Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary care centre

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Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary care centre
Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary … Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2021; 50(2): 286-293

Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary care centre
*Vinit Kumar Thakur1, Zaheer Hasan1, Sandip Kumar Rahul2, Digamber Chaubey2, Ramdhani Yadav3,
Vijayendra Kumar4, Ramjee Prasad2, Rakesh Kumar5

Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2021; 50(2): 286-293

Abstract                                                      Conclusions: Of the 52 ultrasound-confirmed cases
Background: With increased incidence of                       of gallstones, 32.7% were asymptomatic and 61.5%
symptomatic and asymptomatic gallstones in                    had no definite aetiology. Of the asymptomatic cases
children, paediatric cholelithiasis has emerged as an         58.8% showed complete stone resolution from
important pathology in children. A retrospective              gallbladder on follow-up sonogram after six months
study evaluates paediatric cholelithiasis and its
management at a tertiary centre.                              DOI:

Objectives: To study the spectrum of paediatric               (Keywords:      Asymptomatic,         cholelithiasis,
cholelithiasis and its management issues.                     cholecystectomy, paediatric, resolution)

Method: A retrospective study was conducted at a              Introduction
tertiary care on all patients of paediatric                   Recent trends show increased incidence of
cholelithiasis (children less than 14 years) who were         gallstones in childhood1. A population-based study
managed from April, 2017 to March, 2020. Data                 showed a childhood gallstone prevalence of 1.9%,
regarding demographic profile, clinical history,              still less than that in an adult2. This can also be
investigation results, management and postoperative           attributed to an increase in the use of
outcomes were collected and analysed.                         ultrasonography (USG) in diagnosis. The cause,
                                                              presentation and natural course of paediatric gall
Results: Of the 52 ultrasound-confirmed cases of              stone disease is known to be different than in adults.
gallstones, 35 showed biliary and dyspeptic                   In a considerable number of cases, babies remain
symptoms; while 17 were asymptomatic. Males                   asymptomatic. Although the underlying pathology
outnumbered females; no child less than three years           remains obscure in most cases just like in adults,
came with gallstones. No definite aetiology was               haemolytic causes have been reported to have an
found in 32 cases. Cholecystectomy was done in 40             important role2,3. This retrospective study was
patients (laparoscopic in 37 cases, open in three             conducted to evaluate all children with gallstones for
cases). Stone analysis revealed mixed stones (thirty          their symptoms, clinical features, natural course and
cases), pigment stones (eight cases) and pure                 outcome so as to emphasize the differences of
cholesterol stones (two cases). 10/17 cases of                paediatric gallstone disease from that of adults.
asymptomatic gallstones showed complete stone
resolution from gallbladder on follow-up sonogram             Objectives
after six months; 5/17 showed no regression of                To study the spectrum of paediatric cholelithiasis
stones (one symptomatic and rest four underwent               and its management issues
elective surgery due to parental anxiety); 2/17 cases
were lost to follow up. No major complication was             Method
seen.                                                         All    USG-confirmed        paediatric    cases     of
_________________________________________                     cholelithiasis managed at a tertiary care centre from
 Additional Professor, 2Assistant Professor,                  April, 2017 to March, 2019 were studied
 Associate Professor, 4Professor, 5Senior Resident,           retrospectively. All children less than 14 years old
Department of Paediatric Surgery, Indira Gandhi               with gallstones on USG were included in study and
Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar, India            divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised
*Correspondence:                     symptomatic patients who underwent surgery.
                                                              Group 2 comprised asymptomatic patients who were                     followed up with periodic USG every three months
                                                              and regular clinical monthly follow-up. If any of
(Received on 17 June 2020: Accepted after revision            these patients became symptomatic, they were
on 24 July 2020)                                              operated. Surgery was also considered if parents
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of            wanted to have it by choice when gallstones
interest                                                      persisted on follow-up USG.
Personal funding was used for the project.
Open Access Article published under the Creative              Ethical issues: Ethical clearance was obtained from
Commons Attribution CC-BY                License              the Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences,
                                                              Sheikpura, Patna, India (036/IEC/IGIMS/2019).

Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary … Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2021; 50(2): 286-293

Being a retrospective study, informed consent was               at any given age as the definition for class 1, 2 and 3
not possible                                                    obesity respectively4.
Statistical analysis: Data regarding demographic
profile, clinical features, aetiological factors,               Results
investigation results, including USG findings,                  A total of 52 USG-confirmed cases of paediatric
natural course and management, were collected and               cholelithiasis were seen. None of the patients were
analysed. For assessment of childhood obesity, we               less than 3 years of age; the mean age of patients
used the normative growth curves for boys and girls             included in the study was 7.8 years and males were
based on expanded body mass index (BMI) ,                       found to outnumber females. Table 1 describes the
considering the 95th, 120th and 140th percentile cutoff         age and sex related characteristics of these patients.

                                  Table 1: Demography of patients
  Age Group                      Group 1 (n=35)                                    Group 2 (n=17)
    (years)           Male          Female         Total          Male                Female              Total
   0 to
Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary … Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2021; 50(2): 286-293

                           Table 3: Risk factors of paediatric cholelithiasis (n=52)
      Associated risk factor              Number (%)                     Group 1                   Group 2
   Family history of gallstones              06 (11.5)                      05                       01
   Obesity                                   02 (03.8)                      02                        0
   Prolonged use of antibiotics              07 (13.5)                      03                       04
   Haemolytic disorder                       02 (03.8)                      02                        0
   Deranged lipid profile                    03 (05.5)                      03                        0
   No risk factors                           32 (61.5)                      20                       12

We could not find any definite underlying
aetiological factors in most of the cases (61.5%). In
6 cases (11.5%), the mother of the child had
undergone cholecystectomy a few years back; 7
cases (13.5%) had a history of recurrent cough and
cold for which they were given antibiotics on a
number of occasions; sickle cell anaemia and
thalassemia minor were each seen in one patient;
deranged lipid profile (triglyceride in excess) was
documented in 3 cases only (5.5%); two children
were obese for their age. Forty patients (76.9%)
were from urban area.

All initially symptomatic patients (35/52) had
cholecystectomy. Of these 32 had laparoscopic
cholecystectomy and in three patients, open
cholecystectomy was needed. Among these three                 Discussion
children, two had had a prior ERCP procedure done             Gallbladder pathologies are common in adults but
for the retrieval of concomitant common bile duct             recent trends also show an increase in their incidence
(CBD) stones while one case had excessive                     in children1. Although Gibson reported the first case
adhesions surrounding a perforated and inflamed               of paediatric cholelithiasis as early as 1737, it was
gallbladder which forbade safe dissection by the              found to be an uncommon pathology in children5.
laparoscopic method. The mean operating time was              Recently however, several investigators have
42 minutes (range 30-65min).The average hospital              reported an increase in its frequency and the
stay    was      2.3days    (2-3days).    Seventeen           resultant cholecystectomy6-9. Incidence of gallstone
asymptomatic patients (32.69%) who were kept on               disease in India is 0.3% with less than 0.1% in the
regular clinical follow up had periodic USG done at           0–10 year age group10,11. Males and females are
the interval of every three months. In 10/17 cases            equally affected in early childhood, but a clear
(58.8%), we noticed complete resolution of stone              female preponderance emerges in adolescence12,13.
from the gallbladder; 5/17 patients (29.4%)                   In this study, we observed male preponderance with
underwent cholecystectomy in due course of follow             a male: female ratio of 1.36. In this study, mean age
up while 2 cases, both being asymptomatic stopped             of presentation was 7.8 years and 67.3% of them
follow-up.                                                    were symptomatic. Bogue et al in their series
                                                              reported that the mean age of patients was 8.23 years
Histopathology report of gallbladder specimens                and 50.5% of the cases were asymptomatic at the
showed a spectrum of inflammatory changes                     time of diagnosis9. The detection of a significant
ranging from acute cholecystitis (10%) to chronic             number of asymptomatic gallstone patients can be
cholecystitis (72.5%); while in seven cases (17.5%)           attributed to the worldwide increase in the use of
it was found to be normal. However, these reports             sonogram for evaluation of any abdomen related
were non-specific and often did not correlate with            symptom.
intra-operative findings. On stone analyses, thirty
children (75%) showed mixed stones; eight (20%)               Among symptoms, pain in abdomen, dyspepsia and
had pigment stones (6 - brown pigment stones and 2            vomiting are the frequent complaints with which
- black pigment stones); pure cholesterol stones              most children present. Asymptomatic children
were found in only two cases (5%). Figure 2 depicts           usually have a diagnosis of gallstones when
these findings. No major complication or mortality            abdominal sonogram is done for some unrelated
was observed in this study.                                   symptom. Around twenty five percent of kids with
                                                              gallstones present with nonspecific abdominal
                                                              pain14. The aetiology can be unknown or can be
                                                              associated with risk factors, including haemolytic
                                                              conditions. Recently, it has become evident that only

Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary … Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2021; 50(2): 286-293

20% are related to recurring haemolysis14,15.                  open procedure with less pain, better cosmesis and
However, Wesdorp et al reported 39% gallstones                 shorter hospital stay18. Risks of laparoscopic
related to some haemolytic disease2. Factors related           cholecystectomy include CBD injury, bile leak,
to development of gallstones and clinical                      bleeding, wound infection, retained stones. Several
presentation differ with age2. Risk factors for                series report minimal complication rates7,12,18. St
cholelithiasis, which we encountered in our study,             Peter et al19 and Tannuri AC, et al20, in their studies
were haemolysis, extended antibiotic use, obesity,             reported no conversions, ductal injuries, bile leaks,
hypertriglyceridaemia and family history of                    or deaths. Reasons for converting from laparoscopic
cholelithiasis. In 61.5% of cases, we could not find           to open procedure may be too much inflammation
any underlying causes of gallstone formation.                  around gallbladder, distorted and anomalous
                                                               anatomy, difficult dissection in and around the
Kaechele V, et al investigated the role of obesity,            Calot’s triangle and constraints of space especially
female sex and pubertal development as risk factor             in paediatric patients. Kelley-Quon LI, et al21
for cholelithiasis1. In his study, he found gallstones         suggested that unlike in the adult, routine
to be unusual in pre-pubertal age group and obesity            intraoperative cholangiogram in children may not
and female sex to be associated with a higher risk of          lower the risk of bile duct injury during
gall stone formation, like in adults1. By contrast, we         cholecystectomy. Thus, cholangiogram was not
found a significant number of cholelithiasis patients          done in any of our patients. MRCP is useful in
to be in the pre-pubertal age group and only two of            selected children to exclude choledocholithiasis and
our children were obese. Males were more                       avoid intraoperative cholangiography22.
commonly involved in our series.
                                                               Mean       operating     time      of      laparoscopic
All laboratory results in cases of simple                      cholecystectomy in our study was 42 minutes (range
cholelithiasis were found to be within normal limits.          30-65min) at par with other series18,23. Proper pain
They were however helpful to identify biliary                  management and wound care are the two most
obstruction and acute cholecystitis. We found                  important goals of postoperative management24.
elevated levels of serum bilirubin and alkaline                With the majority of our patients having had a
phosphatase in the two cases of gallstones with                laparoscopic procedure with smaller wounds, both
associated choledocholithiasis. This can be                    these problems were less frequently observed in our
explained by impedance of bile flow due common                 study. We aimed for early re-institution of oral feeds
bile duct obstruction. Both these patients underwent           depending on the merits of the individual case and
a prior clearance of stone through ERCP procedure,             all these measures culminated in early discharge of
followed by a subsequent attempt at laparoscopic               the patients, mostly on the second postoperative day
cholecystectomy; unfortunately, the shrunken size              (mean hospital stay – 2.3 days). Langballe KO, et
of the gallbladder with significant inflammation and           al25 reported similar hospital stay in their study (91%
adhesions      led    to    conversion     to   open           of their patients were discharged within three days
cholecystectomy. Incidence of choledocholithiasis              of surgery without readmission). Histopathology
in paediatric age group is not known but in adult              suggested chronic cholecystitis in most cases
cases 3%-10% of the patients undergoing                        (72.5%). Pogorelic Z, et al26, in their research paper
cholecystectomy will have common bile duct (CBD)               mentioned that histopathology was suggestive of
stones16.                                                      chronic cholecystitis in 79.8% cases and acute
                                                               cholecystitis in 11.8% of cases. In 8.8% of cases,
USG of abdomen especially of hepato-biliary region             gallbladder was found to be normal.
remains the mainstay of diagnosis in cholelithiasis.
Having a sensitivity and specificity exceeding 95%,            What causes gallstones in young children? Possible
it has high accuracy in detecting gallstones stones as         reasons suggested include haemolytic disease,
small as 1.5mm; however, diagnosis of                          infectious aetiologies, metabolic causes, obesity,
choledocholithiasis is imprecise with a reported               familial risks, dietary and environmental factors and
sensitivity and specificity ranging between 50% –              medications; however, most of the cases are still
75%17. One child with lump in right hypochondrium              idiopathic in several series27,28. Several early series
had an inconclusive USG; computed tomography                   had reported the higher proportion of pigment gall
scan of abdomen showed gallbladder perforation                 stones thereby strengthening the relation between
with lump formation. The most common                           haemolytic disease and gallstones26,29. Recent
intervention for CBD stones is endoscopic                      evidence also shows that an increased incidence of
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)                     childhood obesity often parallels an increased
followed by procedure to remove the stones8,9.                 incidence of childhood gallstone disease28,30. A
                                                               recent trend has been the relative fall in the number
Surgery is the best and only treatment for                     of cases associated with haemolytic disease; this
symptomatic gallstones. Laparoscopic approach                  observation goes hand-in-hand with change in the
remains the preferred approach compared to the                 spectrum of the type of stones from pure pigment

Paediatric cholelithiasis: our experience at a tertiary … Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2021; 50(2): 286-293

stones to mixed and pure cholesterol varieties27.              the low rate of complications observed in their series
Pogorelic Z, et al26 described a similar shift in the          and the favourable natural history described in
composition of gallstones at their centre; in their            adults, they recommend an expectant management
study spectrophotometric analysis of gallstones                with periodic clinical and ultrasonographic
removed from 1998-2007 showed 63.6% pigment                    evaluation6,36-38. Young age is a favourable factor for
stones, whereas from 2008-2017, 70.6% of                       gallstone resolution; single stone, and stone size up
gallstones were cholesterol stones. Our study also             to 5 mm were other factors that affect stone
reflects this trend; mixed stones (75%) were                   dissolution35,39. According to some other
exceedingly more common than pigment stones (8                 series, cholecystectomy is advised for all
cases) and pure cholesterol stone (2 cases).                   asymptomatic children more than 3 years of age if
                                                               ultrasonography confirms that echogenic foci with
With regard to gallstone sterols, gallstone disease of         shadowing are true stones and not echogenic sludge,
adolescent girls is similar to that of adults31.               to prevent complications of CBD obstruction,
Composition of bile acids in paediatric gallstones             pancreatitis, perforation with bile peritonitis, and
remains different from adults31,32. Paediatric                 life-threatening sepsis15,39. There is a unanimous
gallstones containing cholesterol less than 35% of             decision on symptomatic gallstones in children that
the stone weight were called pigment stones whilst             it should be dealt surgically and laparoscopic
cholesterol stones contained it in excess of 35%. The          cholecystectomy is the gold standard treatment for
brown pigment stone is characterized by calcium                children as well6-8,18,40. Morbidity and mortality
palmitate and cholesterol (10-35%) and the black               following cholecystectomy are expected to be
pigment stone contains calcium carbonate with                  relatively low in the paediatric age group. In our
cholesterol (less than 10%)32. Reshetnyak VI, et al33          series there was no mortality or complications.
made a significant remark regarding pathogenesis of
gallstones     that    bacteria     producing     beta         Conclusions
glucuronidase and mucus give rise to mixed and                 Of the 52 ultrasound-confirmed cases of gallstones,
pigment gallstones, whereas bacteria producing                 32.7% were asymptomatic and 61.5% had no
mucus only or not producing any of these substance             definite aetiology. Of the asymptomatic cases 58.8%
gives rise to cholesterol stones.                              showed complete stone resolution from gallbladder
                                                               on follow-up sonogram after six months
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