Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...

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Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive
              Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH
                  Public Health Metaphysician
                       March 9, 2021
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Social and
Food is an essential
element (medicine) in
                                                            conditions facilitate
creating the conditions
                                                            food as a medicine
in which all people can
                                        Food                for ourselves and our

 Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive
                          Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH
                              Public Health Metaphysician
                                   March 9, 2021
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Minnesota and Iowa – much in common

                      State Health Rankings
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Big 10 States
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Commonwealth Fund Rankings on
  State and Local Health System Performance


Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Infant Mortality

Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Food Insecurity and Obesity in the U.S.

3/9/2021                                       7
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Minnesota and Iowa: healthy states

        Minnesota! (Iowa!)
    Where the women are strong,
     The men are good looking,
And (almost) all of our health statistics
        are above average –
           Unless you are
        a person of color or
  an American Indian or GLBTQIA or
          have a disability.
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Infant Mortality Rates for White and Black Infants

3/9/2021                                                    9
Creating the conditions in which all people can thrive - Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH - The ...
Disparities in Infant Mortality Rates
                                                                       Infant Mortality Rates per 1,000 births, 2007-2009
                                                                       Black Infant Mortality Rate          U.S. Black Infant Mortality Rate      Black / White Disparity Ratio
                                                                14.5                                 14.5
                                                                                          14.1                  14.1
                                              14.0   13.6                                                                                       13.4                   13.4

                                                                                                                            12.2                           12.1                        12.8
Infant Mortality Rate per 1,000 live births





                                               4.0                                                                                                         3.3
                                                                              2.5                               2.6          2.5         2.8    2.6
                                                     2.5        2.2                                  2.3                                                                2.4


                                                      IL         IN           MI         MN*         OH         WI           IA          MD     NB          NJ          PA        US
                                                                                                                 Big Ten States
                                                     * U. S. Born Mothers
Life Expectancy/Healthy Life Expectancy After age 65 - By Race

7.6/1.1   13.1/1.2   35.8/1.8   8.0/1.1    15.3/1.2     20.5/1.3       23.51/1.4 14.9/1.2   16.9/1.3   9.2/1.1   7.2/1.1
                                          White/Black disparity – difference in % / ratio
Black White Gap in Overall Poverty

3/9/2021                                    12
Owner Occupied Housing

                                                                Owner Occupied Housing, 2012 ACS
                                    60.0                       Black                 US Black                    White/Black Disparity Ratio


                                                                              42.8                                                 43.3
Percent of Owner Occupied Housing

                                           39.4                                                           40.2
                                    40.0          38.2

                                    30.0                                                                                                       27.8


                                                                                        3.6                                                    2.6
                                           1.9    1.9    2.5           1.5    1.8                   2.1   1.8           2.0        1.7                1.6

                                            IL    IN      IA           MD     MI        MN          NE    NJ            OH          PA         WI     US
                                                                                         Big Ten States
Poverty in Big 10 States

                                                                               Poverty, 2012 ACS
                                                           Black                        US Black                      Black/White Disparity Ratio

                               40.0                                                     37.8                                                        38.2
                                                                             36.4                                           35.6
                               35.0          32.9                                                     34.2

                               30.0                                                                                                       29.5
       Percent Below Poverty




                                                                                         4.3                                                        3.6
                                5.0   3.0    2.6    3.1                       2.7                     3.2      2.6          2.8            2.8

                                       IL     IN     IA            MD         MI         MN           NE        NJ          OH             PA       WI     US
                                                                                          Big Ten States
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What we are doing to advance health equity is not working.
                              And may, in fact, be inhibiting progress.


3/9/2021                                                  Source: NCHS   15
What we are doing to advance educational equity is not working.
                        And may, in fact, be inhibiting progress.

3/9/2021                                                      16
Theses Outcomes and Trajectories Should Be
                                     Intolerable and Unacceptable

“The landmarks of political, economic and social
history are the moments when some condition
passed from the category of the given into the
category of the intolerable. I believe that the history
of public health might well be written as a record of
successive re-definings of the unacceptable.”             Geoffrey Vickers
Why Should People Be Concerned About Equity?
                                 It’s a social justice problem…

                            “The philosophy behind science
                            is to discover truth.

                            The philosophy behind
                            medicine is to use that truth for
                            the benefit of your patient.
                                                                William Foege
                            The philosophy behind public        CDC director
                            health is social justice.”           1977-1983

      It’s a math problem
Why Should We Care About Equity?
                               We have vested interests in the outcomes.

                                                                 Michael Harrington
    Martin Luther King , Jr.                                Author of “The Other America.”
                                  Senator Paul Wellstone
  “We may have all                                         “One cannot raise the
  come on different             “We all do better            bottom of society
ships, but we're in the          when we all do             without benefitting
   same boat now.”                  better.”                 everyone above.”
Why Should We Care About Equity?
                            We have vested interests in the outcomes.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere. ... Whatever
affects one directly, affects all
     MLK, Jr, Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963

3/9/2021                                                            20
“Injustice anywhere…                    …is a threat to justice everywhere.”

                                                             Infant Mortality Rates U.S. and OECD
                                            35                       Countries 1960-2010

                                          1960 – 12th                                             U.S.
                                                                                                  OECD median

                                            10                                                                        2015 – 38th

                                                 1960           1970           1980            1990            2000             2010
        Mortality Rates by Race and
    Black/White Ratio US, 1935 – 2007
                                                  National Center for Health Statistics, Health United States, 2009 (updated)
“Injustice anywhere…                                          …is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Life Expectancy, by race: United States,                                Life Expectancy at Birth US and OECD Countries by
             1970 - 2010       SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National               Gender 1960-2010
     3/9/2021                                                                                                          22
                                  Vital Statistics System, Mortality.
U.S. Ranked 49th in Maternal Mortality in 2008

                                 Data from UNICEF, WHO, UN Population Fund,
                                 and World Bank with standardized methodology.
3/9/2021                                                                         23
Equity and Social Justice are Existential Issues
                        Nuclear War

                      Climate Change


3/9/2021                  Inequities                    24
Frederick Douglass
            Social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is
enforced, where ignorance prevails, and
where any one class is made to feel that
society is an organized conspiracy to
oppress, rob and degrade them, neither
persons nor property will be safe.”
One more thing Minnesota and Iowa have in common
                                    Norman Borlaug

•   Collegiate National Wrestling Hall of Fame,
•   Introduced High School Wrestling to Minnesota
    and Little League Baseball to Mexico.
•   Nobel Peace Prize,
•   Presidential Medal of Freedom,
•   Congressional Gold Medal,
•   National Medal of Science.
•   Established the World Food Prize
•   Only scientist in National Statuary Hall in Washington DC.
•   “The father of the Green Revolution“ - credited with
    saving over a billion people from starvation
Critique of Green Revolution

“…A bad solution solves for a single purpose or goal,
such as increased production. And it is typical of such
solutions that they achieve stupendous increase in
production at exorbitant biological and social
costs…Good solutions recognize that they are part
of a larger whole. They solve more than one
problem and don’t create new problems. A good
solution should not enrich one person by the
distress of impoverishment of another.”
  Wendell Berry Iowa Review
Norman Borlaug on problem-solving

“…I have worked with the production of more and
better wheat for feeding the hungry people, but
wheat is merely a catalyst, a part of the picture. I
am interested in the total development of human
beings. Only by attacking the whole problem can
we raise the standard of living for all people in all
communities, so that they will be able to live          Norman Borlaug
                                                         March 25, 1914 –
decent lives. This is something we want for all         September 12, 2009
people on this planet."
Why haven’t we focused on “attacking the whole problem
              (and) the total development of human beings”?
                                                     Boot Straps
     Predominant                                    Individualism
                                                                                    Dominant Contemporary
     U. S. Worldview                                Virtue of Work                  Health Narrative
                                                     Health is an
        Health is a         Small                                           Free Market     Competition and
      private matter     Government                                          Solutions      consumer choice
                                       • Decreased investment in
                                          the “commons” and the
                                       • Increased competition &
I know what’s best for Mistrust of                                             Education is for Healthcare should run
   me and my family     Science                 polarization                     job training      like a business
                                         • Blaming individuals
                                         • Over investment in
                                             biomedical model
 Medical care will            Reliance on                                                        Anyone can choose
                                                                     Structural Discrimination
cure me if I get sick   technology/specialization                                                  to be healthy
                                                                       is a thing of the Past
Life expectancy vs health expenditures - U.S. and OECD Countries 1970 - 2014

   3/9/2021                 Optional Tagline Goes Here |   30
Total Investment in Health and Human Services

                                 In OECD countries, for
                                 every $1 spent on
                                 health care, about $2 is
                                 spent on public health
                                 and social services.
                                 In the U.S., for every $1
                                 spent on health care,
                                 about 55 cents is spent
                                 on public health and
                                 social services.
We need to change how we do our work

 “Public health is what we, as a society, do
collectively to assure the conditions in which
         (all) people can be healthy.”
              The Future of Public Health
              Institute of Medicine, 1988
Living Conditions Impact Health

•Social/economic inclusion                         Good          •Social/economic exclusion
•Thriving small businesses and entrepreneurs       Health        •Few small businesses
•Grocery stores                                                  •Fast food restaurants
•Parks & trails                                                  •Unsafe/limited parks

•Sufficient healthy housing                         Poor         •Rental housing/foreclosure
                                                   Health        •Poor and limited housing stock
•Good transportation options and infrastructure
                                                   Status        •Few transportation options
•Financial institutions
                                                  Contributes    •Payday lenders
•Home ownership                                   to health      •Poor performing schools
•Better performing schools                        •Obesity       •Pollution/contaminated drinking water
•IT connectivity                                  •Diabetes      •Limited IT connections
•Strong local governance                          •Cancer        •Weak local governance
Diseases of Disconnection and Despair
Estimated Annual Deaths Caused by Selected Social Factors

            Am J Public Health. 2011 August; 101(8): 1456–1465.   35
Changing the Conditions that Affect Health
              Requires the Capacity to Act


                   Capacity to

Structure work to achieve our overall aim:
                  Create/Strengthen our “Capacity to Act”

                            Resources: Identify/shift the way resources,
                              systems and processes are structured.


   People: Directly impact                                       Narrative: Align the narrative
  decision makers, develop           People         Narrative    to build public understanding
relationships, align interests.                                          and public will.
To Advance Health Equity and Optimal Health for All we
 need to influence policies and change living conditions

              Social Cohesion
               Social Justice
Expand the Understanding of What Creates Health
                                                                                                                                Vital conditions for health (WHO)
    Determinants of Health
                                                                                                                                •   Peace
    Genes and Biology                                                                                     Social and Economic   •   Shelter
    Physical                                                     10%                                             Factors        •   Education
                                                10%                                                                             •   Food
   Clinical                                                                                                                     •   Income
   Care                                    10%                                                                                  •   Stable eco-system
                                                                                                                                •   Sustainable resources
                                                          30%                                                                   •   Social justice and equity
                                                                                                                                •   IT connectivity
                                                                                                                                •   Mobility
  Determinants of Health Model based on frameworks developed by: Tarlov AR. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1999;
  896: 281-93; and Kindig D, Asada Y, Booske B. JAMA 2008; 299(17): 2081-2083.

  World Health Organization. Ottawa charter for health promotion. International Conference on Health Promotion: The
  Move Towards a New Public Health, November 17-21, 1986 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1986. Accessed July 12, 2002 at
Is the healthy choice a possible choice?

                     Each year in the United States:
                     • $15.3 Billion is spent marketing tobacco
                     • $6 Billion is spent marketing alcohol
                     • $2.9 Billion is spent marketing soda (by
                       just 1 company)
Expand the Understanding of What Creates Health

                                  Social and Economic   Social Determinants of Health
             Genes and Biology           Factors
                                                        (Vital Conditions for Community Well-being)
                        10%                              •Shaped by the distribution of
                                                          money, power, social policies, &
Clinical                                                  politics that are beyond the
                                                          control of the individual.
                10%              60%                     •Disproportionately affect People
                  10%                                     of Color and American Indians
    Health                                               •Structural racism

Ehlinger’s beliefs about the contributions to health determinants
Expand our understanding about what creates health:
                                   Importance of Narrative

“Public sentiment is everything. With
public sentiment, nothing can fail;
without it nothing can succeed.”
                   -Abraham Lincoln
Expand the understanding about what creates health.
                                       Contrasting/Alternative Worldviews

                             Boot Straps                                                        Social Cohesion
                            Individualism                                                       Virtue of Work
                            Virtue of Work

                                                                             Necessary                             Social responsibility
         Small                                        Free Market
                                                                            government                                Social Justice
      Government                                       Solutions

                         Dominant                                                        Alternative Worldview
                      U. S. Worldview
                                                      Education is for     Cooperation                                 Education is for
     Mistrust of                                                         Collective Action                             enlightenment
      science                                           job training

                                                                             Need for generalists             Equity is the challenge
      Reliance on                            Structural discrimination
                                                                                                                  of the present
technology/specialization                       is a thing of the past
Alternative Health Narrative

                                  Health is a

  Government protects                                     Health is a right and
  the public good (PSE)                                   a community good
                           Investment in
         Health in         resilience and                    Well-being is the goal
        all policies                                        (not economic success)

Balanced investment in Public                    Health Equity is the
    Health & Medical Care                     challenge of the present
      Esp. Primary Care                      Historical trauma is a factor
Implement a Health in All Policies and Sectors Approach
                               with Health Equity as the Goal

▪   Minimum Wage                                                                     ▪   Air/Water quality

▪   Paid Leave                                                                       ▪   Ag Buffer strips

▪   Criminal justice                                                                 ▪   Food Charter

▪   Energy                                                                           ▪   Marriage Equity

▪   Transportation                                                                   ▪   Payday Lending

▪   Broadband connectivity                                                           ▪   Freedom to Breathe

▪   E-Health                                                                         ▪   Health Care Reform

▪   Housing/Homelessness                                                             ▪   Climate Change

                     At local, state, and national levels in both public and private sectors.
19th Amendment to the US Constitution (1920)
Greatest Public Health Achievement of the 20th Century (arguably)
War on Poverty Components
                               1965-1967 - 89th Congress
•   Title V – C & Y, MIC, FP Projects      •   Older Americans Act
•   Head Start                             •   Freedom of Information Act
•   Medicare and Medicaid                  •   Cigarette labeling and advertising act
•   School lunch program                   •   Public Works & Economic Development Act
•   Neighborhood health centers            •   National Foundation on the Arts and
•   Food stamps                                Humanities Act
•   Elementary & Higher Education Act      •   Immigration and Nationality Act
•   Education of the Handicapped Act       •   Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act,
•   Housing & Urban Development Act        •   Highway Beautification Act,
•   Voting Rights Act                      •   National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
•   Vocational Rehabilitation Act          •   National Historic Preservation Act,
•   Job Corps                              •   National Wildlife Refuge System Act,
•   VISTA                                  •   Department of Transportation Act,
•   Peace Corps                            •   Etc.
Obesity rates in Minnesota and neighboring states

Strengthen the Capacity of Communities to Create Their Own Healthy Future

                    Traditional Public Health                                        Primary Care
                       Primary Prevention                                        Secondary Prevention
                                                                                                                                                          Specialty Care
                                                                                                                                                        Tertiary Prevention
                                    Milstein B. Hygeia's constellation: navigating health futures in a dynamic and democratic world. Atlanta, GA: Syndemics Prevention Network, Centers for
                                    Disease Control and Prevention; April 15, 2008. Available at:
3/9/2021                                                                                                                                                                                      49
Strengthen the Capacity of Communities to Create Their Own Healthy Future

                                     Medical and Public Health Policy

                                           MANAGEMENT OF
                                           RISKS & DISEASES


                    World of Providing…
                    • Health education
                                                   • Clinical services
                    • Screening tests
                                                   • Physical and financial access
                    • Disease management
                                                   - insurance
                    • Charity
 3/9/2021                                          • Etc…                            50
Strengthen the Capacity of Communities to Create Their Own Healthy Future

Milstein B. Hygeia's constellation: navigating health futures in a dynamic and democratic world. Atlanta, GA: Syndemics
Prevention Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; April 15, 2008. Available
at:                                                                      51
Strengthen the Capacity of Communities to Create Their Own Healthy Future

                                                                                    Healthy Public Policy & Public Work
                                                                                                                              “…the community in the fullest
                                                                                                                               sense is the smallest unit of
                                                                                                                              health…to speak of the health
                                                                                                                               of an isolated individual is a
                                                                                                                                 contradiction in terms.”
               DEMOCRATIC                                                     Social Justice                                                     Wendell Berry
                                                                                  Improving Living
                                                                                                                          By Strengthening…
                                                                                                                          • Democracy
                                                                                                                                                       • Freedom
World of Transforming… • Environmental decay                                                                              • Food Security and Food
                                                                                                                                                       • Foresight and precaution
                       • Stress                                                                                           Sovereignty
• Deprivation                                                                                                                                          •The meaning of work
                       • Insecurity                                                                                       • Mutual accountability
• Dependency                                                                                                                                           •Etc…
                       • Etc…                                                                                             • Leaders and institutions
• Violence                                                                                                                • Plurality
Milstein B. Hygeia's constellation: navigating health futures in a dynamic and democratic world. Atlanta, GA: Syndemics
Prevention Network, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; April 15, 2008. Available
Social Cohesion/Belonging.

 “The greatest epidemic today is not
    TB, HIV or leprosy, it is being
unwanted. Being unwanted, unloved,
uncared for, forgotten by everybody is
   a much greater hunger, a much
greater poverty, than the person who
         has nothing to eat.
                                              Mother Teresa
                                         Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Social Cohesion
                                                              Social Justice
• A community ethic that works toward the well-being of and embraces a
  responsibility for all community members, fights exclusion and marginalization,
  promotes trust, and creates a sense of belonging.
• Elements of social cohesion are:
   • social capital – the resources that result
     from people working together toward                       Social Justice
     a common goal,
   • social mobility – the ability to move up in social or economic status,
   • social inclusion – having connection to, ownership of, and responsibility for
     community goals; having a sense of belonging – being wanted & needed.
    3/9/2021                                                                    54
Health is in relationships – Health is in community

  “A proper community is a commonwealth: It
answers the needs, practical as well as social and
spiritual, of its members - among them the need
     to need one another.   The Art of the Commonplace

                                                         Wendell Berry
            Health is in belonging
Asking the Right Questions Can Advance Health Equity
Expand Understanding
• What values underlie decision-making process?
• What is assumed to be true about the world and the role of the institution in the world?
Health in All Policies
• What are the health and equity implications of the policy/program?
• Who is benefiting and who is left out? Are you creating partnerships?
Support Community Capacity
• Who is at the decision-making table, and who is not? Who set the table?
• Who is being held accountable and to whom? Who has the power?

Build Social Cohesion/Belonging/Social Justice
• Are relationships being created and strengthened?
• Is it inclusive? Do people feel like they belong?
• Are we building social capital?                                                    Social Justice

• Does everyone have the opportunity to thrive?
What would it look like if equity was the starting point for decision-making?
                                       Our work would be different.

                         Social Cohesion
                          Social Justice
William Carlos Williams, MD
                             “Asphodel, That Greeny Flower"

           It is difficult
to get the news from poems
           yet men die every day
                for lack
of what is found there.

3/9/2021                                                    58
Dream Deferred
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?                Dream Deferred
                                    by Langston Hughes
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.                  Written in 1951
Or does it explode?
Don’t Defer Your Dreams
                                    Keep Your Eyes on the Prize 2013

We can’t defer our dreams,              We help everyone to cope
or be deterred by other schemes         when we nurture seeds of hope
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.   Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.
We must embrace our dream               The seeds we plant today,
with health equity as the theme         promise all a better day
Keep your eyes on the prize hold on.    Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.
Hold on, hold on, Keep your eyes on     Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes on
the prize, hold on .                    the prize, hold on.
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Everyone can be healthy                 We all must take a stand,
when we have food sovereignty           when there’s inequity in our land
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.   Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.
That’s why we’re here today             Social justice is our goal
to help find a better way               for the community as a whole
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.   Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes on     Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes
the prize, hold on.                     on the prize, hold on.
“What happens to a dream deferred?”
                                Langston Hughes

“In dreams begins

                          William Butler Yeats
                                              Nurture your dreams

Bambelela, bambelela,                Nurture your dreams, nurture your dreams.
O bambelela, bambelela               O nurture your dreams, nurture your dreams,
Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba,   Always, always, always, always, always,
bamba, bamba, bambelela              always, always, always nurture your dreams.

Never give up, never give up,        We all belong, we all belong,
O never give up, never give up,      O we all belong, we all belong
Never, never, never, never, never,   Always, always, always, always, always, always,
never, never, never give up.         Always know we belong.

    3/9/2021                                                                   63
Gwendolyn Brooks

    “Live not for Battles Won.
Live not for The-End-of-the-Song.
        Live in the along.”

                                                             Gwendolyn Brooks
                             First African American to receive the Pulitzer Prize
                               First African-American woman inducted into the
                                          American Academy of Arts and Letters.
  3/9/2021                                                                64
The Red Wheelbarrow
                        William Carlos Williams, 1883 - 1963

     so much depends                 so much depends
     upon                            upon

     a red wheel                     a public health
     barrow                          perspective

     glazed with rain                glazed with belonging
     water                           & social justice

     beside the white                beside the world’s
     chickens.                       needs.
3/9/2021                                                   65
Edward P. Ehlinger, MD, MSPH
               Public Health Metaphysician

                 (612) 730-3165

3/9/2021                                     66
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