Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U

Page created by Terrance Jordan
Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Parent &
Family Guide
Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
From the President

I   am pleased that your family
    has chosen to join our Cal U

The transition from high school
to college can be exciting — and
a bit confusing, too. Like your
child, you may have questions
about University procedures
and campus life. This guide will
introduce you to a variety of
helpful resources, so you can
continue to be a dependable
source of information and support for your new Cal U student.

California University is committed to helping students achieve
success, and I encourage you to remain an active partner in this
endeavor. Your support and encouragement will play an important
role in your child’s higher education.

I wish your family the very best,

Robert J. Thorn
Interim University President
California University of Pennsylvania

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Table of Contents
Resources for Academic Success...................................................................... 4
Enhanced Academic Opportunities.................................................................... 6
Career Resources................................................................................................... 7
Money Matters........................................................................................................ 8
Privacy Information and FERPA.......................................................................... 9
Health and Safety.................................................................................................10
Parking and Transportation................................................................................12
University Housing/Dining Services..................................................................13
Commuter and Non-Traditional Students.......................................................14
Office of Military and Veterans Affairs.............................................................14
Student Activities and Leadership.....................................................................15
New Student Events.............................................................................................15
University Technology Services.........................................................................16
Parent/Family Engagement...............................................................................17
Stay in Touch With Your Student......................................................................19
Area Hotels............................................................................................................19
Important Phone Numbers.................................................................................20
Academic Calendar..............................................................................................21
Campus Map.........................................................................................................22

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Resources for Academic Success
The Office of Academic Success provides             Academic counselors in the Scheduling
students with the learning resources they           Center assist students with course
need to achieve personal and academic               scheduling and provide information
goals. The friendly staff offers academic           on academic policies and procedures,
consultation for undecided majors;                  general education and major
coordinates the Four-Year Graduation                requirements.
Plan and Peer Mentoring programs;
serves those in need of improving                   Scheduling Center
academic skills; provides scheduling                Contact information: 724-938-1608 or
and placement testing assistance; and     
offers other programs to help all students          211 Noss Hall
achieve success.
                                                    PLACEMENT TESTING CENTER
Office of Academic Success                          Appropriate course placement is
Contact information: 724-938-1523 or                important to student success. Depending                            on SAT/ACT scores or transfer credits,
103 Noss Hall                                       freshmen and transfer students may
                                                    take placement tests in math and
THE FOUR-YEAR GRADUATION PLAN                       writing. Students who do not achieve
Cal U’s Four-Year Graduation Plan is a              predetermined scores must enroll in
commitment to help students stay on                 applicable developmental courses.
track and reach their degree in four years.         Placement testing for new students and
The no-cost program provides eligible               retesting for current students is offered
students with a combination of advising,            throughout the year. The center also
priority course scheduling and individual           offers tests for students who wish to
attention, which helps students stay on             obtain college credits in English, business,
the path to success. Eligible students              math, social sciences and natural
enrolled in a four-year program and who             sciences. Information for CLEP and DSST
begin in the fall are automatically enrolled.       Programs is available by searching “prior
The Four-Year Graduation Plan reinforces            learning assessment” at
Cal U’s commitment to student success.
                                                    Placement Testing Center
Four-Year Graduation Plan                           Contact information: 724-938-5779 or
Contact information: 724-938-5217 or                                             215 Noss Hall
103 Noss Hall

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Peer mentors are current students who            The Vulcan Learning Commons (VLC) is
volunteer to assist new students with            a one-stop academic hub where students
the adjustment to college by offering            can access free academic resources and
guidance, encouragement and friendship.          receive academic tutorial support. Peer
Peer mentors know a great deal about             tutors assist with writing, reading and
academic and campus life, such as                course-specific tutoring. The VLC has
campus resources, student organizations,         two centers: The Foundry Writing Center
great study spots and the best places to         and the Learning Assistance Center. The
eat or shop. Having a peer mentor gives          VLC services include individual tutoring,
new students an edge. Over the past 10           supplemental instruction (SI) and study
years, Cal U freshmen with a peer mentor         groups in a face-to-face or online format.
have returned for their sophomore
year at a 10% to 13% higher rate than            Vulcan Learning Commons
freshmen without peer mentors. The               Contact information:
peer mentoring program is also open to
transfer students during their first year        Foundry Writing Center
at Cal U. Any student who is interested in       724-938-4336
receiving a peer mentor should contact           110 Noss Hall
the mentoring office for application             Learning Assistance Center
information.                                     724-938-5893
                                                 115 Noss Hall
Peer Mentoring Program
                                                 To self-schedule:
Contact information: 724-938-1682 or
120 Noss Hall                                    OFFICE FOR STUDENTS WITH
                                                 DISABILITIES (OSD)
SUCCESS CENTER                                   California University of Pennsylvania
The Success Center is a centralized              welcomes otherwise qualified students
academic resource for all students.              with disabilities. The University
We offer students the opportunity to             recognizes its responsibility to these
become engaged and competent learners            students as guided by Section 504
by providing a path to develop and               of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
strengthen important academic skills             as amended, and the Americans
for success. We proudly provide a wide           with Disabilities Act, as amended.
range of student support services, one-          Reasonable accommodations that
on-one training, workshops and academic          maintain fundamental university
resources that can be tailored to meet           standards are available to ensure
individual student needs. Students can           access and participation. Requests for
make an appointment or walk-in during            accommodations should be submitted to
posted office hours.                             OSD and must adhere to established OSD
                                                 accommodation procedures.
The Success Center
Contact information: 724-938-4320 or             Office for Students with Disabilities                           Contact information: 724-938-5781 or
202 Noss Hall                          
                                                 G-35 Carter Hall

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Enhanced Academic Opportunities
Built on a foundation of research,               Cal U offers students various
opportunity and community, the University        opportunities to add study abroad
Honors Program offers students the               experience as part of their college
chance to challenge themselves, discover         education. Cal U students have
and excel. Honors students live, study           participated in faculty-led study abroad
and socialize together in Smith Residence        opportunities as well as programs offered
Hall. They take a group of core small-           by study abroad organizations with high-
enrollment general education courses             quality, accredited academic services.
led by Cal U’s finest faculty. Working           Options include spending one to two
with faculty mentors, honors students            weeks, several weeks over the summer
also conduct independent research and            or a full semester abroad. Students can
creative projects. Honors students travel        earn credit toward general education
to share their research at conferences           or major requirements with approval of
and pursue experiential learning programs        their academic advisor. Cal U works with
in locations such as New York, Oxford,           students to find the right study abroad
Ireland and Spain. Upon completing               program in terms of academics, budget
the Honors Program, students earn a              and personal interests. To learn more,
medallion to be worn at Commencement             visit
and a notation on their transcript and           or contact
diploma. Connect with the “Cal U Honors
Program” on Facebook and @CalUHonors             INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS
on Instagram and Twitter.                        The University welcomes international
University Honors Program                        students from many countries each
Contact information: 724-938-4535 or             academic year. International students                                  provide cultural diversity and bring a new
171 Smith Hall                                   perspective to the institution and the
                                                 surrounding community. As a university
                                                 community, we are committed to working
International                                    together to meet the needs of enrolled
                                                 international students and to provide each
Programming                                      with a sense of belonging. International
                                                 students are provided the opportunities
and Study Away                                   to experience not only American culture,
                                                 but other cultures represented on campus
NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE                        as well. The International Club also plays
National Student Exchange (NSE)                  a key role in promoting an exchange
inspires academic enrichment, personal           of cultural and global perspectives to
exploration and student development              enhance each student’s experience in the
by facilitating collegiate study away            United States.
among over 170 member colleges and
                                                 Principal Designated School Official (PDSO)
universities throughout the United States,
                                                 – Kevin Eggleston 724-938-4478
Canada and U.S. Territories. Students
pay the same or less as they earn credit
                                                 Designated School Official – Tracey Sheetz
toward general education or major
                                                 Room 219B Dixon Hall
requirements. To learn more, visit
or contact

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Career Resources                                  THE INTERNSHIP CENTER
                                                  An internship can help a student decide
                                                  on a career path and also improves their
CAREER AND                                        chances of landing a full-time job after
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                          graduation. Internship opportunities
It is never too early for your student to         allow students to test-drive careers, hone
begin gaining a Career Advantage.                 professional skills, build resumes, network
                                                  and gain an edge in the job market.
Caring staff at the Career and Professional
Development Center help students:                 The Internship Center assists students
 • Explore majors and career options.             with finding an internship that fits their
                                                  major and interests and is the central
 • Gain hands-on experience through
                                                  resource for students to learn about
   cooperative education, paid career-
                                                  the internship process. Cal U students
   related experience and internships.            participate in internships locally, across
 • Prepare for a job search or graduate           the country and around the world.
   school application, including resume           Sponsor organizations have included
   and LinkedIn profile development,              the Pittsburgh Steelers, UPMC, Walt
   interviewing skills and learning how to        Disney World, PNC Bank, Ocean City
   conduct a successful job or grad               Police Department, Fort Necessity
   school search.                                 National Battlefield and the United States
 • Connect with employers and Cal U               Department of State, among thousands
   graduates through job fairs, online job        of others.
   postings and networking events.
 • Transition from college to work after          California University of Pennsylvania also
   graduation through our career services         partners with The Washington Center for
   for alumni.                                    Internships and Academic Seminars in
                                                  Washington, D.C., which places interns
Every student has a career coach, who will        in agencies such as Interpol, the Drug
help them gain a Career Advantage.                Enforcement Administration and the
                                                  Environmental Protection Agency.
Career and Professional
Development Center                                Internship Center
Contact information: 724-938-4413 or              Contact information: 724-938-1578 or                         
138 Natali Student Center                         138 Natali Student Center

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Money Matters
OFFICE OF STUDENT ACCOUNTS                           will be able to fulfill the dream of a
The Student Accounts Office handles                  college education. For Cal U Financial
billing for tuition, housing and fees and            Aid application steps and additional
allows students and parents to stay on               information, please visit
top of billing matters. Student accounts             Financial Aid Office
are billed each semester, and payments               Contact information: 724-938-4415 or
are due approximately two weeks after      
the initial bill is issued. All statements are       105 Dixon Hall
issued electronically and may be viewed
online at A paper
                                                     CALCARD OFFICE
bill is mailed once per semester to the
student’s permanent address.                         Your student’s CalCard is much more
                                                     than just a campus ID card. The CalCard
Students may designate another individual            provides an easy payment method for a
as an “authorized user” by visiting        host of campus offerings. Students can use
paymybill. Once an authorized user has               the CalCard for access to campus events;
been set up, that individual must complete           purchases at on-campus dining locations,
the registration in order to have online             vending machines, residence hall laundry
access to the student’s billing statements.          facilities and the University Bookstore; and
                                                     even complimentary rides on Mid Mon
Students and authorized users may make               Valley Transit Authority bus routes.
payments online using a credit card or
electronic check. All tuition balances are           The CalCard Office is located at the
due in full by the due date unless the               Information Desk, on the lower level of the
student enrolls in an authorized payment             Natali Student Center. Students can access
plan. Accounts that are not paid in full by          their CalCard eAccount, and parents/
the due date, or not enrolled in a payment           guests can use the guest deposit feature at
plan, will be subject to a $50 late payment
fee assessment for each missed due
date. Cal U requires direct deposit for any          BANKING/FINANCIAL SERVICES
credit balances on a student account. To
                                                     On-campus financial services are offered
set up direct deposit, students must visit
                                                     to students and their families through
“Direct Deposit Refunds” in VIP.
                                                     the Pennsylvania State Employees Credit
Office of Student Accounts                           Union (PSECU). In addition to a debit
Contact information: 724-938-4431 or                 card, a student can elect to have their                             CalCard activated for use as an ATM card
118 Dixon Hall                                       associated with their PSECU account.
                                                     ATMs are located at Natali Student Center,
FINANCIAL AID OFFICE                                 the Convocation Center and Dixon Hall.
                                                     The PSECU Financial Education Center
Your student’s education is one of the
                                                     is located on the first floor of the Natali
most important investments your family
                                                     Student Center, Room 136. A PSECU
will ever make, but paying for college
                                                     account is here for you and your student
can seem overwhelming. The Financial
                                                     during college, after graduation and for life!
Aid Office is here to help. Financial
aid is designed to supplement your                   Additional information can be found at
family’s resources so that your student    

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Privacy Information and FERPA
PRIVACY ACT (FERPA)                                   The Parent/Guest Portal is the exclusive
The FERPA is a federal law that protects              means by which a student can establish
college students’ privacy and grants them             FERPA proxy access to give parents or
the exclusive right to view and share                 guests direct access to their financial,
their education records, such as grades,              billing or academic records. The portal
transcripts, financial aid, billing information       offers parents and other trusted individuals
and class schedules. Under the federal law,           a secure and convenient means for viewing
colleges and universities may not disclose            student information. Registration for the
education records to anyone other than                Parent/Guest Portal must be initiated
the student without consent. California               by a student. Visit and search
University has created the Cal U Parent/              “parent/guest portal” for details on setting
Guest Portal, a secure online solution                up an account and accessing the Parent/
that enables students to make choices                 Guest Portal. Parents and guests with
regarding access to such information.                 FERPA proxy access should be mindful
Students will receive instructions for                of their “passphrase,” a special word or
creating a parent/guest account. Once                 phrase chosen by the student for parents
an account has been created, parents or               and trusted individuals to use for identity
guests will receive further instructions              verification when contacting the University
for accessing the Parent/Guest Portal.                with questions about student records.
Because students’ rights are protected
under FERPA, a student may restrict the               Note: Parents and guests may make
information that a parent or guest is able            student account payments through
to access, and the student may revoke                 Touchnet, a separate platform for bill-
access at any time.                                   pay. Registration for Touchnet is done
                                                      separately from the Parent/Guest Portal.
For more information about FERPA and
California University’s disclosure policies,          For assistance, please contact
please visit: and search “FERPA”.            724-938-4361 or

Parent & Family Guide 2021-2022 - Cal U
Health and Safety
                                                  HEALTH AND WELLNESS
                                                  EDUCATION CENTER
                                                  The Health and Wellness Education
                                                  Center provides students a space with
                                                  information on current health topics and
                                                  resources about healthy living that they
                                                  may use for programming, educational
                                                  purposes or personal use. Free materials
                                                  are available for students of all years that
                                                  cover a wide variety of topics, ranging
                                                  from mental health to healthy-eating
                                                  habits. The center is also the meeting
                                                  place for Cal U’s Health and Education
                                                  Awareness Resource Team (HEART),
                                                  an organization dedicated to promoting
                                                  health and wellness information and
                                                  inspiring their peers to maintain healthy
                                                  lifestyles through individual consultations
                                                  and interactive events. The Student
                                                  Wellness Support Center also houses the
                                                  Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Education
                                                  Center, the Prevention Awareness
STUDENT WELLNESS CENTER                           Recovery Center (PARC), and the BASICS
The Student Wellness Center is staffed by         and CASICS alcohol and marijuana
a medical director, a certified registered        education programs. Together these
nurse practitioner and registered nurses.         programs form a comprehensive strategy
Services are free of charge to all                to improve well-being; reduce underage
students and include medical treatments,          drinking and other drug abuse among
referrals and healthy lifestyle education.        students; and promote the ideals of
Telemedicine or face-to-face visits are           safety and wellness to all Cal U students.
available by appointment. Required
                                                  Health and Wellness Education and Drug
services outside the capabilities of the
                                                  and Alcohol Contact information:
Health Center are billed and processed
                                                  724-938-4775 or
through the student’s private health
                                                  G-45 Carter Hall
insurance by the healthcare facility
visited. Students must call 724-938-4232
before visiting the Health Center. IN CASE
OF EMERGENCY, CALL 9-1-1 or Public
Safety at 724-938-4299. COVID-19 testing
is available on-site by appointment, or
referral to an outside agency may be
necessary for testing. The Health Center
is open 24 hours per day Monday through
Friday and is closed on weekends.
Wellness Center Contact information:
G-53 Carter Hall

COUNSELING CENTER                                 on any campus phone or using one of the
The Counseling Center provides free               call boxes located throughout campus.
psychological services to students.               (You can identify call boxes by the bright
Services include brief individual                 blue light on top.)
counseling, crisis intervention and
referrals. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,            If serious issues affecting public safety
Monday through Friday, when school                should arise, known facts will be
is in session. Crisis support outside             communicated immediately. Information
the center’s normal business hours is             will be released through a variety of
available through Campus Police                   channels, such as the Cal U website,
(724-938-4357). If off campus, please             campus email, Cal U Text Alerts and the
call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number.        University hotline.
For the National Crisis Text Line, text
HOME to 741741. The Counseling Center             CAL U TEXT ALERTS
helps students handle personal issues and         Cal U Text Alerts is a cellphone text-
stressful situations, such as relationship        message system that provides notification
distress, academic difficulties, anxiety,         of emergency situations that may affect
depression and substance abuse.                   the campus community. Students can
                                                  register for Cal U Text Alerts by accessing
Counseling Center Contact information:            the “Text Alerts” link at
724-938-4056                                      Once a student has registered for Cal U
G-53 Carter Hall                                  Text Alerts, they may choose to add a
                                                  second cell phone number. Accounts are
To set up a regular non-emergency                 active for two year. Students will receive
appointment, students can also email              notification when it’s time to re-register.
Rachel Michaels at
                                                  Cal U Text Alert hours:
SAFETY                                            24 hours a day, 7 days a week
California University is committed to   
the safety and security of all students,
staff, faculty and visitors. Campus police        FOR EMERGENCIES:
officers conduct foot and vehicle patrols         724-938-H-E-L-P (4357) or 911
on a 24-hour basis, providing around-the-         California University Police Department:
clock assistance. Students can make               724-938-4299
reports by dialing H-E-L-P (4357) or 9-1-1        Pollock Maintenance Building

Parking and Transportation
PARKING PERMITS                                     Students who fail to renew the parking
The University has a managed parking                permit will need to return the expired
system that requires anyone who will                permit and place themselves back on a
have a vehicle on campus to register it             waiting list for future permit availability.
and purchase a parking permit. Individuals
who are on campus for only a few hours              BUS AND SHUTTLE SERVICE
each week may elect to pay hourly with              The Vulcan Flyer shuttle transports
the pay-by-license meters in Lot 11 behind          students between main campus and
Gallagher Hall or Lot 17 behind Natali              Roadman Park/Vulcan Village and
Student Center.                                     Brownsville Walmart. Students use their
                                                    CalCard to ride for FREE, and all Vulcan
New students who have registered for                Flyer shuttles are handicap accessible.
classes and received their Cal U email              Students can also use their CalCard to
login and password may access parking               hop onto the Local 2 or the Shoppers
account information via the “Parking” link          Shuttle and head to the Walmart in West
at                         Brownsville or ride the Mid Mon Valley
                                                    Transit Authority (MMVTA) bus from
When purchasing a permit, new students              campus to Pittsburgh. All schedules and
may place their name on a waiting list for          route maps can be found at MMVTA’s
a specific lot, and an award letter will be         website,
emailed via their University email. Award
letters are sent out one to two weeks prior         Vulcan shuttles have a GPS vehicle location,
to the start of the semester. At that time,         and students are encouraged to sign up
a student may access their online parking           for Rider Alerts, which provides information
account and purchase a permit. Permits              about delays or weather-related concerns.
are mailed in advance of the semester.
During this period, students may also               During holiday breaks or when the University
place their name on a waiting list for other        is closed, the Student Association Business
lots, in case any spaces become available.          Office offers (for a small fee) shuttle service
Students who do not get an award email              from main campus to the Pittsburgh
may contact the Parking Department to               International Airport, the Greyhound bus
see which lots are available. Students              and Amtrak train stations, and the Megabus
who have not received an award email will           pickup at the David L. Lawrence Convention
not be able to purchase a permit online; it         Center. Reservations are needed.
must be done in-office or over the phone.
                                                    For more information about the shuttle
                                                    service during breaks, call 724-938-4303
Permits are renewable and should be
                                                    or email
renewed prior to the permit expiration date.

University Housing/Dining Services
HOUSING                                            nutritious meals at a reasonable cost.
Campus living provides students with               Dining locations provide an important
enhanced opportunities to engage with              environment for student interaction
other students, develop new friendships            and socialization. Students living in a
and enjoy a strong sense of community.             residence hall, as well as commuters,
Incoming freshmen are required to                  may choose from a variety of meal plans.
reside in University Housing for the first         All students who live in a university
four semesters at Cal U (unless they               residence hall must participate in the
are commuting from their permanent                 meal plan program.
home address within a 50-mile radius of
campus). Cal U offers living arrangements          More information on meal plans can be
based on individual lifestyle preferences,         found at:
including a variety of room configurations
for one to four roommates. However,
the majority are two-person standard               Cal U Cupboard
rooms. There are five main-campus
residence halls. Each hall is equipped with        The Cal U Cupboard assists our students
a computer lab, community room, large-             by providing food, academic supplies and
screen TV and DVD player, full kitchen,            personal hygiene items, so they can continue
game area and vending machines.                    on the path toward graduation. Operated
                                                   by Cal U’s Center for Volunteer Programs
                                                   and Service Learning and supported by
University Housing Contact information:            our generous donors, the campus-based
724-938-4444 or                   food pantry helps to meet students’ basic
117 Residence Hall B                               needs with compassion and discretion. We
                                                   recognize that even ambitious, hard-working
DINING SERVICES                                    college students sometimes need a helping
The goal of University Dining Services             hand. Visit the Cupboard website at
is to provide a quality, cost-effective,  to request items,
innovative dining program for students             donate or learn more.
living on and off campus. The University
encourages student involvement and
awareness to help provide quality,

Commuter and
Traveling back and forth to campus
can add unique challenges as well as
opportunities to a commuting student’s
collegiate experience. The Office of
Commuter and Non-Traditional Student
Services helps connect all commuting
students with campus departments
and services, and provides resources,
programs and information to meet
their needs.

The Energy Zone, located on the first
level of the Natali Student Center, is
where the Office of Commuter and
Non-Traditional Student Services
(CNTSS) is located and where students
will find amenities such as lockers, a
refrigeration unit and a kitchenette.
Throughout campus, there are also
small commuter-friendly break areas
with vending options. Commuter Break
Pods in Coover Hall, Keystone Hall and
                                              Military and
Manderino Library have hard and soft
seating as well as printing and other
                                              Veterans Affairs
resources for students. Additionally,         The Office of Military and Veterans
the Commuter Council is the student           Affairs assists military-affiliated students
organization that offers commuters            with navigating the GI Bill®, obtaining
and other interested students                 tuition assistance and transitioning from
opportunities to support the needs            military life to higher education. They also
of commuter students.                         help students understand the different
                                              services and opportunities that Cal U has
Office of Commuter and                        to offer. This office works in conjunction
Non-Traditional Student Services              with the Department of Veterans Affairs
Contact information: 724-938-4021 or          to provide eligible military-affiliated                     students with referrals to the VA, as
Room 123 Natali Student Center                needed. Additionally, the Veterans Club at
                                              Cal U helps to build a sense of community
                                              among veterans attending the University.

                                              Office of Military and Veterans Affairs
                                              Contact information: 724-938-4076 or
                                              Building E Short Wing

Student Activities New Student
and Leadership     Events
Cal U students are encouraged to get                We look forward to welcoming our new
involved and put their leadership skills            students and their families to campus a
into practice. The University offers more           few days before classes start as we kick
than 100 clubs and organizations devoted            off Welcome Weekend. Refer to
to academic interests, the arts, campus             for updates.
communities, communications, faith and
religion, politics, volunteering, sports and        WELCOME WEEKEND
recreation, and more.                               Welcome Weekend provides first-year
                                                    students the opportunity to meet new
Leadership training is available to every           friends and explore campus before
student. Organizations such as Cal U                classes begin. Stay tuned for more
Student Government and the Student                  information about Welcome Weekend
Activities Board give students real-life            events.
leadership opportunities.
                                                    FAMILY DAY 2021
                                                    Visit for up-to-date information
Students can apply to the competitive               about Family Day.
Emerging Leaders program in the spring.
The program equips potential student
leaders with skills in public speaking,
team building, goal setting and conflict
resolution. It is designed to foster
ethical leadership and problem-solving
skills necessary for real-life leadership
situations and cross-cultural issues. For
more information, email

University Technology Services
UTECH HELP DESK                                   and also in the Instructional Computer
The Help Desk is ready to assist your             Facility (ICF) on the second floor of Noss
student with campus computing                     Hall. Students have access to any of the
concerns, help reset a password or                network services on campus. Printers and
answer questions about the Vulcan                 scanners are also available.
Information Portal (VIP).
Contact Information: 724-938-5911 or              Cal U has partnered with Wēpa, a provider                            of cloud-based printing services, to allow
219 Noss Hall                                     students and guests to print from any
                                                  device – computer, smart phone, tablet,
UTECH SERVICES DESK                               or USB flash drive. Students do not need
The Services Desk provides students               to visit a campus computer lab to print
with network registration assistance,             documents; however, students may print
anti-virus installation and updates, basic        from a lab to any of Cal U’s Wēpa kiosks.
computer virus removal, campus account            Wēpa kiosks are located across campus
username retrieval and password resets.           in Eberly, Keystone, Manderino Library,
Technicians also can help with mobile             Natali Student Center, Noss and Vulcan
email setup.                                      Village.

Contact Information: 724-938-5911 or              All students will receive an allotted                            amount of print credits at the start of the
219 Noss Hall                                     fall semester. Printing may also be paid
                                                  for using a CalCard, credit/debit card,
                                                  PayPal, Venmo or Wēpa account.
Even students who bring a computer                For more information about
to campus should know where the                   Cal U’s print services, visit
computer labs are located. There are    
computer labs in every residence hall

Parent/Family Engagement
In some ways, when children go off to            CAL U COMPASS E-NEWSLETTER
college, their parents and families do,          The Office of Parent and Family
too. Cal U gives families the resources          Engagement sends an electronic
they need to stay involved with their            newsletter, called the Cal U Compass,
student’s education, while recognizing           on a weekly to monthly basis. The
their growing independence. Whether              information in the newsletter is shared
you live 10 minutes from campus or               with students and families alike, and
10 hours away, staying “in the know” is          can serve as a point of connection
easy. We encourage you to take part in           between students and families. The Cal
the Cal U experience.                            U Compass is delivered to any preferred
                                                 email address by via
UNIVERSITY WEBSITE                               MailChimp. Those interested in signing up
Cal U has special pages of the University        for the e-newsletter may do so online at
website dedicated solely to the needs  
of families. Parents and families will
find timely information, key dates and           PARENT/GUEST PORTAL
deadlines, campus resources and                  The portal offers parents a secure online
events, and answers to frequently asked          and convenient means for viewing
questions. To access the parent/family           approved student information, including
pages, visit                    grades, financial aid and student
                                                 account/ billing details. It also provides
CAL U PARENTS &                                  a vehicle for enhanced communication
FAMILIES ON FACEBOOK                             between parents and students.
We invite you to join us on Facebook –           Registration for the Parent/Guest Portal
ask questions, get quick answers and             must be initiated by your student.
engage with other Cal U parents. Enjoy
                                                 See page 9 for more information.
all the benefits of the Cal U Parents and
Families online community at:

OFFICE OF PARENT AND                              Membership Benefits:
FAMILY ENGAGEMENT                                  • Exclusive emails and mailings
                                                   • Volunteer and service opportunities*
Do you need to speak directly with
                                                   • Discounts to the Cal U Bookstore, local
someone on campus? Begin by
                                                     hotels and more (when advertised)
contacting the Office of Parent and
                                                   • Free Cal U gear
Family Engagement. You’ll receive
                                                  *Volunteers may need to complete and
answers to your questions, guidance and
                                                  submit clearances, depending on the
informed support, and helpful referrals to
                                                  nature and duration of the event.
offices across campus.
                                                  Vulcan Family Association
Office of Parent and Family Engagement
                                                  Contact Information: 724-938-4617 or
Contact Information: 724-938-4361 or
105 Noss Hall
                                                  LEGACY FOR LIFE
VULCAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION                         The University has a proud history of
The mission of Vulcan Family Association          families who have shared the Cal U
(VFA) is to enrich the student experience         experience through the generations.
by actively engaging families in the              Students from “legacy families” have a
University community and serving as               parent, brother or sister, grandparent,
a communication link between the                  uncle or aunt who graduated from Cal U.
University and the families of future             We invite you to take part in our
and current undergraduate students.               Homecoming events, family weekends
It enables family members to actively             and alumni events on campus and in
participate and demonstrate Cal U pride,          your region.
support, and inspiration during the
college career of their Cal U student. VFA        University Development
members will also interact with and lend          Contact information: 724-938-4248 or
support to other Cal U family members.  
                                                  Kara Alumni House

Stay in Touch With Your Student
The format for a Cal U student email
address is — typically,
the first three letters of the student’s last
name, plus four random numerals.

To ensure a speedy on-campus delivery,               AREA HOTELS
please address postal deliveries to your
student like this:                                   Belle Vernon (I-70 Exit 43)
                                                     Hampton Inn: 724-929-8100
Student’s Proper Name (no nicknames)                 Holiday Inn Express: 724-930-0100
Building and Room Number or Box
Number                                               Bentleyville (I-70 Exit 32B)
California University of Pennsylvania                Best Western Garden Inn: 724-239-4321
250 University Ave.
                                                     Holiday Inn Express: 724-239-7700
California, PA 15419

For students living in Vulcan Village:               California (I-70 Exit 37A)
­­­Student’s Proper Name (no nicknames)              Hampton Inn and Suites:* 724-330-5820
Apartment Number
255 California Road                                  New Stanton (PA Turnpike Exit 75,
Brownsville, PA 15417                                I-70 Exit 57)
                                                     Econo Lodge: 724-925-6755
TIPS FOR MAILING                                     Super 8:* 724-856-0362
 1. When they receive a package,
    residence hall students get a                    Uniontown (Route 40)
    “package slip.” They’ll need it and their
                                                     Quality Inn and Suites: 724-434-1800
    campus ID to collect their package.
                                                     Hampton Inn: 724-430-1000
 2. If you’re tracking via USPS, delivery
    confirmation occurs when mail                    Park Inn by Radisson:* 724-437-2816
    reaches the California Borough Post
    Office, not Cal U’s mailroom.                    Washington, PA (I-70)
 3. Care packages from OCM need to be                Racetrack Road Hotel:* 724-223-5555
    picked up by your student as soon as             Comfort Inn and Suites: 724-884-0299
    possible.                                        Spring Hill Suites: 724-223-7800
 4. Food and medicine packages that                  Hampton Inn: 724-228-4100
    require refrigeration need to be picked
    up the same day they are delivered.
                                                     *Special rates for California University visitors
 5. Please do not send cash in the mail.

Visit and click “News and Media”
at the bottom of the homepage to view
University news, our Events Calendar, the
Cal U Journal and more.

Important Phone Numbers
Academic Records            End Violence Center          Parking and Transportation
122 Dixon Hall              117 Natali Student Center    123 Manderino Library
724-938-4434                724-938-5707                 724-938-4677

Alumni Relations            Financial Aid                Peer Mentoring
Kara Alumni House           105 Dixon Hall               120 Noss Hall
724-938-5775                724-938-4415                 724-938-1682

Academic Success            Honors Program               Public Safety/
103 Noss Hall               171 Smith Hall               University Police
724-938-1523                724-938-4535                 Pollock Maintenance
Admissions                  Housing and Residence Life   724-938-4299
201 Dixon Hall              117 Residence Hall B         724-938-4357 (HELP)
724-938-4404                724-938-4444                 (Emergency Aid)

Articulation and Transfer   International Programming    Placement Testing Center
312 Dixon Hall              219B Dixon Hall              215 Noss Hall
724-938-5939                724-938-4404                 724-938-5779

Athletics                   Internship Center            Scheduling Center
245 Hamer Hall              138 Natali Student Center    211 Noss Hall
724-938-4351                724-938-1578                 724-938-1608

Bookstore                   Mailroom                     Student Accounts
Natali Student Center       132 Dixon Hall               118 Dixon Hall
724-938-4324                724-938-4445                 724-938-4431

CalCard Office              Military and Veterans        Student Affairs
006 Natali Student Center   Affairs                      311 Natali Student Center
724-938-4300                Building E                   724-938-4439
Career and Professional                                  Students With
Development Center          Multicultural Center         Disabilities (OSD)
138 Natali Student Center   G-25 Carter Hall             G-35 Carter Hall
724-938-4413                724-938-5758                 724-938-5781

Commuter and                Natali Student Center        Success Center
Non-Traditional             Information Desk             202 Noss Hall
Student Services            004 Natali Student Center    724-938-4320
123 Natali Student Center   724-938-4300
724-938-4021                                             UTech Help Desk
                            Parent and Family            219 Noss Hall
Counseling Center           Engagement                   724-938-5911
G-53 Carter Hall            105 Noss Hall
724-938-4056                724-938-4361                 Wellness Center
                                                         and Health Services
                                                         G-53 Carter Hall

Academic Calendar
FALL 2021
Classes Begin.................................................................................................................. August 23
Add/Drop Period ends (with no financial or academic penalty)........................... August 30
Labor Day (No classes).............................................................................................September 6
Last Day to Apply for December 2021 Graduation........................................... September 24
Mid-Semester Break.......................................................................................................October 8
Midterm Grades Due.....................................................................................................October 12
Early Registration for Winter 2021.............................................................................October 18
Last Day to Withdraw from a Full-Term Course or the University.......................October 29
Registration for Spring 2022.................................................................................November 1-5
Thanksgiving Break............................................................................................ November 24-28
Classes End..................................................................................................................December 3
Exam Week.............................................................................................................December 6-10
Graduate School Commencement....................................................................... December 10
Undergraduate Commencement.......................................................................... December 11
Grades Due from Faculty ....................................................................................... December 14

Winter Session Begins............................................................................................. December 13
Add/Drop Period (with no financial or academic penalty)............................... December 16
Last Day to Apply for January 2022 Graduation................................................ December 22
Last Day to Withdraw from a Course or the University..................................... December 30
Winter Courses End..................................................................................................... January 12
Grades Due from Faculty ........................................................................................... January 14

Classes Begin for Full Term....................................................................................... January 18
Classes Begin for 1st 8-Week Term......................................................................... January 18
Add/Drop Period Ends (with no financial or academic penalty)......................... January 24
Last Day to Apply for May 2022 Graduation.......................................................... February 11
Spring Break..................................................................................................................March 7-11
Classes End for 1st 8-Week Term.................................................................................March 18
Midterm Grades Due........................................................................................................March 18
Classes Begin for 2nd 8-Week Term............................................................................March 21
Last Day to Withdraw from a Full-Term Course or the University............................... April 1
Registration for Fall 2022............................................................................................ April 11-15
Full-Term Classes End (4 p.m.)...........................................................................................May 2
Exam Week................................................................................................................. May 3-May 6
Graduate Commencement (7 p.m.)................................................................ May 6 (tentative)
Undergraduate Commencement (10 a.m.)................................................... May 7 (tentative)
Grades Due from Faculty .................................................................................................. May 10

Dates are subject to change without notice. For the most recent Academic Calendar,



                    BEAZELL STREET


                                                                                                                                           K                          P                   S
SECOND STREET                        VISITOR PARKING


                                                                                                                                           M                          Q
                                                            UNIVERSITY AVENUE


                                                       Z                                                                                                                  U
                                                                                                     THIRD STREET

                                                                                                                                                HICKORY STREET

                                      T ST






    A      Kara Alumni House                                                    I   New Science Hall                              Q       Noss Hall
    B      Eberly Hall                                                          J   Vulcan Hall                                   R       Pollock Building
    C      Frich Hall                                                           K   Maintenance Annex C                           S       Helsel Hall
    D      Old Main                                                             L   Ceramics Lab                                  T       Keystone Hall
    E      South Hall                                                           M   The Quad                                      U       Emeriti Fountain
    F      Dixon Hall                                                           N   Herron Hall                                   V       Steele Hall
    G      Ascent of Humanity                                                   O   Heating Plant                                 W       Basketball / Tennis Courts
    H      Watkins Hall                                                         P   Coover Hall

Cal U






          X  Hamer Hall                       DD Carter Hall             HH Natali Student Center
             (Pool & Gymnasium)               		 - Health & Wellness        and Welcome Center
          Y Convocation Center                			Center                  II Residence Hall E
          Z Booker Towers                     		 - Multicultural Center  JJ Guesman Hall
          AA Duda Hall                        EE Smith Honors Hall       KK Gallagher Hall
          BB Manderino Library                FF Johnson Hall            LL Morgan Hall
          CC Azorsky Hall                     GG Residence Hall B        MM Maintenance Annex A
                                                 & University Housing

   250 University Ave., California, PA 15419   |
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