Viewer Engagement in Movie Trailers and Box Office Revenue

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Viewer Engagement in Movie Trailers and Box Office Revenue
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

                    Viewer Engagement in Movie Trailers and Box Office Revenue
                  Sehwan Oh                                  JoongHo Ahn                                 Hyunmi Baek
           Seoul National University                   Seoul National University                      Hanyang University

                                  Abstract                             As marketing strategies, movie marketers pay
           As video consumption on social media becomes a              attention to tease potential consumers with movie
        major part of consumer activities, film marketers              trailers via video-sharing social media. Recently, a
        recognize that movie trailers on video-sharing social          movie trailer which is designed to provide a taste of
        media can play an important role in raising potential          specific movie can be easily found and shared via
        audience’s attention and interest. Focusing on
                                                                       social media like YouTube.
        consumer engagement in movie trailers and
                                                                            Increasingly, as social media emerges as a major
        subsequent activities of sharing trailers by consumers,
                                                                       distribution and consumption platform for videos,
        we examine the impact of movie trailers on box office
        revenue. From December, 2013 to August, 2014,                  understanding consumer behavior on video-sharing
        investigating view statistics of movie trailers on             social media and meeting consumer needs is getting
        YouTube and data of box office revenue from                    important to marketers and researchers. For instance,, we find out that consumer                   catching the growing popularity of video
        engagement in a movie trailer is positively related            consumption via social media, Facebook and Twitter
        with their activities of sharing the movie trailer,            even attempt to incorporate video watching and
        thereby influencing box office revenue of the movie.           sharing features in their platforms.
                                                                            Compared with a lot of research on text-based
                                                                       social media channels such as blogs and
                                                                       microblogging services, studies on consumer’s video
        1. Introduction                                                sharing and its impact on business have been very
                                                                       limited. Also, in the context of electronic word-of-
             Recently, with the growth of social media,                mouth(eWOM), many studies on text-based social
        diverse channels such as YouTube, Twitter and                  media have attempted to develop various metrics of
        Facebook penetrate deep into our daily life and                consumer response in the dimension of volume,
        consumers come to spend huge amounts of time on                valence and dispersion in eWOM. However, we have
        social media. In the past, recording and consuming             limited research on a useful metric of consumer
        multimedia contents was difficult and expensive.               engagement and interests in video contents.
        However, video-sharing social media like YouTube                    In the context of video consumption, we attempt
        makes it much easier and cheaper and gains                     to examine consumer engagement which is reflected
        viewership in an unprecedented rate. Compared with             as play time and viewer comments. Then, with a case
        text-based social media such as blogs and                      of movie trailers, we examine whether consumer
        microblogs, video-sharing social media emerged as a            engagement in a movie trailer is positively related
        new consumption and distribution channel for digital           with consumer activities of sharing the movie trailer,
        goods.                                                         thereby influencing box office revenue of the movie.
             These days online video consumption on social
        media becomes a major part of consumers’ activities.
        comScore Inc. [1], a digital analytics company,
                                                                       2. Literature Review
        released that 189 million Americans enjoyed 49.1
        billion videos as of October, 2013, while the volume           2.1 Film Marketing and Video-sharing Social
        of video advertisement views amounted to be 24.5               Media
        billion. According to Cisco [2], online video
        consumers are expected to double by 2016, from 792                 Among conventional film marketing materials
        million users in 2011.                                         such as posters, promotional websites, and trailers,
             Among many industries, especially video-sharing           film marketers come to pay attention to promotional
        social media revolutionizes the entertainment                  advantages of movie trailers on social media. Firstly,
        industry, for example, movie industry. Movie is a              movie trailers make potential consumers taste the
        representative form of experience goods which                  movie [3]. While movies are characterized as
        cannot be evaluated in advance until consumption.              experience goods, consumers hardly evaluate value

1530-1605/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE                                 1724
DOI 10.1109/HICSS.2015.207
of movies until consumption. A trailer can give an                engagement for a video can be measured by, for
opportunity to sense the movie in a shortened                     example, fraction of play time per video and number
version. Secondly, with the development of social                 of visits [10-13]. Measuring active customers,
media, movie trailers are easily shown and                        Ghuneim [14] classified various levels of customer
distributed at various kinds of channels. Now                     engagement such as bookmarking(low), commenting
consumers can watch movie trailers on video-sharing               (medium), blogging(high), and networking(highest).
social media like YouTube and Vimeo and then share                Other researchers also identified that customer
them via various channels such as YouTube,                        engagement can include various behaviors such as
Facebook, or Twitter.                                             discussions, commenting, and information search
     Typically, movies have limited life cycle for 4~6            [15-17].
weeks in theaters and most of box office revenue is                   As an outcome of customer engagement,
determined at the very early stage after movie release            researchers suggested customer satisfaction, trust and
[4]. Film marketers find that social media can play an            commitment [15-17]. Previous research has
important role in raising potential audience's attention          acknowledged that satisfaction is both the result of
and interest in an early stage of film marketing. As a            consumption and precursor of future behavior [18,
result, most of film studios run their own marketing              19]. After consuming products or services,
channels on video-sharing social media and upload                 consumers evaluate the outcome of their
official trailers for the purpose of promotion.                   consumption and feel satisfaction, if their evaluation
Considering short product life cycle of a movie, the              is positive [20]. As a result of post-purchase
impact of social media in film marketing would be an              evaluation, satisfaction is affective response to
important research topic for practitioners and                    experience from products or services [21].
researchers.                                                          Many researchers found out that consumer
     In prior marketing and information systems                   satisfaction is positively associated with behavioral
studies, many researchers examined social media and               intention such as re-purchase, positive word-of-
its impact on movie sales in the context of electronic            mouth and recommendation [22-25]. For example, a
word-of-mouth(shortly, eWOM) [5-8]. However,                      satisfied consumer is often voluntary to recommend
previous studies focused on online reviews and didn’t             those products and services to other consumers.
attempt to analyze the viewership of particular trailer               Patwardhan, Yang and Patwardhan [19] defined
on video-sharing social media and related movie                   media satisfaction as “a positive general feeling of
sales.                                                            varying intensity evoked by users’ favorable post-
     As movie trailers on video-sharing social media              consumption evaluation of a medium, media genre,
emerge as a major promotional tool for studios and                media program, media content or media-generated
distributors, it is important for academia and                    activity”.
marketers to investigate how movie trailers are                       With a case of television audience satisfaction, Lu
watched and shared via social media, thereby                      and Lo [18] proved that increased audience
influencing box office revenue.                                   satisfaction leads to positive word-of-mouth and
                                                                  repeat watching intention. Exploring video-
2.2 Consumer Engagement in Video and                              disseminating behaviors, other researchers argued
Sharing Behavior                                                  that viewers’ attitude to video content influences their
                                                                  intention to forward it [26]. Examining entertainment
    In general, there are two types of goods: search              industry, Cronin Jr, Brady and Hult [24] argued that
goods and experience goods [9]. Search goods are                  satisfaction directly influences behavioral intentions.
products which consumers can have information
before consumption, whereas experience goods are                  2.3 Social Influence and Purchase
products of which value can’t be evaluated without
consumption      [9].    According     to    Nelson’s                 Viral marketing or buzz marketing has been
classification [9], video contents on social media                defined as “the process of getting customers to pass
have characteristics of experience goods, because                 along a company’s marketing message to friends,
consumers can’t determine true value of video                     family, and colleagues” [27]. It was argued that viral
contents before consumption.                                      marketing     campaigns       evoke     interpersonal
    To quantify user experience in video consumption,             recommendation and thus drive sales of products and
researchers have been struggled to measure the                    services [28]. In general, consumers tend to be
Quality-of-Experience (QoE) with various metrics in               influenced by other consumers’ consumption
terms of videos and viewers [10]. Especially, in terms            experience.
of viewers, researchers argued that viewer

Rosen [29] contended that “[Purchasing] is a part             measures of consumers’ engagement and interests. It
of social process”, because there involves a lot of               is expected that average watching time of a video
information and influence exchanges around the                    content against total running time and the number of
consumer. Owing to characteristics of services such               comments can reflect viewers’ overall engagement in
as intangibility, non-standardization and perceived               video clips.
risk in consumption, Murray [30] argued that                           In the context of consumption of movie trailers,
personal or independent sources of information are                we can expect that average time spent in watching a
more effective marketing channels for service                     trailer and number of viewers’ comments per trailer
customers. Comparing strong-tie and weak-tie                      would represent how much consumers are engaged
referral sources, Brown and Reingen [31] found out                with the trailer. Considering satisfaction as an
that information from strong tie sources is perceived             outcome of engagement, we expect that viewer
as more influential to consumers.                                 engagement in trailers is positively related with the
    In marketing research, social influence is                    number of sharing trailers.
recognized to influence buyers’ attitude and                           According to previous research, consumer’s
intention. Dividing social influence into two                     engagement and satisfaction leads to behavior of
categories as informational influence and normative               intention, for example, recommendation. We expect
influence, Burnkrant and Cousineau [32] identified                that engagement in consumption of a video content
the role of informational social influence and argued             and resultant satisfaction is an antecedent of video-
that consumers consider others’ evaluation on                     sharing activities of a consumer. Thus, we set up the
products. For example, in movie consumption,                      hypotheses as follows:
consumers may have informational influence from
family or friends. Also, the media plays an important                 H1a: Average watching time of a movie trailer in
role in exerting informational influence to its                   total running time is positively related with the daily
audience.                                                         number of sharing the movie trailer.
    With a case of online content sites, Subramani
and Rajagopalan [33] argued that functions like “send                 H1b: The daily number of comments is positively
this story to a friend” can make both informational               related with the daily number of sharing the movie
and normative influences to receivers. They                       trailer.
contended that companies should make use of
influencers to fill potential consumer’s knowledge                    With the development of high-speed Internet,
gap [33].                                                         movie trailers are easily found, consumed, and
                                                                  distributed on video-sharing social media. Movie
3. Hypotheses Development                                         trailers can give opportunities for consumers to sense
                                                                  the movie in a shortened version, which leads to
                                                                  consumers’ movie-going behavior. A lot of movie-
    Acknowledging        difficulty    in     measuring           goers find movie information via movie trailers on
subconscious customer engagement, researchers have                social media and recommend it to other potential
focused on objective and cost-effective measures [12,             customers.
13]. Prior research paid attention to video watching                   To facilitate sharing information and experience
time as a measure of viewer’s engagement and                      by consumers, many social media platforms add
interests, making use of play time per video as                   sharing features like sending and recommending
viewer’s engagement metric [10-13]. Examining a                   webpage links to other people. For example,
peer-to-peer television system, researchers measured              YouTube allows its users to share video clips via a
viewer’s interests with watching time per video [34].             lot of social media channels such as Facebook,
In general, viewer satisfaction with video content can            Twitter, and Google Plus as Figure 1.
be reflected in play time [12].
    When evaluating success of applications,
researchers proposed that the session time (user’s
stay with applications) can be a good measure of
user’s perceptions on system performance, though it
may not reflect user’s satisfaction directly [13]. Also,
it has been argued that customer’s commenting                         Figure 1. Sharing features on YouTube
behavior can be represented as engagement [14, 17].
    In line with previous studies, this study puts a                 Suggesting framework for viral marketing in
focus on play time and viewer comments per video as               terms of externalities and recommender roles,
                                                                  Subramani and Rajagopalan [33] defined the context

of “Targeted Recommendation (TR)” where an                            In general, there are multiple versions of movie
influencer can make both informational and                       trailers per movie on YouTube. So, we selected one
normative influences within his/her network. They                representative movie trailer per movie, which
argued that utility of TR depends on recommender’s               displayed the largest number of hits right before
ability in understanding recipient’s interests and               movie release. After identifying the representative
preferences, which may serve as more efficient                   movie trailers, we set the Web-crawler to
marketing tactic. Thus, we set up the second                     automatically retrieve data at a fixed time in a daily
hypothesis as follows.                                           basis.
                                                                      Along with view statistics of movie trailers on
    H2: The daily number of sharing a movie trailer              YouTube, we collected movie-related data from
is positively related with the daily box office revenue           (
of the movie.                                                    which was referred by previous studies [5-8]. Chang
                                                                 and Ki [37] suggested that there can be psychological
4. Research Methodology                                          or economic approaches in studies on box office
                                                                 performance. Suggesting a conceptual framework for
                                                                 analyzing the success of a particular movie, they
4.1 Data Collection                                              addressed four groups of determinants in measuring
                                                                 movie success: (a) brand-related variables (sequel,
    To investigate consumer’s behavior in                        director, and actor), (b) objective features (production
consumption of video contents through social media,              budget, genre, and MPAA rating), (c) information
we focused on YouTube, the world-largest social                  sources (critics’ rating and audience rating), and (d)
media for video contents. Established in 2005,                   distribution-related variables (distributor’s market
YouTube became the third most popular website in                 power, and release periods).
the world with approximately 11.9 page views and                      Based on their research framework, this research
17.5 minutes per visitor in a daily basis [35].                  develops the framework by adding new variables
    As of 2013, YouTube reported that 100 hours of               with trailer consumption on video-sharing social
video are uploaded every minute and over 6 billion               media. Controlling for three movie-related
hours of video are consumed each month on its                    determinants such as brand-related variables,
platform [36]. According to comScore Inc., in terms              objective features, and distribution-related variables,
of online video content property, Google sites                   this study attempts to highlight the impact of sharing
(primarily, YouTube) ranked top with 164.8 million               trailers on box office revenue.
unique viewers, followed by Facebook (70.1 million)                   In addition to daily box office revenue, we
and AOL, Inc. (62.3 million) [1].                                collected movie-specific control variables such as
    To collect video view statistics, we built a Java-           MPAA ratings, genre, distributor, production budget,
based Web-crawler and retrieved the data by using                and release date from Regarding
YouTube’s open application programming interface                 production budget, if we could not find related
(API) and scrapping HTML subpages of view                        information from, then we
statistics. Though we were able to use YouTube’s                 referred to other websites such as, the-
API for basic view statistics of a specific video clip,, and Wikipedia. Next, we merged
we had to resort to parsing YouTube’s subpages for               movie sales data from and view
detailed statistics such as the number of views, the             statistics of movie trailers on YouTube, which
number of sharing a video clip and average watching              resulted in panel data across movies from the opening
time of a video as Figure 2.                                     dates of movies.
                                                                      During the period of data collection from
                                                                 December, 2013 to August, 2014, we could collect
                                                                 YouTube view statistics of movie trailers and movie-
                                                                 related data for 40 movies as Appendix A. Though
                                                                 there are dozens of movies which are newly released
                                                                 in U.S. market every week, we could secure limited
                                                                 samples which showed the series of box office
                                                                 revenue in a daily basis.
                                                                      Among many determinants of movie sales, we
 Figure 2. View statistics of a video clip on                    made use of the number of screens, the amount of
                  YouTube                                        production budget, the number of days after movie
                                                                 release, weekend dummy, MPAA ratings and genre

as control variables. In summary, Table 1 presents             means users watch movie trailers around 70% of the
the variables for this analysis.                               total running time in average.
                                                                   As to movie-related data, daily box office
Table 1. Description of variables                              revenue(DailySales) is $1,125,345 in average. The
    Variable                Description                        average number of screens(Screen) is 1,433, while
                 Daily number of viewing a                     average production budget(Budget) is $41.8 million.
 DailyViewi,t                                                  Average opening period of movies(DaysRelease) is
                 movie trailer i at day t
                 Daily number of comments per a                26.7 days. Table 3 presents the correlations of key
 DailyCmti,t                                                   variables. To smooth the distribution of variables, we
                 movie trailer i at day t
                 Daily number of sharing a                     take the logarithm of the key variables.
                 movie trailer i at day t
                 Average watching time of a                    4.3 Analysis Model
 AvgWatchingi,t movie trailer i at day t to the
                 total running time                                To verify hypotheses, this study sets up two-
                 Daily box office revenue of                   equation system with Equation 1 and 2. Equation 1
                 movie i at day t (in US$)                     sets the daily number of sharing a movie trailer as
                 The daily number of screens of                dependent variable, whereas Equation 2 sets the daily
                 movie i at day t                              box office revenue of related movie as dependent
                 Production budget of movie i (in              variable.
                 Mil. US$)
                 Weekend dummy (weekend=1,                     ln(DailySharingi,t)= 0 + 1*AvgWatchingi,t-1
 Weekendi,t                                                                    + 2*ln(DailyCmti,t-1)
                 weekdays=0) of movie i at day t
                 The number of days after movie                                + 3*ln(DailyViewi,t-1)
 DaysReleasei,t                                                                + 4*ln(DailySalesi,t-1)
                 release of movie i at day t
 MPAA ratingsi MPAA ratings of movie i                                         + ui,t + i,t                     (1)
 Genrei          Genre of movie i
                                                               ln(DailySalesi,t )= 0+1*ln(DailySharingi,t-1 )
                                                                           + 2*ln(Screeni,t) + 3*Weekendi,t
4.2 Descriptive Data
                                                                           + 4*ln(Budgeti) + 5*DaysReleasei,t
                                                                           + 6*MPAAi + 7*Genrei
    Table 2 provides descriptive statistics of view                        + 8*ln(DailySalesi,t-1 )
statistics and movie sales. Though we start with 40                        + ui,t + i,t                        (2)
movies, the total number of observations amounts to
be 1533~1575, due to using unbalanced panel data                   Previous eWOM research acknowledged the
and incorporating lagged variables.                            interdependence between box office revenue and
                                                               eWOM, and developed simultaneous equation system
Table 2. Summary statistics of the daily data                  in model specification [7]. Likewise, considering
    Variable    N        Mean      Std. Dev.                   interrelationship between sharing a movie trailer and
 DailyView     1533     16480.5       21838.6                  box office revenue of the movie, this study employs
 DailyCmt      1533          8.0         29.9                  simultaneous equation model. In addition, to take
 DailySharing  1533        16.2          28.5                  advantage of panel data structure, we apply panel
 AvgWatching   1575          0.7          0.1                  simultaneous equation model to our analysis.
 DailySales    1575    1125345       2551422                       In Equation 1, ln(DailySharingi,t) denotes the
 Screen        1575      1433.1        1275.7                  daily number of sharing a movie trailer with movie i
 Budget        1575        41.8          50.4                  at day t in log-transformation. As key independent
 DaysRelease   1575        26.7          21.2                  variable, we incorporate average watching time
                                                               against total watching time per trailer at previous day
    In terms of view statistics on YouTube, the daily          and the daily number of comments at previous day,
number of views(DailyView) and the daily number of             which are denoted as AvgWatchingi,t-1 and
comments(DailyCmt) per movie trailer is 16,480 and             ln(DailyCmti,t-1). In this model, we set up the lagged
8 respectively, while the daily number of sharing a            variables, because viewer’s engagement which is
movie trailer(DailySharing) is 16 in average. The              measured by play time and number of comments may
ratio of average watching time of a movie trailer to           lead to sharing activities by consumers in the
the total running time is 0.7(AvgWatching), which              following period.

Table 3. Correlation matrix of key variables
      Variable          1          2         3                       4           5            6           7           8
 ln(DailyView)          1
 ln(DailyCmt)         0.63***      1
 ln(DailySharing)     0.79***    0.70***     1
 AvgWatching              0.04   0.21***   0.28***                   1
 ln(DailySales)       0.24***    0.35***   0.37***                 0.13***       1
 ln(Screen)           0.26***    0.32***   0.32***                 0.13***     0.89***        1
 ln(Budget)          -0.17***   -0.06***  -0.15***                -0.14***     0.33***      0.33***       1
 DaysRelease         -0.18***   -0.31***  -0.31***                    -0.03   -0.48***     -0.36***     0.12***       1
hypothesized, we can also find out that the daily                revenue. Filling current research gap, this study
 number of sharing a movie trailer is positively related          contributes to highlight the role of consumer
 with the daily box office revenue of the movie, which            engagement in video content and its impact on actual
 supports H2.                                                     sales.
     Furthermore, as expected, the number of screens,                  In the context of eWOM, based on text-based
 the amount of production budget, and weekend are                 social media, most of researchers have focused on
 positively related with box office revenue, whereas              three metrics of eWOM: volume (the number of
 the number of days after movie release is negatively             review postings), valance (the average star rating or
 related.                                                         the positive (or negative) ratings), and dispersion
                                                                  (spread of eWOM across social networks). However,
Table 5. Estimation results for Equation 2                        we have had limited research on an appropriate
                              Equation 2                          metric in measuring overall consumer response on
                       (DV: ln(DailySalesi,t))                    video-sharing social media.
                         FE              2SLS                          This study contributes to examine the possibility
                         (1)               (2)                    of measuring consumer engagement in video contents
                         0.29***           0.61***                with average watching time and the number of
ln(DailySharingi,t-1)                                             comments on video-sharing social media. This
                            (0.02)            (0.05)
                         0.76***           0.74***                research suggests that they may serve as good
ln(Screeni,t)                                                     indicators how much particular video clip makes
                            (0.02)            (0.02)
                         0.85***           0.85***                customers engaged. With the growth of social media,
Weekendi,t                                                        it is expected that more research is required about
                            (0.02)            (0.03)
                        -0.03***          -0.02***                customer engagement in an online setting.
DaysReleasei,t                                                         In a practical perspective, this research shows that
                            (0.00)            (0.00)
                                                                  marketers should take advantage of sharing features
                         7.16***           6.35***
Constant                                                          of social media. Subramani and Rajagopalan [33]
                            (0.14)            (0.19)
                                                                  confess that we have limited data on the effectiveness
R2                             0.931            0.916             of sharing features which are provided by most of
N                              1158             1029              current websites. Showing the positive relationship
                                                                  between sharing a movie trailer and box office
Note: Standard errors in parentheses                              revenue of the movie, this research reveals that
*** p
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Appendix A. Movie list in the sample

    No.                Title                   Release Date          No.                Title               Release Date
     1                Believe                  2013-12-25            21               13 Sins               2014-04-18
     2              The Nut Job                2014-01-17            22         The Other Woman             2014-04-25
     3              Ride Along                 2014-01-17            23           The Quiet Ones            2014-04-25
     4             Gimme Shelter               2014-01-24            24              Maleficent             2014-05-30
                                                                            A Million Ways to Die in the
    5            Vampire Academy                2014-02-07            25                                    2014-05-30
    6              3 Days to Kill               2014-02-21            26       The Fault In Our Stars       2014-06-06
    7                 Pompeii                   2014-02-21            27            Jersey Boys             2014-06-20
    8                In Secret                  2014-02-21            28      Think Like A Man Too          2014-06-20
    9               Repentance                  2014-02-28            29            Begin Again             2014-06-27
    10              Bad Words                   2014-03-14            30            Snowpiercer             2014-06-27
    11             Cesar Chavez                 2014-03-28            31       Deliver Us From Evil         2014-07-02
    12                 Noah                     2014-03-28            32           Earth to Echo            2014-07-02
                                                                             Dawn of the Planet of the
    13                Sabotage                  2014-03-28            33                                    2014-07-11
    14            Frankie & Alice               2014-04-04            34      Planes: Fire and Rescue       2014-07-18
    15     Island of Lemurs: Madagascar         2014-04-04            35        The Purge: Anarchy          2014-07-18
    16                 Oculus                   2014-04-11            36             Sex Tape               2014-07-18
    17               Cuban Fury                 2014-04-11            37          And So It Goes            2014-07-25
    18          A Haunted House 2               2014-04-18            38              Hercules              2014-07-25
    19           Heaven Is For Real             2014-04-16            39                Lucy                2014-07-25
    20             Transcendence                2014-04-18            40             Get On Up              2014-08-01

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