Performance Benchmarks - FOR AUTOMOTIVE DIGITAL MARKETING 2019 - - 9 Clouds



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FACEBOOK ADS 			     8



CONCLUSION		         17

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         No one has done this before. It’s a wild digital world out there, and we
         made this PDF to give you the information you need to conquer it.

         What is a good number for [insert digital marketing statistic here]?

         Email marketing, Facebook ads, Google Ads, and web content all
         come with a unique set of metrics that can make or break your digital
         marketing strategy. This document lists the most important metrics to
         evaluate for each of these services. We’ve presented the data clearly and
         scientifically so you can see, side by side, how the results we’ve achieved
         with our automotive clients compare with the industry averages.


         After nearly a decade of independent work in automotive digital
         marketing, 9 Clouds is in a unique position to provide valuable
         insight into the key metrics for these core digital services.


         Not only does our data come from practical, real-world
         campaigns — it’s also standardized. Our specialists created
         detailed methodologies for each of these services.

         We use these performance benchmarks not only to assess our own
         work, but also to provide a constructive guide for our fellow automotive
         digital marketers. We hope you find them as useful as we do.

PAGE 3                                                                

    With the infinite points of data available at our fingertips, objectivity is rare in
    digital marketing.

                To provide some signal in the noise, our team carefully chose the most
                   important data points for our core digital marketing services: email
                      marketing, Facebook ads, Google Ads, and web content.*

                        After determining the best data points to analyze for each service,
                        we methodically compiled our internal data from clients, focusing
                       on preserving the accuracy and validity of our findings.

                    Then, our specialists identified reputable third-party resources
                 that regularly report the national benchmarks for each corresponding
            service. We measured our clients’ results against these industry averages to
     give you a fair, complete picture of the data.

    The benchmarks from third-party resources are denoted with this icon:

    The benchmarks from 9 Clouds performance data are enoted with this icon:

    We hope you enjoy the report!

    *NOTE: While we do offer search engine optimization (SEO) as a service, we did not
    explicitly include it in this report, as SEO metrics are neither as straightforward nor as easily
    attributable as those of our other services. That said, we are working on defining those
    metrics and plan to include them in future reports.

PAGE 4                                                                           

                              OPEN RATE        18.7%             26%

                  CLICK-THROUGH RATE           12.6%             14%

                     UNSUBSCRIBE RATE          0.19%             1%

                           BOUNCE RATE         0.99%             1.8%

Email marketing delivers click-through        connect with them in their busy world. Use
rates that are up to six times higher         this wisely; don’t blast content that may
than those of organic social media, and       not apply to them. Your email marketing
it regularly generates the highest ROI of     campaigns are opportunities to build a
any digital marketing channel. Those are      personalized and trusted relationship.
powerful facts! We’re going to assume
you’re using email marketing as part of       How many people check emails while in
your strategy. (If you’re not, let’s talk!)   the bathroom, the drive-through lane,
                                              the grocery store line, the bedroom,
Email marketing is the oldest and             and just about everywhere else?
simplest of our platforms to measure
— but it has changed over the years.          When your audience checks their email, they
                                              are inviting you into their personal space
The days of “email blasting” are no           . . . and they can kick you out with a
more, as your customers become wiser          single tap. That’s why you must keep a
and spam filters become smarter.              close eye on your email metrics to be
                                              sure you’re reaching the right people with
When someone gives you their email            the right message at the right time.
address, they’ve given you direct access to

PAGE 5                                                                 

In this report, we’ve identified four email        strategy and careful data management helps us
metrics that will give you insight into just       send relevant emails to the right group of people
how well you’re communicating with each            on behalf of our clients, resulting in above-average
valuable member of your audience.                  email open rates in the range of 11% to 42%.

OPEN RATE                                          CLICK-THROUGH RATE
Open rate is the first metric to examine because   Next, we looked at click-through rate (CTR):
it’s the first opportunity for your recipients     the percentage of people who click on a link
to engage with your email. If your audience        within your email out of those who open
isn’t opening your emails in the first place,      it. This is not to be confused with click rate,
you’ve already lost your chance to connect.        which is the percentage of those who click
                                                   your email out of those who receive it.
Open rate is the percentage of people who
opened your email out of those who received        CTR is an important metric because it tells
it. Improving your open rate is the first          you whether or not your email entices
step in improving your email success.              your audience to actually take an action in
                                                   response to your message. It helps you identify
You can do this by testing the subject line,       whether your email is achieving its goal.
sender name, send time, or recipient list. For
example, an email sent to a very small recipient   9 Clouds’ CTR benchmark shows an 11% increase
list may have an unusually low or high open        over the industry benchmark. Complemented
rate compared to one sent to a larger list.        by our high email open rates, this metric
                                                   is successful due to engaging design, clear
As you can see, our internal 9 Clouds benchmark    messaging and calls-to-action, and regular
for email open rates is 39% higher than the        A/B testing to achieve optimal results.
industry benchmark. Our email segmentation

       PAGE 6                                                                 

UNSUBSCRIBE RATE                                     Many email clients will exclude these contacts
Unsubscribes are not always a bad thing.             from future email sends. If yours doesn’t,
After all, it’s a waste of your time to send         you should manually remove them in order
an email to people who aren’t currently              to protect your sender reputation. (You don’t
interested in your content or product.               want to end up in the spam folder, after all!)

Unsubscribe rate measures the number of email        A soft bounce indicates a temporary
recipients who elected to no longer receive future   technical problem, such as one with
emails from you. It’s normal to have a consistent,   the recipient’s email server.
low number of unsubscribes. After all, that
reflects the ebb and flow of the buyer’s journey.    There’s not much you can do to prevent hard
                                                     and soft bounces, but it’s a good practice to
However, watch out for a sudden spike in your        clear out the contacts who aren’t receiving your
unsubscribe rate. This may reflect mismatched        emails because of bounces. At 9 Clouds, we
expectations between what you promised your          routinely remove bounced email addresses to
recipients and what they received. It may be         keep our clients’ contact lists clean and relevant.
time to restrategize your email marketing.
                                                     WHERE DID WE GET OUR DATA?
Before we send marketing emails for our clients      Before we measured our own benchmarks based
at 9 Clouds, we take careful steps to exclude        on client data, we researched several third-
contacts for whom we know the message is not         party resources to give us the best indication
relevant. This results in a lower unsubscribe        for “what’s good” for each of these metrics.
rate and facilitates a positive relationship
between our clients and their customers.             Our source for third-party email data for the
                                                     automotive industry comes from a combination
BOUNCE RATE                                          of reliable sources. These include industry
Finally, bounce rate measures the number             benchmark reports from GetResponse, Constant
of emails sent compared to the number                Contact, MailChimp, and Campaign Monitor.
of emails delivered. There are two main              These reports are as recent as March 2019.
types of bounces: hard and soft.

A hard bounce often indicates a permanent
error, such as a nonexistent email address.

       PAGE 7                                                                  

                               COST PER CLICK:          $2.24              $0.91

                        CLICK-THROUGH RATE:             0.8%               1.99%

               COST PER LANDING PAGE VIEW:              $3                 $3.95

              COST PER LEAD AD SUBMISSION:              $24                $21.67

                                                         Note: All currency metrics are shown in USD.

No matter what kind of dealership you            COST PER CLICK (CPC)
have, Facebook brings your audience              We first chose cost per click (CPC)
together. According to WordStream,               because Facebook ads are fundamentally
1.49 billion Facebook users generate             a pay-per-click system. We also picked
22 billion ad clicks each year.                  CPC because it provides insight into
                                                 competition for the audience’s attention,
Since Facebook has a treasure trove              it gives a clear indication of which
of data with which to find your ideal            content Facebook thinks is the most
audience, and since the cost of a click is       engaging, and it evaluates the quality of
less than a cup of coffee, it’s easy to find     audiences within the Facebook ad tool.
and bring the right kind of traffic to your
dealership’s website every day of the week.      Within the Facebook “ad auction” system,
                                                 where companies compete for attention,
The ads you show to this qualified               CPC indicates the market value of a
audience can take many forms, creating           click given the targeting methods and
a wellspring of data and insights. In this       quality of content used in the ad.
report, we’ve boiled it down to four main
data points that clearly show return             Cost per click is an average of all
on investment for auto dealers.                  clicks on traffic-oriented ads (as

PAGE 8                                                                           

opposed to ads with video-, event-, or reach-       COST PER LANDING PAGE VIEW
based objectives). We measured it in the            Not all clicks result in quality website visits.
“CPC (All)” column in Ads Manager.                  To understand how many people actually saw
                                                    the web page linked in your ad, we use the
As you may have noticed, the average automotive     metric of cost per landing page view, which
CPC at 9 Clouds is more than a dollar less than     is calculated with traffic-based ads for clients
the industry average. Our strategic blend of        with Facebook pixels installed on their sites.
high-value lookalike audiences and retargeting
audiences regularly allows us to achieve very       We chose this benchmark because Facebook
low CPC numbers for our Facebook advertising        ads should drive only the most qualified visitors
clients. Additionally, our Cumulus software         to your site — visitors who actually wait for
enables dealers to deploy highly relevant           the page to load and then spend time on
Facebook campaigns, which often yield very          your site. Cost per landing page view provides
low CPCs in the range of $0.08 to $0.50.            directional guidance by reporting the number
                                                    of times a person clicked on your ad link and
CLICK-THROUGH RATE (CTR)                            then successfully loaded your landing page.
Next, we chose CPC’s cousin, click-through
rate (CTR), which is also based on traffic-         At 9 Clouds, we focus on creating a satisfying
oriented ad data. We measured it in the             user experience for our clients’ customers. This
“CTR (All)” column in Ads Manager.                  involves carefully setting the targeting, the ad
                                                    creative, and the destination page. By constantly
CTR is the percentage of impressions that           testing our methods, we’re able to ensure the
resulted in clicks to the website or other assets   quality of our ad traffic after the click happens.
within Facebook. We chose this metric because
it indicates the quality of the relationship        Our average cost per landing page view is roughly
of your content to the people viewing it.           one dollar higher than our industry average simply
                                                    because we focus on obtaining higher-quality traffic
9 Clouds achieves a CTR that is twice the           from smaller audiences, which normally drives up
national industry average by using a mixture        the expense in the Facebook ad auction system.
of high-value Lookalike Audiences, engaging         Higher-quality traffic results in higher-quality leads.
ad formats, and individualized retargeting with
campaigns leveraging our Cumulus software.

       PAGE 9                                                                   

COST PER LEAD AD SUBMISSIONS                         Our cost per Lead Ad is a few dollars cheaper
As a relatively new ad format, Lead Ads              than the national average because we use Lead
represent Facebook’s attempt at taking over          Ads for a variety of applications, such as test
the conventional website by placing a form           drives, tire quotes, and content subscriptions.
directly in the ad. Because users don’t have         Our ads are also created with a focus on high-
to leave Facebook to fill out these forms (and       value audiences and engaging ad creative.
the forms even auto-fill with user-shared
data), Lead Ads in theory encourage a higher         WHERE DID WE GET OUR DATA?
conversion rate than traditional landing pages.      Before we measured our own benchmarks based
                                                     on client data, we researched several third-
We chose to measure Cost per Lead Ad                 party resources to give us the best indication
submission because this metric is directly related   for “what’s good” for each of these metrics.
to our clients’ main goal of lead conversions.
                                                     The best source for CPC and CTR was WordStream,
While Lead Ads can be used for a variety             which published the automotive benchmarks
of applications (blog subscriptions, email           with reliable methodology. These benchmarks
subscriptions, test drives, tire quotes, etc.),      were updated most recently in February 2019.
we’ve found the submission costs to be at
least somewhat consistent for each client.           Our third-party data for cost per landing
                                                     page view and cost per Lead Ad submission
Although our sample size for cost per Lead           represent an average of 26 automotive
Ad submission was about 60% smaller than             marketing agencies, and the numbers were
the sample sizes of our other benchmarks,            provided to our agency directly from Facebook’s
we are confident in using it because it              automotive division in August 2018.
is based on clients selling a wide variety
of brands in diverse U.S. markets.

       PAGE 10                                                                 

                       COST PER CLICK:         $2.69                 $2.34

                CLICK-THROUGH RATE:            3.17%                 10.3%

                    CONVERSION RATE:           3.75%                 97.13%

                                                       Note: All currency metrics are shown in USD.

Search engines are often the first place      searches because of high competition,
consumers go to research a business,          Google Ads can be your answer.
product, or service. According to Search
Engine Land, 69% of shoppers use their        Our search engine marketing (SEM)
smartphones to shop, and 82% of them          team structures our benchmarks around
search for terms that include “near me.”      measurable data collected directly from
                                              Google Ads. For this report, we looked
Putting your business at the top of the       at three benchmarks set by a third-
search engine results page matters. More      party company, WordStream, which
than 60% of users will click on one of        works with more than $14 billion in
the first three search results, while 90%     Google advertising spend every year.
will click on the first result. With Google
Ads, you can be one step above all these      COST PER CLICK (AVG. CPC)
organic results, placing you above the        Like other digital advertising platforms,
competition and making you more visible       Google works off a pay-per-click program.
to consumers. Even with great search          Through Google’s click algorithm, your
engine optimization (SEO), Google allows      cost per click (CPC) can easily fluctuate
a few cost-associated ads to show above       based on several factors, such as quality
the organic (free) search results. If you     score, competition, and how much you
have a hard time breaking through organic     are willing to bid. Pay-per-click ads allow

PAGE 11                                                                        

businesses to pay only when someone             Consistently, our CTR is above industry
clicks on their ad. Your ad shows up            standards, with several accounts averaging
whenever Google deems it relevant to            over 10% CTR for all of 2018. Our SEM team
the search, so your ad could be shown           works to write highly relevant ad copy that
dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times         speaks to the searcher. Some larger agencies
to other people who don’t click on the ad.      may work off templated copy that’s just like
                                                another account’s copy. Knowing that well-
To obtain strong external benchmarks for        written ads can initiate a click, we listen to
this report, we looked to a larger company      the client’s voice to craft a cohesive message
with hundreds of clients. Since WordStream      that will engage a potential customer.
breaks out its metrics by industry, we were
able to ensure our data accurately reflects     CONVERSION RATE
the industries with which we work. Across       Conversion rate is the percentage of goal
our three main industries — automotive,         conversions that were completed from the
health, and industrial services — 9 Clouds      number of clicks the account received. After
was well over $1.00 cheaper than the            consulting with the client to determine which
average CPC for WordStream’s data.              specific goal conversions to measure, 9
                                                Clouds sets them up in both Google Analytics
CLICK-THROUGH RATE (CTR)                        and Google Ads. We set up these objectives
Click-through rate (CTR) is also an important   throughout the sales funnel so we can see
metric to watch when measuring Google           how consumers are moving through the
Ads success. To find your CTR, you take the     research and sales process. Goals may be
number of clicks divided by the number          something like a vehicle detail page (VDP)
of impressions the account received.            view, calling the dealership, submitting
                                                a credit app or trade-in evaluation.
This is an industry-wide metric used by
many SEM strategists and companies              WordStream’s breakdown of industry
and factors into other Google metrics,          benchmarks shows that auto searchers
including quality score. Google pulls CTR,      perform more conversions on average
along with several other metrics, into its      than medical and industrial service users.
bidding system, which computes CPC.

PAGE 12                                                                  

Our SEM team worked to find reliable
third-party reporting that included data
from industries with which 9 Clouds
works. In the end, WordStream provided
the most detailed data from its SEM
database. WordStream’s metrics were
last updated in December 2018.

All of the 9 Clouds benchmarks were
taken from client Google Ads accounts,
based on all of 2018 (or as soon as the
client started working with us in 2018).
The data comes from 20 clients in the
industries of automotive, health and
medical, and industrial services.

PAGE 13                                         

                   CONVERSION RATE:             3%                 5.8%

                        TIME ON PAGE:           2:17               1:53

                        BOUNCE RATE:            60%                72.2%

Your website is your digital showroom.         Clouds creates custom landing pages
Web pages, such as blog posts and landing      and blog posts for our clients as part of
pages, serve as virtual “salespeople,”         our search engine optimization (SEO)
explaining why customers should choose         marketing service (and why we included
your dealership and inventory over your        web content benchmarks in this report).
competitors’ — so it’s essential to put
the right content on those pages!              While there are several ways to measure
                                               the success of your web content (any
Along with providing helpful information to    of the metrics in Google Analytics can
your audience, optimized web content can       be helpful), we’ve chosen three primary
boost your presence on search engines,         benchmarks for this report: conversion
attracting new visitors to your site. Since    rate, time on page, and bounce rate.
Google processes more than 40,000 search
queries every second, you can bet shoppers     Many other metrics, like page views,
in your area are searching for cars online.    can vary wildly based on the client’s
                                               market, the type of page, and what
But ranking highly on Google is just the       other services we’re providing for that
first step. To convert leads into customers,   website. On the other hand, conversion
your website needs to offer content            rate, time on page, and bounce rate are
they find truly valuable. That’s why 9         all more indicative of the quality of the

PAGE 14                                                                  

content on the page — something over              6.3% — a 110% increase over the national
which we have much more control.                  average. We believe this is because
                                                  we are intentional about driving high-
CONVERSION RATE                                   quality traffic to these pages and have
We started with the metric of conversion          implemented effective conversion
rate. After all, the point of most blog           strategies, including smart forms and
posts and landing pages is to get                 custom graphics, to increase submissions.
visitors to click through to another
page, right? It’s all about moving people         TIME ON PAGE
further along the sales funnel.                   The next benchmark we measured for
                                                  web content was time on page. This
It’s important to note that “conversion rate”     metric, measured in Google Analytics,
can be defined a few different ways. In           refers to how long a visitor spent viewing
this report, for landing pages with forms,        that specific page. The longer the time
conversion rate refers to the percentage          on page, the more engaged the visitor.
of visitors who fill out the form on that
page. For landing pages without forms             The average time on page benchmarks
and all blog posts, conversion rate refers        for the blog posts and landing pages 9
to the percentage of visitors who click           Clouds creates for our clients are 1:51
on the call-to-action (CTA) button on that        and 1:52, respectively. While these are
page. We used Google Analytics, HubSpot,          slightly less than the national average of
and the client’s content management               2:17, many of our pages and posts are
system (CMS) to access these numbers.             intentionally shorter in length, both to
                                                  accommodate readers’ short attention
The average conversion rate on the blog           spans and to encourage quick and easy
posts 9 Clouds creates for our clients is 5.8%    form submissions and clicks to other pages.
— a 93% increase over the national average.       It’s a good idea to compare this metric with
We rely on effective SEO tactics and regular      the visitor’s entire time on site. If a visitor
content testing to achieve increasingly high      has a short time on page but a long time on
click-through rates on our clients’ blog posts.   site, that’s typically still considered a quality
                                                  session, since they are clearly finding the
The average conversion rate on the                content they’re looking for on your site.
landing pages created by 9 Clouds is

PAGE 15                                                                       

BOUNCE RATE                                            WHERE DID WE GET OUR DATA?
The last benchmark we analyzed for web                 Before we measured our own benchmarks
content is bounce rate. Also measured in Google        based on client data, we researched several
Analytics, bounce rate refers to the percentage        third-party resources to give us the best
of visitors who closed the page without viewing        indication for “what’s good” for each of these
any other pages afterward. Bounce rate, like           metrics within the automotive industry.
time on page, reveals whether the content
adequately meets the needs of the audience.            To find the average website conversion rate for
                                                       the auto industry, we averaged the data from
The average bounce rates for the blog posts            a variety of reputable web content sources,
and landing pages 9 Clouds creates for our             including Search Engine Land, Unbounce,
clients are 70% and 74.4%, respectively. These         WordStream, IMPACT, and Spinutech.
are higher than the 60% national average, but
considering some of the mitigations involved —         To find the average time on page for
such as the fact that bounce rate can skyrocket        automotive web content, we turned to
for high-trafficked pages, mobile sessions, and        Brafton, which published a comprehensive
paid traffic — it’s not an alarmingly high number.     content marketing benchmark report in
In fact, a high bounce rate isn’t always a bad         2017. We supplemented this benchmark with
thing, since it could mean that visitors found         recent data from Spinutech and Weidert.
exactly what they were looking for on your
page and didn’t need to explore any further.           To find the average bounce rate for automotive
                                                       web content, we again referenced the
Again, it’s a good idea to measure this metric         report by Brafton as well as recent data
with the average bounce rate of the entire             from RocketFuel and Exposure Ninja.
website. If the bounce rate of the specific
page is lower than the bounce rate of the
whole site, you can know that page contains
higher-quality content than most pages.

       PAGE 16                                                                  

          Now that we’ve shared our digital marketing data
          with you, we want to hear about yours! Is your
          dealership above or below our benchmarks?

          Every business has a unique way of
          measuring ROI. We want to know about
          your benchmarks and what they mean.

          If you feel your marketing performance
          metrics could use a boost, we can help. Get
          a clear picture of your data with a free digital
          marketing assessment from 9 Clouds!

PAGE 17                                     
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