Pass It On Meet Phil and Nancy Anschutz, Winners of the 2009 William E. Simon Prize for Philanthropic Leadership - Philanthropy Roundtable
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Pass It On Meet Phil and Nancy Anschutz, Winners of the 2009 William E. Simon Prize for Philanthropic Leadership By Jonathan V. Last Denver I T’S EARLY SATURDAY MORNING. THE SUN IS JUST things they think should be supported. I mean starting to rise when Phil Anschutz steps into your list of things is probably different from his office. The first thing you notice is his ours. There is no just one right way to do this.” jacket. It’s eye-poppingly yellow, with silver “The core issue,” he says, “is that most peo- reflective panels. ple have good intentions. But many people who Anschutz has just run to work. He and his have good intentions fail to act. For a variety of wife, Nancy, live a few miles from downtown reasons, they just never pull the trigger. So what Denver. Anschutz often runs to work in the early good is accomplished if the help that you intend- morning darkness. It makes sense. The 69-year- ed to provide, never occurs, never actually old entrepreneur always seems to be in motion. touches anyone?” That sense of perpetual motion is reflected For Phil and Nancy Anschutz, enterprise is in Anschutz’s business interests, which range indispensible. They understand that all paths carry from energy, transportation, and telecommuni- risk, that no outcomes are guaranteed. What mat- cations to hospitality, entertainment, real estate, ters is action. Before you can accomplish anything, and media. His philanthropic interests are you first have to get off the sidelines. “You make equally diverse. Phil and Nancy Anschutz have mistakes,” says Mrs. Anschutz. “But you have spent the last quarter century investing in a successes, too. And that is when you keep going. broad variety of charitable giving. Their efforts are principled but certainly not programmatic. Rig Fire Their foundation grants include funding orches- THERE IS A FAMOUS STORY ABOUT PHIL ANSCHUTZ, tras, museums, churches, schools, women’s shel- and it is worth retelling. In 1967, Mr. Anschutz ters, rehab clinics, the Boy Scouts, the Salvation was operating as a young wildcatter, just getting Army, and programs that serve the underprivi- started in the business and exploring for oil in the leged community. They have launched public mountain west. “I had gone out to spend the service campaigns and anonymous programs to weekend visiting my then fiancée, and now wife, meet small but emergency short-term needs of in California,” he recalls. “I got back in late on a the truly needy. And they have assisted in the Sunday evening and had just gone to sleep. About building of a state-of-the-art medical and two o’clock in the morning the phone rang and research center campus. the man calling was my drilling superintendent. Explaining how they found themselves involved in so many philanthropic projects, Mr. Jonathan V. Last is a staff writer at the Weekly Standard. Anschutz chuckles, “You learn as you go. I think Full disclosure: Mr. Anschutz’s Clarity Media Group acquired the everybody comes to this with particular things Weekly Standard in June 2009. This article was commissioned that they believe are a good idea or different and written before that acquisition. 20 Philanthropy • Fall 2009
Philip and Nancy Anschutz are the most generous givers in the state of Colorado. “When we first started,” Mrs. Anschutz says, “we tried to look at areas that were maybe not covered by some of the major organizations that were already in place, where maybe our smaller dollars could have an impact.” (Photo above by David Herrera; used under a Creative Commons license. Photo at right courtesy of The Anschutz Foundation) He was calling to tell me that a well that I had a small ownership interest in, that I was drilling as a contractor for someone else, had blown out and was out of control. In the oil business, that’s an extremely serious and dangerous thing. Many people are put directly into bankruptcy after such an event—careers can be ended and people hurt physically, as well as financially.” For a moment, Mr. Anschutz rolled over and started to drift back to sleep. But then he stopped himself. He didn’t quite know what to do, but he realized that he had to do something. So he called his chief geologist and told him to meet him at the airport. They rented a small plane and flew off to visit the well site in Gillette, Wyoming. Philanthropy • Fall 2009 21
P A S S I T O N “We got there about six o’clock in the 1939; Mrs. Anschutz was born in nearby Harp- morning,” he explained. “It was cold, windy, er a few years later. They met when she was still and blowing snow. We managed to wake up the in middle school. “I was in seventh grade and he airport manager and borrow his car.” When was a sophomore in high school,” Mrs. they got to within a mile of the rig, the two men Anschutz laughs. “So of course he wouldn’t even could see oil blowing everywhere, the result of deign to acknowledge me at that age. I had to get the drill bit hitting to be 20 before he hydrocarbon unex- actually looked at pectedly. They turned me.” By that time, Mr. around and drove The William E. Simon Prize for Anschutz was attend- back to town, and Philanthropic Leadership ing the University of Mr. Anschutz pulled THE PHILANTHROPY ROUNDTABLE IS Kansas and majoring together a crew to try honored to have been asked by the in business, with con- to get the well under William E. Simon Foundation to admin- centrations in econom- control. They worked ister the William E. Simon Prize for Phil- ics and finance. A few for nearly 36 hours anthropic Leadership. The foundation is years later, they were with little sleep, try- named for its principal benefactor, the married. Today, more ing to get the well late financier, philanthropist, and Secre- than 40 years later, back under control, tary of the Treasury, William E. Simon Sr. they remain an uncom- but to no avail. The purpose of the William E. Simon monly attractive cou- “At about four Prize for Philanthropic Leadership is to ple. They often run o’clock in the after- highlight the power of philanthropy to together. He’s complet- noon I got back in promote positive change and to inspire ed ten marathons. She’s the airplane I’d rent- others to support charities that completed four. ed to fly back to Den- achieve genuine results. The prize is From the beginning, ver because the insur- intended to honor living philanthropists Mr. Anschutz was a ance company, my who have shown exemplary hands-on leader. His bank and trade credi- leadership through their own char- father was an oilman, tors were all asking itable giving, either directly or through one who had lived what I intended to foundations they have created. through the industry’s do,” he continued. “I The prize honors the ideals and cyclical booms and got back to my apart- principles which guided William E. busts. After graduating ment about seven Simon’s many philanthropic initiatives, from college, the son o’clock and turned including personal responsibility, took over as president on the news. The first resourcefulness, volunteerism, scholar- of Anschutz Oil Com- thing I heard on the ship, individual freedom, faith in God, pany from his father, news was there’d and helping people to help themselves. who was in ill health. It been an explosion The Philanthropy Roundtable was a down period and and fire on a drilling would like to thank the 2009 Selection the business was experi- rig in Wyoming and Committee, composed of Kimberly O. encing very hard times. it had blown up. Well Dennis, Betsy DeVos, Frank J. Hanna Somehow, the younger of course, it was III, Adam Meyerson, W. Fred Smith Jr., Anschutz built the firm mine. But, at least we John M. Templeton Jr., M.D., J. Peter up. Four years later, he were very lucky that Simon, and William E. Simon Jr. sold it to Allied Chemi- no one was killed or cal Company. even hurt.” After that, he was That burning well would change his life. free to strike out on his own, forming The Anschutz Corporation, the company that remains Almost Abnormally Normal at the center of his business universe. Anschutz IN A WAY, THE STORY OF THE ANSCHUTZES’ focused first on a sector he already knew: oil. “I philanthropy is also the story of their lives. Mr. was determined that the name Anschutz would Anschutz was born in Great Bend, Kansas, in mean something in the oil business,” he told an 22 Philanthropy • Fall 2009
Mr. Anschutz bought out the Southern Pacific Railroad in 1988; eight years later, he merged it with the nation’s largest railroad, Union Pacific. (Public domain photo; courtesy of Wikipedia) interviewer in 1974. So he took the initiative. “A pany, Qwest, with U.S. West, one of the Baby young man sometimes doesn’t know what’s Bells, the dominant telecom business in the impossible,” he explained. “Where more knowl- region. edgeable, experienced people would fear to tread, In the late 1980s, Mr. Anschutz began to young people sometimes move. I did. I was think about expanding further into real estate aggressive, worked hard. Sometimes we didn’t development in California. This led to con- know what wouldn’t work. We tried it and it structing sports arenas and entertainment often did work.” venues, and then building or buying a variety of As the business prospered, Mr. Anschutz sports and entertainment-related companies to expanded into other areas. He went into both more fully utilize the venues. The company now real estate and farming. For a while, he was the owns and operates facilities and conducts oper- largest single landowner and farmer in Colorado. ations in the United States and a number of In 1982, Mr. Anschutz sold 50 percent of other countries around the world. a sizeable oil field to Mobil Oil Company. He In 2000 and 2001, Mr. Anschutz expanded used the capital to enter new sectors. He further into media and entertainment by pur- bought a railroad company and then, after chasing several movie theater chains, merging learning the business, bought out the giant them into a single entity: Regal Entertainment Southern Pacific Railroad, and eight years Group, now the world’s largest movie exhibi- later merged with Union Pacific Railroad. In tion company. He entered the production side of a separate undertaking, he utilized the rights- the film industry, starting Walden Media and of-way underneath the rail lines to lay fiber Bristol Bay Productions. optic lines across the United States, helping to Along the way, the Anschutzes had three create the high-speed network upon which children, two daughters and a son—and some- early internet traffic would ride. With this how remained, as a reporter for Fortune admir- infrastructure in hand, he merged that com- ingly described them, “abnormally normal.” Philanthropy • Fall 2009 23
P A S S I T O N The Anschutz Foundation “I never had a mid-life crisis, thank good- AS THE ANSCHUTZES WERE CREATING A GROUP OF ness,” Mr. Anschutz chuckles. “So we began to see operating business companies—and raising this instead as a midlife opportunity to do things.” three children—they were also embarking on They started small. “When we first started,” says what would become an increasingly ambitious Mrs. Anschutz, “we tried to look at areas that life of philanthropy. were maybe not covered by some of the major Today, The An- organizations that schutz Foundation were already in place, has an endowment of Denver Police Foundation where maybe our approximately $1 bil- smaller dollars could THE WINNER OF THE WILLIAM E. lion. The Foundation have an impact. One of Simon Prize receives a $250,000 prize, gives grants to a num- the first things that we payable to the charity of his or her ber of charities each actually looked at, choice. Mr. and Mrs. Anschutz have year—and the An- because of Phil’s father, decided to donate the award to the Den- schutzes give still was health care.” ver Police Foundation, which is chaired more privately, often Mrs. Anschutz by their son, Christian Anschutz. The anonymously. They continues, “There Denver Police Foundation supports are reluctant to dis- were early commit- Denver’s law enforcement community cuss specific dollar ments to health through two major initiatives. numbers; Mr. An- research. Also, we The Public Safety Program serves as a schutz demurs that made commitments liaison between citizens, the business com- they give “a signifi- to people who were munity, and the Denver Police Depart- cant amount.” on the streets, the ment, on matters of public safety. Since But as with their homeless, and shelters 2003, the program has provided funds for career in business, the for abused women. initiatives including the purchase of gun- Anschutzes’ philan- There were commit- shot trauma kits for each of the Depart- thropy started much ments to church and ment’s patrol and SWAT cars, defibrilla- more modestly. In the faith-related organi- tors for each of the six district substations beginning, they gave zations.” As the foun- and headquarters, domestic violence cam- here and there, as dation grew, so did eras, Explorer Scouting program sponsor- things occurred to the spectrum of gifts. ship, chaplains’ uniforms, DVD drives for them. “For many Today, the list of investigations, suicide prevention training, years, Phil had been organizations receiv- and support for Families of Homicide Vic- doing a variety of ing support from the tims and Missing Persons. things anonymously Anschutzes runs to The Police Officers’ Charitable Aid that nobody ever the hundreds. Program provides financial assistance to knew,” explains Mrs. The Anschutzes active Denver Police Officers and immedi- Anschutz. By the late credit their children ate members of their families during times ’70s, however, they for the expansion of of medical crisis, long-term illness, or recognized that “it the charitable inter- death. Since 1999, the program has assist- was time to pull it all ests. Now adults, all ed more than 370 officers and their fami- together and put it three of the children lies with medical emergencies, accidents, into one entity.” play leadership roles injuries, house fires, and funeral expenses. “I helped my and have joined the father set up a founda- board. “Our universe tion in 1978,” Mr. of gifts continues to Anschutz explains. “That led us to begin thinking grow and broaden, particularly as the children about setting up a foundation as well—a founda- get older and are now active participants,” says tion for ourselves. We finally did in 1983. We Mr. Anschutz. Mrs. Anschutz adds, “They are started at that time with a lot of good intentions, bringing in more diverse interests than what we not a lot of capital, because we were still very first started with, certainly.” One of the areas much in the business of building capital.” their children and their children’s spouses—who 24 Philanthropy • Fall 2009
now have children of their own—are passionate there is a reason to name names, a valid reason about is education. to use it, we will agree to attach our name. If, for Like The Anschutz Corporation, The example, the gift creates other contributions that Anschutz Foundation is clearly the product of a encourage further support or helps to validate a temperament which places a premium on action. project which in turn might bring broader com- munity support. But, by and large, we think it’s “How Can You Make a Difference?” probably most effective to be quiet.” WHEN ACTION IS AT A PREMIUM, DIRECTION As in his business ventures, Mr. Anschutz’s can seem discounted. Looking at the diverse list of work in philanthropy has involved a lot of on- projects, Mr. Anschutz acknowledges as much the-job training. “This has been a learning himself: “I’m sure there are those who could say— process for us,” both Nancy and Phil acknowl- and they might be right—that our philanthropy edge. “It is like everything else people set out to lacks at times a little discipline.” He pauses, and do. You grow within it.” smiles. “I’m not so sure that we want to change. I This has led the Anschutzes to an entrepre- think we still prefer to look at a spectrum of things neurial view of philanthropy. Goals are important as opposed to having one cause or two causes.” and measurement metrics have their place, but Yet when one looks more closely at the there is no one-size-fits-all approach to the Anschutzes, it becomes clear there is a single panoply of needs in this world. “It is sometimes operating principle creating a through-line for difficult to measure the progress you are making their giving. As he puts it, “The basic concept in the success of a project,” Mr. Anschutz says. here that we have always operated from is how “And I suspect many times, certain things are just can you help people? How can you make a real not measurable. I mean, sometimes you need to difference? Once you see an opportunity, jump have an instinct that a project is probably a good in and see if you can get it to work.” project, that it will benefit people in the medium There is a key recognition at the heart of the and long run. Are there parameters to measure Anschutzes’ philanthropy. They know that per- success? Certainly, on some projects there are. On sonal involvement is important—these are, after some projects, it is more difficult. And, of course, all, two very busy entrepreneurs who raised their you can always worry that you might have done own children. But they also recognize that money things better if you had only done them different- is indispensable. “We try to be involved personal- ly. It’s one of the imponderables, I suppose, with ly through time,” Mr. Anschutz says, “but the charitable giving.” biggest impact that we can really make is to be able to contribute in a financial way in order to Pass It On make things happen quicker, more efficiently per- ONE OF THE ANSCHUTZES’ MOST RECENT SIGNA- haps, and sometimes on a different scale.” ture projects is at once both quiet and ubiqui- That often means giving anonymously. “We tous: the Foundation for a Better Life. The ini- have always seen anonymity as a high form of tiative was conceived by the Anschutzes to cele- charitable giving,” he says. “There are few brate common-sense values—the kind of instances where our name is on something. If bedrock principles so foundational that they Philanthropy • Fall 2009 25
P A S S I T O N The Foundation for a Better Life’s multimedia messaging has reached billions of viewers. often get lost in the shuffle. Concepts such as on thousands of movie screens, appear in news- “respect,” “service,” and “leadership.” The papers, on radio, and are featured, at any given Foundation for a Better Life (FBL) creates pub- moment, on somewhere between 10,000 and lic service ads spotlighting dozens of these ideals 12,000 billboards across the country. They across a number of different mediums. FBL then appear regularly in Times Square. coordinates with media organizations that The spots are made with very high produc- donate placement for the billboards and public tion values and feature inspirational figures rang- service ads. They do not sell anything, they ing from Albert Einstein and George Washington accept no donations, but they do remind people to Kermit the Frog. Unlike many public service of positive ideals and principles, with the hope ads, which seek to cajole the viewer into making that they will seep into the public consciousness. a contribution or signing up for a list, the Foun- “It’s an entrepreneurial idea applied to a phil- dation for a Better Life ads are pure message. anthropic platform,” Mr. Anschutz says. He “One of the most unique things about them,” understands how some people may see the project. Mrs. Anschutz explains, “is that there is no ‘ask.’ “If you had ten people in a room, and half of them They are not promoting some cause or asking for came from large foundation staffs—what I’ll call money. It truly is just a public service reminder.” the ‘inside the beltway’ of the philanthropic com- The Anschutzes carefully monitor the pro- munity—four of the five might say, ‘That is the stu- gram’s impact. “We measure results through Nielsen pidest idea I’ve ever heard.’” He laughs, continu- so that we know how many eyeballs are seeing the ing, “But if the other five were entrepreneurs, they ads,” Mr. Anschutz says. “Now, at the end of the hopefully might say, ‘Gee, that is an interesting day, someone could say, ‘This is very nice, but how idea. You are actually impacting people’s lives uti- do you know that people are actually acting on or lizing modern media on a broad scale with a posi- doing something about the message?’ I suppose we tive, uplifting, life-reaffirming set of messages.’” would say if you are creating impressions in the bil- Food banks, charter schools, and homeless lions—that is what this is, by the way—and if you shelters are a good way to help people, Mr. assume that there is a take rate, then you logically Anschutz notes, but in the long run, people assume there is a retention rate.” grounded in solid values will be better situated “All that matters is that people absorb the to prosper on their own. “The Foundation for ideas,” he constinues, “that it will positively a Better Life started on one TV station in Den- affect how they conduct themselves in our soci- ver, which ran public service ads,” he recounts. ety and they will be open to sharing them with “It is now in over 200 countries all over the others.” world on TV and the internet (” “There is a tagline,” Mr. Anschutz con- Messages put together by the project also run cludes, “and the tagline is always, ‘Pass it on.’” 26 Philanthropy • Fall 2009
Yet the Anschutzes aren’t constrained by any single theory of philanthropy. While the Founda- tion for a Better Life engages the culture, other ven- tures get down in the trenches, helping people in immediate need, working through local communi- ty foundations in a handful of American cities. “We try to help people who are really down and out,” says Mr. Anschutz. “They might need $500 to fix the car, or some money to buy clothes so they can go to a job interview, or get dental work done, or help one of their children who has a serious illness.” Those in need, work- Mr. and Mrs. Anschutz contributed over $100 million to what would ing through the local implementing foundation, eventually become the Anschutz Medical Campus at the University of can get a one-time, small-scale grant. Often, it’s Colorado Hospital. (Photo courtesy of University of Colorado Foundation) all they need to carry them through a crisis. “Individually, these are relatively small amounts of money to help people in dire need,” continued to lead, eventually contributing over Mr. Anschutz continues. “Always with the mes- $100 million to the effort. In 2007, thanks in sage that (a) it is anonymous, and (b) they do not large measure to the Anschutzes’ leadership, the have to do anything to earn it—that this is sim- Anschutz Medical Campus opened its doors. ply an act of kindness, so they should ‘pass it on’ “Phil gave us confidence that we could do it,” and do some act of kindness for somebody else. says Dennis Brimhall, who served as president Again, we’re encouraging those individuals with and CEO of the hospital for 17 years. “He’s a the same message of ‘passing it on,’ once again.” man who can see around corners. That’s real “Now, let’s go back to those five people from vision—to see things other people can’t see.” the traditional philanthropic community,” Mr. The campus also features a state-of-the-art out- Anschutz says seriously. “If you explain this to patient center, which is already recording 600,000 them, some would say, ‘Now that is a really stupid visits per year. Another building on campus houses idea,’ because there is the old maxim of it being the medical and dental schools. Yet another is home better to teach a man to fish than to give a man a to the Cancer Center, which boasts cancer survival fish. There is great validity in that, but neverthe- rates well above the Colorado average. The Rocky less, while you are teaching him to fish, he and his Mountain Lions Eye Center has its own facility, and family may have immediate and real needs.” across the street is the CeDAR Center—a drug and “Sometimes,” Mrs. Anschutz concludes, alcohol recovery unit with its own small campus “you have to give a man a fish.” which the Anschutzes have also championed. On a different part of the campus, in a sep- The Anschutz Medical Campus arate set of twin high-rise buildings, are pro- AT THE SAME TIME THAT THEY’RE ENGAGED IN grams designed for research and clinical trials, quiet charitable projects, the Anschutzes have and a new health and wellness center is sched- also been leaders in more traditional, capital- uled to break ground in late 2010. intensive philanthropy. Perhaps the best example “The idea,” Mr. Anschutz explained to the is Colorado’s new Anschutz Medical Campus. Denver Business Journal in 2008, “is creating In the late 1990s, the University of Colorado something on par with the Mayo Clinic and Hospital in Denver was rapidly outgrowing its with Johns Hopkins, a national destination and space. Administrators started eying a decommis- identity with research and patient care expertise sioned army hospital east of Denver. The hospital, at a world-class level.” The hospital is well on Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center, was a small its way. For 2009–10, U.S. News & World set of buildings surrounded by vast expanses of Report ranked it among the best in the nation in alfalfa fields. With that kind of space, there would 6 of 16 medical specialties, including diabetes be enough room to develop what the administra- and endocrine disorders, gynecology, kidney tors had hoped might become a state-of-the-art disorders, respiratory disorders, rehabilitation, complex. The president of the hospital met with and rheumatology. the Anschutzes, who immediately stepped for- The Anschutzes consider the hospital an impor- ward to lead the effort. Within a few days, they tant philanthropic success, even as they try to re- committed to a $25 million initial gift to jump- direct credit for the result. “I want to make sure you start and help validate the project. understand that it was not just us who helped to In the years that followed, the Anschutzes make this happen. In fact, our part was relatively Philanthropy • Fall 2009 27
P A S S I T O N small in some ways. It was a cooperative effort of Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and many people working together,” Mr. Anschutz the Wardrobe. Their film Ray won two Oscars. emphasizes. “By coming in with early dollars, we Many other Anschutz productions, particularly helped create early synergies and hopefully helped Amazing Grace and Holes, were also critically to make other things happen. As you get organiza- well-regarded, award-winning productions. tions and individuals working with each other, you Though Walden Media and Bristol Bay create a certain early momentum that pulls in yet share the vision with The Anschutz Foundation, other people, other funds, and other kinetics.” they are not formally connected with the Foun- dation. Nevertheless, in their own way, they rep- For-profits for Charity resent philanthropy by other means. “Movie THAT INSTINCT FOR LEADERSHIP HAS LED THE production is not a good investment,” Mr. Anschutzes in recent years to pursue some of Anschutz says, “so maybe you should just think their charitable goals through for-profit enter- of it as philanthropic in a sense.” prises. They had, for example, long been both- It was the same thinking that led him to ered by the dearth of family-friendly movies invest in soccer, a sport which has been a posi- produced by Hollywood. So in 2000, Mr. tive influence for children across the globe. Anschutz decided, as he put it, “to stop cursing Major League Soccer (MLS) has gone from an the darkness.” He firmly believed that there upstart, fringe sports league in the mid-1990s to was a market for family movies with positive, a growing and promising endeavor, thanks in life-reaffirming messages. Mrs. Anschutz told large measure to the Anschutzes. Mr. Anschutz him, “Phil, this is one of the nuttier things at one point owned six of the ten MLS soccer you’ve ever done, so at least keep your day job. teams. Today soccer is the fastest growing sport He did, but his nutty, light-a-candle idea in America, thanks in large part to the increasing sparked something. In 2001, he formed Walden number of children now involved in the sport. Media and Bristol Bay Productions. Between “There had to be a reason why this is the them, they’ve already released more than 25 world’s number one sport,” Mrs. Anschutz films. Some of them are blockbusters, such as The explains. “It turns out that it is so wonderful for children because all you need is a pair of shoes and a ball. You do not have to have exceptional ability to be able to play, compete, and enjoy the game.” Mr. Anschutz adds, “It has the potential to be applied to a wide base of people, a low participa- tion cost, and the advantage that it creates positive, healthy lifestyles for children.” An early involve- ment in sports leads to all sorts of good outcomes for kids. “It keeps them healthy, provides them with achievement of goals and purpose, and can give them a life-affirming self-confidence that they carry with them for the rest of their lives.” Future of the Foundation IN A WAY, THE COUPLE HOPES THAT THE ANSCHUTZ Foundation will be similarly character-building for their own children. From the start, the foun- dation has been a small operation. In the begin- ning, it was just the two of them, but throughout the years they’ve been mostly of one mind. “We “The idea is creating something on par with the Mayo Clinic and with Johns share the same goals for the foundation and for Hopkins, a national destination and identity with research and patient care our philanthropy,” Mrs. Anschutz says. “Once in expertise at a world-class level,” Mr. Anschutz says of the medical campus. a while, I’ll go off in an odd direction, but it is very (Photo courtesy of University of Colorado Foundation) rare.” Her husband adds, “We discuss with each other our priorities, which things are important, 28 Philanthropy • Fall 2009
which things can make an impact. It started with the two of us, but it has now expanded to include our children and their spouses.” “We wanted to involve the entire family, and have our children and their spouses start learning what it means to be able to give away money responsibly,” Mrs. Anschutz says. “And you hope,” continues Mr. Anschutz, “that this feeling, this sense of obligation, gets passed on to your children, your grandchildren and your grandchildren’s children.” Even so, the organization remains small— the Anschutzes, their three children, two sons- in-law, three outside board members, and four full-time associates. “We meet on a regular basis,” explains Mrs. Anschutz, “and we go through all the ideas and proposals. It used to be a little more informal, but now with our chil- dren assuming more and more leadership, they prefer a bit more structure.” The Anschutzes have not yet fully made up their mind about the foundation’s future. “We wanted it to be an ongoing entity,” Mr. Anschutz says. “At times, we have discussed the idea of sun-setting it, letting it give out its funds and going out of business. Each time I think that through, I conclude that it is not a very good idea, as there should be long-term aspira- tions and long-term commitments to needs. However, there are arguments on the other side of that issue, as well, donor intent being one. Indica- tions of growing government interference and con- trols on mandated areas of philanthropic giving are others.” Asked how donors can keep their intent safeguarded from generation to generation, Mrs. Anschutz laughs and replies, “Other than brainwashing our children?” “It’s something that we talk about fre- quently,” she continues, “because it is such a major concern of mine. I do not want to see us become a Ford Foundation or a Pew Founda- tion, where the men who actually created the “Movie production is not a good investment,” Mr. Anschutz says, “so maybe you capital behind it would not have believed what should just think of it as philanthropic in a sense.” From top to bottom: Amaz- would happen to their efforts.” She pauses for a ing Grace (photo courtesy of Bristol Bay Productions), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (photo courtesy of Walden moment and continues, “But yet, because it is Media), and Charlotte’s Web (photo courtesy of Walden Media). an important idea to pass down to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, there is part of us that wants to see it continue, for those tive experience in his life. In some ways, it all family members to continue to be a part of goes back to that burning oil well. something for generations to come.” After seeing his rig in flames on the evening news, Mr. Anschutz headed immediately back to “This Is an Opportunity” Wyoming, knowing, once again, that he had to IF THOSE GENERATIONS YET TO COME WANT TO do something. He called the other interest-owner understand Mr. Anschutz, they will need to in the well. The next day, the two met at the remember that burning oil well. It was a forma- Casper airport. They negotiated a contract in a Philanthropy • Fall 2009 29
P A S S I T O N In the meantime, Anschutz approached Uni- versal Movie Studios. He had heard Universal was considering making a movie about legendary oil field firefighter Red Adair, so Anschutz told them he’d sell them the rights to film Adair’s crew putting out an actual drilling rig fire—his! (The footage was used for what would become the John Wayne movie Hellfighters.) He then used the down payment he received from Universal to pay Red Adair, who had refused to come to the job site to try and put out the fire until the young Anschutz, of questionable financial means given his current predicament, agreed to pay him a por- tion of his fee—in advance. The lessons he learned from that ordeal have shaped his thinking ever since: “You have to have the initiative, be able to be pragmatic The Anschutzes have invested in Major League Soccer in part because and tenacious, seeing all of the opportunity that of the benefits of soccer for kids. “It is so wonderful for children because all you need is a pair of shoes and a ball,” says Mrs. Anschutz. could exist, and work like hell and not worry “You do not have to have exceptional ability to be able to play, com- too much about what people think.” pete and enjoy the game.” (Photo by Keith Miner; used under a Cre- Mrs. Anschutz says that the incident captures ative Commons license.) everything about their approach to philanthropy. “Phil got the call in the middle of the night and single, five-hour-long session. Lacking writing started to roll over and go back to sleep. But then paper to commemorate their agreement, the final he realized, ‘I have to get up and do something. terms were written on a barroom tablecloth. This is an opportunity.’ Sometimes, you need to The upshot was that Mr. Anschutz would get up and do something, even if you’re not sure receive an additional ownership interest in the well what that something is at the time.” and surrounding acreage in exchange for accepting total liability and bearing the total cost of trying to “Not Rocket Science” put out the fire. The deal in hand, he boarded a INITIATIVE—GETTING UP AND DOING SOMETHING— plane for Gillette. After takeoff, he could see the fire is the cornerstone of the Anschutzes’ philanthropy. illuminating the night sky from 100 miles away. It is what gives them the vision to see a cutting-edge The flames were shooting fire hundreds of feet into medical complex where others see alfalfa fields. It is the air. His rig was totally destroyed. Looking at the what gives them the confidence to invest in some of inferno, he thought to himself, “This is the end. I’ll the philanthropic endeavors they’ve given to. never be able to overcome all this.” “That is the first step that a person who wants In typical Anschutz fashion, he gathered to be involved in helping make society better has to himself. Then he moved forward. reach,” Mr. Anschutz says. “Do you live your life “What happened was this,” he explains. “I for yourself but with good intentions, or do you began the next day to lease all the oil and gas intend to do something about it? And sure, you’re rights I could on trend with the wildcat discov- going to make mistakes. We’ve made our share. ery. I agreed to pay for the lands within 30 days. But it’s okay. Maybe we do not achieve everything That was with money I didn’t currently have. I we hoped for and some efforts you contribute to convinced my banks to give me more time and simply do not work in the way you intended.” more money. I convinced the recalcitrant insur- But mistakes aren’t lamentable. Good but ance company to honor its obligations and my empty intentions are. creditors and suppliers to have confidence in me. “Be good stewards with the good fortune Then I sold a portion of my interest in the well God has bestowed, and attempt to do what you to raise the money needed to calm the scared can with what you’ve got,” says Mr. Anschutz. bankers, creditors, and suppliers and pay for the “It’s usually not rocket science.” new leases I had committed to purchase.” Pass it on. P 30 Philanthropy • Fall 2009
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