Page created by Jorge Frank
Volume 110, Issue 08                                                                                                                     Thursday, February 07, 2019

                                             Follow Us:                    The Pacifican                @ThePacifican                         @ThePacifican


Pacific will host a memorial service for inspirational music professor, Dr. Eric Hammer.                                                    PC: University of the Pacific

Carlos Flores                     mer’s career began with his        says Lauren Gibson ‘17,          they personally believed they        “Pacific Hail” in his honor as
                                  undergraduate education here       who served as his Graduate       were capable of.”
Editor-in-Chief                   at University of the Pacific,                                         The community that he
                                                                                                                                           Burns Tower began to play the
                                                                     Assistant as she earned her                                           school’s alma mater. After a
_________________                 where he graduated in 1973         master’s degree from Pacific.    loved, was quick to celebrate        brief silence, the students and
    On Monday, January            before earning his master’s                                         his life, with a candlelight vigil
                                                                     “He taught me not just about                                          faculty in attendance began
28th, the Pacific communi-        and doctorate degrees at the                                        being held the night that the
                                                                     the intricacies of music, ed-                                         to tell their stories of their ex-
ty suffered a loss that came      University of Oregon.                                               news broke of his passing.
                                                                     ucation, and conducting, but                                          periences with Dr. Hammer,
seemingly out of nowhere.            “Dr. Hammer was one                                              Pacific students, faculty, and
                                                                     also how to be the best person                                        eulogozing the man who had
Dr. Eric Hammer, Director of      of the most inspirational          one could be. He always want-    alumni all gathered outside of       ________________________
Bands at Pacific’s Conservato-    humans I have ever had the         ed everyone to be the absolute   Faye Spanos Concert Hall at
ry of Music, passed away after    privilege of knowing. Every        best they could be and often
                                                                                                                                           DR. HAMMER
complications following a         single person he knew was                                           11pm, as the community that          Continued on Page 2
                                                                     pushed them beyond what                                                                                    Hammer was 68.
recent back surgery. Dr. Ham-     welcomed into his family,”                                          mourned Dr. Hammer sang              ________________________             PC: University of the Pacific
The Pacifican | 2                                                                    News                                                                 Thursday, february 07, 2019
DR. HAMMER                         Services Coordinator Jennifer      one of the main rea-
                                   Goodwin. “Eric knew exactly
Continued from Page 1
                                   how to make me feel appreci-
                                                                      sons the Conservatory
undoubtedly changed hun-
                                   ated and like I was making a       is so special. I don’t
dreds of lives in his 26 years                                        think there is a person
                                       After the event, a difficult
at Pacific.                        week followed as the Pacific       who embodies Pacific
   The tributes included sen-      community grieved, tried to        more than Dr. Ham-
timental stories, funny stories,   heal, and most important of
and fraternity songs from Phi                                         mer.”
                                   all, made music in memory of
Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the music       Dr. Eric Hammer.
fraternity into which he was           The Pacific Pep Band took         Memories recounted by
initiated in 1970. The front       a temporary absence from           students and alumni reveal
entrance to the Faye Spanos        the women’s basketball game        the tremendous influence Dr.
Concert Hall was lit for the       on the 31st, but was filled in     Hammer has had on hundreds
occasion, and will remain lit      by the local band programs         of Pacific students.
until his memorial service.        from Lincoln and Tracy High           “I honestly can’t count how
                                   School.                            many lessons I learned from
“Eric knew exactly                     Both present and past          him,” says Brandt Nishida ‘13.
                                   members of the pep band            “Even after I left Pacific he
how to make me feel                                                   continued make an impact on
                                   then sang “Pacific Hail” at
appreciated and like I             half time in honor of their        my life. I think he is one of the
was making a differ-               long time advisor. The game        main reasons the Conser-
                                   also initiated an honorary         vatory is so special. I don’t
ence.”                                                                think there is a person who
                                   moment of silence before tip
                                   off, concluded by Dr. Ham-         embodies Pacific more than
   Dr. Hammer has been                                                Dr. Hammer.”
                                   mer’s signature phrase, which
a positive force among the                                               It was a sentiment shared
                                   has alwats appeared at the
Conservatory’s faculty during                                         by others.
                                   end of all of his correspon-
his decades at Pacific.                                               “Dr. Hammer was always
                                   dence: “Onward.”
   “Eric would stop into my                                           very hard on me because he
office often to tell me I was      “Even after I left                 believed in me and knew I
                                                                                                          Dr. Hammer was preparing for his final semester before retirement.
doing an amazing job and he        Pacific he continued                                                   PC: University of the Pacific
                                                                      could do better, even when I
thought we were similar in
how we cared about students,”
                                   make an impact on                  did not believe in myself. He       who I am without his influ-      changed my life.”                   ary 10th, at 10am in the Alex
                                                                      pushed me to become a better        ence,” says current student        Dr. Hammer’s memorial             Spanos Center The memorial
says Conservatory Student          my life. I think he is             educator and I would not be                                          service will be Sunday, Febru-      is open to the public.
                                                                                                          Allie VanderMolen, ‘19. “He

                                   The Pacifican
   Phone                                    Editor-In-Chief             Sport Editor
   Main :(209) 946-2155                     Carlos Flores               Amanda Davis
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   Mailing Address
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   Email                                    Staff Writers                       Noah Lenzi
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The Pacifican | 3                                                                      News                                                               Thursday, february 07, 2019

Holocaust Survivor Shares His Story With Students

Sami Steigmann speaks to the crowd at University of the Pacific. He is a Holocaust survivor who spoke about love.
PC: Ramesh Borad

                                                                                                                                                                                  Upon hearing that he would
Scarlett Green                      love for one another in spite of   hate them,” says Steigmann,       day,” says Lauren Hudson,         to such a powerful speech we
                                                                                                                                                                               be traveling to California, she
                                    our differences.                   “So that’s why you should treat   International Relations ‘21. “I   have to thank President of
Opinion Editor                          Steigmann opened up to         each person as an individual,     thought it was really interest-   Pacific Hillel, Shiri Warshawsky,   immediately reached out to
                                    the audience about how he had      not as a group, and be willing    ing that he was able to find a    Pre-Medical ‘21. “UOP has a         him to ask if he would come
    On Thursday Januarty 24th,                                                                                                                                                 to visit Pacific. She explains
                                    at one time let hatred destroy     to talk. And if you talk you’ll   message through the pain that     very small Jewish population
Pacific students had the once                                                                                                                                                  that Steigmann treated her like
                                    relationships in his life that     find out you have a lot more      he had and even go further        but I really wanted to make this
in a lifetime opportunity to                                                                                                                                                   family and that his kindness
                                    were very dear to him. With        in common than differences.”      to discuss more moral issues      a big event, especially because
listen to a lecture given by                                                                                                                                                   made putting on the event an
                                    reference to this experience, he   In this way, he encouraged        that had to do with human         Sami came all the way from
Sami Steigmann, a survivor                                                                                                                                                     even greater experience.
                                    urged students to show love,       students to avoid stereotypes     interaction.”                     New York,” she says. “To be
of the Holocaust, in the DUC                                                                                                                                                      Steigmann’s lecture taught
                                    especially to those who seem       and instead find common              Hudson went on to say that     honest I did encounter a lot of
Ballroom. The Ballroom was                                                                                                                                                     stu dents to listen, learn, and
                                    the most undeserving of it.        ground upon which you may         she admired Steigmann’s brav-     people who seemed indifferent
packed with students and staff                                                                                                                                                 above all, be kind.
                                       He even says that he has        have the chance to gain a new     ery for speaking to so many       [to the idea of hearing Steig-
as Steigmann spoke in detail                                                                                                                                                      If you didn’t get to see
                                    spoken with and befriended         perspective or share your own     people about his personal         mann speak], but I’m really
about his experience as a                                                                                                                                                      Steigmann’s lecture in person
                                    former members of the Nazi         with someone else.                experiences. She says that she    happy with how it turned out.”
Jewish person dealing with an-                                                                                                                                                 or missed our livestream, stay
                                    party in order to show them           “Because he was so young       believes that many people can     Warshawsky says that she was
ti-Semitism. However, he took                                                                                                                                                  tuned to the Pacifican news-
                                    the perspective of the people      when he was taken to the          benefit from using patience       able to reach out to Steigmann
the time to make it clear that he                                                                                                                                              paper’s Facebook page where
                                    they had been oppressing.          camps, he couldn’t remember       and kind words in order to        through a mutual connection
fights not just anti-Semitism,                                                                                                                                                 we will be posting a video
                                       “You hate people because        everything that he had been       encourage others to listen to     she had made during a trip
but hatred in general.                                                                                                                                                         depicting the highlights of the
                                    you don’t know them. You           through but he still feels the    your point of view.               abroad with a Jewish student
    The theme of the lecture                                                                                                                                                   event!
                                    don’t know them because you        pain from the experience each       For the opportunity to listen   organization.
surrounded the idea of having
The Pacifican | 4                                                           Opinion                                                                         Thursday, february 07, 2019

      Pacific Film Club Award Nominations and Winners
UoP Film Club

   In our first official article,
the UOP Film Club would
like to announce our personal
nominations for the 2018 film
year! In what has been an as-
tounding year for film, it takes
a lot to make the impact these
movies had on us members.
Between all of us, we’ve seen
around 120 different movies,
so the diversity of options
made it hard to narrow down,
but hopefully you like our
   Below are the nominees
in our 6 categories and their
   The winner for Best Sup-
porting Actress is…Rachel
McAdams in Game Night!
                                     Alfonso Cuaron wins Best Director for his film Roma.                           PC: Time Magazine

 “... While being argu-              gest snub of this year’s Oscars,   journey of extreme sadness         pulling his audience in past
                                     demolished the competition         and torture to a finale of utter   the terrible prosthetic teeth
 ably the biggest snub               for us. Such a sobering and        insanity that has to be seen to    and dubbed over singing. In
  of this year’s Oscars,             haunting portrayal of a real       be believed.                       a mixed film, he became a
      demolished the                 man that not only reminds            And the winner for Best          shining star which I’m sure
                                     us of the horror of addiction      Lead Actor is…Rami Malek           Mercury would be proud of.
       competition.”                 but also how many of us at         in Bohemian Rhapsody!                 And the winner for Best
                                     the cusp of adulthood are still                                       Director is…Alfonso Cuaron         Hereditary wins the award for Best Picture.       PC: Collider
   While the film itself is fairly
                                     a child inside and how terri-        “In a mixed film, he             for Roma!
unassuming - a generically
                                     fying the world can be when                                              A truly masterful work of
named comedy coming out
                                     we’re thrust into it.               became a shining star             art in a continuing dominance
in February from directors
                                       And the winner for Best Lead          which I’m sure                from Mexican-born directors,
with a very poor past (2015’s
                                     Actress is…Toni Collette in                                           Cuaron’s direction is one of        “...Ari Aster’s journey          journey into grief and worship
Vacation reboot) - it created                                              Mercury would be                                                                                     gave fans of horror another
                                     Hereditary!                                                           utter confidence.                  into grief and worship
one of the funniest comedies                                                   proud of ”                                                                                       glimmer of hope as to what
of the year with a stunning
                                          And here’s yet another                                               With most shots going          gave fans of horror an-           passionate filmmakers can do
                                     massive snub the Academy                                              on for minutes at a time and
performance from McAdams.
                                     made. This decade so far has          I mean, what else is there?     working with largely first-time    other glimmer of hope             with their genre.
She lights up every scene she’s                                                                                                                                                     With pitch-performances
                                     been demonstrably strong           In the bonafide four-quad-         actors, the film maintains          as to what passionate            from the entire cast, a tight
in with a unique comic timing                                           rant smash of 2018, Malek
that seems incredibly difficult
                                     with horror, especially the last
                                                                        absolutely destroyed the
                                                                                                           to be a riveting journey that         filmmakers can do              script that makes time for
                                     5 years. Studios like A24 have                                        captures the life many women
to pull off.
                                     helped produce this new wave       competition.                       had to face in 1970’s Mexico           with their genre.”            quiet moments of self-reflec-
   The scene above is prob-                                                In November when Bohe-                                                                               tion in the characters, and
                                     of horror filmmaking, spon-                                           and expanding upon it by                                             an iconic tic that left many
ably the highlight of the film                                          mian Rhapsody destroyed the                                               Every year seems to have
                                     soring directors with unique                                          contrasting these visages                                            fans shaking in their boots
showing off what a talented                                             box office, and has continued                                         its own horror masterpiece
                                     visions and strong direction.                                         of a collapsing family with                                          at the sound of a little click,
comedian can do with the                                                to do so to the tune of over                                          this decade. Ex Machina, The
                                     Collette works wonders under                                          images of monumental natural                                         Hereditary establishes itself
right material.                                                         $800 million, he transformed                                          VVitch, It Follows; all elevat-
                                     that, being largely forgotten                                         disasters.                                                           as 2018’s horror masterpiece
   And the winner of Best                                               into rock legend Freddie                                              ing the genre and giving hope
                                     about to the mainstream since                                             Cuaron dominates this                                            that will influence generations
Supporting Actor is…Timo-                                               Mercury, astounding not only                                          to fans who drag themselves
                                     1999’s The Sixth Sense and                                            labor of love in a once-in-a-                                        to come as to what kind of
thee Chalamet in Beautiful                                              the rabid fanbase but also the                                        to the deluge of studio cash
                                     has now suddenly broken the                                           lifestyle fashion that has to be                                     nightmare-fueled magic can
Boy!                                                                    current members of Queen.                                             grabs just to support their
                                     mold and became a household                                           seen to be believed.                                                 be created with passion and
 Stan Twitter’s boyfriend,                                                 He became an instant star                                          movie love.
                                     name again. Her performance                                               And now, the winner of                                           a sick sense of filmmaking
while being arguably the big-                                           replicating the unique and                                                This year, Ari Aster’s
                                     is a revelation, going on a                                           Best Picture. …Hereditary!                                           prowess.
The Pacifican | 5                                   Opinion                                           Thursday, february 07, 2019

Pacific Film Club nominates contenders in 5 categories
Best Supporting   Best Supporting      Best Actress       Best Actor           Best Director      Best Picture         Best Picture
Actress           Actor                                                                                                (Cont.)
Rachel McAdams,   Mahershala Ali,      Lady Gaga,         Josh Brolin,         Christopher         American Animals    Blindspotting
Game Night        Green Book           A Star is Born     Avengers: Infinity   McQuarrie,
                                                          War                  Mission Impossible:

Emma Stone,       Timothee             Elsie Fisher,      Nicolas Cage,        Berry Jenkins,     Annihilation         Bohemian
The Favorite      Chalamet,            Eighth Grade       Mandy                If Beale Street                         Rhapsody
                  Beautiful Boy                                                Could Talk

Regina King,      Adam Driver,         Natalie Portman,   Rami Malek,          Alfonso Cuaron,    Avengers: Infinity   Hereditary
If Beale Street   BlacKkKlansman       Annihilation       Bohemian             Roma               War
Could Talk                                                Rhapsody

Emily Blunt,      Alex Wolff,          Toni Collette,     Bradley Cooper,      Spike Lee,         Bandersnatch         A Quiet Place
A Quiet Place     Hereditary           Hereditary         A Star is Born       BlacKkKlansman

Blake Lively,     Michael B. Jordan,   Joanna Kulig,      John David           Alex Garland       BlacKkKlansman       Roma
A Simple Favor    Black Panther        Cold War           Washington,          Annihilation
The Pacifican | 6                                                       Lifestyles                                                                       Thursday, february 07, 2019

  Pacific Smasher Sparks National Interest
Carlos Flores
On the weekend of Super
Bowl LIII, as much of the
American population geared
themselves up for a clash of
the titans between the Los
Angeles Rams and the New
England Patriots in Atlanta,
Georgia, an entirely different
population of people prepared
themselves for battle at the
Oakland Convention Center.
  Over 3000 people gathered
in Oakland, California for one
of the biggest Super Smash
Bros. tournaments in the
world, a yearly major tour-
nament known as Genesis.
In Genesis’ sixth iteration,
top players from countries
including but not limited
to the United States, Japan,
Sweden, and Mexico vied to
compete for prize money and
glory both at the Convention
Center and on the grand finals
stage at Oakland’s Paramount
  The Super Smash Bros.
community is unique to its
other eSports counterparts. It
comprises of multiple games:
the original Super Smash Bros.   Pacific Student Zaid Ali is currently ranked #53 in the world for Super Smash Bros. Melee.                                                             PC: Amaris Woo
game, released for the Nin-
tendo 64 in 1999; its sequel,    thousands of people trying to      placed Ali as the 4th best Melee     placing within the top 50 out     competitors tout sponsors         in the Melee doubles tourna-
Super Smash Bros. Melee,         reach the top of the compet-       player in Northern California,       of thousands of competitors       from professional gaming          ment with Binyan “Darkatma”
released for the Nintendo        itive Smash world, only 100        a state that boasts some of the      at every major tournament he      organizations, and the end        Lin, and also placing 33rd out
Gamecube in 2001; and the        players from the Melee and         game’s top talent, and as the        attended, while still earning     of 2018 saw Ali sponsored         of over 200 teams.
most recently released Super     Ultimate scenes are consid-        53rd best Super Smash Bros.          top placements at local tour-     by professional gaming or-          “The goals I have set for my-
Smash Bros. Ultimate for the     ered to be within the top          Melee player in the world.           naments. His highest placing      ganization True AmBition,         self aren’t exactly set in stone,”
Nintendo Switch. The compet-     echelon of players. Among            “Being acknowledged by your        throughout 2018’s major           as he went on to place 33rd       Ali explained, “but I want to
itive Smash Bros. community      those 100 is Pacific computer      community for all the effort         tournaments included placing      out of over 1000 competitors      be very close to the world’s
is wide and far reaching, and    science student Zaid Ali ‘21,      you’ve put in truly is a wonder-     17th out of over 1000 com-        at Genesis 6. He chalked up       players in terms of perfor-
even has its own club at Pa-     better known in the Smash          ful feeling,” says Ali, “To have     petitors at the eighth Michi-     wins against players such as      mance and decision-making
cific that meets weekly in the   world by his alias, “Spark.”       risen in rank is rewarding as        gan-based major tournament        33rd ranked Griffin “Captain      by the end of the year.”
Spruce Room every Wednes-        This is Ali’s fifth year playing   well, since it shows not only        known as The Big House.           Faceroll” Williams. Ali’s           The man known as Spark
day night at 7pm. Howev-         competitive Smash, and in          to everyone, but also to myself        While this is his second year   placing of 33rd was par for       continues to make waves, with
er, Pacific has what many        those five years he has quickly    that I haven’t grown complacent      ranked in the top 100, having     the course as far as his previ-   many notable wins already
other schools with competitive   risen through the ranks in         with the fact that I’ve made it on   been ranked 61st the prior        ous placings throughout the       under his belt. He will be sure
Smash communities do not:        Northern California, winning       the rankings.”                       year, Ali went into Genesis       year, though he also spent        to collect more as his career
one of the best Smash players    his first local tournament in        2018 had Ali show some of the      with something he had never       the weekend competing in          continues, and as his star con-
in the world.                    August of 2015. The commu-         best placings in his competi-        had before: a professional        three other events simulta-       tinues to rise, more eyes will
  Out of the thousands and       nity’s most recent rankings        tive career, always consistently     sponsor. Many of gaming’s top     neously, as he also competed      surely be on Zaid “Spark” Ali.
The Pacifican | 7                                                             Lifestyles                                                                       Thursday, february 07, 2019

Members of Swim and Dive Create Sci-Fi Movie
Malavika Raj                       havoc on Earth. Comple-
                                   mented by characters played
Lifestyles Editor                  by their teammates and the
                                   song “Sexy and I Know It”
  If you’re really, really bored   accompanying their ultimate
and a Friday night with            gory battle scene, the brothers,
absolutely nothing to do and       who are not even vaguely
nowhere to go, head over to        similar to one another, put
YouTube and type in Alien          their differences aside and
Demon- you will witness the        device a plan to take down the
most entertaining 46 minutes       Alien Demon. Swim and Dive
of your life.                      head coach,Peter Richardson,
  Students on the Pacific          even made a cameo as a news
men’s swim team, directed          reporter.
by Erik Clemensen ‘20,               The movie was shot around
created a sci-fi thriller movie    the university, primarily
centered around three long         Mendocino Street and Pacific
lost brothers who come to-         campus facilities. Clemenson
gether to defeat the the most      and Reno are credited as the
obscure viridescent creature       producers of the movie.
unknown to man - the                  Unscripted, packed with
Alien Demon, played by Jan         goofy jokes, and a lighthearted
Schlegel ‘21, who was coated       plot line, the movie premiered
thoroughly head to toe in          at the Janet Leigh theater on
green paint.                       December 7th. Pacific’s swim
   Partially shirtless, wearing                                       The stars of Alien Demon line up for a picture including Brandon Reno, Jan Schlegal, Eric Thias, Erik Clemensen, Peter Richardson at
                                   and dive team was excited to
 sunglasses, and in style, the                                        the premier of the movie. PC: UOP Swimming and Diving
                                   see their teammates’ creation.
 three brothers played by             “It took them six months to
 Clemenson himself, Brandon                                           Bromley ‘21. Students dressed     some; there was a small red            to tease Alien Demon.              When asked if she would
                                   make. We were surprised on
 Reno ‘20, and Eric Thias ‘21                                         up in semi formal attire took     carpet. More people than I               In fact, the ending of the      want to see their sophomore
                                   how well put together it was.
 search for the Alien Demon                                           pictures on the “red carpet”      thought showed up,” she says.          movie sparks a possibility for    production, Bromley simply
                                   It was very well coordinated,”
 to destroy after it wreaks                                           for the premier. “It was awe-       Three trailers were released         a sequel.                         answered, “yes.”
                                   says fellow teammate Kendall

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The Pacifican | 8                                                            Sports                                                            Thursday, february 07, 2019

Dell Demps Jersey Retired in Halftime Ceremony
                                                                                                Carlos Flores                    Golden State Warriors in 1993.      family. He posed for pictures
                                                                                                                                   He then went on to play for       with the No. 5 jersey.
                                                                                                Editor-in-Chief                  the San Antonio Spurs and           “As a true ambassador for
                                                                                                                                 the Orlando Magic before his        Pacific, Dell now represents
                                                                                                  On January 17th, 2019, the     retirement as a player in 2000.     the University on the local,
                                                                                                Pacific men’s basketball pro-    Demps most recently became          regional, and national stage
                                                                                                gram, during a home game         the vice president and general      with pride and distinction,”
                                                                                                against University of San        manager of the                      explained Lucas, “As a stu-
                                                                                                Francisco, held a jersey         New Orleans Pelicans.               dent-athlete who graduated
                                                                                                retirement ceremony for men’s      Athletics director Janet Lucas    from UOP with bachelor’s and
                                                                                                basketball                       stated that, “Honoring Dell         master’s degrees in business
                                                                                                alumni Dell Demps.               Demps this season for his con-      administration, Dell shaped
                                                                                                  Demps earned both his          tributions to the game and to       his purpose and goals through
                                                                                                bachelor’s and his master’s      Pacific by retiring his #5 jersey   his academic, athletic, and life
                                                                                                degrees in business admin-       was the perfect opportunity to      experiences at Pacific.”
                                                                                                istration at University of the   acknowledge this remarkable         Lucas continued to say that,
                                                                                                Pacific and was a guard at       alumnus.”                           “Dell’s accomplishments and
                                                                                                Pacific from 1988 to                Demps said he was happy          character truly help to tell the
                                                                                                1992, before beginning his       to be honored by Pacific and        story of Pacific Athletics.”
                                                                                                career in the NBA with the       thanked his coaches and his
Dell Demps’ #5 jersey now hangs proudly at the Alex G. Spanos Center.   PC: Pacific Athletics
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