Page created by Stephanie Keller
FACULTY 2020-2021

David & Lorraine      Madison Miles        Terry Miles         Jennifer Norman
   Branham              Librarian      Maintenance Director/   Dorm Supervisor/
 Choir Directors                            Instructor            Instructor

Mike Pennington                 Doug Presley                    Joshua Ritchie
OBI Guatemala/                 Dean of Students/               Business Manager/
   Instructor                     Instructor                       Instructor

  Josh Rogers      David Schminkey          Mike Shelton          Bonnie Stoner
Dorm Supervisor/   Christian Education Academic Dean/ Instructor/   Registrar
Outreach Leader    Director/ Instructor    Outreach Director

Jeremy Stoughton               Daniel E. Taylor                Dathan Tucker
   Bookkeeper                    President/                     Bus Driver/
                                  Instructor                     Instructor

     Rev. D.C. Branham
  “A place where God can
help Himself to young lives”

                        “Follow peace with all        the jack inside. The Nigerian minis-
                      men and holiness with-          ter then asked Charles a troublesome
                      out which no man shall          question, “Do you have a spare tire?”
                      see the Lord” (Hebrews          Charles looked more than a little em-
                      12:14).                         barrassed as he responded, “no.” The
                      In my 40 plus years of          minister just rolled his eyes as if to say,
                      ministry, I have seen           “What good is a jack and no spare tire?”
                      abuses in every basic           “...without which.”
                      doctrine of the church.             Is it too much to say that seeing the
 President & Sister Salvation, Pentecost,             scripture says, if you or I are “without”
 Daniel E. Taylor Water Baptism, and Ho-              an energy that earnestly follows after
                      liness, to mention a few.       “peace with all men and holiness,”
Some differences in opinion about church-             we could cancel out by their absence
related matters are not necessarily a heav-           our goal, which is to make it to heaven
en or hell issue; but the words of our text,          and see God? I ask you, “Is Holiness
state plainly that holiness is.                       an important subject?” I wouldn’t insist
     There are two words in the text that pen-        on you hearing about it and pressing
etrate my soul to the bottom every time I read        you to pray through to Biblical con-
them. They are solemn words which seem                victions if I thought it was optional.
to overflow with importance. Do you see                   The Oriental House, our local Chi-
them? Is it “peace” or “holiness?” No,                nese restaurant, gives you options. The
they are vital to my understanding of what            buffet is full of options, what you drink
God wants, but they don’t make me shake.              is optional. You may choose water, tea,
No, the two words that make my heart snap             Pepsi, or Mountain Dew. But Jesus said
to attention are: “without which.” The                figuratively, “except you eat my flesh
phrase “shall see the Lord,” is a wonderful           and drink my blood,” except you par-
hope of every serious Christian, but here we          take of “the divine nature,” you have
are told of elements of our faith that are so         no part with Him. And His nature is holy.
vital that without them our ultimate goal will        “...without which.”
be frustrated.                                            The words “without which” thrust
     Picture some things in your mind with            Hebrews 12:14 into a category with
me: a guitar without strings, a light fix-            Scriptures that demand that we sit up
ture without bulbs, an automobile with-               and take notice. Such Scriptures as
out fuel, a refrigerator without electric-            “Except a man be born again, he can-
ity, and a human body without a heart. If             not see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).
you follow this example of one without                “For there is none other name under
the other, you have no music, no light, no            heaven given among men, where-
power, and no life. “...without which.”               by we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
     When I was in Africa, a Nigerian min-            “They that do such things shall not in-
ister and myself were about to leave on a             herit the kingdom of God” (Galatians
three-week mission, preaching prayer con-             5:2). And, “without which no man
ferences along the Western border of Nige-            shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
ria. The day we left, our driver at the last          These are truths too serious to ignore.
minute remembered that someone had bor-                   You who read this must understand
rowed the jack out of the van in which we             that my thoughts on this subject are
were traveling. Nearly an hour was spent              condensed for the sake of the limited
trying (using his words) “to collect the jack.”       space in this publication. Therefore, I
Finally, after finding it in the trunk of the resi-   want it understood that I am not pre-
dent missionary’s car, Charles, the driver,           tending to say it all, or that other things
2 opened the rear door of the van to place            that could be said are not equally im
portant. The fact that the text says, “Fol-    lenged to develop in ourselves and in our
low peace with all men AND holiness,”          churches. One is our relationship with men
shows us there is more than one vital is-      and the other is our relationship with God.
sue here that “without which” our final             2. “Without which...” This states the
destination will be affected spiritually.      non-negotiable nature of following peace
      In the next verse, Paul gives an exam-   and holiness in the life of a Christian and
ple of how the failure to “follow peace”       the church. “If you are not doing it, you
with all men would affect your eternity,       won’t make it” is the simple truth of these
“Lest any root of bitterness springing up      words.
trouble you and thereby many be defiled.”           3. “No man...” This suggests the in-
Or, to put it in my words, strive to live in   dividual and universal nature of this truth.
peace with other people. Otherwise, a          No peace and cooperation, no evange-
little root of bitterness unchecked can        lism of the lost. No peace and coopera-
spring up and grow into serious trouble        tion and bitterness poisons the individual
that will contaminate and poison “many”        soul. No holiness and no one is sanctified
people, the majority of whom are innocent      and fit for the Master’s use. So nothing
bystanders. It is easy to see how follow-      happens because God can’t use unclean
ing peace with all men is as important as      vessels. No holiness and the security of
holiness in our quest to make heaven and       separation is removed and backsliding is
see God.                                       the result. So without holiness, the mes-
      This portion of the text appears in      senger becomes a mocker and his mes-
many instances to have been either for-        sage a mockery. It is as Spurgeon said,
gotten or ignored. To describe some ho-        “like making a blind man the professor of
liness churches and their fellowships as       optics.” Without holiness, the individual
following “peace with all men” would be        will digress until they become “again en-
far from an accurate statement. Following      tangled” and their latter end is worse
peace is not compromise, nor is it cow-        than the beginning. Therefore, the Spirit
ardice. It is an intelligent effort “to keep   saith, “without which no man shall see
the unity of the Spirit in the bond of         the Lord.”
peace” (Ephesians 4:3). Following peace             4. “Shall see the Lord...” This sug-
attempts to avoid strife and quarrels over     gests our ultimate objective is to make it
non-essential things, because such con-        to heaven and see God. To see the King
flict cripples the body of Christ and hin-     in His beauty, to inquire at His throne and
ders the churches’ on-going work in the        to abide in His house forever. Any seri-
world.                                         ous-minded Christian does not want to do
      Contention in Antioch between Paul       something that will destroy that possibility
and Barnabas resulted in two missionary        or dash their hope of heaven. How many
teams rather than one. Thank God that          times have we sung the old hymn, “Oh I
He can turn such things into benefits. But     want to see Him?” If we really do, we had
most often, when I’ve seen such quarrels,      better, “follow peace with all men, and ho-
it has not resulted in two mission teams,      liness without which no man shall see the
but no mission team at all!                    Lord.”
       Here again, we can see how that fol-         J. C. Ryle suggests there are two
lowing “peace with all men” is important       questions raised by Hebrews 12:14 that
in our quest to help others make heaven        we must honestly consider. First, ask
and see God. So, to help our understand-       yourself, “Am I holy?” Then based on the
ing, the verse can be broken down like this:   answer to that question, “Will I see God?”
      1. “Follow peace with all men and        Seriously think about this question for a
holiness...” These are the two vital areas     moment and you will understand why OBI
of Christian conduct that we are chal-         emphasizes Bible Holiness.                3
     Students have the opportunity to engage in practical Christian service. These
activities are coordinated by the Director of Practical Works. A few of the practicums are:
Nursing Home service, Door to Door witnessing, Jail ministry, Shut-ins ministry,
Sunday School helpers, Boys & Girls Night-out ministry helpers, Children’s Church
workers and others.

                           Children’s Church Workers
                                      PRAYER BANDS
     Students take part in a Missionary Prayer Band. The focus is on the continents,
Africa, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, Europe, and North America. Each prayer band
group endeavors to contact and pray for missionaries located in their assigned part
of the world.

                               STUDENT WORK STUDY
     A limited number of jobs are available on campus. These are made available
to those who are willing workers and have the greatest financial need.

                                           The Overcomers is the travel choir for
                                       Ozark Bible Institute and College. The choir
                                       travels nation-wide sharing the gospel in
                                       sermon and song. It consists of 30 student
                                       voices and has been directed since 1973 by
                                       Brother David Branham and assisted by his
                                       wife, Lorraine Branham. He is the son of
                                       the late Reverend D.C. Branham, founder of
                                       the college.
                                           The choir ministers at our annual convoca-
                                       tion held at the college in October. They travel
                                       on weekends throughout the school year. At
                                       the end of the spring semester, they travel for
                                       an extended tour of two weeks ministering in
                                       different parts of the nation by request.

                        SERVANT’S HEART OUTREACH
                                          Servant’s Heart is a ministry of “helps” (1
                                       Corinthians 12:28) providing students with
                                       a hands-on, practical approach to ministry
                                       as well as offering a helping hand to work-
                                       ers already serving in churches across the
                                       nation. The team consists of 10 students
                                       eager to preach, testify, sing, teach in Sun-
                                       day school, help with children’s church, or
                                       minister in drama. Servant’s Heart also en-
courages evangelism with local youth groups by special services and fellowship as
well as assisting in community outreach. The team travels weekends throughout
the school year, and is led by student Craig Dodson and directed by Mike Shelton.

                                 STUDENT COUNCIL
                                                        I really appreciate the hard
                                                 work of this dedicated group of
                                                 students that make up the student
                                                 council. Throughout the school
                                                 year they coordinate the breakfast
                                                 bar, have regular planning ses-
                                                 sions, and keep student life run-
                                                 ning smoothly. The real work be-
                                                 gins when Decision Days events
                                                 must be planned. During this
                                                 time, they work tirelessly behind
                                                 the scenes to make sure that each
                                                 visitor is taken care of and shown
how things work at Ozark Bible Institute and College. I am grateful for their dedica-
tion to the spiritual atmosphere of the school. (Mike Shelton, Director)           5
                      I thank God for the opportunity that Ozark Bible Institute and
                    College has given me to fulfill God’s call upon my life. After grad-
                    uating in 1989, when we were leaving Neosho to go to Texas,
                    as we passed Taco Gringo’s restaurant the Holy Ghost spoke to
                    me that we would be back to teach someday. I told my wife, and
                    we both wept in the presence of the Lord. God had some work
                    to do on me to get me ready, but in 1997 we returned to teach. I
                    stayed seven years and then was gone for two years. When we
  Mike Shelton returned in 2006, I became the Dean of Students, and then in
 Academic Dean 2011, the Academic Dean. I said all of this to say that the work
                    and will of the Lord will take you to many places, but it all starts
with a desire to find and fulfill the call of God on your life.
     When I went to the first church service at Bible Holiness in the fall of 1997,
the altars were covered with white paper and prayer requests were written all over
them. During the altar call, I knelt down and to my surprise right in front of where
I was praying, there was a prayer request that read like this: Lord, please send
some instructors that feel like it is their calling to teach at Ozark Bible Institute and
College. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my pen, and wrote—“answered,” my
name, and the date. God not only answered their prayer, but He answered mine
as well. Now it could be that your next move is to come to Ozark Bible Institute
and College to make yourself available for whatever He wants to do in your life. I
can say this without reservation, that being in the will of God is the most satisfying
feeling you will ever have in this life.

                                 STUDENT TESTIMONY
                   From the time I was young, I knew God was drawing me to OBI.
                   As I prayed about coming to Bible school, it was as if I could
                   hear a still, small voice beckoning me to a purpose greater than
                   myself. It wasn’t until God opened my ears to hear the desperate
                   cry of lost souls during my Freshmen year at OBI that I began to
                   understand what that purpose was. I will never forget the service
                   where God spoke clearly to my heart, saying “Your calling is to
                   win souls, anything else is direction.” From that moment on, I
Marisa Martinez have found purpose everywhere I go, from the nursing home to
       Junior      the jail cells.
      God deals with individuals in many different ways, but He saw fit for OBI to be
the place where He would give me a vision of His heart for humanity. As you read
this, you may be hearing that same still small voice as I did drawing you to come
to OBI. Or, maybe God has already made it clear to you that He wants to use your
life, and you are reluctant about following His will. Whatever your situation, you
will find that God has a far greater plan for you than what you could have imagined.
If you will let Him, God will use OBI to transform you in such a way that life is no
longer about you. I pray that you will choose to come to a place where you can
     hear God’s voice and catch a glimpse of His heart.
                     Whether administered by the parents or the Christian
                school teacher, Christian Education is instruction based upon
                the principles of God’s word. Its nature is both spiritual and
                academic. The Christian School is an extension of the home
                and church in carrying out the Biblical mandate of training.
                Teaching is not a mere occupation (James 3:1), but like other
                areas of ministry, God chooses individuals to work through, in
                order to carry out His work. Truly, teachers are a gift (Ephesians
David Schminkey 4:11). At Ozark Bible Institute & College, it is our desire to “Be a
   Christian    place were God can help Himself to young peoples’ lives”. Our
   Education    Christian Education program is intended to help equip those
who God chooses to minister through in this area.

                     CONVOCATION October 19-22, 2020
                                              Convocation is a time that camp-
                                          meeting type services are held on the
                                          campus of OBI. The dates for 2020 are
                                          October 19-22. Night services are Mon-
                                          day through Thursday. Separate morn-
                                          ing services for adults and children are
                                          Tuesday, through Thursday with youth
                                          services Tuesday and Thursday after-
                                          noon. We invite all to attend.

                               STUDENT TESTIMONY
                  Why OBI? I was not specifically called to OBI. I actually did not
                  feel any specific calling on my life at all. I just knew that the
                  harvest field is ready for harvest. I came to OBI because I really
                  did not know what to do after I graduated from high school. I
                  knew I wanted to do a work for the Lord and OBI seemed like a
                  good place to find the next step for my life.
                         OBI has been a complete life-changing experience for
                  me. I was saved at a young age, but during my junior and senior
  David Lloyd years of high school I really began to grow cold in my walk with
  Sophomore the Lord. I was in a very dangerous place in my life. I knew that
                  I had grown cold and I really didn’t care. I came to OBI and God
did an amazing work in my life. It was at OBI that I regained my love for the lost,
my passion for prayer, and a hunger for the Word of God. OBI has truly been a
place where God has reached down and helped Himself to my life.
    During my time at OBI, my life has been completely surrendered to the
plans that God has for me. It has been a place where I have been able to lay
foundational stones necessary for future ministry. It has been a place of refuge,
with an environment to draw nigh unto God. To summarize what OBI has been
to me would be; “Life changed, so that lives can be changed.” If you have the
opportunity to go, don’t miss it, it will change your life.                      7
                   In the summer of 2019, I decided to answer the call of God on my life
                   to go to Ozark Bible Institute and College. I had previously believed
                   I should go to OBI when I attended Decision Days in 2016. Whether
                   or not I should have come in 2016 versus 2018 I may never know.
                   But I do know that the Lord has given me the best experience I
                   could ask for. In my two years here I have learned how to study the
                   Bible, including specific facts about the history of the Old and New
                   Testaments, how to construct speeches, how to teach, and more
   Micah Sims than in just the classes alone. In the practicums, weekend outreach
   Sophomore ministry, and the opportunity to work in summer group, I have learned
how to reach for the hurting, lost, and discouraged Christians in a more Christ-like way.
I have learned the importance of missions at home and abroad.
     OBI has given me opportunity to use what He has given me for the Lord. More
than this, it has taught me the importance of using what God has given me for Him.
One of my favorite quotes that I have come across this year sums up the passion for
souls that God has given me through OBI, press into God. Stay there until you long
to go out in His Name. Only then will you be able to trust your heart if you hear God
say “stay.” Only those who long to broadcast His glory to the nations have the right
to stay. Your greatest dream is that His Name will be praised in languages never
before heard in Heaven.

                               STUDENT TESTIMONY
                   Looking back a few years ago, I remember seeing students from
                   Ozark Bible Institute and College preaching the vesper services
                   and doing such an amazing job. But I knew I could never get to
                   that point as a Christian to get up in front of people and preach.
                   I was saved at the second camp I had ever been to. I wasn’t raised
                   in a Christian home. I was just a kid that the church bus picked up
                   every week. I was raised under an amazing pastor, Brother James
                   Cain. I was able to start growing as a young Christian, but in my
Caleb Middleton eyes it was not enough. I wanted to know more. In 2017 I was
  Sophomore called to preach at a Russellville Youth Camp, and that is when the
desire of learning the Word became stronger in my heart. As I stated before, I was
not raised in church. The only thing I knew from the Bible was from what my pastor
preached in the services. I really didn’t start to read my Bible until I was called to
preach. I soon realized I knew nothing spiritually. I tried to read and understand as
much as I could and I did learn a lot, but it wasn’t enough.
    A good friend of mine was attending Ozark Bible Institute and College and I had
seen growth in him not only in his own life but in his preaching. So I prayed and
prayed until the Lord confirmed that His will was for me to go to OBI. My, what a
blessing it has been for me. Not only has OBI helped me to learn and understand
the Word of God better, but it has given me the opportunity to minister and put what
I have learned into action.
    Being in OBI Outreach and going to different churches and preaching, teaching,
and ministering, is not the only thing about OBI, but it has opened doors and allowed
   me to be trained to become the best man of God that I can be and to do what He
8 has called me to do.
        ENTRANCE                    BIBLE COLLEGE PROGRAMS
      REQUIREMENTS                      Bible college programs have
     Any person of approved         certain basic components. First,
Christian character and a U. S.     The Biblical studies provide the
citizen who will agree to abide     foundation for all other learning.
by the rules of the school may      Second, general education
apply for admission. Each           gives a breadth of learning that
student receives a set of rules     helps every individual relate
at the time of enrollment.          to the world about him. Third,
  It is the policy of Ozark         professional studies furnish
Bible Institute and College         specific skills to work effectively
not to discriminate on the          in our complex society. Fourth,
basis of age, race, color, sex,     Christian service experiences
or handicap in its educational      integrate the classroom teaching
programs, admissions, or            with practical application.
                                     Bachelor of Christian Education
   Ozark      Bible     Institute
                                                (4 years)
and College is staffed with
                                     Bachelor of Biblical Literature
a Godly, Spirit-filled faculty.
                                                (4 years)
They are men and women
of considerable experience             Bachelor of Bible Studies
in various lines of Christian        (4 years) [Subject to Demand]
service and are devoted to                     DIPLOMAS
the spiritual welfare of each          Bible Ministerial Diploma
student.                                        (3 years)
   Ozark Bible Institute and          Christian Education Diploma
College emphasizes Bible and                    (3 years)
Bible holiness. The curriculum
is distinctly Bible-centered.          CURRICULUM MAJORS
Subjects which are not directly           Bible and Theology
connected with the Bible are              Christian Education
Bible-related and are important
                                       CURRICULUM MINORS
for efficiency in Christian
service. Graduates can be             Greek [Subject to Demand]
assured of a good working             Christian Ed. Administration
knowledge of the Book of                        Missions
         COST PER SEMESTER                                         PAYMENT PLAN
Tuition (12-18 hours)....................... $840.00           The balance of charges (after
Room & Board.............................. $1,500.00        making the down payment) must
Textbooks/ Material Fee.................. $130.00
                                                            be paid in monthly payments.
Student Activity Fee........................... $75.00
                                                            Returning students need all past
Library Usage Fee............................. $25.00
                                                            remaining school bill current in
                                                            addition to the regular semester’s
*Dorm Deposit................................. $100.00
                                                            down payment.
**Semester Total (approximate)... $2,670.00
                 OTHER FEES                                         WORK STUDY
                                                                Any student may apply to
Registration Fee (non-refundable) .............$25.00       work on campus, but with the
Re-Application Fee (non-refundable).........$25.00          understanding only a few posi-
Late Registration Fee .... $25.00 + $5 per day              tions are available. Preference is
Tuition Cost Per Hour (-12 or +18) ... $70.00               given to dorm students who ex-
Audit Per Hour................................... $50.00    press a desire to work and dem-
Transcript Fee (after first copy)........... $5.00          onstrate the greatest financial
Lost Dorm Key Card.......................... $20.00         need. These wages go directly to
Returned Check Charge ..........up to $30.00                the student’s school bill.
Graduation Fee................................. $25.00
                                                                NOTICE OF LIABILITY
Credit Card Payment Fee........................ 3%
                                                                In the event of a catastrophe,
DOWN PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS                                   such as, but not limited to, wind-
Of the total cost per semester, the required
                                                            storm, explosion, fire, smoke, ve-
                                                            hicles, and aircraft, Ozark Bible
down payment schedule is as follows:
                                                            Institute and College is not liable
Fall (Dorm).................................... $1,500.00
                                                            for damages to any personal be-
Fall (Non-Dorm)............................... $600.00
                                                            longings of students. Neither is
Spring (New Dorm)....................... $1,500.00
                                                            Ozark Bible Institute and College
Spring (Returning Dorm)................. $900.00
                                                            liable for theft of personal belong-
Spring (Non-dorm)........................... $300.00
                                                            ings of students, staff, or faculty
*Dorm deposit is refundable if school bill is               members.
paid in full current at the end of the semes-
ter; otherwise it is credited to the school bill
                                                   Supplies, laundry, and inciden-
                                               tals may vary per semester, de-
**Pay in full at registration and receive a 5% pending, on the individual needs.
discount on tuition and room charges.              Any “break” period is not con-
                                               sidered as part of the academic
Costs and fees subject to change without
                                               year and any student who re-
                                               ceives permission to remain on
                                               campus during that time will be
                                               charged a nominal rate per day
10                                             for his/her room.
                                     PLEASE PRINT:

Date___________________________ Fall Semester _______Spring Semester_______

Name ________________________________________ S.S.# ______________________
Mailing Address _______________________________Cell Phone___________________
City ________________________________________State __________Zip____________
E-Mail______________________________________ Date of Birth _____/______/______
Age*_____ Sex _____ Single ______ Married _______ Divorced ______ Remarried ______
Parents Name ____________________________________________________________
Parents Address __________________________________________________________
_______________________________________ Phone__________________________
Have you been born again according to John 3:5-8 ?______When converted? __________
Have you ever backslidden?_______________ When reclaimed? ____________________
Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4?________________
Member of what church?____________________________________________________
Pastor’s Name ___________________________________ Ph. _____________________
Are you willing to submit to the rules and discipline of the school?___________________
Ozark Bible Institute and College expects the highest standard of conduct from its
student body. If you have not read our handbook you may get on our web site, www.
obicollege.com and read before signing application. If you do not have access to web
site, please call our office and request a copy.
How much schooling have you had? _____ Any Bible School? _____Date of your graduation_______
If any Bible training, where? _________________________Number of years___________
Please enclose a snapshot of yourself with this application. A $25.00 non-refundable
registration fee must accompany this application. Please request that an official copy of
your high school and/or college transcript(s), or GED be sent to the school immediately.

Do you plan to use veteran’s benefits? ________If so, before enrolling, please contact your
local VA office regarding your future plans.

Upon returning this application to Ozark Bible Institute and College, we will send you
character references and further information.

Please direct all correspondence to: Registrar
                                     Ozark Bible Institute and College
                                     P. O. Box 398
                                     Neosho, MO 64850-0398

*Applicant must be at least 17 years of age, and be a United States citizen.
**Application should be made 30 days prior to registration (see calendar on
inside back cover).

1. I agree to seek the Lord’s guidance through daily personal
prayer and Bible study and by faithfully attending daily chapels and
weekly church services.
2. I agree to be faithful and punctual in attending class sessions
and other academic gatherings constantly seeking to be diligent in
developing the full potential of my mind.
3. I agree to practice good health and physical fitness by getting
appropriate rest and exercise and by observing a balanced diet.
4. I agree to embrace and hold a life of personal holiness, refrain-
ing from sinful practices and observing Ozark Bible Institute and
College’s standard of dress and appearance.
5. I agree to be mindful and diligent in properly handling all my
business and financial responsibilities.
6. I agree to be continually involved in ministry, always looking for
and using every opportunity to minister, teach, proclaim, and bless
others for Christ.
7. I agree to walk in humility toward others and live in submission
to those in authority, obeying all rules and regulations and always
manifesting a cooperative and teachable attitude.
    I have carefully and prayerfully read the handbook and the Stan-
dard of Conduct Agreement. By signing below, I am agreeing to live
accordingly and to accept willingly the student life guidelines speci-
fied above or adopted hereafter by the Administration until I gradu-
ate or am no longer enrolled as a student of Ozark Bible Insti-
tute and College.

Signature_______________________________ Date___________

Please Print Full Name____________________________________

CALENDAR 2020-2021
              FALL TERM - FIRST SEMESTER 2020

September 4, 2020 ����������Friday (8:00 a.m.) �������� Residence Halls Open
September 5& 7 ��������������Saturday & Monday����� Registration Days
September 7 ��������������������Monday (7:00 p.m.) ����� Fellowship Hour
September 8 ��������������������Tuesday ������������������������ Classes Begin
September 8-13 ���������������Tuesday - Sunday �������� Back-to-School Revival
October 13-16 �����������������Tuesday - Friday ���������� Midterm Exams
October 19-22 �����������������Monday-Thursday ������� Annual Convocation
October 23-26 �����������������Friday-Monday ������������ Midterm Break
October 27�����������������������Tuesday ������������������������ Classes Reconvene
November 25-30 �������������Wednesday-Monday ���� Thanksgiving Break
December 1 ���������������������Tuesday ������������������������ Classes Reconvene
December 14-17 ��������������Monday-Thursday ������� Final Exams
December 17 �������������������Thursday ���������������������� Fall Term Ends


January 2 �������������������������Saturday (9:00 a.m.) ���� Residence Halls Open
January 4-5 ����������������������Monday & Tuesday ����� Registration Days
January 6 �������������������������Wednesday ������������������� Classes Begin
January 5-10 ��������������������Tuesday - Sunday �������� Back-To-School Revival
February 15-18 ����������������Monday - Thursday ����� Midterm Exams
February 19- March 1 �����Friday - Monday ���������� Midterm Break
March 2 ���������������������������Tuesday ������������������������ Classes Reconvene
March 18-21 ��������������������Thursday-Sunday ��������� Decision Days
April 20-22 ����������������������Tuesday-Thursday ������� Final Week (Exams)
April 23 ���������������������������Friday ��������������������������� Commencement
						                                                                 (Attendance Required)
                        Physical Address→906 Summit St.
                        Mailing Address→PO Box 398
                        Neosho, MO 64850-0398
                        417-451-2057 obi@juno.com

                              2021 DECISION DAYS
Each school year, we invite all Juniors, Seniors, and above to visit our campus
at 906 Summit Street in Neosho, Missouri. Students come nation-wide to sit in
on our classes, stay in our dormitories, eat in our cafeteria, and attend special
revival services for the event. If you are interested, you may call 417-451-2057
for additional information. It is usually held the third week of March. The dates
for 2021 are March 18-21. Also you are welcome to come by and visit the
school anytime you are in the area.
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