PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...

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PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
VOLUME 44 NO. 3 APRIL 2022

    Assistant Professor
of Criminal Justice and
English Daniel Gordy
joined Dr. Eddie Horton,
Dr. Keicia Hawkins,
and Randi Washington
for a presentation at the      Gregory, Riall honored by UL System
ULS For Our Future
                                   Dr. Hiram “Pete” Gregory and Dr.               Gregory has been on faculty at
Conference held in
                               Rebecca Riall, professors in Northwestern     Northwestern State since 1961 and is
Natchitoches March
                               State University’s School of Social           the longest-serving employee in NSU’s
10-11. They discussed          Sciences and Applied Programs, were           history.
“Easing Accessibility with     honored with faculty awards presented by           He has taught thousands of
Technology.”                   the University of Louisiana System during     Northwestern students who have gone
                               the ULS’s fifth annual For Our Future         on to be anthropologists, archeologists,
    Assistant Professor        conference.                                   nurses, teachers, businesspeople,
of Criminal Justice and            Gregory was named a Champion of           professionals and university presidents.
English Daniel Gordy           Diversity and Inclusion for decades of        He is the academic advisor for the
joined Dr. Eddie Horton        work in supporting indigenous people of       Louisiana Creole Heritage Center, the
and Dr. Danny Upshaw           Louisiana and surrounding states, through     Louisiana Folklife Festival and the
to present, “Apple Neural      education, interpretation and preservation.   Folklife Center at Northwestern. In
Hash: A Exploration of             Riall was named the Rising Star in        2019, Gregory received the Lifetime
Security, Public Trust, and    Diversity and Inclusion for her work with     Contribution to the Humanities Award
the Law” at the Federation     the Creole Studies program at NSU and         from the Louisiana Endowment for
of Business Disciplines’       in creating the American and Indigenous       the Humanities. In 2018, the Creole
Conference. The event was      studies and Black studies programs.           Heritage Center presented Gregory with a
held March 2-5 in New              “Dr. Gregory talked about cultural        Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2016, the
Orleans.                       competency before the term was                Louisiana Office of Cultural Development
                               invented,” said ULS President Dr. Jim
                                                                                                   Continued on Page 2
PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
Horton named ABIS Educator of the Year
                              Dr. Eddie Horton, associate professor
 VOLUME 44 NO. 3          of computer information systems at
                          Northwestern State University, was named
    APRIL 2022

                          Educator of the Year for the Association
 Next Publication:        of Business Information Systems group
   May 2012               at the Federation of Business Disciplines
                          conference held this past weekend in New
    Deadline for          Orleans.
      Entries:                “I am very honored to have been selected
    Thursday,             for this award,” said Horton. “The Federation
     April 26
                          of Business Disciplines conference is
                          held yearly and is a great opportunity
Please submit news
                          for us to present our work. This year I
   Leah Jackson,          presented (along with Daniel Gordy and
    News Bureau,
                          Danny Upshaw) a paper we’re working on
  Prather Coliseum,                                                          classroom instruction, research and academic
 FAX 5905 or e-mail       discussing Apple’s Neural Hash algorithm.”
                                                                             and business development.
                              The Federation of Business Disciplines is
                                                                                Horton is the 2021-22 president of the
For more information,     dedicated to the professional development of
                                                                             Association of Business Information Systems
    call Ext. 6466.
                          the academic disciplines represented in the
NSU News is a news-       Federation. The primary purposes of FBD
                                                                                Horton has been a member of NSU’s
letter published by the
                          are to: provide and coordinate an annual
  NSU News Bureau.                                                           faculty since 2014 and has held the
                          meeting for Federation members, provide
                                                                             DeVargus, LaCaze and Pierson Endowed
NSU News serves the
                          a common general program in which all
  faculty and staff of                                                       Professorship and the Bryant and Heloise
  Northwestern State      Federation members will participate together
                                                                             Lewis Endowed Professorship. He taught at
University. Personnel
                          and provide a forum through an annual
  on all campuses are                                                        Bossier Parish Community College for five
encouraged to submit      meeting for the discussion and exchange
                                                                             years and held administrative positions at
  information regard-
                          of ideas and presentation of papers. The
 ing their professional                                                      LSU at Shreveport, the Juvenile Court for
 accomplishments as       federation also works to foster professional
                                                                             Caddo Parish and Louisiana Tech University.
well as their personal
                          growth and enrichment for members in each
      milestones.                                                               Horton earned his bachelor’s and master’s
                          of the professional associations and provides
                                                                             degree at Northwestern State and a doctorate
                          information which can be used to improve
                                                                             at Northcentral University.
                          Gregory, Riall... Continued from Page 1
                          recognized him as Louisiana’s     and built the first law practice   nine institutions that make up
                          Archaeologist of the Year.        in Zwolle focusing on criminal     the University of Louisiana
                               Riall is an anthropologist   defense and family law for         System, including Northwestern
                          and licensed attorney who         about 10 years before joining      State, Grambling, Louisiana
                          coordinates the pre-law and       the faculty at NSU. She lives in   Tech, McNeese, Nicholls,
                          paralegal studies program at      Zwolle and has close ties to the   Southeastern, UL-Lafayette,
                          NSU. Her research interests       Choctaw-Apache Community           UL-Monroe and the University
                          include legal anthropology,       of Ebarb. She is currently the     of New Orleans.
                          the anthropology of race, race    acting coordinator of Black             Gregory and Riall were
                          and the law, federal Indian       Studies and American Indian &      selected for the awards from a
                          law, U.S. Constitutional law      Indigenous Studies at NSU.         pool of nearly 10,000 faculty
                          and tribal law. She co-founded        The fifth annual ULS           and staff.
                          the First Nations Educational     For Our Future Conference               Information on NSU’s
                          and Cultural Center at Indiana    was hosted in Natchitoches         School of Social Sciences and
                          University Bloomington. She       and attended by about 500          Applied Programs is available
                          is a former indigent defender     faculty and staff from the         at
PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
                                                                                                            APRIL 2022

Dr. Frank Serio, head of the Department of Mathematics at Northwestern State University
presented the 2021 Distinguished Teaching Award to Dr. Leigh Ann Myers on behalf of the
Louisiana/Mississippi section of the Mathematical Association of America. Since last year’s
conference was held virtually, the award was presented in person March 5 during the LA/MS
section meeting held at NSU.

Myers elected MAA section representative
    Dr. Leigh Ann Myers,           section representative, Myers      Frank Serio, chair of NSU’s
professor of mathematics           will represent the local section   Department of Mathematics.
at Northwestern State              on the MAA Congress.                   The Mathematical
University, was elected section    The Congress of the MAA            Association of America is the
representative of the Louisiana/   approves strategic goals and       world’s largest community
Mississippi section of the         priorities, advises the Board      of mathematicians, students
Mathematical Association of        on amendments to the bylaws,       and enthusiasts that strives to
America. The selection was         and recommends to the Board        further the understanding of
made during a LA/MS section        programmatic and social            the world through mathematics
conference that took place at      policies for the Association.      because mathematics drives
NSU March 3-5. Myers served            Myers’ term will be July       society and shapes lives. The
as program chair for the section   1-June 30, 2025.                   mission of the MAA is to
and coordinated the conference.        Myers also recognized          advance the understanding of
    The section representative     as winner of the Section           mathematics and its impact on
serves as a conduit for            Distinguished Teaching Award       the world.
communication between the          for 2021. Since last year’s            Information on NSU’s
MAA Board of Directors and         meeting was virtual, Myers         Department of Mathematics can
the Louisiana/Mississippi          received a plaque at the 2022      be found at https://mathematics.
Section of the MAA. As             meeting, presented by Dr.
PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
  APRIL 2022

                  Call for Presentations – Louisiana Association for Institutional Research
                      Do you have an interest in institutional data like retention rates, graduation rates and
                  other metrics? Are you involved in assessment activities? Have you conducted and/or
                  evaluated surveys?
                      Louisiana Association for Institutional Research (LAIR) is holding its 2022 Conference,
                  scheduled for July 13-14 at NSU’s campus. This year the Louisiana Assessment Group
                  (LAAG) will be joining forces with LAIR to expand the topics and reach of the event. Some
                  of the sessions are:
                     ·   SACSCOC Liaison Group Meeting

                     ·   IR Newcomers Workshop

                     ·   Assessment 101 Workshop

                     ·   IPEDS Data and Benchmarking

                      · Stop, Listen and Learn – How One System Office Created a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and

                      Please contact Dawn Mitchell ( to talk about sharing your
                  ideas or work at this conference. (You do not have to be a member of LAIR or LAAG

                    SGA approves new hours for campus entrances
                        Northwestern State University’s Student Government Association recently passed a
                    resolution this week to require the closure of all campus gates except for the Caspari Street
                    entrance between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. The measure was introduced to “promote and
                    enhance the safety and protection of Northwestern State University students by changing the
                    hours that the gates to campus are opened and closed,” according to the resolution.
                        The SGA will work with university administration to ensure that University Police have
                    a presence in the guard shack at the Caspari Street entrance to monitor vehicular activity on
                        “Having the new gate closure time will assist in the safety of the NSU community as we are
                    able to monitor traffic entering the campus after hours,” said University Police Captain Wesley

PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
NSU joins U.S. Cyber Command AEN
    NSU has been accepted        for our students, as it will       workforce demands,” said Dr.
into the United States Cyber     connect them to a wealth of        Curtis Penrod, director of the       VOLUME 44 NO. 3
                                                                                                           APRIL 2022
Command Academic Engage-         resources as well as provide       School of Business. “We strive
ment Network (AEN). The          speakers for our classes,”         to include certifications that are
goal of AEN is to foster rela-   said Dr. Eddie Horton,             workforce relevant including
tionships between cutting edge   associate professor of computer    CompTIA A+, CompTIA
academic institutions and the    information systems.               Network+, and CompTIA
entire U.S. Cyber commend            As a collaborative network,    Security+ among others.”
enterprise, which includes the   the AEN aims focus on                   By engaging with this
USCYBERCOM Headquarters,         engaging the future workforce,     network, NSU’s CIS students
Cyber National Mission Force,    increasing cyber applied           will benefit through exposure
Joint Force Headquarters-        research and innovation,           to job postings in the cyber-
Department of Defense Infor-     expanding cyber-focused            command field and through
mation Networks, Air Force       analytic partnerships and          connections made through the
Cyber Command (AFCYBER),         enriching the strategic dialogue   AEN, he added.
Army Cyber Command (AR-          on cyber.                               “Two of our primary
CYBER), Coast Guard Cyber            “I believe acceptance into     goals are to make sure we are
Command (CGCYBER), Fleet         the Academic Engagement            teaching the skills that students
Cyber Command (Fleet Cyber),     Network is another sign of         need in the workforce and that
Marine Forces Cyber Com-         how the Northwestern School        we are then assisting them with
mand (MARFORCYBER) and           of Business and the computer       connecting to job opportunities.
their associated Reserve Cyber   information systems program        The Academic Engagement
forces.                          are seeking to ensure our          Network helps us accomplish
   “This a great opportunity     curriculum is meeting today’s      those goals,” Penrod said.

NSU’s 6th annual Litcon set for April 8-9
     Northwestern State          community members. This            workshops, an artist vendor
University will host its sixth   is first time in three years       booth, a cosplay contest,
annual LitCon April 8-9 in       the conference has been            slow stitching, Viking games,
the Orville Hanchey Gallery      presented in person.               D&D roleplaying, poetry and
and Room 206 of the Fine              Started in 2017, this         dance, improv performance
Arts Annex. Presentations        conference seeks to bring          and las afrombras (carpets).
will be from 8:30 a.m.           together and feature                  Presenters on Friday will
until 3:30 p.m. each day.        academics, artists, makers         be Anna Tapia MacDonald,
Admission is free and open       and thinkers from the local        Carly Chandler, Phyllis
to the public.                   community and beyond.              Lear, Sarah Puryear-Dunn,
     LitCon is a two-            LitCon offers a playful            Krista Hanson, John Dunn
day celebration of the           environment for artists and        and members of the Demon
humanities, which highlights     academics where we all             Writers Guild.
the interconnectedness           encourage and learn from              Making presentations
of academic and artistic         each other. At its core,           on Saturday will be Lee
disciplines. Organizers          LitCon is a hybrid event           Babin, Mary Fletcher, the
define “humanities” broadly      bringing together elements         Brainy Acts Poetry Society,
to include many facets           of the traditional academic        Emilie Rodriguez, Holly
of film, literature, music,      conference and the popular         Penta, Catelyn Errington and
writing, pop culture, theater,   culture convention.                Meilyn Woods of Sigma Tau
visual arts, etc., and the            The event will feature        Delta, Dr. Steve Marsden,
appreciation of their value      literary presentations, vocal      Austin Warren, Laura
to students, academics and       performances, creative             Osborne and Christy Lorio.
PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
April Non-Credit Classes
VOLUME 44 NO. 3   Pick Up your Brush-Painting Classes                        to express themselves creatively.
  APRIL 2022
                  In these classes, you will learn the art of painting       NOTE: There is a $25 fee due at the first-
                  using step-by-step instructions to create a                class meeting (cash or check only made
                  masterpiece of your own. No special or prior               payable to the instructor). This fee will cover
                  skill required. Just relax and enjoy each class.
                                                                             all ingredients needed in the course- cookies
                  Students will take home a completed painting at
                                                                             prebaked for some class dates; food coloring,
                  the end of every class.  
                  Children ages 7 – 12 years old are allowed to              paintbrushes, cookie cutters to be shared in
                  enroll, but a parent MUST accompany the child              the class; and a set of 3 piping tips, a coupler,
                  the entire class. Parent does not have to enroll           and a reusable piping bag for each student to
                  unless they participate. All supplies included.            keep.

                  Date:                April 7             Easter Gator      Date:             April 5-April 26, Tuesdays
                                          April 21           Spring on the   Time:             5:30 – 8:00 pm
                  Bayou                                                      Fee:                 $75
                  Time:               5:30 - 8:30 pm, Thursday               Location:         Culinary Arts Building (100
                  Fee:                  $45 per session                      Caspari Street)
                  Location:         2nd Floor South Hall                     Instructor:       McKenna Marsh
                  Instructor:         Shanna Dees Gaspard
                                                                             Security+ Intensive Boot Camp
                  Playing in the Mud: Beginning Ceramics                     Security+ Intensive Boot Camp- This
                  Limited Seating                                            intensive boot camp is designed with one
                  This course is an introduction to working                  thing in mind: Certification. In this course
                  with clay. The student will learn hand-                    you will study, at your own pace, for the
                  building and sculptural techniques, as well                CompTIA Security+ (SYO-501) exam. You
                  as work on the potter’s wheel. There will                  will be provided resources, lecture notes, and
                  also be room for intermediate and advanced                 access to a live professor that will prepare
                  students to take the class who want to use the             you to take the certification exam.
                  facilities during the class time.                          This comprehensive package includes the
                                                                             software, recorded lectures, a test voucher
                  Date:               March 31-May 5, Thursdays
                                                                             (good for 1 year) and a free retake, and
                  Time:               6:00 - 8:00 pm
                                                                             a weekly live session should you need
                  Fee:                 $125 plus $20 material fee (mat.
                  fee paid directly to instructor first night of class)      it. These tools will help you succeed and
                  Location:         113 Creative & Performing Arts           become Security+ certified.
                  Building (CAPA)/New Wing                                   This course is self-paced so that you may
                  Instructor:       Matt DeFord                              begin any time and will have 9 months of
                                                                             live access.
                  Cookie Decorating with Royal Icing for
                  Beginners                                                  Date:               Online/Open Enrollment         
                  Cookie Decorating with royal icing is                      Fee:                 $1,899
                  a beginning class to learn some basic                      Location:         Online
                  decorating techniques. This course will teach              Instructor:       Eddie Horton  
                  students how to make an amazing sugar
                  cookie dough suited for shaped cookies and                  For more information or to
                  then explore different royal icing techniques              register for classes, go to checkout.
                  such as dip tie-dye, outlining and flooding       or call (800)376-2422 or
                  with single and multiple colors, and painting
                  on royal icing. Students will be encouraged
PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
Photo Services Reich director establishes
 radiologic sciences scholarship in mom’s memory                                                      VOLUME 44 NO. 3
                                                                                                        APRIL 2022
      A Northwestern State University
 family recognized a loved one by creating a
 scholarship that will awarded to an upper-level
 student in the radiologic sciences. The Wilma
 Ortigo Reich Scholarship was created by
 NSU Director of Photographic Services Chris
 Reich and his father Lewis Reich. Mrs. Reich
 passed away in 2018.
      Wilma Reich graduated from Northwestern
 State in 1976 and spent most of her career at
 Schumpert Hospital in Shreveport, retiring
 as chief of ultrasound. During her career she
 advocated to close pay disparities among her
 staff and was a dedicated employee.                           Wilma Ortigo Reich
      “She was there most of my childhood,”
 Chris Reich said. “I distinctly remember her
                                                    We wanted it to have a meaningful impact,”
 taking calls often so that she shared the load
                                                    Reich said.
 with her other techs. Beyond that she was a
                                                        Friends can contribute to the scholarship
 great mom, loved to decorate for the holidays,
                                                    by visiting https://northwesternstatealumni.
 baked, loved tending to her garden and before
 her death traveling a lot.”
                                                        Individuals interested in establishing a
     To be eligible for the scholarship, students
                                                    scholarship in honor of or in memory of a
 must maintain a 3.0 or better grade point aver-
                                                    loved one can reach out to the NSU Founda-
                                                    tion Development staff by calling Director of
      “The criteria we both agreed on was that      Development Jill Bankston at (318) 357-4241
 it went to someone who needed and deserved         or Assistant Director of Donor Relations Cristy
 it, not someone who just made the best grades.     Bernard at (318) 357-4292.

Northwestern will host 35th Annual Research Day April 21
    Northwestern State            for answering questions, and       presentation.
University will host the          brief (5 minute) prerecorded           • Faculty may use a
35th annual Research Day          oral presentations, also with      Research Day presentation
Thursday, April 21. Faculty,      a chat feature for questions.      to satisfy the dissemination
staff, graduate students, and          To apply to present           requirement for a Faculty
undergraduate students are        this year, please complete         Development Grant received
invited to submit proposals       the online form: https://          in the past year.
to present their scholarly                 We hope that faculty
or creative projects for          ResponsePage.                      will encourage advanced
presentation at Research              The final date to submit       distance learning students
Day.                              abstracts is noon, Friday,         to contribute either poster
    This virtual conference       April 8, 2022.                     or oral presentations of their
will include synchronous oral         • Student applications         research.
presentations (15 minutes         must designate a faculty                Questions? Please
+ 5 minutes for questions),       sponsor. The faculty               contact Dr. Betsy Cochran
asynchronous virtual poster       sponsor is responsible for         (, chair
sessions with chat features       ensuring the quality of the        of the Research Council.
PEOPLE - Northwestern State ...
Office of Sponsored Programs
  VOLUME 44 NO.3                 Current Activities                        Sciences and Applied Programs, College of Arts
    APRIL 2022                                                             and Sciences, submitted a proposal to the Cane
                            Dr. Michelle Brunson, Graduate Programs        River National Heritage Area entitled, “Caddo
                        in Early Childhood Education, College of           Conference 2022.” Drs. Mark Melder and
                        Education and Human Development, submitted         Rebecca Riall are collaborators.
                        a proposal to the Dollar General Literacy
                        Foundation entitled, “Supporting the Cradle to          Ms. Nancy Alexander, Department of Child
Resources and                                                              and Family Network, College of Education and
Assistance              College Pipeline through Early Literacy.”
                                                                           Human Development, submitted two proposals
                            Dr. Shane Rasmussen, Louisiana Folklife        to the Louisiana Department of Education
For assistance in
seeking informa-        Center, College of Arts and Sciences, submitted    entitled, “Statewide Early Learning and Child
tion about fund-        proposals to the Natchitoches Area Convention      Care Scholarship Program” and “Statewide Early
ing opportunities,                                                         Learning and Career Development Program.”
preparing proposals
                        and Visitors Bureau, Natchitoches Historic
                        District Development Committee, and Cane           Ms. Jenny Cowan is collaborator.
or administering
projects, contact the   River National Heritage Area all entitled, “42nd
Office of Sponsored     Annual Natchitoches – NSU Folk Festival.” Ms.          If you should have any questions or have
Programs by phone,
                        Bessie Jones is collaborator.                      interest in submitting a proposal, please contact
357-5222; e-mail at                                                        either Carla Howell or Alysia Jones at orsp@, or
                            Dr. Hiram F. Gregory, School of Social or 318.357.5222 to discuss the
visit the OSP website
at http://www.nsula.                                                       proposal preparation process.

     OSP Staff
                              Early Childhood partners with ADK for service project
    Carla Howell

    Alysia Jones

                          Northwestern State University’s early childhood program, directed by Dr. Michelle Fazio-
                          Brunson within the School of Education, teamed with Alpha Delta Kappa, a international
                          organization for women educators, to gift 20 Easter baskets to a local women and
                          children’s shelter. The baskets, candy and stuffed animals were donated by ADK with
                          members also making sure each mother had a basket full of personal items along with
                          Easter candy. The early childhood program donated early literacy bags filled with pencils,
                          books, scissors, crayons, erasers and a host of other supplies. The early literacy bags
                          are a part of their Cradle to College Pipeline initiative. ADK members are, seated from
                          left, Nancy Brown and Linda Young. On the back row are Christi Lee, Dr. Christy Hornsby,
                          Kathy Arnold, Susan Walker, Gay Dezendorf, Linda Renegar and Shirly Johnson.
                                                                                                        APRIL 2022

ADVANCE students engage in hands-on learning in a science lab.

Registration is open for ADVANCE 2022 program
    NSU’s ADVANCE                  recent report card and state      en the ADVANCE com-
Program for Young                  standardized test scores to       munity and help all students
Scholars (ADVANCE), now            determine their eligibility. If   have a great time when not in
celebrating its 34th year, will    scores have been misplaced,       class. Dr. Chris Hynes, direc-
host its traditional residential   many schools provide that         tor of ADVANCE, states that
program for academically           information on school tran-       “ADVANCE combines the
motivated students July 10         scripts, and transcripts may      need to improve academi-
– 30.   Students currently in      be submitted to ADVANCE.          cally with the desire to spend
grades 7 – 11 enroll in and        If applicants have taken an       summer break in the tradi-
complete one course during         ACT or SAT, those scores          tional way – having fun!”
the three-week program.            may be submitted with their           A $250 discount will be
They attend 108.5 hours of         applications.                     granted to families with
class and cover an entire              While the academic            two or more students at-
year’s worth of high school        program at ADVANCE is             tending the program or to
material or a semester of          top-notch, the residential        applicants who are depen-
college level material.            program sets ADVANCE              dents of NSU employees or
Course offerings include the       apart from other similar sum-     students.
humanities, mathematics,           mer programs.                         Applications are now
natural sciences with                  The residential staff of-     being accepted. For more
laboratory components and          fers a wide variety of social     information visit https://ad-
computer programming.              and recreational activities, call (318)
    All applicants must            to assist students in forming     357-4500, or email palm-
provide a copy of their most       lasting friendships, strength-

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