Page created by Jonathan Holt
Pathways to
                decarbonize the
                Czech Republic
                Carbon-neutral Czech Republic 2050

November 2020
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McKinsey has been carbon neutral since 2018 (see our Social Responsibility Report). We have also
committed to setting science-based targets, reducing our firm’s emissions by 2025 in line with the level of
decarbonization required to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5-degrees above preindustrial levels.

Through our own internal practices, our work with clients, and published research, McKinsey helps
businesses and governments reduce risk, manage disruption, and capture opportunities in the transition
to a low-carbon, sustainable-growth economy (see also our recent publication, Climate risk and response:
Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts). In writing this report we hope to provide a rigorous approach
and a valuable fact base for decision makers across the public, private and nonprofit sectors to assess and
potentially expand actions to achieve a lower carbon future.

About McKinsey & Company in the Czech Republic

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In just the last few years, McKinsey’s Prague office has worked on more than 200 projects in the energy,
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expertise in areas of critical importance to the future of the Czech Republic, including sustainability,
education, and healthcare.
Pathways to
decarbonize the
Czech Republic
Carbon-neutral Czech Republic 2050

By Viktor Hanzlík, Vít Javůrek, Bram Smeets, and Daniel Svoboda

Copyright © McKinsey & Company, November 2020

    At McKinsey, we see climate change as one of the defining issues of our age—an
    issue that will have profound effects on people, governments, and industries,
    as well as on individual companies. We believe that it is important for citizens,
    government officials, and business leaders to understand the pathways and
    actions required to limit climate change to what scientists deem to be acceptable

    The intent of this report is to present a cost-effective pathway for the Czech
    Republic to meet European Green Deal targets, outlining the actions and
    investments required in each sector of the Czech economy. Our objective is not to
    predict the future but to present our analysis of the costs and implications of the
    decarbonization efforts currently being discussed. In so doing, we are attempting
    to provide what appears today as the most optimal route to achieving the European
    Green Deal’s carbon emission mitigation goals.

    This analysis serves as a follow-up to our 2008 report, Costs and potential of
    greenhouse gas emissions reduction in the Czech Republic, as well as a series
    of internationally published papers. Over the past two years, we have analyzed
    the optimal decarbonization pathways for several countries in Europe (the
    Netherlands, Poland) and beyond.

    This report presents the results of McKinsey & Company’s independent analysis
    based on the sources listed in the Bibliography section. The preparation of
    this report was led by consultants in McKinsey’s Prague office, working with
    international experts from McKinsey Energy Insights and McKinsey Power
    Solutions. The report was prepared on a pro bono basis.

4                                   Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Table of Contents

             Executive Summary                                                6
             Reducing emissions by 2030                                       9
             Reducing emissions by 2050                                      11

             Chapter 1
             Motivation to reach a carbon-neutral economy                    12
             Why aim for net-zero GHG emissions by 2050?                     14
             The starting position of the Czech Republic                     17

             Chapter 2
             The pathway to net-zero emissions in the Czech Republic         22
             Summary of the pathway and costs to reduce emissions by 2030    25
             Summary of the pathway and costs to reach the 2050 target       27

             Chapter 3
             Decarbonization pathways for the major sectors of the economy   30
             Power and heat                                                  32
             Industry                                                        41
             Agriculture                                                     44
             Waste                                                           46
             LULUCF                                                          46
             Transport                                                       48
             Buildings                                                       52

             Actions to achieve net-zero                                     57

             Appendix                                                        58
             Methodology of this report                                      60
             Glossary and abbreviations                                      62
             About the authors                                               63
             Bibliography                                                    64
             Endnotes                                                        66

             Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                       5

6     Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic   7
Scientific evidence shows that to avoid    Reaching net-zero GHG emissions by           and investments for each sector. Our
the most serious effects of climate        2050 would be a significant challenge.       objective is neither to predict the
change, the Earth’s average rise in        The good news is that many of the            future nor set the country’s policy
temperature would need to be limited to    green investments that would be              objectives, but to present the costs
1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. To do   required could come with economic            and implications of the decarbonization
this, human-generated greenhouse gas       and social benefits: reducing operating      efforts currently being discussed and
(GHG) emissions would need to fall to      costs for businesses, shifting the           to describe what today appears to be
net-zero by the middle of this century.1   economy towards industries with              an optimal route. There are multiple
Accordingly, in December 2019, the         a promising and viable future, and           possible pathways to reaching net-
European Commission announced the          reducing damaging pollution.                 zero emissions—the one presented in
EU Green Deal, which, if approved by                                                    this report focuses on achieving this
                                           However, to reap these benefits and
its 27 member states and the European                                                   objective with minimum total costs to
                                           meet its obligations under the Green
Parliament, would require the EU to                                                     society and, hence, we’ll be referring to
                                           Deal, the Czech Republic would need
reach net-zero emissions by 2050.                                                       it as the “cost-optimal pathway”.
                                           to accelerate its GHG reduction efforts.
For the EU to reach this target, every     It could significantly reduce emissions      For our analysis, we used McKinsey’s
member country would have to               by 2030 primarily by curtailing its          Decarbonization Pathways Optimizer
contribute. Although GHG emissions         dependence on coal. But to meet              (DPO), a proprietary toolkit. The DPO
in the Czech Republic have fallen          the 2050 targets, businesses in the          uses over 500 business cases covering
since 1990, it remains the fourth-         transportation, industry, and building       every sector to find a cost-optimal
largest emitter per capita in the EU.2     sectors would already need to have           way to meet the Green Deal’s targets
The Czech power sector is the largest      made other significant changes by            while accounting for resources, supply
contributor, accounting for 35 percent     2030.                                        chains, technology adoption, and
of the republic’s total GHG emissions,                                                  various constraints. The report uses
                                           This report presents a cost-effective
followed by industry, transport,                                                        2017 emissions data, latest available at
                                           pathway for the Czech Republic to
buildings, agriculture, and waste.3                                                     the time of analysis.
                                           reach its goals and outlines actions

Many of
the green
come with
and social

8                                          Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Reducing emissions by 2030

1% of GDP
(CZK 500 billion) is the additional
investment needed over the next
decade to achieve 55% emissions
reduction by 2030

                                      The existing target under the EU’s           would require additional investments
                                      2030 Climate and Energy Framework            of CZK 500 billion (EUR 18 billion,
                                      is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions        corresponding to an estimated
                                      by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels.       1 percent of GDP) over this decade.
                                      The Czech Republic’s draft climate           Most of these investments would pay
                                      and energy plan defining the Czech           for themselves (or generate a profit) as
                                      portion of the commitment calls for          new technologies that lower business
                                      2030 emissions to fall to 104.54 million     operating costs are adopted.
                                      mega tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
                                                                                   Our analysis shows that a 55%
                                                                                   reduction in GHG emissions by 2030
                                      The EU Green Deal, if approved by            is achievable. The primary levers
                                      member states and the European               that could be used to meet the 2030
                                      Parliament, would introduce a more           target include further reductions in the
                                      ambitious target. By 2030 the EU would       country’s reliance on coal for power
                                      reduce its GHG emissions by 55 percent       and heat and reduced coal mining.
                                      from 1990 levels.6 Assuming a matching       On the cost-optimal pathway, this
                                      effort by the Czech Republic (which also     would account for 75 percent of the
                                      would reduce its GHG emissions by 55         GHG emission reductions by 2030.
                                      percent), our calculations show that         This is already underway. Several coal
                                      the country would need to intensify its      power plants either have shut down
                                      emission reduction efforts to 3.2Mt per      or are scheduled to close in the next
                                      year from 2018 to 2030 (or 2.5 percent       few years. The EU Emissions Trading
                                      of emissions from the beginning of the       Scheme (ETS) raising permit prices
                                      period), and 4.4Mt7 per year from 2031       further encourage a move away from
                                      to 2050 (or 5 percent of emissions from      coal, as do low natural gas prices. On
                                      the beginning of the period).                the cost-optimal pathway, the reduction
                                                                                   in coal power generation capacity
                                      Our analysis shows that achieving
                                                                                   could be partly offset by a significant
                                      the 55 percent reduction by 2030

                                      Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                              9
increase in renewables capacity, adding      to the 2030 reduction target might
               3.2GW of new solar photovoltaics (PV)        appear modest relative to coal-
               and wind by 2030, and an increase in         based power generation and heating,
               natural gas generation capacity.             businesses and government would still
                                                            need to make major changes in these
               On the cost-optimal pathway,
                                                            areas by the end of the 2020s to ensure
               three other sectors—industry,
                                                            that the country is on track to meet the
               transportation, and buildings—would
                                                            2050 net-zero target.
               contribute the remaining 25 percent
               of the required gross GHG emissions          A significant potential obstacle
               reduction. This percentage reflects          to achieving the 2030 target is a
               the greater difficulty and higher costs      bark beetle outbreak causing mass
               of decarbonization in those sectors          deforestation. It is turning Czech forests
               relative to power. Decarbonization           from carbon sinks into significant
               activities in industry, transportation,      sources of GHG emissions, up to
               and buildings would include electrifying     10 Mt8 per year in the mid-2020s,
               process heat production in industry,         which corresponds to 8 percent of 2017
               increasing the share of electric             emissions. Managing the bark beetle
               vehicles—cars, light trucks, and             outbreak to ensure the total volume of
               buses—improving the insulation and           living biomass in these forests rises is
               phasing out coal boilers in buildings.       critical to achieving the 2030 target.
               Even though these sectors’ contribution

An ongoing bark beetle outbreak
causing mass deforestation is turning
Czech forests from carbon sinks into
significant sources of GHG emissions.

10             Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Reducing emissions by 2050

                Reaching net-zero GHG emissions              would be necessary for the large-scale
                would be a major undertaking for the         electrification of transport and heating
                Czech Republic. Full decarbonization         and cooling for technology changes
                would require far-reaching                   in industry, scaling up renewable
                technological changes in every sector        power generation, completing the
                and the deployment of both natural           construction of two new nuclear units
                and artificial carbon sinks to eliminate     in line with the 2019 Czech National
                emissions in hard-to-abate sectors           Investment Plan,9 reducing energy
                such as cement production and                consumption of buildings throughout
                agriculture.                                 the country, and deploying the carbon
                                                             sinks necessary to offset residual
                On our cost-optimal path, there would
                                                             GHG emissions. The majority of these
                be residual emissions of 17Mt in 2050,
                                                             investments would be profitable or
                offset by 9Mt of negative emissions
                                                             would at least fully pay for themselves
                from the land use, land-use change,
                                                             through reducing operating costs for
                and forestry (LULUCF) sector. And
                                                             businesses and would contribute to
                while 8Mt of emissions would have to
                                                             reducing local pollution.
                be abated through carbon capture,
                use, and storage (CCS), it has not           Although the costs of achieving net-
                been proven yet at the required scale.       zero by 2050 would be substantial,
                However, even if CCS is not feasible         the next 30 years offer significant
                at the required scale by 2050, the           opportunities for making capital
                result would still be a GHG emissions        upgrades as existing infrastructure and
                reduction of more than 95 percent            industrial equipment reach the end of
                compared to the baseline year of 1990.       their useful lives. However, many of the
                Also, before 2050, new technologies          changes would have to be underway
                may emerge, or the economics of some         by the end of the 2020s to remain on
                technologies may improve faster than         track for reaching net-zero by 2050.
                expected, allowing the Czech Republic        Specifically, efforts to switch from fossil
                to decarbonize fully without CCS.            fuels to electricity in transportation,
                                                             scale up renewable power sources
                Based on our analysis, reaching net-
                                                             significantly, considerably increase
                zero would likely require additional
                                                             the energy efficiency of buildings and
                investments amounting to CZK
                                                             finding a long-term solution for heating
                4 trillion (EUR 150 billion) from 2031
                                                             in the Czech Republic all need to be well
                to 2050, or roughly 4 percent of GDP
                                                             underway by 2030.
                over that period. This investment

Full decarbonization would
require far-reaching technological
changes in every sector.

                Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                            11
Chapter 1

Motivation to
reach a carbon-
neutral economy

12          Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic   13
Why aim for net-zero
GHG emissions by 2050?

                                                      The planet’s temperature has risen by             To avoid the most severe effects of
                                                      about 1.1°C since the 1880s. As average           a changing climate, average global
                                                      temperatures rise, acute hazards such             temperatures need to be kept from rising
                                                      as heatwaves, extreme precipitation,              more than 1.5°C by 2100, and man-made
                                                      and forest fires grow in frequency and            GHG emissions would have to reduce to
                                                      severity, and chronic hazards such as             net-zero by 2050.10 For this goal to have
                                                      droughts and rising sea levels intensify.         a chance of being met, decarbonization
                                                                                                        needs to accelerate now.

Exhibit 1

Earth has warmed by roughly 1.1 degrees Celsius since the late 1800s
Earth has warmed by roughly 1.1 degrees Celsius since the late 1800s
Anomaly relative to 1951–1980 average temperatures; °C
Anomaly relative to 1951–1980 average temperatures; °C

                                                                                                               Observations      Smoothed trend






     1880      90       1900         10        20         30        40       50        60          70     80       90     2000       10     2020



Source: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISTEMP – 2019)

                                                      To avoid the most severe
                                                      effects of a changing climate,
                                                      average global temperatures
                                                      need to be kept from rising
                                                      more than 1.5°C by 2100.

14                                                    Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 2

                                Declines in
                                         in annual
                                            annual CO
                                                    CO22 emissions
                                                         emissions are
                                                                     are necessary
                                                                         necessary to
                                                                                   to mitigate
                                the most
                                    mostinsevere effects
                                          severe         of
                                                         of climate
                                                    CO2 emissions
                                                 effects            change
                                                            climateare necessary to mitigate
                                the most severe effects of climate change
                                Rise in average global temperature
                                Rise in average global temperature
                                °C in average global temperature; °C






                                  01950        60         70          80         90        2000         10          20         30         40        2050
                                   1950        60         70          80         90        2000         10          20         30         40        2050

                                Annual global CO2 emissions
                                Annual global CO2 emissions
                                GtCO2 global CO2 emissions; GtCO2
            Observations        60
            Observations        60
            1.5 °C Pathway
            1.5 °C Pathway      50
            2 °C Pathway        50
            2 °C Pathway
            No further action   40
            No further action   40
                                 10                                                                                                          ~1,000
                                 10                                                                                                          ~1,000
                                                      ~1,000 Gt CO2                        ~1,000 Gt CO2               ~570 Gt CO2
                                  0                   ~1,000 Gt CO2                        ~1,000 Gt CO2               ~570 Gt CO2
                                  01950        60         70     80              90        2000      10             20    30       40               2050
                                   1950        60         70     80              90        2000      10             20    30       40               2050

                                Source: CO2 emissions: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
                                Source:    CO2 emissions:
                                Friedlingstien               Carbon
                                                 et al. “Global      Dioxide
                                                                 Carbon       Information
                                                                         Budget             Analysis
                                                                                  2019.” Earth       Centre,
                                                                                                Systems        Oak Ridge
                                                                                                            Science  Data. National Laboratory.
                                                                                                                           (2019). Forward  projections are
                                Friedlingstien   et al.on“Global
                                illustrative, based       carbonCarbon
                                                                  budgetsBudget   2019.”
                                                                           estimated      Earth
                                                                                       from     Systems
                                                                                             Rogelj         Science
                                                                                                     et al (2019) andData.
                                                                                                                       the (2019).
                                                                                                                           IEA CP Forward
                                                                                                                                             following are
                                illustrative, based  on   carbon  budgets  estimated   from  Rogelj  et al (2019) and  the IEA  CP
                                Hausfather and Peters (2020). Temperature Record: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISTEMPScenario, following –
                                2019). Warming and Peters
                                                   for "No(2020).
                                                             further Temperature
                                                                     action" is the Record:  NASA Goddard
                                                                                    range between    RCP8.5 andInstitute for Space
                                                                                                                    RCP4.5   ranges,Studies (GISTEMP
                                                                                                                                     as IEA CPS  plus –
                                2019). Warming
                                estimates          for "No further
                                             for non-energy          action"
                                                               emissions     is the range
                                                                          following        between
                                                                                     Hausfather  andRCP8.5
                                                                                                       Petersand    RCP4.5
                                                                                                                (2020)  puts ranges, as IEA
                                                                                                                             cumulative     CPS plus
                                                                                                                                         emissions  roughly
                                3/4          forway
                                     ths of the     betweenemissions
                                                 non-energy     RCP8.5 andfollowing
                                                                              RCP4.5Hausfather and Peters (2020) puts cumulative emissions roughly
                                3/4 of the way between RCP8.5 and RCP4.5

                                Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                                                               15
In the Czech Republic, temperatures         Nordic states, 89 percent of Czech              and is part of the approval process of
are also rising, although the impact of     respondents agree or tend to agree              the Green Deal.
climate change has not been as severe       that the EU economy should be made
                                                                                            At the time of writing, the Green Deal’s
as in other countries because of its        carbon-neutral by 2050. Fifty-two
                                                                                            aspiration to create a climate-neutral
moderate climate and lack of coastline.     percent of Czechs agree or tend to
                                                                                            Europe is one of the world’s most
In the last 60 years, the average           agree that adapting to the adverse
                                                                                            ambitious decarbonization plans. Its
temperature, as measured by the             impacts of climate change can have
                                                                                            goal of net-zero by 2050 is consistent
Czech Hydro-meteorological Institute        positive outcomes for citizens of the
                                                                                            with the targets of the 2015 Paris
(CHMI), has risen by 2°C.11 The country     EU.14
                                                                                            Agreement. The Green Deal aims
has experienced severe droughts in
                                                                                            to ensure that member states have
the past few years, and 2019–2020           The European response to the                    the financing they need to make the
was the second-warmest winter on            threat of global warming                        transition towards green technologies
                                            In December 2019, the European                  and infrastructure. The EU has a history
Public awareness of the dangers             Commission (EC) announced                       of meeting its decarbonization targets.
of global warming has also grown.           the European Green Deal, a new                  When it signed the Kyoto Protocol in
According to the STEM Institute,            policy framework to accelerate                  1997, it committed to reducing its GHG
84 percent of Czech citizens believe        decarbonization in the European Union.          emissions by 8 percent compared to
that climate change endangers the           Among the policies under consideration          1990 levels by the end of the Kyoto
future. Nine out of ten people think that   is a law that, if approved by the               Protocol’s first commitment period in
unless climate change is addressed,         European Union’s 27 member states               2012. It over-delivered, reducing them
the country will see more droughts,         and the European Parliament, would              by 19 percent instead.16 In 2010, the
deforestation, and other natural            require the bloc to lower GHG emissions         EU set another target: reducing the
disasters.13 While the Eurobarometer        by at least 55 percent by 2030 versus           continent’s emissions by 20 percent
shows that support for taking climate       1990 levels, and to net-zero by 2050.15         by 2020. By 2018, the EU had already
action is weaker in the Czech Republic      As a member of the European Union,              surpassed that.17
than in Western Europe and the              the Czech Republic has been consulted

Exhibit 3

Over the
     the past
         past 60
                                    temperatureininthe Czech
                                                     the     Republic
                                                         Czech        hashas
                                                               Republic   risen by by
                                                                             risen nearly two
degrees Celsius
two degrees Celsius
Average annual
        annual air
               air temperature;
                   temperature; °C

                                                                                                          Observations          Trend








  1960         1965    1970      1975       1980      1985        1990        1995       2000    2005       2010         2015      2020

Source: CHMI

16                                          Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
The starting position
of the Czech Republic

                                         In 2017, the EU’s total GHG emissions        its GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF)
                                         were 3.9 GtCO2e,18 excluding                 to 129 MtCO2e in 2017,20 down from
                                         0.2 GtCO2 of negative emissions and all      199 MtCO2e in 1990.21 Despite this drop,
                                         emissions from international transport.      the country was the fourth-largest
                                         The equivalent number for the Czech          GHG emitter in the EU on a per capita
                                         Republic was 129 MtCO2e, excluding           basis. Electricity and heat generation
                                         2 Mt of negative emissions; that is,         accounted for most Czech GHG
                                         3.4 percent of the EU total.19               emissions, at 45.3 MtCO2e, followed by
                                                                                      industry (36.2 Mt), transport (18.7 Mt),
                                         The Czech Republic has undergone
                                                                                      buildings (12.7 Mt), agriculture (9.7 Mt),
                                         a significant transformation of its
                                                                                      waste, and others (6.8 Mt).22
                                         economy in the last 30 years, reducing

Exhibit 4

Power and heat
           heat generation
                             producea agreater
                                                             GHG emissions
                                                               GHG         in in
                                                                   emissions  thethe
Republic than in the rest of the EU
Republic than in the rest of the EU
MtCO2e; excluding LULUCF, international aviation and transport; 2017
MtCO2e; excluding LULUCF, international aviation and transport; 2017

                        129                                   3,850

                                                                                                              Republic       EU

                                                                                            Waste & others         5%       3%

                                                                                            Agriculture            7%       12%

                                                                                            Buildings             10%      13%

                                                                                            Transport             14%       21%

                                                                                            Industry              28%      26%

                                                                                            Power & heat          35%      24%
                   Czech Republic                             EU1

1.   Includes EU 27 countries
Source: Eurostat

                                         Czech emissions have declined
                                         from 199 MtCO2e in 1990
                                         to 129 MtCO2e in 2017.

                                         Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                           17
4      th
Czech Republic was 4th largest GHG
emitter in EU on per capita basis

Exhibit 5

                                     In 2017,
                                                                             the highest
                                                                               the       per-capita
                                                                                   highest per-
                                     greenhouse  gas emissions in the EU
                                     capita greenhouse gas emissions in the EU
                                     Tons of CO2e per capita; 2017
                                     Tons of CO2e per capita; 2017

                                     Luxembourg                                                                                       20.0
                                     Estonia                                                                                   16.0
                                     Ireland                                                                            13.3
                                     Czech Republic                                                               12.4
                                     Netherlands                                                                 12.0
                                     Cyprus                                                                    11.6
                                     Germany                                                               11.2
                                     Poland                                                               11.0
                                     Belgium                                                              10.8
                                     Finland                                                            10.4
                                     Austria                                                        9.6
                                     Greece                                                       9.2
                                     Denmark                                                     8.9
                                     European Union1                                             8.9
                                     Bulgaria                                                    8.8
                                     Slovenia                                                 8.4
                                     Slovakia                                               8.0
                                     Spain                                                 7.7
                                     Lithuania                                          7.4
                                     Italy                                              7.3
                                     France                                             7.2
                                     Portugal                                           7.2
                                     Hungary                                         6.6
                                     Croatia                                      6.2
                                     Latvia                                     6.0
                                     Romania                                    6.0
                                     Malta                                    5.5
                                     Sweden                                   5.5

                                     1.      EU 27 countries
                                     Source: Eurostat, European Environment Agency

18                                   Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
The initial drop in emissions after                    a year from 1990 to 2017. However,
                                                         1990 was primarily driven by the                       if the Czech Republic only continues
                                                         dismantling of the command economy                     on this trajectory, it will not meet the
                                                         in 1989, which decreased the country’s                 Green Deal’s targets. According to
                                                         heavy industrial exports to socialist                  our analysis, in order to meet them,
                                                         bloc countries. Since that drop, GHG                   emissions would need to drop by 3.2 Mt
                                                         emissions have declined slowly,                        a year over the next decade, then by
                                                         resulting in an average fall of 2.6 Mt                 4.4 Mt every year from 2031 to 2050.23

Exhibit 6
The Czech Republic would need to accelerate its decarbonization to achieve a 55% reduction
The CzechtoRepublic
compared    1990 andwould need
                     achieve    to accelerate
                             net-zero by 2050its decarbonization to achieve a 55%
reduction compared to 1990 and achieve net-zero by 2050
MtCO e


                                                                                                                Czech Climate
                                                                                                                Protection Policy target
                                                                                                                (-30% vs. 2005)

                                                                                           -55% vs. 1990


                                                                                                                                Carbon neutrality1
   1990                                   2005                           2017 2020                         2030                 2040                 2050

Note: Excluding LULUCF
1.    Emitted GHG are equal to absorbed GHG
Source: EEA, Vnitrostatni plan CR v oblasti energetiky a klimatu 2017; European commission; McKinsey analysis

                                                         In order to meet the Green Deal’s
                                                         targets, emissions would need
                                                         to drop by 3.2 Mt a year over
                                                         the next decade, then by 4.4 Mt
                                                         every year from 2031 to 2050.

                                                         Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                                    19
EU ETS and Effort Sharing schemes

                There are two main mechanisms through which the European Union tracks and
                enforces the achievement of GHG reduction targets, the Europe-wide Emissions
                Trading System (ETS) and Effort Sharing Regulation, which sets a binding
                greenhouse gas emission target for each EU member state.24

                — The ETS is a Europe-wide ‘cap and trade’ system which covers GHG emissions
                  from over 11,000 heavy energy-using installations in the power and industry
                  sector as well as domestic air transport. Under the scheme, a cap on the
                  total amount of emissions is set for the sectors covered by the ETS, and a
                  corresponding amount of ETS allowance is allocated or sold to companies
                  in the relevant sectors, which need to surrender allowances to cover their
                  emissions or face fines. The permits are freely tradeable and incentivize
                  companies to reduce their emissions to be able to sell their excess allowances
                  or avoid having to buy additional ones. In theory, the scheme achieves the
                  target level of emissions with the lowest societal costs. The decisions to acquire
                  or sell allowances, reduce or cease production, or to reduce the GHG intensity
                  of production are made by companies, and there is no target for individual
                  member states. In 2017, emissions covered by the ETS accounted for about
                  45 percent of the EU total.

                — For emissions not covered by the ETS (mostly from the transport, building,
                  and agricultural sectors), there are binding targets for each EU member state
                  defined by the decision on a joint effort. Failure to meet the targets may result
                  in an infringement procedure and penalties against a member state.

                The European Commission is currently preparing a plan to increase targets for ETS
                and Effort Sharing consistent with the more ambitious targets of the Green Deal.

20              Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic   21
Chapter 2

The pathway
to net-zero
emissions in the
Czech Republic

22          Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic   23
Following the cost-optimal pathway,                        Achieving full decarbonization by
                                                              for the Czech Republic to decrease the                     2050 would require far-reaching
                                                              GHG emissions by 55 percent by 2030,                       technological changes in every
                                                              it would need to sharply reduce coal                       sector, as well as the deployment of
                                                              mining and the use of coal for power                       natural and artificial carbon sinks to
                                                              and heat generation, improve insulation                    offset emissions in hard-to-abate
                                                              and replace decentralized coal                             sectors such as cement production
                                                              heating boilers with lower-emission                        and agriculture. On the cost-optimal
                                                              alternatives, significantly increase the                   pathway, the final 5 percent of GHG
                                                              percentage of electric vehicles on the                     emissions would have to be abated
                                                              roads, continue electrifying industrial                    through carbon capture, use, and
                                                              processes and heat generation, and                         storage (CCS). However, in the years
                                                              bring the Czech bark beetle outbreak                       before 2050, it is possible that
                                                              under control by the second half of this                   new technologies or improvements
                                                              decade.                                                    in current technology economics
                                                                                                                         may allow the Czech Republic to
                                                              To achieve the 2030 goals, all
                                                                                                                         decarbonize fully without CCS.
                                                              these efforts would need to begin

Exhibit 7

Cost-optimal decarbonization path for the Czech Republic
Cost-optimal decarbonization path for the Czech Republic
MtCO e

                                                                                                                                            Excluding LULUCF1
 140                                                                                                                                        Including LULUCF1

 120                                                                                                                              Rela tiv e redu ction
                                                                                                                                  % relative to 2017      2030   2050
                                                                                                                                       Power & heat1      -54%   -105%
                                                                                                                                       Transport           -6%   -100%

60                                                                                                                                     Buildings          -31%   -97%

 40                                                                                                                                    Industry           -32%   -90%

                                                                                                                                       Agriculture         -2%   -48%
                                                                                                                                       Waste & others      -9%   -66%
      2017      2020            2025            2030            2035           2040            2045            2050                    Total              -32% -100%

1.        Reduction of more than 100% achieved by a combination of biomass and CCS technology
2.        Land use, land use change, and forestry serves typically as a carbon sink thanks to carbon absorption in forests and land.
          Due to the current bark beetle outbreak, LULUCF is expected to be a net emitter for the next ~10 years.
Source: McKinsey analysis

24                                                            Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Summary of the pathway and costs
to reduce emissions by 2030

                                                          Our analysis shows that reducing                                 In addition to reducing coal
                                                          emissions in the Czech Republic by                               dependence, four main actions would
                                                          55 percent by 2030 could be realistic.                           get the Czech Republic the rest of
                                                          It would require an additional                                   the way to 55% emissions reduction
                                                          investment of CZK 500 billion or                                 by 2030: electrifying transportation,
                                                          1 percent of the country’s GDP over                              increasing building insulation, switching
                                                          the next decade. The majority of these                           space and water heating methods, and
                                                          investments would generate a profit                              electrifying industry. These measures
                                                          or fully pay for themselves through                              need to be implemented immediately.
                                                          reduced operational costs achieved                               For example, our analysis shows that
                                                          through new technologies.                                        at least 49 percent of cars newly
                                                                                                                           registered in the Czech Republic would
                                                          Just reducing the country’s dependence
                                                                                                                           have to be battery electric vehicles
                                                          on coal for power and heat generation
                                                                                                                           (BEV) or plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV)
                                                          would get the Czech Republic 75 percent
                                                                                                                           by 2030. Today, BEVs and PHEVs
                                                          of the way toward reducing emissions
                                                                                                                           constitute less than 1 percent of
                                                          by 55 percent by 2030. And the country
                                                                                                                           registered vehicles.
                                                          has already begun to move away from
                                                          coal mining and processing since the
                                                          baseline year of 2017.

Exhibit 8

The Czech Republic could lower GHG emissions by 55% with an additional investment of
CZKCzech  Republic
     500 billion overcould lowerdecade
                      the next   GHG emissions by 55% with an additional investment
of CZK 500 billion over the next decade
MtCO2e; incl. LULUCF
MtCO2e; incl. LULUCF

2017 net emission baseline                                                                                                      127

Change in power and heat generation fleet1                                                                                      23

Scale-down of coal mining and processing                                                                             7

Transportation efficiency and alternative fuels                                                         1           3 43

Improvement in buildings sector 2                                                                               4

Electrification of industry                                                                                 3

Other decarbonization levers                                                                            4                             +CZK 500
Increase in LULUCF due to bark beetle                                                            -2                                   500  billion
2030 potential (-55% scenario)                                                                         87                -40          Total
                                                                                                                                       Totaladditional   investments
                                                                                                                                            additional investments

1.   Includes power generation and district heat generation (individual dwelling heating is included in buildings)
2.   Switching heating methods away from coal; increased insulation levels
3.   Scenario assumes an increase in emissions by 2030 by 3 Mt due to increased number of kilometers driven
Source: McKinsey analysis

                                                          Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                                               25
Most of the GHG reduction on the cost-       increase the required investment by
                                                       optimal pathway comes from sources           up to CZK 200 billion as more costly
                                                       operating under the ETS regime. In our       decarbonization options would need to
                                                       decarbonization scenario, non-ETS            be used.
                                                       emissions would drop to 50 MtCO2e,
                                                                                                    As noted before, achieving the 2030
                                                       and the Czech Republic would meet
                                                                                                    target would require the Czech
                                                       the overall 55 percent reduction
                                                                                                    Republic to manage the current bark
                                                       target. However, the non-ETS target
                                                                                                    beetle outbreak that is causing mass
                                                       for the Czech Republic could be more
                                                                                                    deforestation throughout the country
                                                       demanding, requiring a drop to
                                                                                                    and turning forests from carbon
                                                       42–48 MtCO2e by 2030.25 Our analysis
                                                                                                    sinks into significant sources of GHG
                                                       shows that decreasing the Czech
                                                       non-ETS emission to 45 MtCO2e (the
                                                       middle of the possible range) could

Exhibit 9
On the cost-optimal pathway, Czech emissions outside of EU ETS would decline to 50MtCO2e
by  the cost-optimal pathway, Czech emissions outside of EU ETS would decline to
MtCO 2
       e 2e by 2030

                         62                                                     - 12


                                                                                                              200 billion
                                                                                                              Potential additional

                        2017                                   2030 decarbonization pathway

1.   AMO scenarios for increased commitments within the effort sharing regulation
Source: AMO; McKinsey analysis

                                                       To reach net-zero by 2050,
                                                       the Czech Republic would
                                                       need to change much of its
                                                       capital stock, and use carbon
                                                       sinks to capture the remaining
                                                       hard-to abate emissions.

26                                                     Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Summary of the pathway and costs
to reach the 2050 target

                                                       For any country, reaching net-zero                and use the carbon sinks it has to
                                                       emissions would require a significant             capture the remaining hard-to-abate
                                                       overhaul of the economy. In some                  emissions. Our analysis shows the last
                                                       respects, the Czech Republic would                5 percent of emissions would need
                                                       face more challenges because of the               to be offset via carbon capture and
                                                       relative size of hard-to-abate industries         storage, a technology that is not yet
                                                       such as cement and lime production                widely available at the required scale.
                                                       (4 MtCO2e combined) and agriculture               Depending on technological progress,
                                                       (10 MtCO2e).26 The country also has               speed of innovation, and societal
                                                       a relatively limited amount of natural            acceptance, alternative technologies
                                                       carbon sinkage both because it is                 allowing the Czech Republic to achieve
                                                       relatively small compared with other              net-zero could be small modular
                                                       EU members and because of the way                 reactors or hydrogen energy storage.
                                                       its land is used. Plus, it’s landlocked,          If these technologies do not become
                                                       eliminating offshore wind as a possible           available, the Czech Republic would
                                                       source of energy.                                 need to reduce output from hard-to-
                                                                                                         abate sectors.
                                                       To reach net-zero by 2050, the Czech
                                                       Republic would need to change much                However, there will be many
                                                       of its capital stock, including its energy-       opportunities in the coming years to
                                                       generation technology, industrial                 replace or upgrade aging assets with
                                                       equipment, vehicle fleet, and buildings,          greener ones.
Exhibit 10

Full decarbonization of the Czech economy between 2030 and 2050 would require CZK 4
Full     of additional of
      decarbonization  investments
                          the Czech economy between 2030 and 2050 would require
CZK 4 trillion of additional investments
MtCO2e incl. LULUCF
MtCO2e incl. LULUCF

2030                                                                                                          87

Transformation of power and heat                                                                              18

Electrification of transportation                                                                   17

Further decarbonization of industry 1                                               15

Improvements in buildings                                               8

Optimization in agriculture                                       4

Other                                                         8

2050 without carbon sinks                               17                         -70
                                                                                                                   44 trillion
Adoption of CCS technology                              8

Natural carbon sinks (LULUCF)                   9                                                                     trillion
2050 carbon neutrality                  0                                   -87                                    Total
                                                                                                                    Totaladditional   investments
                                                                                                                         additional investments

1.   Abatement in industry excludes CCS carbon sinks

Source: McKinsey analysis

                                                       Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                               27
Achieving net-zero would require the         by 2050. To achieve net-zero, it would
                  country to complete its shift from coal      need to use natural carbon sinks to
                  to renewables, nuclear, and CCS-             reduce those emissions by 9 MtCO2e,
                  equipped gas to generate heat and            and to adopt CCS technology to
                  power. It would need to electrify the        capture the remaining 8 MtCO2e. Even
                  transportation and industry sectors to       if CCS turns out not to be feasible for
                  the greatest extent possible, increase       the Czech Republic, the country still
                  the energy efficiency of buildings,          will have succeeded in reducing its
                  switch heating to heat pumps, use            emissions by 95 percent by 2050.
                  biomass as a heating fuel in industry,
                                                               According to our analysis, it would
                  and optimize animal feed and crop
                                                               require substantial additional
                  composition in agriculture.
                                                               investment for the Czech Republic to
                  Adopting these new technologies would        reach net-zero from 2030 to 2050: CZK
                  enable the Czech Republic to reach           4 trillion at current prices, or 4 percent
                  17 MtCO2e of annual gross emissions          of Czech 2019 GDP each year.

Achieving net-zero would require the
country to complete its shift from coal to
renewables, nuclear, and CCS-equipped
gas to generate heat and power.

28                Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic   29
Chapter 3

pathways for the
major sectors of
the economy

30          Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic   31
Power and heat

                                    European context                             transportation and industry, switch to
                                    For the EU as a whole, the power and         electric power from fossil fuels as per
                                    heat sector accounts for 24 percent          the cost-optimal pathway.
                                    of total emissions, a lower share than
                                    in the Czech Republic.27 Although            Starting position of the Czech
                                    the EU has been an early mover in            Republic
                                    decarbonizing power, with renewables
                                                                                 The power and heat sector accounts
                                    accounting for 31 percent28 of its total
                                                                                 for 35 percent of the Czech Republic’s
                                    power supply today, it still has a long
                                                                                 GHG emissions, the highest of any
                                    way to go to reach net-zero. Many
                                                                                 sector. These emissions are primarily
                                    countries—including Denmark, Greece,
                                                                                 generated by coal power and combined
                                    France, Hungary, and Germany—have
                                                                                 heat and power generation (CHP)
                                    already announced their intention to
                                    phase out coal.29
                                                                                 In 2017, the Czech Republic had a
                                    EU member states are all beginning
                                                                                 maximum power generation capacity
                                    at different points in their efforts to
                                                                                 of ~22 GW, and its peak power demand
                                    decarbonize their power sectors due to
                                                                                 in 2017 was 11.8 GW. Coal made up
                                    the differences in the types of power
                                                                                 10.6 GW of the installed capacity,31
                                    they currently use and the energy
                                                                                 which comes mostly from power
                                    resources available to them. Along
                                                                                 plants commissioned in the 1970s and
                                    with Poland, Slovenia, and Bulgaria,
                                                                                 1980s.32 The most important exception
                                    the Czech Republic is among the EU
                                                                                 is the Ledvice VI plant, which was
                                    member states that rely heavily on coal,
                                                                                 commissioned in 2017.33 The country’s
                                    including lignite (a low grade of coal)
                                                                                 gas-fired power generation capacity
                                    for power generation.30 Finding ways to
                                                                                 is 2.3 GW, which comes from the large
                                    decarbonize the power sector is crucial
                                                                                 Počerady CCGT plant and many smaller
                                    to supporting the expected increased
                                    demand for electricity, which will nearly
                                    double when other sectors, such as

of the Czech Republic’s GHG
emissions come from the power and
heat sector

32                                  Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic also has two              was 81 TWh, of which 68 TWh was
                                         nuclear power plants in Temelín and          consumed domestically,37 and 13 TWh
                                         Dukovany that can generate up to             (or 16 percent) was exported. Coal
                                         4.2 GW of electricity, providing the         plants produced 38 TWh, nuclear
                                         country’s most significant source of         27 TWh, and the rest came from other
                                         emission-free energy.34 Hydropower           generation technologies.38
                                         provides an additional 2.3 GW of
                                                                                      Large centralized plants also play
                                         zero-emission electric capacity.35
                                                                                      an essential role in supplying Czech
                                         This hydropower comprises pumped
                                                                                      households and businesses with heat.
                                         storage, run-of-river, and reservoir
                                                                                      In the Czech Republic, about 90 PJ
                                         capacity that comes from several large
                                                                                      of heat was supplied from centralized
                                         sites, such as Orlík and Lipno, and
                                                                                      plants in 2017, of which roughly 50
                                         numerous smaller plants.
                                                                                      percent was consumed by
                                         Although the Czech Republic’s                1.6 million39 Czech households
                                         hydropower capacity has remained             connected to a district heating
                                         flat, the volume of electricity generated    network. The remaining half was used
                                         at these plants has decreased since          by businesses and institutions such
                                         2013 due to reduced rainfall and more        as hospitals and offices as well as by
                                         frequent droughts.36 The Solar PV            industry. Approximately 60 percent of
                                         installed capacity was 2.1 GW, and           this heat is generated using coal, often
                                         the country’s installed wind capacity        in CHP plants.40
                                         was 0.3 GW.
                                                                                      We cover district heating emissions in
                                         In 2017, the total net electric power        this chapter and decentralized heating
                                         production in the Czech Republic             in the Buildings chapter.

Exhibit 11

Coal accounts  foraccount
      and lignite  nearly half
                           for of installed
                               nearly       capacity
                                       half of        andcapacity
                                               installed  net electric
                                                                  andpower   production
                                                                       net electric power
in the Czech Republic
production in the Czech Republic

       Installed capacity structure            Net power generation
       GWe                                     TWh

                     22.1                                    81.0
                                                                                                                            Net power
                                                                                                                Installed   generation
                                                                                                                capacity        profile

                                                                                          Wind onshore               0.3           0.6

                                                                                          Biomass & others           0.5            2.3

                                                                                          Solar                       2.1           2.2

                                                                                          Hydro                      2.3           3.0

                                                                                          Gas                        2.3           8.5

                                                                                          Nuclear                    4.2          26.8

                                                                                          Coal, incl. lignite       10.6          37.6

          Installed capacity structure            Power generation structure

Source: ERÚ; OTE

                                         Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                                 33
Decarbonization options                     intermittent, although the availability of   deployment toward the end of the
In Europe, there are currently two          hydro depends on sufficient quantities       2020s, with possible rollouts in the
proven ways to generate power that          of water in the rivers and reservoirs        2030s.
do not emit large amounts of GHGs:          upon which the hydro plants are
nuclear and renewables, which includes      located.                                     Plausible pathway for the
hydro, biomass, onshore and offshore
                                            Nuclear power is an essential part of
                                                                                         Czech Republic—2030
wind, solar PV, and concentrated solar.
                                            the energy mix in several EU countries,
Worldwide, the fastest growing ways
                                            including France, Sweden, and                For the power and heat sector to meet
to deliver renewable electricity are
                                            Slovakia. However, other countries,          2030 decarbonization targets, the most
via wind and solar power. Installation
                                            such as Austria and Italy,42 have chosen     significant opportunity is to sharply
costs for these technologies have fallen
                                            not to make nuclear power part of their      reduce coal burning, especially of
sharply in recent years. Consequently,
                                            energy mix or have decided to phase          lignite, which is among the most GHG-
solar and wind are the lowest-cost
                                            out nuclear power due to a lack of public    intensive energy sources. Because
sources of new power generation
                                            support for the technology. Germany43        it has an excess power generation
capacity on a per MWh basis in many
                                            is set to decommission its entire nuclear    capacity of nearly 50 percent46, 47 over
countries today.41
                                            reactor fleet by 2022. While several         peak demand, the Czech Republic
However, wind and solar can only            European countries are building or           could retire a significant capacity of its
provide power intermittently. Storing       considering new nuclear plants, no           lignite-fueled plants. The situation is
enough renewable energy to satisfy          plants of the latest (“third”) generation    more complicated for co-generation
power demand throughout the year is         have yet been commissioned in the EU,        plants as heat from these is distributed
far beyond the capabilities of current      and the two most advanced projects           through district heating networks.
storage technologies; battery storage       (in Finland44 and France45) are behind       Those plants could either be switched
can cover a few days’ demand at most.       schedule and over budget.                    from lignite to gas, biomass or waste, or
A plausible option for large-scale                                                       their heat distribution system could be
                                            Several companies are working to
seasonal renewable energy storage is                                                     replaced by decentralizing the heating
                                            develop so-called Small Modular
to convert excess wind and solar energy                                                  of buildings or blocks of buildings. Due
                                            Reactors (SMRs). SMRs are designed
to hydrogen by electrolysis, store the                                                   to the importance of local conditions—
                                            to be assembled on the site from
hydrogen in salt caverns (such as those                                                  for instance, topography and the
                                            prefabricated modules, thus reducing
used today for gas), and later convert                                                   state of the distribution network—the
                                            total cost and construction time. At the
it back to electricity. Nuclear power                                                    applicable solution will be specific to
                                            time of writing, several SMR designs
and, to some extent, hydro are the only                                                  each district.
                                            are under review by regulators. If
currently available large-scale GHG-
                                            successful, this could result in their
free sources of electricity that are non-

For the power and heat
sector to meet 2030
decarbonization targets,
the most significant
opportunity is to
reduce coal burning.

34                                          Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Of the Czech Republic’s 10.6 GW              4.2 GW by 2030, with a reduction in
                                                 of coal and lignite power generation         coal-related CO2e emissions from 42 to
                                                 capacity (which in 2017 emitted              16 Mt.
                                                 42 MtCO2e), about 3 GW have been
                                                                                              Maintaining a sufficient reserve margin,
                                                 decommissioned or slated for
                                                                                              and retaining the ability to meet Czech
                                                 retirement by 2030. A further
                                                                                              electric power and heat demand from
                                                 0.7 GW of generation capacity could
                                                                                              fully dispatchable sources at all times,
                                                 face feedstock supply constraints
                                                                                              would require an additional 1.2 GW
                                                 and would need to be retired in the
                                                                                              of gas CHP capacity. Also, it would
                                                 mid-2020s. The two most important
                                                                                              demand 2.5 GW of solar PV and
                                                 factors affecting the economics of coal
                                                                                              0.7 GW of wind capacity to be added to
                                                 and lignite power plants in the Czech
                                                                                              our 2030 cost-optimal path. There are
                                                 Republic are EU ETS permit prices,
                                                                                              two reasons for this: the economics of
                                                 which put coal at a cost disadvantage,
                                                                                              these technologies will keep improving,
                                                 and natural gas prices, which make coal
                                                                                              and the expansion of renewables would
                                                 uncompetitive when low. Our analysis
                                                                                              need to be significantly upscaled by
                                                 shows that for a wide range of plausible
                                                                                              2030 if the country is to meet its net-
                                                 scenarios combining these factors,
                                                                                              zero target for 2050. The renewable
                                                 coal-fueled power plants generating
                                                                                              generation capacities would constitute
                                                 at least 1.5 GW could not operate
                                                                                              less than 30 percent of the total
                                                 economically. And, at least
                                                                                              installed capacity. Our analysis shows
                                                 1.2 GW of coal-fueled CHP plants
                                                                                              that the additional transmission and
                                                 could be economically replaced with
                                                                                              distribution investments to integrate
                                                 a lower emission alternative.
                                                                                              this generation capacity into the Czech
                                                 Retiring all these plants would reduce       power supply system would be CZK 50
                                                 the installed energy-generating coal         to 100 billion.
                                                 capacity from 10.6 GW in 2017 to
Exhibit 12

On the cost-optimal pathway, coal capacity for power and heat production falls and is
partially replaced by increase in solar, gas, and wind capacity
On the cost-optimal pathway, coal capacity for power and heat production falls and is partially
GWe       by increase in solar, gas, and wind capacity

                         45            GHG emission, MtCO2e            22

                                                                      20.4                                                 2017   2030

                                                                                                     Wind onshore           0.3     1.0

                                                                                                     Biomass & others       0.5    0.6

                                                                                                     Solar                  2.1    4.6

                                                                                                     Hydro                  2.3    2.3

                                                                                                     Gas                    2.3    3.5

                                                                                                     Nuclear                4.2    4.2

                                                                                                     Coal, incl. lignite   10.6    4.2
                        2017                                          2030

Source: ERÚ; OTE; IAEA PRIS; McKinsey analysis

                                                 Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                         35
Given the expected growth of                 the opportunity to import cheaper
                                 generation capacity in other countries,      power for a part of the year, for
                                 and assuming a plausible range of            example, when North Sea offshore wind
                                 commodity prices, the Czech Republic         production is strong. This evolution
                                 could go from being a net exporter of        would not jeopardize Czech energy
                                 electric power (to the tune of 13TWh in      security as there is sufficient domestic
                                 2017) to a net importer of about             capacity to fully cover demand in every
                                 6 TWh in 2030. This pathway reflects         scenario.
Exhibit 13

On the cost-optimal pathway, Czech power generation would decline by nearly 25% by
On the cost-optimal pathway, Czech power generation would decline by 20% by 2030


                                                                                                          2017   2030

                                                                                    Wind onshore           0.6     2.1

                                                                                    Biomass & others       2.3     3.0

                                                                                    Solar                  2.2     4.6

                                                                                    Hydro                  3.0     3.1

                                                                                    Gas                    8.5     9.0

                                                                                    Nuclear               26.8    26.8

                                                                                    Coal, incl. lignite   37.6    16.1
                        2017                          2030

Source: ERÚ; McKinsey analysis
Exhibit  14

The Czech Republic would become a net power importer by 2030 on the cost-optimal
pathway, driven by low import costs at times of high renewable production abroad
The Czech Republic would become a net power importer by 2030 on the cost-optimal pathway,
TWh    by low import costs at times of high renewable production abroad

       Export         Import


                  -13            -13

                   2017           20                              25                        2030

Source: ERÚ; McKinsey analysis

36                               Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Plausible pathway for the                    In 2030, the Czech Republic would
                               Czech Republic—2050                          still have 4.2 GW of coal-fueled
                               horizon                                      generation capacity online, mostly in
                               On the cost-optimal pathway,                 CHPs connected to central heating
                               electrification would be an essential        networks. Transitioning from coal would
                               lever for several sectors, including         be crucial because of its deteriorating
                               transport, industry, and buildings. As       economics, its diminishing availability,
                               a result, electric power demand would        and the necessity to fully decarbonize
                               increase from 71 TWh in 2030 to              the power sector. A key precondition
                               125 TWh in 2050. Meeting peak                for discontinuing the use of coal for
                               demand without relying on energy             power and heat generation is ensuring
                               imports will require significant             an uninterrupted supply of heat to
                               additional generation capacities from        households and enterprises connected
                               zero-emission technologies. It would         to coal-powered centralized heating
                               also require more power from GHG-            systems.
                               generating sources such as natural gas,
                               with emissions captured via CCS or
                               offset through carbon sinks in LULUCF.

Exhibit 15

On the cost-optimal pathway, the Czech Republic would add large capacities of solar, wind,
andthe cost-optimalgas
    CCS-equipped    pathway, the Czech Republic would add large capacities of solar, wind,
                       by 2050
and CCS-equipped gas by 2050


                                                                                                        2030    2050

                                                                                  Battery                  -     2.0

                                                                                  Wind onshore            1.0    7.9

                                                                                  Biomass & others       0.6     2.2
                                                                                  Solar                  4.6    20.3

                                                                                  Hydro                  2.3     2.3

                                                                                  Gas                    3.5     9.7

                                                                                  Nuclear                4.2     4.5

                                                                                  Coal, incl. lignite    4.2       -
                        2030                        2050

Source: McKinsey analysis

Being an importer of electric power would
not jeopardize Czech energy security as
there is sufficient domestic capacity to fully
cover the local demand in every scenario.

                               Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                         37
Depending on local conditions such as        or the wind is not blowing, with the
                              housing density, topography, and the         residual emissions from gas eliminated
                              percentage of buildings connected to         through CCS. In this report, we are
                              district heating systems, there are two      assuming that the Czech Republic
                              principal ways to decarbonize heating—       succeeds in commissioning 1.2 GW of
                              either decarbonize the centralized CHP       new nuclear capacity in the 2030s, and
                              sources through sustainable biomass          a further 1.2 GW in the 2040s, which
                              and gas with CHP, or localize heating        is broadly in line with the 2019 Czech
                              with alternative zero-emission sources       national investment plan. Just as in our
                              such as direct electric heating, heat        2030 scenario, the Czech Republic
                              pumps, biomass, or solar thermal. A          would be a net importer of power,
                              detailed city-level analysis would be        with guaranteed energy security. The
                              required to determine where district         resulting power generation mix would
                              heating systems should be dissolved or       allow the country to accommodate
                              expanded. Our analysis assumes that          more than 80 percent of an expected
                              the extent of district heating remains       unregulated peak demand of 23 GW.
                              constant.                                    That is without any contribution from
                                                                           intermittent renewable sources and
                              Following the cost-optimal pathway to
                                                                           with the largest power-producing block
                              net-zero emissions by 2050, the largest
                                                                           offline. The 20 percent gap between
                              share of power generation capacity
                                                                           the power generation mix and peak
                              would be solar, with 20.3 GW capacity
                                                                           demand could be closed with only
                              installed, and onshore wind with 7.9
                                                                           limited production from renewables
                              GW. This renewable capacity would be
                                                                           (about 10 percent of their capacity) and
                              complemented by 2 GW of batteries
                                                                           demand-side management or through a
                              and 9.7 GW of gas generation to provide
                                                                           combination of both.
                              backup when the sun is not shining

20.3 GW
of solar capacity installed

38                            Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic
Our analysis indicates a maximum             power mix will exceed CZK 500 billion
                                 feasible capacity for solar to be about      between 2030 and 2050.48
                                 26 GW and around 11 GW for wind
                                                                              Given the physical constraints on
                                 based on land availability. But while
                                                                              renewables capacity, domestic green
                                 there is enough suitable land available
                                                                              hydrogen production is likely to be
                                 for wind and solar, zoning changes and
                                                                              relatively limited. Due to the large
                                 a relaxing of regulations regarding the
                                                                              energy losses in converting electric
                                 minimum distance between dwellings
                                                                              power to hydrogen, Czech renewable
                                 and wind turbines could be considered
                                                                              power production would most likely be
                                 to allow the installation of the capacity
                                                                              used directly as electricity. Moreover,
                                 required. Power transmission and
                                                                              due to capacity factors, as well as the
                                 distribution networks also would need
                                                                              load profile, hydrogen generation in
                                 to be strengthened and equipped
                                                                              the Czech Republic would most likely
                                 with more sensors and other active
                                                                              be more expensive than it would be
                                 components to cope with a high
                                                                              in some other European countries.
                                 proportion of intermittent generation
                                                                              Should hydrogen be deployed in the
                                 and an almost doubling of expected
                                                                              Czech Republic at a greater scale, it
                                 peak demand between 2030 and
                                                                              would most likely have to be imported
                                 2050. Extrapolating from international
                                                                              from countries more able to scale
                                 studies, our analysis indicates that the
                                                                              renewables, especially offshore wind.
                                 cost of integrating this capacity into the

Exhibit 16

        cost-optimal pathway,
On the cost-optimal  pathway,Czech
                                                       would   increase
                                                            increase  to to
                                                                          2727 TWh
                                                                             TWh perper year
                                                                                     year while
the country
while        would would
      the country  retain the ability
                          retain the to covertopeak
                                      ability       demand
                                                cover        independently
                                                      peak demand    independently


                                                                                                          2030    2050

                                                                                    Import                 6.2    26.5

                        64.6                                                        Wind onshore            2.1    14.1

                                                                                    Biomass & others       3.0     9.0

                                                                                    Solar                  4.6    24.0

                                                                                    Hydro                   3.1     2.7

                                                                                    Gas                    9.0     16.3

                                                                                    Nuclear               26.8    32.3

                                                                                    Coal, incl. lignite    16.1         -
                        2030                          2050

Source: McKinsey analysis

                                 Pathways to decarbonize the Czech Republic                                           39
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