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Page:1   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   News
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Page:2                                 The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021           LOCAL NEWS

                             ‘Queeny G’ reigns!
-                       - wins first Calypso Monarch

                                                                                           ‘King Craig’

                               ‘Queeny G’                                                                 ‘Queen Kibbi’

By Loshaun Dixon              Talented Teen Title.          heavyweights of St. Kitts
                                                            and Nevis’ Calypso scene
Former Miss St. Kitts and     Her journey to the            who failed to grab a win-
a former talented teen,       Calypso Monarch was           ning place, including
Gloria Robinson, is the       not easy. She was initially   Sugar Mas 48 monarch
new calypso monarch           left out of the 15 that       ‘King Socrates’, ‘King
in St. Kitts and Nevis,       were originally selected      I-Soursop’, ‘King Astro’
after defeating 19 other      to move on to the finals,     and ‘Brown Sugar’.
competitors to win the        but it was subsequently
prestigious title at the      discovered that a techni-     The Senior Calypso
Calypso Monarch finals        cal error by the auditors     Monarch Finals was the
    The Senior Calypso Monarch Finals was the final virtual
               event organized for Sugar Mas 49.
on Tuesday evening at         on the points totals, meant   final virtual event orga-
Carnival Village.             that she and four others      nized for Sugar Mas 49.
                              were placed in the finals
Going by the stage name       with the previous 15.         After the show, Minister
‘Queeny G’, Robinson                                        of Culture Jonel Powell
performed her popular        Clad in a mostly black         said the decision to go
song “We are in this to-     dress that bore messages       ahead with Sugar Mas
gether” to capture the one-  of togetherness and unity,     was tricky.
round virtual competition.   Robinson won the hearts
                             of the judges, as well as      “It had us in a position not
‘Queeny G’ won the com- the 150 in the physical au-         knowing what we could
petition with 384 points, dience, as throughout her         do and what we couldn’t
with ‘Queen Kibbi’ song she beseeched that                  do, or how we would do
amassing 380 to claim there be togetherness to              it. I met with the new car-
the first runner-up spot. get through all the plights       nival committee, and they
Former Monarch ‘King faced in the Federation                took the reigns of this
Craig’ totalled 363 for throughout this year.               whole thing and came up
the second runner-up, and                                   with the idea of the virtual
‘Big Lice’ was the third She becomes only the               carnival. They have made
runner-up with 361.          second female to cap-          not just me, but the entire
                             ture the Senior Calypso        country proud.”
‘Queeny G’ won the Miss Monarch title, following
St. Kitts title in 1996, and the triumph by ‘Queen
before then, was Miss Independent’ in 2017 and
Talented Teen in 1992. 2018.                                He said the committee
A year later she won the                                    have now set a new bar for
Haynes Smith Caribbean The finals featured other            carnival going forward.
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         NewsNEWS                                           The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   Page:3

   Nevis Cricket Association receives
           generous donation

By Monique Washington        seeing it through, and en-   Merchant revealed how
                             suring we have the equip-    he was able to receive the
The     Nevis      Cricket   ment that we have here       donation.
Association received a       today.”
Christmas gift of hun-                                    ‘One day I was home and
dreds of pieces of equip-    Powell pledged that his      I was going through some
ment from the ‘Cricket       association would work       newspapers and I realized
Kindness’ in Australia - a   closely with a committee     that Jamaica and Antigua
donation the magnitude       that has been put in place   got a shipment of cricket
of which President of        to ensure the best use of    gears, and that really
the Association, Carlisle    the gear.                    piqued my interest.”
Powell, said they haven’t
received in years.           Jamir Claxton, Director of   He said that he then con-
                             Sports at the Ministry of    tacted Lowe and high-
                             Youth & Sports in Nevis,     lighted the achievements
                             noted that one thing that    of Nevis in the cricket
Cricket Kindness was         has affected cricket in      world. After contact was
founded in Australia as      Nevis, is the expense in     made, Lowe agreed to
the Children’s Cricket       purchasing equipment.        assist. The donations in-
Charity by Tamara Lowe,      He also lauded Lowe and      cluded 26 bats for seniors,
and is primarily dedicated   her organization for mak-    28 bats for juniors, 97
to giving disadvantaged      ing the contribution.        balls, 30 pads, 30 gloves,
communities access to                                     helmets and shirts, among
cricket equipment.           “Equipment is very ex-       other items.
                             pensive. This donation
                             will go a long way in
                             regards to the develop-
Powell thanked the           ment of sports here. You     “I would like to com-
founder and non-profit       (Lowe) are going to see      mend her (Lowe) for her
association, and also duly   the results of your dona-    outstanding     charitable
recognized      Augustine    tion in the not so distant   gesture. I am going to
Merchant, in facilitating    future,” he said.            promise Tamara that the
the donation.                                             Nevis Cricket Association
                             Merchant, who facili-        along with the Ministry
“Nevis cricket hasn’t        tated the donation, said     of Education, sports pro-
received a gift like this    that they are very elated    gramme and the Women’s
in years. I want to reach    to have received the gift.   Cricket Association. will
out and compliment           He added that, “I think      make full use of these
Augustine Merchant. He       this is a good way to get    cricket gears,” Merchant
started the whole thing;     Nevis on the rebound (in     said.
he was very steadfast in     cricket).
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Page:4                          The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                               News

                           Watch, wait, pray, remember.
The devotional booklet Our Daily Bread, in its presentation for     Remember that in 2020, not-so-good governments were voted out
22nd December 2020 describes what to do in harsh times. It says     and good ones [hopefully] were elected or re-elected. Remember
we must watch, wait, pray, remember. In offering this advice, it    the challenges that were brought against election results and that
draws inspiration from the 7th chapter of Micah. It is the best     Courts of Law were forced to “legitimize” many of these election
advice to take into 2021 after the turbulence of 2020.              outcomes. Yet we all got along!

Remember that millions worldwide were affected by the virus that     Remember that our lives and general well-being were spared,
changed everything. Remember that millions died as a result of this undeserving as we are and were.
and other diseases; and remember the hurt of not being able to say a
proper goodbye.                                                      Watch carefully how 2021 unfolds: how it will be affected by the
                                                                     use of the $1.105B of governments money that will be used to
Remember that in the midst of all our anxieties we found ways        execute the promises of restoration, recovery and advancement
to become more resilient. Remember that it is this resilience that,  that are being offered in both the local Nevis ($237M) and federal
under operation warp speed, caused vaccinations to be developed.     ($868M) budgets. Wait for the fulfillment of these promises.
It was this resilience that forced us to use the internet for social
contact when physical contact was not possible.                      Watch for the new emerging norms. Watch for a green economy.
                                                                     Watch how the post-Trump America unfolds. Watch how we re-tool
Remember that we were forced to “re-imagine” Culturama,              ourselves for the new economy.
Christmas and Carnival with no negative side effects!
                                                                     Watch how the goodness of the Almighty is manifested, whoever
Remember that churches were closed for an extended period and        you conceive him to be, and be prepared to wait on Him.
were the last institutions allowed to re-open. Yet we did not lose
faith.                                                               As you make your new year resolutions, remember to wait, to
                                                                     watch and to pray. Be optimistic for an uplifting 2021. Pray for
                                                                     continued and continuing mercies as you wait during 2021

                                                                    Happy New Year everyone!
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        LOCAL NEWS                                            The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                      Page:5

    Missing man found in abandoned house

                      The abandoned house into which the man ran and was found

By Monique Washington         there the police found that   reported missing three
                              all his items were gone.      times in the last couple of
Mario          “Minguito”     The landlord claimed          years. One time he was
Florentino, the Dominican     that he had removed his       missing for over a month
Republic national who         items and had not been        and turned up in St. Kitts.
was missing for over one      seen since. His cell phone    He again went missing for
month, has been found         number was also given to      a week and then turned up
this past week, in an aban-   the police, but numerous      behind Sunshine Bar at
doned house in Craddock       attempts to call Florentino   Pinney.
Road.                         were unsuccessful.
                                                            In the meantime, the
                                                            police along with other
                                                            agencies are still in search
Florentino, who is said to    The Observer under-           of 39-year-old Clovis
be in his 50s, was reported   stands that on Sunday         Williams who went out to
missing on December 10        (December 27), the Police     sea in the Verchilds area

 He was taken to the Alexandra
 Hospital where he was treated.
by restaurant owner Maria     were alerted after a resi-    over a week ago with two
Rosario. Rosario claimed      dent in Craddock Road         other persons and did not
to have seen Florentino       saw the missing man pick-     return.
two weeks before making       ing guineps in the area.
the report. Officers of the   When he realised that he
Royal St. Christopher and     was spotted, he fled to an
Nevis Police Force, Nevis     abandoned house where         According to a police
Division, launched an in-     he was eventually found.      source, Williams dived
vestigation into the man’s    He appeared to have lost      into the water to pull up a
disappearance.                weight.                       fish pot and has not been
                                                            seen or heard from since.
                              He was taken to the           Divers were sent into the
                              Alexandra Hospital where      water to search while fish-
Florentino’s apartment        he was treated.               ermen in their boats as-
was searched by the police                                  sisted, but Williams was               Florentino on the day he was located
at Old Hospital Road, and     Florentino    had    been     not found.
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                                                           TRAVEL by Eric Mackenzie Lamb

                                                                                                                The west coast of Ireland. Image by the author.

About four years ago,        Ireland and the Republic,     The following morning,        decided to take a break       Felipe II of Spain to in-    to England’s conversion
having some time on my       it was evident that most      after spending a restful      from driving and do a         vade England-a decision      to Protestantism under
hands, I decided to ex-      locals on either side,        night with a great break-     hike along the seaside        which would ultimately       the Reformation Act,
plore Ireland, a country     many of them tradesmen,       fast at an Air B&B farm-      cliffs. There wasn’t a        result in the tragic loss    along with its support by
which I’d never visited      farmers and fishermen,        house, I continued south      solitary human being to       of over twenty thousand      English royalty. Queen
before. After arriving at    were adamantly opposed        along the coast. As is typ-   be seen, only flocks of       lives and the beginning      Mary, the daughter of
Dublin airport, I rented     to such a drastic move,       ical in Ireland, especially   seagulls and gannets.         of the end for the Spanish   Henry VIII, infamously
a car and headed north,      especially as they be-        on the Atlantic side, the     All I could hear was the
a route which would                                                                      whistling of the wind and
first take me to Belfast                                                                 the muted roar of waves
in Northern Ireland, then                                                                breaking on the rocky
back across the border in                                                                beaches below. It felt
a southwesterly direction                                                                almost ghostly. Walking
along the island’s pictur-                                                               along the path, I sudden-
esque Atlantic coast. The                                                                ly noticed a large solitary
weather was perfect-at                                                                   rock about a hundred
least for the moment-                                                                    yards away, inscribed
with plenty of photo                                                                     with what appeared to
opportunities along the                                                                  be a metal plaque. Out
way.                                                                                     of curiosity, I made my
                                                                                         way toward it for a closer
                                                                                         look. The plaque’s text
                                                                                         was in both English and
And I wasn’t disap-                                                                      Gaelic, not easy to read
pointed. It didn’t take                                                                  because most of its sur-
long to realize why the                                                                  face had been worn away
country was known as                                                                     by time and weather.
the Emerald Isle. Rolling                                                                But its message was still
green hills, centuries-old                                                               clear-a testimonial to a
stone farmhouses, ram-                                                                   momentous event which
bling sheep, spectacular                                                                 had happened more than
views that seemed to                         Image by the author.                        four centuries before,                        Image by the author.
stretch forever: the epit-                                                               and which changed his-
ome of history, serenity,    lieved that it had all been   weather had changed           tory forever: the English     Empire.                      became known as Bloody
and unspoiled beauty.        dictated by the political     overnight from sunshine       defeat of the Spanish                                      Mary for her brutal ex-
                             elite in London, another      to sporadic rain and          Armada.                                                    ecutions of hundreds of
                             universe away. (Little        patchy fog. Then again, I                                                                English Catholics who
                             had they realized how         thought to myself, that’s                                   But first, some back-        refused to stop practic-
By coincidence, my           maddeningly        compli-    what kept the country                                       ground information.          ing their faith, an act
visit took place only        cated the process would       so green. Ominous dark        The real story starts here.                                of defiance which was
a few days before the        become over the next          clouds on the western         Not even Hollywood                                         considered heresy. Mary
referendum in which          four years. But by then, it   horizon were a sure sign      could come close to                                        died in 1558 and was
a majority of the UK’s       was too late to turn back     that some fierce Atlantic     depicting the scale of        By the mid Sixteenth         succeeded by her half
population would vote        the clock).                   gales would soon be           human bravery under           century, England and         sister, Elizabeth the First,
in favor of Brexit. But                                    arriving.                     hopeless       conditions     Spain had become sworn       who continued to support
not here. Crossing the                                                                   which followed a reck-        enemies, with much of        mandatory Protestantism
border between Northern                                    Shortly after noon, I         less decision by King         the mutual hostility due     (known as the Act of
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           TRAVEL                                            The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                                             Page:7

                                                           assault, the Armada’s
                                                           fleet managed to proceed
                                                           slowly up the channel
                                                           and, by July 27, had an-
                                                           chored off the French
                                                           port of Calais. The plan
                                                           was to wait until a mes-
                                                           sage was received con-
                                                           firming that the Spanish
                                                           army was ready to em-
                                                           bark from Flanders.

                                                           But no message came.
                                                           By now, it had become
                                                           apparent to the Spanish
                                                           officers that the Duke
                                                           of Medina Sedonia was
                                                           totally    inexperienced
                                                           when it came to maritime
                                                           warfare. His decision to                        Image courtesy of
                                                           wait in an exposed po-
                                                           sition off Calais, rather   resulting panic was im-    first light of dawn, the       by the English. After this
                                                           than proceed as quickly     mediate. The Spanish       scattered and disorga-         was done, the captain
                                                           as possible to Flanders,    were forced to cut their   nized Spanish fleet was        and his crew were trans-
                Image by the author.                       message or no message,      own ships’ anchors and     attacked in full force by      ferred to another ship,
                                                           would have disastrous       sail out to sea to avoid   the smaller and more           the Duquesa Santa Ana,
                                                           consequences.               catching fire.             agile English ships off        which itself was wrecked
Conformity) and the abo-     Sedonia, set sail from                                                               the French coast, in           four days later off County
lition of what was then      Corunna. Its goal was                                                                what would go down             Donegal.
termed as Popery.            to secure the English                                                                in history as the Battle
                             Channel and then trans-                                                              of Gravelines and the
                             port the invading Spanish                                                            ultimate defeat of what
                             army to England from                                                                 had once been called           In the end, less than half
Nor were tensions eased      Flanders. The very size                                                              the Invincible Armada.         of the Armada’s fleet
by the fact that English     of the force was unprec-                                                             Many Spanish ships             managed to return to
privateers, often led by     edented: 130 ships, 2,500                                                            tried frantically to escape    Spain. By then, untold
the legendary Sir Francis    guns, 8,000 sailors, and                                                             by turning southwest           thousands of men had
Drake, consistently at-      20,000 soldiers. (In addi-                                                           along the channel, but a       perished, either from
tacked Spanish ships in      tion, the fleet carried 180                                                          sudden change in wind          wounds sustained in
Atlantic and Caribbean       priests and 14,000 bar-                                                              direction and blockage         battle, or from malnutri-
waters in order to confis-   rels of wine). However,                                                              by English navy vessels        tion, disease, or drown-
cate gold and other valu-    the Armada was beset                                                                 made this impossible.          ing. Meanwhile, back in
ables being transported      by storms and didn’t                                                                 The only choice was to         England, the expression
from Spain’s South           reach the southern coast                                                             turn around and sail in        God sent us the wind had
American colonies to         of England until July 19,                                                            the opposite direction,        almost become a national
the mother country. As       almost two months after                                                              only to be further dev-        anthem.
far as King Felipe was       it had departed. This                                                                astated by gunfire from
concerned, enough was        also adversely affected                                                              the faster English vessels
enough. He ordered his       its supplies of food,                                                                which pursued them. The
armed forces to start pre-   fresh water, and other es-                                                           Armada’s remnants were         You may also have
paring for the invasion      sentials even before the                                                             forced to retreat to the       heard the expression
of England. He also re-      battle had begun.                                                                    northern tip of Scotland       Black Irish. Although
vealed his plans in secret                                                                                        and then south along the       it’s never been proven,
to Pope Sixtus V, who                                                                                             Irish coast in an attempt      many still believe that
gave his blessing to bring                                                                                        to return to Spain. With       they’re descendants of
Protestant England back      The delay had also helped                                                            no anchors, the surviv-        the Armada’s Spanish
into the fold of Rome.       the English to spot the                                                              ing ships were now             survivors who made it
                             approaching fleet when                                                               even more vulnerable to        ashore and eventually in-
                             it first appeared off the                                                            tides and strong winds.        termarried with the Irish
                             coast of Cornwall. On                                                                According to historical        population-a perception
By 1587, Spanish prepa-      July 21st, as the Armada                                                             records, at least twen-        fostered by their darker
rations were well un-        approached Plymouth,                                                                 ty-one Spanish ships           complexion and black
derway to prepare for        they were intercepted by                                                             were driven ashore and         hair. And, like so many
the invasion. However,       a hundred English ships                                                              wrecked along the Irish        Irish over the past cen-
these were interrupted       under the command of                                                                 coast, including the Santa     turies, they became im-
when Drake raided the        Lord Charles Howard                                                                  Maria Rata Encoronada,         migrants to other parts of
Armada’s supplies in         and Francis Drake, who                                                               with 520 guns and 429          the world, including the
Cadiz, which resulted in     had already made metic-                       Image by the author.                   men, whose memorial            Caribbean. All in search
almost a year’s delay.       ulous tactical plans. Their                                                          plaque I’d seen during         of a better life.
                             first step was to bombard                                                            my hike along the cliffs.
                             the Spanish fleet from        And they weren’t long                                  Most of the Encoronada’s
                             a safe distance, taking       in coming. Just after                                  crew managed to escape.
Finally, in May of 1588,     advantage of their heavy      midnight on July 29, the                               Once ashore, a decision        Who knows? Maybe it’s
the Armada’s fleet, un-      long range guns. Despite      English launched eight                                 was made by its captain        time to check those birth
der the command of           the confrontation, and        burning unmanned ships      But worse was yet to       to set the vessel on fire to   records in Montserrat?
the Duke of Medina           thinned by the English        into Calais harbour. The    come. Precisely at the     prevent its appropriation
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                                                                                                                                                           LOCAL NEWS

              “Doctor of Culture” keeping folklore alive
                          with youthful push

                                                                                                                                       He said he will also
                                                                                                                                        be bringing back
                                                                                                                                         the cake walk.

                    Bull Troupe

                 “I am bringing back the real clown
                        dancing in Newtown.’

                                                                                                                                                  David and Goliath

By Loshaun Dixon                concerts and at churches     in the estate manager’s         Nisbett said that as soon     are to survive.                 to preserve. If I can put in
                                all December.                house.’                         as the year ends, they                                        my foot, I’ll do my utmost
Zack Nisbett, the man                                                                        will carry the ‘Cowboys       “I have been working my         to do it”.
dubbed the “Doctor of           He said that starting in     He said in Tyrrell              and Indians’ to the Irish     butt off to get culture es-
Culture”, is on a mission       January, he will be teach-   Williams Primary School,        Town Primary School;          tablished. Culture is me        He said he was willing to
to revive the folklore          ing a young clown group      there will be nearga            Mommies in St. Paul’s         and I am culture, and I am      put in the work to ensure
elements of culture in          for the cultural depart-     business, noting that the       Primary; as well as           going to deliver on behalf      the folklore is kept alive.
St. Kitts, and is doing so      ment in the Tucker/Clarke    programme has already           David and Goliath in the      of St Kitts and the Culture
through the youth - teach-      Primary School. He said                                                                                                    “I have the dedication, the
ing primary school stu-         modern-day clowns for         ‘The cake walk is the original thing the clowns                                              application, the inspira-
dents, in conjunction with      Carnival do not dance                                                                                                      tion, the motivation, and
the Ministry of Culture.        like clowns should, and            used to dance to. They would flank the                                                  it’s only getting better
                                he will be teaching the                                                                                                    when you see the children
Nisbett visits multiple pri-    young students the cor-           sides of the streets and dance, or in the                                                delivering. My aim is to
mary schools on St. Kitts,      rect way.                                estate manager’s house.’                                                          put my best foot forward
weekly, to teach some of                                                                                                                                   and do what I have
the folklore rudiments          “I am bringing back the      started, but he was not         Joshua Obidiah Williams       Department. I spent a lot       in a professional manner,
that had been on the de-        real clown dancing in        pleased with the progress       Primary. And he indicated     of time training these chil-    and make sure the chil-
cline, in an effort to revive   Newtown.’                    so far.                         there was a strong bull       dren and bringing them to       dren respect themselves.”
them for carnival and fu-                                                                    programme in the Cayon        perfection. I am not doing
ture events.                    He said he will also be      “I am going to have them        Primary School and a          it for me, but for the entire   He was disappointed,
                                bringing back the cake       restructured, because I         strong actors’ program in     population and through-         however, in some criti-
He indicated that along         walk.                        am not satisfied with it.       St. Peters.                   out the region.”                cisms that were levelled
with that work, he also                                      So, I’m going to polish                                                                       towards him and his deal-
has his own string band of      ‘The cake walk is the        it, bring it to fruition, and   Nisbett however pleaded       He continued, “We have          ing with the programme,
young people that brought       original thing the clowns    you will see the real near-     for national support in       been too Americanized           but noted that he would
Christmas cheer to resi-        used to dance to. They       ga business coming out          the programmes, if indig-     while we have things of         not let it distract him from
dents around Basseterre,        would flank the sides of     with some of the ills from      enous elements of the cul-    a more indigenous art-          the work he has been
and      performed      at      the streets and dance, or    within the community.”          ture of St. Kitts and Nevis   work here, and we need          doing.
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        LOCAL NEWS                                          The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                                                   Page:9

                       Hawley: Virtual Carnival experience
                               vital going forward
                                                                                                According to Hawley, they were coming
                                                                                               off a very successful weekend where they
                                                                                               hosted a Taste of Jouvert, that was a great
                                                                                                     advertisement for Sugar Mas 50.

             Winning Steel Band, EBJ Harmonics, during their
                    performance for Panorama 2020

                                                                                                                     A scene from the virtual J’ouvert

By Loshaun Dixon             Taste of Jouvert, that was   messaging us from            over a four-week period,       the virtual experience        this. It was probably more
                             a great advertisement for    Trinidad, BVI, USVI....      then went into the open-       moving forward.               difficult hosting the vir-
After hosting several suc-   Sugar Mas 50.                so our mission has been      ing of carnival and the                                      tual experience than some
cessful virtual events for                                accomplished as it relates   quarter-finals.      Every                                   of the live events, because
Sugar Mas 49, Carnival       “By all accounts it was      to the virtual experience,   event that we would have                                     there are so many ele-
Chair Shannon Hawley         amazing; it went viral       we have been able to         hosted virtually, the view-    “We realized that for so      ments that have to come
has indicated that the       and to date, we have had     share with local, regional   ership has continuously        many people who are un-       together to ensure that the
virtual aspect needs to be   90,000 views on social       and international carnival   increased. We have ac-         able to come home, it is      production of the event
part of the carnival expe-   media, so we are very        lovers.”                     complished our mission         important for them to get     comes off, and comes off
rience going forward.        happy about the oppor-                                    to bring Sugar Mas to the      a taste of what we have to    right.”
                             tunity to show the world                                  people in a safe way, in       offer. People from around
                                                                                                                      the region who would not
                                                                                                                      have known about St.
Hawley was speak-                 “People have been messaging us from                                                 Kitts Carnival, we have       The Panorama competi-
ing after the Carnival                                                                                                now been getting calls        tion, held last Thursday,
Committee last week suc-       Trinidad, BVI, our mission has been                                         about partnering with us...   featured seven steel pan
cessfully hosted a virtual       accomplished as it relates to the virtual                                            and we expect to have         groups and was won by
Panorama competition,                                                                                                 that increase in visitors,    EBJ Harmonics, who
Icon Road March concert
and a Taste Jouvert that
                               experience, we have been able to share with                                            come 2021, for our Sugar
                                                                                                                      Mas 50.”
                                                                                                                                                    performed ‘Sand to the
                                                                                                                                                    Beach’ from Menance.
came in for great reviews,   local, regional and international carnival lovers.”                                                                    The icons event featured
and saw record viewers                                                                                                She thanked all involved      five local bands perform-
tuning in to take in these                                                                                            for making Sugar Mas 49       ing their famous road
events.                      a taste of our Jouvert, at   She said that over the       a redefined way, and we        a success.                    march hits from the past,
                             the same time in a safe      carnival period they were    definitely have to contin-                                   while the virtual Jouvert
                             environment, and reach       able to continuously build   ue the virtual experience.                                   allowed for a small audi-
                             much more people than        on the experience.                                                                        ence and the virtual audi-
According to Hawley,         we would have reached in                                  ”                              “It has not been an easy      ence to experience some
they were coming off a       the past.                    “We started at the begin-                                   feat. I am sure people        of the usual bands, artistes
very successful week-                                     ning of November with        Hawley said that they          have seen the level of pro-   and DJs providing musi-
end where they hosted a      “People     have     been    Virtual Calypso Tents        would have to incorporate      duction that has gone into    cal entertainment.
Page:1 - The St.Kitts Nevis Observer
Page:10   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   News
       LOCAL NEWS                                           The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   Page:11

     Female dominates Nevis drag race

                                                                    Cars on the track on Sunday

By Monique Washington        “I began racing drag since   is expensive to maintain
                             2008 in a white Hyundai      your car when it comes to
A female in the drag rac-    Prelude. It was a success-   damaged parts.
ing world in Nevis has       ful meet. I have always
proven once again that       liked driving. When I got    She said that drag racing
there is a place in the      to the gate when the drag    in the Federation is a big
sport for women.             strip opened, the man at     event. She noted that at
                             the gate asked if women      the inaugural meet the at-
Annelise      Leibbrandt,    race too. I won the race     tendance was the biggest
who has been drag rac-       I competed in that day at    she has seen thus far.
ing from 2008, outshone      the inaugural races,” she
her competitors this past    said.                        “The first drag race in
weekend at the St. James                                  2008, the attendance was
Raceway. Leibbrandt is       She noted that there are     the biggest I have ever
the only female drag racer   not a lot of female drag     seen. It continued to get
in Nevis.                    racers in the Federation.    better.”
                             She said that she knows
She      informed     the    of one from St. Kitts        Cars from Antigua,
Observer that she raced      who has participated in      Anguilla and Montserrat
in the 13-second class,      the meet, and another fe-    have participated in
in which she placed          male racer who is from       drag racing in Nevis.
first with her Mitsubishi    Antigua. She advised,        Leibbrandt said the asso-
Evolution 2002. Adan         however, the sport is open   ciation has just purchased
Sam was second in his        to female participation.     a new timing system.
Accord Evo 2005.
                             “There is more space for     “I hope this will encour-
“On Sunday it was a very     women in drag racing.        age other islands to come
good race with unex-         There is no discrimina-      to Nevis to participate.”
pected results. Jonathan     tion. You are not excluded
Chiverton did very well.     from drag racing. As a
I raced in the 13-second     matter of fact, most wom-
class. I made a mistake in   en have a better reaction    Leibbrandt said that she
the first race which cost    time; that makes us better   loves racing, and knows
me that race, but I came     racers,” she said.           what and whom she
back. I managed to beat                                   represents.
the other two cars,” she
said.                                                     “I have a lot of female
                               Though she has been        fans, because I am repre-
Leibbrandt highlighted       racing for over a decade,    senting them. Kids love
her experience as a drag     Leibbrandt said that drag    me. I have a huge fan
racer over the past 12       racing is an expensive       base.”
years                        venture. She noted that it
Page:12                   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021        News


                                    CONCEPT TO

                                 A strong CBI Programme aims to:
                 • Create job opportunities
                 • Upgrade the interior airport terminal building
                 • Complete the construction of the Old Road Bay realignment project
                 • Install a new runway and lighting at the RLB International Airport
                 • Construct more hotels
                 • Construct better roads
                 • Construct the bus terminals
                 • Complete the second cruise pier

          Prosperity for our country, a bright future for our people.
News                                           The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                         Page:13

                                                                                                                     Mr. Valentine Thomas, a
               Prime Minister offers condolences                                                                     prominent journalist and radio
                  to Valentine Thomas’ family                                                                        personality who owned and
                                                                                                                     operated Sugar City (90.3) FM.
BASSETERRE, St. Kitts          leader and mentor, as      St. Kitts and Nevis who     passing.
— Prime Minister Dr.           well as to the people of   join them in mourning his
the Honourable Timothy
Harris extends his heart-
felt condolences, and
those of the Government
and people of St. Kitts
and Nevis, to the fam-
ily and loved ones of
Mr. Valentine Thomas,
a prominent journal-
ist and radio personality
who owned and operated
Sugar City (90.3) FM.

Val T, as he was affec-
tionately called, died on
Sunday, December 27, af-
ter an ongoing battle with
kidney disease. He was

“Val T’s strong personal-
ity and passion for politics
– and for life – imbued his
outstanding journalism
career with authentic-
ity, intensity, originality
and a quest for justice,”
said Prime Minister the
Honourable Dr. Timothy
Harris, while reflecting
on the life and legacy of
Valentine Thomas.

“He was truly inimitable,
not only in his witty style
of questioning at press
conferences, but also in
the substance of his work,
which covered subjects
of national interest, no-
tably health care and law
and order, with dogged
persistence and determi-
nation that redounded to
the benefit of his listening
audience and the nation
at large,” said the Prime

“On a personal note, Val
T was a valued friend and
advisor, who was cher-
ished for his unvarnished
opinions that provided
keen insight and analysis
with an eye toward fa-
cilitating the building of
a stronger and safer future
for his fellow citizens
and residents of his be-
loved country,” said Hon.
Harris.                                                                    Paid out
The Prime Minister
extended deepest con-
dolences to Valentine
                                                                   January - November 2020
Thomas’ mother, Dora;
his children, extended
                                                                      Get your Instant Scratch Tickets TODAY!
family and friends; the
media community who                                                         
has lost an inspirational
Page:14   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   News
        LOCAL NEWS                                          The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   Page:15

                                         2021 to be swept in
                                          with high winds

By Monique Washington        it did not come directly     crafts,”   the   advisory
                             from the Antigua Met         reads.
St Kitts and Nevis, along    Services, but a person’s
with other islands in the    private page,” he advised.   The Met Service warns
region, will be experi-                                   boaters of potential “loss
encing a windy New           According to a release       of life”, “injuries” and
Year, as increased wind      from the Antigua Met         “damage to vessel or ma-
speeds and high waves        Services, St. Kitts and      rine equipment”.
are predicted by the         Nevis among other is-
Meteorologists.              lands are placed on a        “Caution: Inexperienced
                             “small craft advisory.       mariners,       especially
The Observer spoke with                                   those operating smaller
Brain Dyer, Director         “Locations to be affect-     vessels should avoid nav-
at the Nevis Disaster        ed: Mainly open waters       igating in these condi-
Management Department        on the Atlantic or east-     tions. Please continue to
(NDMD), who noted that       ern sides of the islands.    monitor these hazardous,
starting today (December     Timing:       Wednesday      life-threatening marine
31) until Monday, the        8 am to 8 pm for the         conditions,” the advisory
islands can expect rough     British Virgin Islands and   concludes.
seas, and increased wind     Anguilla, and Wednesday
speeds which would           8 pm to Thursday 8 am
cause high waves.            for Antigua, Barbuda,
                             St. Kitts and Nevis.         Dyer noted that the pre-
“The                  Met    Synopsis: Fresh winds,       dicted winds could dam-
(Meteorological)             due to the expected sig-     age “light materials”
Services in Antigua have     nificant steepening of       such as tents.
issued an advisory for       the pressure gradient, are
the next couple of days.     forecast to cause hazard-    “We might have rain.
They have issued a small     ous seas. The threat level   We will have something
craft advisory because       to the life, livelihood,     that is called a ‘pocket
of the weather that is ap-   property and infrastruc-     of moisture’, that will
proaching,” he said.         ture of mariners will rise   encourage rain activity.
                             to high, and there is the    We will have some low
Dyer said currently there    potential for extensive      hanging cloud that might
is information circulating   impacts. A small craft ad-   cause some heavy rain,
on social media that isn’t   visory means that wind       but they will be short-
accurate.                    speeds of 21 to 33 knots     lived,” he said.
                             and/or wind waves and/
“We are aware of some        or wind swells of 7 feet     Dyer advised that per-
information circulating      or greater are expected      sons can visit antiguamet.
about the weather, but it    to produce hazardous         com for accurate weather
is not fully correct, and    wave conditions to small     updates.
Page:16                                     The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                                                       News
                                                                                                                                                      LOCAL NEWS

            Two bodies found, two non-fatal incidents
                    also being investigated
By Loshaun Dixon               multiple wounds to the        Kiln area on Monday,         Personnel from the            he is warded in a critical,   as he normally would to
                               head. Preliminary inves-      December 28, 2020.           Forensic Services Unit        but stable condition.         set his trap.”
Police officers in St. Kitts   tigations so far have re-                                  visited and processed the
have been left busy after      vealed that Francis, who       “As a result of informa-    scene.                        On Wednesday, officers          An autopsy has been
several days in which          lived nearby, was on his      tion received, Officers                                    received a report some-       scheduled to determine
there were two fatal and       way home when he was          visited the JNF General      On Tuesday, December          time after midday on          the exact cause of death.
two violent but non-fatal      attacked by an unknown        Hospital to conduct en-      29, Police responded to       December 29 that the          Personnel from the
incidents.                     assailant.”                   quiries. Preliminary in-     the Fisheries Complex         body of a man was found       Forensic Services Unit
                                                             vestigations so far have     after a report was made       on Phillips Mountain.         visited and processed the
Last Sunday, police con-          The District Medical       revealed that sometime       by personnel at the facil-                                  scene.
firmed they were inves-        Officer visited the scene     after 10 p.m. on Monday,     ity that a man was found       “Upon arrival at a moun-
tigating a fatal incident      and pronounced him            26-year-old Kia Jareth       next to a container calling   tainous area in Phillips      Police said investigations
in Dieppe Bay after the        dead. Personnel from the      Liburd of Lime Kiln          for help.                     Village, the body of          into the matter are ongo-
report of a body being         Forensic Services Unit        Project was making his                                     60-year-old        Charles    ing and are encouraging
found in the Dieppe Bay        processed the scene and       way to his vehicle from          Upon arrival, the         Lowry, formerly of            persons with information
Cemetery at about 11 p.m.      collected items of eviden-    his residence when a lone    Officers found 67-year-       Phillips Village, was met     regarding these incidents
on Saturday, December          tial value. An autopsy will   gunman fired gunshots at     old Thomas Rennix of          laying on his back. The       to contact the Criminal
26, 2020.                      be performed on the body      him. He received a gun-      East Street, Newtown,         District Medical Officer      Investigation Department
                               to determine the exact        shot wound to his arm.       semi-clad with his hands      visited the scene and         by dialling 465-2241, their
“They responded and            cause of death.               Liburd was transported to    bound behind his back.        pronounced him dead.          nearest Police Station, or
upon arrival, the motion-                                    the JNF General Hospital     He had what appeared          Preliminary      investiga-   the Crime Hotline at 707,
less body of 54-year-old       The Police said they were     in a private vehicle where   to be lacerations to the      tions so far have revealed    where information can be
Bevinton Francis was           also investigating a non-     he is warded in a stable     head and face. He was         that Lowry left home at       given anonymously.
found laying on the ground     fatal shooting incident       condition.”                  transported to the JNF        about 7:00 a.m. Tuesday
with what appeared to be       that occurred in the Lime                                  General Hospital where        and went to the mountain
        LOCAL NEWS                                            The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                                                    Page:17

                    US man convicted for
                      COVID-19 breach
                                                                                                                                                           George Mc Cumisky
                                                                                                                                                            leaving the High
                                                                                                                                                           Court in Basseterre
                                                                                                                                                             on Wednesday
By Loshaun Dixon              International Airport. The    Wednesday afternoon.          from COVID-19;(b) the
                              patient was escorted to a                                   removal of a person to a
A visitor from the United     government-designated         Current laws do not per-      public hospital or a des-
States of America has         quarantine site, and is un-   mit visitors to break iso-    ignated facility; or (c) the
been      convicted     for   der the supervision of the    lation, according to the      curative treatment of a
breaching quarantine, af-     security forces and mem-      COVID-19 Bill passed in       person.                        required to do serial test-     stakeholder meetings in-
ter he was caught trying to   bers of the Compliance        November.                                                    ing. International travel-      volving the Ministry of
leave the Federation while    Task Force.”                                                The COVID-19 bill              lers/tourists will be tested    Tourism.
in isolation, after testing                                 It reads, “Where the result   passed last month states       on day # 7 and on day
positive for COVID-19.        On Wednesday, 33-year-        of a test conducted by the    “A person who contra-          #14 (if still in Federation).   All inbound travellers
                              old George Mc Cumisky         Caribbean Public Health       venes a provision of this      Tourists who receive a          and tourists must receive
“The guest, who is a citi-    of Texas, United States of    Agency or by a private        Act for which a penalty        negative PCR test on            a RT-PCR test on day#14
zen of and resides in the     America, was convicted        medical laboratory under      is not specified commits       day #7 (if still on island)     of stay/vacation (if still
United States of America,     for breaching his quaran-     section 17 shows that a       an offence and is liable       can be allowed (only            in Federation) and once
was in isolation at the       tine conditions. He was       person is suffering from      on summary conviction          through the hotel’s tour        the result is negative, the
hotel. After receiving in-    fined $4,800 to be paid       COVID-19, the Chief           to a fine not exceeding        desk and by appointment         traveller/ tourist will be
formation that the guest      forthwith or spend six (6)    Medical Officer may give      five thousand dollars or a     only) access to selec-          allowed to integrate into
had left for the airport,     months in prison.             such directions, as he or     term of imprisonment not       tive excursions or tourist      the society/Federation. If
the SSU responded, ap-                                      she thinks fit, for (a) the   exceeding 6 months, or to      destination sites on the        the trip/vacation is less
propriately attired in full   Mc Cumisky, who recent-       quarantine or isolation of    both”.                         island in a secure bubble.      than 14 days, the tourist
personal protective equip-    ly tested negative twice      that person or any other                                     The selective excursions        can easily depart the is-
ment. The individual was      for COVID-19, has since       person who, by exposure       According to the new           and tourist sites that are      land with an exit test – a
found in the departure        paid the fine and was set     to infection from that        law, international travel-     COVID-19-certified are          COVID-19 PCR test.
lounge at the R.L.B.          to leave the Federation on    person, is likely to suffer   lers and tourists will be      being determined through
Page:18                                     The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   News

  Venezuela Signs
  Deal With Russia
   For 10 Million
    Of Sputnik V
CARACAS, Venezuela–           million Sputnik V doses       possible.”
December 29th 2020–           was the result of “months
President Nicolas Maduro      of serious and respon-        “No criminal blockade
of Venezuela announced        sible work,” extending        will undermine the sacred
that Russia will deliver      gratitude to the Russian      right of our people to ac-
the Sputnik V jab to 10       leadership for enabling       cess the vaccine,” she
million people, saying he     the mass vaccination          tweeted, referring to the
hopes to finish the first     campaign in the country.      sweeping US sanctions.
round of vaccinations in
the first three months of     “I thank President Putin      While touting the vac-
2021.                         for this important step       cination as a milestone
                              in the beginning of           in the fight against
Announcing the deal in        mass vaccination in           Covid-19, Maduro cau-
a televised speech on         Venezuela,”     Maduro        tioned against premature
Tuesday, Maduro said the      tweeted.                      celebrations, urging the
vaccine would be “dis-                                      public to stay vigilant and
tributed free of charge                                     follow hygiene rules.
to the entire population
living in the country,        Venezuela became the          “The vaccine will un-
be they Columbians,           first nation in the Western   doubtedly be an impor-
Portuguese,       Italians,   hemisphere to partici-        tant response… but the
Venezuelans,” while tak-      pate in the post-approval     main battle is to take care
ing aim at Colombia’s         trial of the vaccine, when    of ourselves, everything
plan to exclude 900,000       the first containers with     we have learned in the
Venezuelan       migrants     Sputnik V arrived in          culture of biosecurity is
from its own vaccina-         October.                      here to stay,” he said.
tion drive. His original
tweet is shown in Spanish     Maduro noted that the
below.                        phase III trial has proven
                              to be a success, saying       The CEO of the Russian
   Colombia’s president,      that no adverse reactions     Direct Investment Fund
Ivan Duque, defended the      from the vaccine have         (RDIF), which sponsors
move, saying that he was      been observed in the          the production of Sputnik
prioritizing Colombian        country so far.               V, Kirill Dmitriev, said on
citizens over other coun-                                   Tuesday he hopes to start
tries’ nationals, and drew    Vice President Delcy          shipping the inoculations
accusations of xenopho-       Rodríguez, who partici-       without delay. He noted,
bia from the opposition as    pated in the signing of the   however, that the delivery
well as from Maduro.          contract, also hailed the     of 10 million doses to the
                              vaccine as being “very        Latin American nation
The Venezuelan presi-         safe” and vowed to set        might take half a year or
dent said that the newly      the inoculation campaign      even longer.
signed deal to procure 10     in motion “as soon as
News                                             The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                                          Page:19

       St. Vincent
     Volcano May Be
      Ready To Blow
ST.          VINCENT–        They contacted the            and equipment.
December 30th, 2020–         National      Emergency                                     File photo. The Sourfriere volcano in St. Vincent last eruption in 1979. Is it
Residents of St Vincent      M a n a g e m e n t           Robertson said he hoped overdue for a blow-off? Experts are cautious and remind residents to stay
and the Grenadines were      Organization (NEMO)           there would be enough                well away from the volcano which may emit poisonous gases.
warned to stay away from     and arranged for the          time to alert citizens in the
La Soufriere volcano after   Soufriere     Monitoring      danger zone so they can
increased seismic activity   Unit to visit the site on     be evacuated ahead of a
was detected in the dome     Tuesday. The magma is         major event. (SAT)
over the weekend.            slowly building on the
                             existing dome.                Soufrière Saint Vincent is
Volcanologists       Dr                                    an active volcano on the
Erouscille Pat Joseph        Robertson said sulphur-       island of Saint Vincent in
and Professor Richard        rich gases will be released   the Windward Islands of
Robertson      of   the      into the atmosphere and       the Caribbean. Many vol-
University of the West       warned residents to stay      canoes in the Caribbean
Indies Seismic Research      away from the area at this    are named Soufrière
Centre (SRC), joined         time.                         (French: “sulfur outlet”).
Prime Minister Ralph                                       These include Soufrière
Gonsalves in a live ad-      He said there is not          Hills on Montserrat and
dress to the nation on       enough data to determine      La Grande Soufrière on
Tuesday evening to pro-      whether it will continue      Guadeloupe, the subject
vide an update on the        to slowly build or activ-     of Werner Herzog’s 1977
activity.                    ity will increase to the      film La Soufrière.
                             point where there is an
“This is what we call an     explosive eruption. In        La Soufrière violently
effusive eruption going      the meantime, they will       erupted in 1718, 1812,
on at Soufriere, which es-   continue to monitor the       1902, 1971, and 1979.
sentially means magma        situation, and working in     The Saint Vincent erup-
is coming slowly out of      conjunction with NEMO,        tion of 6 May 1902, just
the earth and building a     will put more equipment       hours before the erup-
dome,” Robertson said.       to collect data.              tion of Mount Pelée on
                                                           Martinique, killed 1,680
It is similar to what oc- During the briefing,             people. The death zone,
curred in 1971/72, after  Gonsalves received corre-        where almost all persons
which the volcano went    spondence from Trinidad          were killed, was close to
dormant. La Soufriere lastand Tobago’s Minister of         entirely Carib.
had an explosive erup-    National Security Stuart
tion in March 1979, and   Young, giving clearance          This last large remnant
the ash rained on parts offor Robertson and two            of Carib culture was
Barbados.                 others to leave the twin-        destroyed, the island
                          island republic, where           of Dominica’s Carib
Robertson said there was the SRC is located, to go         Territory being much
minor seismic activity in to St Vincent. Gonsalves         smaller in comparison at
November and again on said once they had the               that time.
December 16 and 23, but COVID tests, an aircraft
on December 27 a NASA from the Barbados based              The last recorded eruption
satellite detected a hot Regional Security System          was in April 1979; thanks
spot in the crater.       would collect the team           to advance warning there
Page:20                                     The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   News

Steps to Christ
Chapter 2—The Sinner’s Need of Christ
Ellen G. White Writings

Man was originally en-         would long to be hidden       is a fatal deception. “The
dowed with noble powers        from Him who is its light,    natural man receiveth not
and a well-balanced mind.      and the center of its joy.    the things of the Spirit of
He was perfect in his be-      It is no arbitrary decree     God: for they are foolish-
ing, and in harmony with       on the part of God that       ness unto him: neither
God. His thoughts were         excludes the wicked from      can he know them, be-
pure, his aims holy. But       heaven; they are shut out     cause they are spiritually
through disobedience, his      by their own unfitness for    discerned.” “Marvel not
powers were perverted,         its companionship. The        that I said unto thee, Ye
and selfishness took the       glory of God would be         must be born again.” 1
place of love. His nature      to them a consuming fire.     Corinthians 2:14; John
became so weakened             They would welcome de-        3:7. Of Christ it is writ-
through        transgression   struction, that they might    ten, “In Him was life; and
that it was impossible for     be hidden from the face       the life was the light of
him, in his own strength,      of Him who died to re-        men”—the only “name
to resist the power of evil.   deem them.                    under heaven given
He was made captive by                                       among men, whereby we
Satan, and would have re-                                    must be saved.” John 1:4;
mained so forever had not                                    Acts 4:12.
God specially interposed.      It is impossible for us, of
It was the tempter’s pur-      ourselves, to escape from
pose to thwart the divine      the pit of sin in which we
plan in man’s creation,        are sunken. Our hearts        It is not enough to per-
and fill the earth with        are evil, and we cannot       ceive the loving-kindness
woe and desolation. And        change them. “Who can         of God, to see the benev-
he would point to all this     bring a clean thing out       olence, the fatherly ten-
evil as the result of God’s    of an unclean? not one.”      derness, of His character.
work in creating man.          “The carnal mind is en-       It is not enough to discern
                               mity against God: for it is   the wisdom and justice of
                               not subject to the law of     His law, to see that it is
                               God, neither indeed can       founded upon the eternal
In his sinless state, man      be.” Job 14:4; Romans         principle of love. Paul the
held joyful communion          8:7. Education, culture,      apostle saw all this when
with Him “in whom are          the exercise of the will,     he exclaimed, “I consent
hid all the treasures of       human effort, all have        unto the law that it is
wisdom and knowledge.”         their proper sphere, but      good.” “The law is holy,
Colossians 2:3. But after      here they are powerless.      and the commandment
his sin, he could no longer    They may produce an           holy, and just, and good.”
find joy in holiness, and      outward correctness of        But he added, in the bit-
he sought to hide from         behavior, but they can-       terness of his soul-an-
the presence of God.           not change the heart; they    guish and despair, “I am
Such is still the condition    cannot purify the springs     carnal, sold under sin.”
of the unrenewed heart.        of life. There must be        Romans 7:16, 12, 14. He
It is not in harmony with      a power working from          longed for the purity, the
God, and finds no joy in       within, a new life from       righteousness, to which in
communion with Him.            above, before men can         himself he was powerless
The sinner could not be        be changed from sin to        to attain, and cried out,
happy in God’s pres-           holiness. That power is       “O wretched man that I
ence; he would shrink          Christ. His grace alone       am! who shall deliver me
from the companionship         can quicken the life-         from this body of death?”
of holy beings. Could          less faculties of the soul,   Romans 7:24, margin.
he be permitted to enter       and attract it to God, to     Such is the cry that has
heaven, it would have no       holiness.                     gone up from burdened
joy for him. The spirit of                                   hearts in all lands and in
unselfish love that reigns                                   all ages.
there—every heart re-
sponding to the heart of       The Saviour said, “Except
Infinite     Love—would        a man be born from
touch no answering chord       above,” unless he shall       To all, there is but one
in his soul. His thoughts,     receive a new heart, new      answer, “Behold the
his interests, his motives,    desires, purposes, and        Lamb of God, which ta-
would be alien to those        motives, leading to a new     keth away the sin of the
that actuate the sinless       life, “he cannot see the      world.” John 1:29.
dwellers there. He would       kingdom of God.” John
be a discordant note in        3:3, margin. The idea
the melody of heaven.          that it is necessary only     Copyright © 2019 by Ellen G.
Heaven would be to him         to develop the good that      White. All Rights Reserved.
a place of torture; he         exists in man by nature,
News   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021   Page:21
Page:22                                       The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021     ADVERTISEMENTS
                                                                                                           LOCAL NEWS
                                                                                                       INTERNATIONAL NEWS

               International News:
     Quarantine Scandals At Sandals
      Barbados Resort. Government
                Steps In.

By Jonathan Mason               authorities would take         cab ride into town to get
                                firm action against any        the test at a local facility,
BRIDGETOWN,                     businesses or individuals      or a $300 fee to do a test
Barbados–December               who breached protocols.        on the resort property.”
29th,       2020–Sandals
Royal Barbados Resort
and Spa has been delisted
as a designated quaran-         It is not clear whether this   “We are assured that re-
tine hotel by the Chief         means effectively clos-        sults will arrive within 24
Medical Officer, effective      ing the resort to foreign      hours so people can par-
January 5, 2021.                tourists.                      ticipate in offsite tours,
                                                               use the gym, and other
This action was taken                                          amenities, yet we find
after several verified                                         most people don’t receive
complaints of breaches of       On its Web site Sandals        their tests until 72 hours.
the COVID-19 protocols          Royal Barbados puffs           In addition, if you arrive
taking place at the resort      itself as “the all-new, all-   on a Friday or weekend
with respect to visitors in     suite resort from the ge-      (like we did), you have to
quarantine.                     niuses at Sandals Resorts      wait until Monday to even
                                set in the St. Lawrence        schedule your test, mean-
                                Gap area” where “every         ing you won’t get your
                                suite features a private       results until it’s time to
Additionally, police have       Tranquility        Soaking     leave the resort and can’t
held for questioning at         Tub™”.                         participate in many of the
least three tourists in rela-                                  activities/amenities.”
tion to alleged breaches        However, in a lengthy,
of COVID-19 protocols           scathing review of the re-
related to quarantine.          sort dated December 26th
                                in TripAdvisor a reviewer      But Sandals Resort has
The Ministry of Health          called A.M.W says:             hit back and in a strong-
and Wellness takes the                                         ly worded, exclusive
issue of breaches of the                                       statement to Barbados
COVID-19          protocols                                    TODAY, Sandals Resorts
very seriously and will         “Upon       arriving      at   International vehemently
take similar action if          Sandals, we were assured       refuted the allegations of
other designated quar-          our room would have            repeated breaches and is
antine hotels and villas        been rigorously cleaned        accusing public health
refuse to uphold the rules      for COVID and sealed –         officials of heavy-handed
and regulations that have       the seal on the room was       action in the middle of
been put in place to pro-       broken, multiple aspects       dialogue between the
tect workers in the hotel       of the room clearly were       hotel and the Ministry of
sector, and by extension        not dealt with (e.g., the      Health, saying that they
the rest of the country.        liquor bar had not been        were given no warning
                                cleaned or restocked). In      of any violations or any
                                addition, housekeeping         chance to respond to the
                                is frequently poor qual-       allegations or correct
Designated quarantine           ity – they have forgotten      deficiencies.
hotels are advised to           to come to our room, for-
take this opportunity to        got to provide towels and
immediately review the          toilet paper, don’t restock
standard operating proce-       waters, etc.”                  The five-star property
dures with respect to the                                      is also contesting an
prevention and control of                                      “implication” from au-
COVID-19 in Barbados.                                          thorities that three tourists
                                “Another frustrating as-       currently in police cus-
On Monday evening               pect has been the second       tody regarding protocol
Minister of Health and          COVID test. This test is       breaches are even guests
Wellness Lt. Col. Jeffrey       mandatory, and you ei-         of the property.
Bostic warned that              ther pay a $60 fee for a
LOCAL NEWS   The St.Kitts Nevis Observer - Friday January 1st, 2021                                            Page:23

                                  Nevis Athletics Stadium
                                    expansion on NIA’s
                                       2021 agenda,
                                   Hon. Eric Evelyn says
                                 NIA CHARLESTOWN               right there at our first-      for the first time and I
                                 NEVIS           (December     class facility at the Mondo    made my presentation, I
                                 30, 2020) -- Hon. Eric        Track,” he submitted.          did indicate that we will
                                 Evelyn, Minister of                                          do our best to ensure that
                                 Sports in the Nevis Island                                   we enhance our facilities
                                 Administration        (NIA)                                  across the island.
                                 says the government           Hon. Evelyn said look-
                                 remains committed to          ing forward to 2021, the
                                 continuing the expansion      Ministry of Sports will
                                 of the Nevis Athletics        continue to work with          “We have been doing that
                                 Stadium to include a first-   the sporting organizations     incrementally. We can-
                                 class football field.         on the island, especially      not do all one time but
                                                               with respect to capacity       we have been trying our
                                                               building and organizing        best to do, and I can say
                                                               sporting activities at the     ...we’ve had enhance-
                                 During his presenta-          community level.               ments and improvements
                                 tion at the NIA’s 2021                                       to a lot of the sporting fa-
                                 Budget Debate in the                                         cilities across Nevis.
                                 Nevis Island Assembly
                                 on December 09, 2020,         “Sometimes some of our
                                 Hon. Evelyn highlighted       sporting organizations
                                 some of the plans for the     need help capacity wise        “This past year we’ve
                                 stadium at Long Point.        and we have been doing         had enhancement and im-
                                                               that over the years, we’re     provements at the hard-
                                                               going to continue to do        courts at Jessups, Cotton
                                                               that.                          Ground, and Bath Village.
                                 “We continue to do work                                      We’ve had great im-
                                 at the Mondo Track, be-                                      provement and enhance-
                                 cause we want in the very                                    ment at the St. George’s
                                 near future that over there   “We’re going to continue       Recreation Ground, we
                                 can be a first-class foot-    to work with communi-          call Ball Pasture,” the
                                 ball ground,” he said.        ties in terms of getting       Sports Minister said.
                                                               more sports out in the
                                                               community. We’re going
                                                               to continue to work with
                                 The Minister said pri-        the schools in terms of        The Ministry of Social
                                 or to the onset of the        getting their sporting ac-     Development, Culture,
                                 COVID-19 pandemic,            tivities- football, cricket,   Youths and Sports has
                                 the NIA had been in dis-      athletics and so on- and of    been allocated funding
                                 cussions to host a region-    course we’re going to ex-      in the amount of $16.1
                                 al football tournament        pand on the Swim to Win        million, representing 6.7
                                 at the stadium in 2020.       initiative,” Mr. Evelyn        percent of the NIA’s to-
                                 He stated that despite        said.                          tal budget for fiscal year
                                 having to side-line those                                    2021.
                                 plans, the NIA continues
                                 with the improvements
                                 at the sporting facil-        He emphasized the need
                                 ity in terms of making        to encourage the youths        However, Hon. Evelyn
                                 it a FIFA (Fédération         on Nevis to excel at           noted that all plans,
                                 Internationale de Football    sports. Against that back      particularly sporting ac-
                                 Association)-certified        drop he informed of            tivities and capital proj-
                                 football field.               enhancements to sport-         ects, were contingent
                                                               ing facilities around the      on the management of
                                                               island.                        COVID-19 in the federa-
                                                                                              tion, among other factors.
                                 “So when COVID is
                                 passed and gone we can                                       END
                                 renegotiate and have our      “We have several sport-
                                 regional and hopefully        ing facilities around          Photo caption: Hon.
                                 international    football     Nevis and when I came          Eric Evelyn, Minister of
                                 tournament being played       to this honourable House       Sports in the Nevis Island
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