OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications

Page created by Roy Burton
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications
O V E R V I E W   -   C A P A B I L I T I E S   -   T E A M   5/13/21
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications

Since 2000,     Qorvis has grown from its
entrepreneurial roots in Washington to an
international agency within Publicis Groupe.

We help clients overcome the most difficult
communications challenges.
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications
               Our Agency, Global Network, Differentiators
               and the Qorvis Guarantee

CONTENTS       Media Relations, Digital & Social, Events,
               Crisis, Visuals and Stakeholders

           03 YOUR TEAM
               Our Senior Consultancy and Dedicated
               Experts Available Around the Clock
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications
Section   1

                      ABOU T QORV IS
              Our Agency, Global Network, Differentiators and the Qorvis Guarantee

OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications
Specialists with Global Experience

    We’re a Senior                                          Diplomats                     Editors
    Consultancy                                              The White House, State
                                                            and Defense Departments
                                                                                         The Associated Press
                                                                                           and Newsweek


    Qorvis has a long and successful history representing
    the interests of high-profile clients, because we         News      Digital
                                                            Producers Strategists
    ensure they have the best possible team available.

    Your needs will be handled rapidly and directly by
                                                            ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC & CNN   Digital Media Advertising
    experts with decades of experience in Washington
                                                                                         and Polling Research
    and around the world.

OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications

NORTH AMERICA                                                                                 In 2014, Qorvis combined with
                                                                                34 offices    Publicis Groupe to bring
    20 offices                                                                                formidable worldwide assets
  700+ experts                                                              1500+ experts
                                                                                              to our clients — in advertising,
                                                                                              digital      and       creative

                                                                                              This means we can quickly
                                                                                              obtain whatever resources we
             10 offices                                                                       need to scale up our support
           150+ experts                                                                       anywhere in the world based
                                                                                              on your needs.

                                   EUROPE &     40 offices
                                MIDDLE EAST     1150+ experts                                 Using the power of our Publicis
                                                                                              Data Science division, we can
                                                                                              ensure that our campaigns
                                                                                              and programs are properly
                                                                                              targeted     and    continually
                 3,000+                 100+                     110                          recalibrated.

                 Global Staff    Offices in our Network         Countries
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications

                                                 1   Rapid & Precise Execution. No Bureaucracy.
                                                     Qorvis helps our clients quickly identify and connect with the audiences
                                                     that actually matter. That requires depth of media relationships,
                                                     intelligence & a practitioner's instinct honed from decades of high-level

                                                 2   You Are Not Hiring “Agency Staff”
                                                     Our senior executives constantly engage on your behalf. That means
                                                     former government officials and industry leaders who can bridge the gap
                                                     between the private and public sectors. It also means former editors,
                                                     producers & reporters who know the story as well as the beat reporters,
                                                     and can redefine the narrative.

                                                 3   Experienced Crisis Managers
                                                     We’ve guided our clients through many storms.

D E C A D E S      O F         R E S U L T S .
                                                     And we know how and when to push back to correct the record.

    D E L I V E R E D             F A S T .
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications
Scrupulous Oversight                       Accountable To Goals
Qorvis Communications intensely             Qorvis Communications consistently
monitors all activities it undertakes on    accomplishes the agreed goals
behalf of clients to ensure the highest     within agreed timeframes.
professional standards
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications
OVERVIEW - CAPABILITIES - Qorvis Communications
Section   2

              OU R C APABI L I T I E S
              Media Relations, Digital & Social, Events, Crisis, Visuals and Stakeholders

THE QORVIS APPROACH                                                               MESSAGING STRATEGY

                                                                         1                               2
Qorvis’ record of success is long and diverse. We get positive results       Clear & Powerful                Breaking Through
even in the most challenging circumstances.                                  We develop clear and            Our strategy will help you
                                                                             compelling messages and         break through the clutter with a
Our experts leverage research, relationships and the smartest                deliver them through the        winning message that redefines
strategic thinking on the who, what and how of media engagement.             most powerful channels of       the prevailing narrative.

                                                                                                                                                | 11
Comprehensive Services

       1. MEDIA                           2. DIGITAL                3. VISUALS
       •    Interviews                    •   Paid Advertising      •       Video Production
       •    Op-Eds                        •   Social Media          •       Graphic Design
       •    Speechwriting                 •   Websites & Podcasts   •       Newsletters

   4. EVENTS                              5. CRISIS                     6. STAKEHOLDERS
   •       Virtual and In-Person Events   •   Rapid Response            •    Federal Affairs
   •       Executive Media Training       •   Planning & Playbook       •    Surveys & Polling

   •       Social Media Training          •   Social Listening          •    Monitoring & Evaluation

Part One

         Impactful Interviews

Opinion Editorial Drafting & Placements

Speechwriting & Message Development



                                             Identify the issues where clients want
                                             to exert thought leadership

                                             Coordinate with them to identify and
                                             fine-tune their argumentation
 We      will     secure      high-profile
 television and print interviews             Map out and select appropriate
 with top-tier media outlets for             media for placement based on
                                             volume data, political orientation and
 CEOs,          executives,      technical
 experts, high-level officials and
 diplomats.                                  Negotiate favorable interview terms
                                             with target journalists

                                             Conduct thorough preparation to
                                             ensure crisp answers on any potential
                                             question and topic

                                                                         Recent Placements

                                    Qorvis has had as many as six op-

    Op-Eds                          eds placed in The New York Times
                                    for clients in a single year – an
                                    unmatched record of success. We
                                    have been successful across all
 We will draft incisive op-eds
                                    major U.S. publications.
 advancing our clients’ point of
 view and highlighting their
                                    Why? Because we know the
 achievements and contributions,
                                    editors, we understand what they
 and we will place them in the
                                    are seeking, and we write
 most important publications in     effectively and in the form that
 the United States, in Europe and   makes our clients’ viewpoints most
 around the world.                  publishable.
                                    Every speaker is different, and every
                                    address must be a true reflection of the
                                    speaker. We learn your voice and style

 Speeches                           and adapt your remarks to the moment
                                    & purpose of the speech.

                                    We articulate your messages effectively

 We write speeches for prominent    through language that is eloquent yet
                                    direct and approachable.
 leaders addressing meetings of
 American and international         We coordinate event logistics, programs,
 government officials, business     panels, audience makeup and format to

 events, think tanks, religious     ensure appropriate tone and delivery in
                                    all public speaking engagements.
 organizations, award ceremonies,
 holiday events and other           We have a strong track record of political
 occasions.                         speeches, addresses before international
                                    gatherings like the UN as well as
                                    Congressional testimony, parliamentary
                                    statements and more.
Part Two
  Social Media Management

Website Design & Development

     Digital Advertising

                                             OUR APPROACH

                                       • Auditing your existing social strategy
                                         and assets

                                       • Listening to what social media
Social Media                             audiences are saying about your brand

                                         and the issues most important to you

                                       • Researching and precisely targeting
                                         your audiences
A winning publishing strategy on       • Creating a social strategy with the right
social media requires more than          platform mix for you
great    content.    Timing     and
                                       • Designing and maintaining your social
execution also play a critical role.     profiles
Without the right expertise & tools
                                       • Building your content calendar
to effectively plan, organize and
                                       • Creating platform-specific content
manage your social campaigns,
even the most creative posts can       • Increasing your following and
fall flat. We can optimize your
strategy, content, and execution.      • Monitoring performance and making
                                         real-time adjustments

                                                    • Commercial Websites with Video and Interactive Features

                                                    • Micro News Hubs for Specialized Industry News Reporting
                                         APPROACH   • Simple Event Sites and Landing Pages with Rapid Construction

Web Design &                                        • Fully Integrated Design and Technical Support


Qorvis has helped dozens of clients
design, build, and maintain a modern,
clean, and professional web presence.

Whether your organization needs a
simple WordPress blog or a complex
e-commerce platform, we can quickly
construct affordable digital products,
all optimized for mobile.
                                                               OUR APPROACH

                                              Search and Display Advertising
                                              Ensure that positive links to earned and owned media appear at

Advertising                                   the top of search engine results for related Google searches.

                                              Social Media Advertising
                                              Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok
Sharper, Cost-Effective Targeting
                                              Promote graphics, videos and other content to key audiences in their
Reach your audiences based on their           newsfeeds across social media platforms based on your goals.
behaviors, interests and perspectives, at a
fraction of the cost of television, radio     Earned Media Amplification
and print ads.                                Outbrain
                                              Increase visibility of earned media placements among your target
                                              audiences on websites they visit already in the “Recommended for
KPIs Allow Real-time Adjustments              You” and “Around the Web” sections.
Test multiple messages across audiences
simultaneously; adjust in real-time based
                                              Behavioral Advertising
on your performance metrics, like clicks,     Display, Pre-Roll, Native Video, Pandora/Spotify, Smart TVs

email sign-ups, business leads and more.      Reach the right audiences based on their interests and online
                                              behavior. Follow them around the web across news sites, online radio,
                                              video streaming and more.
Part Three
Video Production

 Graphic Design


                              OUR APPROACH

                          •    Network Television


                          •    Animated Videos

Production                •    Digital Streaming Service

Our team of award-        •    Videos for Social Media

winning producers and     •    Highlight Reels from
editors can create             Events & Conferences

engaging videos to help
                          •    Online Streaming of Live
you meet your goals.           Events and Meetings

                          •    Short Documentaries

                                       OUR APPROACH
 Graphic                                Digital Event Materials


                                   •    Infographics
                                   •    Logos

                                   •    Stationery
We offer clean, clear and
unique designs. Our skilled        •    Corporate Brochures
graphic designers are here to      •    Business Cards
create your vision – or the
vision you didn’t know you         •    Custom Invitations
wanted until you saw it.
                                   •    Trade Show Materials
We pride ourselves on the
                                   •    Newsletters
ability to work closely with our
clients and produce the            •    T-Shirts
perfect layout, color palette
and design elements that           •    Large Banners & Signs
bring your concept to life.
                                     OUR APPROACH


 Custom                          Our team will research and produce
                                 complete content for your approval,
                                 saving you time.

                                 Our designers will ensure your
Need to get the word out to      newsletter looks clean, readable, and
your core audiences and          professional, and is optimized for
                                 mobile consumption.
members about the latest
announcements, news,
analysis, and events?
We offer end-to-end
                                 We’ll work with you to use your
production and distribution of   existing lists and help you identify
customized newsletters           additional target audiences. Then we
delivered to your target         will use our mass distribution tools to
audiences directly to their      make sure your newsletter arrives on
inbox.                           time, whether daily, weekly, monthly,
                                 or on a special schedule.
Part Four
     Virtual Events

Executive Media Training

 Social Media Training



 Virtual & In-                         •   Invitation and RSVP management

    Person                                 and promotion

    Events                             •   New social media followers with
                                           follow-up engagement

 Qorvis’ dedicated events team has     •   Paid digital and social media
 created and managed successful            impressions among your target
 events    for    multiple   clients       audiences
 throughout the pandemic.
                                       •   Virtual and in-person hosting & day-

 We have delivered thousands of            of management

 attendees, new followers, earned
 media coverage and millions of        •   Wrap-up highlight reel video for

 digital impressions.                      promotion on your website and
                                           social media channels


                                       Qorvis’ media specialists have spent decades
                                       as journalists and spokespersons themselves.
                                       They’ve prepared corporate leaders and even

  Training                             Nobel laureates for major media

                                       We’ve been the person asking the hard
 Media training is about more than     questions, so we have an insider appreciation
 learning how to sit, stand, speak     of what you will face.
 and dress. It’s being able to think
                                       We keep in touch with reporters daily, so our
 on your feet and being fully
                                       understanding of the latest approaches and
 prepared to deliver your message.
                                       techniques evolves with the business.

 We’ll help you look and sound
                                       Virtual Trainings
 good, but more importantly, teach
                                       We shifted to virtual training during the
 you how to own YOUR interview         pandemic and have conducted more than
 so your message is heard.             100 engaging sessions.


Social Media
                                     This training covers both social
                                     media fundamentals and advanced
                                     skills that include:

 Boot Camp                           •   Creating content and articles on
                                         LinkedIn to maximize the
                                         platform’s algorithm

Social media training is             •   Conducting hashtag research
customizable, interactive and            and using hashtags effectively to
conducted virtually, lasting about       increase the reach of your
90 minutes per session.                  content

                                     •   Teaching best practices and
Whether you’re looking to elevate        running practical writing
your employee advocacy                   exercises for LinkedIn, Twitter
programs, develop internal and           and other platforms
external spokespeople or promote
the thought leadership of your       •   Using free and cost-effective
                                         content-creation tools to
executives and subject matter
                                         leverage for visual assets
experts, we can help you increase
your capabilities quickly.           •   Understanding paid media
                                         basics and measuring KPIs
Part Five
Rapid Response & Recovery

   Planning & Playbook

     Social Listening

                                      OUR APPROACH

                                      The Four Stages of

 Rapid                                Crisis Management

Response                            1. Predict
                                    You must know what might happen         “I   T   T A K E S20 YEARS
                                    in order to prepare for it            T O    B U I L D     A   R E P U T A T I O N

Qorvis has been helping clients
                                    2. Prepare
                                                                                 A N D     5 MINUTES
weather     difficult storms for                                           T O       R U I N   I T .   ”
decades. When the unexpected        Having a specific plan of action in
happens, we’re just a phone call    advance for each issue                                 – Warren Buffett
away to help you assess the
situation and quickly pivot to an   3. Push back
effective response.
                                    Tactical options to correct the
Our senior team is composed of      record against false information
former editors, news producers,
and government and corporate        4. Pivot
spokespersons. We’ve seen it all,
                                    Use the crisis to refocus attention
and if needed we can be on a
plane within hours to help right    onto your narrative
the ship.

                                          OUR APPROACH

Planning &                            The crisis playbook will clearly
                                      identify all potential threats or

 Playbook                             opportunities, and will include:

                                      •   Topline messaging guides for
As your organization grows, it’s          leaders and spokespersons
critical to proactively craft and
execute a positive narrative that     •   News releases and holding
                                          statements that can be used as
defines your image with key
                                          an instant starting point
stakeholders, rather than waiting
for outsiders to define it for you.
                                      •   Q&A guides on adversarial
                                          questions from hostile reporters
We will produce a comprehensive
Crisis Playbook that will arm you
                                      •   Internal process and protocol
with strategies and materials to
                                          guides for executives and
use in the event of a crisis.

                                       OUR APPROACH

  Social                              Capture intel on volume, frequency

Listening                             and sentiment of the conversation

                                      around key topics and keywords, as

Social media has changed the way      well as platforms where those

we communicate, and meeting           conversations are occurring.
people where they are means you
must deploy a robust social media
                                      This intel will help us identify
presence      and        engagement
strategy to drive interest through    influencers, hashtags and top-
multiple   layers   of     messages
                                      performing content from critics to
targeting the right audiences at
                                      remain proactive on social media.
the right times.
Part Six

Congressional & Executive Branch Outreach

           Surveys and Polling

       Monitoring and Evaluation

                                               OUR APPROACH

                                             Effective Federal Outreach

    Federal                              1. Prepare Assets
                                         Advocacy is about providing real value and

                                         expertise to busy policymakers. We’ll help
                                         you put together fact sheets, white papers,
                                         and research that staff will actually read.

                                         2. Identify Key Targets
                                         We’ll help you prioritize the critical
Qorvis has been helping clients
                                         committees and legislators, and find obscure
navigate     government        affairs
                                         agency offices who decide your issues.
challenges since its inception.

Our senior team is composed of           3. Hold Regular Meetings
former government officials from         Access is about becoming a known entity
the White House, the Pentagon,           who is helpful and accessible.
The State Department, and across
both the Senate and the House of         4. Rapid Response to News
Representatives on Capitol Hill.         Once relationships are built, we can help you
                                         respond quickly and effectively when the
We’ve seen it all, and we look           collective attention of Washington and the
forward to helping you solve your        media turns to your issue. If you don’t build
most difficult issues.                   the foundation first, it’s usually too late.

                                        OUR APPROACH

  Surveys &                          We inform your actions by providing
                                     accurate research and analysis to guide

   Polling                           your strategy and achieve your objectives.

                                     Tactical Menu of Options

Our full-service, global survey            ü General population surveys

research company, Clarus                   ü Executive audience polls
Research Group, offers a complete          ü DC elite opinion surveys
range of quantitative and                  ü In-person focus groups
qualitative services and products.
                                           ü Online focus groups
Clarus provides our clients with           ü Detailed reporting
meticulous and detailed reports            ü Voter research
on-demand by surveying specific            ü Trend and perception monitoring
constituencies and hard-to-reach
elite audiences in six continents
and 18 countries.

                                          OUR APPROACH

                                     Qorvis will continually assess the impact of

 Monitoring&                         our campaign effectiveness by:

                                         Number and quality of mentions and
                                         quotations in print, digital, and cable news
                                         media outlets.

                                     •   Recording digital impressions of web
Comprehensive and continuous             content among target audiences.
monitoring and evaluation equips
                                     •   Conducting regular polling and surveys of
our clients with the best                public opinion, among target audiences
information to make smart                both broad and narrow.
decisions and measure progress
                                     •   Monitoring the number of social media
toward short- and long-term goals.       posts and other engagement from target
                                         audiences using our messaging.
Our clients stay ahead of their
                                     •   Finding expressions of public support
competitors by knowing the full          and/or opposition among target key
environment at all times.                stakeholders

                                     •   Providing trend macro analysis in growth
                                         rates of all these indicators.
Section   3

                            OU R T E AM
              Our Senior Consultancy and Dedicated Experts Available Around the Clock


  M a n a g i n g       D i r e c t o r   Executive Vice                           Executive Vice                        Executive Vice
  M i c h a e l                           President                                President                             President

  P e t r u z z e l l o                   M a t t      L a u e r                   E l i s s a        D o d g e          G r e g      L a g a n a
  Chairman & Founder. Named to the                                                  Global Client Engagement Director    Former White House
                                           Served in the Federal Government
  POWER 100 list of influential                                                     for consumer goods multinational     Communications Staffer, Magazine
                                           under a Democrat and Republican
  communications professionals by                                                   RB, and named 2019 Top Women in      Editor, and U.S. Diplomat for 21
                                           U.S. President, a Secretary of State,    PR
  Washington Life Magazine                                                                                               years, across Europe, Latin America,
                                           and a U.S. Senator
                                                                                                                         and Washington

                                           Senior       Vice President             Vice President
  Senior       Vice President                                                                                            OPERATIONS
                                           S h e r e e n                           J e n n i f e r
  B r a d       K l a p p e r                                                                                            D a v i d       S o w e l l s
                                           S o g h i e r                           B a s k e r v i l l e
   13 years at the Associated Press.       Leads Middle East practice. Worked      Leads media training practice.        Served as Public Affairs Director of
   National Security Editor. Reported      in Washington bureau of ABC News,       Former producer for CNN, earned       CNN International and AOL Time
   from more than 70 countries.            including World News Tonight & This     an Emmy for her work on the           Warner Europe
   Speaks French & German                  Week                                    September 11 terror attacks

  Vice President                           Vice President                          Vice President                        Vice President

  M a r i a       J o s e                  K r i s t i n a                         P h i l i p p a                       G r a c e
  A b a d                                  B a u m                                 L e v e n b e r g                     F e n s t e r m a k e r

   Huffington Post Top 40 Latinos in       Former Communications Director at       Former digital practice lead at IRI   Former media strategy advisor to
   American Media. Top 50 Latino           the White House Office of Science and   Consultants. ”Mover and Shaker”       Egypt's Office of the Presidential
   Voices to Follow on Twitter. Speaks     Technology Policy, Former               Award by PR Newswire. Former TV       Spokesperson. Former staffer at
   Spanish & German                        spokesperson for Chevron                producer for Voice of America         Fox News

ADDRESS      1201 Connecticut Avenue NW
             Suite 1000
             Washington, DC 20036

WEBSITE      www.qorvis.com

 PHONE       +1 (202) 496 1000

  EMAIL      david.sowells@qorvis.com
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