Energy in Vienna " Energy-policy Guidelines - " WIEN ENERGIE A sustainable energy policy like the one pursued by Vienna is of great value in times ...
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Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” 053 Photo: Werksfoto Verbund Energy in Vienna » Energy-policy Guidelines » WIEN ENERGIE A sustainable energy policy like the one pursued by Vienna is of great value in times of energy market liberalisation
054 Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” Energy-policy Guidelines A reasonable and responsible energy Energy Efficiency Programme for the City of policy like the one pursued by the city of Vienna (SEP) Vienna is particularly important The Viennese energy situation and especially in view of the liberalised the estimated consumption development energy markets. The following energy- until 2015 were analysed (see figure policy guidelines characterise Vienna’s below left) and the findings were used energy policy accordingly: to develop the SEP. • Conservation of the environment and With regard to the quantitative resources increases in consumption since 1993, it Photo: PhotoDisc DT06 • Rational and economical use of can be seen that demand has risen in all energy areas. Major increases have arisen in • Safe, fairly priced and need-based transport with +34 per cent and private supply households with +28 per cent. A • Social compatibility and satisfied significant growth rate can also be seen customers in public and private services with +17 • Economic efficiency and competitive- per cent. A “business-as-usual” (BAU) ness scenario and an “economising” scenario were created to be able to evaluate the As conserving resources can be effects and impact of various measures achieved not only during energy on energy consumption by 2015. On the generation, but above all also when the basis of the as-is analysis and the energy is used, the consumers’ role has prognosis, measures were prepared that been moving ever more towards centre contribute towards slowing the rapid stage over the past few years. Therefore, increase of end-use energy from the this subject area will be made a priority forecast 12 per cent to seven per cent, in Viennese energy policy in the near which would equal an annual saving of future. 640 terajoules (180 gigawatt-hours) in Incidentally, a parallel development comparison with the BAU scenario for can be seen at a European level: In the period 2003 to 2015. The measures December 2003, the European Com- that fall within the area of competence mission presented a proposal for a of the city of Vienna are aimed towards guideline which would obligate the the key sectors households, private member states to make energy savings service providers, industry and manu- of one per cent a year. Consequently, on facturing with varying importance. A 1 July 2004 the Vienna Municipal particular focus is placed on increasing Council put the Municipal Department energy efficiency in public services, for EU Strategy and Economic Develop- whereby the city of Vienna is aware of ment (MA 27) in charge of setting up the its responsibility as a public service SEP: Change rate of the end-use “Energy Efficiency Programme for the provider. energy consumption according to sector in terajoules. City of Vienna” (SEP). WIEN ENERGIE In order to contribute to environ- mental quality in Vienna, WIEN ENERGIE pursues diverse projects for energy generation from renewable energy sources, making it a cutting- edge enterprise in ecological terms. At the same time, it is fulfilling the customers’ desire for ecologically clean generation of electricity and district heating. For decades, WIEN ENERGIE © MA 27
Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” 055 has run its own hydropower plants in Opponitz, Gaming and Trumau, plus the Nußdorf small hydropower plant since autumn 2005. It has an annual capacity of 28,100 megawatt-hours, which means that over 10,000 households can be supplied with green electricity. So-called “matrix turbines” were installed under the Schemerlbrücke truss bridge designed by Otto Wagner. This is an all- new concept of electricity generation in existing weir systems. In February 2005, the Nußdorf small hydropower plant was presented with the Climate Star Photo: WIEN ENERGIE 2004, which is awarded by the Climate Alliance together with the European city network for climate protection. On the Ecological Cutting Edge In the WIEN ENERGIE thermal The company also recognised the Bundesforste (ÖBF) for the joint power stations, district heat is advantages of expanding wind power construction and operation of the also produced at the same time. The Donaustadt power station is generation in good time and in 1997 it world’s largest forest-biomass power pictured. had already erected its first wind plant in Vienna’s 11th district, turbine on Vienna’s Danube Island. Simmering. With an investment volume WIEN ENERGIE followed this with the of around €52 million, a power station projects Windpark Pama-Gols, Energie- with a planned power rating of 62 projekt Zurndorf, Windpark Unterlaa Ost megawatts is to be built on the existing and West, and Windpark Steinriegel power station site in Simmering in Rattener Alm. The installed capacity of Vienna. At maximum efficiency, 48,000 all wind turbines totals 42.5 megawatts. households will be supplied with Currently, around one per cent of the electricity and 12,000 households with annual electricity demand in Austria is heat using around 625,000 cubic metres supplied by biomass energy generation. of loose forest biomass every year. Plant Through its use of biomass power efficiency of over 80 per cent will be stations, WIEN ENERGIE is clearly achieved through cogeneration. committed to clean and safe energy Using forest biomass to generate supply for current and future electricity and heat in the Simmering generations. biomass power plant will reduce the In May 2004, the company signed a need for fossil fuels by around 72,000 contract with the Austrian federal forest tonnes of coal or 47,000 tonnes of fuel management authority Österreichische oil. The reduction in CO2 emissions in Vienna alone will amount to around 144,000 tonnes annually. WIEN ENERGIE Wienstrom WIEN ENERGIE has a large number of power stations at its disposal. In addition to generating plants for renew- able energy sources such as hydro- power, biomass, wind power or solar power (photovoltaics), the company also operates large thermal power stations in Photo: WIEN ENERGIE Simmering, Donaustadt and Leopoldau The award-winning Nußdorf small hydropower plant in the north of Vienna.
056 Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” emissions have been cut by 99 per cent and nitrogen oxide emissions by 87 per cent. Trend-setting Projects At the beginning of the financial year 2003/2004, the new fluidised-bed incinerator 4 in the Simmeringer Haide hazardous waste and sludge incinera- tion plant was put into operation. In the future, an additional 90,000 tonnes of sludge and pre-treated waste can be utilised in an environmentally sound manner every year with this state-of- the-art combustion furnace. Natural gas vehicles are the ideal way to combine economic efficiency and © WIEN ENERGIE environmental awareness. WIEN ENERGIE supports the construction of the necessary infrastructure in the This is how it should look on Vienna area and is making available its completion – the forest biomass with a total electrical capacity of 1,500 many years of experience and technical power plant in Vienna’s Simmering megawatts and a total thermal capacity expertise for the expansion of the filling district. of 1,100 megawatts. station network. For this purpose, the Thermal power stations generate subsidiary WIEN ENERGIE Erdgas electricity by burning natural gas, for Mobil was founded, which focuses on example. Through combined heat and realising natural gas pumps for fleet power (CHP) systems they also produce operators and public filling stations, district heat. In this way, the thermal using a contracting model. In the content of natural gas is by far better coming years, WIEN ENERGIE will utilised than in conventional power successively switch its entire fleet to stations. CHP saves fuel, and thanks to natural gas vehicles. their high technical standards, Vienna’s power stations realise up to 58 per cent Renewable Energy conversion of the energy gained through combustion into electrical energy, There are currently over 330 power without taking district heat production plants in Vienna. The 117 electricity into account. If electricity and district generation plants show a total installed heat are generated simultaneously, up to electrical capacity of 1,813 megawatts. 86 per cent of the applied energy can be The entire installed thermal capacity of utilised. the recorded 219 heat generation plants Through this technology, WIEN runs to 3,669 megawatts. Although there ENERGIE achieves a great reduction in are a large number of plants with under pollutant emissions. In comparison to a megawatt of installed electrical or the separate generation of electricity thermal capacity, these only make a and district heat, use of CHP plants marginal contribution to Vienna’s elec- results in a reduction in annual CO2 trical power and heat generation. emissions of some 700,000 tonnes in The city of Vienna can only signifi- Vienna. Natural gas, which is the cantly increase its own electricity sup- lowest-emission fossil fuel, is used plies or cover the growing demand for almost exclusively in the power sta- electricity with its own generating tions. The exhaust gases go through an plants if it constructs large plants. The additional cleaning process using installed electrical capacity from renew- sophisticated filter systems. WIEN able energy in Vienna amounts to some ENERGIE Wienstrom’s thermal power 213 megawatts, approximately 80 per stations have accomplished an impres- cent of which is supplied by large sive balance in the last 25 years. SO2 hydropower (Freudenau power plant)
Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” 057 installations. Further contributions are district heating systems. This saves supplied by the biogenic fraction of around 1,872 kilograms of CO2 emis- waste incineration, photovoltaics, wind sions per apartment. When applied to power, landfill gas utilisation, by bio- the above-mentioned number of apart- fuels in CHP plants, biomass and small ments, this results in a total annual hydropower installations. In Vienna, the saving of 10,992 tonnes of CO2. installed thermal capacity from renew- able energy is mainly represented by the Improved Plant Efficiency biogenic fraction of waste incineration An important focus of WIEN Photo: WIEN ENERGIE and the use of biomass and totals some ENERGIE Fernwärme is ensuring and, if 111 megawatts. possible, improving efficiency in the plants and the district heating network, WIEN ENERGIE Fernwärme both now and in the future. A key foundation has already been laid for WIEN ENERGIE’s natural gas By utilising the waste heat created this in the selection of the new genera- vehicle fleet is growing all the during electricity generation (CHP) and ting plants. Thus, from mid 2006 the time. during waste treatment, district heating heat from biomass combined heat and in Vienna causes considerably lower power plants will increase the share of greenhouse gas emissions than other renewable energy. forms of heating. This is also the reason The third waste incineration plant, why the expansion of district heating is which is set to start up in 2008, will an important measure in the Climate ensure that all of Vienna’s municipal Protection Programme of the City of waste can be burned and used for Vienna (KliP) and the Urban Air district heat generation. The year 2008 Initiative (ULI) which aims to reduce air should also see the renewal of Block 1/2 Peak boilers are activated to cover pollutants, and in the Energy Efficiency of the CHP power plant in Simmering, the peak load. One of the sites Programme for the City of Vienna (SEP) whereby the plant’s efficiency shall housing such boilers is Spittelau which aims to increase energy effi- district heating works. ciency. Photo: WIEN ENERGIE Fifteen generating plants currently feed hot water into the integrated district-heating network at 10 different locations. The waste heat from the domestic waste incinerators in Flötzer- steig and Spittelau plus the Simmer- inger Haide hazardous waste and sludge incineration plant is used as a base load all year round. The medium load is covered by CHP systems from the WIEN ENERGIE power stations in Donaustadt, Simmering and Leopoldau plus the two power plants in the OMV refinery in Schwechat. Peak boilers in the district heating works Arsenal, Kagran, Leo- poldau, Spittelau and Inzersdorf (south) are started up only when these genera- ting plants are no longer sufficient. At the end of the financial year 2004/2005, the installed capacity of all plants amounted to around 2,830 megawatts, which then generated 5,466 gigawatt- hours of district heat. Of this, 68.7 per cent came from CHP, 28.4 per cent from waste treatment plants and only 2.9 per cent from peak boilers. In the financial year 2004/2005, 5,872 apartments were retrofitted with
058 Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” from 28 December 2005 – are not only maintained, but also considerably improved on; a further important contribution to bettering the air quality in Vienna. In order to further raise the company’s awareness of the environ- ment, safety and quality, to expand the standard of knowledge of the employees and to present and communicate the business activity in a transparent manner, WIEN ENERGIE Fernwärme © WIEN ENERGIE Fernwärme decided to set up and maintain an integrated management system (environment, quality and safety) for the Simmeringer Haide plant with the assistance of the UTR Consulting Group. By participating in the certifica- In June 2005, WIEN ENERGIE greatly increase and the district heating tion systems EMAS II, ISO 14001, ISO Fernwärme took over Europe’s emissions shall fall further. 9001 and OHSAS 18001, WIEN ENERGIE largest denitrification plant for waste incineration plants after The customer installations are Fernwärme has committed itself to a successful performance test. another important element of district carrying out continuous improvement heating energy efficiency. The engineer- measures in these areas that exceed the ing department ensures that these legal requirements. The certification installations are operated efficiently was successfully completed on 20 and carries out improvements if neces- January 2006. The Simmeringer Haide sary. In the financial year 2004/2005, sludge and hazardous waste incinera- optimisations were carried out on a tion plant is the first of its type in total of 71 customer installations, which Europe to be awarded the integrated led to a total reduction in capacity re- management system certificates and quirements of 11.4 megawatts. This EMAS certification. lower capacity provides customers with a reduction in required energy, and also WIEN ENERGIE Fernwärme Supplies lowers the performance-related cost District Cooling components of the district-heating in- Air conditioning has been common in voice. In other words, the reduction of North America for several decades and the connected load charge brings real has come to account for a considerable cash savings. percentage of power consumption. Now cold generation for air conditioning is Europe’s Largest Denitrification Plant becoming ever more important in July 2004 saw the start of construc- Europe. A study initiated by the EU tion for Europe’s largest DeNOx plant Commission predicts that the number of (denitrification plant) for waste incin- room air conditioners in Europe will erators in the Simmeringer Haide plant. increase from 7.4 million in 1996 to 33 Photo: WIEN ENERGIE It is a joint plant for the existing incin- million in 2020. That is equivalent to an eration lines (fluidised-bed incinerators estimated 43.9 terawatt-hours. In 1–3 and rotary kilns 1+2) at the Simmer- comparison, the energy consumption of inger Haide plant. After a construction room air conditioners is currently 22.5 period of roughly 10 months and a terawatt-hours in Europe. A look inside Donaustadt thermal power station. successfully completed performance All studies indicate that Austria will test, the plant was taken over by WIEN be no exception in this development. ENERGIE Fernwärme in June 2005. Therefore, WIEN ENERGIE Fernwärme Adding a denitrification plant to the has opted to use district heating to existing flue gas cleaning stages ensures generate cold via absorption cooling that the mandatory emission limits – machines. Instead of electricity, waste from now on also the NOx limit of 100 heat from waste treatment is primarily milligrams per normal cubic metre valid used to generate cold, which enables
Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” 059 savings in valuable primary energy. In around six per cent to 2.3 billion normal the past financial year, a cooling supply cubic metres. This increase is princip- contract was finalised by WIEN ally attributed to the increased use of ENERGIE for the entire urban develop- energy in WIEN ENERGIE Wienstrom ment project TownTown. The final power stations. As in the past few years, decisive factor for a central cooling it was possible to increase the number plant is the clearly higher efficiency and of natural gas heating systems – 9,500 better environmental compatibility in new installations were connected to the comparison to 20 decentralised plants. natural gas network. The first “cold supply” is scheduled for The reduction of individual oven 2006. heating systems in favour of central heating not only contributes to an WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz optimal use of natural gas but also to a further reduction in emissions. Natural gas is the most environ- The rehabilitation of natural gas mentally friendly of all fossil fuels. Due pipes was intensified on the basis of to its high hydrogen content, natural gas active environmental protection, noise combustion generates less carbon reduction for residents and cost savings. dioxide, which is responsible for the Not only did this lead to minimisation greenhouse effect. Emissions of unburnt of lorry traffic (transport of the exca- elements such as soot can be avoided vation material and back-fill material), altogether. And among all fossil fuels, it also led to lower dust and noise natural gas also has the lowest emis- pollution for the Viennese citizens due sions of sulphur oxide and nitrogen to less excavation work. In 2004/2005, oxides. Before being used as a primary 9.8 kilometres of natural gas pipelines energy source, natural gas does not first were newly laid, 14.3 kilometres were have to be laboriously converted or replaced and 1,822.6 kilometres were treated. Natural gas is also transported examined by the gas detection service. in an environmentally friendly manner WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz operates a which is almost invisible to the user. roughly 3,450 kilometre long pipeline The devices that are continually network – using the highest of safety developed by the gas appliance industry standards. (keyword: calorific value combustion) offer customers efficient energy use Natural Gas Fleet coupled with environmental friend- Natural gas vehicles are the ideal liness and minimum space require- combination of economic efficiency and ments. The further development of gas environmental awareness. Nowadays combustion, burner components, and they are well-engineered and available the like also contributes to a continual in series. Worldwide, over three million reduction in emissions. natural gas vehicles are already on the road. Compared with conventional Reorganisation Measures Completed vehicles, natural gas vehicles emit up to Due to the large number of possible 95 per cent less nitrogen oxide, up to 25 applications on the room heating per cent less CO2 and up to 80 per cent market, in process heat and also as fuel, less particles. The EU has included increasing the natural gas percentage is natural gas in its objectives for vehicle an important point in the Vienna energy power units. By 2020, natural gas should concept. The reorganisation measures make up 10 per cent of fuel in the EU. begun in October 2002 in light of the WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz currently market liberalisation have since been operates 120 natural gas vehicles and completed, so that WIEN ENERGIE Gas- this enables it to make savings of netz can continue to carry out its around €15,000 annually on fuel costs. activities as a modern, effective and By 2008, the vehicle fleet will comprise efficiently running natural gas distribu- some 250 natural gas vehicles. By tion network operator. For the quantity converting the entire fleet, the company of conducted natural gas, the network expects to make annual cost savings of balance of 2004/2005 shows a plus of around €35,000 in comparison with
060 Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” development of fuel cells, so as to push forward this future technology as regards system management and preparation for the market. WIEN ENERGIE ENERGIECOMFORT Environmental protection, conserva- tion of resources and social responsi- Photo: WIEN ENERGIE bility are all values that the WIEN ENERGIE subsidiary ENERGIE- COMFORT Energie- und Gebäude- management has been committed to The switch to natural gas vehicles since its formation in 1978. WIEN is to be recommended to all conventional fuel. In order to facilitate ENERGIE ENERGIECOMFORT plans, divisions of the Wiener fleet conversion for all the companies of constructs, finances and operates all Stadtwerke Group. the Wiener Stadtwerke Group (Vienna energy plants from the aspect of Public Enterprises) and in order to optimum performance and maximum facilitate refuelling its own natural gas cost savings for the customer – and all fleet, WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz this is carried out with minimum constructed its own company filling impact on the environment. Around station at its Simmering office. This 25,000 megawatt-hours a year of the filling station opened in the spring of heat generated by WIEN ENERGIE 2006. ENERGIECOMFORT is based on the use of bioenergetic fuels. In February 2004, Alternative Combinations and Innovations the geothermal plant TunnelThermie In the future, conventional power was put into operation in the sports suppliers will not be able to shut secondary school Wien-Hadersdorf. The themselves off from regenerative energy waste heat from the Lainzer Tunnel is supply possibilities. It is a case of not used for the heating and hot water seeing the alternatives as competition, generation. but rather as ecologically and economic- By using geothermal energy, it was ally sensible additions. WIEN ENERGIE possible to save 29,000 cubic metres of Gasnetz recognised this fact early on natural gas. The annual CO2 emissions and turned its attention to combination fell by approximately 30 tonnes. Further options of natural gas and alternative reductions were also achieved for NOx energy sources. A pilot project saw the and CO. The project was conceived by installation of energy supply infra- WIEN ENERGIE ENERGIECOMFORT, structure for 220 new attic apartments the rail companies Eisenbahn-Hochleis- at Hugo-Breitner-Hof in Vienna’s 14th tungsstrecken AG and Schieneninfra- district. In the spirit of active climate strukturfinanzierungsgesellschaft, and protection, the chosen energy sources the city of Vienna and received an award were a combination of gas condensing of special recognition from the Energie- boilers and a solar plant. The annual profi 2004 competition. specific solar output is around 350 In 2004, after a construction period kilowatt-hours per square metre. The of around just eight months, WIEN project illustrates not only that these ENERGIE ENERGIECOMFORT started types of combinations are suitable for up a new 1.8 kilometre long bioheat environmentally friendly local heat use, network in Purkersdorf. Just under but are also the first step towards 460,000 litres of extra light fuel oil and achieving the goal of 300,000 square 1,500 tonnes of CO2 could be saved in metres of installed collector area by the biomass heating station’s first year 2010. The fuel cell project that was in operation. In addition to the begun in April 2003 in co-operation with continual expansion of the existing Vaillant was completed in May 2005. The WIEN ENERGIE ENERGIECOMFORT insights gained from this project are local-heating networks in Bad Aussee, now being incorporated into the further Tannheim and Purkersdorf, the bioheat
Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” 061 network in Kleinwalsertal is about to be the assistance is staggered. It increases implemented. The project comprises an the higher the energy saving or the installed capacity of 12 megawatts and better the thermal building quality after a pipeline length of 16 kilometres. renovation. In 2005, 5,826 residential units were renovated with an effective WIEN ENERGIE – Services area of 372,661 square metres, which led to energy savings of 23 gigawatt- Energy Consultation and Service hours. Since the launch of this promo- Since 1985, WIEN ENERGIE has been tion campaign, 51,772 residential units offering its electricity, gas and district with a total effective area of almost 3.5 heating customers extensive energy million square metres have been renova- advice and consultation. The WIEN ted, whereby around 462 gigawatt-hours ENERGIE Haus is the centre of these of energy could be saved. activities and very quickly established In addition to the Thewosan itself as a popular consultation, com- programme, MA 25 has also been munication and competence centre for implementing energy-relevant measures all energy issues. in older residential buildings, for The guaranteed proximity to example heat insulation, installation of customer is seen not only through a new windows, and energy-efficient number of customer service centres, the heating and hot-water generation service phone number 0800 500 800 and systems. In 2005, 2,211 residential units the competent consultancy services with an effective area of 257,325 square available at the WIEN ENERGIE Haus, metres were renovated. The energy but also in a large number of services savings that this generated amount to that help customers to achieve clarity some 20.68 gigawatt-hours a year. Since and savings in their energy consump- 1995, a total of 52,048 residential units tion. Examples of this are load manage- with an effective area of approximately ment and power factor correction for three million square metres have been electricity, hydraulic rehabilitation for renovated within the framework of this district heating customers and online assistance programme, which has energy accounting. resulted in energy savings of around 233 gigawatt-hours. Manifold Energy Assistance Measures The city of Vienna’s energy assistance District Heating Makes Sense measures are based on the three pillars In connection with the measures to of energy avoidance, efficient energy use retrofit apartments with district heating and energy generation that requires systems, there are two assistance modest resources. For example, building approaches available in Vienna via MA a one-family or two-family house that 50: fulfils certain thermotechnical criteria • In 2005, 22 residential buildings were is supported with a one-time non- connected to district heating through repayable building cost grant. This the assistance programme of the Photos: ENERGIECOMFORT grant, which is awarded in addition to Viennese Housing Promotion and the housing promotion assistance, Renovation Act (Wiener Wohnbau- amounts between €5,800 to €9,800 for förderungs- und Wohnhaussanier- low-energy houses, and €11,500 for ungsgesetz [WWFSG]). The 1,170 passive houses. In 2005, around 110 apartments will now be gradually low-energy houses and seven passive connected to the district-heating houses were promoted by the Municipal network. The ENERGIECOMFORT biomass plants in Bad Aussee, Styria (top), Department for Technical and Financial • With the help of the special Tannheim, Tyrol (centre) and Assessment in Matters of Housing promotion for district heating which Purkersdorf near Vienna (bottom). Construction and Promotion, Special- was started in April 2003, a total of ised Urban Renewal (MA 25). 57 buildings were connected to The Thewosan campaign for the district heating in 2005, whereby at thermal and energy-oriented rehabilita- least 30 per cent of the apartments in tion of residential buildings has been in these buildings were changed to force since March 2000. The amount of district heating immediately.
062 Chapter 07 “Energy in Vienna” €360,000. The promotion of biomass aims to in- crease the percentage of renewable energy sources in overall energy con- sumption. MA 50 covers part of the costs that arise in connection with the installation of biomass boiler systems and their maintenance. The grant amount for installation is between 33 per cent and 51 per cent, depending on the system’s emission performance, with an upper limit of €14,000. In 2005, 68 applications were filed for biomass assistance, which is twice as many as in 2004. The assistance amount that was paid out totalled over €200,000. Moreover, investments in electricity generation from renewable energy Photo: WIEN ENERGIE sources, including immaterial efforts such as basic concepts, studies and consultancy services, were also partially compensated. The extent of this funding amounted to up to 40 per cent of The WIEN ENERGIE Haus very Thermal Solar Energy, incurred costs. It has been possible to quickly established itself as a popular consultation, Heat Pumps and Biomass apply for assistance since the beginning communication and competence The city of Vienna (MA 25) is of 2004 and 21 applications were sub- centre for all energy issues. supporting the installation of thermal mitted by the end of 2005, 17 of which solar plants to heat service water which concerned photovoltaic systems. There may or may not be linked to the heating are currently 101 photovoltaic systems system with grants of up to 40 per cent on the grid in Vienna. Their total of the eligible investment costs. In 2005, capacity is 469 kilowatts, which is equal 153 applications for solar grants were to an average capacity of 4.6 kilowatts. processed with a collector area of over They generate some 372 megawatt- 2,000 square metres. This is a 10 per hours of electricity a year. ■ cent increase in comparison to 2004. In 2005, the sum allocated to solar assistance was fully expended for the first time. Around, €440,000 in With contributions from: assistance was paid out, which is an 89 per cent increase over 2003. An in-vest- MA 25 – Technical and Financial Assessment in Matters of Housing ment volume of around €1.8 million was Construction and Promotion, realised through solar promotion. Specialised Urban Renewal A heat pump utilises the energy MA 27 – EU Strategy and Economic stored in the air, water and ground after Development solar irradiation by extracting energy from the environment. This energy is MA 50 – Housing Promotion, Housing Rehabilitation and then used for heating or hot-water Improvement, Supervision of generation. Non-profit Building Associations The amount of assistance provided WIEN ENERGIE by MA 25 amounts to between €1,600 and €8,000 depending on the pump WIEN ENERGIE Wienstrom working type and utilisation. Overall in Photo: WIEN ENERGIE WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz 2005, the number of assistance applica- tions submitted for heat pumps rose to WIEN ENERGIE Fernwärme 82, which is a plus of 85 per cent in WIEN ENERGIE ENERGIECOMFORT comparison with 2004. This is equiva- Energie- und Gebäudemanagement lent to an assistance volume of over Rattener Alm Windpark
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