THE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE FOR THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY - We need a file that can be used by a - Enlit ...

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THE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE FOR THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY - We need a file that can be used by a - Enlit ...
SAP Industries White Paper | Utilities


We need a file that can be used by a

Inspiring and shaping a digital world
that reinvents power generation,
transmission, distribution, and retail
THE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE FOR THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY - We need a file that can be used by a - Enlit ...

                                                                  Dear Customers,                                     To get there, electric utilities must respond
                                                                                                                      to rapidly changing conditions yet still comply
                                                                  The energy utilities sector has immense             with all standards within a regulatory
                                                                  responsibility to provide a safe and                framework. Four critical capabilities for
                                                                  secure infrastructure for the world’s well-         success are:
                                                                  being. Looking forward, the stakes get               Distributed energy resource operations
  “Sweeping societal                                              even higher. How the energy industry
                                                                  evolves over the next decade will have               Smart and efficient distribution
  change is putting                                                                                                    Demand and supply balancing services
                                                                  profound effects for generations.
  massive pressure on                                                                                                  Omnichannel retail to digitalized
  energy utilities to                                             With the global mandate to reduce carbon              consumers
  transform. It is both                                           and the rise of renewable energy sources,
  our biggest challenge                                           electricity providers must cope with the            By 2025, the cost of combining solar
                                                                  new challenges of balancing supply and              power, wind power, and energy storage
  and our greatest                                                demand. They must accommodate                       will be competitive with traditional power-
  opportunity – a chance                                          customers’ energy preferences; embrace              generation technologies in most of the
  to develop new                                                  cultural, technical, and environmental              world.
  capabilities, to pioneer                                        changes that are disrupting energy
                                                                  utilities; and be mindful of regulatory             The business models for energy retailers will
  new technology, and to                                          oversight.                                          shift from pure selling of energy to providing
  create a new value                                                                                                  comprehensive services for digital energy
  proposition. Together,                                          The transition is well under way. In 2016,          “prosumers.”
  we can have a lasting,                                          investments in electricity supply and
                                                                  clean energies surpassed investments in             Reaping the rewards are the companies
  positive impact on the
                                                                  oil and gas – a gap that will continue to           that embrace intelligent technologies for
  world.”                                                         expand in the coming years. Global                  processing data and those with the skill
                                                                  investment in electricity power generation,         sets to fully leverage it. They are the ones
  Miguel Gaspar Silva                                             networks and storage has surpassed                  most responsive to individual customer
  Global Vice President                                           US$700 billion, and between 2013 and                demands and to the challenges posed
                                                                  2018, more than 300,000 home batteries              by energy transition. They are the early
  Utilities IBU
                                                                  were installed around the world. Market             adopters of digital operations and skilled
  SAP SE                                                          demand continues to drive massive                   at managing cybersecurity. The best-
                                                                  investment in alternative forms of energy,          performing companies are widening their
                                                                  storage, and delivery. But there is still           lead by adopting new technologies early
                                                                  much to be done.                                    and quickly learning to increase efficiency
                                                                                                                      and develop new products and services.
                                                                  A world of rapid technological change –
                                                                  distributed energy resources, micro-                This paper takes a deep dive into the trends
                                                                  generation, batteries, microgrids, and              shaping energy utilities over the next five
                                                                  electrical mobility – and social media              years and the path to innovation. In it, we
                                                                  adoption is forcing providers of electricity        propose a set of priorities that will drive
                                                                  to rethink how they work, the services              transformation and the tools that will make
                                                                  they provide, and their business models.            it possible.
                                                                  The most successful companies will
                                                                  flexibly manage demand, enabled by                  Sincerely yours,
                                                                  insights garnered from smart technol-
                                                                  ogies. Successful companies will think like
                                                                  data companies – able to process vast
                                                                  amounts of data to reengineer their own
                                                                  processes and adopt increasingly more
                                                                  efficient service delivery.                         Miguel Gaspar Silva
                                                                                                                      Global Vice President
                                                                                                                      Utilities IBU
                                                                                                                      SAP SE

                                                                  This letter has been edited by the SAP editorial team.

SAP Industries White Paper | Utilities
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
THE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE FOR THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY - We need a file that can be used by a - Enlit ...
                                                                   3   Welcome
                                                                  4    Our Place in the New World
                                                                   5   Data Leads the Way to Innovation
                                                                   6   Four Priorities for Success
                                                                   7   Distributed Energy Resource Operations
                                                                   9   Smart and Efficient Distribution
                                                                  11   Demand and Supply Balancing Services
                                                                  13   Omnichannel Retail to Digitalized Consumers
                                                                  16   Key Technologies
                                                                  17   Getting There: A Phased Approach

                                                                  18   SAP’s Framework for the Intelligent Enterprise
                                                                  20   How to Plan Your Path to the Intelligent Enterprise
                                                                  21   Comprehensive SAP Ecosystem
                                                                  22   SAP Is Committed to Innovation
                                                                  23   Resources

SAP Industries White Paper | Utilities
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
THE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE FOR THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY - We need a file that can be used by a - Enlit ...

The utilities industry sits at the center                          Smart technology – The rising              Vestas Wind Systems is planning to use a
of a massive global shift toward                                    number of smart meters, sensors, and       digital solution to deliver faster, more
                                                                                                               efficient, and more cost-effective wind
sustainability. The transition has                                  other devices poses challenges that        turbine installations, providing clean
profound impact on society and is driving                           span from organizational setup to          energy to the world more quickly. It wants
the industry’s own transformation.                                  having the right talent to operate in a    to provide workers in the field, construction
                                                                                                               managers, technicians, subcontractors,
                                                                    cybersecure environment.
                                                                                                               customers, and suppliers with accurate,
The movement toward sustainable                                                                                real-time information 24x7 wherever they
energy in combination with integrated                              Changes in value proposal – Utilities      are, connected or offline. Vestas is using
mobility and livable cities requires                                companies must redefine their core         data for comprehensive project analysis
                                                                                                               and continuing improvement.
utilities companies to develop intelligent                          strengths and learn to create value in
solutions for energy generation and                                 industry value networks in the face of     Tokyo Electricity Company (TEPCO), one
storage, water, and waste management                                rising competition.                        of the world’s largest utilities companies,
while also striving for energy efficiency in                                                                   expects to deploy 29 million residential
                                                                                                               smart meters within its service territory
their own operations.                                             In short, today’s energy grid is not set     by 2020 .1
                                                                  up to accommodate a world where
The utilities industry is being reshaped                          consumers and businesses are able to         Alliander, the large Dutch power
                                                                                                               distribution company, uses SAP HANA®
by four trends.                                                   generate energy on their own, or where       software to analyze 1.5 billion grid sensor
                                                                  that energy can come from anywhere           measurements (expected to grow by two
• Renewable energy – The global                                   and can fluctuate wildly from day to day.                               f
                                                                                                               magnitudes) and forecast the required
                                                                                                               asset substitutions or maintenance at
  objective of carbon reduction and                               We believe that forward-thinking energy
                                                                                                               continuously reduced time cycles.2
  governmental regulation is fostering                            utilities view these challenges as a
  the rise of renewable energy sources,                           chance to rethink the very nature of their   CenterPoint Energy implements an SAP
  leading to intermittent energy                                  businesses and to move quickly up the        HANA–based predictive maintenance
                                                                  learning curve as early adopters.            solution that supports the strategy of
  generation and challenges to balancing                                                                       integrating information technology (IT)
  energy supply and demand.                                                                                    with operational technology (OT).

 Energy prosumers – Customers
  are becoming both producers and
  consumers of energy – prosumers –
  and they expect products and services
  that fit their exact needs at competitive
  prices. The ability to capture customer
  requirements and integrate end-to-
  end energy products and services will
  be a critical differentiator.

Our Place in the New World
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
THE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE FOR THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY - We need a file that can be used by a - Enlit ...

We believe that by 2025, the cost                                 real-time access to energy
of combining solar power, wind                                    consumption and microgeneration
power, and energy storage will be                                 – a shift that will challenge utilities
competitive with traditional power-                               to ensure grid stability in the face
generation technologies in most                                   of peaks driven by the demands of
of the geographies of the world.                                  e-mobility and microgeneration.
Simultaneously, many utilities

will have concluded the digital                                   New services will span from simple
transformation projects that will                                 after-sales services and value-add
fundamentally change how they                                     services to complex bundles or            Of digitally determined utilities’
operate.                                                          equipment-as-a-service models.            revenues will come from new
                                                                                                            products and services by 20223
                                                                  They also will include new business
Business models will move from                                    models based on the monetization
pure selling of energy to providing
comprehensive services for digital
                                                                  of data.                                  65%
                                                                                                            Of power, gas, and water companies will
energy prosumers – businesses                                     In a time of great change, the            have invested in edge analytics and
and consumers who generate their                                  winners will be those companies                                  f
                                                                                                            computing by 2020, as they strive for
own energy and feed it back to                                    that develop new capabilities based       operational excellence and the best
                                                                                                            optimization of their assets4
the grid. Grid operation will be                                  on insights from their data. They will
automated with smart grids and                                    be able to manage demand as well
local energy balancing. New
providers for services such as
                                                                  as streamline their own processes
                                                                  and adopt increasingly more
                                                                                                            Of electricity companies will have
virtual power plants or local energy                              efficient service delivery.               invested in digital technologies and
exchange will be established.                                                                               platforms to support flexibility services
                                                                                                            by 2023, thereby activating a load
                                                                                                            potential of up to 35% of installed
Energy utilities will move from being                                                                       capacity5
an energy provider to being a

facilitator and enabler of multiple
market models. The rollout of smart
meters will give energy consumers                                                                           Of critical utilities assets will be digitally
                                                                                                            connected to predict and prevent
                                                                                                            equipment failure and prescribe best
                                                                                                            maintenance options to optimize and
                                                                                                            extend asset lifecycle by 20236

Our Place in the New World
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THE INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE FOR THE UTILITIES INDUSTRY - We need a file that can be used by a - Enlit ...
We have identified four strategic
necessary for energy utilities to
transform their business.

                                                                  Distributed energy resource operations

                                                                  Smart and efficient distribution

                                                                  Demand and supply balancing services

                                                                  Omnichannel retail to digitalized consumers

Four Priorities for Success
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Distributed Energy
                       Resource Operations
                      Today, smart solutions allow consumers of all                   During the transition, utilities should focus on
                      sizes to interact with the energy system by                     gaining a 360-degree understanding of both
                      making their demand more flexible. In the                       business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-
                      electricity system of the future, businesses and                to-business (B2B) customers. See Figure 1.
                      consumers will be able to produce their own                     Household customers will be won with detailed
                      energy through renewable sources. They will be                  analysis of technical, consumption, and
                      both consumers and producers, drastically                       experience data to determine their needs while
                      changing their relationship with energy utilities.              securing customer profitability. Commercial and
                      Sensors and meters attached to power-                           industrial customers with more complex asset
                      consumption or power-generation devices                         structures and higher energy demands must
                      will allow transparency and aid in managing                     avoid costly energy peaks while ensuring perma-
                      capacity automatically.                                         nent availability of their infrastructures. Energy
                                                                                      streams will be optimized by detecting flexibilities
                                                                                      that can either be intelligently redispatched or
                                                                                      traded, when economically feasible.

                      Figure 1: The Next Iteration of Utilities Customers

                                                       storage                                                Plants
                Local energy                                        Company and
                                                                    public charging          Data

           communities,                                              Data
            virtual power                                            analysis
                                                                                          Energy                                    Production
           plants, trading
                                                                                      communities                                   lanes

                                                    Solar panels,
                                                    wall boxes

        Private prosumer                                                                 Commercial and industrial prosumer

                        Romania’s Environmental Funds                                          Petrol provides energy products and services.
                        Administration plans to run a program in                               Currently, 292 buildings are being contractually
                        March and April to offer up to €115 million                            provided with energy savings, 15 systems with
                        (US$128 million) to prosumers to                                       efficient lighting, and more than 80 locations
                        encourage the adoption of solar energy.7                               with charging stations are currently being

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Distributed Energy Turns
Utilities into Energy Service


        Customer closes                                    Utility delivers            Utility measures             Utility bills             Utility responds to
        contract for point of                              energy.                     consumption.                 the customer.             requests of customer.


                                                          Utility proactively           Customer closes              Utility orchestrates
        Utility analyzes
                                                          proposes and promotes         contract for commodity       different service provider
        technical, consumption,
                                                          the next best product or      and noncommodity             to onboard the service.
        and experience data.
                                                          service.                      services.

                                                                                        Utility monitors            Utility bills the         Utility activates
                                                          Utility up-sells to           and analyzes the            prosumer.                 the service.
                                                          the prosumer.                 prosumer.


     10%–20%                                                                    10%–20%
     Increase in revenue from new products                                      Increase in customer satisfaction

     Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

     Energy utilities will turn into energy service companies that partner with customers to constantly optimize energy
     streams, decrease costs, and offer new products and services to prosumers.

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Smart and Efficient
                      The existing distribution grids were not built                   history of the assets, and the consumption data
                      to support decentralized energy generation,                      provided by smart meters will provide real-time
                      distributed energy storage systems, or virtual                   insight into the health of the grid.
                      power plants. In 2025, we expect that distribution
                      grids will be equipped with sensors similar to                   These insights will allow smarter maintenance
                      today's transportation grids. Utilities will use                 and investment decisions, lower maintenance
                      smarter asset management with fully digital                      costs, and a risk-based maintenance strategy
                      allocation of spare parts, work, and logistics                   through:
                      services. Smart asset operation and
                                                                                        Just-in-time triggering of maintenance orders
                      maintenance will ensure cost-efficient,
                                                                                        Maintenance schedules based on real-time
                      compliant, and safe power distribution.                            asset health status and failure prediction
                                                                                        Accommodation of the grids to a bidirectional
                      Intelligent software will connect the distribution                 flow of electricity
                      grid and bring together information from opera-                   Collaboration in business networks with
                      tional and business systems. Together, the                         manufacturers and suppliers throughout the
                      granular data from the sensors, the maintenance                    asset lifecycle

                                                                                       See Figure 2.

                      Figure 2: Intelligent Asset Management

                                                                                       “With the help of SAP, we are transforming to a
                                                                                       'live' digital enterprise to better serve customers.”
                                                                                       – Gary Hayes, CIO, CenterPoint Energy 8

                       CenterPoint Energy implemented the SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service solution to enable in-depth knowledge of the health
                       of grid assets and support for maintenance and investment decisions.9

Four Priorities for Success
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Anticipate Grid


         Work order                                        Maintenance work              Asset status is        Second visit to the    Maintenance work is
         process is triggered                              order is manually             determined on-site;    asset is required to   confirmed on paper,
         by static preventive                              scheduled and then            required spare parts   perform maintenance    and the asset
         maintenance plans                                 printed.                      or resources might     work.                  management system
         or failure notes.                                                               be missing.                                   is updated the next


          Work order process                             Precise                         Maintenance work
          is triggered by asset                          knowledge of the                is confirmed, and
          health predictions                             asset status allows             asset status is
          based on granular                              automatic allocation            updated in real
          sensor data or by                              of the right resources          time via the mobile
          real-time condition                            and spare parts and             asset management
          monitoring.                                    optimizes the route.            application.


        44%                                                               8%–10%
        Reduction in unplanned downtime                                   Reduction of maintenance costs
        Source: Based on results from early adopters of                   Source: Trenitalia
        SAP S/4HANA

        The foundation for smart distribution is transparency of the current and even future status of the grid assets.
        Based on this transparency, maintenance becomes more efficient and outages will be avoided.

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Demand and Supply
                       Balancing Services
                    The transformation to renewable energy sources                      In addition, the intermittent nature of renewable
                    requires the decentralization of the infrastructure.                energy sources forces energy to be conserved
                    In 2025, we expect decentralized power genera-                      during off-peak periods using environmentally
                    tion will be the primary source for overall energy                  friendly technologies. For the same reason,
                    production. Centralized power generation –                          it makes sense to provide consumers with
                    where the utility has full control over all generation              incentives to save energy during peak periods.
                    capacities – is moving toward energy production
                    based on local entities such as solar panels and                    We expect a long transitional period during which
                    wind mills, for example. Consequently, utilities                    traditional energy sources must remain integrated
                    will need real-time access to the data these                        into the supply system. Over that period, utilities
                    entities generate to manage overall grid balance                    will equip residential customers with smart meter
                    and stability. See Figure 3.                                        technologies. In parallel, decentralized power
                                                                                        generation will increase with the continuous
                    However, decentralized production output can                        installation of solar panels, wind parks, and so on.
                    be unstable due to the weather. On the one hand,                    Bidirectional connectivity to these smart meters
                    it makes sense to create renewable energy near                      and entities for decentralized power generation
                    the point of consumption. On the other hand,                        will be key to optimizing the grid.
                    renewable energy is most effectively created
                    where population density – and thus local                           Once such a digital energy network is in place,
                    consumption – is low.                                               real-time energy settlement calculations can be
                                                                                        executed flexibly. Moreover, customers will par-
                                                                                        ticipate in load-shifting programs for their overall
                                                                                        energy reduction, and all market participants will
                                                                                        guarantee grid stability.

                     Figure 3: Digital Energy Network

                   55%                        Of utilities will derive 20% of gross margin on average from combined distributed generation and storage
                                              packages for prosumers by 2021.10

                 ReNew Power, a renewable-energy independent power producer in India, is tracking the real-time status of its
                 invoicing for enhanced billing capabilities with SAP solutions.

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Data Is Key to Balancing
Demand and Supply


       Upload of meter                                    Quality check             Planning and           Visualization and      Sending of relevant
       reading and profile                                and collection            execution of           evaluation of final    information to other
       data with high                                     of relevant               energy settlement      results through        market participants
       manual effort                                      information for           run with long          enhanced reports
                                                          energy settlement         runtimes due to        and manual
                                                                                    high data volume       interaction


       Import of relevant                                 ML algorithms to          Real-time execution    Visualization and      Provisioning and
       information through                                support and enable        and provision of       evaluation of final    distribution of energy
       an industry-wide                                   the high quality          scheduled energy       results through        settlement results
       standard                                           standard of imported      settlement processes   instant results and    through a cloud-
                                                          metered data                                     standard operational   based environment


     Efficient process handling through                                  Increase in on-time deliveries         Reduction in total manufacturing costs
     ML algorithms
     Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

     The success of the demand and supply balancing services is correlated with the availability, reliability, and fine
     granularity of data generated in the digital energy network.

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Omnichannel Retail to
                   Digitalized Consumers
                   In 2025, utilities will have moved from the                                    To get there, energy utilities must change their
                   traditional one-direction customer relationship                                business model to offset shrinking margins
                   to a cooperative prosumer relationship, where                                  in the commodity business. Energy and water
                   consumers both generate and consume                                            efficiency, distributed energy resources such as
                   electricity. As a result, utilities will need to store                         solar or wind, storage, and smart home devices
                   and manage electricity coming from outside                                     all require increased automation and artificial
                   their domain and act as an energy marketplace,                                 intelligence. To serve the digital prosumer,
                   rather than as a simple provider.                                              energy utilities must adopt an intelligent front
                                                                                                  and back office, connected with meters through
                                                                                                  the Internet of Things. See Figure 4.

                    Figure 4: The Digital Prosumer Journey

                                                                    INSTALLATION AND
                     RESEARCH AND PURCHASE                                                          USE AND GENERATION           PERSONALIZED SUPPORT

                     Ability to be a trusted advisor              Transparency in order           Transparency and             Proactive personalized
                      and support customer                          fulfilment and installation      accuracy in billing of        notification and feedback
                      “events” such as moving to                                                     commodity and non-            regarding offers, bills, use,
                                                                   Timely delivery and                                            generation, storage,
                      a new home or building a                      installation of equipment        commodity products
                      house                                                                          and services                  trends, outages, and
                                                                    and services                                                   emergencies in a timely
                     Value of the customer,                                                        One utility invoice as a      fashion
                                                                   On-time energizing of
                      handling switch bonus, and                    equipment and meters             way to pay for everything
                      attracting loyal customers                                                                                  Self-service and intelligent
                                                                                                    Constant feedback             bots as a way to act
                                                                   Activation of contracts
                     Personalized offers, pricing,                                                  collection during use to      conveniently anytime
                                                                    and devices
                      and education based on                                                         adjust interactions with
                      “experience data”, individual                Captured feedback                the customer
                      consumption, and generation                   from customers on the
                      patterns, installed equipment,                installation
                      and devices
                     Purchasing products and
                      services online

                   39%                        Of customers are interested in self-generation technologies such as solar or small wind, but
                                              only 28% of them would buy from their energy supplier.11

                   20%                        Of digitally determined utilities’ revenues will come from new products and services by 2022.12

                     Improving Revenue and Time to Market
                     First Energy Corp., based in Akron, Ohio, has fulfilled its needs to grow its consumer product business from small to large, increase
                     revenue, expand its online presence, and empower its marketing and operational support group. After only five months, the company
                     is selling new products to current and new customers.

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Putting the Prosumer
in the Center

                                               Multiservice Relationship with the Digital Prosumer


         Customer closes                                    Utility delivers         Utility measures            Utility bills            Utility responds to
         contract for point of                              energy.                  consumption.                customer.                requests of customer.


                         Consumes, generates,                                                                         Relies on e-mobility for
                            and stores energy                                                                         sustainable transportation needs

         Desires or owns a smart home to                                                                              Requires automation to aid decision-
       increase comfort and reduce risks                                                                              making and optimize behavior

                                                                               Trades energy through a
                                                                               distributed ledger (blockchain)


    Increase revenue from new business                                         Reduce customer churn
    Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

    The emergence of prosumers and increasing environmental and energy awareness broadens the scope of customer
    interactions. To win the prosumer, utilities must have insight into the customer profile.

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Energy Gets Intelligent

To execute on these four strategic priorities, companies need to
change the way they operate. By shifting routine tasks from
humans to business systems enabled by machine learning, and by
redesigning processes, they will free up the capacity needed to
define and pursue innovative and transformative business models.
See Figure 5.

    Figure 5: Strategic Priorities Across Lines of Business

                                                   Enterprise asset
                                                                                       Metering                    Customer experience                Bill to cash
                                                      Today       Tomorrow               Today    Tomorrow             Today     Tomorrow
                                                   Reactive       Predictive       Manual meter   Automated         Standard     Customized
                                                maintenance       maintenance          readings   meter analysis       billing   customer contracts

             Distributed                                                                      Meter                                                       Today      Tomorrow
                                                             Asset                                                        Customer
             energy resource                                 health                          analysis                    engagement                    Standard      Instant and
             operations                                                                                                                            billing cycles    accurate billing

             Intelligent                                                                                                                                        Billing
             and efficient                                                                                                                                      cycles
                                                                                                                       Today     Tomorrow
                                                     Today        Tomorrow                                         Energy use    Commodity and
                                               One-way flow       Bidirectional                                     contracts    noncommodity
                                                  of energy       flow of energy                                                 products and services

             and supply                                     Digital                                                      Products and
                                                           prosumer                                                                                         Today    Tomorrow
             balancing                                                                                                     services
             services                                                                    Today    Tomorrow                                               Standard    Customized
                                                                                         Latent   Real-time                                                energy    subscription
                                                                                    information   detection                                              contracts   billing

             Omnichannel                                                                     Fraud                                                              Billing
             retail to                                                                      detection                                                          contracts

Four Priorities for Success
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Advanced Analytics
Empowered users can get real-time visibility into their changing business
performance, simulate the impact of business decisions, mitigate risk, and
achieve better customer outcomes with the help of intelligent insights.

The Internet of Things
Data-driven insights of customer preferences can drive better operations,
lower maintenance costs, and reduce risk of failure. Intelligent assets can be
                                                                                    Of utility CEO’s will have access to an
jointly managed as digital twins by manufacturers, utilities, and partners,         intelligent personal assistant at work
thereby improving shared remote condition monitoring of assets,                     by 202113
collaborative access to real-time data, and vendor-optimized predicted
                                                                                    $1.2 trillion
                                                                                    Will be the amount spent on the
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning                                        Internet of Things in 202214
Utilities can use artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to

eliminate repetitive manual tasks such as service ticket management or by
applying machine learning to historical data to streamline the quotation
process for configurable products.                                                  Reduction in revenue losses will
                                                                                    result due to artificial intelligence
                                                                                    being applied to revenue protection
Robotic Process Automation                                                          by 202015
Robotic process automation streamlines repetitive, rule-based processes

and tasks in an enterprise and reduces cost through the use of software
robots by replicating specific tasks or keystrokes.
                                                                                    Of digital transformation
                                                                                    initiatives will use AI services
Conversational AI and Digital Assistants                                            by 201916
Voice interfaces will be the go-to technology for the next generation of

applications, allowing for greater simplicity, mobility, and efficiency while
increasing worker productivity and reducing the need for training.
                                                                                    Of new industrial robots
Virtual and Augmented Reality                                                       will leverage AI by 201917

Already in use to help workers with difficult or infrequent maintenance
activities, this will become even more critical to attract and retain new talent.

Blockchain is revolutionizing the movement and storage of value by creating
a chain of unalterable transactional data. The blockchain model of trust,
through distributed digital consensus, could reshape supply chains and
commerce, including digitalizing the trade of energy and automating cross-
company collaboration in microgrids.

Key Technologies
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

                  Companies will become intelligent enterprises on three distinct tracks. They will:

                                       1. Optimize what they already do by implementing a stable and scalable digital core
                                          to make processes more transparent and integrated

                                       2. Extend their current processes by connecting them to the real world using
                                          Internet-of-Things technologies

                                       3. Transform their business using a constant stream of data enabling new service-
                                          driven business models (See Figure 6)

                  Figure 6: Strategic Priorities Across the Maturity Framework

                                                                        OPTIMIZE                     EXTEND                   TRANSFORM
                                                                                                                                                           VISION 2025

                                                                  Management of the                                        Support for personal         Customer centricity
                               Distributed energy                                             Inclusion of analytics and
                                                                  increase of small-sized                                  mobility needs making
                                                                                              predictive capabilities in                                (personalized
                               resource operations                energy generation and                                    use of customer-
                                                                                              B2C operations
                                                                                                                           produced energy              offerings)

                                                                  Digital end-to-end
                                                                  process from the sensor     Maintenance strategy and     Digital collaboration with
                               Smart and efficient                                                                                                      Self-healing
                                                                  in the grid of the mobile   investment plans based on    other stakeholders during
                               distribution                       device of the field         asset health predictions     the asset lifecycle          networks

                                                                  Continuous rollout of       Ongoing investment in
                               Demand and supply                                              local renewable energy       Real-time energy             Decentralized power
                                                                  smart meter
                               balancing services                 technologies                production (for example,     settlement calculations      generation

                               Omnichannel                        New business models                                      Support for market and
                                                                                              Big Data extensions of the                                Service provider for
                               retail to digitalized              including subscription                                   peer-to-peer trading of
                                                                                              B2C sales process                                         the prosumer
                               consumers                          and pay-per-use offerings                                energy flexibilities

Getting There: A Phased Approach
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
                                                                  FOR THE

                                                                  The Intelligent Enterprise framework is
                                                                  a suite of intelligent business applications
                                                                  that use intelligent technologies and can
                                                                  be extended on a digital platform. This
                                                                  enables next-generation business pro-
                                                                  cesses to deliver breakthrough business
                                                                  value on our customers’ journey to
                                                                  becoming intelligent enterprises. See
                                                                  Figure 7.

Getting There: A Phased Approach
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Figure 7: The Intelligent Enterprise Framework

                                                            Manufacturing       Core         People
                                                            & Supply Chain                 Engagement

                                  Customer                                                            Network & Spend
                                  Experience                                                           Management


                                                                   Intelligent Technologies

                                                                      AI/ML | IoT | Analytics


                                                               Data                         Cloud
                                                            Management                     Platform

Getting There: A Phased Approach
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
How to Plan Your Path to the
 Intelligent Enterprise

 In the digital economy, intelligent technologies and integrated
 business processes are now driving digital transformation.
 To do this effectively requires an end-to-end plan for becoming an intelligent enterprise. This includes
 creating an intelligent enterprise road map and implementation plan with proven best practices and
 deployment options that optimize for continuous innovation with a focus on intelligent outcomes.

      The End-to-End Journey to Becoming an Intelligent Enterprise

                Plan                                              Build and launch               Run                         Optimize
                well to manage                                    with proven best               all deployment              for continuous
                expectations                                      practices                      models                      innovation

                Simplify and innovate                             Standardize and                Run with one global         Optimize to realize
                 Reimagined business                             innovate                       support                     value
                  models, business                                 Model-company                 One global, consistent    Continuously captured
                  processes, and work                               approach to accelerate         experience                and realized benefits of
                                                                    adoption with model                                      digital transformation
                 SAP Digital                                                                     End-to-end support –
                                                                    industry solutions
                  Framework methodology                            Design thinking and      c     on premise, in the
                                                                                                   cloud, or with a hybrid
                  as a guide for digital                            rapid, tangible                approach
                  transformation                                    prototypes
                 Value-based innovation                           Coengineered industry
                  road maps                                         innovations delivered
                                                                    with agility

      To move forward with speed and agility, it helps to focus on live digital data and combine solution know-how and
      industry-specific process expertise with data analytics so that the right digital reference architecture is defined and
      delivered. In that context, a model-company approach is aimed at simplifying and increasing the speed of the digital
      transformation journey. Model companies represent the ideal form of standardization for a specific line of business
      or industry. They are built on preconfigured SAP solutions based on best practices supported by SAP, along with
      the business content that encompasses our experience and expertise relevant for the industry. They provide a
      comprehensive baseline and come with the accelerators to jump-start digital transformation projects.

Getting There: A Phased Approach
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Comprehensive SAP Ecosystem
Orchestrating the World to Deliver
Value Faster

      Our comprehensive utilities ecosystem offers integration into:
           Open architecture with a choice of hardware and          Forum for influence and knowledge
                                                                     Large skill sets
           Complementary and innovative third-party solutions
           Broad reach through partners to serve your
            business of any size anywhere in the world

     Our partner ecosystem includes, among others:

Getting There: A Phased Approach
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
SAP Is Committed
to Innovation

      10-Year Innovation Vision                                              Comprehensive Industry                      Proven Services Offering
      SAP delivers fully intelligent business                                Coverage                                    By bringing together world-class
      solutions and networks that span                                       SAP enables comprehensive                   innovators, industry and emerging
      across company boundaries and                                          coverage of the complete                    technology expertise, proven use
      promote purpose-driven businesses.                                     utilities value chain across the            cases, and design thinking methods,
      These solutions will be the most                                       enterprise. With its clear industry         we help utilities develop innovations
      empathic symbiosis between                                             road map, SAP is the partner of             that deliver impact at scale.
      machine intelligence and human                                         choice for the utilities industry.

       Self-running enterprise                                               More than 4,100 utilities in               Proven methodologies to drive
        systems                                                                97 countries are innovating with            innovation, from reimagining
       Self-organizing business                                               SAP solutions                               customer experiences to
        ecosystems                                                            93% of utility companies in                 enhancing operations
       New markets and business                                               the Forbes Global 2000 are                 Innovation that is fueled through
        models                                                                 SAP customers                               a managed innovation
                                                                              All lines of business are                   ecosystem from SAP
                                                                               supported on a single platform             Ability to build your own
                                                                                                                           innovation capability and culture

      SAP supports utilities companies in becoming intelligent enterprises – providing
      integrated business applications that use intelligent technologies and can be extended
      on SAP Cloud Platform to deliver breakthrough business value.

                                                         Learn more

                                                          for Utilities                      SAP Digital Business Services
                                                                 SAP Leonardo                               SAP Design Thinking

Getting There: A Phased Approach
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

      Outlined below is external research that was used as supporting material for this paper.

      1. TEPCO Web site, “Smart Meter Project,” TEPCO,            14. IDC, “IDC Forecasts Worldwide Technology
      2019.                                                       Spending on the Internet of Things to Reach
                                                                  $1.2 Trillion in 2022,” June 18, 2018.
      2. “The Digital Utilities Inspire and Shape a Digital
      World That Reinvents Power Generation,                      15. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Utilities 2019
      Transmission, Distribution, and Retail,” SAP white          Predictions,” Doc # US44555918, December 2018.
      paper, 2017.
                                                                  16. IDC, “Worldwide Spending on Cognitive and
      3.,4. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Utilities            Artificial Intelligence Systems Will Grow to $19.1
      2019 Predictions,” Doc # US44555918, December               Billion in 2018, According to New IDC Spending
      2018.                                                       Guide,” March 22, 2018.

      5., 6. John Villali, “Top 10 Worldwide Utilities 2019       17. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Utilities 2019
      Predictions,” IDC, November 28, 2018.                       Predictions,” Doc # US44555918, November 2018.

      7. Svetlana Jovanović, “Romania to Launch EUR 115
      Million Subsidy Program for Solar Prosumers,”
      Balkan Green Energy News, February 2019.                    Note: All sources cited as “SAP” or “SAP
                                                                  Performance Benchmarking” are based on
      8. Thor Olavsrud, “SAP's HANA Vora Bridges Divide           our research with customers through our
      Between Enterprise and Hadoop Data,” CIO, March             benchmarking program and other direct
      15, 2016.                                                   interactions with customers.

      9. “CenterPoint Energy Collaborates with Accenture,
      SAP on Asset Analytics,” T&D World, November 10,

      10. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry
      2018 Predictions,” Doc. #US43171317, October

      11. IDC, “The IoT Imperative for Energy and Natural
      Resources Companies,” IDC White Paper,
      sponsored by SAP, May 2017.

      12. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Utilities 2019
      Predictions,” Doc # US44555918, December 2018.

      13. “The Future of Jobs Report 2018,” World
      Economic Forum, September 2018.

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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