Pancreatitis and pancreatic cystosis in Cystic Fibrosis

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Pancreatitis and pancreatic cystosis in Cystic Fibrosis
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 16 (2017) S79 – S86

                        Pancreatitis and pancreatic cystosis in Cystic Fibrosis
                                                    A. Jay Freeman a,⁎, Chee Y. Ooi b
                 Emory University School of Medicine/Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, 2015 Uppergate Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, United States
          School of Women's and Children's Health, Medicine, University of New South Wales and Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick, Sydney, Australia

                                              Received 27 April 2017; revised 5 July 2017; accepted 5 July 2017


   The pathologic effects of an altered cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor (CFTR) protein on the exocrine pancreas is ubiquitous and of
varying severity. In this section, pancreatitis and pancreatic cystosis are covered.
© 2017 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pancreatitis; Pancreatic cystosis, cystic fibrosis; CFTR

1. Background                                                                     screening for CF. Symptomatic pancreatitis results from an
                                                                                  intricate balance between the degree of pancreatic acinar
   The pathologic effects of an altered cystic fibrosis trans-                    reserve and severity of ductal obstruction, both of which are
membrane receptor (CFTR) protein on the exocrine pancreas is                      related to the severity of CFTR dysfunction but in opposing
ubiquitous and of varying severity. In this section, pancreatitis                 directions (Fig. 2). A “critical mass” of acinar tissue in the
and pancreatic cystosis are covered.                                              presence of ductal obstruction is required to elicit an episode of
                                                                                  symptomatic pancreatitis, explaining why only a small
                                                                                  proportion of CF patients develop clinical pancreatitis [9,10].
1.1. Pathophysiology                                                                  Impaired HCO3– secretion also appears important in the
                                                                                  development of pancreatitis. In non-CF mouse models, acinar
1.1.1. Pancreatitis in CF                                                         exocytosis of zymogens is associated with acidification of the
   The development of symptomatic pancreatitis in patients                        lumen secondary to impaired neutralization resulting from
with CF is uncommon. Although cases of pancreatitis in                            HCO3– deficiency. Impaired control of luminal pH is believed to
pancreatic insufficient (PI) patients exist [1–3], pancreatitis in                contribute to tissue damage and pancreatitis [11]. Furthermore,
CF is generally believed to occur exclusively within pancreatic                   separate animal and human models have shown that CFTR Cl−
sufficient (PS) patients, with ~ 20% of PS patients developing                    channel and anion exchangers are inhibited by trypsin resulting
pancreatitis [4,5]. In the majority, damage to the pancreas                       in decreased luminal pH that could promote premature
begins in utero and often continues into infancy and early                        zymogen activation resulting in acute and/or chronic pancrea-
childhood, eventually resulting in PI from loss of acinar tissue                  titis [12].
(see Fig. 1) [6,7]. Only 1–2% of residual pancreatic reserve is
required to maintain PS [8]. This process of pancreatic damage
is detectable by the release of pancreatic protein trypsinogen                    1.1.2. CFTR impact on disease severity
into the blood stream, which forms the basis of newborn                              Mouse models utilizing both CFTR knockout (CFTR−/−) and
                                                                                  p.F508del mice have shown overexpression of pro-inflammatory
⁎ Corresponding author.                                                           cytokines genes within the pancreas resulting in a more severe
  E-mail address: (A.J. Freeman).                               acute pancreatitis after cerulean hyper-stimulation as compared to
1569-1993/© 2017 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pancreatitis and pancreatic cystosis in Cystic Fibrosis
S80                                             A.J. Freeman, C.Y. Ooi / Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 16 (2017) S79–S86

                                                             Acinus                                Duct

                                                             acidic and viscous
                                                                                           Progressive ductal            4
                                  Ductal Cell                                         obstruction and inflammation
                                                                                        leads to acinar cell injury


Fig. 1. Theorized mechanism for the progression of pancreatic damage resulting in pancreatic insufficiency in utero. Mutation in CFTR (1) impairs HCO−3 secretion
which leads to acidic and viscous pancreatic secretions (2). This results in progressive ductal obstruction and inflammation (3) that causes acinar cell injury and
ultimately, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (4) (adapted from Wilschanski and Durie [10]).

wild type (WT) littermates [13,14]. Subsequent mouse models                               1.1.4. Genetics
examining the role of Na +/H + exchange regulatory factor-1                                   Several reports have shown an increase incidence of CFTR
(NHERF-1) in acute pancreatitis showed that NHERF-1−/− mice                               mutations among patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) and
expressed decreased levels of CFTR at the apical membrane of the                          acute recurrent pancreatitis (ARP). In a study of 42 adolescents
pancreatic duct resulting in reduced fluid and HCO3– secretion and                        and adults with idiopathic ARP and CP, extensive CFTR
a more severe acute pancreatitis. In total, these models suggest that                     genotyping identified 50% of patients with either 1 or 2 variants
CFTR is associated with the development of pancreatitis and                               [15]. Among adult patients with CP or ARP, between 16 and
influences severity through altered secretion of pancreatic fluid and                     39% of patients have at least one CFTR mutation for an odds
HCO3−, rather than direct acinar cell or ductal injury.                                   ration of ~ 3.0 compared to controls [16–18]. When those
                                                                                          patients diagnosed with alcohol-induced pancreatitis were
1.1.3. Modifiers of CFTR                                                                  eliminated, the frequency has been reported as high as 60%
   Interactions between CFTR and modifying intrinsic (e.g.                                [19]. Although genetic causes of pancreatitis are more common
genetics, bile) and extrinsic (e.g. smoking, alcohol) factors may                         among children, the frequency of CFTR mutations is similar
influence the development of pancreatitis. A summary of these                             ranging from 19% to 48% among the relatively larger pediatric
pancreatitis-influencing factors on CFTR is shown in Table 1.                             studies including the International Study Group of Pediatric
                                                                                          Pancreatitis: In Search for a Cure (INSPPIRE) consortium
                                                                                          database [20–22]. However, in only three of these studies were
                                                                                          full CFTR sequencing performed for all patients [15,16,21].
                                                                                          This represents a major limitation as the highest risk mutations
                                                                                          are associated with more mild CF disease that are often not
                                                                                          picked up through standard screening panels and likely
                                                                                          underrepresents the true incidence of CFTR mutations in
                                                                                          these cohorts. This has resulted in the reporting of a relatively
                                                                                          small number of CFTR mutations being reported; with non-CF
                                                                                          causing mutations or mutations whose association to disease
                                                                                          severity is unknown, likely being under recognized. The
                                                                                          predominantly reported mutations include heterozygotes
                                                                                          known to be associated with CF (e.g. p.F508del) or compound
                                                                                          heterozygozity with a non-CFTR mutation associated with
                                                                                          pancreatitis such as cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1), serine
                                                                                          protease inhibitor Kazal 1 (SPINK1) and/or chymotrypsinogen
                                                                                          C (CTRC) [16,17,19–21].
                                                                                              The risk of developing pancreatitis can be predicted using
Fig. 2. Conceptual model demonstrating CFTR-related factors that contribute to
pancreatitis. Development of pancreatitis is associated with the opposing factors         the pancreatic insufficiency prevalence (PIP) score [5,23]. The
of severity of ductal obstruction and degree of pancreatic acinar reserve.                PIP score was developed and validated to categorize CFTR
Adapted from Ooi et al. [5].                                                              mutations according to predicted severity of mild vs.
A.J. Freeman, C.Y. Ooi / Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 16 (2017) S79–S86                              S81

Table 1                                                                               The diagnosis of pancreatitis may be missed due to its
Modifying factors of CFTR-associated pancreatitis.
                                                                                  relatively low frequency combined with a broad differential of
Factor            Influence on CFTR                                               more common causes of abdominal pain in CF (e.g.
Ethanol            •   Decreased CFTR expression and function                     constipation, distal intestinal obstruction syndrome, intussus-
                   •   Increased protein turnover                                 ception, small bowel bacterial overgrowth). Approximately
                   •   Aberrant protein folding                                   20% of PS CF patients will develop pancreatitis during their
Fatty acids        •   Decreased CFTR expression and function
                   •   Increased protein turnover
                                                                                  lifetime, typically developing in their teens or adulthood [5,33].
                   •   Aberrant protein folding                                   Of these patients, only 18% will experience a single episode of
                   •   Decreased secretin-stimulated pancreatic fluid secretion   AP while 60% will develop ARP with the remaining 22%
Bile acids         •   Decreased CFTR function                                    advancing to CP [5].
                   •   Theorized Decreased CFTR dependent HCO–3 secretion
Smoking            •   Impaired secretin-stimulated pancreatic fluid secretion
                   •   Inhibited CFTR function
                                                                                  3. Management and complications of disease
                   •   CFTR internalization and insolubility
                                                                                     Specific guidelines for the management for pancreatitis in
Summarized from the following sources [13–20].
                                                                                  patients with CF do not yet exist; therefore, age-appropriate
                                                                                  general pancreatitis management guidelines should be used as a
moderate-severe mutations [5]. This study observed that the                       general reference. It is suggested that an age-appropriate
severity of CFTR genotype was strongly associated with the                        gastrointestinal (GI) expert is consulted for any episodes of
risk of pancreatitis, with 70% of PS CF patients who had a mild                   pancreatitis.
genotype developing pancreatitis compared to 30% with
moderate-severe genotypes. The authors further found the risk                     3.1. Acute pancreatitis
of developing pancreatitis among those patients with a mild
genotype was 71% greater than those in the moderate-severe                           Well-established guidelines exist for the management of
group [5]. A comprehensive list of PIP scores is available [9].                   acute pancreatitis (AP) in adults but are lacking in children.
   Despite the very high risk of developing pancreatitis                          Initial management focuses on supportive care with vigorous
associated with milder CFTR genotypes, the fact that not all                      fluid resuscitation, correction of electrolyte and metabolic
of these patients develop pancreatitis, and the variable                          imbalances, oxygen as required and of critical importance,
phenotypic expression even among patients with the same                           adequate pain control [34,35]. Although various predictors of
mutation(s), lends more evidence that mutations in CFTR alone                     severity have been developed in adult [36] and pediatric
is not sufficient and requires additional “hits” or modifiers for                 [37–39] patients with acute pancreatitis, there has been none
the development of pancreatitis [4,24]. Pancreatitis modifiers                    developed specifically for the CF population. Patients are
would be expected to be the same as seen in non CF-associated                     generally “gut-rested” but reintroduction of enteral nutrition
pancreatitis and differ between adults and children as shown in                   within 24–72 h should be strongly considered [40,41]. For
Fig. 3. Infection-related [25] and drug-induced [26,27]                           patients experiencing their first episode of AP, imaging with an
pancreatitis episodes have also been reported in patients with                    abdominal ultrasound is often indicated to rule-out gallstones or
CF.                                                                               fluid collections [34,35]. Smoking and alcohol cessation should
                                                                                  be advised where appropriate in order to help prevent
                                                                                  reoccurrences [42]. The assessment of disease severity as well
2. Clinical presentation and differential diagnosis                               as consideration of pancreatitis-associated complications such
                                                                                  as necrosis, pseudocyst management, and surgical or ERCP
   The presentation of pancreatitis in patients with CF is no                     indications should be role of the consulting gastroenterologist.
different than that in the general population. Acute pancreatitis
(AP) is defined by at least two of the following three criteria                   3.2. Acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis
being met: (1) upper abdominal pain with/without emesis; (2)
amylase and/or lipase ≥ 3 × the upper level of normal; and/or                         Episodes of AP are treated as discussed above. For any
(3) abdominal imaging consistent with pancreatitis [28,29].                       patient experiencing two or more episodes of “idiopathic” AP
ARP is defined as ≥ 2 episodes of AP with a return to baseline                    or CP, a causal evaluation should be performed [34,43]. Sweat
between events. The diagnostic criteria for CP is evolving but                    testing is recommended as first-line for evaluation of CF but
currently accepted definition requires either: (1) chronic                        nasal potential difference testing and CFTR gene sequencing
abdominal pain plus characteristic imaging findings of CP; (2)                    should also be considered [30,35,44,45]. Genetic testing for
exocrine insufficiency plus imaging findings; or (3) endocrine                    PRSS1, SPINK1 and CTRC and assessment of anatomy with
insufficiency plus imaging findings [30,31]. Pancreatitis may                     advanced imaging (e.g. CT, MRI, ERCP, EUS) should be
also be the initial or sole manifestation of CF prior to its                      strongly considered [43,46]. Recent recommendations from the
diagnosis [5,15,32]. Furthermore, patients with CF who present                    INSPPIRE consortium support MRI/MRCP for all children
with pancreatitis may have a single-organ phenotype only [22]                     undergoing a workup for ARP, acute increase in direct bilirubin
and lower sweat chloride values than those without pancreatitis                   and/or GGT N 2 × ULN. ERCP, and EUS may be reasonable
[5].                                                                              alternatives depending on the clinical situation [40]. Although
S82                                         A.J. Freeman, C.Y. Ooi / Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 16 (2017) S79–S86

Fig. 3. CFTR mutation with non-CFTR modifiers in adults (green) and children (blue) that likely results in the development of pancreatitis in patients with CF
(adapted from Assis and Freedman [70]).

CT imaging has similar sensitivity as standard MRI in adults, its                exist, a high-index of suspicion should be maintained by the
use in children in discouraged due to radiation exposure [40,44].                clinician in patients who present with unexplained abdominal
    Long-term management requires close consultation with a                      pain, jaundice and/or nutritional decline.
gastroenterologist to assist in determining appropriate medica-
tions (e.g. acid reduction, antioxidants, pancreatic enzymes,
chronic pain medications) and potential role of endoscopy and/                   4. Endpoints for future clinical trials
or surgical interventions. Including total pancreatectomy with
islet autotransplantation (TPIAT). Reducing environmental                           The era of CFTR potentiators and correctors has resulted in
factors such as smoking, alcohol and hypertriglyceridemia                        newfound optimism in the treatment of CF. The effects of
remain critical. Chronic pain may result in significant morbidity                these medication on pancreatic pathophysiology though
and is often very difficult to manage. Patients may benefit from                 remain to be seen. The in utero damage and chronic fibrocystic
support of a chronic pain specialist working in close                            changes affecting the pancreas in the majority of CF patients
collaboration with their gastroenterologist.                                     suggests the new classes of medications may offer little
    The use of a low-fat diet in the context of CF-associated                    benefit. Previous reports of improved weight gain and body
pancreatitis is of unclear benefit and not advisable. In patients                mass index (BMI) have been largely theorized to be secondary
with CF and ARP the implementation of a low-fat diet is likely                   to improved intestinal pH, decreased intestinal inflammation
to have a profound negative influence on nutrition and                           with improved absorption and normalization of intestinal
nutrition-related pulmonary outcomes.                                            histopathology changes [54–57]. However, recent findings in
    Patients with non-CF associated ARP or CP are at risk for                    the ivacaftor trials have shown not only improved in patients'
developing Type 3c diabetes and/or PI [46], but this association                 BMI z-scores, but also improved fecal elastase levels [58].
has not been shown to be true in CF-related pancreatitis.                        This data suggests that the new potentiators and correctors
CF-related diabetes (CFRD) is typically occurs with severe                       may have more benefit to pancreatic outcomes than previously
class I or II mutations, typically not associated with pancreatitis              considered.
in CF patients, and occurs independent of PI status [47].                           In order to fully determine the utility of these medications
Routine screening for CFRD per current guidelines is sufficient                  on CF pancreas outcomes more will need be understood about
and should not be altered due to ARP or CP [48].                                 the effect of these medications on the cellular level of the
    Finally, CP is known to increase lifetime risk of developing                 pancreas. Specifically the ability of these medications to
pancreatic cancer [49]. Additionally, it is suspected that                       restore both Cl − and HCO3– flow as well as change the
pancreatic cancer is more common in patients with CF than                        viscosity of pancreatic juice. Clinically though, outcomes such
the general population [50,51]. CFTR mutations have been                         as the ability to wean PERT, incidence of pancreatitis,
shown to be associated with an increased risk of pancreatic                      improved exocrine pancreatic function and nutritional param-
cancer (odd ratio 1.4) and younger age at time of pancreatic                     eters will need to be followed.
cancer diagnosis among non-CF patients [52,53]. Although                            It is plausible that CFTR potentiators and correctors may
specific screening guidelines for pancreatic cancer in CF do not                 have a therapeutic role in patients with ARP and CP who carry
A.J. Freeman, C.Y. Ooi / Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 16 (2017) S79–S86                               S83

at least one CFTR mutation but do not fulfill the criteria for CF.          and of the six that mentioned CFTR mutations, each had at least
Future studies are necessary.                                               one copy of p.F508del [60–64,66–69].

                                                                            5.2. Management
5. Pancreatic cystosis
                                                                                Management is based purely on symptoms with cyst size
5.1. Background and presentation                                            exerting no influence on therapy. Although ultrasound is typically
                                                                            the initial imaging modality, MRI is the most accurate method of
    Small pancreatic cysts are relatively common among patients             evaluating cyst and potential impact on adjacent anatomical
with CF, but cysts larger than 1 cm are less common, although               structures [64]. If symptoms warrant intervention, either surgical
may occur in ~8% of CF patients, and are termed pancreatic                  intervention or endoscopic cyst gastrostomy are the only available
cystosis [59,60]. In pancreatic cystosis, the parenchyma of the             surgical options. Recently available and future CFTR modulator
pancreas is replaced by multiple cysts of various sizes and                 therapies (e.g. Orkambi®) may have a potential role in lieu of
abnormal pancreatic tissue [61]. Patients tend to be asymptomatic           surgical intervention, although no data exists at this time. We
and present during the second decade of life as an incidental               propose the following decision algorithm (see Fig. 4).
finding on abdominal imaging, although vague complaints of
abdominal pain, early satiety and/or nausea may be present [62].            6. Future directions
The cyst(s) are usually discovered as an abdominal mass on
physical exam or as part of routine abdominal imaging for                      Pancreatitis among patients with CF represents a significant
abdominal pain (i.e. abdominal ultrasound) [63,64]. Symptoms are            source of morbidity. More effective methods to identify those
believed to occur secondary to mass-effect, vascular compromise             patients with CF whom are at greatest risk for developing
or hemorrhage of the cyst [65].                                             pancreatitis are needed, as are CF-specific therapeutic plans.
    The pathophysiology is believed to be secondary to                      The use of potentiators and correctors in CFTR-associated
decreased HCO3– transport resulting in dehydrated pancreatic                pancreatitis offers optimism but their in-vivo effectiveness has
secretions with a high protein concentration. Ultimately this               yet to be fully explored.
leads to inspissation of secretions, ductal ectasia, inflammation
and eventual macrocyst formation, although why only select
                                                                            7. Clinical practice points
patients develop this manifestation is unclear. Correlation
between CFTR mutation and pancreatic cystosis phenotype
has not been formally evaluated. However, a review of the                    • ~ 20% of pancreatic sufficient patients with CF will develop
literature revealed 26 patients with confirmed pancreatic                      pancreatitis
cystosis. Of these patients, with ages ranging from 9 to                     • The risk of developing pancreatitis in CF can be predicted
19 years old, only 10 reported gender (7 males and 3 females)                  using the pancreatic insufficiency prevalence (PIP) score

                                        Fig. 4. Proposed decision making algorithm for pancreatic cystosis.
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