Overview of CPT 2021 Revisions for Pediatric Urgent Care Providers - SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE WEBINAR

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Overview of CPT 2021 Revisions for Pediatric Urgent Care Providers - SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE WEBINAR
Overview of CPT 2021 Revisions
 Pediatric Urgent Care Providers
        Thuylinh Pham, MD FAAP
        Vickie Blanco, MD FAAP
Overview of CPT 2021 Revisions for Pediatric Urgent Care Providers - SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE WEBINAR
• No financial disclosures or COI to resolve
• Will not involve discussion of unapproved or off label,
  experimental, or investigational use.
Overview of CPT 2021 Revisions for Pediatric Urgent Care Providers - SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE WEBINAR
1. Identify key changes in CPT 2021 revisions
2. Identify revised descriptors for E/M Codes 99202-99205 and
3. Select appropriate E/M code using Medical Decision Making
   (MDM) or Total Time (TT) criteria
4. Define the 3 elements of MDM
5. Define Total Time spent by physician or qualified health
   provider (QHP)
Overview of CPT 2021 Revisions for Pediatric Urgent Care Providers - SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE WEBINAR
Which of the following are true regarding
the new coding guideline for 2021?
A. Code selection is based on the extent of a physical exam
B. Code selection is based on the extent of an HPI
C. Medical decision making and time are key components of code
D. The new coding guidelines require more specific and lengthier
Overview of CPT 2021 Revisions for Pediatric Urgent Care Providers - SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE WEBINAR
Which of the following are true regarding
the new coding guideline for 2021?
A. Code selection is based on the extent of a physical exam
B. Code selection is based on the extent of an HPI
C. Medical decision making and time are key components of code
D. The new coding guidelines require more specific and lengthier
Which of the following codes is no longer included
in the new coding guidelines for 2021?
 A.   99201
 B.   99202
 C.   99203
 D.   99204
 E.   99205
Which of the following codes is no longer included
in the new coding guidelines for 2021?
 A.   99201
 B.   99202
 C.   99203
 D.   99204
 E.   99205
CPT 1995/1997 E/M Codes
CPT 2021 E/M Codes
                                     History/Exam                        MDM                       Time
               99202                                              Straightforward (SF)       15 – 29 minutes
               99203                                                      Low                30 – 44 minutes
 Patients                 Medically appropriate history and/or
               99204                 examination                       Moderate              45 – 59 minutes
               99205                                                      High               60 – 74 minutes

              *99201 has been deleted as it would have had the same requirements as 99202

                                     History/Exam                        MDM                       Time
               99212                                              Straightforward (SF)       10 – 19 minutes
               99213                                                      Low                20 – 29 minutes
 Patients                 Medically appropriate history and/or
               99214                 examination                       Moderate              30 – 39 minutes
               99215                                                      High               40 – 54 minutes

              *99211 changed to office or outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an est. patient
              that may not require the presence of a physician or qualified healthcare provider (QHP)
Why the new changes?
      Simplification of code selection

 Reduce paperwork burden on physicians by
   reducing the burdens associated with
   documentation and code selection for
            outpatient services
Brief Overview of Key Changes
• Changes affect office and other outpatient settings
• Deletion of code 99201 and updating 99211 description (Level 1
• Revision of code descriptors for 99202/99212 – 99205/99215
  (Level 2-5 visits)
• History and exam documentation are removed as factors to
  determine level of service
• Transition of code selection based on level of medical decision
  making or total physician/qualified health professional time
• Addition of a new prolonged service code
Urgent Care Facilities

   Specifically defined as separate from
         emergency departments!
The Two New Ways for Code Selection:

Which one of the following is NOT recognized as
a medical decision making (MDM) level in the new
coding guideline for 2021?
 A.   Straightforward
 B.   Moderate
 C.   High
 D.   Complex
Which one of the following is NOT recognized as
a medical decision making (MDM) level in the new
coding guideline for 2021?
 A.   Straightforward
 B.   Moderate
 C.   High
 D.   Complex
Which one of the following is NOT one of the three
elements of medical decision making (MDM)?
A. The number and complexity of problems addressed during the
B. The amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed and analyzed.
C. The risk of complications, morbidity, and/or mortality of patient
   management decisions made at the visit (must be associated with the
   patient’s problem, diagnostic procedures, and treatment).
D. Extensive documentation of the history and physical exam obtained
   during the visit.
Which one of the following is NOT one of the three
elements of medical decision making (MDM)?
A. The number and complexity of problems addressed during the
B. The amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed and analyzed.
C. The risk of complications, morbidity, and/or mortality of patient
   management decisions made at the visit (must be associated with the
   patient’s problem, diagnostic procedures, and treatment).
D. Extensive documentation of the history and physical exam obtained
   during the visit.
Medical Decision Making

1. Number and Complexity of Problems Addressed

2. Amount and Complexity of Data Reviewed and Analyzed

3. Risk of Complications/Morbidity or Mortality
Medical Decision Making

                                           Amount and
               No. and Complexity of                         Risk of Complications/        MDM Level
 E/M Level     Problems Addressed
                                        Complexity of Data
                                                             Morbidity or Mortality   (Needs 2 of 3 elements)
                                New Patients/Established Patients
 99202/99212       SF/Minimal            Minimal or none            Minimal risk         Straightforward
 99203/99213           Low                   Limited                 Low risk                  Low
 99204/99214        Moderate                Moderate            Moderate risk               Moderate
 99205/99215           High                 Extensive                High risk                 High
Medical Decision Making

                                           Amount and
               No. and Complexity of                         Risk of Complications/        MDM Level
 E/M Level     Problems Addressed
                                        Complexity of Data
                                                             Morbidity or Mortality   (Needs 2 of 3 elements)
                                New Patients/Established Patients
 99202/99212       SF/Minimal            Minimal or none            Minimal risk         Straightforward
 99203/99213           Low                   Limited                 Low risk                  Low
 99204/99214        Moderate                Moderate            Moderate risk               Moderate
 99205/99215           High                 Extensive                High risk                 High
Number and Complexity of Problems
  Straightforward   Self-limited/minor problem

  Low               Any 1 of the following:
  (99203/99213)     • 2 or more self-limited or minor problems
                    • 1 stable chronic illness
                    • 1 acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
  Moderate          Any 1 of the following:
  (99204/99214)     • 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
                    • 2 or more stable chronic illnesses
                    • 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis
                    • 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms
                    • 1 acute complicated injury

  High              Any 1 of the following:
  (99205/99215)     • 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment
                    • 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function
Number and Complexity of Problems
  Level                  Type of Problem/Definitions                                                     Example
  NA                     Minimal: Presence of the physician or QHP is not required, but the
                         service is provided under the physician’s or QHP’s supervision.

  Straightforward        Self-limited/minor problem: A problem that runs a definite and prescribed       Mild diaper rash – no tx
  (99202/99212)          course, is transient in nature, and is not likely to permanently alter health

  Low                    •   2 or more self-limited or minor problems                                    Pharyngitis with cold
  (99203/99213)          •   Acute, uncomplicated illness or injury*                                     Ankle sprain
                         •   Stable chronic illness*                                                     Cystitis
                                                                                                         Stable asthma

  •    Acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
         • A recent or new short-term problem with low risk of morbidity for which treatment is considered
         • Little to no risk of mortality with treatment and full recovery without functional impairment is expected.
         • May be a self-limited or minor problem that is not resolving consistent with a definite and prescribed course.
  •    Chronic illness: A problem with an expected duration of at least 1 year or until death where the risk of morbidity is
       significant without treatment
  •    Stable: Defined as the patient’s specific treatment goal
Number and Complexity of Problems
  Level        Type of Problem                                                                    Example
  Moderate     Any 1 of the following:                                                            Stable asthma and allergies
  (99204/      • 2 or more stable chronic illnesses                                               Mild asthma exacerbation
  99214)       • 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect       Unexplained bruising
                  of treatment*                                                                   Abdominal mass
               • 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis*                              Fever with tick bite
               • 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms*                                          Head injury with LOC
               • 1 acute complicated injury*

  •   Chronic illness with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
       • Acutely worsening, poorly controlled, or progressing with an intent to control progression and requiring additional
           supportive care or requiring attention to treatment for side effects, but no consideration or hospital level of care.
  •   Undiagnosed new problems with uncertain prognosis
       • A problem with differential diagnosis with represents a condition likely to result in a high risk morbidity without
  •   Acute illness with systemic symptoms*
       • Illness causing systemic symptoms and with high risk of morbidity without treatment
  •   Acute, complicated injury
       • Requires evaluation of body systems that are not directly part of the injured organ, extensive injury, multiple
           treatment options, and/or associated risk of morbidity.
Number and Complexity of Problems
  Level    Type of Problems/Definition                                           Example
  High     Any 1 of the following:                                               Respiratory distress due to bronchiolitis
           • Chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or         Depression with suicidial ideations
              side effects of treatment*
           • Acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or
              bodily function

  • Chronic illness with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effect
     • Severe exacerbation or progression of a chronic illness or severe side effects of
       treatment with significant risk or morbidity and may require hospital level of care.
Medical Decision Making

                                          Amount and
               No. and Complexity of                        Risk of Complications/        MDM Level
 E/M Level     Problems Addressed
                                       Complexity of Data
                                                            Morbidity or Mortality   (Needs 2 of 3 elements)
                               New Patients/Established Patients
 99202/99212         Minimal            Minimal or none            Minimal risk         Straightforward
 99203/99213           Low                  Limited                 Low risk                  Low
 99204/99214        Moderate               Moderate            Moderate risk               Moderate
 99205/99215           High                Extensive                High risk                 High
Data Defintions
• External physician or QHP: An individual who is not in the
  same group or is a different specialty or subspecialty. It
  includes license professional that are practicing independently.
• Independent Historian: An individual who provides a
  history in addition to a history provided by the patient who is
  unable to provide a complete or reliable history or because a
  confimatory hisotyr is judged to be necessary.
• Appropriate Source: Professionals who are not health care
  professionals, but involved in management (law enforcement,
  case manager, teacher). Not family or informal caregivers.
Data Defintions
• Test: imaging, laboratory, psychometric, or physiological data
  • Panels are considered a single test
  • Differention between single or multiple unique tests are defined per
    CPT code set
• Independent Interpretation: Interpretation of a test for which
  there is a CPT code, and an interpretation or report is
  customary, but the physician or QHP has not/will not be
  reporting a separate code for the interpretation.
Data Reviewed/Analyzed
  Minimal (99212)   No data reviewed

  Limited           Needs 1 of the 2 categories:
                    Category 1: Tests and documents
  (99203/99213)     Any combination of 2 from the following:
                          -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                          -   Review of the results of each unique test
                          -   Ordering of each unique test
                    Category 2: Assessment requiring an independent historian

  Moderate          Needs 1 of the 3 categories:
                    Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
  (99204/99214)     Any combination of 3 from the following:
                          -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                          -   Review of the results of each unique test
                          -   Ordering of each unique test
                          -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                    Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                    Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider/appropriate source

  Extensive         Needs 2 of the 3 categories:
                    Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
  (99205/99205)     Any combination of 3 from the following:
                          -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                          -   Review of the results of each unique test
                          -   Ordering of each unique test
                          -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                    Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                    Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider/appropriate source
Medical Decision Making

                                          Amount and
               No. and Complexity of                        Risk of Complications/        MDM Level
 E/M Level     Problems Addressed
                                       Complexity of Data
                                                            Morbidity or Mortality   (Needs 2 of 3 elements)
                               New Patients/Established Patients
 99202/99212         Minimal            Minimal or none            Minimal risk         Straightforward
 99203/99213           Low                  Limited                 Low risk                  Low
 99204/99214        Moderate               Moderate            Moderate risk               Moderate
 99205/99215           High                Extensive                High risk                 High
Level of Risk
     Level        Risk of Complication/Morbidity or Mortality                                      Example
Straightforward   Minimal risk of morbidity from additional          •   Rest and drink plenty of fluids
(99202/99212)     diagnostic testing or treatment                    •   Diaper ointment
                                                                     •   Superficial wound cares
Low               Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic   •   Over the counter medications
(99203/99213)     testing or treatment                               •   Removal of sutures
                                                                     •   Physical therapy, language/speech therapy, or occupational
Moderate          Moderate risk of morbidity from additional         •   Prescription drug management
(99204/99214)     diagnostic testing or treatment                    •   Decision regarding minor surgery with identified patient or
                                                                         procedure risk factors
                                                                     •   Decision regarding elective major surgery without identified
                                                                         patient or procedure risk factors
                                                                     •   Diagnosis or treatment significantly limited by social
                                                                         determinants of health
High              High risk of morbidity from additional             •   Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
(99205/99215)     diagnostic testing or treatment                    •   Decision regarding elective major surgery with identified patient
                                                                         or procedure risk factors
                                                                     •   Decision regarding emergency major surgery
                                                                     •   Decision regarding hospitalization
                                                                     •   Decision not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of
                                                                         poor prognosis
Which of the following is true regarding code
selection based on medical decision making (MDM)?
A. There are 4 types of MDM (straightforward, low, moderate, and high).
B. Time must be documented to determine the level of MDM.
C. A provider must have all three elements of MDM to determine the level
   of MDM.
D. Risk of complications and morbidity/mortality plays no role in
   determining level of MDM.
E. When looking at a specific code (ie. 99202), the coding level based on
   the MDM for that encounter will differ between new patients and
   existing patients.
Which of the following is true regarding code
selection based on medical decision making (MDM)?
A. There are 4 types of MDM (straightforward, low, moderate, and high).
B. Time must be documented to determine the level of MDM.
C. A provider must have all three elements of MDM to determine the level
   of MDM.
D. Risk of complications and morbidity/mortality plays no role in
   determining level of MDM.
E. When looking at a specific code (ie. 99202), the coding level based on
   the MDM for that encounter will differ between new patients and
   existing patients.
Code Selection Based on Time
• Level of visit can be based solely on the total time spent by a
  physician or other qualified health professional on the date of the

• Code assignment based on time is limited to codes 99202 – 99205
  and 99212 – 99215
   • Does not include time for services provided by clinical staff (99211)
Code Selection Based on Time
• Documentation of time supporting a specific code is required

• Time can be used for code selection in lieu of MDM regardless of
  the amount of time spent providing counseling/coordination of care

• Code selection differs based on whether the patient is considered
  “new” or “established”
New versus Established Patients
• New Patients:
  • Patients that have not received services from the provider or any
    provider of the same group practice and same exact specialty in the
    prior 3 years.

• Established Patients:
  • Patients that have received a service from the provider or any provider
    of the same group practice and same exact specialty within the past 3
Time Breakdowns for Code Selection
                                          Time Spent on the
               Code    Level of MDM      Date of the Encounter
               99202   Straightforward          15 – 29
     NEW       99203        Low                 30 – 44
   PATIENTS    99204     Moderate               45 – 59
               99205        High                60 – 74
               99212   Straightforward          10 – 19
 ESTABLISHED   99213        Low                 20 – 29
   PATIENTS    99214     Moderate               30 – 39
               99215        High                40 – 54
Prolonged Services/Extended Time
• Prolonged service time will only be reported in conjunction with
  codes 99205/99215 and only when these codes have been
  selected based on time
• For each additional full 15 minute period, a unit of prolonged
  service (99417) may be added
• Applies to both “new” and “established” patients

Prolonged Services/Extended Time
                                            Established Patient Office E/M Code Based on
New Patient Office E/M Code Based on Time
      99202               15 – 29 min              99212                10 – 19 min
      99203               30– 44 min               99213                20 – 29 min
      99204               45 – 59 min              99214                30 – 39 min
      99205               60 – 74 min              99215                40 – 54 min
99205 and 99417 x1        75 – 89 min        99215 and 99417 x1         55 – 69 min
99205 and 99417 x2        90 – 104 min       99215 and 99417 x2         70 – 84 min
Prolonged Services/Extended Time (AMA)
                                                  Established Patient Office E/M Code Based on
  New Patient Office E/M Code Based on Time
         99202                 15 – 29 min                99212                 10 – 19 min
         99203                  30– 44 min                99213                 20 – 29 min
         99204                 45 – 59 min                99214                 30 – 39 min
         99205                 60 – 74 min                99215                 40 – 54 min
   99205 and 99417 x1          75 – 89 min          99215 and 99417 x1          55 – 69 min
   99205 and 99417 x2          90 – 104 min         99215 and 99417 x2          70 – 84 min

 ***For each additional full 15 minute period, a unit of prolonged service (99417) may be added***
Prolonged Services/Extended Time (CMS)
                                              Established Patient Office E/M Code Based on
  New Patient Office E/M Code Based on Time
        99202               15 – 29 min              99212                10 – 19 min
        99203               30– 44 min               99213                20 – 29 min
        99204               45 – 59 min              99214                30 – 39 min
        99205               60 – 74 min              99215                40 – 54 min
  99205 and 99417 x1        90 – 105 min       99215 and 99417 x1         70 – 85 min
  99205 and 99417 x2       106 – 121 min       99215 and 99417 x2        86 – 100 min
Split or Shared Time
• Visit where a physician and another qualified health provider
  jointly provide time/work related to a patient encounter

• Each minute of time is counted only once

• Only the reporting individual’s time is counted
What Counts Towards Time?
• Total time personally spent by a provider devoted to the care of one
  patient on the date of an encounter
   • Includes both face-to-face and non-face-to-face time
   • Telehealth encounters are included

• Time is only that which requires a physician/qualified health
   • It does not include time spent by other clinical staff (such as rooming a

• Time does not need to be continuous – total time on one day
What Counts Towards Time?
• Preparing to see the patient - reviewing patient
  information obtained prior to the encounter
• Obtaining/reviewing patient history
• Performing appropriate medical examination         Before   During
  and evaluation
                                                      Visit    Visit
• Counseling and educating
• Ordering medications, tests, or procedures
• Referring and communicating with other
• Documenting clinical information in the health
                                                       After Visit
• Interpreting and communicating results
• Coordination of care
What Does NOT Count Towards Time?
• Any time spent on a date different than the date of the

• Any time spent by a resident, fellow, or other learner cannot be
  included towards time.

• Any time spent on a procedure will not be included as
  procedures will be billed separately.
Documenting Time for Code Selection
• It is not necessary to document the percentage of time spent
  counseling and/or coordinating care

• There is no specific verbiage needed

• Only the total time spent must be documented
  • Does not need each segment of time, but you should document overall
    what you spent your time on
Time: Key Points to Remember
• Time may be used in lieu of medical decision making for a visit
  regardless of time spent counseling and/or coordinating care.

• All time spent by a provider on the date of the encounter is
  counted toward the level of service selected.

• Visits requiring prolonged time are assigned a specific code
  when time of code 99205/99215 is exceeded
Which of the following is true regarding
 code selection based on time?
A. Only the time spent face to face can be included in the time used to
   select a code.
B. When looking at a specific code (ie. 99202), the time spent on an
   encounter to fulfill that coding level will differ between new patients
   and existing patients.
C. You may not include the time it takes to review information (such as
   previous test results) prior to seeing a patient.
D. Time can only be used to select a code when counseling and/or
   coordination of care dominates the service.
E. There is specific verbiage that needs to be used to document total
   time for an encounter.
Which of the following is true regarding
 code selection based on time?
A. Only the time spent face to face can be included in the time used to
   select a code.
B. When looking at a specific code (ie. 99202), the time spent on an
   encounter to fulfill that coding level will differ between new patients
   and existing patients.
C. You may not include the time it takes to review information (such as
   previous test results) prior to seeing a patient.
D. Time can only be used to select a code when counseling and/or
   coordination of care dominates the service.
E. There is specific verbiage that needs to be used to document total
   time for an encounter.
Which of the following does count
 towards time for coding?
A. Finishing documentation for an encounter the day after a visit.
B. Discussing a patient with a consultant while your patient is still
   in your clinic.
C. Reviewing your patient's chart the night prior to a visit.
D. Time it takes for a resident to check a patient out to an
E. Addition of 30 minutes of time for a laceration repair procedure.
F. Time a nurse spends administering a medication.
Which of the following does count
 towards time for coding?
A. Finishing documentation for an encounter the day after a visit.
B. Discussing a patient with a consultant while your patient is still
   in your clinic.
C. Reviewing your patient's chart the night prior to a visit.
D. Time it takes for a resident to check a patient out to
   an attending.
E. Addition of 30 minutes of time for a laceration repair procedure.
F. Time a nurse spends administering a medication.
Example #1
A 5yo male is seen at the urgent care clinic for right ear pain. He
was seen in the same urgent care clinic by another provider 4
months prior for an influenza infection. The patient’s mother is
with the child and helps provide the history. The patient had been
swimming in a lake 3 days prior and now started to complain of
right ear pain over the past 24hrs. The patient has had no fevers,
cough, runny nose, sore throat. Eating and drinking well. Mother
has given ibuprofen for pain.
Example #1 (continued)
Vitals: T 37oC, HR 80, RR 24, BP 90/50
Constitutional: well appearing and in no acute distress
Eyes: normal conjunctiva without discharge
Ears: redness and swelling of the right ear canal, canal
appears wet with some drainage, patient reports pain with
manipulation of the pinna/outer ear, TM clear
Nose: no rhinorrhea or congestion
                                                            2. “Swimmer Ear: Otitis Externa”. Richmond ENT.
Mouth: moist mucus membranes, no pharyngeal erythema
Respiratory: lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally
Cardiovascular: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Skin: dry, intact, with no visible rashes
Example #1 (continued)
DIAGNOSIS: Right acute otitis externa

PLAN: Start antibiotic ear drops x7 days. Can continue to use
Tylenol/ibuprofen for pain. Should be seen if symptoms are
persistent or worsening after 48hrs. Otherwise, patient to follow-
up with PCP as needed.
Problems Addressed in Example #1
   Level/Code                                          Problems Addressed
Straightforward Self-limited/minor problem
(99202/99212)     -   A problem that runs a definite course, is transient in nature, and is not likely to
                      permanently alter health status.
                  -   Resolving acute condition, no side effects of treatment.
Low               Any 1 of the following:
(99203/99213)     - 2 or more self-limited or minor problems
                  - 1 stable chronic illness
                  - 1 acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
Moderate          Any 1 of the following:
(99204/99214)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
                  - 2 or more stable chronic illnesses
                  - 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis
                  - 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms
                  - 1 acute complicated injury
High              Any 1 of the following:
(99205/99215)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of
                  - 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function
Problems Addressed in Example #1
   Level/Code                                          Problems Addressed
Straightforward Self-limited/minor problem
(99202/99212)     -   A problem that runs a definite course, is transient in nature, and is not likely to
                      permanently alter health status.
                  -   Resolving acute condition, no side effects of treatment.
Low               Any 1 of the following:
(99203/99213)     - 2 or more self-limited or minor problems
                  - 1 stable chronic illness
                  - 1 acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
Moderate          Any 1 of the following:
(99204/99214)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
                  - 2 or more stable chronic illnesses
                  - 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis
                  - 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms
                  - 1 acute complicated injury
High              Any 1 of the following:
(99205/99215)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of
                  - 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function
Data Reviewed/Analyzed in Example #1
    Level/Code                                       Data Reviewed and Analyzed
Straightforward   Minimal or None

Low               Limited – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 2 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests and documents
                  Any combination of 2 from the following:
                         -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                         -   Review of the results of each unique test
                         -   Ordering of each unique test
                  Category 2: Assessment requiring an independent historian

Moderate          Moderate – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -   Review of the results of each unique test
                        -   Ordering of each unique test
                        -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider

High              Extensive – meet the requirements of at least 2 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -    Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -    Review of the results of each unique test
                        -    Ordering of each unique test
                        -    Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider
Data Reviewed/Analyzed in Example #1
    Level/Code                                       Data Reviewed and Analyzed
Straightforward   Minimal or None

Low               Limited – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 2 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests and documents
                  Any combination of 2 from the following:
                         -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                         -   Review of the results of each unique test
                         -   Ordering of each unique test
                  Category 2: Assessment requiring an independent historian

Moderate          Moderate – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -   Review of the results of each unique test
                        -   Ordering of each unique test
                        -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider

High              Extensive – meet the requirements of at least 2 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -    Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -    Review of the results of each unique test
                        -    Ordering of each unique test
                        -    Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider
Risk in Example #1
   Level/Code           Risk of Complication and/or Morbidity or Mortality of Patient Management
Straightforward Minimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99202/99212)       -   Rest and drink plenty of fluids
                    -   Diaper ointment
                    -   Superficial wound cares
Low                 Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99203/99213)       -   Over the counter medications
                    -   Removal of sutures
                    -   Physical therapy, language/speech therapy, or occupational therapy
Moderate            Moderate risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99204/99214)       -   Prescription drug management
                    -   Decision regarding minor surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery without identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Diagnosis or treatment significantly limited by social determinants of health
High                High risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99205/99215)       -   Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding emergency major surgery
                    -   Decision regarding hospitalization
                    -   Decision not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of poor prognosis
Risk in Example #1
   Level/Code           Risk of Complication and/or Morbidity or Mortality of Patient Management
Straightforward Minimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99202/99212)       -   Rest and drink plenty of fluids
                    -   Diaper ointment
                    -   Superficial wound cares
Low                 Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99203/99213)       -   Over the counter medications
                    -   Removal of sutures
                    -   Physical therapy, language/speech therapy, or occupational therapy
Moderate            Moderate risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99204/99214)       -   Prescription drug management
                    -   Decision regarding minor surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery without identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Diagnosis or treatment significantly limited by social determinants of health
High                High risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99205/99215)       -   Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding emergency major surgery
                    -   Decision regarding hospitalization
                    -   Decision not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of poor prognosis
Code Selection for Example #1
 Problems Addressed   Data Reviewed and Analyzed      Risk
        Low                    Limited              Moderate

         ↓                        ↓                    ↓
    99203/99213              99203/99213           99204/99214
Code Selection for Example #1
 Problems Addressed    Data Reviewed and Analyzed          Risk
        Low                     Limited                  Moderate

         ↓                         ↓                        ↓
    99203/99213               99203/99213               99204/99214

      Although the level of risk is moderate, code 99203/99213 is
      supported based on the requirement that at least 2 of the 3
      elements of MDM are required to support a level of service.
Example #2
A 5yo male is seen at the urgent care clinic for right ear pain. He
was seen in the same urgent care clinic by another provider 4
months prior for an influenza infection. The patient’s mother is
with the child and helps provide the history. The patient had been
swimming in a lake 3 days prior and now started to complain of
right ear pain over the past 24hrs. The patient has had no fevers,
cough, runny nose, sore throat. Eating and drinking well. Mother
has given ibuprofen for pain.
Example #2 (continued)
Vitals: T 37oC, HR 80, RR 24, BP 90/50
Constitutional: well appearing and in no acute distress
Eyes: normal conjunctiva without discharge
Ears: redness and swelling of the right ear canal, canal
appears wet with some drainage, patient reports pain with
manipulation of the pinna/outer ear, TM clear
Nose: no rhinorrhea or congestion
Mouth: moist mucus membranes, no pharyngeal erythema        3. Picture of Swimmer Ear: Otitis Externa

Respiratory: lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally
Cardiovascular: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Skin: dry, intact, with no visible rashes
Example #2 (continued)
DIAGNOSIS: Right acute otitis externa

PLAN: Recommend insertion of an ear wick and start antibiotic
ear drops x7 days. Can continue to use Tylenol/ibuprofen for
pain. Should be seen if symptoms are persistent or worsening
after 48hrs. Otherwise, patient to follow-up with PCP as needed.
Example #2 (continued)
• The mother requests an oral antibiotic

• The pediatrician spends 15 minutes explaining the benefits of
  using topical antibiotic drops and the contraindications of using
  an oral antibiotic for this condition.

• Mother agrees to use ear wick and topical antibiotic drops.
Example #2 (continued)
• The pediatrician inserts the ear wick and
  explains how to use the topical antibiotic

• The pediatrician’s total time on the date of
  service is 30 minutes.

                                                 2. Picture of Ear Wick for Otitis Externa
Code Selection for Example #2
                                         Time Spent on the
              Code    Level of MDM      Date of the Encounter
              99202   Straightforward          15 – 29
    NEW       99203        Low                 30 – 44
  PATIENTS    99204     Moderate               45 – 59
              99205        High                60 – 74
              99212   Straightforward          10 – 19
ESTABLISHED   99213        Low                 20 – 29
  PATIENTS    99214     Moderate               30 – 39
              99215        High                40 – 54
Code Selection for Example #2
                                         Time Spent on the
              Code    Level of MDM      Date of the Encounter
              99202   Straightforward          15 – 29
    NEW       99203        Low                 30 – 44
  PATIENTS    99204     Moderate               45 – 59
              99205        High                60 – 74
              99212   Straightforward          10 – 19
ESTABLISHED   99213        Low                 20 – 29
  PATIENTS    99214     Moderate               30 – 39
              99215        High                40 – 54
Had this been the
patient’s first visit to
the urgent care, the
  total time of 25
minutes would only
support code 99203                                    Time Spent on the
                           Code    Level of MDM      Date of the Encounter
                           99202   Straightforward          15 – 29
               NEW         99203        Low                 30 – 44
             PATIENTS      99204     Moderate               45 – 59
                           99205        High                60 – 74
                           99212   Straightforward          10 – 19
         ESTABLISHED       99213        Low                 20 – 29
           PATIENTS        99214     Moderate               30 – 39
                           99215        High                40 – 54
Example #3
An 11yo male with a history of moderate persistent asthma who
presents to the urgent care clinic for increasing asthma symptoms
over the past week. The patient’s mother reports compliance with
medications prescribed by his PCP. However, the patient has
complained of chest tightness and cough due to recent weather
changes in the fall. The pediatrician verifies that the patient has
been taking his Flovent twice daily with a spacer. He has also
been requiring his albuterol inhaler 3-4 times per day over the past
three days due to increased coughing and chest tightness. The
albuterol seems to help with symptoms. He has had no fevers. No
runny nose, congestion, or sore throat. Eating and drinking well.
He has had no other medications.
Example #3 (continued)
Vitals: T 37oC, HR 70, RR 18, BP 90/60
Constitutional: well appearing and in no acute distress
Eyes: normal conjunctiva without discharge
Ears: TMs clear bilaterally, no redness or swelling of ear canal
Nose: no rhinorrhea or congestion
Mouth: moist mucus membranes, no pharyngeal erythema
Respiratory: few scattered expiratory wheezes across bilateral lung
fields, no focal lung sounds, good aeration to the bases, no prolonged
expiratory phase, no respiratory distress, no tachypnea, no retractions
Cardiovascular: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
Skin: dry, intact, with no visible rashes
Example #3 (continued)

DIAGNOSIS: Moderate persistent asthma with increasing

PLAN: Start 5 day oral steroid burst. Continue Flovent and
albuterol per asthma action plan. Should be seen if symptoms
are persistent after 48hrs and/or worsening. Otherwise, patient to
follow-up with PCP in 3-5 days.
Problems Addressed in Example #3
   Level/Code                                          Problems Addressed
Straightforward Self-limited/minor problem
(99202/99212)     -   A problem that runs a definite course, is transient in nature, and is not likely to
                      permanently alter health status.
                  -   Resolving acute condition, no side effects of treatment.
Low               Any 1 of the following:
(99203/99213)     - 2 or more self-limited or minor problems
                  - 1 stable chronic illness
                  - 1 acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
Moderate          Any 1 of the following:
(99204/99214)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
                  - 2 or more stable chronic illnesses
                  - 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis
                  - 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms
                  - 1 acute complicated injury
High              Any 1 of the following:
(99205/99215)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of
                  - 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function
Problems Addressed in Example #3
   Level/Code                                          Problems Addressed
Straightforward Self-limited/minor problem
(99202/99212)     -   A problem that runs a definite course, is transient in nature, and is not likely to
                      permanently alter health status.
                  -   Resolving acute condition, no side effects of treatment.
Low               Any 1 of the following:
(99203/99213)     - 2 or more self-limited or minor problems
                  - 1 stable chronic illness
                  - 1 acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
Moderate          Any 1 of the following:
(99204/99214)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
                  - 2 or more stable chronic illnesses
                  - 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis
                  - 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms
                  - 1 acute complicated injury
High              Any 1 of the following:
(99205/99215)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of
                  - 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function
Data Reviewed/Analyzed in Example #3
    Level/Code                                       Data Reviewed and Analyzed
Straightforward   Minimal or None

Low               Limited – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 2 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests and documents
                  Any combination of 2 from the following:
                         -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                         -   Review of the results of each unique test
                         -   Ordering of each unique test
                  Category 2: Assessment requiring an independent historian

Moderate          Moderate – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -   Review of the results of each unique test
                        -   Ordering of each unique test
                        -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider

High              Extensive – meet the requirements of at least 2 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -    Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -    Review of the results of each unique test
                        -    Ordering of each unique test
                        -    Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider
Data Reviewed/Analyzed in Example #3
    Level/Code                                       Data Reviewed and Analyzed
Straightforward   Minimal or None

Low               Limited – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 2 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests and documents
                  Any combination of 2 from the following:
                         -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                         -   Review of the results of each unique test
                         -   Ordering of each unique test
                  Category 2: Assessment requiring an independent historian

Moderate          Moderate – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -   Review of the results of each unique test
                        -   Ordering of each unique test
                        -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider

High              Extensive – meet the requirements of at least 2 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -    Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -    Review of the results of each unique test
                        -    Ordering of each unique test
                        -    Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider
Risk in Example #3
   Level/Code           Risk of Complication and/or Morbidity or Mortality of Patient Management
Straightforward Minimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99202/99212)       -   Rest and drink plenty of fluids
                    -   Diaper ointment
                    -   Superficial wound cares
Low                 Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99203/99213)       -   Over the counter medications
                    -   Removal of sutures
                    -   Physical therapy, language/speech therapy, or occupational therapy
Moderate            Moderate risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99204/99214)       -   Prescription drug management
                    -   Decision regarding minor surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery without identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Diagnosis or treatment significantly limited by social determinants of health
High                High risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99205/99215)       -   Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding emergency major surgery
                    -   Decision regarding hospitalization
                    -   Decision not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of poor prognosis
Risk in Example #3
   Level/Code           Risk of Complication and/or Morbidity or Mortality of Patient Management
Straightforward Minimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99202/99212)       -   Rest and drink plenty of fluids
                    -   Diaper ointment
                    -   Superficial wound cares
Low                 Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99203/99213)       -   Over the counter medications
                    -   Removal of sutures
                    -   Physical therapy, language/speech therapy, or occupational therapy
Moderate            Moderate risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99204/99214)       -   Prescription drug management
                    -   Decision regarding minor surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery without identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Diagnosis or treatment significantly limited by social determinants of health
High                High risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99205/99215)       -   Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding emergency major surgery
                    -   Decision regarding hospitalization
                    -   Decision not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of poor prognosis
Code Selection for Example #3
 Problems Addressed   Data Reviewed and Analyzed      Risk
      Moderate                 Limited              Moderate

         ↓                        ↓                    ↓
    99204/99214              99203/99213           99204/99214
Code Selection for Example #3
 Problems Addressed    Data Reviewed and Analyzed         Risk
      Moderate                  Limited                 Moderate

         ↓                         ↓                       ↓
    99204/99214               99203/99213              99204/99214

      Although the the data reviewed and analyzed were limited,
      code 99204/99214 is supported based on the requirement
       that at least 2 of the 3 elements of MDM are required to
                        support a level of service.
Example #4
A 4yo female is taken to the urgent care clinic due to concerns for
abdominal pain and recent bed wetting. History obtained from the
parents indicates that they have noticed patient always
complains of being thirsty and is drinking a lot of water. Over the
past three days she has not been eating at her baseline. Last
night, she complained of abdominal pain and nausea. Mother has
noticed that patient’s weight was 5lbs lower at today’s visit when
compared to her last PCP visit 6 weeks ago. She has had no
fevers, headaches, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, rashes, or
respiratory symptoms. No dysuria or hematuria. Parents have not
given patient any medications.
Example #4 (continued)
Vitals: T 37oC, HR 90, RR 24, BP 90/60
Constitutional: thin, non-toxic and in no acute distress
Eyes: normal conjunctiva without discharge
Ears: TMs clear bilaterally, no redness or swelling of ear canal
Nose: no rhinorrhea or congestion
Mouth: moist mucus membranes, no pharyngeal erythema
Respiratory: lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally, good aeration to the bases, no prolonged
expiratory phase, no respiratory distress, no tachypnea, no retractions
Cardiovascular: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs
GI: normoactive bowel sounds, soft, non-distended, diffusely tender to palpation, no rebound
tenderness, no guarding, no organomegaly appreciated
GU: tanner stage 1 female with normal genitalia
Skin: dry, intact, with no visible rashes
Lymphatics: no axillary, supraclavicular, cervical, or inguinal lymphadenopathy appreciated
Example #4 (continued)
• The pediatrician obtains:
   •   Urinalysis
   •   POC Blood Glucose
   •   Basic Metabolic Panel
   •   CBC with Differential

DIAGNOSIS: New onset type 1 diabetes with ketoacidosis

PLAN: Start IV fluids (insulin if available), NPO, consult
endocrinology, admit to the hospital.
Problems Addressed in Example #4
   Level/Code                                          Problems Addressed
Straightforward Self-limited/minor problem
(99202/99212)     -   A problem that runs a definite course, is transient in nature, and is not likely to
                      permanently alter health status.
                  -   Resolving acute condition, no side effects of treatment.
Low               Any 1 of the following:
(99203/99213)     - 2 or more self-limited or minor problems
                  - 1 stable chronic illness
                  - 1 acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
Moderate          Any 1 of the following:
(99204/99214)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
                  - 2 or more stable chronic illnesses
                  - 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis
                  - 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms
                  - 1 acute complicated injury
High              Any 1 of the following:
(99205/99215)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of
                  - 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function
Problems Addressed in Example #4
   Level/Code                                          Problems Addressed
Straightforward Self-limited/minor problem
(99202/99212)     -   A problem that runs a definite course, is transient in nature, and is not likely to
                      permanently alter health status.
                  -   Resolving acute condition, no side effects of treatment.
Low               Any 1 of the following:
(99203/99213)     - 2 or more self-limited or minor problems
                  - 1 stable chronic illness
                  - 1 acute, uncomplicated illness or injury
Moderate          Any 1 of the following:
(99204/99214)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with exacerbation, progression, or side effect of treatment
                  - 2 or more stable chronic illnesses
                  - 1 undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis
                  - 1 acute illness with systemic symptoms
                  - 1 acute complicated injury
High              Any 1 of the following:
(99205/99215)     - 1 or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of
                  - 1 acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function
Data Reviewed/Analyzed in Example #4
    Level/Code                                       Data Reviewed and Analyzed
Straightforward   Minimal or None

Low               Limited – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 2 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests and documents
                  Any combination of 2 from the following:
                         -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                         -   Review of the results of each unique test
                         -   Ordering of each unique test
                  Category 2: Assessment requiring an independent historian

Moderate          Moderate – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -   Review of the results of each unique test
                        -   Ordering of each unique test
                        -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider

High              Extensive – meet the requirements of at least 2 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -    Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -    Review of the results of each unique test
                        -    Ordering of each unique test
                        -    Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider
Data Reviewed/Analyzed in Example #4
    Level/Code                                       Data Reviewed and Analyzed
Straightforward   Minimal or None

Low               Limited – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 2 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests and documents
                  Any combination of 2 from the following:
                         -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                         -   Review of the results of each unique test
                         -   Ordering of each unique test
                  Category 2: Assessment requiring an independent historian

Moderate          Moderate – meet the requirements of at least 1 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -   Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -   Review of the results of each unique test
                        -   Ordering of each unique test
                        -   Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider

High              Extensive – meet the requirements of at least 2 of the 3 categories:
                  Category 1: Tests, documents, or independent historians
                  Any combination of 3 from the following:
                        -    Review of prior external notes from each unique source
                        -    Review of the results of each unique test
                        -    Ordering of each unique test
                        -    Assessment requiring an independent historian
                  Category 2: Independent interpretation of tests performed by another provider
                  Category 3: Discussion of management or test interpretation with external provider
Risk in Example #4
   Level/Code           Risk of Complication and/or Morbidity or Mortality of Patient Management
Straightforward Minimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99202/99212)       -   Rest and drink plenty of fluids
                    -   Diaper ointment
                    -   Superficial wound cares
Low                 Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99203/99213)       -   Over the counter medications
                    -   Removal of sutures
                    -   Physical therapy, language/speech therapy, or occupational therapy
Moderate            Moderate risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99204/99214)       -   Prescription drug management
                    -   Decision regarding minor surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery without identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Diagnosis or treatment significantly limited by social determinants of health
High                High risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99205/99215)       -   Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding emergency major surgery
                    -   Decision regarding hospitalization
                    -   Decision not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of poor prognosis
Risk in Example #4
   Level/Code           Risk of Complication and/or Morbidity or Mortality of Patient Management
Straightforward Minimal risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99202/99212)       -   Rest and drink plenty of fluids
                    -   Diaper ointment
                    -   Superficial wound cares
Low                 Low risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99203/99213)       -   Over the counter medications
                    -   Removal of sutures
                    -   Physical therapy, language/speech therapy, or occupational therapy
Moderate            Moderate risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99204/99214)       -   Prescription drug management
                    -   Decision regarding minor surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery without identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Diagnosis or treatment significantly limited by social determinants of health
High                High risk of morbidity from additional diagnostic testing or treatment
(99205/99215)       -   Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity
                    -   Decision regarding elective major surgery with identified patient or procedure risk factors
                    -   Decision regarding emergency major surgery
                    -   Decision regarding hospitalization
                    -   Decision not to resuscitate or to de-escalate care because of poor prognosis
Code Selection for Example #4
 Problems Addressed   Data Reviewed and Analyzed      Risk
        High                  Extensive               High

         ↓                        ↓                    ↓
    99205/99215              99205/99215           99205/99215
Code Selection for Example #4
 Problems Addressed    Data Reviewed and Analyzed         Risk
        High                   Extensive                  High

         ↓                         ↓                       ↓
    99205/99215               99205/99215              99205/99215

      Code 99205/99215 is supported based on the requirement
       that at least 2 of the 3 elements of MDM are required to
                        support a level of service.
• AMA Guidelines

• CMS Guidelines
1. Pediatric Office-Based Evaluation and Management Coding
   2021 Revisions. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2020.
2. Picture of Ear Wick for Otitis Externa * Otolaryngology
   Houston, www.ghorayeb.com/earwick.html.
3. “Swimmer Ear: Otis Externa.” Richmond ENT,
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