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Call for Papers 49 Session 28 August > 02 September 2022 Paris / France Within the framework of these preferential subjects, CIGRE encourages the submission Receipt of Synopses at central office: of papers representing all aspects 28th JUNE 2021 of the electric power system, including, but not limited to: Generation, Synopses Notification of Acceptance: Transmission, Distribution, 24TH SEPT. 2021 Storage and End Use. Receipt of Full Papers at Central Office: There is no individual 24 th january 2022 presentation of Papers during Group Discussion Meetings. full papers notification of acceptance: Special Reports give the essence of Papers with questions for 25th AVRIL 2022 the audience. Authors will have the opportunity to present their Paper during Poster Sessions. If your Paper is accepted, then you must attend both meetings.
INTRODUCTION Under the environmen- A1 - Rotating Electrical Machines PS 3 / Best practices in transformers and B2 - Overhead Lines B4 - DC Systems & Power Electronics 2022 CigrE Session - Preferential subjects tal changes we are expe- PS 1 / Generation mix of the future reactors procurement PS 1 / Challenges & new solutions in PS 1 / HVDC Systems and their Applications riencing, the 2022 CIGRE > Impact and effect of increasing renewable power > Return of experience: factory qualification, design and construction of new OHL > Planning and implementation of new HVDC Biannual Paris Session mix on new and existing generators, generator design reviews, implementation of new > Design for reliability, availability, future climate projects including need, justification, design, will represent a turning auxiliaries and motors, specifications, on-site vs virtual witnessing, parameters, more frequent extreme loads, integration of renewables, environmental point for our lives, as it will > Synchronous compensator and high inertia > Quality control and testing: manufacturing check design against theft, vandalism, assessment, and economic assessment. be the first Session in the machine design and performance for supporting points, sub-supplier qualification, validity period > AC/DC Hybrid Lines, multi-purpose utilization > Application of new technologies including second century of CIGRE, power generation networks, for type tests, enhancements to standards, (e.g. renewables, telecommunication), cyber security and advanced controls to address the first regularly established after creating the > Adaptation of international standards for special tests, short-circuit test, paper DP > OHL challenging construction projects: multiple emerging network issues, DC grid, multi-terminal paradigm of being organized as an End-to-End electrical machine design & performance measurement, circuits lines, high towers, long spans, heavy HVDC, hybrid HVDC systems. to current power grid requirements. > Dealing with non-conformities, performance wind and ice, high altitudes, geology, access > Refurbishment and upgrade of existing HVDC forum and ho pefully after a full recovery from guarantees, warranty. to site, no proper machinery, long lines systems, service and operating experience of the covid-19 pandemic. PS 2 / Asset management of electrical machines A3 - Transmission & Distribution and variation in reliability criteria etc. converter stations including offshore converters, The 2022 Paris Session will follow two other PS 2 / Latest Techniques in asset and implications for converter equipment resulting > Experience with refurbishment, replacement, Equipment Sessions of special nature: the 2020 e-session PS 1 / Decentralisation of T&D equipment management, capacity enhancement, from the conversion of AC circuits to DC circuits. and the 2021 CIGRE Centennial Celebration conversions, power up-rating and efficiency > New assets: e.g. DC switching equipment, refurbishment PS 2 / DC for Distribution Systems Session. In addition, the 2022 Session started a improvement of generators, fault current limiter, > Preparedness and countermeasures for natural > New concepts, technologies and designs > Novel techniques to overcome known operational new procedure of Session papers selection, in > Influence of system changes on existing disasters and other emergencies, of DC converters for distribution systems. order to achieve a full excellence in these pa- and design problems, > Decisions of replacement based on monitoring, > Optimised condition monitoring, diagnosis, and new equipment, PS 3 / FACTS and Power Electronic (PE) pers, carefully reviewed in full according to most > Equipment resilience against natural disasters. maintenance, operation, historical data, > Planning and implementation of new FACTS and comprehensive procedures. prognosis and maintenance practices > Strengthening of existing lines to improve PS 2 / Decarbonisation of T&D equipment other PE devices including need, justification, for to improve reliability and extend operational reliability, ampacity, lifespan. The 4.0 Industry thinking, the impressive de- > SF6 Alternatives for MV and HV application integration of renewables, environmental and life of conventional plant and in new volatile PS 3 / environmental anD safety velopment of digitalization, the proliferation of and HV vacuum application, economic assessment, grid conditions, including data handling > Life cycle management and the impact aspects fROM ohl (joint ps with c3) Active Distribution Networks combined with the and digital modelling. > Application of new technologies in FACTS on the design of T&D equipment, > safety of workers in construction and and other PE devices including interfacing dramatic need for increasing the utilization of PS 3 / Developments of rotating > Health, Safety and Environment aspects maintenance of lines (equipment, methods, etc.), generation and storage to the network, renewable energy sources towards reaching a electrical machines and operational > Reducing environmental impacts from new of T&D equipment. > Refurbishment and upgrade of existing carbon-free society, all these factors represent experience and existing OHL, PS 3 / Digitalisation of T&D equipment FACTS and other PE devices, service and a major change on mindset regarding scopes > Latest design, specification, materials, > Innovative engineering solutions/design > Advanced sensors, non-conventional instrument operating experience. of new Working Groups, Symposia, Workshops manufacture, maintenance and performance to deal with environmental challenges. transformers, monitoring and condition and, certainly, in the selection of Preferential and efficiency improvements, assessment, B5 - Protection & Automation B3 - Substations & Electrical Subjects for our Biennial Sessions. > Operational experience: Failures, root cause > Digital twin and equipment reliability modelling, PS 1 / Addressing protection related Installations The new paradigms derived from the above analysis, recovery options, cost and time > Pandemic influence on equipment. challenges in network with low-inertia PS 1 / Increased impact of clean energy mentioned facts bring up an effect of vanishing reduction initiatives, and low fault-current levels B1 - Insulated Cables transition on substation design of frontiers, which turns out to be a big chal- > Evolution and trends in designs of rotating > On-offshore wind, PV, geothermal, etc., > Asset protection challenges and system PS 1 / Learning from experiences lenge for us as an international organization electrical machines for renewable generation. > Energy storage, hydrogen, synchronous protection challenges, > Design, manufacturing, installation techniques, based on volunteer work, to address timely and compensators, etc., > Protection schemes: best practices, role of grid A2 - Power Transformers & Reactors maintenance and operation, exciting subjects for discussion and publica- > GIS/GIL application for DC network. codes and impact of inverter characteristics PS 1 / Experience and new requirements > Quality, monitoring, condition assessment, PS 2 / Sustainability management challenges and specifications, tions, with an optimal and suitable allocation of for transformers for renewable diagnostic testing, fault location, upgrading in substations > New asset protection principles, advancements contributions at each Study Committee. generation and uprating methodologies and relevant management, > External drivers for substation intervention in inverter technologies, system monitoring Every challenge, at the end, would mean an op- > Operational experience: problems, maintenance, and state estimation for aiding asset and system condition assessment, monitoring , failure rate, > Lessons learnt from permitting, consent such as resilience, reliability, security of supply, portunity for our growth. This is the main target protection. and implementation. life expectancy coordination, etc. of all 16 Study Committees that compose the lifetime, lessons learnt, PS 2 / Applications of emerging technology > SF6 alternatives and emission management, Technical Council of CIGRE. > Design, test, insulation, monitoring, maintenance PS 2 / Future functionalities and for protection, automation and control applications circular economy of materials such as reuse, of step-up, secondary substation and DC > Virtualization; digital twins, protection The Preferential Subjects here selected are in > Innovative cables and systems, exploring reduce, recycle, converter transformers, automation and control functions independent line with thoughts, concerns, vision of the fu- the limits, > New set of skills for new technologies, > Design and operational requirements for future knowledge transfer and high standards of hardware, centralized protection systems, ture, new trends, as well as the establishment > Role and requirements of power cables applications: wind and photovoltaic. of education in engineering skills. > New protection principles and monitoring of CIGRE as an outstanding platform for power in tomorrow’s grids, PS 2 / Beyond the mineral oil-immersed > Prospective impacts from the Internet PS 3 / Integration of intelligence on principles for AC and DC grids including use of system expertise. On behalf of CIGRE Officers, transformer and reactors of Things, Big Data and Industry 4.0 on power substations (Joint PS with B5) new sensors and better use of today’s sensors Study Committees Chairs, allied with our main > Alternative technologies for improved safety cable systems. > Data analytics, remote supervising & monitoring and process interfaces. governing bodies (Administrative Council and and environmental performance: gas-insulated, PS 3 / Towards sustainability and autonomy application, PS 3 / Integration of intelligence on Steering Committee), I therefore urge authors ester-immersed, dry-type and solid-state > Environmental challenges impacting current, > IoT and machine learning applications based substations (Joint PS with B3) to examine the proposed Preferential Subjects transformers, planned and future cable systems, on protection automation and control data > Data analytics, remote supervising & monitoring for each Group Discussion Meeting and look for- > Operational experience with transformers using > Safety considerations, cyber and physical including asset management, monitoring and autonomy application, ward to receiving a large number of high quality, these new technologies, security, including case studies, and data analysis, > IoT and machine learning applications based interesting and thought provocative papers for > Advantages and limitations, impact on > Projects and initiatives to promote access > Expectations and benefits from digital on protection automation and control data our 2022 Session. specifications, high temperature applications, to affordable, reliable, sustainable distribution substation, IEC 61850 Principles and applications including asset management, monitoring and Marcio Szechtman - Technical Council Chair business cases. and transmission cable lines for all. to substations. data analysis,
> Expectations and benefits from digital substation > Advanced and intelligent methods applied t > Development of insulation coordination in AC systems > Electrification of transportation, heat systems > Augmented and virtual reality technologies and IEC 61850 principles and applications to o power systems operational planning and day-ahead interfaced with power electronics based systems and industrial processes. in electric power utilities and power plants. substations. programming, and devices, and the need for standardisation, PS 2 / Innovative planning and operation PS 2 / Cybersecurity techniques, C1 - Power System Development & Economics > Impact of low demand and other predictable extreme > Lightning evaluation of transmission and of active distribution systems technologies and applications for securing PS 1 / System transition resilience & asset operating conditions. distribution systems covering new asset designs > Aggregation and management platforms critical utility assets management response and extreme meteorological events. for active distribution systems with DER, > Cybersecurity directives, supporting standards C3 - Power System Environmental > Resilience metrics and measures to safeguard PS 3 / Challenges and advances in power > Strategies and tools for DER integration, and certification schemes – experiences from Performance stakeholder value through grid forming, system dynamics hosting capacity, congestion management, electric power utilities worldwide, PS 1 / Setting ambitious climate strategies power electronics control, smart load shedding, > Modelling, analysis and validation of individual and system service provision by DER, > Cyber incident management and experiences in the energy sector components and wide-area system interactions fast restoration, > Greening rural and green-field electrification, off-grid in the implementation of security operation > Standards and methods used to define goals including system level protection schemes > Response to unexpected emerging system distribution and zero emission industrial systems. centres for electric power utilities, and carbon reduction pathways, considering changing system dynamics, and business risks during the energy transition, PS 3 / Aggregated DER for enhancing > Impact assessment and mitigation strategies > Reasons for setting ambitious climate strategies > Impact of emerging technologies such as hydrogen > New standards (equipment design and system resilience, reliability and energy security for cyber-attacks to power system operations. and benefits resulting from them, and other storage devices, grid forming inverters planning) for resilient and life-cycle sustainable of distribution systems Studies and experiences in the integration > Company internal and external challenges and demand side management, system. > Configuration of local energy storage systems of information and communication technology to commit to an ambitious climate strategy > Analysis of security and resilience of power PS 2 / Energy Sector Integration and for managing uncertainties, (ICT) network and cybersecurity simulators and possible solutions. systems having high share of grid-connected > Coordination of multi-energy systems supported tackling the complexity of multi-faceted with existing power system analysis tools. network projects PS 2 / Biodiversity and the supply of or distributed inverter-based resources including by state-of-the-art technologies including electricity, renewables-based or not: risks, feasibility of providing system support such as PS 3 / Meeting the demands of the modern > Energy sector integration, hydrogen intelligent inverter controls, utility and DER with an agile and resilient & power-to-gas, deep electrification: technical challenges, solutions and opportunities black start, islanding, system strength and inertia. > Individual AC and DC micro-grids, multiple > Showcase how biodiversity has been enhanced telecommunication network and economic aspects, C5 - Electricity Markets & Regulation micro-grids, virtual power plant and local energy in a generation, transmission or distribution > Supporting operation technology (OT) services > Multi-purpose, multi-terminal, multi-actor, PS 1 / The evolution of market design communities’ control and network integration. projects, and applications using current and next generation multi-jurisdiction grid projects: how to tackle and regulation to integrate distributed D1 - Materials and Emerging Test > Showcase how biodiversity has been cellular (4G/5G) and IoT-based wireless technologies, their planning complexity, energy resources Techniques > Including in the planning process the flexibility accommodated in a generation, transmission > Market design developments to facilitate the > Increasing efficiency and cyber security with the use or distribution projects, PS 1 / Testing, Monitoring and Diagnostics of cloud-based techniques and intelligent networks options from non-network-assets and non-electric integration of new participants and renewable > Testing and experience with non-standardized, solutions (storage, virtual power plants, DR, energy > Highlight special measures or actions taken resources, including modern network management systems, composite and combined voltages, network automation and service orchestration, communities, behind-the-meter resources). to protect biodiversity impacted by a generation, > The role of retail electricity markets in the > PD measurement under DC, rectifier and network function virtualization (NFV) and software- PS 3 / Planning under uncertainty and transmission or distribution project. promotion of behind the meter technologies, impulse stress, defined wide area network (SD-WAN), with changing external constraints PS3 / environmental anD safety aspects > Innovative contracts/services between market > Requirements of systems for testing, > Improving and maintaining reliability and > Modelling the impact of environmental conditions, fROM ohl (joint PS with b2) participants and with customers/distributed monitoring and diagnostics. resiliency of critical services including protection technical advancements, greater stakeholder >safety of workers in construction and maintenance energy resource owners. PS 2 / Materials for electro technical services using modern telecommunication involvement, generation fleet shift, new type of lines (equipment, methods), PS 2 / Changes to markets and regulation purposes techniques and technologies. of contingencies, use of data driven network > Reducing environmental impacts from new to enhance reliability and resilience methods for long-term load forecasting, including > The lessons for markets and regulation from > Ageing under electrical, mechanical & thermal and existing OHL, stress (e.g. power electronics and semiconductors, impact of COVID pandemic on load profiles, > Innovative engineering solutions/design major system disturbances and social disruptions, load cycling, higher temperatures, compact ACRONYMS planning scenarios, investments patterns to deal with environmental challenges. > Market designs for reliability and resilience AC alternating current and assets’ maintenance schemes, in systems with high penetration of asynchronous applications, corrosion and radiation ageing, etc.), C4 - Power System Technical > Functional properties of insulation materials DC Direct current > Decision-making under pervasive energy policies: and low inertia connected facilities, DER Distributed energy resources optimising economic vs environmental benefits Performance > Markets to coordinate resources that are not & testing for validation, PS 1 / Challenges and advances in > Materials for battery and charging devices. DP Differential pressure for consumers and matching centralized energy responsive to demand or price. DR Demand response targets with private driven investments, power quality (PQ) and electromagnetic PS 3 / Working with innovation and PS 3 / Simulation tools partnered with compatibility (EMC) measurement techniques EMC Electromagnetic compatibility > Leveraging the evolving system services, market disruption — preparing for the future GIL Gas insulated line products and load profiles to optimize investment > Modelling, measurement and assessment > Innovative approaches to markets and regulation > Application and development of new GIS Gas insulated substation and timing, avoiding stranded assets (also from of PQ phenomena including emerging areas such to achieve energy policy targets and to include multi-physical simulation methods, HV High voltage fossil plants dismissal). as supra-harmonics, harmonic instability, edge-of-grid activities, > Digital twin for insulation components HVDC High voltage direct current geo-magnetically induced currents and other > The design and structure of retail and wholesale and insulation systems, C2 - Power System Operation & Control ICT Information and communication similar phenomena, electricity markets to support capital-intensive > Physical models and sensors. PS 1 / System control room preparedness: technology today and in the future > Integration and application of advanced signal investments, D2 - Information Systems & IoT Internet of things > Operator training, situational awareness processing, artificial intelligence techniques > Sector regulation and tariff design in the face Telecommunication MV Medium voltage and decision supporting tools, and big data analytics for event diagnostics of technological disruption, e.g. vehicle to grid, PS 1 / The opportunities and challenges NFV Network function virtualization > Effective and efficient use of synchro-phasor and system planning purposes such as hosting hydrogen and new forms of storage. brought by emerging Information and OHL Overhead line data in power systems operation, capacity or emission limit calculation, C6 - Active Distribution Systems Communication Technologies to Electric OT Operation technology > Advanced and intelligent methods applied > Impacts on equipment compatibility and immunity, and Distributed Energy Resources Power Utilities in their path to Digital PD Partial discharge to power systems operation. and emerging mitigation approaches. PS 1 / DER solutions and experiences for Transformation PE Power electronics PS 2 / Operational planning strategies, PS 2 / Challenges and advances in insulation energy transition and decarbonisation > IoT technologies and architectures in physical PQ Power quality methodologies and supporting tools coordination and lightning research > Electric mobility charging systems configuration asset management, PV Photovoltaic > High share of grid-connected and distributed > Insulation coordination practices for end-to-end and operation, > Artificial intelligence, big data and analytics T&D Transmission and distribution power electronic interfaced resources including power networks, including the effects of long lines, > Demand response and intelligent load tools to improve asset management in electric SD-WAN Software-defined wide area network hybrid AC-DC systems, long cables and frequency dependent models, configuration for customer empowerment, power utilities, SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride
Information and recommendations At CIGRE Sessions Authors do not present their papers during Discussion Group Meetings. Where are synopses to be directed? CigrE Session 49 Preferential subjects They have this opportunity during specific meetings – The Poster Sessions – for which full If the main author is from a country with a CIGRE NC: The synopsis must be detailed information is made available after the selection process. sent by the main author to the involved CIGRE National Committee. See the The delegates read the papers in advance and they discuss them around a set of questions contact details on the CIGRE website. given in a Special Report which incorporates the gist of the papers. Any synopsis sent directly to the Central Office will be returned to the sender. To discuss the papers in depth, Session papers must therefore address a strictly limited For Papers with authors from different countries, the proposal must be sent list of topics, referred to as “Preferential Subjects” and selected by each Study Committee to the National Committee of the main Author only. of CIGRE. If the main author is from a country where there is no National Committee: The Preferential Subjects are the main part of this Call for Papers. the synopsis must be sent in PDF format to the CIGRE Central Office Session Papers full Process to . If the proposed paper is written on behalf Synopses Selection of a Study Committee: the synopsis should sent directly to the Study Committee Chair, who will transfer it to the Central Office. As a first step, the papers are selected on the basis of synopses. Synopses are collected, checked and reviewed by National Committees. FULL PAPERS PEER REVIEW A second review and final selection decision is made by Study Committee Chairpersons, Authors who received the notification of acceptance for the synopsis should who are in charge of the running of the discussions. then draw up the corresponding full Paper and forward it to the National Authors are notified of the synopses selection results and invited to forward their full Committee involved. Paper to National Committees in case of acceptance. Final acceptance of full Papers will be notified to authors after a peer review Peer Review of Full Papers by Experts from a panel of experts. Full Papers are collected by National Committees. MAIN DEADLINES Study Committees manage the process of final Papers review with a Peer Review Panel Notification to authors composed by experts. Authors may be asked to make changes or adjustments to their papers. SYNOPSES 24th Sept. 2021 Final acceptance or non-acceptance is duly notified to authors. FULL PAPERS 24th January 2022 25th April 2022 Who can propose a paper? Crédits Photos : CIGRE ; Aspire - Graphisme : Laurent Turquin - © CIGRE Deadlines for synopses and Full Papers submission are firm dates and will not The main author (assuming there is more than one) must be an individual member be extended. or must be collective member staff. National Committees are required to observe the deadlines which implies Co-authors are not required to be CIGRE members. that National Committees will have received synopses/full papers earlier. Co-authors may be from different countries. HENCE AUTHORS must contact their National Committee who will let A paper must focus on one preferential subject and only one. them know by which date they need to receive the synopses/full Papers One single synopsis must be drawn up for each paper proposal. (allowing time for screening and meeting the Central Office deadlines). The synopsis – 500 words minimum – must closely reflect the various points AUTHORS FROM COUNTRIES where there is no National Committee to be developed in the paper. will be sending their synopsis/full Papers directly to the Central Office strictly When sending the synopsis, the name and address of the main author – and more importantly observing the deadlines. the email address that will be used for notification of the selection results– the Study Committee reference and Preferential Subject addressed must be clearly specified. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEPTION Template: Authors will make use of the sample pages for layout of synopses; these are Authors with no National Committee who send their synopsis/full Paper available on the CIGRE website, 2022 Session page. directly to Cigre Central Office will receive an acknowledgement. See our 2022 Session page on Contact at
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