Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG - Joint Reasoned Statement by the Managing and Supervisory Board of OSRAM Licht AG

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Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG - Joint Reasoned Statement by the Managing and Supervisory Board of OSRAM Licht AG

Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG

Joint Reasoned Statement by the Managing and Supervisory Board of OSRAM Licht AG

OSRAM Licht AG | September 16, 2019
Light is OSRAM
Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG - Joint Reasoned Statement by the Managing and Supervisory Board of OSRAM Licht AG
This document has been issued by OSRAM Licht AG (the “Company” and, together with its direct and indirect subsidiaries, the "OSRAM Group").
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The information contained in this presentation is subject to amendment, revision and updating. The final terms and further provisions regarding the takeover offer by
Opal Bidco GmbH to the shareholders of the Company will be set forth in the offer document which will be published upon approval of its publication by the German
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2    OSRAM Licht AG
     Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG | September 16, 2019
Takeover offer by ams in a nutshell

                     Offer price                                              Strategic view               Cooperation Agreement
       EUR 38.50 per share in cash                                           Future focus on Opto          Commitments for protecting
                                                                       Semiconductors and Automotive;       employees and essential
                                                                        Digital not seen as part of core     parts of the company
     (33% premium on undisturbed OSRAM share                                    business by ams
    price of EUR 28.92 and a 10% premium on the
         Bain and Carlyle offer of EUR 35.00)

3      OSRAM Licht AG
       Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG | September 16, 2019
Key Parameters for…
             …shareholders                                                          …employees                                                                    …OSRAM
     ams offers a high premium in a                                        ams commits to protect essential                                            ams has a different view on parts
      difficult market environment                                              parts of the company                                                        of OSRAM’s strategy

    ▪ The offered share price of €38.50                                    ▪ Protection clauses for employees                                          ▪ Create a global leader in sensor
      represents an attractive premium of:                                   and locations                                                               solutions and photonics
       ▪ 33% to the day prior to Private Equity offer                      ▪ ams is committed to the                                                   ▪ Continue OSRAM under existing name
                                                                             “Eckpunktepapier Zukunftskonzept                                            and preserve the OSRAM brand
       ▪ 10% to the offer from Bain Capital and the                          Deutschland”
         Carlyle Group                                                                                                                                 ▪ Further investments in priority OS and
                                                                           ▪ No changes to existing pension                                              AM growth areas
       ▪ 22% to the closing price from August 9,
                                                                             commitments (including partial
         2019 (€31.65)                                                                                                                                 ▪ Sale of Digital business, particularly
    ▪ EV/EBITDA multiple2) of approx. 10.7x;                                                                                                             future digital areas, to be reviewed
      Enterprise value of approx. €4.2bn                                   ▪ Munich would become co-
                                                                                                                                                       ▪ Relocation of front-end activities to
                                                                             headquarters, with global central
    ▪ Acceptance threshold of 70 percent3)                                                                                                               Regensburg to be reviewed with
                                                                                                                                                         regard to future cost competitiveness
    ▪ Secured bridge financing, but combined
      company starting with high leverage                                                                                                              ▪ Synergies of €300m p.a. in targeted
                                                                                                                                                         timeline possibly ambitious

                                                                      1) closing price July 2, 2019
4     OSRAM Licht AG
                                                                      2) based on the VARA Consensus adj. EBITDA for FY20e
      Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG | September 16, 2019   3) As of announcement by ams AG on September 16, ams plans to lower the threshold to 62.5%
Key Points Joint Reasoned Statement

    ▪     Takeover offer of €38.50 is financially attractive
    ▪     Management and majority of Supervisory Board recommend the offer; however both bodies would prefer a private
          ownership structure
    ▪     Integrating a company as big as OSRAM would be breaking new ground for ams
    ▪     Issuance of equity of approx. up to €1.5 bn to repay part of the bridge loan needs approval of a simple majority at an
          extraordinary ams shareholder meeting
    ▪     ams carries a high customer concentration; de-leveraging the combined entity thus depends to some degree on
          continued order intakes from this customer base
    ▪     Management and Supervisory Board regard the proposed strategy from ams as promising in various ways, especially
          for Opto Semiconductors
    ▪     Employee representatives speak out against the offer as they feel ams only being focused on just a few technology
          fields of OSRAM

5       OSRAM Licht AG
        Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG | September 16, 2019
About ams
                                             Description                                                            Product portfolio (examples)
●   Manufacturer of mixed signal chips for sensors for various                                        Light sensor technology                Image sensor technology
                                                                                            ●   3D sensors incl. VCSEL              ●   High-performance imaging technology
    applications and end customer segments (e.g. consumer                                   ●   Light and environmental analysis    ●   Global shutter sensors
                                                                                            ●   Biosensors and spectral sensors     ●   Medical imaging technology
    electronics and automotive applications)                                                ●   Optical technology                  ●   Microcameras
●   Headquarters: Premstätten near Graz, Austria
                                                                                                           Audio sensors                          Position sensors
●   Listed on SIX Swiss Exchange with a market capitalization of                            ●   MEMS microphone ICs                 ●   Position sensors
                                                                                            ●   Active noise cancellation               (automotive and industrial
    EUR 3.2 billion (August 13th)                                                                                                       applications)

                                    Revenue split (FY18A)                                                                    ams vs. OSRAM
              By end market                                              By region                         Employees                               Revenue

Automotive,                                                        Americas
 Industry &                           Consumer and                       6%
   Medicine                           Communication-        EMEA
               24%                                                 18%

                                         Of which approx.
                            76%            60% with one                       76%    APAC
                                         single customer                                           8,600                27,400              €1.4 bn            €4.1 bn

Sources:   Company information, FactSet (August 14, 2019)

6     OSRAM Licht AG
      Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG | September 16, 2019
Overview on Takeover Process by ams

                                     Non binding                OSRAM                                        Renewal of
                                     expression of              doubts ams’            Withdrawal of         expression of           Proposal for
                                     interest by ams            financing              interest by ams       interest by ams         a takeover
              due diligence
                                     to takeover                capacity via           via ad-hoc            via quarterly           offer by ams
                                     OSRAM                      ad-hoc                                       results

              < 1 month               15.07.19                   15.07.19               16.07.19              23.07.19              11.08.2019

                                                                                                                    Joint Reasoned
                                                                                                                     Statement by
    Limited                                       Waiver of                                                        Osram (16.09.2019)
    due                                           standstill and
       Beginning of formal                                               Submission to        Publication              Acceptance          Other approvals
                                                  announcement                                                                                                  Closing
        takeover process                                                 & review by          of the takeover          Period (4 weeks)    (antitrust, etc.)
                                                  of a takeover
                                                                         BaFin                offer by ams
                                                  offer by ams

                                                  21.08.2019                                   03.09.2019                                    Ongoing           H1/2020

7      OSRAM Licht AG
       Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG | September 16, 2019
OSRAM Group – Investor Relations

          Juliana Baron                                             Julia Klostermann
    Head of Investor Relations                                      Senior Manager IR
      j.baron@osram.com                                        j.klostermann@osram.com
       + 49 89 6213 3030                                            + 49 89 6213 4966

    Investor Relations contact

    Munich Office                      + 49 89 6213 4259

    Internet                           http://www.osram-group.de/en/investors

    Email                              ir@osram.com

8      OSRAM Licht AG
       Overview on the takeover offer by ams AG | September 16, 2019
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