Page created by Jason Reeves
PayPal Cross-Border
Consumer Research 2018
Leveraging cross-border trade insights to increase sales
Cross Border Insights Research 2018

 Advancement of technology is                                Understanding that we are     This survey is designed to gain
 helping to open up commerce                                  going through a commerce
  opportunities for everyone -                                                               insight into 3 main areas:
                                                                 revolution, PayPal in
   across borders, anywhere,                                    partnership with Ipsos,    •   How online commerce, and
  anytime and via any device
                                                            conducted a global 31 market       specifically cross-border
                                                              survey with approximately        commerce is evolving
                                                            34,000 consumers to examine
                                                             how people shop online and    •   How and why consumers shop
                                                                    across borders.            online domestically & across

                                                                                           •   How consumers pay for
                                                                                               domestic and cross-border
          ©2018 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.                                                                     2
Research methodology
This study was conducted across 31 markets and approx. 34,000 consumers globally.

           Fieldwork                                                                             Sample, per market

                                                            This research was                   31 markets
                               Global Fieldwork:            carried out to                     Sample of c.2000 in UK,
                               Mar-May 2018                                                    Russia and Poland,                 Use an Internet-
                                                            the international                                                     enabled device1
                                                                                               c.1000 in other markets
                                                            quality standard
                                                            for market                       Nationally representative
                                                                                             of online population
                                                            research, ISO                                                          Data weighted to adjust
       Online                                                                                Aged 18+2
                        20 minute                           20252:2012                                                             for panel bias based on
       survey                                                                              Respondents recruited
                        questionnaire                                                                                              external trend data
                                                                                           from online panels


       Screening                     Transaction & spend:                  Cross-border                   Drivers, barriers and                  Cross-border
                                       Past 12 Months &                transactions & spend                attitudes to cross-                     payment
                                        Next 12 Months                                                      border shopping

                                1.Desktop computer/Laptop/ notebook computer/Tablet /Smartphone/Some other type of mobile phone/Electronic organizer / PDA with
           ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                                wireless voice and data features/Games console with Internet connectivity (e.g. Wii) /Smart TV
           Confidential and     2. In UAE no quotas were set, sample achieved through mail-out to sample nationally representative of general population, screened for   3
           proprietary.         internet use. In European countries sample representative of online population aged 18-74.
The Cross-Border Opportunity

© 2014 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary.
Online and cross-border commerce size and growth estimates
  US and China are the biggest markets in terms of online spend, but Japan and India are growing fast

                             Total domestic spend 2017 ($US bn)                                       Compound annual growth rate: total e-commerce (CAGR)
 US$BN                       Total x-border online spend 2017 ($US bn)                                Compound annual growth rate: mobile commerce (CAGR)                                   CAGR (%)

700                                                                                                                                                                                             100
550                                                                                                                                                                                             80
500                                                                                                                                                                                             70
350                                                                                                                                                                                             50
200                                                                                                                                                                                             30
150                                                                                                                                                                                             20
 0                                                                                                                                                                                              0
        US   CA   UK IRE         FR     DE      IT     ES     NL        SE   BE   NO   AT   RU   HU   PL   CZ     GR    IL   UAE BR    MX ARG SA IND CN   JP     SN     HK      AU      PH

      North America                             Western Europe                                   Eastern Europe        Middle East Latin America Africa    Asia Pacific

                      ©2018 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.                                                                                     Source: Ipsos PayPal Insights 2018.
Incidence of online cross-border shopping
 Shopping across borders is most prevalent in Ireland, Austria and Israel

        % Shop domestically only                 % Shop domestic and x-border                % Shop x-border only

   7%         4%             4%     5%            7%                                                      6%                                                7%    7%     1%
                                                                                                                                                                         5%                               5%
         8%                                 9%          9%     8%          10%   10%                8%          10%                8%    10%    8%                                               8%
                                                                                       14%    12%                            12%                     12%                        14%     13%
                    19%                                             16%                                                16%

  27%         34%           36%                                                                                                                             27%
                                                                                                    30%                                                           35%
                                                        40%                                               45%                      40%                                                                    45%
                                           45%                47%
                                                  54%                                         45%                                                                                               53%
        56%                                                                                                                  49%                     50%
                                                                           55%                                  57%                      56%
                                                                                       56%                                                                                      59%
                                                                    56%                                                                                                                 62%
                                                                                 71%                                   64%
                    65%                                                                                                                                                 94%

  66%                              68%                                                                                                                      66%
              62%           60%                                                                     62%
                                                                                                                                               57%                57%
                                                        51%                                               49%                      52%                                                                    50%
                                           46%                44%                             43%
        37%                                       40%                                                                        39%                     38%                                        39%
                                                                           35%                                  33%                      34%
                                                                    28%                30%                                                                                      27%     25%
                                                                                 18%                                   21%

   US    CA   UK     IRE     FR     DE      IT    ES    NL     SE    BE    NO    AT     RU     HU   PL    CZ    GR      IL   UAE   BR    MX    ARG    SA    IND   CN     JP      SN      HK      AU       PH

North America                              Western Europe                                     Eastern Europe          Middle East Latin America Africa                  Asia Pacific

                    ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                    Confidential and     Q27. Thinking about shopping online, from which of the following countries or regions’ websites have you purchased         Source: Ipsos PayPal Insights 2018.    6
                    proprietary.         from the past 12 months? Please include your home country if applicable.Base: Online shoppers (base size in appendix)
Incidence of online cross-border shopping
  Consumers in the Middle East are most likely to shop cross-border

                                               % Shop domestically only             % Shop domestic and x-border              % Shop x-border only

                                         7%                9%                10%                                 8%                                  8%
                                                                                              14%                                 12%

                                         41%                                                                                                        40%
                                                           48%               47%

                                         52%                                                                                                        52%
                                                           43%               44%
*Results are among all
consumers surveyed in each
region, not weighted for
population size                        North            Western           Eastern           Middle            Latin             Africa             Asia
                                      America           Europe            Europe             East            America                              Pacific
                 ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                 Confidential and    Q27. Thinking about shopping online, from which of the following country or regions’ websites have you purchased in    7
                 proprietary.        the past 12 months? Please include your home country if applicable.Base: Online shoppers (base size in appendix)
The majority of cross-border purchases are still on a computer
  APAC markets are more likely than most to make cross-border purchases on an alternative device

  Average proportion of x-border purchases in past 12 month made on each device

        Desktop/laptop/notebook                 Smartphone              Tablet             Other device (e.g. Smart TV, games console, feature phone)

        2%    1%    2%     2%      1%     3%    2%    2%     2%    2%    2%      2%   1%    2%   2%     2%    2%    2%                             3%                3%    4%   4%   2%
  6%                                                                                                                4%    7%    6%    7%     8%          6%    5%    2%                    5%
                           7%      8%           8%                 9%                 7%    4%   5%     5%    6%
                   10%                                                           9%                                                                                        7%
        11% 16%                          10%          14% 11%           14%                                                     5%
                                                                                                                                                         9%    11%
                                                                                                                                                                                9%   11%   8%
                                                                                                                          9%          9%
  13%                      15% 14%                                13%                              17%                                                               24%
                                                                                           23% 20%     19% 23%
        15%                              19% 22%                              21% 26%
                                                      15% 22%                                                                               21%
              20% 26%                                                   24%
                                                                                                                                28%               28%                      31% 28% 22%
                                                                                                                                      31%                                                  36%
  32%                                                                                                                                                   39%
                                                                                                                          40%                                  42%

                           76% 77%                                77%
        72%                                                                               73% 76% 73% 71%                                                            72%
                                         69% 68% 69%
                                                     65%                      68% 65% 70%                                                   66%
              63% 62%                                                                                                                                                                65%
                                                                        61%                                                     61%               59%                      59% 59%
  50%                                                                                                                                 53%                                                  51%
                                                                                                                          44%                           46% 42%

  US    CA    UK    IRE     FR     DE      IT   ES     NL    SE    BE    NO      AT   RU    HU    PL    CZ    GR     IL   UAE   BR    MX    ARG    SA    IND   CN    JP    SN   HK   AU    PH
North America                            Western Europe                                     Eastern Europe         Middle East Latin America Africa                  Asia Pacific

                   ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                   Confidential and     Q33. Thinking only about the purchases you make on websites in other countries, what proportion of your purchases in                                 8
                   proprietary.         the last 12 months do you think were made using each device? Base = Cross border shoppers (size shown in appendix)
The majority of cross-border purchases are still made via desktop,
   laptop or notebook
   Shoppers from the Middle East, Africa, LATAM and APAC are most likely to use a mobile device
    Average proportion of x-border purchases in past 12 month made on each device

        Desktop/laptop/notebook               Smartphone             Tablet            Other device (e.g. Smart TV, games console, feature phone)

                                         3%               2%                2%               4%                                  3%               4%
                                                                            5%                                 7%
                                                          10%                                6%                                  9%               9%
                                        12%                                                                    7%


                                        21%               20%
                                                                                             31%                                28%
                                                                                                              27%                                 32%

                                                          68%              71%
                                                                                             59%              59%               59%

*Results are among all
consumers surveyed in each
region, not weighted for
population size                       North            Western           Eastern           Middle            Latin             Africa             Asia
                                     America           Europe            Europe             East            America                              Pacific
                 ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                 Confidential and    Q33. Thinking only about the purchases you make on websites in other countries, what proportion of your purchases in   9
                 proprietary.        the last 12 months do you think were made using each device? Base = Cross border shoppers (size shown in appendix)
China and the US are the most popular cross-border destinations for
   Global shoppers
   Western European markets are the next most popular along with Japan
    Top online destinations among all online shoppers surveyed*
    (% of online shoppers have shopped in each country in past 12 months)

                                              UK/GB                                                        China
                                               14%                                                          26%

     USA                                                                                   Germany
     21%                                                                                     10%                                                                    Japan
*Results are among all consumers
surveyed, not weighted for population

                  ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                  Confidential and    Q27. Thinking about shopping online, from which of the following country or geographies’ websites have you purchased in the           10
                  proprietary.        past 12 months? Please include your home country if applicable.Base: Online shoppers (base size in appendix)
Clothing and apparel is the most popular category for cross-border
purchases followed by Consumer Electronics and Toys
Top cross-border categories among all online shoppers surveyed*
(% of x-border shoppers shopping x-border in each category)

          Clothing/apparel, footwear and accessories                                                                                                          68%

Consumer electronics, computers/tablets/mobiles &

                                                    Toys and hobbies                                                                            53%

                                                 Jewellery/watches                                                                             51%

                                    Cosmetics/beauty products                                                                            46%

                          Collectibles, memorabilia and art                                                                         42%

                                Sports and outdoors equipment                                                                    40%
                                                                                                                                          *Results are among all consumers surveyed,
            ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                                                                                                                                          not weighted for population size
            Confidential and    Q28. In the past 12 months what kinds of products have you purchased from websites in other countries?                                          11
            proprietary.        Base: Cross-Border shoppers (size shown in appendix)
Developed markets such as the US, UK and China exhibit a stronger
  preference for Global stores or those in their own language

 I would not feel comfortable                            I prefer large 'global' stores                   It is not important to me if                I trust online stores from
 making purchases from a foreign                         (e.g. Amazon or eBay) when                       the online retailer is based                other countries as much as
 website that is not in my own                           purchasing from another                          overseas or not                             stores from the country I
 language                                                country                                                                                      live in
% Agree








      US   CA     UK    IRE    FR     DE     IT   ES    NL    SE    BE   NO    AT    RU    HU    PL    CZ    GR     IL   UAE BR    MX ARG SA         IND CN    JP    SN      HK   AU   PH
  North America                            Western Europe                                  Eastern Europe            Middle        Latin    Africa            Asia Pacific
                                                                                                                      East        America
                  ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                  Confidential and    Q34b/Q47. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?                                                         12
                  proprietary.        Base: Online shoppers (size shown in appendix)
Attitudes to cross-border shopping vary dramatically across regions with
  North Americans most likely to be loyal to global or home websites and
  more sceptical of those from other countries
 I would not feel comfortable                            I prefer large 'global' stores                   It is not important to me if     I trust online stores from
 making purchases from a foreign                         (e.g. Amazon or eBay) when                       the online retailer is based     other countries as much as
 website that is not in my own                           purchasing from another                          overseas or not                  stores from the country I live
 language                                                country                                                                           in
% Agree








          North America              Western Europe           Eastern Europe               Middle East              Latin America        Africa          Asia Pacific

                 ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                 Confidential and     Q34b/Q47. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?                                      13
                 proprietary.         Base: Online shoppers (size shown in appendix)
Cost is the main driver of cross-border
shopping with availability also featuring
for almost half
Top reasons for shopping from other countries, among all cross-border
shoppers surveyed* (% selecting each statement)

  #1         Better Prices (72%)

  #2         Access to items not available in my country (49%)

  #3         I can discover new and interesting products (34%)

  #4         Higher product quality (29%)

  #5         Shipping is more affordable (24%)
                                                           *Results are among all consumers
                                                           surveyed, not weighted for population size
   Q34c. You say you have made purchases online from the “country”/”countries” shown at the top of the “column”/”columns” on the right. Please select your
   main reasons for shopping on websites from this/these “country”/”countries” rather than the country where you live Base: Cross Border shoppers spending in
   each country.
Savings, shipping and security continue to
drive international sales amongst cross-
border shoppers
Top potential drivers for cross-border purchasing, among all cross-border
shoppers surveyed* (% selecting each statement)

                                     Cheapest total cost (including
                        #1           shipping) (44%)

                        #2           Free shipping (44%)

                        #3           Secure way to pay (38%)

                        #4           Can find items that are hard to
                                     find locally (38%)

                        #5            Costs shown / payment possible
                                      in your local currency (34%)

    Q39. Which, if any, of the following would make you more likely to buy from a website in another country?   *Results are among all consumers             15
                © 2014 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary.
    Base: Online shoppers in each country.                                                                      surveyed, not weighted for population size
Cost and concerns around speed and quality of
delivery are the most cited deterrents for
Top barriers to shopping cross-border, among all cross-border shoppers surveyed*
(% selecting each statement)

                          #1            Delivery shipping costs (25%)

                         #2             Delivery time not fast enough (24%)

                          #3            Concern that I may not receive the
                                        item (24%)

                         #4             Having to pay customs duties/ fees and/
                                        or taxes (24%)

                          #5            Difficult process for returning products

Q36. Which, if any, of the following reasons prevent you from making purchases from websites in another country (more often)?
                                                                                                                                *Results are among all consumers surveyed,   16
                   © 2014 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary.
Base: Online shoppers in each country.                                                                                          not weighted for population size
Three in four would prefer to have an option to pay in local currency
   while six in 10 check conversion rates before paying suggesting currency
   is as much of a barrier as the foreign language
   Attitudes to currency conversion among all online shoppers surveyed*
   (% of online shoppers who agree with each statement)

 I would prefer to have the option of paying either in local currency
                                                 or my own currency                                                                               76%

I check currency conversion rates before paying in foreign currencies                                                                      62%

  I would not feel comfortable buying from a foreign website that is                                                                     57%
                                            not in my own language
                                   I have paid in a foreign currency in the past                                                   47%

           I would not feel comfortable paying in a foreign currency                                                               47%

                  My bank charges me for paying in foreign currencies                                                              47%

       I have bought on websites not in my own language in the past                                                              43%
     Fees charged by Paypal are generally lower than other payment
                     PayPal charges me for paying in foreign currencies                                                    27%
                                                                                                                                         *Results are among all consumers surveyed,
               ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                                                                                                                                         not weighted for population size
               Confidential and    Q47. Please state whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements
               proprietary.        about shopping online in other countries: Base: Online shoppers in each country
Security and convenience are key factors in determining preferred
    payment method for cross-border shopping
     Reasons for payment method preference among all cross-border shoppers surveyed*
     (% of all x-border shoppers who gave a preference selecting each statement)

                                                                         Secure way to pay                                                            44%

                                                                  Convenient way to pay                                                       36%

  Reasons for payment method preference  among
                                  Accepted      allretailers
                                           by most  cross-border shoppers surveyed

                                                        Payment is processed quickly                                                   29%

                                                           Well-known, trusted brand                                                 27%
Purchase protection (e.g. can claim a refund if item is not received
                                                or not as described)
                                                                            Faster checkout                                      24%

I don’t have to share my personal or financial details with the seller                                                           23%

            I can see what price I will be paying in my own currency                                                       18%

                                                                                             Habit                         18%
                                                                                                                                             *Results are among all consumers surveyed,
                                                                                                                                             not weighted for population size
                 ©2018 PayPal Inc.
                 Confidential and    Q44d. For what reasons is this your preferred payment method for online transactions/purchases from websites in another
                 proprietary.        country? Base: Cross Border Shoppers with a preference
Security and trusted payment are more common drivers for those
             purchasing cross border in Africa whilst in Europe shoppers are less
             likely to mention security concerns

Barriers to shopping or shopping more often                                        Drivers for shopping online                                            Reasons for Payment method preference
                                                                                   (% online shoppers selecting each as making them more                  (% domestic shoppers/cross-border shoppers with a preferred
(% online shoppers selecting each as a barrier)
                                                                                   likely to shop)                                                        payment method selecting each as a reason for their
                                                                                                                                                          domestic/cross-border payment preference )
                                                                   19%                                                                          46%                                                                              49%
                                                              14%                                                                             43%                                                                                  53%
                           Concern about security               16%                                                                           43%                                                                              47%

                                                                                                                                                          Reasons for domestic
                                                                                                                                                           payment preference
Barriers to Domestic

                                                                                   Drivers for Domestic
                                                                   19%                                            Secure way                  42%                                                                            42%
                               of my financial or                         24%                                                                      57%
                                                                                                                                                                                           Secure way to Pay                       53%
                                                                                                                      to Pay
                                 personal details                           26%                                                                   50%                                                                        42%

                                                                        22%                                                                     47%                                                                             48%

                                                                    19%                                                               27%                                                                           24%
                                                              14%                                                                  21%                                                                                28%
                                                                    19%                                                           19%                                                I don’t have to share my        26%
                           Concern about identify                     21%                                     Visible, trusted      23%                                                                             24%
                                                                         24%                                                                 38%
                                                                                                                                                                                         personal or financial        29%
                                     theft/fraud                                                                payment logo
                                                                          25%                                                      22%                                                  details with the seller     24%
                                                                         24%                                                          28%                                                                         20%

                                                                        21%                                                                 35%                                                                                   47%

                                                                                                                                                          Reasons for cross-border
                                                               14%                                                                           37%                                                                                  48%
Barriers to Cross-border

                                                                                   Drivers for Cross-border
                           Concern about security             13%                                                                           35%                                                                             38%

                                                                                                                                                            payment preference
                                                                 16%                                              Secure way                 38%                                                                            38%
                               of my financial or                                                                                                                                          Secure way to Pay
                                                                15%                                                   to Pay                        48%                                                                         46%
                                 personal details               15%                                                                                46%                                                                      39%


                                                                  17%                                                                        39%                                                                              43%

                                                           22%                                                                      22%                                                                     27%
                                                      17%                                                                         18%                                                                      26%
                                                     16%                                                                         16%                             I don’t have to share my               20%
        Concern about identify                         18%                                                    Visible, trusted     20%                                                                   22%
                                                                                                                                                                     personal or financial
                     theft/fraud                        19%                                                     payment logo    36%                                                                        25%
                                                       18%                                                               21%                                        details with the seller              22%
                                                         20%                                                                26%                                                                         20%
  Q36/36b. Which, if any, of the following reasons prevent you                    Q39/Q39a. Which, if any, of the following would make you                Q44c/Q44d. For what reasons is x your preferred payment method for
  from making purchases from websites in your own country/ in                     more likely to buy from a website in your own country/in                online transactions/purchases from websites in your own country/in
  another country (more often)? Base = All online shoppers                        another country? Base = All online shoppers                             another country? Base = All domestic/cross-border shoppers who have a
                                          ©2018 PayPal Inc.                                                                                               preference
                                          Confidential and                        *Results are among all consumers surveyed in the region,                                                                              19
                                          proprietary.                            not weighted for population size
Likelihood to continue without PayPal varies considerably by market
   with Germany, Netherlands and Australia having a particularly strong
   affinity to the brand

                                     Very likely                        Quite likely                        Not very likely                     Not at all likely

              8% 11%         8%         9%                                                                               7%                                                                       8%
                     13% 11%    14% 12%    14% 15% 12% 17% 16% 10%                                                 13%                               16%                 14% 13% 14%
        21%                                                                                                  21%                           24% 22%                                                         21%
                                                                                                       28%                           29%                           29%
80%                                                                                                                            36%
                                           27%               28%                                                                                           44%           14%                     25%
              35% 27%                                                                                                    32%
                         32% 33%                 31% 35%                                         37%                                                 29%
        27%                                                        37% 37% 42% 32%                                                                                             46%
60%                                                                                                          35%                           27% 30%                                                         33%
                                                                                           61%                                       28%                                                59%
40%                31%                     37%
                                                             38%                                                   30% 32% 36%                             30% 49%
        27% 34%          28% 30%                                                                 26%                                                 31%
                                                       38%         28% 28%           36%                                                       30%                                                         30%
                                                 44%                           26%                                                   24% 37%
20%                                                                                                          34%                                                               31%
                                                                                                       19%                     15%                         20%           29%
                   21% 17% 18% 22%                                                         13%                     25% 20%                                                              17% 20%
        19% 15%                                              17% 12%                             18%                                           15% 19%        13%                                          14%
                                                       10%               11% 8% 10%
                                                                                    6%                 4% 4%                   8% 12% 9%                   4% 2%                 6% 3%
 0%                                              2%
         US   CA   UK      IRE    FR       DE     IT   ES    NL    SE     BE   NO    AT    RU     HU   PL     CZ   GR    IL    UAE BR      MX ARG SA       IND CN        JP      SN       HK      AU       PH

       North America                             Western Europe                                 Eastern Europe       Middle East Latin America Africa                 Asia Pacific

                       ©2018 PayPal Inc.     Q44E. Please now imagine that you are about to make a purchase from a website in another country, and PayPal is not
                       Confidential and      an accepted payment method. How likely would you be to continue with the payment if PayPal was not available as a       Source: Ipsos PayPal Insights 2018.
                       proprietary.          method of payment?
Reimbursement of payment and availability of PayPal are considered
the most attractive incentives for using PayPal cross-border
 Incentives for Choosing PayPal (%)
                                               PayPal being offered as a payment option on websites where I shop                                                                  33%

                                Ability to get money back if an item does not arrive or is not as described                                                                       33%

                                                      Ability to make a payment without putting in my card details                                                              30%

                    Ability to claim a refund on postage from PayPal if I have to return the purchase                                                                     21%

  PayPal always displays any additional fees (e.g. tax, customs fees/duties) for international
                                                                  purchases before checkout

                                                                            Lower fees for paying in a different currency                                                20%

                                        Better currency conversion rate compared to other payment methods                                                           17%

      PayPal One Touch for faster checkout, where you can skip entering your login and billing

                                     Ability to earn my normal loyalty points/cash back from my credit card                                                   13%

Source: Ipsos PayPal Insights 2018
                           ©2018 PayPal Inc.     Q46. Thinking about PayPal as a method of payment for online purchases, which of the following, if any, would be most
                           Confidential and      likely to make you choose to use PayPal instead of other payment methods for making purchases from websites in other                   21
                           proprietary.          countries? Base All online shoppers (25,228)
Reimbursement of payment and availability of PayPal feature
  consistently as the most attractive incentives, closely followed by
  convenience of payment
  Being able to claim a                   PayPal being offered as a                Being able to make a                  Being able to get money                    PayPal always displays
    refund on postage                        payment option on                  payment without putting in               back if an item does not                  any additional fees (e.g.
 from PayPal if I have to                  websites where I shop                      my card details                       arrive or is not as                   tax, customs fees/duties)
   return the purchase                                                                                                           described                             for international
                                                                                                                                                                      purchases before
% Agree                                                                                                                                                                    checkout






        US   CA   UK        IRE    FR     DE    IT   ES    NL    SE    BE    NO    AT    RU    HU    PL    CZ    GR    IL   UAE BR       MX ARG SA          IND CN     JP    SN      HK   AU   PH
      North America                            Western Europe                                 Eastern Europe            Middle          Latin      Africa             Asia Pacific
                                                                                                                         East          America
                      ©2018 PayPal Inc.   Q46. Thinking about PayPal as a method of payment for online purchases, which of the following, if any, would be most
                      Confidential and    likely to make you choose to use PayPal instead of other payment methods for making purchases from websites in other                                 22
                      proprietary.        countries? Base in appendix

Global technical note
This technical note (or a reference to it) should be included with all press releases
Weighted base:   Total   Online     X-border   Weighted base:   Total   Online     X-border   On Behalf of PayPal, Ipsos interviewed a
                         shoppers   shoppers                            shoppers   shoppers
                                                                                              representative quota sample1 of c.1000-2000 (34,052
Western Europe   11000   9199       5279       Eastern Europe   5000    4047       2286       in total) adults (aged 18 or over2) who use an internet
UK               1000    849        320        Russia           1000    802        558        enabled device3 in each of 31 countries (USA, Canada,
Ireland          1000    822        690        Hungary          1000    787        449        UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
France           1000    810        325        Poland           1000    827        315        Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Austria,
                                                                                              Russia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece,
Germany          1000    815        257        Czech Republic   1000    798        404
                                                                                              Israel, UAE, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa,
Belgium          1000    806        580        Greece           1000    833        560
                                                                                              India, China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia,
Netherlands      1000    836        409        Middle East      2000    1597       1117       Philippines). Interviews were conducted online
Spain            1000    830        502        Israel           1000    786        623        between 13th March and 1st May 2018.
Norway           1000    895        582        UAE              1000    811        494        Data was weighted in all countries to adjust for panel
Italy            1000    842        451        Africa           1000    691        428
                                                                                              bias based on external trend data on incidence of
                                                                                              online shoppers in each country.
Sweden           1000    853        475        South Africa     1000    691        428
Austria          1000    843        688        APAC             7000    5918       2845       1In most countries quotas were applied on age crossed with gender
                                                                                              and region representative of online population. No region quota was
LATAM            3000    2197       1146       India            1000    873        300
                                                                                              applied in SA, Singapore & RU. In UAE no quotas were set but the
Mexico           1000    743        489        China            1000    861        367        survey was mailed out to a nationally representative of offline
                                                                                              sample who were screened for internet usage
Brazil           1000    763        363        Singapore        1000    844        618
Argentina        1000    692        295        Japan            1000    911        56         2   Aged 18-74 in all European countries
North America    2000    1579       762        Hong Kong        1000    838        629        3Desktop  computer/Laptop/ notebook computer/Tablet
USA              1000    805        274        Australia        1000    781        473        /Smartphone/Some other type of mobile phone/Electronic organizer
                                                                                              / PDA with wireless voice and data features/Games console with
Canada           1000    774        488        Philippines      1000    811        403
                                                                                              Internet connectivity (e.g. Wii)                                 24
                                               TOTAL            31000   25228      13863
Market sizing estimate and forecast: methodology
Estimating and forecasting online and mobile sales

Inputs                                                         Survey Data                         Forecast Modelling
To build the forecast we look at                               We use the survey data to add       From these inputs, we model
   relationships between key                                     purchase behaviour (penetration   category sales growth, changes to
   macro-economic indicators.                                    and average spend per head) to    the online/mobile population, and
• Total and online population                                    understand the size and           growth in online/mobile spend for
   development (Source: The World                                projection of future category     those populations to forecast total
   Bank).                                                        spend.                            online and mobile spending. We
• GDP per capita development                                   • Category online purchase          assume that the current rates of
                                                                 penetration                       adoption amongst non-users
   (Source: The World Bank).                                   • Average category spend            continues and as the level of
• Total and online retail sales                                • Smartphone penetration            adoption reaches the upper limits
   (Source: ONS Report).                                       • Tablet penetration                we reach saturation.

         • Total online spend includes mobile spend. Mobile spend includes spend on both smartphones and tablets.
         • Estimations/forecast based on the following meta categories: Groceries, Food, drink & Alcohol; Health &
           Beauty; Clothing, Footwear & Accessories; Event tickets; Travel & transportation; Household goods; Leisure,
           Hobbies & Outdoors; Baby/Children’s Supplies; Entertainment; and Consumer Electronics.

             ©2018 PayPal Inc. Confidential and proprietary.                                                                             25
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