Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering

Page created by Salvador Martin
Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering

2023 Guidelines
The Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering       Over the past 34 years, the Foundation has awarded
Program invests in future leaders who have the            $464 million to support over 670 scientists and
freedom to take risks, explore new frontiers in their     engineers from 55 top national universities. It is
fields of study, and follow uncharted paths that may      among the nation's largest nongovernmental
lead to groundbreaking discoveries.                       fellowships, designed to allow maximum flexibility on
                                                          how the funding is used. Packard Fellows have gone
Program Overview                                          on to receive many additional awards and honors,
                                                          including Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Physics, Fields
The success of the Hewlett-Packard Company was
                                                          Medals, Alan T. Waterman Awards, Breakthrough
built on technology, derived in large measure from
                                                          Prizes and elections to the National Academy of
research and development in university laboratories.
                                                          Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
Because the endowment of the David and Lucile
Packard Foundation would not have been possible           What We Fund
without the success of HP, and because the research
performed by university-educated engineers and            Candidates must be faculty members who are eligible
scientists will provide the basis for future high-value   to serve as principal investigators engaged in research
economic activity for the nation, the Foundation has a    in the natural and physical sciences or engineering
long-standing interest in strengthening both              and must be within the first three years of their
university-based research and graduate education.         faculty careers. Disciplines that will be considered
                                                          include physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology,
In 1988, the Foundation established the Packard           astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean
Fellowships for Science and Engineering to allow the      science, and all branches of engineering. Candidates
nation's most promising early career professors to        engaged in research in the social sciences will not be
pursue their science and engineering research with        considered.
few funding restrictions and limited paperwork
requirements.                                             The Fellowship Program provides support for highly
Every year, the Foundation invites the presidents of      creative researchers early in their careers; faculty
50 universities to nominate two early-career              members who are well-established and well-funded
professors each from their institutions. Nominations      are less likely to receive the award. Packard Fellows
are carefully reviewed by the Fellowship Advisory         are inquisitive, passionate scientists and engineers
Panel, comprised of distinguished scientists and          who take a creative approach to their research, dare
engineers. 20 recipients will receive individual grants   to think big, and follow new ideas wherever they lead.
of $875,000 distributed over five years. Of the
$175,000 paid each year, $17,500 is available to the      The Foundation emphasizes support for innovative
university as compensation for administrative costs.      individual research that involves the Fellows, their
students, and junior colleagues, rather than               by the president of each institution. Candidates must
extensions or components of large-scale, ongoing           be faculty members in the first three years of their
research programs.                                         faculty careers, that is, whose initial faculty
                                                           appointments began no earlier than May 31, 2020,
                                                           and no later than May 31, 2023.
   Packard Fellows are inquisitive, passionate
  scientists and engineers who take a creative             The Foundation will host “Nomination Office Hours”
approach to their research, dare to think big and          for faculty members who might have specific
      follow new ideas wherever they lead.                 questions about their eligibility for the 2023 Packard
                                                           Fellowships. These meetings are optional and will not
                                                           have any influence in the review process. Please click
                                                           here to sign up for an appointment.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
                                                           Selection Process
The Foundation’s goals and how we carry out our
work reflect our commitment to diversity, equity, and      Nominations are reviewed by the Advisory Panel,
inclusion. In 2021, the Foundation piloted a program       which makes recommendations to the Foundation's
to offer additional funding support to Fellows for         Board of Trustees. The Board then makes the final
activities that help increase diversity and                approval of the selected Fellows. In 2023, 20
representation in science and engineering – whether        nominees will be selected to receive the Packard
in their research group, department, university, or        Fellowship award. Packard Fellowships are awarded
scientific fields. The second year of the pilot began in   without regard to age, race, national origin,
2022 and will continue into 2023. An invitation and        citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or
details regarding this diversity funding support will be   physical disability.
shared with the 2023 Fellows at the beginning of their
grant period.                                              Timing of Awards

                                                           January 31, 2023 - Requests for nominations will be
What We Do Not Fund
                                                           sent to university presidents.
Recognizing that certain areas of contemporary
                                                           February 15, 2023 - The Foundation’s online
science and engineering already have access to
                                                           application system will be available to nominees and
relatively generous funding (for example, clinical
                                                           referees on
research, research associated with the design and
construction of large national facilities such as          March 15, 2023 - Nominations are due to the
accelerators and space stations and applied research       Foundation.
of direct relevance to national security), the Packard                     * Now April 21 due to storm extension
Fellowships are directed to other, less generously         April 20, 2023* - All application materials (described
supported fields.                                          below) must be submitted to the Foundation.

                                                           October 16, 2023 - Awards will be announced.
Nomination Procedure

Nominations are requested in January of each year
from the presidents of 50 universities selected by the     Nomination and Application Requirements
Advisory Panel. Up to two nominations may be made
Please note that nominees will not be able to access                 hand knowledge of the nominee's ability to
the online application system until they have been                   do creative research. Nominees with joint
identified to the Packard Foundation.                                appointments may submit a single letter
                                                                     signed by both department heads. Emphasis
1. A completed nomination form from the president                    in this letter should be given to information
   of the university. The nomination form, which will                not available in other letters of
   be emailed to the universities with the request for               recommendation.
   nominations, should state the nominee's name
                                                               •     Recommendations from three people outside
   and contact information including email address,
                                                                     the nominee’s university who are personally
   departmental affiliation, sponsoring institution's
                                                                     familiar with the nominee's work and creative
   name, and president's name and address. It
                                                                     ability. At least one recommendation must be
   should not include any written comments.
                                                                     from a person who has had no supervisory or
                                                                     collaborative contact with the nominee.
2. An online submission by each nominee should
   include the following:                                Letters of recommendation may be submitted
   • Complete contact information                        through file upload on the Foundation’s online
   • Departmental and institutional affiliation(s)       application system or sent directly to Foundation staff
   • Disciplinary field(s)                               by email. Letters should not exceed two pages and
   • Educational background                              should be prepared in 12-point font with 1-inch
   • Professional positions held                         margins. It should be noted that the referee will not
   • Honors and awards                                   have access to the online system until the nominee
   • Current external research support                   enters their name and contact information into the
   • Publications                                        system.
   • Research statement
                                                         Reporting Requirements
       The research statement should describe why
       the research is important and outline the         The Packard Fellowship Program seeks to keep
       general goals for the next five years. The        reporting requirements to a minimum for active
       statement should also indicate, in general,       Fellows. However, because this award is dependent
       how funds will be used. This does not need to     upon satisfactory research progress, Fellows must file
       be a detailed budget and will not be binding      annual narrative reports and a final financial report.
       on the actual use of funds. The research
       statement is limited to 1,400 words                 •       A narrative report must be filed online
       (maximum two pages of text, prepared in 12-                 ( by October 15 of each
       point font with 1-inch margins). If there are               year and consists of a brief, two-page
       relevant figures, images or references, please              description of research progress, a publication
       include these separately on a third page.                   list, and updated curriculum vitae information.

3. Four letters of recommendation that include the         •       A final financial report must be submitted by
   following:                                                      December 31 of the final year of the Fellowship.
                                                                   The report should outline actual expenditures
    •   A recommendation from the nominee’s                        for the entire grant period. The financial report
        department head, which should describe first-
should be submitted by the university’s               Pennsylvania State University
      financial office on behalf of the Fellow.             Princeton University
                                                            Purdue University
Fellows within the first five years of their fellowship     Rice University
will be invited to participate in the annual Packard        Stanford University
Fellows Meeting, which is held each fall in Monterey,       SUNY at Stony Brook
California. Fellows are expected to give an oral            Texas A&M University
presentation on their work in their first and fifth years   The State University of New Jersey – Rutgers
and are encouraged to make poster presentations in          University of Arizona
other years.                                                University of California, Berkeley
                                                            University of California, Davis
Fellowship Advisory Panel                                   University of California, Irvine
Richard B. Alley, Pennsylvania State University             University of California, Los Angeles
Kristi S. Anseth, University of Colorado at Boulder         University of California, San Diego
Martin Gruebele, University of Illinois, Urbana-            University of California, San Francisco
Champaign                                                   University of California, Santa Barbara
Erich Jarvis, Rockefeller University                        University of California, Santa Cruz
Celeste M. Nelson, Princeton University                     University of Chicago
Andrei Y. Okounkov, Columbia University                     University of Colorado, Boulder
Franklin M. (“Lynn”) Orr, Stanford University               University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Stephen R. Quake, Stanford University                       University of Maryland, College Park
Robert J. Schoelkopf, Yale University                       University of Michigan
Christopher W. Stubbs, Harvard University                   University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Eva Tardos, Cornell University                              University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sarah Tishkoff, University of Pennsylvania                  University of Pennsylvania
                                                            University of Pittsburgh
                                                            University of Rochester
Invited Institutions
                                                            University of Southern California
                                                            University of Texas at Austin
Brown University
                                                            University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center
California Institute of Technology
                                                            University of Utah
Carnegie Mellon University
                                                            University of Virginia
Columbia University
                                                            University of Washington
Cornell University
                                                            University of Wisconsin, Madison
Duke University
                                                            Vanderbilt University
Georgia Institute of Technology
                                                            Washington University in St. Louis
Harvard University
                                                            Yale University
Johns Hopkins University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New York University
Northwestern University
Ohio State University
Program Modifications                                  How to Reach Us

This program may be modified from time to time as      Fellowships for Science and Engineering Environment
experience is gained from its operation. Suggestions   and Science Program
for modifications will be solicited on a continuing    The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
basis from the Fellowship Advisory Panel and from      343 Second Street
the Fellows. The Board of Trustees of the David and    Los Altos, California 94022
Lucile Packard Foundation reserves the right to make   Phone: 650-917-7275
any changes it considers desirable at any time.        Email:

                                                       The online application and reporting system are found
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