Owner of Santander Headquarters failed in claim for rescission of swaps - drs-als.com - HubSpot

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Owner of Santander
Headquarters failed in claim
for rescission of swaps



    Owner of Santander Headquarters
    failed in claim for rescission of swaps
    based on implied representations re
    EURIBOR manipulation by RBS
 In its recent decision on the long-running, complex case of Marme Inversiones 2007 SL vs NatWest
 Markets & Others [2019] EWHC 366 (Comm) the High Court dismissed misrepresentation claims made by
 Marme against five defendant banks, including NatWest Markets plc (then known as RBS plc “RBS
 NatWest”), regarding the EURIBOR benchmark. This case is the latest in a line of cases where parties have
 sought to rescind onerous derivative transactions under which they owe large close-out amounts (in this
 case approximately €710 million plus interest) on the basis of misrepresentations made by their bank
 counterparty arising from benchmark manipulation. The claimant failed on all counts and, amongst other
 things, was refused the right to rescind the swaps.

                                                       concluded that the purported EURIBOR
    Marme claimed                                      Representations were not in fact made
                                                       because there was no clear words or clear
      1) RBS NatWest (as lead bank of the five         conduct sufficient to imply such wide and
      swap banks) had impliedly represented that it    ambiguous representations (the EURIBOR
      had not been and would not be manipulating       Representations covered past conduct,
      EURIBOR (the “EURIBOR Representations”);         attempted manipulation and conduct of other
      (2) that RBS NatWest made the                    banks). Having done so the judge did not
      representations as agent for the other four      need to go further however in his very helpful,
      swap banks (the “Non-RBS Banks”); (3) that       and long (230 pages!), a written judgment he
      those representations were untrue and (4)        gave some guidance on each of the other
      that Marme had relied on those                   limbs of the claim.
      representations when entering into hedging
      swaps and was therefore entitled to rescind             The judge indicated that he would
      those swaps or get damages for the close-out             have found, had he needed to, that a
      amount due under the swaps.                              narrower representation had been
                                                               implied i.e. that RBS NatWest was not
      To bring a successful claim for rescission               seeking to manipulate EURIBOR, but
      based on misrepresentations a claimant must              on the facts the court found that such
      show (1) that representations were made, (2)             a limited representation was not
      they were false and (3) that the claimant                breached in this case.
      relied upon those representations in entering           The claimant also failed to show the
      into the contract. In this case the judge                reliance required for a successful

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              claim as the key witness for Marme             Background of the case
              was not aware EURIBOR could be
              manipulated and had assumed it was             This case arose out of events which led to the
              honestly set and as such the                   recent convictions of two individuals involved
              EURIBOR Representations could not              in rate fixing, one of which, Mr Moryoussef,
              have induced Marme to enter into the           was an ex-employee of the defendant
              Swaps.                                         NatWest Markets plc (then known as RBS plc
             Moreover, the claimant had, by                 “RBS NatWest”). In September 2008 Marme
              making payments under the swaps at             Inversiones 2007 SL (“Marme”), borrowed
              a time when it had knowledge of the            €1.575 billion from a syndicate of eight
              conduct on which it based its claim,           banks including RBS NatWest and the other
              affirmed the contracts. Accordingly,           four defendants (being referred to as the
              the rescission claim failed.                   “Non-RBS Banks”). The loan was to part
             The judge determined that merely by            finance a sale and leaseback arrangement of
              acting as mandated lead arranger               Santander’s Headquarters in Madrid. At the
              and hedge co-ordinator RBS NatWest             time the deal was said to be Europe’s largest
              had not become an agent for the Non-           real estate deal. The loan was hedged by five
              RBS Banks for the purposes of                  of the eight syndicate banks namely, RBS
              making any implied representations.            NatWest Markets and the Non-RBS Banks.
             Marme claimed that RBS NatWest                 RBS NatWest acted as mandated lead
              had carried out a repudiatory breach           arranger for the loan. The hedges were
              of an implied term of the contract             fixed/floating interest rate swaps based on
              which allowed it to terminate at               EURIBOR (the “Swaps”). Unfortunately, the
              common law and thereby avoid the               Swaps were entered into just days before the
              ISDA close-out mechanism. The judge            Lehman Brothers collapse in September
              agreed a narrow implied term would             2008 and the financial crisis which followed
              be included in the contract (along the         meant that Marme was unable to repay the
              lines of the narrow representation he          loan when it fell due in September 2013 and
              would have been prepared to imply)             it was also unable to refinance the deal.
              but said there was no breach of                Marme went into voluntary insolvency in
              contract as the implied term was               Spain and subsequently failed to pay the next
              narrow and on the facts was not                payments under the Swaps. When the
              breached. In any event, he indicated           Defendants1 sent non-payment notices
              his view that whilst a party retains the       Marme claimed rescission of the Swaps. The
              common law right to terminate an               Defendants them terminated the Swaps and
              ISDA Master Agreement for                      the combined termination amounts of the
              repudiatory breach (by virtue of               Swaps claimed by the Defendants from
              Section 9 (Cumulative Remedies))               Marme amounted to approximately €710
              nevertheless such a party must then            million plus default interest.
              terminate using the ISDA close-out
              mechanism which Marme failed to do.

      1Defendants (1) NatWest Markets PLC, (2) HSH
      Nordbank AG, (3) Bayerische Landesbank, (4) ING Bank
      NV, (5) Caixabank SA

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      Highlights of the Decision                                     benchmark was enough to imply that the
                                                                     bank would not manipulate that benchmark.
      Purported implied misrepresentations about
                                                                     No falsity.
      EURIBOR were not made.

      On the facts the judge concluded that the                      Interestingly the Judge noted that even if
      EURIBOR Representations were not in fact                       Marme had included the more limited implied
      made. He referred to settled case law that for                 representation mentioned in a paragraph
                                                                     above it would have made no difference to
      representations to be implied there must be
      clear words or clear conduct. He emphasised                    the outcome of the case since, on the facts,
                                                                     such an implied representation would not
      that whilst some representations may be
      implied in a commercial relationship involving                 have been untrue.
      a benchmark a court will be reluctant to imply
                                                                     RBS NatWest did not act as an agent for the
      extensive representations in the absence of
                                                                     Non-RBS Banks in making the EURIBOR
      clear unambiguous words. On the facts of this
      case the judge was clear that the purported
      representations were ambiguous and too
                                                                     The basis of Marme’s case against the Non-
      wide as they extended to conduct going back
                                                                     RBS Banks was that RBS NatWest acted as
      two years in the past, extended beyond actual
                                                                     an agent with ostensible authority to make
      to attempted manipulation and purported to
                                                                     the alleged representations on behalf of the
      cover conduct of other banks.
                                                                     Non-RBS Banks. Significantly Marme did not
                                                                     allege, however, that RBS NatWest had
      Whilst not strictly necessary for the decision,
                                                                     authority (actual or apparent) to contract on
      the judge went on to confirm that, had he
                                                                     behalf of the Non-RBS Banks, nor did Marme
      been asked, he would have concluded that
                                                                     contend that RBS NatWest had actual
      the only implied representation which was
                                                                     authority to make representations on their
      made was that none of the senior employees
                                                                     behalf. Marme argued that RBS NatWest by
      at RBS NatWest who were either submitters
                                                                     acting as mandated lead arranger under the
      or connected with the transaction were
                                                                     loan and as hedge co-ordinator under the
      actually manipulating, or attempting to
                                                                     Swaps (i.e. the party on the call with Marme
      manipulate, EURIBOR in any material way. In
                                                                     to fix the mid-price under the Swaps) had
      this, he followed the leading case Property
                                                                     apparent authority to make the EURIBOR
      Alliance Group Ltd v Royal Bank of Scotland2
                                                                     Representations on behalf of the Non-RBS
      [2018] 1 WLR 3529 which determined that a
                                                                     Banks. The judge referred to UBS AG (London
      bank merely by proposing a swap based on a
                                                                     Branch) v Kommunale Wasserwerke Leipzig
                                                                     GmbH [2017] EWCA Civ 15673 in concluded

      2 Previously the leading case was Property Alliance            should not feel constrained to find that there is an
      Group Ltd v Royal Bank of Scotland [2018] 1 WLR 3529           agency relationship when the facts do not support such
      – in which the Court of Appeal found that, in proposing        a conclusion. Reliance on specific and limited acts
      to enter in to a swap based on LIBOR, RBS had made an          which might be capable of being characterised in terms
      implied representation that it was not seeking to              of agency but which, viewed in the round and taken
      manipulate LIBOR and had no intention of doing so in           together with other features which are either present or
      the future (“PAG case”).                                       absent, do not justify a conclusion that there is an
      3 UBS AG (London Branch) v Kommunale Wasserwerke               agency relationship ought not to result in such a
      Leipzig GmbH [2017] EWCA Civ 1567. The judge                   finding.”.. “ Secondly, UBS v KWL is authority for the
      concluded at paragraph 415. that this case provided            proposition that, whilst the fact that there is no fiduciary
      authority for two propositions. “The first is that the Court   relationship and no ability to affect legal relations are

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      that merely by fulfilling the roles of a                            and honest way and was a true and
      mandated lead arranger under the loan or                            honest rate. As such the judge felt
      hedge co-ordinator RBS NatWest was not                              that even if the EURIBOR
      acting as agent for the other banks for the                         Representations had been made they
      purposes of making the alleged                                      could not have induced Marme to
      representations.                                                    enter the Swaps since they were not
                                                                          “actively present to his mind”.
      Claim for rescission failed.
                                                                         Marme had affirmed the Swaps: The
      To bring a successful claim for rescission                          judge also agreed with the
      based upon a misrepresentation a party must                         Defendants (whilst not strictly
      show that a representation was made, that it                        necessary having found no
      was false and that the party relied upon that                       representations were made) that
      representation. In this case Marme failed at                        Marme had affirmed the Swaps which
      the first hurdle as the judge found that the                        would have, in any event, prevented it
      purported representations had not been                              from rescinding them. This was due to
      made. Even if the representations had been                          the fact that Marme must have known
      made the judge found it clear that he would                         about the matters set out in an EU
      have concluded nonetheless that rescission                          Commission press release4 (in which
      was not available.                                                  RBS and others received a fine for
                                                                          irregularities with respect to
              No reliance: The judge decided that                        EURIBOR) before deciding to make
               Marme had not relied on the                                payments under the Swap two
               representations to induce it to enter                      months later. i.e. Marme had a choice
               into the Swaps. In coming to this                          to rescind but chose instead to make
               decision the judge highlighted the fact                    payments under the Swap thus
               that in order to establish reliance (1)                    affirming them.
               a claimant must establish that it was
               aware of the representation at the                        Rule against partial rescission.
               time that it was made and, (2) the                         Moreover, the judge stated that
               claimant must show a causal                                Marme, in seeking to rescind solely
               connection between the making of                           the Swaps but not the loan, was
               the representation and its decision to                     seeking a partial rescission which was
               enter into the contract. Neither of                        not permissible. The judge was clear
               these limbs were met since Marme’s                         that the senior loan and the hedging
               key witness at trial did not indicate                      Swaps were clearly an indivisible
               that he had understood any of the                          bargain and structurally
               EURIBOR Representations to have                            interdependent. The bar on partial
               been made. Furthermore, at the                             rescission applies not only to
               relevant stage it was not publicly                         inseverable parts of a single contract
               known that manipulation of EURIBOR                         but also to contracts which form part
               was a possibility and he had assumed                       of an indivisible bargain. The
               that EURIBOR had been set in a true                        underlying principle being that a party

      not critical to a conclusion that there is an agency       4http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-
      relationship, they are, nonetheless, factors which point   1208_en.htm
      away from such a conclusion.”

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               seeking rescission should not be                particular, the market will be relieved (1) that
               allowed to pick and choose which                the judge in this case did not find an agency
               parts of the transaction to perform             had arisen so as to imply representations by
               since that would involve rewriting the          the other hedging banks and (2) about the
               parties’ bargain.5                              limited scope of implied representations and
                                                               implied terms in this case. Moreover, it may
      Implied Term, repudiatory breach and the                 be that going forward claimants in benchmark
      ISDA Close-out process.                                  manipulation cases will find it harder to make
                                                               a case based on implied representations
      Whilst the purported implied representations             given that the claimant needs to have been
      were not found in this case it was recognised            aware of the representation at the relevant
      that in these cases (see PAG case footnote 2)            time. The market is also likely to welcome the
      there will at least be an implied term in the            judge’s view that if a claimant seeks
      contract that a party will not manipulate the            repudiatory breach at common law (as it is
      benchmark. As an alternative argument                    entitled to do) it is obliged in his view to use
      against RBS NatWest, Marme tried to argue                the ISDA Master Agreement close-out
      that RBS NatWest had carried out a                       provisions.
      repudiatory breach of that implied term
      allowing Marme to terminate swap at                      This does raise an interesting issue of what
      common law and thereby avoid the ISDA                    would happen in the case where a party
      close-out process6. To do this they relied on            claims repudiatory breach based on an
      Section 9(d) (Remedies Cumulative)7 of the               anticipatory breach of contract. On this point
      ISDA Master Agreement to show that their                 the two most common forms of the ISDA
      rights to terminate at common law for                    Master Agreement differ. The 2002 ISDA
      repudiatory breach still existed and then                Master Agreement contemplates anticipatory
      sought to avoid the ISDA close-out                       breach leading to an Event of Default
      mechanism altogether. On the facts the judge             whereas the 1992 ISDA Master Agreement
      said there was no breach of contract in this             does not. The judge’s comment raises the
      case because the only implied term was                   question of what the position would be in the
      narrow, and it had not been breached. As                 event a party claimed repudiatory breach at
      such he did not have to decide the point.                common law based upon anticipatory breach
      However, he did indicate that, had he had to             of a 1992 ISDA Master Agreement? If we
      decide, he would have said that whilst a party           follow the judge’s logic in this case the party
      still has the right to terminate for repudiatory         would have the right to terminate for
      breach and bring the ISDA Master Agreement               anticipatory breach (since it is not excluded)
      to an end, it must do so using the ISDA close-           but there is no clear cut Event of Default
      out mechanism.                                           provision to push the party to use the ISDA
                                                               close-out mechanism. A question perhaps for
      Conclusion                                               another day!

      This case gives some comfort and guidance
      to the market on these complex issues. In

      5 See Judgment Para 338.                                 privileges provided in this Agreement are not exclusive
      6 See also Deutsche Bank v Sebastian Holdings [2013]     of any rights, powers, remedies and privileges provided
      EWHC 3463 (Comm)                                         by law.
      7 Section 9(d) Remedies Cumulative. Except as provided

      in this Agreement, the rights, powers, remedies and

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