the price charged to a
be better nurtured. Get rid of the unprofitable      give them away. If they do want them, price        non-profitable customer, one of two outcomes
customers.                                           them appropriately and sell them as a separate     may result:
The first step is to implement a system to                                                              1.   By correctly identifying the increased price
measure lead generation, conversion rates,           It has often been said that customers do not            required, you could turn a non-profitable
sales volume and customer profit. If you             know what they need until they see it. It’s             customer to a profitable customer; or
measure it, you can manage it. Use this data as      important that you make a habit of asking          2.   You may lose the customer which
a tool to help you:                                  customers what else they might need as you              means that you’re a not making a loss
                                                     will likely get some useful feedback around             on the transaction, and, you now have
•    Increase the number of the right type of        product extensions or services that could be            the capacity to sell more to profitable
     customers for your business                     added.                                                  customers, and you free up time for
•    Create recurring revenue customers who                                                                  working on your business.
     purchase repeatedly from you                    Review pricing by product or service line. Is

16              BiziNet™ Magazine             #105

                                                      Find opportunities to upsell or cross-sell         Getting help all starts with a conversation. Talk
                                                      complementary products and create scripts          to us today to find out how your business can
                                                      that customer-facing team members can use          benefit.
                                                      to increase average transaction value. Every
                                                      action you take to make it easier for a customer
                                                      to buy from helps to increase your revenue.

                                                      At this point you may be feeling overwhelmed
                                                      and not know where to begin. As a business
Always look for opportunities to upsell or cross-     owner you wear many hats and have to
sell additional products or services. If there are    perform in a variety of business roles which       Pretium Solutions
natural add-ons that could be offered when a          you may lack the skill or experience to do         p | 02 9135 8450
customer buys a product or service, consider          well. This disadvantage for small and medium
how effectively your sales team is suggesting         business owners can be overcome by using
that add-on to the client. The classic example        the experience of others. Experience of people
is McDonald’s famous line, ‘would you like fries      suitably qualified and knowledgeable who can
with that?’ Because they systematized it using        advise you specifically on the right course of
a script, they could get 15-year old’s to upsell.     action for your particular business.

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                                                                                                 BiziNet™ Magazine            #105
Peter May,
FEATURE                                      Executive Officer,
                                             CBD Sydney Chamber of Commerce

The Sydney Business Report: Rising
to Meet the Challenge of COVID-19
   Sydney is Australia’s largest city. Its population exceeds 5 million people and it contributes over 24% of
   the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Australian economy.

The cluster of activities in Sydney city and its   face. Critically, this Report also provides key     Of these 88% had utilised the Government’s
surrounding town centres creates an economic       insights that can be used by businesses to          temporary assistance measures.
engine and a symbiotic relationship amongst        Build Back Better.
its businesses. It generates competitive value                                                         And 68% had received some form of rent
for the businesses in this area and in return      It also provides CBD Sydney Chamber of              reduction.
businesses benefit from increased connectivity,    Commerce Members - and businesses it
access to labour and talent, infrastructure, and   is connected with - an opportunity to share         On Finance costs only 28% sought to negotiate
the flow on effects of innovation.                 their experiences. It is a collaboration with       with their bank or finance provider – and 70%
                                                   the Sydney Business Chamber and Vincents            did not seek any such negotiations.
Sydney, like many other cities globally, was       Accountants that will be built upon for future
largely brought to a standstill by COVID-19        research.                                           61% of businesses had reduced employee and
and its associated health and government                                                               staff costs.
regulations. Sydney city and its surrounding       Focus Areas for the Research
town centres experienced a significant fall in                                                         How have businesses adapted as a result
economic activity whether measured by foot         We asked businesses in Sydney city and              of COVID-19 and how confident are they in
traffic, business revenue, tourist numbers,        surrounding town centres about how their            surviving?
public transport usage, office occupancy           businesses had been impacted in the three (3)
rates, retail spending, or other measures,         months prior to the Survey period in Aug 2020.      33% indicated that all staff will return to the
causing a devastating impact on this economic      The full Report contains detail on different        workplace when COVID-19 is under control.
ecosystem.                                         industries and levels of impact, however the
                                                   key findings can be summarised as follows:          24% indicated staff will continue to work
There have been many initiatives implemented                                                           remotely.
in order to reignite Sydney’s economy and          How were business in Sydney City and
support businesses. Some of these have been        surrounding town centres affected by                87% of businesses considered it likely that
at the Commonwealth Government level,              COVID-19?                                           their business model will need to change.
others at the State and Local Government
levels. Although, the most high profile of these   85% said revenue had been impacted to some          What do businesses say they require to survive
has been the JobKeeper wage subsidy, other         degree. The most common response by 24%             and move forward in a “COVID Normal”
measures are also part of a targeted approach      of respondents was a reported decrease of           environment?
to revive and revitalise businesses in Sydney,     between 30% and 50%.
and the Business of Sydney. These include                                                              74% indicated were confident or somewhat
though are not limited to: the Cash Boost and      55% had stood down or terminated staff.             confident their business would survive –
other government grants, payroll tax deferrals                                                         however. Of these, 98% had not experienced a
and reductions, the waiver of certain local        61% reported their workforces were either           revenue decrease of more than 75%.
government fees, the instant asset tax write-      partially or fully working from home or remotely.
off, the Apprenticeships Incentive Program,                                                            59% advised their business would require
and more recently the relaxation of restrictions   77% experienced a negative impact on their          further funding and financial assistance.
and activation of public spaces.                   mental health.
                                                                                                       Build Back Better
The Sydney Business Report outlines how            What did businesses in Sydney City and
COVID-19 has changed businesses in Sydney          surrounding town centres do in response to the      While the objective of the Report was to
and is changing the Business of Sydney. It         economic effects of COVID-19?                       understand the impact of COVID-19 on
draws directly on the Sydney commercial                                                                businesses within the Sydney city and
community made up of large, medium,                76% were utilising Government temporary             surrounding town centres, the Report is also
small and micro businesses and analyses            assistance – but 24% were not.                      designed to improve clarity and start discussions
the different ways and different extents that                                                          around how businesses are performing now and
businesses have been impacted, and highlights      65% had sought to negotiate rent with their         what support they will need moving forward.
the different challenges and opportunities they    landlords.

18             BiziNet™ Magazine            #105

                                                                                      Chamber Membership Counts. Be A

                                                                                      This CBD Sydney Chamber connects, engages
                                                                                      and supports businesses and people in
                                                                                      business to achieve the best possible outcome
                                                                                      – whatever the business conditions.

                                                                                      The Chamber provides access to clear
                                                                                      information, business support services,
                                                                                      upskilling opportunities, the roundtable
                                                                                      specialist series and the Women in Business
                                                                                      Network, the Chamber can be a valuable
                                                                                      support in moving through the current
                                                                                      economic challenges.

                                                                                      That’s why Membership Counts.

                                                                                      For a copy of the Sydney Business Report or
                                                                                      enquiries about Chamber Membership contact
                                                                                      Peter May - Executive Officer CBD Sydney
                                                                                      Chamber on 02 9350 8103 or 0437 872 052,

                                                                                      The Sydney Business Report is a collaboration between
                                                                                      Sydney Business Chamber, CBD Sydney Chamber of
                                                                                      Commerce, and Vincents Accountants. It is the first in a
                                                                                      series of reports which analyse and address key issues that
                                                                                      impact the Business of Sydney


The      Report     details a number of          •   23% Professional advisors    
recommendations based on the key points          •   20% the ATO                            Instagram @cbdsydneychamber
identified by the research.                      •   17% Commonwealth & State
                                                     Governments and
One key finding relates to staying informed.     •   14% Chambers of Commerce
When asked "What have been the most useful
sources of information and support during
COVID-19?" – there were four (4) key responses
from eight (8) options provided:

                                                                                 BiziNet™ Magazine             #105
Steven Brown, B.Ec, LL.B, (Sydney), M.
FEATURE                                     App. Fin (Macquarie), FAICD, Accredited
                                            Business Law Specialist, AIMM, FPIAA and
                                            Chairman of Etienne Lawyers

Cashflow Friendly
Legal Services
     Value is what Etienne Lawyers provides. Value is a challenging thing to sell and appreciate. We have
     methods of serving you where you get value for money.

Two of our value propositions are:

1. the KickStart Package; and                                                                                                           figure 1

2. the Cash Flow Litigation Package.

What is the KickStart Package?

The KickStart Package gives a new business or
new client to our firm the following:

For twelve months all your commercial work
is done without any payment for 12 months.
At the end of the 12 months, you then pay off
our fees over the next 12 months by 12 equal
monthly instalments. There are other payment
options, but we will keep it simple for this

Clients taking up the KickStart Package get the

    1. all contract work,
    2. commercial negotiations,                   •   privacy statement and policy,                 started your business and have yet to get a
    3. business structuring and                   •   employment policies,                          tremendous legal foundation here is how it can
    4. legal establishment work                   •   advice on suppliers terms and conditions,     be obtained.
    5. done with no upfront payment.              •   review if leases for premises,
                                                  •   asset protection advice and assistance,       The KickStart Package excludes litigation or
You must pay Government or third-party costs.     •   advice on what business licenses may be       disputes of any kind. The KickStart Package is
For example, stamp duty, IP Australia fees, and       needed,                                       to lay down your legal structure not fight for it
ASIC or ASIC providers company incorporation      •   drafting consultants, cleaning, equipment     or legal work in fighting to keep it.
fees. Though generously forestalling legal fees       and any of forms of contracts you may
we are not a bank and do not provide credit.          need,                                         Also, the KickStart Package excludes any debt
                                                  •   corporations law advice,                      recovery work.
By taking advantage of the KickStart Package,     •   competition and consumer law advice,
you get the best legal foundation for your        •   review of your marketing and advertising      The KickStart Package allows you to use your
business without having to use valuable cash          materials,                                    resources to make money when you need
flow needed to start your business.               •   and any other non-litigious legal work        it now. Legal fees are deferred to a later day
                                                      needed during the first 12 months.            when you are better placed to pay them.
You get:
                                                  All you need to have a tremendous legal           You get the advantage of having a firm legal
•     Shareholders Agreement,                     foundation to kick start your business.           foundation for a new business, without the
•     Trademarks,                                                                                   expense of having to trade off needed cash.
•     IP Audit,                                   For existing businesses, the KickStart Package
•     employment contracts,                       is also available. We will review what you have   We get to show you how Etienne Lawyers can
•     terms and conditions of trade,              to ensure it is up to date and is the best for    add value to your business thereby cementing
•     website terms,                              you to expand and grow your business. If you      us as your preferred and go to legal provider.

20              BiziNet™ Magazine          #105

                                                                                                                                figure 2

What is the Cash Flow Litigation

Litigation is unwanted and a drain on cash          The agreed amount, is paid every month until         or the costs of process servers, accountants,
reserves. Litigation is a lumpy cash outflow        the litigation ends. Whether a lot, a little or no   valuers or other needed experts.
process. Hugh sums are needed at the start          work is done on your matter in any month,
in the middle and at the time of the hearing.       the agreed monthly payment must be paid.             If value is what you want, value is what we
Finding the case can be difficult for many and      By paying this way the lumpiness of funding          provide.
impossible for some. See figure 1.                  litigation is smoothed out. It is not eradicated.
                                                    By smoothing out your legal costs, you are           If any of these packages is what you are looking
To assist in handling the cash flow drain           better placed to run an expensive court case.        for, then contact Steven Brown to start one of
and pain, we have the Cash Flow Litigation          You do not have to forgo your legal rights. You      the packages today.
Package. The Package allows you to budget           can maintain them and get what you deserve
on a monthly agreed fee to pay your litigation      at a manageable monthly cost. The package is         If you feel you have this problem, Etienne
costs. Barristers fees must be paid at the          depicted in the figure 2.                            Lawyers may be able to help you out of your
chosen barrister’s hourly rate.                                                                          dilemma.
                                                    The monthly fee is agreed with you. How much
Our professional fees are set at an agreed          the monthly fee is depends upon:
monthly price, with an agreed daily rate for
the hearing dates. Knowing the agreed rate,         •    the nature of the case you are taking or
you pay our costs at a constant smooth,                  defending;
manageable pace. You are not looking for            •    if you are cross claiming;
funds at short notice. By relieving the cash flow   •    the amount of the case;
pressure, you have a clearer mind to handle the     •    the legal issues involved; and
stress and pressure that litigation puts on those   •    (even in some cases) your cash flow
involved in a court case.                                position.                                       Etienne Lawyers
                                                                                                         p | 02 8845 2400
The monthly fee is paid every month until the       As time is money when the hearing is being           e |
litigation ends. In the beginning, we may have      conducted a further amount per day is charged.
to work and charge $3X on an hourly rate            Again this fee is known at the outset so it can
basis. At certain times our work will be greater    be budgeted.
than you pay. At other times the costs paid will
exceed the work done.                               As with the KickStart Package, third-party
                                                    costs of barristers, courts and experts have to
For instance, under the Cash Flow Litigation        be paid by you. They cannot be amortised as
Package, you agree to pay $0.5X a month.            our fees are. We do not control Barristers fees,

                                                                                                 BiziNet™ Magazine           #105
Lynne Fisher,
BUSINESS ADVICE                              Promtel Pty Ltd

Top 7 Reasons to
Utilise 3PL Services
     Statistics tell us that over 85% of Fortune 500 companies utilise 3PLs, and the industry is still predicted
     to grow by at least 5.2%. If they think it’s a good idea, maybe it is something worthy of consideration.

Here are my seven tips to think about if you are        to a 3PL, your management team can            c.   With this benefit, businesses can expand
planning on outsourcing your supply chain. If           focus more on its core competencies while          their market with minimal change to
you’ve got a product and your customers are             your logistics needs are being handled by          transport and delivery costs.
ordering it, you may want a few insider insights        industry professionals.
into why a 3PL partner can be a really good        c.   The 3PL team is accountable and               6. It improves quality – Outsourcing to
idea.                                                   becomes a partner supplier with risk in the   a 3PL provider ensures that you have more
                                                        transaction. If your 3PL partner lets you     capital.
1. It saves you time - What a great thing               or the customer down it risks losing your
this is. You’ve probably all thought of a dozen         business. This is a compelling argument       a.   The advanced technology and expertise
things you could do with more time already.             for excellence.                                    that comes with 3PL providers also
You could concentrate on your business and                                                                 guarantees that your logistics needs will
increase your input into its core competencies.                                                            be satisfied.
                                                                                                      b.   Since 3PLs thrive on efficiency, you
a.   You can eliminate the need to invest                                                                  can expect numerous aspects of your
     time and money in warehousing bricks                                                                  supply chain to improve as well. Volume
     and mortar, transportation, and the staff                                                             discounts, flexible staffing, flexible space
     required to execute the logistics.                                                                    – all part of the job for 3PLs.
b.   You can also leave the logistics paperwork,
     billing, stock-takes, stock management,                                                          7. It improves customer service – With
     training and HR management as this is the                                                        the cost of acquiring new warehouses and
     area of expertise for 3PLs.                                                                      new technology eliminated, your business
                                                                                                      can now focus more on customer service and
2. It offers scalability and flexibility -                                                            innovation.
Businesses become more flexible due to a
3PL partner’s ability to scale space, staff, and                                                      a.   You can be sure that your customers will
transportation according to inventory needs.       4. It encourages continuous optimisation                be happy with the improved quality and
                                                   3PL providers are masters at coping with                depth of your operation.
a.   There is no need to stress about high         change.
     and low seasons, whether you have a
     loading dock or can unload a container, as    a.   These organisations can adjust quickly in     Promtel offers more than an effective, IT-driven
     transitions can be handled smoothly.               various circumstances.                        3PL service, storing, picking, packing and
b.   If a business needs more space, a 3PL         b.   3PLs can also improve most links in your      shipping your goods.
     provider is just one phone call away.              supply chain.
                                                   c.   They ensure that your needs and those
3.   It    makes       valuable      expertise          of your customers are met in the fastest,
accessible - 3PLs are knowledgeable about               most efficient and cost-effective way.
the best practices in the industry, and all that   d.   3PLs can help maximise profits, reduce
knowledge and experience is available to you.           wait times, and improve customer              Promtel Pty Ltd
                                                        satisfaction.                                 p | 02 9933 8888
a.   To gain an edge in a competitive market,                                                         e |
     3PL providers stay up to date with the        5. It maximises your growth rate - By    
     latest developments in technology.            utilising a 3PL provider, you can save time and
     The software that good 3PLs use is            money.
     capable of advanced reporting, inventory
     management and provides visibility to         a.   This directly affects the growth of your
     enable you to monitor the entire logistics         company.
     process.                                      b.   3PL providers have warehouses in
b.   By outsourcing your logistics requirements         strategic locations.

22             BiziNet™ Magazine            #105
 If you are serious about making yourself, your company, your products and services well-known
 across the entire Sydney Business Community, and your brand to stand out above your competitors
 – you’re invited to explore the business opportunities on offer in BiziNet™ and Business Alliance NSW.

 BiziNet™ is a B2B Media Platform that works in conjunction with Business Alliance NSW - a Private
 Business Network. Our innovative concepts deliver rapid results. BiziNet™ has several Alliance
 Partnerships with a range of organisations and projects: CBD Sydney Chamber, the Council of Small
 Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA), CEBIT Australia and many others. These Partnerships
 provide extensive opportunities for Members to connect with thousands of enterprises.

 Members and Contributors receive an abundance of new business, expand their networks, establish
 new contacts, start joint ventures with other members and eventually end up taking their business to
 the next level.

 If you are interested to become one of the most recognised faces in the Sydney Business Community,
 please get in touch with BiziNet™ and Business Alliance NSW today.

 Ph: 1300 889 132

                                                                 BiziNet™ Magazine      #105
Paul McKenzie,
REAL ESTATE                                   CEO, ABS Conveyancing

Off the Plan Units –
Buy Wisely
   Whether it’s an off-the-plan residential apartment, commercial, retail or industrial strata unit, you
   should do sufficient research before you buy. Such an acquisition, either residential or commercial,
   can be a dream come true or a nightmare on completion. It all depends on the level of research,
   checks and balances.

First of all, location is paramount, whether
it’s residential or commercial. You want good
access to public transport, shopping centres,
cafes, hospitals, universities/tertiary education
colleges – in a suburb with a good profile, with
good sale and rental prices for units. A good
profile suburb has good infrastructure that
the government is upgrading to ease traffic
and is not too far from the city. Also, a suburb
where a Westfield shopping centre is located,
that is being expanded and upgraded, with an
exciting range of cafes, ambience areas and
specialty shops.

Secondly, make sure the units and development
scheme are built by a vendor/developer with a
good long-term track record of quality building,
quality units, good strata scheme facilities        like upon completion – with the design, details,   what’s best for you – direct investment with
(foyers, lifts, common courtyards, gyms,            and finishes – to make sure that your dream        negative gearing tax benefits or investment
pools, basement parking etc) and good post-         becomes a reality.                                 through your self-managed super fund. Your
settlement relations with unit owners on defects                                                       tax accountant should also advise you on tax
services. If the vendor/developer has owners of     On completion of construction, it’s very           depreciation benefits and how to get a tax
units in other strata complexes across Sydney       important that the vendor/developer has put        depreciation schedule/valuation done to claim
and other capital cities who are complaining        through the registration at the Land Titles        such benefits.
about the poor quality workmanship and              Office, receiving the Occupation Certificate,
shocking defects, these are warning signs “Not      triggering notice for settlement, that you do      Legal conveyancing services for Vendors/
to Buy”.                                            your pre-settlement inspection to make sure        Sellers, Buyers, Family Transfers, Commercial/
                                                    that unit you bought off the plan is your dream    Retail Leasing, etc.
Find out from other unit owners in the other        come true, not a nightmare.
strata development projects completed
previously by the vendor/developer. What            Vendor/developers earn a good reputation           ABS Conveyancing
are they saying about the vendor/developer’s        with unit buyers when they complete projects       p | 1300 037 057
quality, workmanship and defects service?           early or on time, build with quality, with pride   e |
                                                    in their workmanship and provide great defects
Whether residential or commercial, make sure        service through their project manager and
you with your conveyancer/solicitor goes            newly appointed strata manager. The vendor/
through the contract carefully, checking the        developer’s agent should provide good post-
details of the unit, the list of inclusions, the    settlement service on the handover, providing
sunset date with any extension, as well as the      packs with keys/tags, and details on strata
provision of vendor/developer rights to make        management, the complex facilities, and the
changes, especially on the reduced size and         60 to 90-day post-settlement defects reporting
the changes to fixtures/finishes of the unit, on    period.
completion. It’s very important that you are
clear, comfortable and confident of what the        If buying off the plan for investment purposes,
off-the-plan unit you are buying is going to look   you should speak to your tax accountant about

24             BiziNet™ Magazine             #105
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                                           1300 889 132           BiziNet™ Magazine   #105
Leonid Karlinskiy,
BIZINET TECH                                     Australian Phone Company

How to Get the Right
Phone System for a
Business of Any Size
    In the contemporary world of the internet, phone and communication systems remain the main ways
    for businesses to keep in touch with clients and a way to communicate within organisations. Telephone
    systems have been transformed significantly and now are a more unified communication tool with
    phone calls, auto attenders, voice menus, voice and video conferencing, chats, mobile apps, and
    much, much more.

Very often, businesses are confused about              If your business requires communication for        agencies, you probably already use Microsoft
how to get the right system:                           more than 25 users, we advise that you have        Teams for collaboration between people within
                                                       an on-site telephone system. This is quite         organisations, web meetings, and chats. But
•    To avoid any extra spending                for    important because, in this case, all internal      your phone system is still standalone and not
     functionality which is not required               calls remain within your local office network      integrated within Teams and Microsoft office.
•    For future company growth, or                     and don’t overload the internet.
•    Use existing IT infrastructure.                                                                      With the latest unified communication
                                                       We are a Platinum Partner for the world-leading    solutions, we can connect your Teams with
At Australian Phone Company, we have helped            3CX telephone systems vendor and strongly          the telephone network. Your staff will have
small and medium businesses for almost a               advise this solution for any scale of on-site      their own phone numbers delivered directly
decade in unified communications and are               deployments. With on-site 3CX systems, you         into the Teams application on a personal
happy to share our experience with phone               get the complete unified communication toll for    computer, mobile app or desk phone. An
system selection steps.                                your business. Starting with the basic versions,   existing office telephone system may be
                                                       conferencing and web meetings are already          integrated within Teams for smooth migration
Everything starts with the size of your business.      available. CRM system integration is available     and keep functionality during migration.
If you are sole trader, small convenience shop,        in professional versions to track and manage       Alternatively, it can be decommissioned, and
or a medical practice with few staff, it’s overkill    all your sales and customer calls. There is        the phone functionality provided by Teams via
to have your own dedicated PBX (phone box              also functionality for integration with website    an Australian Phone SIP Trunking solution. An
exchange) in your office. For such applications,       chats, SMS and Facebook, which make the            organisation can save thousands of dollars
we have a great product called Cloud PBX.              phone system a singular tool for all customer      per year with migrations from legacy phone
The beauty of this telephone system solution is        communications.                                    systems to the current technology.
located in our highly reliable cloud infrastructure;
customers only need phone handsets or can              The fact that phone system is located in your      Regardless of your business size, the Australian
even connect from mobile phones. So, there’s           office doesn’t change the ability for your staff   Phone Company is your one-stop shop for
absolutely zero capital spending for telephone         to use applications on their mobile phones         the unified communications – speak with our
systems infrastructure, and no payments for            to receive and forward calls, attend and           experts today to find out how we may assist
any IT support.                                        organise meetings, chat, and see other people      with your telephone system.
                                                       attending. People may still send and receive
We do all the hard work managing servers and           calls on their computers in remote locations,      Please visit our website www.australianphone.
infrastructure. However, it’s still a very powerful    and work from any convenient place. The 3CX or give us a call at 1800 APHONE.
phone system with an intuitive and friendly            mobile application is probably the best in the
user interface. You get access to all the latest       world for unified communications for the set
functionality, including greeting messages,            of functionalities. When you have distributed
voice menus, time-based routing, FAX,                  offices around the country or even around the      Australian Phone Company
conferences, voicemails, call recording, and so        world with a number of staff, the 3CX telephone    p | 1800 APHONE or +61 3 9999 8289
on. There are 36 available features out of the         system may be deployed in Amazon or other          e |
box without any extra charges. You don’t need          data providers to achieve the best reliability
any IT knowledge to configure a system – via           and accessibility from any place. In the office
the web interface you may always customise             environment, an ordinary computer is good
how calls reach your office, which phone rings         enough to start with, which makes solution
first, add an extra public holiday or forward all      highly affordable and scalable. Big companies
calls to mobile if required. The general rule we       such as Holiday Inn, PWC, KPMG trust this
advise for our customers: if you have fewer            solution.
than 25 internal users (extensions) – consider
cloud-based telephone system.                          For relatively large organisations or government

26               BiziNet™ Magazine              #105
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