Advances in chronic kidney disease pathophysiology and management

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Advances in chronic kidney disease pathophysiology and management
Focus | Clinical

Advances in chronic kidney
disease pathophysiology
and management

Tim Usherwood, Vincent Lee                             CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD; Box 1)            haematuria with dysmorphic red cells
                                                       is a major health concern in Australia,        and casts. The urine is often normal in
                                                       with a prevalence of 9% among                  hypertensive kidney disease, and it may
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a
                                                       non-Indigenous adult Australians and           also be normal in other conditions such as
major health concern in Australia, with a              18% among Aboriginal and Torres Strait         polycystic kidney disease and interstitial
prevalence of 9% among non-Indigenous                  Islander people.1 Risk factors for CKD         nephritis.
adult Australians and 18% among                        are listed in Box 2, while Figure 1 shows         Although typically asymptomatic
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander                  the classification of stages of CKD by         in its earlier stages, CKD tends to
people. CKD is a risk factor for                       glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and urinary   progress and may result in end-stage
cardiovascular disease, kidney failure
                                                       albumin.2 CKD is not itself a diagnosis,       kidney disease. CKD is also a risk factor
and other complications.
                                                       and a full assessment includes the three       for cardiovascular disease and, in its
Objective                                              elements shown in Table 1. Attempts            later stages, is associated with various
The aim of this article is to outline recent           should always be made to ascertain the         complications that affect the patient’s
advances in CKD pathophysiology and                    underlying pathology as this helps guide
management, focusing on strategies
                                                       treatment. Recommended diagnostic
for slowing disease progression and
                                                       investigations in CKD are listed in Box 3;     Box 1. Definition of chronic kidney
preventing cardiovascular and other
complications.                                         these may be varied according to clinical      disease2
                                                       findings and comorbidities (Table 2).3         • An estimated or measured glomerular
                                                           Most people with CKD do not undergo          filtration rate (GFR)
Advances in chronic kidney disease pathophysiology and management                                                                                               Focus | Clinical

wellbeing. Management therefore                                for CKD progression and should be                          aminoglycosides, calcineurin inhibitors,
focuses on delaying progression, reducing                      addressed. Physical activity is beneficial,                gadolinium, radiographic contrast
cardiovascular risk and preventing or                          and alcohol consumption should not                         agents, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
ameliorating complications. Kidney Health                      exceed National Health and Medical                         drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors.
Australia, and many guideline bodies                           Research Council guidelines. With rare                     Trimethoprim can raise serum creatinine
internationally, recommend an approach                         exceptions, patients with CKD should be                    by inhibiting tubular secretion – thus
to management based on stage of GFR and                        encouraged to maintain a normal protein                    reducing estimated GFR (eGFR), which
albumin excretion (Figure 1).2                                 intake of 0.75–1 g/kg/day. Limiting                        is calculated using serum creatinine – but
                                                               sodium intake to no more than 100 mmol                     has no effect on actual GFR.5 A second
                                                               (6 g salt) per day will benefit both blood                 common reason for acute kidney injury is
Slowing progression of chronic                                 pressure and albumin excretion.2,3 Patients                hypotension, however caused.
kidney disease                                                 should be advised to choose low salt foods                     Patients with CKD stages 3–5
Strategies to delay progression of CKD                         and not add salt at the table. Referral to a               are at increased risk of acute kidney
include lifestyle advice, prevention of                        dietician may be beneficial.                               injury;6 if they are ill and unable to
acute kidney injury, control of blood                             Acute kidney injury is diagnosed                        maintain adequate fluid intake (eg due
pressure and albuminuria, and disease-                         by either a sudden increase in serum                       to gastroenteritis), patients should be
specific interventions. Obesity and                            creatinine or a significant reduction                      advised to temporarily cease medications
smoking are significant risk factors                           in urine output when compared with                         that may increase the risk of decline
                                                               normal. Inadvertent use of nephrotoxic                     in kidney function or cause adverse
                                                               medications is a common cause of                           effects as a result of reduced clearance.
Box 2. Risk factors for chronic kidney                         acute injury; medications that should be                   A useful mnemonic for these drugs is
disease in the Australian population2                          avoided or prescribed in reduced dose                      SAD MANS (Sulfonylureas, Angiotensin
                                                               in patients with CKD include lithium,                      converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors,
Potentially modifiable:
• Obesity
• Hypertension
• Diabetes                                                                                                                   Albuminuria stage

• Smoking                                                      Kidney   GFR             Normal                            Microalbuminuria            Macroalbuminuria
                                                               function (mL/min/1.73m2) (urine ACR mg/mmol)               (urine ACR mg/mmol)         (urine ACR mg/mmol)
• Established cardiovascular disease
                                                               stage                    Male:
Focus | Clinical                                                                                       Advances in chronic kidney disease pathophysiology and management

                                                                                                                   greater sensitivity than proteinuria
Table 2. Investigations that may be indicated for patients with chronic kidney disease
                                                                                                                   testing for detecting most clinically
Patient factors                                        Suggested investigations                                    significant abnormalities. Therefore, the
                                                                                                                   recommendation is to use albumin-to-
Has or is at risk of diabetes                          Fasting blood glucose, glycated haemoglobin
                                                                                                                   creatinine ratio (ACR) as a standardised
Has eGFR 40 years                                      Serum and urine electrophoresis
                                                                                                                   disease, conferring an increased risk at
Has rash, arthritis or features                        Antinuclear antibodies, extractable nuclear                 every stage of CKD.11 Reduction in the
of connective tissue disease                           antibodies, anti-dsDNA, complement components               amount of albuminuria is associated with
                                                       (C3, C4)                                                    improved outcomes.12 Strategies include
                                                                                                                   reducing sodium intake and blood pressure,
Has pulmonary symptoms or                              Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody,
                                                                                                                   especially through prescription of an ACE
deteriorating kidney function                          Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
                                                                                                                   inhibitor or ARB. Addition of spironolactone
Has risk factors for HBV, HCV or HIV                   HBV, HCV, HIV serology                                      can also reduce albumin excretion; serum
                                                                                                                   potassium should be carefully monitored.
Has persistent albumin-to-creatinine                   Consider renal biopsy – refer to nephrologist
                                                                                                                   Persisting significant albuminuria
ratio >60–120 mg/mmol and/or
haematuria (with no urologic cause)                                                                                (eg urine ACR ≥30 mg/mmol) is an
                                                                                                                   indication for referral to a nephrologist.
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, human                A number of diseases affecting
immunodeficiency virus
                                                                                                                   the kidneys, such as immunological
                                                                                                                   conditions or polycystic disease, need
                                                                                                                   specific treatments that lie outside the
Diuretics, Metformin, Angiotensin                            The currently recommended target                      scope of this article. However, one recent
receptor blockers [ARBs], Non-steroidal                      blood pressure in patients with CKD is                important discovery is the potential
anti-inflammatories, Sodium–glucose                          consistently less than 130/80 mmHg.2                  renal and cardiovascular benefits of
co-transporter-2 [SGLT2] inhibitors).                        Aiming for a lower systolic blood                     SGLT2 inhibition in patients with type 2
   Hypertension is extremely common                          pressure of below 120 mmHg may be                     diabetes. Although originally developed
among patients with CKD because of                           appropriate in certain individuals at high            to reduce blood glucose through inhibition
several interacting mechanisms.7 Control                     cardiovascular risk, but the increased                of glucose resorption in the proximal
of blood pressure in many cases slows                        risk of falls, syncope, electrolyte                   convoluted tubule, this class of medication
progression of GFR decline and also                          abnormalities and acute kidney injury                 has wide-ranging effects in the body,
reduces cardiovascular risk. A significant                   needs to be considered.7                              including acting as a mild diuretic,
proportion of patients with CKD have                            A single agent will not achieve blood              increasing sodium and water excretion
so-called ‘masked hypertension’ with                         pressure control in many patients. Add-on             and reducing blood pressure.13 Their
normal blood pressure in the clinic                          options should be considered in light of              use in patients with CKD and diabetes
but elevation on ambulatory or home                          comorbidities and may include a thiazide              is associated with fewer cardiovascular
monitoring, so such measurement should                       or thiazide-like diuretic, or a calcium               events, reduced mortality and slowing
be considered. Lifestyle interventions to                    channel blocker. Difficulty achieving                 of decline in GFR; consequently,
reduce blood pressure should be discussed                    control may be due to poor medication                 SGLT2 inhibitors are now considered
with all patients with CKD. Reduction in                     adherence,9 high sodium intake or                     second-line agents in type 2 diabetes,
sodium intake is particularly important,                     obstructive sleep apnoea. If blood pressure           after metformin.14
along with weight loss and a low-fat                         is not consistently below target with at
diet rich in fruit and vegetables (eg the                    least three anti-hypertensive agents,
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension                      then referral to a nephrologist may be                Reducing cardiovascular risk
[DASH] diet).8                                               beneficial. Further guidance on blood                 Cardiovascular disease is the most
   Most patients with CKD and                                pressure control in CKD is available in               frequent cause of death in people with
hypertension have elevated levels of                         the Kidney Health Australia handbook                  early stages of CKD, for whom the absolute
angiotensin II, which increases systemic                     Chronic kidney disease (CKD) management               risk of cardiovascular events is similar
vascular resistance and hence blood                          in primary care.2                                     to that of people who have established
pressure through direct vasoconstriction.                       Although various proteins may be                   coronary artery disease. Reduced GFR
First-line medication for hypertension                       present in excess in the urine of patients            and elevated urinary albumin are both
in CKD is therefore an ACE inhibitor or                      with CKD, testing for albuminuria has                 independent risk factors for cardiovascular
ARB. These should not be combined.                           better analytical precision and exhibits              disease.11 Interventions to reduce this

190   Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 4, April 2021                                                                    © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021
Advances in chronic kidney disease pathophysiology and management                                                                                      Focus | Clinical

elevated risk include lifestyle change                         and the liver; these effects are mediated by     in part by reducing renal conversion of
and blood pressure control, as discussed                       hepcidin, a protein produced by the liver        calcitriol.22 Fasting levels of phosphate,
previously in this article.                                    that is often elevated in patients with CKD.     calcium and parathyroid hormone should
   Statins also play an important                              Other contributors to anaemia in CKD may         be monitored in all patients with CKD
part in cardiovascular risk reduction.                         include poor diet, blood loss and reduced        stage 3 or higher, and vitamin D deficiency
Dyslipidemia is common in patients with                        erythrocyte survival.                            corrected. Management of mineral and
CKD and typically includes increased                               Anaemia should always be                     bone disorder is complex and should
triglyceride levels in conjunction                             investigated and not attributed to CKD           be undertaken in consultation with a
with decreased levels of high-density                          without exclusion of other causes.               nephrologist.2,23
lipoprotein. Cholesterol may not be                            Vitamin B12 and/or folate deficiency                Other complications emerge as CKD
elevated, except in patients with marked                       may contribute, as may hypothyroidism            progresses, especially once GFR falls below
proteinuria (nephrotic syndrome).15                            or hyperparathyroidism. Iron studies may         30 mL/min/1.73m2. Although such patients
These abnormalities likely contribute to                       be misleading as CKD is an inflammatory          should normally be cared for in partnership
the increased risk and may be partially                        state and therefore serum ferritin may           with a nephrologist, general practitioners
reversed by a statin. A 2014 Cochrane                          be elevated as an acute phase reactant.          continue to have a key role in supporting the
review found that statins consistently                         Iron deficiency can only be excluded if          patient and their family; providing advice
lower the risk of death and major                              ferritin is >100 μg/L and the transferrin        and information; encouraging healthy
cardiovascular events by approximately                         saturation is >20%.19 Patients with CKD          diet, exercise and other behaviours;
20% in people with CKD who are not                             and anaemia should be prescribed iron,           coordinating management; offering
receiving dialysis. The effects on stroke                      orally or parenterally, to maintain these        preventive care; and screening for and
and kidney function were uncertain. The                        levels. If their haemoglobin remains below       addressing comorbidities.2
review concluded that statins have an                          100 g/L, they should also receive an
important role in primary prevention of                        erythropoietin analogue. Gastrointestinal
cardiovascular events and mortality in                         bleeding should always be considered a           Key points
people who have CKD.16 National and                            possible cause of iron deficiency anaemia        •   CKD is not a diagnosis; attempts
international guidelines recommend                             and the patient referred for endoscopy.              should always be made to ascertain the
statin or statin/ezetimibe combination                             Mineral and bone disorder in CKD                 underlying pathology as this helps guide
for all patients living with CKD and aged                      is characterised by altered calcium,                 treatment.
≥50 years, and for younger patients                            phosphate, parathyroid hormone and               •   Strategies to delay progression of CKD
who have additional risk factors for                           vitamin D homeostasis. The consequences              include lifestyle advice, prevention of
cardiovascular disease.2,17                                    include diminished bone strength and                 acute kidney injury, control of blood
                                                               mineralisation (renal osteodystrophy),               pressure and albuminuria, and disease-
                                                               soft tissue and vascular calcification, and          specific interventions.
Other complications of chronic                                 accelerated progression of cardiovascular        •   Inadvertent use of nephrotoxic
kidney disease                                                 disease.20,21 The changes of mineral and             medications is a common cause of acute
Although CKD can be caused by a                                bone disorder typically start to occur once          kidney injury.
variety of underlying pathologies, as it                       GFR falls below 60 mL/min/1.73m2.                •   Strategies to reduce cardiovascular risk
progresses, a consistent pathophysiological                    Metabolic acidosis may develop later and             in CKD include healthy lifestyle, blood
syndrome emerges. This is characterised                        further exacerbate calcium loss from bone.           pressure control and statins.
by hypertension, cardiovascular disease,                           Elevated serum phosphate, mainly due         •   Patients with renal anaemia, mineral
anaemia, mineral and bone disorder,                            to reduced urinary excretion, occurs early in        and bone disorder, or advanced
volume overload and metabolic acidosis.18                      the evolution of mineral and bone disorder.          disease should normally be cared for
   Hypertension and increased                                  The kidney is responsible for converting             in partnership with a nephrologist.
cardiovascular risk are discussed                              calcidiol (25-hydroxycalciferol) to calcitriol
previously in this article. Anaemia becomes                    (1,25-dihydroxycalciferol), the most potent
increasingly common at lower levels of                         form of vitamin D. Lower levels of calcitriol
                                                                                                                Tim Usherwood BSc, MBBS, MD, FRCP, FRCGP,
GFR. Interstitial cells in the renal cortex                    impair vitamin D–dependent calcium               FRACGP, Professor of General Practice, The
are the main source of erythropoietin in                       absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.      University of Sydney, NSW
                                                                                                                Vincent Lee MBBS, FRACP, PhD, Associate Professor,
adults; patients with CKD have a relative                      Elevated phosphate and lower calcium
                                                                                                                Westmead Applied Research Centre, University of
deficiency in erythropoietin production.19                     stimulate parathyroid hormone production         Sydney, NSW
Erythropoiesis depends on adequate iron                        (secondary hyperparathyroidism), and             Competing interests: None.
stores, and iron deficiency is common                          elevated parathyroid hormone increases           Funding: None.

in CKD. An important cause is reduced                          bone turnover.20,21 Fibroblast growth            Provenance and peer review: Commissioned,
                                                                                                                externally peer reviewed.
iron absorption from the gut and reduced                       factor 23, a protein secreted by osteocytes,     Correspondence to:
release of iron from storage in macrophages                    appears to play a key part in these processes,

© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021                                                          Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 4, April 2021   191
Focus | Clinical                                                                                          Advances in chronic kidney disease pathophysiology and management

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192   Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 4, April 2021                                                                       © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021
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